The Most Op Items In Act 1 Baldur's Gate 3 | Part 2

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today we continue our look at insanely op items found in act one of balers Gate 3 Let's get to it there are a ton of insanely strong items that you can find in act one of balers Gate 3 so many so that I had to make a two-part series on it this video being the second part of that series if you missed part one it will be linked down below as with part one I have grouped many of these items together in groups that have synergies and work well together the first one we're going to take a look at is the Healer setup the first item on the list is wap's Crown I guess that's how you pronounce it don't know don't care this helmet has the ability called crowning Glory which states that when healing another creature the wearer regains 1 to six hit points this helmet is part of a quest reward for the save the refugees quest line next we have the boots of Aid and comfort which have the ability The Comeback this ability states that when the wearer heals a Target it gains an additional three temporary hit points you can buy these boots from a Trader at the goblin camp next we have the whispering promise ring this ring has the ability bless Mercy which states that when you heal a creature it gains a 1 D4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws for two turns so essentially when you heal something you also bless it this ring can be purchased from Volo in the Druid Grove if you speak to him the very first time you enter the Grove if you leave the Grove and then go back you then have to do the mission rescue Volo before you can buy the ring from him next we have the Hell Riders Pride gloves these gloves have the ability homes protection which says that when you heal another creature it gains resistance to bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage which is more or less blade War it also gives you a plus one bonus to strength saving throws these gloves are carried by zor in the Druid Grove you can either steal them from him or get them as a reward for completing a quest our next item is another ring which is the ring of salving this ring gives you the ability to heal an additional flat two hit points every time you heal another creature you can grab this ring from a Trader in the mushroom colony in the underdog dark onto another piece of jewelry we have the perat or whatever that word is that I struggle with of wound closure this is one of the best amulets that you can get in the game has two abilities the first one is wound closure when down automatically stabilize at the start of the turn and it also has potent healing which maximizes the number of hit points restored so this only works on you when you get healed but whenever you get healed you heal for the max of whatever you could get healed for this amulet can be bought from Lady Esther and at the rosor monastery Trail after taking the mountain path last but not least for this set we have the weapon which is the blood of Leander this is a plus three legendary mace it has a few different abilities the first one that we're taking a look at and the reason that we're using this mace is leander's blessing once per long rest when your hit points are reduced to zero you regain 2d6 hit points allies within 9 M also regain one6 hit points this means that when you get down you you not only get back up you also heal everybody who is close to you and bless them and give them blade War it also has the ability leander's light which sheds Holy Light in a 6m radius in combat fiends and Undead standing in the light are blinded and it gives you the ability to cast a level six Sunbeam once per long rest this mace is absolutely insane it can be found in the gith Yankee cres and it's unlocked by following the find the blood of Leander quest line so a few things to note here about this setup first off the mace the leander's blessing ability currently at my time of testing this seems to be bugged I was looking around online and other people have been reporting this as well so you will not get the leander's blessing if you get down currently however you should still consider grabbing this mace as it is an absolutely op weapon if it's working and they could patch it at any time so I'm also putting it in here for future reference because hopefully at some point point it will get patched and it will be extremely op for this setup another thing to note about this mace is leander's light is a passive ability you can turn it on and off in your passive settings so if for some reason stuff is not getting blinded and you feel like it should be getting blinded or the light's not shining on you hop over to your passives tab and double check to make sure that it is turned on you will know it's turned on because the buff will show on the icon next to your person this setup turns you into an absolute healing God when you heal anyone you heal yourself you apply temporary hit points to whatever you are healing and you apply bless as well as blade Ward to whatever you are healing our next set of items are perfect for any throw Barbarian Build the first item on the list is the gloves of uninhibited Kingo these gloves give the wearer an additional 1 D4 damage with any throw attacks or improvised weapon they are a quest reward for completing the quest find the mushroom picker next is the ring of fling this also gives you a one D4 bonus to throw damage the ring can be purchased from Aaron in the Druid Grove the next item to this three-part combo is the returning pipe the pike kind of acts like a bound weapon in the sense that it returns to the user when it is thrown which means it pairs absolutely fantastically with the other two items because you can throw it the other items combined will give you an additional two to eight damage that stacks on top of the damage that you get from throwing the Pike and then the pike will return to you allowing you to throw it at least once every turn more if you have more actions than one per turn you can grab the returning Pike from grat the trader in the goblin camp and that's pretty much it for this combo it's a very strong combo using just three items and then you can expand on this even further picking up items from act two and act three but this combo will get you started and is absolutely amazing for any throw build the next set of items I like to refer to is that you can't touch this set the first part being the adamantine or adamantine however you like to pronounce that word splint armor this armor has a bunch of different abilities first off you can't be crit when you are wearing this armor it also has the ability called magical plate which all incoming damage is reduced by two it also has intense adventine backlash which when a melee attack hits you the attacker is sent Reeling for three turns reeling causes creatures to have a negative one penalty on attack rolls for each turn remaining and you can get this armor by crafting it at the adamen timee forge I have a video showing you how to get it which I will link down below but that flat 2 damage reduction Works absolutely amazingly with the skin burster this is an uncommon hellbird that gives the wielder Force conduit it states that when the wielder deals melee damage with this weapon they gain two turns of force conduit for those of you who are not familiar with it Force conduit reduces the damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing by one per turn of force conduit that you have you can have a Max of seven turns of force conduit when you have five however and you take damage you deal 1 D4 Force damage and a 6 M radius around you when you have both of these items you have a bunch of stacks of force conduit and you have the heavy armor Master beat which reduces all incoming damage by three you take so much reduced damage that in most cases you're not going to take any damage at all when you get hit I've already done a full build centered around this which I will link down below for those of you who are interested in it but these two items that can be picked up in act one are absolutely phenomenal for a plethora of different builds because they make you insanely tanky our next set of items to starts with a grouping of jewelry which can honestly be combined with any other combination of items it's a really strong set of jewelry I just merged it with this set because it made sense because it sets the set to do an absolutely insane amount of damage the first one of those being the strange conduit ring this ring states that when concentrating on a spell the wearer's weapon attacks deal an additional 1 D4 damage it's really easy to be concentrating on a spell doesn't take much effort to do and it's a nice chunk of additional damage you can find this ring in the gith Yankee crash the next ring is the costic band this just adds a flat 2 Acid damage to all of your attacks you can buy it from a Trader in the underdark next we have an amulet which is The Brood mother's Revenge this amulet states that whenever the wearer is healed their weapon becomes coated in Magic and Deals an additional 1d6 poison damage this item is worn by kaga or kaga however you pronounce her name in the Druid Grove there's a few different ways that you can go about obtaining this item when you combine those three items with our next item the soulbreaker Greatsword your damage will be absolutely insane you will be doing act three damage at the end of Act One the soulbreaker great swword is a rare sword that you can obtain in the GI yane crash it deals 2d6 damage plus strength modifier and it has the abilities gith born psionic weapon which states that when the wielder is a GI Yankee this weapon deals an additional 1 D4 psychic damage your character doesn't actually have to be a gith you can just disguise yourself as a gith and you will get this bonus on top of that it has seldomly caught unaware which states that you gain plus two bonus to your initiative roles last but not least we have the dam of Arcane Synergy this helmet states that when you inflict a condition you gain Arcane Synergy for two turns Arcane Synergy adds your spell cast ing modifier to your weapon attack damage so in this case with this specific weapon you will get your strength modifier as well as your spellcasting modifier added to the damage of the weapon if you have inflicted a condition inflicting a condition is super easy to do and this whole setup is absolutely insane on an Eldridge Knight build because you can use cantrip to inflict a condition and then you can follow that up with an attack that just absolutely devastates your target the diom of Arcane Synergy can also be found in the gith Yankee crash honestly the gith Yanke crash is just filled full of all kinds of insanely strong items and you should definitely go there and loot them all so next I have just a list of other items that are really good but didn't fit into any specific setup for a build the first one of those being the gloves of dexterity this just sets your dexterity score to 18 and gives you plus one to attack next we have the boots of speed this gives you the ability of Click heels which allows you to Dash as a bonus action then we have the gloves of power which give you the absolute Spain which states that unhit with a weapon attack you have the possibility to inflict a 1 D4 penalty on the target's attack roles and saving throws these gloves also give you a plus one to slight of hand next we have the ring of Elemental infusion which give you the elemental infusion ability stating that when you deal acid cold fire lightning or thunder damage using a spell or can trip that element infuses your weapon until the end of your next turn you deal an additional 1 D4 damage of that element type on your first weapon attack next is the shattered flail which I feel like is a weapon that often gets overlooked because of its negative drawback which honestly if you're careful isn't all that bad and this item heals you for 1 D6 HP every time you attack but it has the downfall of if you don't attack or you miss an attack you have the chance to go mad which you just lose control of your character it also has a plus two weapon enchantment next we have the Doom Hammer which has Edge Of Terror h strike fills the target with a chilling dread that prevents them from regaining hit points and Undead creatures also get disadvantage on attack rolls then we have the everb bur blade which you can actually get right from the very start of the game if you can manage to get the dude to drop it this is a super strong two-handed weapon to get early on in the game and can last you easily onto act two and maybe even act three it doesn't do anything insanely special it just adds an additional 1 D4 fire damage on top of the 2d6 damage that it already does last but not least we have Hammer now Hammer actually has a complete build that you can start in Act One by picking up specific items but those items on their own aren't op so they didn't really fit into this video The Hammer itself can create a build that is just completely broken because you can destroy everything that you're fighting in most cases on your very first turn and Hammer states that when the wearer jumps they deal 1 D4 Thunder damage and a 3 m radius upon Landing so as essentially you go monk 2 you get the ability to jump without costing you any actions or bonus actions and it only costs you move speed so you max out your move speed as much as you possibly can and you just jump around destroying everything on the screen do not overlook this build or this hammer it is insanely strong and that concludes my list of absolutely insanely strong and op items that you need to get in act one I will put two links down in the description that will take you to the bg3 wiki where you can just type in the name of any of these things that you want to find out where they're at and get more information on or those of you who just want an easy place to search for items and weapons on top of that I'll also include links down there to all of my build guides that feature some or all of these items hopefully you all found this video helpful and informational if you did please consider hitting the Subscribe button and notification Bell so you can be notified when I upload other Boulders Gate 3 videos and if you're looking for some more Boulders Gate 3 content you can find a link to another one of my videos on the screen right now I want to give an absolute massive shout out and thank you to all of my channel supporters for helping to keep these videos a sponsor free you all are absolutely amazing people if you would like to become an official Channel supporter check out the links in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and share your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 140,207
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Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Baldur's Gate 3, RPG Strategy Guide, Baldurs Gate III, Baldur's Gate3 Builds, Baulder's Gate 3 Guide, Build Guide BG3, Cleric Build BG3, Baldur's Gate III, Baldurs Gate III guide, BG3 Guide, baldur's gate 3 2023, baldur's gate 3 early game builds, baldur's gate 3 best items act 1, Baldur's Gate 3 best items, baldur's gate 3 op items, Baldur's Gate 3 op act 1 items, baldur's gate 3 op early
Id: ks4KRw6N2xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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