BALDUR'S GATE 3 Gloomstalker Assassin Multiclass Build Guide (with Magic Items!)

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what's going on everybody this is Anti-Hero  here with Player One Gaming and I am very   excited about today's video because today we  are going over one of my favorite multi-class   combos in Dungeons and Dragons and  that's the Gloom stalker assassin this is a super stealthy ranged fighter that  can deal an insane amount of damage especially   in the first round of combat where once you  get up to level 12 you're going to be able   to attack up to five or even six times in a  single round of combat this build is one part   Ranger one part Rogue and just a pinch of  fighter at the end for a little added spice   but this is a notorious build from DND 5e that is  known for being a little op but a whole lot of fun   so much so that when I was getting ready for the  game to launch I had my list of classes that I was   interested in doing some of my first playthroughs  with but as much as I like Rangers and Rogues they   weren't really on my radar as far as options for  a first playthrough that was until Aaron announced   the inclusion of the gloomstalker a game-changing  subclass for the ranger I had so much fun with   this build Laren gave me exactly what I wanted  to build the exact character I wanted even down   to the magic items and the fashion as you can  see here with the stealthy looking black hood   and half mask that classic assassin look I love  it and every one of these items that's equipped   serves a purpose for making this character not  only look badass but be badass and we'll talk   about these items towards the end of the video and  I'll let you know where I picked them up at one   more thing before we dive in let me just say this  I'm going to be doing a whole series of videos on   some of the best multi-class builds in the game  these are going to be very detailed build guides   so if you're interested in seeing more of these  just remember to hit that subscribe button to be   notified in the future of when those drop but  as I said these are going to be very detailed   where I just show you what I feel is the best  options for these builds you're of course free   to deviate from any of these options at any time  I'm just going to be showing you what I feel is   the optimal choice however if you're watching and  feel like I missed out on a particular option that   would be good for this build please feel free to  let me know in the comments below but okay let's   dive into the nitty gritty okay so the first thing  we're gonna pick is race and for race we're gonna   go with the elf the elf gets Elven weapon training  but we don't really need that because we get all   those proficiencies from being a ranger we get 40  feet of dark vision which is certainly helpful in   the early game however as soon as we pick Gloom  stalker at level three we are actually going to   get 80 feet of dark vision but either way we're  gonna need Dark Vision in this game especially as   a ranged attacker you're going to want to be able  to see very far in the dark see your target from   across the map and we also get Fey ancestry which  gives you advantage on saving throws against being   Charmed and Magic can't put you to sleep so kind  of situational but helpful nonetheless when you do   need it you're going to be glad you had it so for  sub race we're going to go with wood elf uh what   else gets Fleet of foot it gives you an extra five  movement speed so this is going to be very helpful   for range attackers that are going to want to get  in good spots get high ground as early as possible   that extra five movement feet is going to go  a long way also it's not listed right here but   as you can see over here we get proficiency and  stealth and this is a stealth build so obviously   we are going to want that we're going to want  to get that stealth skill as high as possible   also at first level we get the natural Explorer  ability it says years of traveling in the wild   have made you particularly attuned to beasts or  adapted surviving in certain environments so for   this I recommend picking up Beast Tamer you may  look at Urban tracker and think thematically this   is a better choice and that may be true but from  a game mechanics perspective Urban tracker which   just gives you proficiency and sleight of hand is  really kind of useless we're gonna get sleight of   hand a different way don't worry you will have  proficiency and sleight of hand but I think by   going with Beast Tamer you get something a lot  more useful and that is the fine familiar spell   first off you're not going to have a lot of those  classic Ranger abilities just because it's not   that kind of character but I do like to have a  little taste of the Ranger class and find familiar   gives you a little animal companion to have with  you me personally I went with the Raven I think   not only does it fit the Gloom stalker very much  thematically but also I just believe that the   Raven is the best familiar option available in  the game it allows you to Blind your opponents   which is which can be hugely useful especially  for this build and I will touch on that later   but I think this is a no-brainer you go with  the Beast Tamer here get the fine familiar spell   and then we will move on to favorite enemy now  favorite enemy says studying the tactics and   abilities of certain creatures has granted you  a set of abilities that is useful in a variety   of situations this is another situation where  the first one on the list is the Clear Choice   to go with Bounty Hunter Ranger Knight is also  pretty cool um it gives you proficiency and heavy   armor if you're going with a different kind  of Ranger build this is I suppose something   you could consider it's another good option  however it's absolutely not what we're going   for with this build it's actually the opposite  of what we're going for you don't want to put a   stealth character like this in heavy armor Bounty  Hunter is perfect though it's going to give you   proficiency and investigation checks which you'll  do pretty often and will also help mitigate the   low intelligence score that you're certainly going  to have so that's good but the real reason we're   taking it here is it takes a decent spell that  you're likely already going to have and makes it   much better it says that when you use engineering  strike your target will have disadvantage on their   saving throw to get out of it so that's really  good so I think Bounty Hunter is the clear winner   here we're going to go ahead and pick that and  then we're on to background okay so background   there's a few different options you could pick  that fit thematically but what I'm going to   recommend is that you go with charlatan  because charlatan gives you that sleight   of hand proficiency and even though a couple  other backgrounds do that like criminal and   urchin those backgrounds Give You stealth as well  which you already have you have that skill from   your arrays so I recommend charlatan because  you get that sleight of hand proficiency but   then you also get deception now your charisma is  not going to be high as a gloomstalker so having   proficiency and deception is going to help  mitigate that and give you a go-to ability   to use during social interactions okay now on  to perhaps one of the more important parts of   building a character and that's the ability scores  your primary ability score is dexterity this is   because you're building an Archer you're going to  be using a bow as your primary method of attacking   so that means you're going to be using your  dexterity modifier so you're going to put   the plus two bonus into that you are going to  Max the score out at 17 and then you're going   to go to your secondary ability score which is  wisdom wisdom is your secondary ability score   because it is the modifier for your spell casting  ability Rangers are half casters so you will get   a few spells and wisdom will be the modifier for  those spells so you're going to use your plus one   bonus for wisdom and then you're also going to be  looking at maxing this out at 16. so you're going   to have to bring one of these other ability  scores down Constitution is going to be your   other more important ability score that you want  to have a decent number in I actually recommend   bringing down Charisma you're going to use wisdom  as your primary mental ability score so you can   lack in both intelligence and Charisma you don't  have to dump it all the way down to eight I did   it's a little bit of Min Maxim going on I know but  honestly this video is about building an optimal   character and I believe that this is the optimal  way to do it to lean into your strengths and be   okay with those weaknesses also if you don't mind  meta gaming we of course have the Warped headband   of intellect that we can get very early on in  the game to bring that intelligence up to 17.   I didn't wear that through the whole game but I  did always have it in my back pocket just in case   so I bring down intelligence and Charisma I dump  both of them I'm going to lean on my other party   members or magic items as I mentioned for those  stats and then I'd really like to get Constitution   up to 14. so that's why we're dumping both of  those and we're gonna have to bring strength down   a little bit too now it's a very common option  to dump strength instead I should mention that   and when I play DnD 5e the tabletop version if I  was building a dexterity based character I would   probably dump strength however in bg3 strength  is really important because the chef mechanic in   this game I like having at least a decent strength  score for situations where I have to shove enemies   either away from me or off a high ledge so that's  why I'm choosing to dump Charisma as opposed to   strength I probably would do the opposite if I was  building a character for 5e but for bg3 yep we're   gonna dump intelligence Charisma and we're gonna  bring this strength down to an average strength   at 10 giving us a neutral modifier of zero and  that's going to allow us to bring the Constitution   up to 14. okay real quick with the skills we have  Proficiency in the sleight of hand and the stealth   from our background and our race so that is good  we've got that covered that's a big part of this   build because you are going to be a ranger Rogue  you are going to fit that Rogue class even before   you begin to take levels of Rogue so you're going  to want to make sure that you have Proficiency in   both of these skills now even though they gave  you your chosen proficiencies here in nature   and animal handling I'm gonna have to recommend  against it again we are not building a classic   Ranger character here I think you'd be much better  off putting your skills in athletics and insight   here I think it makes sense as an assassin you  would want to be athletic and you would want to   have good insight and not only that from a game  mechanics perspective both of these skills are   used very often so you're gonna be better off  choosing those two skills that's going to give   you a pretty well-rounded character okay level  two this is when we get spells so as I mentioned   Rangers are half casters you're not going to get  above a second level spell slot in this game and   you're not gonna have a lot of spells available to  you but you will get some and at first level even   though you don't have a ton of spells to choose  from you have some really good ones a few of   these made my best first level spells of the game  list I'll put a link for that video below if you'd   like to check it out but yeah the ranger gets the  choice of a few really good Spells at first level   and you're gonna have to make a tough  choice when deciding which one to pick   though I will say an absolute must pick here is  Hunter's Mark as a bonus action you mark a Target   every time you attack that Target it deals out  an additional 1d6 damage every time you attack   it when you start getting extra attack and start  being able to attack four five or even six times   in the higher levels of play that's a ton of  extra damage that you're dealing in that one   round of combat and on top of that after you  kill your mark you can apply Hunter's Mark to   a new Target without expending a spell slot so  fantastic spell it's a must pick for this build   but for our second slot that's when things  get a little tougher and snaring strike fog   cloud and enhanced leap are all viable choices  those are the three that we're really going to   be looking at and we're only going to be able to  pick two of them Hunter's Mark plus one more now   plus another one when we level up again but for  now I think you should take in snare and strike   foreign so the description for engineering strike  is your attack summons thorny vines that possibly   ensnare your target now ensnared creatures take  1d6 damage at the start of each turn upon which   that creature can use a strength save to try and  Escape From The Vines and this is why we're taking   this because if you remember you are Bounty Hunter  ability that you took at first level that gave   you a buff to this which is going to allow you to  impose disadvantage on this strength save for the   spell so you're kind of backing up your investment  here by making sure that you've taken snaring   strike it also just makes a pretty good spell  that much better another good one is enhanced   leap this is going to Triple your jumping distance  very good for this character build because they're   going to be times where you're going to want  to ensure that you can get high ground right   away at the start of combat so enhanced leap is  definitely a good one to take fog cloud is also   pretty great for stealth but we're going to start  off by taking Hunter's Mark an engineering strike   alright so here we pick up the ranger fighting  style well there's definitely a few good options   here the choice for us is clear we're building an  Archer so we're going to take archery this gives   us a plus two bonus to our attack rolls so that's  pretty awesome that's going to go a long way in   getting us that high DPS that we are looking  and getting with this build okay that's it for   level two moving on to level three and the most  exciting thing about level three the subclasses   now while all these subclasses are pretty good  Beastmaster I think is pretty great if that's   the ranger you want to build awesome but we are  here for the gloomstalker it says emerging like   a horrible gift from the envelope of darkness  and Shadow you Ambush and put down your foes   before they can even scream um yeah pretty cool  and what else is cool are these subclass features   let's take a look we have dread ambusher I would  say without a doubt the best feature that you get   from the gloomstalker it does three different  things dread ambusher says you specialize in   taking out your foes swiftly and ruthlessly  you gain a plus three bonus to initiative   I've already done my playthrough with this  character and I think there was maybe two combat   encounters where I didn't go first I'm serious you  are going to act first on just about every combat   encounter in the entire game so that's just one  thing it does the second thing it does is increase   your movement speed on the first turn of combat by  10 feet so you already have an extra five feet of   movement all the time so on your first turn you're  gonna have an extra 15 feet of movement compared   to the other races in the game Who start with five  or even 10 feet less movement than the wood elf   and that's not all there's a third feature to  dread ambusher which is arguably the best part   about it and that is that on the first turn  of combat you can make an attack like another   attack on top of the one that you already make  that deals an additional 1d8 of damage on top of   the damage that you're already doing this is so  powerful plus three bonus and initiative and the   first turn to combat you move an extra 10 feet  and make an extra attack for an additional 1d8   of damage yeah dread ambusher is one of the main  reasons we're showing up here and it is something   you are going to use from Level 3 all the way up  to level 12. in literally every combat encounter   in the game so talk about getting mileage from an  ability it doesn't get much better than that okay   we also pick up Superior dark vision this gives  us dark vision out to 80 feet essentially doubling   what we already had then there's dread ambusher  which allows you to hide as a bonus action this   is extremely useful not only to hide from your  opponents but this is a very good way to get   Advantage you're gonna be using this all the time  to set up Sharpshooter and to set up sneak attack another great ability though is Umbral Shroud  Umbral Shroud says wrap yourself in shadows to   become invisible if you are obscured so what  it does is allows you to turn invisible for up   to 10 turns so long as you are in dim light or  darkness now I probably don't need to tell you   how handy this ability is going to be especially  for this build as remaining stealthy and unseen is   so important okay lastly we also get the disguise  self spell with the glim stalker so this is pretty   cool it's not something that you're going to be  using all of the time but you can get creative   and have a little fun with this spell and it can  actually be very useful in the right situations   okay we go back to choose one more first  level spell here as mentioned there's lots   of good options but in my opinion it's really  between enhanced leap and fog cloud and in this   case for this build I gotta go with enhanced  sleep the three times jumping distance will   go a long way in helping you to get high ground  fog Cloud's great too it's great for stealth but   it can be picked up by your party spellcaster  and cast by them so anyone in the group can   use it also side note about the animal spells  here I don't recommend them animal friendship   um is very Niche I don't feel like you would use  it enough to justify taking it and speak with   animals is useful and also very entertaining in  this game however the speak with animals potions   are widely available and super cheap you can  buy them from the merchants and always have one   on hand when you want it so I don't recommend  wasting a precious spell slot on either one of   those you also might see hail of thorns here and  be interested in taking that but honestly it's a   pretty underwhelming spell it's not as good as  it looks on paper and there's also some gloves   you can get pretty early on in the game that give  you the spell and I'll touch on those a little bit   later in the video but at the end of the day we  can only pick one spell here so that being said my   recommendation is to go with enhanced sleep okay  on to level four level four is a big one because   we get to pick a feat or take an ability score  Improvement and for this build we are actually   going to only do Feats we're going to do one full  feet and one half feet a half feet is one that   allows you to get a plus one bonus in a particular  ability score as well as still get some other nice   ability that's usually not quite as good as a  full feat but it's still an additional ability   nonetheless now similar to many of the multi-class  builds we are only going to have the opportunity   to take two Feats as opposed to three that is a  big part of the opportunity cost of multi-classing   we have to give up a little something to get  something in return and in this case the returns   pay dividends so we don't have to worry about that  too much the biggest downside to it however is   that we won't be able to get the dexterity skill  up to 20. we which is unfortunate we are going to   cap it at 18 so that is going to give us a plus  4 modifier as opposed to a plus five modifier but   again the trade-off is worth it and the trade-off  in this case is Sharpshooter this is one of the   best Feats in the game along with great weapon  Master which is kind of like the melee version   of this but Sharpshooter basically what it does  is it's a feature that you can toggle on and off   and when you want to use it it gives you a minus  five penalty on your attack roll but in return you   get a plus 10 bonus to the damage that you deal  that is significant and once you learn how to use   this particularly in this build there are a lot of  things that work synergistically in this build to   help give you things like Advantage which offsets  this -5 penalty that you get so trust me on this   one you are going to take two Feats as opposed to  any ability score improvements and those two Feats   are going to be Sharpshooter and athlete now what  athlete is it's a half feet as I mentioned and   allows you to increase your strength or dexterity  by one in our case of course it'll be dexterity   and then it also gives you this additional  ability where where if you fall prone standing   up uses less of your movement allowance and also  your jump distance increases by 50 percent now   admittingly when I did this gloomstalker build in  my own playthrough I was very impatient because   I was very excited to get Sharpshooter and I  ended up taking Sharpshooter first if you're   feeling the same you are more than welcome to do  that it certainly wouldn't be a mistake however   in hindsight for me I do believe that the better  option is to take athlete first get that dexterity   up a point which will bring your modifier up to  plus four and the biggest reason I'm making this   a priority is because it's not actually until we  get to level eight that we take our Rogue subclass   which will be assassin and when we take assassin  it gives us some real really awesome abilities   that that help give us advantage to negate that  minus five penalty and that's really when we get   to see sharpshooter in its full Glory so again  you're not going to make a huge mistake if you   really want to take Sharpshooter first and then  athlete second whichever you decide though you're   gonna have a ton of fun either way okay level  five level five is a big one for all the Marshall   classes because they get extra attack what this  means is every time you make an attack you can get   one extra attack on top of it so the extra attack  is a big feature it's really the whole reason we   stay at Ranger for five levels instead of four and  additionally we pick up Misty step one of the best   spells in the game Misty step is amazing what it  does is allow you to teleport from one side of the   map to the other as a bonus action this is such  a powerful ability and one that you'll likely use   in just about every combat encounter Misty step  is so good but I've made it a point to get it for   all of my party members not just my PC and my  spell casters I'm actually going to be releasing   a video within the next week or so detailing all  the different ways that you can pick up Missy   step in this game so be on the lookout for that so  yeah extra attack Misty step all very awesome and   of course level two spells so there's some decent  spells here nothing like the selection you had at   level one I think there was a lot to choose from  there in this case I think it's pretty clear-cut   for this particular build I think you should be  taking pass without Trace what this spell does is   it gives you a plus 10 bonus to your style checks  for you and all of your companions and why this is   so important is honestly it can be frustrating if  you have a very stealthy character and you've got   some companion behind you in heavy armor clunking  around making all sorts of noise so yeah that's   why we bring and pass without Trace you cast  it and it remains active until a long rests   so long as you can maintain your concentration on  it and it's a very helpful spell to have for this   build alright so that'll be it for level five and  that'll be it for Ranger we move on to level six   and this is where the actual multi-class begins we  take our first level of Rogue and it is a good one   Rogue is a very front loaded class the first few  levels get quite a bit first level we got sneak   attack here I mean sneak attack is the rogue's  primary ability you can't talk about Rogue without   talking about sneak attack it is their bread  and butter and so it's pretty awesome you get   it right away right off the bat at first level  and for those of you who don't know what sneak   attack is is allows you to deal extra damage to  your target so long as you either have advantage   against it or if you have an ally standing within  melee range of that Target and you must not have   a disadvantage now with this particular build  there's going to be several different ways that   we can get Advantage it's going to allow us  to use the aforementioned Sharpshooter feet   as well as the sneak attack pretty often but  for now with our one level of Rogue this is a   very welcome feature and there's one more thing  that we get Rogues are known as a bit of a skill   Monkey kind of a jack of all trades which allows  us to pick uh two skills to apply expertise season   and expertise is going to double our proficiency  bonus in any one of these skills now all of the   skills that we have already that we are already  proficient in are all handy skills to have but   as I mentioned earlier in this video a stealth and  sleight of hand are going to be our priorities we   are an assassin that is going to be dealing crazy  damage also taking care of rogue-like tasks like   lock picking and disarming traps so we are going  to apply that expertise in both sleight of hand   and in stealth it's going to bring those scores up  to plus eight and allow us to pretty much be able   to pick any lock and disarm any trap that we want  and if you want to get really bold even pick some   Pockets while you're at it okay so the good times  keep rolling at level seven takes us to level two   Rogue where we get the cunning action abilities  this allows us to hide Dash and disengage all for   a bonus action as opposed to an action aside from  sneak attack this is probably the other main Rogue   ability now because we are a gloomstalker we were  already able to hide as a bonus action so we're   kind of unnecessarily double dipping there but  being able to Dash and disengage as a bonus action   is also great abilities we already have a ton of  movement speed so if we ever want to apply Dash   in one of the rounds we are going to basically be  able to get anywhere on the map and disengage is   also very useful there's going to be situations  sometimes where you can't help it you might find   yourself surrounded and that's when disengage  comes in very handy okay level eight which brings   us to level three Rogue which you know what that  means it is subclass time so as mentioned already   we are taking the Assassin subclass and with the  Assassin comes the assassinate abilities there's a   few of them and these are build defining abilities  along with the Gloom stalker ones that we get at   level three these are huge so first off there's  the initiative ability it says you are the Dead   list against unprepared enemies in combat you have  advantage on attack rolls against creatures that   haven't taken a turn yet so you remember when I  was talking about getting an advantage to help set   up sneak attack and help mitigate the penalty that  Sharpshooter imposes this is what I was talking   about and if you also recall you have a plus three  bonus to initiative and you are pretty much going   to be going first in every round of combat so what  that means is you get to use this in every combat   encounter for that first round you are pretty much  always going to be able to use sneak attack and   always going to be able to use Sharpshooter but it  doesn't stop there our next assassinate ability is   Ambush and it says any successful attack roll  against a surprise creature is a critical hit   again this is a feature that works very well with  the things that we've already picked up you are   extremely stealthy you're going to be sneaking  around ambushing your opponents a lot of the time   which creates this surprised condition on them  and allows you to be able to turn those initial   attacks on them which are already powerhouses into  crits so yeah I mean if you remember earlier in   the beginning of the video when I was talking  about how much insane damage this build can do   this is really where that truly begins but wait  we're still not done there's still one more and   that's assassin's alacrity the description says  quick as an alley cat in a rain dark city you   immediately restore your action and bonus action  at the start of combat so guys once again we have   a really awesome ability that works perfectly with  another really awesome ability we already have   because here's the thing when you Ambush someone  when you make an attack on a creature that wasn't   expecting it you initiate combat and in doing  so that was your action you've now burned your   action you are not going to get that back unless  you're a Rogue assassin because what this does is   immediately restores your action and bonus action  at the start of combat so already with all of the   abilities that we have we are able to quietly and  stealthfully approach our opponent Ambush them so   we get a free attack in so that's one attack we  then get our action back as soon as combat begins   and which we're almost certainly first to act in  we can then make another attack with Advantage   so we can use sneak attack and Sharpshooter  if you already have it so that's our second   attack we also have extra attack so we use that  to make a third attack oh and guess what we still   have dread ambusher so we can use that to make a  fourth attack now it's only going to get better as   we continue to level up but here at level 8 we are  now able to make as many as four attacks or if you   have some other things working for you or maybe  you drank a potion of speed you can do even more   than that but by default in the first round of  combat at this point you will be making three or   if you made an ambush even four attacks to start  off the combat encounter and that'll be level   eight so moving on to level nine we are now at  level four Rogue and you know what that means that   means we get to pick our other feet so whichever  one you didn't pick the first time you're gonna   pick this time so at this point you should have  your dexterity up to 18 with athlete and have the   Sharpshooter feet as well alright level 10 is  our last level of Rogue this is an easy one we   don't really have to pick anything we just get  one thing but that one thing is pretty strong   it's called uncanny Dodge the description is use  your lightning quick reflexes to protect yourself   when an attack hits you you only take half the  usual damage so this is a fantastic ability this   is a toggle on and off ability for some reason  I'm not quite sure why it's just not a passive   ability that's always active but I actually played  several sessions where I had this toggled off at   first and didn't even realize it I just assumed  it was automatically always on it certainly should   be but just wanted to mention that to you so you  can make sure that you check your path passives   tab make sure that this is turned on immediately  because you definitely want to make use of this   awesome feature okay so that is the gloomstalker  Assassin but we are not done yet we still have   two more levels and this is when we bring in that  cherry on top that I mentioned the fighter we are   going to be doing a two level dip in fighter it's  pretty straightforward there isn't a whole lot of   things to pick at first level of fighter we get  two things we get second win which allows you to   heal yourself as a bonus action this is a great  ability if you are just playing a fighter or if   you're picking this up a little bit earlier on  in the game Trouble Is this late in the game 1d10   plus one of healing isn't much however I will take  it I mean it's a bonus action it allows you to   top off your health I'm just saying later in the  game it's a little less useful than it is earlier   on and out of the three things that we get from  taking a fighter this is the least impactful one   at this point but the next one is pretty awesome  we get to pick up an additional fighting style   and the choice is pretty clear as most of these  don't pertain to us we are an Archer through and   through while we may have to pull out a dagger  every now and again if we're in close range for   the most part we are sticking to our bow and arrow  which is why we're going to pick defense defense   is a passive feature that gives you plus one  to your AC nice and simple but certainly useful   and here we've come to the end level 12 the  highest level that you can reach in Baldur's   Gate 3 and we're only getting one thing with  this level up but it's really what we showed up   for it's why we're here to take a couple levels of  fighter and that is action surge action surge lets   us immediately gain an extra action to use on your  turn gives you a free action and if you have extra   attack it means you get two extra attacks so this  is what I was talking about this is how by the   end of this game you are going to be making five  or maybe even six attacks in a single round you   got a potion of speed why not eight attacks you  could find yourself surrounded and pick off two   three maybe even four of your enemies before it  is even anyone else's turn to act action surge is   an unbelievably good ability and it's why so many  people take a two level dip in fighter with really   any class between Second Wind fighting style and  action surge in just those two levels you get   three very useful abilities so that's it levels  1 through 12 of the gloomstalker Assassin fighter   I hope you're all excited to create your own I  know I was super excited to build this character   when the game launched last month one more thing  before I go though because as we all know in d   d it's more than just your character creation  stats that make a build it's the equipment and   the magic items as well so I just want to take  a quick second to go over some of my favorite   items with you ones that I thought really  helped to Define this character so the first   one of these items we'll take a look at is the  shadow of menso barenzen that is this awesome   hood and half mask that I'm wearing really gives  me that cool Rogue assassin look but it doesn't   just look cool this also gives you the ability  shrouded in Shadow which allows you to become   invisible for two turns now we already have  umbral shroud so this isn't something that   we need but again it never hurts to have more than  one way to do things perhaps you've already burned   umbral shroud and you need the chance to become  invisible again this is always nice to have in   your back pocket I will also mention that umbral  shroud you need to be in dim light or Darkness to   use whereas this you don't you can just use it and  become invisible so it's nice to have both options   it's a very powerful magic item that you can  actually pick up pretty early on in the game this   is in act one you can get this from completing the  micanin quest of killing the duo Gar so if you do   that you will you will be awarded with this Hood  okay so another item that you can get in act one   is the disintegrating night Walkers you're gonna  get these boots from killing near the drought at   grimstone in act one now these are awesome because  they give you two different abilities now one of   them is Misty steps something that you can already  do so if you wanted to give them to one of your   companions so they can do Misty step as well  you're free to do that I however did not and   I recommend holding on to them because the ranger  really has limited spell slots especially because   you're only taking five levels of Ranger which  is only going to give you two second level spell   slots to begin with so what this does is it allows  you to essentially have one free use of Misti step   and in addition when wearing these you can't be  in webbed entangled or ensnared and you can't slip   on Grease or ice I Loved These boots they were  perfect for this character and the fact that you   can get them pretty early on is great okay so for  my gloves I'm wearing these stalker gloves these   gloves give you a plus three bonus to initiative  and also add on one D4 of force damage to your   sneak attack so absolutely perfect for this build  they can be picked up at the Rivington General   Store in act 3 but until then there's still some  really good choices very early on in the game you   can get the gloves of power these give you a plus  one bonus to your sleight of hand also creatures   you hit with an attack will receive a 1v4 penalty  to their attack rolls and saving throws so these   are really solid and you can pick them up right  away from defeating the Goblins outside of the   Grove in act one also I did mention the hail of  thorns gloves these give you the hail of Thorn's   spell they're also available in act one you can  buy them from the merchant in The micodin Colony   next for the armor that I'm wearing here this is  the penumbral armor it has a 12 AC and when you   are obscured the wearer gains a plus three bonus  to stealth checks so perfect for this build it   also has the perfect look for this build in my  opinion and these can be picked up in Act 2 in   an abandoned house right next to the last Light  in I'm not really going to go over capes in the   game not that there's no good ones there are a ton  of good capes in the game none that I would really   call build defining for the Gloom soccer assassin  but there are a ton of good ones you'll get to   the point where you have so many good capes that  you don't know which one to wear there are also   several really good long bows in this game the  first one that you will probably pick up is spell   thief which allows you to regain a level 1 spell  slot when you land a critical hit this one can be   picked up very early on in the Druid Grove it's  sold by the merchant there now the bow that will   likely replace this is jolt shooter this is a rare  Longbow that can also be picked up in act 1 after   you rescue the Grand Duke it wasn't until I got to  Baldur's Gate in act three that I replaced it with   the very rare Longbow the dead shot the Deadshot  bow can be picked up from a merchant in Baldur's   Gate in the lower City I love this bow anything  that increases my chance of a critical hit is fine   by me and that's exactly what this does it reduces  the number for a critical hit by one this effect   can stack not only that but it has an ability  called Keen attack that doubles your proficiency   bonus so that is a monster ability this is a very  powerful weapon you would be fine to finish off   the game with this however if you are looking for  that legendary Longbow there is one out there I'm   gonna try and say it I believe it's goneter male  I don't know I'm not really sure but it is a kick   ass legendary Longbow that does several things  and this bow can be picked up after you complete   the quest to disable the steel watch when you  hit an opponent it afflicts them with guiding   bolt it doesn't do the guiding bolt damage but it  does give the next attack roll advantage on them   the weapon also glows this is actually one count  against using it for this build because this build   relies heavily on being in darkness it also has  something called Celestial haste which basically   gives you haste for five turns without being  lethargic again crazy good ability this is another   way that you're going to increase the amount  of times that you can attack in a round but if   that wasn't enough it has one more it's called the  bolt of celestial light this frightens your target   for two turns doing 1d8 radiant damage and an  additional 1d4 radiant damage on subsequent turns   so this is a Powerhouse of a longbow unfortunately  you won't get it until you're pretty deep into act   three but definitely pick it up because it could  age you well in the end game being that this was   my first playthrough I'm sure that there's items  that I missed maybe there's some really amazing   armor that would just go perfectly with this  Gloom stalker build if so please let me know   in the comments below I'd love to know what it is  and where I can get it so I could pick it up in   an additional playthrough but that about wraps  it up guys like I said I had so much fun with   this build I really highly recommend it I'm going  to be doing a lot more multi-class guides in the   future in fact I'm going to be doing probably a  live stream playthrough coming up very soon here   where I play a circuit in that is a paladin and a  sorcerer multi-class build so if you're interested   in seeing that and much much more please remember  to hit that like And subscribe button really   helps me out I do appreciate it thank you so  much everyone and I will see you next time
Channel: Player 1 Gaming
Views: 194,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, beginners guide, rpg, rpg 2023, crpg, baldurs gate rpg, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, larian studios, Baldur's Gate III, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, DnD, D&D, video game, gaming, tips, tricks, tips and tricks, stategy, Player 1, Player One, Player 1 Gaming, Player One Gaming, multiclass, multi-class, multiclass build guide, build guide, character creation, magic items, gloomstalker, assassin, fighter
Id: UrQEoA993qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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