Baldur's Gate 3 Rogue Multiclassing Guide & Ranking

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in this balers Gate 3 video we're going to be taking a look at Rogue multiclassing and taking a look at all of the different classes how they compare multiclassing to Rogue obviously with primarily Rogue levels this is the second video in a series we're doing people seem to really like the Paladin one we're going to go into how you would multiclass a rogue what are the the best rogue multiclasses and like what are the break points how many Rogue levels would you take compared to other classes and let's take a look at Barbarian Rogue multiclassing first this is a pretty good pairing in my opinion mostly because of Reckless attack Reckless attack allows barbarians to have advantage on their melee attacks in exchange for enemies having advantage against them and why this is really good is that one of the ways Rogues can reliably pull off their sneak attack is by having advantage on their attack so this gives them a way to have Advantage with every single melee attack they do so if you're trying to pull off sneak attack this is an very very easy way to do it so probably the highest you would go in this pairing is 10 Rogue two Barbarian and that's to pick up Rage which will boost your melee attack damage damage and also give you some damage reduction and also give you access to Reckless attack so you can get that advantage in order to trigger sneak attack very easily and you would still maintain three Feats because Rogues gain an extra feet at level T so if you go down one to nine Rogue and three Barbarian you're going to lose that feet that you had at 10 of Rogue and exchange you're going to gain a subass feature from Barbarian you're going to get to pick between one of the Barbarian sub classes and these can be pretty good they can give you an option to you know use your bonus action to make an extra attack if you go Berserker they can give you a plethora of bonuses if you go wild heart and obviously if you're wild magic then you know you can trigger wild magic effects when you rage so if you don't mind not having that extra feat this is a decent break point and then if you go down one to eight Rog and for barbarian you have that subass feature you pick that feet back up because you're at eight and four but you lose out on one sneak attack die so you lose out a 1d6 sneak attack damage I think that's a pretty good trade-off for feed and in most cases depending on what that feet is and then if you go seven Rogue five barbarian you're going to lose that feet again so you go down to two feet but you'll gain extra attack from Barbarian allowing you to attack twice with your action every turn so that's a really strong pickup because Rogues don't have an extra attack that's a really good break point as well and then finally at six Rogue and six Barbarian you're going to gain another subclass feature from the Barbarian wild heart and wild magic have pretty good ones here Berserkers is not quite as good in my opinion so this you know might be a good pairing for one of those but you do lose out on an extra D6 sneak attack die at this level and you lose out on evasion from Rogue as well which can help reduce the damage of some deadly AOE attacks now obviously you could go lower Rogue and higher Barbarian but we'll cover that in the Barbarian video so next we come to Rogue Bard multiclassing and there's a lot to love here in my opinion it maybe not be immediately obvious to most people but there is a lot of good Synergy here and this is a great way for a rogue to pick up some spellcasting now the caveat is that BS have Charisma for their spellcasting multiplayer and Rogues don't even have one unless they're going Arcane trickster in which case it's intelligence so those don't necessarily sync up however what's really nice here is that even though the Bard and Arcane trickster don't use the same spell casting ability modifier they can share spell slots and these kind of Stack together to give you more spell slots which is nice and you can cast Arcane trickster spells with your Bard spell slots and Bard spells with your Arcane trickster spell slots you can get more uses of Shield or magic Missile and you know you can use things from Bard as well with your Arcane tricker spell slot so there is some good Synergy there and also if you go Thief you gain an extra bonus action and Bic inspiration is a bonus action so that's really nice combination too you can throw that around more liberally in combat in order to you know get more buffing every turn and probably the highest I would go is 10 levels of Rogue two of B specifically Arcane trickster here in order to you know get some more spell slots from Bard that's really all you'd be interested in doing here you could probably probably do this with any class so I'm not sure it makes as much sense with Bard but with Bard specifically you're going to gain Bic inspiration and song of rest for those two you know levels that you're picking up which is nice and you might gain access to you know some spells that you specifically want but you're going to end up with six level one spells two level two spells and two level three spell slots if you do this which is really strong in my opinion I don't know if it's better or worse than going 9 or three we'll take a look at that in a second so if you go down one from 10 Rogue to nine Rogue you're going to lose that Fe that Rogues gain at level 10 in order to pick up level two barred spells and subass features so if you're College of lore this would be more skills and cutting words and if you're College of Valor or lore which I think makes a bit more sense here you gain some weapon proficiencies and even like a fighting style in the case of college of Valor and you'll be able to use your baric inspiration in the case of college of Valor in order to do some things with your baric inspiration die so I think these two make more sense than College of lore unless you like want to be a skill monkey or something like that and then if you go down one more from nine Rogue to eight Rogue and pick up four bar you're going to gain that feet back because you're going to have that even break point but you will lose one sneak attack um damage in order to do that so you're talking about do you want a feat or do you want sneak attack damage I think feed is probably better but it really depends on your build and then at level seven Rogue five bar you lose that feat once again but you pick up bar level three spells you gain a level four spell slot your Bic Inspirations will now replenish on short we rest as well as long rest and they will improve to 1d8 so that's really really strong in my opinion probably better than going 8 and four and then if you go six Rogue six bar you lose a D6 sneak attack again and you lose evasion but you gain extra attack if you pick Valor or swords for your subass and you gain extra magical Secrets if you pick lore um and you also have another level four spell slot so it's kind of a tough decision here because I think this is probably better than seven and five even because extra attack is just so strong in terms of the amount of damage you can crank out losing 1 D6 to get an extra attack and return will easily offset that yeah I think that's just a better pickup plus you get all the bonuses that you would gain at level five far too so I think that's definitely a better way to go so in my opinion I think it's probably better to go like 10 or nine Rogue or go all the way down to like six and six I think that's probably what you want to do here going like the middle 8 and four you know seven and five not as good as going all the way 6 and six or just kind of staying like 10 and 2 9 and three so moving on to Rogue cleric multiclassing again this is another tough one where at first glance it doesn't seem like there's a lot of synergy between these two classes because clerics use wisdom for their spellcasting ability modifier and Rogues use intelligence if they're playing Arcane trickster otherwise they don't have a spellcasting building modifier however wisdom is a very good stat for Rogues because it affects their perception and it also affects their survival which allows them to spot traps and hidden objects and things underground that they can dig for Loot and because they're typically the one that's going around exploring and then doing the disarming and trap you know lockpicking Etc it's really good for Rogues to have high perception and having high wisdom can really help them have that additionally there is some Synergy between the trickery domain and Rogues there is a big focus on that specific domain of stealth since Rogues are typically stealthy characters trickery cleric and Rogue synergizes particularly well and if you're talking about Rogue cleric I think the highest I go on Rogue is probably 11 Rogue one cleric that would give you a couple spell slots from cleric it would also give you a subass feature and it would give you in that subclass feature a lot of the cleric subclasses have like Marshall weapon proficiency or heavy armor proficiency something that Rogues could really benefit from particularly Marshall weapon proficiency from Tempest or War domains are really good on Rogues if they just going to dip one level in there and you would basically be trading that for a feat in that case and if you drop down to 10 Rogue and to cleric you're going to gain another spell slot you'll gain Channel Divinity of whatever subass you choose you'll gain turn Undead and you'll lose a sneak attack die in order to gain those things but if you're playing an Arcane trickster you'll actually have level three spell slots here at this break point which is really good and you know I think if you're playing a rogue with a you know wizard with a sorcerer B Druid or cleric particularly you're very likely to multiclass them with an Arcane trickster because those spell slots are interchangeable right like you can cast your Arcane trickster spells using the same spell slots you got from cleric and you can cast the cleric spells with the Arcane trickster slots they're interchangeable that way assuming you have the same level obviously um so there's a lot of synergy there in that regard and I think it makes a lot of sense to do that if you're going to play an Arcane trickster it's not always the best fit but it is pretty good A lot of the time so then if you go nine Rogue three cleric you're going to have access to level two cleric spells and domain spells so like whatever the domain is uh that you chose you'll have some specific spells you get from there and you'll have one L feat because Rogues again get a feet of 10 so you'll have one less feet in order to gain those things now at eight Rog and four cleric you go back to three Feats but you lose one sneak attack D6 die I think that's a pretty good trade in most of the cases so again I think this is probably a better break point than 9 and three at seven Rogue five cleric you have two Feats instead of three you do gain access to level three cleric spells if you're playing an Arcane Trickster you'll have level four spell slots and you'll also gain destroy Undead at this level and in my opinion compared to uh bar where six and six I think was better than seven and five generally six Rogue and six cleric I don't think's quite as good as that and I would recommend staying at seven Rogue and five cleric if this is as far down you want to go because at six and six you lose that sneak attack die you lose evasion and you gain a cleric subass feature and a level four spell slot you know in exchange for losing those but the cleric subass features are not that strong in my opinion compared to what you gain from The Bard subclass features at the same level so I think s and five is better than six and six for cleric or six and six is better for bar and I do want to mention too that the trickery domain gains pass without Trace at level two spell slot so at level three of cleric if you know any of these matchings and that's why I was saying that it's a good pairing because that allows you to get plus 10 to your stealth checks as long as you maintain concentration on that which makes it very very hard to fail a stealth check like you almost have to critically fail in order to stealth fail it because you get 10 added to whatever you roll and then most stealth checks are about 12 or 15 anyway so that's really really strong if you're trying to play like a stealthy you know Rogue now moving on to Rogue Druid multiclass this is a tough one because as I mentioned in the previous video Wild shape doesn't synergize a lot with a lot of things in this game and it doesn't synergize with sneak attack meaning if you're wild shaped then you can't sneak attack so you're not probably going to be using wild shaped which means circle of the Moon Druid is probably out if you're multiclassing with Druid and Rog that leaves circle of the land and it leaves circle of scores and Druids aren't front loaded a lot like the way clerics are clerics gain a lot of things at levels one and two so there's a lot of Reason in my opinion to take one or two levels of cleric for a lot of builds but Druids typically just get stronger with Druid features as they level up so you're definitely going to want to take like I don't know four five six levels of Druid when multiclassing with broke most of the time if you really want to get something out of Druid otherwise you might be better off going with a different class and again because Druid is a spellcaster class you're probably going to want to play your Rogue predominantly as an Arcane trickster to get more spell slots to use in between these classes you'll probably favor wisdom for your spell casting and just take a few utility spells from Arcane trickster that don't really require High Intelligence so probably the highest I would go in Rogue would be about eight Rogue and four Dr and that's because at this level you gain three feat still which is is good you gain level three spell slots that you can use to cast you know either of your spells with you have level two drid spells uh which is great and you gain two uses of natural recovery allowing you to regain some spells and if you're playing a circle of landroid or you gain symbiotic entity in Halo of spores if you're playing circle of spores drid symbiotic entity will do give you 16 temporary health at this level which is a decent amount it's not amazing end game but it could be good early on for you or in the middle stages of the game so then if you don't go eight Rogue four Druid you might go seven Rogue five Druid you'd only have two Feats at this level but You' gain level three Druid spells there's some pretty good level three Druid spells in my opinion and if you went circle of the land you'd have three uses of natural recovery and if you in circle of spores SYM against it would just get a bit stronger here and circle of the land is is really good at odd levels right like every odd level of Circle of land you're going to gain access to some new spells depending on which region you pick and there are a lot of good spells here too so if you're planning on going circle of the land Druid with Rogue I think seven and five is probably the sweet spot I would go now if you drop down to six Rogue and six spores you're going to lose evasion and you're going to lose 1d6 sneak attack damage but what you're going to gain if you're a spores Dr is you're going to gain fungal infestation and you're going to gain improved Halo of spores damage so that may or may not be good for you depending on how you want to play your Rogue maybe you just want the extra health and extra damage and you're not really trying to summon a minion Army and you might want to stop at like 7 and five or 8 and four or something like that but if you really want to get into that aspect you definitely going to want to go six4 drid now if you go six circle of land at this level you basically aren't stopped by difficult terrain but you lose evasion and 1d6 sneak attack damage to gain that and I don't think that's worth it in my opinion you can get that on boots or something if you really want it take the extra damage and take evasion instead of that if you're going to go circle of land so next we'll take a look at fighter Rogue multiclassing this is is a great pairing in my opinion even just taking a couple levels of fighter can really benefit the Rogue I think that's probably true for a lot of classes and fighter but I think Rog gets you know a little bit more out of it first of all the fighting style that they gain from one level of fighter can be used for two weapon fighting which typically benefits Rogues that are dual wielding or they could take like archery or something like that giving them more accuracy when they're shooting with their bow so I think you know out of all of the classes Rogue is one that can really take advantage of that one dip into fighter and probably more than most other classes and another thing they can obviously get from fighter as well is weapon proficiencies armor proficiencies Rogues don't have a ton so gaining that from fighter can really benefit and give them a lot more flexibility what they can use in combat so again if you go 11 Rogue one fighter you're going to pick up essentially a fighting style which will probably be two weapon fighting dueling defense or archery in most cases you'll gain second win and you will lose a fourth feet to gain that I think that's a pretty good trade most most of the time especially with those proficiencies that you're going to gain and then a 10 Rogue Two fighter you're essentially losing 1 D6 sneak attack damage for Action surge allowing you to use another action in combat and I don't know if action surge is worth the trade here because Rogues don't have extra attack like you know Fighters do so when Fighters use action surge typically at least after level five they're going to you know do their two attacks action Surge and then gain two more attacks giving them four attacks in a round but a rogue only do their attack action Surge and then probably only do their attack again giving them two attacks so it's not as effective on a rogue and losing one D6 sneak attack damage gives you a little more burst but you're going to lose out on that sneak attack damage every round so I'm not sure it's worth the trade in this case and then if you go nine Rogue three fighter essentially what you're saying is you're going to trade your third feed in order to pick up a subass for fighter and this could be really good depending on how your build is Champion gives you a better critical chance if you're kind of going for a crit build sneak attacks damage if it crits rolls double as well as the regular attack itself so that can give you very very good burst that's not a bad pairing if you're kind of going down the critical route um you could pick up some extra damage from battl Master with her superiority die and a couple other things and if you were going nine Arcane trickster and three eldrich schne in my opinion there really isn't a reason to pick this up because unless you're planning on like throwing your weapon or something which doesn't seem like something a roog would really do you'd be better off going 10 two and keeping that feet um because you're going to out with the same spell slots anyway so then if you go down to eight Rogue and four fighter you gain that third feet back and you lose one D6 sneak attack damage to gain it back and I don't think there's a huge reason to go eight Rogue for fighter in my opinion because if you're going Arcane trickster eldrich Knight again you'd be better off going 10 and two so that you have the same amount of Feats but you don't lose a sneak attack die and if you're playing you know any of the other sub classes for rogue fighter probably better off going down one more level and you know picking up extra attack in ex ex change for that third feat because extra attack is extremely strong and it's going to help you take advantage of action surge a lot more too so I don't really see a good case for 8 and four here I think 10 and two would be better than 8 and four in most cases and then if you go six Rogue six fighter you lose 1d6 sneake attack damage down from Seven Rog and Five Fighter and you lose evasion to gain a third feat now that really depends on like what you want from that third feet you may not need it you may need it and that really depends but I think seven and five is probably more of an ideal break point to keep higher sneak attack damage to make sure you gain extra attack to gain Advantage from proficiencies and to gain action Surge and a weapon fighting style I think that's where I would recommend going if you're going prominantly rogue fighter obviously there's a case to go mostly fighter a little bit of Rogue we'll go into that in the fighter video so that brings us to monk Rogue multiclassing and there's a lot of synergy here because monks have a lot of use for dexterity and typically Rogues will have a lot of dexterity as well but there are some things that Conflict for instance Rogues need to use a finesse based weapon in order to sneak attack and monks like to focus on unarm attack so a rogue can't use an unarm attack to gain sneak attack damage so they will have to still use some sort of finesse weapon even if they attack with like Flurry of Blows or unarmed attack you know during combat as well so let's go look at 11 Rogue one monk first here the Rogue would gain basically in exchange for a four feet they would gain Flurry of Blows a couple times two key points to use flura blows with on Armor defense adding their wisdom to their armor class and dextrous attacks I don't think this is a good spot for rogue monk because two key means two Flurry of Blows before they run out that's not much unarmored defense could give them a little bit of armor but they're probably not going to crank a lot of wisdom with this build so it's probably light armor probably does about the same and then dextrous attack is nice allowing you them the robe to attack with regular weapons you know with dexterity but Rogues need to use a finesse weapon again for sneak attack so it doesn't benefit them as much as it might some other classes so then if you drop down to 10 Rogue and two monk the Rogue will lose out on 1d6 sneak attack damage to gain unarmored movement patient defense and step of the wind step of the wind is kind of an overlap here CU Rogues basically have this anyway with cutting action Dash and cutting action disengage the patient or the monk version is slightly better but it does require key and you wouldn't have a lot of key here to use it patient defense is very good protect the monk that's probably the best pickup here and unless you're unarmored unarmored movement isn't going to really help you so if you really like patient defense and you want to give your Rogue a way to defend better in combat this is not a bad trade-off you'd still maintain three Feats you just lose one sneak attack damage for that so it's kind of whether you want more offense or more defense at nine Rogue three monk you lose your third feet but you gain deflect missiles which is really nice particularly if you have high dexterity and you gain a mon subass and for instance if you go W of open hand you can topple enemies make them prone which then gives you advantage on your attack allowing you to trigger sneak attack more easily so there is some Synergy here and I definitely think you know there is a case to be made for nine Rogue three monk if you went 10 Rogue two monk nine Rogue three Monk's probably a better Sweet Spot than 10 Rogue two monk so essentially if you go eight Rogue for monk you're gaining that third feedback but you're losing one D6 sneak attack damage and you're losing a rogue subclass feature Rogue subclass features don't tend to be that strong in my opinion anyway at level 9 so so that's not like a a bad loss necessarily but you're basically saying I want a feat I'm going to lose 1d6 sneak attack damage and that's you know really up to you how you want to do that now if you go seven Rogue five monk you're essentially trading that feet for extra attack and stunning strike I think this is a much better break point than eight and four if you're going this far anyway because extra attacks can to allow you to attack twice every turn and because you can use stunning strike in order to stun an enemy so it might not be able to attack and you can also trigger sneak attack on that attack if you're using a weapon this is a really really good pickup in my opinion and seven and five in my opinion is much better than 8 and four and then finally become come to six Rogue six Monk and essentially what you're saying here is you're going to lose 1d6 sneak attack damage at evasion in order to gain a monk subass feature and there are some great monk subclass features here particularly if you go way of Shadow allowing you to use your bonus action to teleport from Shadow to Shadow a very long distance and then have advantage on your next melee attack that will automatically trigger your sneak attack which is great for a rogue um if you're talking about wave the open hand here you pick up some unarmed damage that you can use with Flurry of Blows or your unarmed attack as a bonus action so that's really good and again if you're like a a Thief for instance and you have an extra bonus action you know there's some good pairings here with monk because you're going to be able to use those bonus actions a lot more easily with Flurry of Blows or again uh Shadow step if your went way of Shadow so there's a really good Synergy here for those two sub classes I don't necessarily think wave the four elements is worth it even though they have some new spells at this level but you could select that as well so next we move to Rogue Paladin multiclassing we covered this a bit in the Paladin video but we're doing it on the flip side now where you have mostly Rogue levels and a few or you know half Paladin levels so you can kind of see how it would be multiclassing the other way and there are some synergies between these two classes that you might not see at first glance for instance if you take Arcane trickster you're going to have a lot more spell slots when you combine with Paladin that you can use for divine Smite than if you take like thief or assassin so that's not a bad pairing in my opinion and also Arcane trickster allows you to have more spell selection like be able to gain Shield to gain even more Armor class on your Paladin or in order to gain something like blur to give enemies disadvantage against you so there's some nice spell selection that you can gain from Rogue Paladin if you go Arcane trickster and the highest I would probably take Rogue would be 10 levels I don't think you get enough at one level of Paladin to really sacrifice a feat for it in my opinion unless you just need the proficiencies or something like that but I think I would go minimally or high as high as I would go would be 10 Rogue two Paladin you do gain the proficiencies from doing that you lose 1 D6 sneak attack damage and defeat from level 12 Rogue but you pick up a fighting style admittedly the fighting styles that you gain don't include two weapon fighting or archery so it's not as good as taking Fighter for a weapon or a fighting style but you also gain Divine Smite and a paladin spell slots So Divine Smite is obviously huge the damage from Divine smite can really boost your Rogue um when you hit enemies combined with you know sneak attack damage and then if you go nine Rogue three Paladin you losing your third feet to gain Divine health and a spell slot I don't think that's a great trade in my opinion and if you go eight Rogue four Paladin you're sacrificing 1 D6 sneak attack to gain uh a feet so you go back to three feet so you gain a lay on hand charge so I think this is probably a better mixture than nine and three in my opinion if you were going to go that way and then it's seven Rogue five Paladin you're losing that third feet to gain extra attack this is a great trade in my opinion extra attack is phenomenal that allows you to attack twice each turn admittedly only one of those will gain sneak attack damage but still it's really nice trade in my opinion you also gain access to level two Paladin Spells at this level as Paladin as well so that further I think exemplifies why you would want to go seven and five rather than maybe eight and four and then at six Rogues six Paladin you're sacrificing 1d6 sneak attack damage to gain Aura of protection in my I don't think this is a great trade although or protection is phenomenal in Paladin I think if you're playing a rogue class not a paladin taking some levels in Rogue but you're playing like a rogue taking some levels in Paladin I think you're you know have a tendency to want to be kind of sneaky and so you're trying to avoid getting hit most cases rather than you know being a straight up tank so I'm not sure it's worth that trade unless you're more playing like a paladin and you want to protect yourself a bit more and you're going to face tank stuff okay so next we'll talk about Rogue Ranger multiclass this is an excellent multiclass in my opinion there is a lot of synergy between these two classes particularly classes like thief and assassin with gloomstalker or Hunter these have really really nice synergies and we'll kind of get into that so the highest I would probably go here for rogue is 11 Rogue one Ranger and that means you're going to sacrifice your fourth feet in order to gain some proficiencies weapon and armor proficiencies from Ranger to gain some skills and that's probably a pretty good trade in my opinion um even just one level here is probably worth that if you need the skills and weapon proficiencies if you don't need those then obviously not a great trade then if you come to 10 Rogue and two Ranger you lose one snake attack D6 worth of damage but you gain a fighting style which includes archery and two weapon fighting unlike Paladin and you gain Ranger spell slots this is probably even better in my opinion gaining that fighting style can really help your damage if you're do a wielding or it can help your accuracy if if you're using a bow or you know in both cases you're probably doing both so either of these is good pickup and also getting those spell slots if you're playing like an Arcane trickster that will give you access to you know use those spell slots for Arcane trickster spells as well and then if you go to nine Rogue three Ranger you're essentially saying I'm going to sacrifice my third feet to gain a subass of Ranger and in this case it's probably either going to be gloomstalker or Hunter again Beast Master doesn't really lend itself well to multiclassing because your companion will just fall off and die horribly so you're probably going to go gloomstalker or Hunter gloomstalker is great here to give you an extra attack on the first turn of combat that does more damage gives you more initiative more movement this is a great pickup here or you could go hunter to gain something like Colossus Slayer to give you an extra 1d8 damage every turn that's really good so I think I would probably go gloomstalker of the two but hunter is also good pickup and you probably wouldn't go Beast Master at all and then if you go eight Rogue for raner essentially you're gaining your third feet back but and losing 1d6 sneak attack damage and you're sacrificing your Rogue subass feature admittedly again Rogue subclass features at level n are not that strong in my opinion so that's not a huge consideration but gaining one feet for one D6 sneak attacks probably worth it depending on the feet that you want but it's kind of a tossup and then at seven Rogue five Ranger you lose that third feet but you gain extra attack and level two Ranger spell casting I think this is a huge a very good trade here um allowing you to get more damage out of your Rogue and you're really just sacrificing a feet for that and I think that's worth a feet now at six Rog six Ranger you lose another D6 sneak attack to gain a natural explor and favorite enemy I don't think this is worth it in my opinion you already have plenty of skills with these two classes and even damage resistance from one type isn't that strong in order to lose out that one D6 potentially every turn in my opinion so I would definitely wouldn't go six Rogue six Ranger i' probably cut it off at seven Rogue five Ranger and I do want to mention that if you're going rogue Ranger you probably won't prior prioritize wisdom in order to gain High you know higher offensive connectivity with their spells probably just focus on Ranger spells that you know buff yourself or like speak with animals or something like that rather than using offensive ones so next we come to Rogue Sorcerer And this is an interesting multiclass again Sorcerers use Charisma for their spell casting and Rogues don't have a spellcasting ability modifier unless they are an Arcane trickster in which case they use intelligence so probably if you're playing a hybrid between these two classes you're either going to go trickster in order to have more spell slots that your sorcerer can use for its spells or you might go something like thief in order to get another bonus action because Sorcerers can Quicken their spells using sorcery points allowing them to fling even more spells in one turn and as I mentioned before Charisma isn't necessarily bad for Rogues because they do have Proficiency in dialogue so giving them that Charisma and you know not worrying about Arcane trickster spells you know picking up like utility spells from that not working about having high intelligence could work out really well here so you could have good dial diog good spell casting and a bunch of variety of spells so the highest I would probably go here is 11 Rogue and one Sorcerer And you what happens here is you lose your fourth feet as a rogue but you gain sorcerous subclass feature and some spell slots this makes the most sense to me if you're an Arcane trickster because essentially what you could gain here is like tempestuous Magic from Storm sorcery which allows you to you know use fly as a bonus action after you cast a level one spell or higher so if you're an Arcane trickster and you do that then you can fly away as a bonus action that could be really nice also the extra spell slots very good for an Arcane trickster or you can pick up draconic bloodline to gain some extra armor if you're unarmored allowing you to save a slot for Mage Armor but that's like you know probably tempestuous magic is probably the main thing I would suggest picking up here and then at 10 Rogue two sorcerer you lose 1d6 sneak attack damage in order to gain metam magic and sorcery points from sorcerer and in my opinion I don't know if this is far enough into sorcerer to really just justify two levels cuz I cannot see unless you're playing you know an Arcane trickster why you would simply pick up two levels of sorcerer on your row to just do this so I think you either need to go nine Rog and three sorcerer in order to gain quick and spell from metam Magic or unless you're playing an Arcane trickster you might take the 102 break point but I think 93 is probably better even if you're playing Arcane trickster and then you come to nine Rogue three sorcerer which sacrifices your third feet in order for level two sorcerer spell uh and spell SL and metam Magic you know quick and spell and I would probably only recommend this for again for an Arcane trickster at this point because to make the most out of thief's bonus action you'd probably want to have enough sorcery points that you could create two Quicken spells and you need six sorcery points for that you just won't have that many at this level so I think you're probably better off going Arcane trickster at nine Rogue and three sorcerer than anything else so then an eight Rogue four sorcerer you gain a third feat but you lose 1d6 sneak attack damage this is probably a good trade in most cases considering the setup that you have here you'll also gain another level two sorcerer spell to select and another spell slot which is quite strong again I think you would probably go Arcane trickster here in order to just get the most spell slots possible to be able to cast with but you could also go Thief for instance because sorcerer can use for instance like Misty step and that could allow you to use misy step more often to position your Rogue exactly where you need them so then at seven Rogue five sorcerer you lose a third feet but you gain a level three sorcerer spell for something like fire ball or lightning bolt I think in my opinion if you're going to play like a hybrid spellcaster between a rogue sorcerer you're either just picking up utility spells from sorcerer which you know you could pretty much do from Arcane trickster anyway or you know you're actually trying to play a spellcaster hybrid and you probably minimally want to get to five sorcerer in order to gain three levels or level three sorcerer spells like Fireball and lightning bolt so I think this is probably you know I would probably go at least this far if I was playing Rogue sorcerer but six Rogue and six sorcerer is probably even better in my opinion you do lose 1d6 sneak attack damage and evasion but you do gain another sorcerer subass benefit and there are some really strong ones at level six Sorcerer And you do get to select another uh level three sorcerer spell and since Sorcerers can't change their spells like wizard that's really important because like maybe you have Fireball but you don't have lightning bould or maybe there's another spell that you really want being only able to select one spell is kind of difficult because you can't learn spell from Scrolls like a wizard cat so next we move to warlock Rogue multiclassing and warlock just like sorcerer uses Charisma for its spell casting ability but I think there's more Synergy here between warlocks and Rogues than there are between Sorcerer And Rogues and that's because at level three of warlock they can get packed of the blade which allows them to use their Charisma modifier for their attack and damage rolls with their melee weapon and that can allow a rogue to just focus on charisma if they're playing like a a Melee character and try and get sneak attacks with their Charisma modifier and then cast spells with their Charisma modifier also so they wouldn't need to like pump dexterity super high now obviously dexterity is still good for initiative and armor class so you could have some dexterity but you could focus more on Charisma and because warlock spell slots function differently than normal spell slots I'm not sure Arcane trickster has any more priority than they would playing with like another spellcaster Arcane trickster makes a good case to multiclass with spell casters so they can combine their spell slots it's not so much the case with warlock in my opinion so the highest I would probably take Rogue here is 10 Rogue and two warlock what happens here is that you lose your fourth feet you lose 1 D6 sneak attack damage but you gain two warlock spell slots that replenish on short rest G eldrich blast and you gain two invocations or eldrich invocations that you can use to upgrade eldrich blast or get something else and this can be quite nice in my opinion if you have a decent amount of Charisma however I think it makes more sense if if you're going to do this to go nine Rogue and three warlock you'll lose that feat but you will also upgrade your warlock spell slots to level two and you can pick up pack to the blade in order to focus on Charisma now at eight Rogue and four warlock you gain a third feetback but you lose some sneak attack damage and you lose uh subclass feature from Rogue if you're playing Arcane trickster here I don't know if I would do this one because I think the disadvantage on spells from stealth works really well by having them warlock spell slots so that can be quite nice but if if you're playing one of the others this is not necessarily a bad trade just depends on what you need from you know your your Rogue do you need that feet or do you need the sneak attack damage and at seven Rogue five warlock you lose a feat but you gain if you went pack to the blade an extra attack and you also gain level three spells and spell slots you you gain other benefits from other packs as well but I think pack of the blade makes the most sense if you're going to play this style because you're going to be meleeing as a rogue for sneak attack unless you're going like a range sneak attack Rogue um but if you're playing that way then I don't think it makes a lot of sense to multiclass as warlock so assuming you're playing a melee sneak attack Rogue this is probably the best sweet spot here to gain an extra attack and to pick up those level three spell slots and spells for warlock very very good spot and then six Rogue and six warlock you're essentially losing sneak attack and evasion to pick up subclass feature warlock subclass features at level six aren't that strong in my opinion so I don't recommend doing this and then finally we come to wizard Rogue multiclass and I think probably the only reason new multiclass rogue wizard is if you were taking Arcane trickster and there's probably very limited here because you have some overlap between you know the reasons you might want to pick wizard for instance if you just pick a rogue with a couple levels of wizard for some utility spells you might as well just take Arcane trickster but um there is some nice Synergy here between Wizard and Rogue because they both use intelligence to cast their spells so if you are going Arcane trickster wizard then we'll kind of go through what I think the break points would be for those so the first most likely place that you might take here is 10 robe two wizard and by doing so you lose your fourth feet you lose 1d6 sneak attack damage but obviously you gain wizard spells and you gain a wizard subclass feature there's some great wizard subclass features at level two um this is a really good spot for a couple Wizards and of course Wizards have the ability to gain spells from Scrolls that are wizard spells so you would have level three spell slots at this point um that you could learn even though you couldn't learn wizard level three level two spells naturally through leveling up you could learn them from Scrolls so you could still use like powerful level three and level two spells which is great the next place you might go is nine Rogue three wizard you lose a feat here to gain level two wizard spells when you're leveling up but I don't think this worth it in my opinion because again you can gain whatever wizard spells you want from Scrolls so why lose a feat in order to basically just get a free couple of spells um I don't think that's worth it in my opinion so then it's kind of a similar situation with eight Rogue four wizard you're essentially gaining that feedback but you're losing the subass feature of Rogue in this case of Arcane trickster if you were probably playing Arcane trickster which is most likely what you'd be playing which is a bad one to lose in my opinion if you're trying to make like a hybrid spellcaster and you don't gain any more spell slots for doing this uh so you basically lose out on a sneak attack damage and a subass feature for the same amount of spells uh which I don't think is good now when you make it down to seven Rogue five wizard you lose that feat that you would gain at eight four um and you do gain access to wizard level three spells from leveling up and you will gain a level four spell slot so probably the biggest reason to go here would be getting that level four spell slot to cast some sort of spells with that you could learn level four spells as a wizard um that is a reason to go seven and five in my opinion I would either go 10 and two or seven and five here I don't think nine and three and eight and four work very well now six and six is interesting because you lose a little bit more sneak attack damage and evasion but you do gain a wizard subclass feature and there are some good wizard subclass features depending on which wizard subass you chose and you do gain an extra level four spell slot so six and six might actually be better for you depending on what wizard subass you chose and you know what you're gaining there so you kind of got to weigh up that sneak attack damage and evasion versus that Wizard subass and spell slot and that's going to be kind of like a decision based on what decisions you already made for your subass so before we wrap up this video there's a couple other things I want to mention that I sort of forgot to mention earlier I'll mention now and that's that at level 11 Rogues gain reliable Talent preventing them from rolling less than a 10 on their skill checks this is really huge because it makes it very likely that they're going to succeed on their skill checks a lot of the time um particularly because all the bonuses they typically gain from proficiency and expertise so going from 11 and one to 10 and two on some of these multiclasses definitely factor that in I mean sometimes for instance you know if you go 10 Rogue Two fighter you lose a D6 sneak attack and you gain action surge you might think well that might be worth it to me but you're also losing reliable Talent when that's happening and that's a big thing to lose same thing with you know 10 Rogue two monk um you lose a sneak attack damage you gain unarmed and movement patient defense step of the win but also you lose reliable Talent so it's something that I did mention so keep in mind when you're going from 11 and one of something 10 and two factor that into your decision as well and the next thing I want to mention is that Rogues don't really gain a lot at level six of rogue um they gain expertise in a couple skills and they have expertise already as of level one so you might not need that expertise if you're multiclassing pretty heavily and so even though you might take six levels of something like monk or six levels of something like Paladin you might want to take seven levels of those and five levels of Rogue or six levels of those five levels of Rogue and maybe something like one level of fighter to pick up a fighting style and second wind or you know maybe you're multiclassing it with a caster and you want to take one level of fighter first in order to have Constitution saving throw proficiency so there are some cases where you might want six levels of another class but you don't really need six levels a rogue five might be better for you and picking up like one level of fighter might be a better scenario so that wraps up our second video on multiclassing I hope you guys enjoyed this one there's a lot of data when it comes to multiclassing I probably missed a couple things in here but if you guys have other tips or if you have other comments or questions please leave them in the comments below [Music] [Music] w
Channel: Fextralife
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 rogue multiclass, baldurs gate 3 rogue multiclass build, baldur's gate 3 rogue build, bg3 rogue multiclass, bg3 bard rogue multiclass, baldurs gate 3 build rogue, bg3 rogue multiclass build, bg3 rogue warlock multiclass, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 build, baldurs gate 3 builds 2023, bg3 rogue build guide, bg3 rogue bard build, bg3 op rogue build, bg3 rogue warlock build, bg3 rogue sorcerer build, bg3 build ideas, BG3 Ranking, best rogue multiclass
Id: GtWCYgxgfmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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