Become A God At Level 5 In Baldur's Gate 3

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I've created an absolute monster in balers Gate 3 and today I'm going to teach you everything you need to know about how to replicate it let's get to it have you ever wanted to become a semi Immortal God being in Boulders Gate 3 well you can and you can do it as early as level five and you only need two items to accomplish it let's start off with the base of the build so one through five because at level five the build is mostly activated however it improves drastically as you continue to level we're going to start level one as a cleric so that we can get heavy armor now you can pick this up at any time if you choose cleric you will get heavy armor if you choose the right subass but we're going to grab it at number one that way we can just go ahead and equip it and get it done and out of the way for our subass we are going to choose the war domain that is because it will give us extra attacks that we can use it will max out at a total of three extra attacks and these will recharge every long rest for our ability points we're going to go 17 into strength 14 into dexterity 16 into Constitution and 10 into wisdom we're not going to be a cleric so wisdom really doesn't matter all that much at level two we are going to immediately spec into our main class which is going to be Barbarian at level four we will get to pick our subass and for that subass we are going to choose the Wild Heart Barbarian for the beastial heart we are going to choose the tiger heart and that is because it is going to give us an absolutely insane AOE attack when we are raging this attack inflicts bleed on our enemies as well as hitting up to three enemies at one time in a cone in front of us at level five we will get our first feet and for our first feet we are going to choose heavy armor Master this will bring our strength up to 18 as well as decrease all damage that we take from non-magical attacks by three as long as we are wearing heavy armor which we will be wearing heavy armor now I know there's going to be a bunch of you that are going to jump down there in the comments and be like but fires spark wearing heavy armor negates a bunch of the bonuses you get from raging blah blah blah blah blah and yeah none of that really matters because we're making a tiny sacrifice of some of the the bonuses that we would get while we are raging for the ability to become immortal which makes all of those bonuses a moot point well maybe not the damage bonus that we get from raging however it's a minor price to pay for all the other bonuses that we are going to get and we can easily supplement that damage with damage increases from tons of other things all right so now we're at level five and the build is almost ready to go now we only need two items the first item that we want to get a hold of is the skin burster this is going to be our weapon of choice it can be found at the GI yane crush and it is in the inquisitor's chamber all the way in a back room you enter the door head to your right and it's there leaning against the wall this can be gotten relatively early on in the game maybe before you are even level five now at this point you want to be wearing whatever the best heavy armor you can get a hold of at this given point in time wherever you are in the game at level five our main power comes from this weapon and the warding bond spell the skin burster has a fun little ability called Force Force conduit Force conduit reduces a bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage per turn of it you have remaining when you attack an entity with this weapon you gain two turns of force conduit this Stacks up to a total of seven turns that means that if you have the full seven stacks on it all damage that you take that is bludgeoning piercing or slashing is reduced by seven it's also reduced by another three if you are wearing heavy armor that means all non-magic damage that you take is reduced by a total of 10 and our only weakness at this point in the game is Magic damage and we are resistant to that due to warding bond and as you can see from the footage that's been playing on the screen we are extremely tanky now let's talk about how to deal with warding bond in a way that is absolutely broken at this point in the game so what you want to do is you want to turn Gail into a cleric Gail has a neat little ability that when he is not in your party he Auto heals so that means that any damage that he shares with you because warding Bond shares damage he will just heal through it so what you do is you put Gail in your party every morning because warding Bond lasts until you take a long rest so you wake up you put Gail in your party you cast warding Bond on yourself then you kick him back out of the party and you go about your day any magic damage that you take he will take as well but he'll never die because he'll just heal through it and you never really suffer any of the negative consequences that you are supposed to suffer from warding Bond now what if you don't have Gail well we will talk about how to deal with this if you don't have Gail or if for some reason you lost gaale later on in the video but for now let's talk about the next piece of this puzzle that helps reduce the damage that you take even more and that is the adamantine splint armor I have a video showing you how to get this armor as well as a bunch of others I will link that down in the description I'm not going to go through all of that again in this video go watch that video if you don't know how to get a hold of it but you can get a hold of this in act one it's probably going to be a little bit later in act one you may or may not be level five by the time you get to this point the adamantine splint armor states that it has 18 armor class which is absolutely fantastic it's going to make you even harder to hit it also has the magical plate ability which is one of the things we are after which states that all incoming damage and this is all damage so even magic damage is reduced by two it also has the ability that we can't be crit hit if we are wearing this armor which is absolutely fantastic because as long as we are not being crit hit pretty much any damage that we take that is non-magical is not going to get through the buffer that we have from Force conduit and the other reductions we have with wearing this armor as well as heavy armor Master with just this armor and heavy armor master all damage that we take is reduced by five so now we have a situation where we have all damage reduced by half and then it's also reduced by five and then it's also reduced by seven if we have full stacks of force conduit which since we are a barbarian and we are a tiger heart Barbarian we can rage and then hit three enemies at one time immediately giving us a six damage reduction in one turn at level six we will get a second attack because we continue to Speck into Barbarian this will make us a level five barbarian and we can use our special tiger attack twice now which means that we can fully stack Force conduit in a single turn once you have this splint armor and you have the skin burster and you hit level six you are an absolute force to be reckoned with and you're pretty much good to go but there are plenty of things that we can do to improve this even more and we are going to talk about those so first off when we hit level seven we get an animal aspect for this we want to pick the stallion this is going to help us deal with that pesky pesky magic damage the stallion ability states that when we Dash it grants us temporary hit points equal to twice our Barbarian Level this ability is absolutely insane the only only downside to it is that we cannot stack it every turn you actually have to use up all of your temporary hit points until you can activate it again I mean you can keep activating it you just won't refresh those hit points until they're gone once they're gone you can just Dash again and get your hit points back but Fire spark I'm going to have to use up an action in order to do that yeah for a little while you are but considering you can hit multiple enemies with a single attack you get two attacks per turn and because we chose the war domain cleric you can get three attacks per turn for a couple of times every long rest it's really easy to keep the force conduit Stacks maxed out and sacrifice a turn of attacking in order to get those hit points back so that you never actually take any real damage and we do have a fix for this but it's going to be a few levels before you can get the ability to Dash as a bonus action so at level eight we are going to spec into row we're only going to be over here so that we can get Dash as a bonus action and we will get that at level 9 once we have cunning action Dash we can Dash every single turn that we need to in order to refresh those temporary hit points without sacrificing our attacks from there we are just going to continue to level as a barbarian at level 11 we will get our next feet for our next feet we're going to choose Savage attacker this is going to help ensure that we do maximum amounts of damage and then at level 12 we get brutal critical and our build is complete at this point you are absolutely Unstoppable nothing can hurt you and the things that do hurt you only hurt your temporary HP and make you insanely difficult to deal with as you see on the screen I am getting absolutely pummeled by everything over here at basilis gate and nothing can actually do anything to me you are basically a semi-immortal demigod now let's talk about warding Bond if for some reason you don't have Gail I'm trying to keep this as spoiler-free for those of you who haven't got that far in the game yet so if for some reason you don't have Gail which you may or may not here is how you can abuse boing Bond whoever you do this with needs to be in your party I like to use a hirling but maybe you don't want to use a hirling regardless of how you go about doing it the character needs to be in your party but they're going to remain at Camp you're going to resect them into a knowledge domain cleric at level seven the knowledge domain cleric gets an ability called udx resilient sphere this makes whoever you cast it on more or less useless cuz they can't do too much while they're in it but they are invulnerable so what you're going to do is you are going to separate this person from your group you're going to leave them at Camp you're going to cast Waring Bond on your character that is running this build and then you're going to leave Camp you're going to select the character that casts Waring Bond that's going to take you back to Camp where they're standing you are going to cast odox resilience Spear and then go into turn-based mode the reason you're going to do this is because the resilience sphere only lasts for three turns but here's the kick turnbas mode is now only happening at Camp as long as you do not take the rest of your party back to Camp they will never enter turnbas mode so they can run around doing whatever they want the character that has cast warding bond is now in an invulnerable sphere and cannot take any damage so even if you do take damage they will not they are also Frozen in Time back at base and they will continue to be Frozen in Time back at base until which point you decide to pass time back at base or take it out of turn base mode and that's how you can break Waring Bond without Gail I don't know a way to do this until you're level seven though I don't know any other way to make a character invulnerable theoretically any other way that is possible to make a character invulnerable can be used to make them invulnerable and go into turnbas mode in freeze time in one area that is separate from the rest of your people now if you want to have access to your Camp you can literally take this person anywhere else that you're not going to be as long as you don't go close to them you will never enter turnbas mode with them so you can just put them anywhere that you're not going to be that is far from your party and put them in turnbas mode and make them invulnerable whether it is with this spell or some other spell or some other way to make them invulnerable and there you go now you know how to make an absolute broken monster of a build from this point on you just want to fill the build out gear wise with anything and everything that you can do that's going to increase your damage that's it that's all you really need the rest of the core build is there with just those two items your main power of this build comes from the Waring Bond spell and being a barbarian and this build is literally so strong that it is going to feel like cheating all right well that's pretty much it for this one hopefully you all enjoyed this video if you found it helpful or informational please consider hitting the Subscribe button and notification Bell so you can be notified when I upload other videos and if you're looking for some more balers gate content you can find a link to another one of my videos on the screen right now I want to give an absolute massive shout out and thank you to all of my channel supporters for helping to keep these videos a sponsor free you all are absolutely amazing people if you would like to become an official Channel supporter check out the links in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and share your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 229,622
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Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 guide, Balder's Gate, Baldar's Gate, Baldor's Gate, Balder's Gate 3, Baldar's Gate 3, Baldor's Gate 3, Baldurs Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 guides, bg3, Baldur's Gate 3 exploits, Baldur's Gate 3 bugs, Baldur's Gate 3 exploit, baldur's gate 3 barbarian, baldur's gate 3 barbarian build, baldur's gate 3 barbarian multiclass, baldur's gate 3 best barbarian build, Baldur's Gate 3 top guides
Id: 0LP1wzj1Ehc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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