BEST Gloomstalker Assassin Build Honor Mode (Melee/Ranged)

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hey guys Omaha here today I'm going over the gloomstalker Assassin multiclass build for balers Gate 3 this is easily one of the most powerful multiclass builds even for Honor mode and we're going to cover everything from leveling to gear and then at the end I'll show you guys a quick combat example so make sure you guys drop a like if you enjoy this video let's get into it all right so this is actually the multiclass build I've been using On My Honor mode playthrough in a multiplayer session and because I'm not the host I'm not able to access that at any time so I can't show you my specific character but I'm going to guide you through the choices that I chose and that was for a dual wield melee crit build which I thought sounded a lot more fun than a ranged build but I'll also guide you through what to choose if you want to do a ranged build which is arguably more powerful especially if you go the Dual hand crossbow route now first thing you're going to do is choose your origin I chose custom I joined a little bit late in my playthrough I joined right after the nautiloid so I wasn't able to choose the dark urge but having the choice I probably would choose the dark urge solely for this cloak right here which you get an act one I'm not going to spoil it for you in case you want to go through that and you haven't yet the dark urge playthrough is probably the best way to play the game in my opinion so yeah you'll choose custom or dark urge preferably then we'll go on to race and for mine since I'm doing melee I chose the half orc so what you'll get with that is 30 ft of Base movement speed that's pretty standard you'll get dark vision up to 40 ft so you don't have disadvantage if you can't see in the dark then you'll get Relentless endurance if you reach zero hit points you regain one hit point instead of becoming downed and that's once per long rest so that comes in handy especially with the melee build since you're not going to be the tankiest of characters and then the thing we're really looking forward to is Savage attack attacks since I'm going for crits here when you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack you deal an extra dice of weapon damage so that's what I was kind of going for if you're going ranged I would probably say to go the halfling and go light foot halfling that'll give you advantage on stealth checks and then you also get the other bonuses of having advantage against being frightened and then if you roll a one on attack roll ability check or saving throw you can roll the die and use the new roll you'll get a little bit less movement speed but since you're range it doesn't matter as much in my opinion and then if you're looking for something else some other good options are half elf you go wood elf for the 35 ft of movement speed or you go the Dr and you get 80 ft of dark vision but what I chose was half work so we'll go with that for now you go to your class the first thing you're going to want to choose is the Ranger I think going into the ranger first is better especially on the harder difficulties like honor mode and what that's going to give you is proficiencies and simple weapons and Marshall weapons and then armor you got light armor medium armor and shields moving on to the favorite enemy the one I chose was Bounty Hunter and I think this is probably the best one to choose what this will give you is proficiency investigation that doesn't really matter as much but creatures you hit with ins snaring strike either range or melee have disadvantage on their saving throw so you're going to be able to keep them ins snared which will give you advantage on attacks which is huge for both you and your allies and really the other options to me just aren't nearly as beneficial as that one all right the next thing you're going to choose is your natural Explorer for me the best choice here was clearly Urban tracker so this gives you Proficiency in slide of hand which is huge because you're going to be the guy stealing everything in our playthrough we've bought maybe one or two things through the whole playthrough I've been able to steal almost everything from all the merchants pretty easily um just by collecting certain sets of gear and then putting them on and taking them off after I'm done stealing so saves you a lot of money that way that's the route I went okay now moving on to background typically if you're going a stealthy character you'd want to choose urchin but since we already have Urban tracker which gives us proficiency of slide a hand these aren't going to stack and so in that case I would go criminal to give you the stealth and deception and the deception is going to come in handy if you do get caught stealing you can deceive your way out of it but if you did want to go urchin you could change your natural Explorer over to Beast tamer can get fine familiar or even if you want to get a resistance to one of these you could also do that and then next we're going to move on to our ability points so this is what it's going to default to I'll show you guys what I chose it's kind of Min maxy so I dumped strength I got my Constitution up a little bit my wisdom was at 16 because that's going to be used for a lot of your spells and then I dumped that's right I dumped Charisma and I went do intelligence to help with my intelligence saving throws if you want to go Charisma to help out with your like deception checks and stuff you can do that as well but I didn't find it as useful as getting my intelligence leveled out to zero and actually before we move on I just want to say the reason I'm going 17 dexterity right now is because I'm going to use ability Improvement at level four to get it to 19 and then you'll want to go for The Hags hair and you can get that to 20 pretty early on so that's my reasoning behind going 17 dexterity off the bat and then for your skills you're going to be able to choose three um for these I chose Athletics to kind of offset that that's going to help you resist being shoved it's at a negative one so I wanted to get that out of there get it up to a plus one and then I think the most beneficial for you would be perception and survival just to be able to spot hidden buttons and all that and hidden chests I think that's probably the best option to choose all right once you hit Level Two this is where you're going to get your first two spells for this I would absolutely choose in snaring strike because of the Bounty Hunter passive bonus that we chose and for your second one you kind of have a couple options you could go fog Cloud that'll help you blind enemies and sneak around a bit also help you with stealing things so that's a good option there's also Hunter's Mark so this will give you extra damage every time you hit an enemy it's also concentration but that only uses a bonus action so that's also a good one and then the third one I would suggest is enhance lead that is especially useful if you're playing as an Archer that'll help you move around on rooftops and stay out of reach but you'll be able to choose another one through the next couple levels anyways so what I chose was fog cloud and this is where you're going to choose your fighting style as well and since I did the dual wielding I went to weapon fighting so it lets me add my ability modifier to the damage of my offhand attacks and obviously if you're going archery you'll want this one this will give you a plus two bonus to your ranged weapon attacks okay when you move on to level three this is we're going to choose your subass and obviously from the title of the video you came here for the gloomstalker so what that's going to give you is dread ambusher that's going to give you a plus three to your initiative and then on the first turn of combat your movement speed will be increased by 10 ft and you'll get an extra attack that doesn't use any economy whatsoever no action no bonus action and it'll deal extra damage you'll also get Superior dark vision so you get that dark vision up to 80 ft and then you'll get two actions dread Ambush or hide so you can use hide as a bonus action instead of an action and I find that this works particularly well on ranged builds as you just use your action to shoot and then you can hide and move to a different location and they will not know where you are it can work on the melee build as well but since we're going dual wield we'll be using that bonus action for another hit but you could always forgo the second attack and hit him with a sneak attack or something and then use hide to get out of there our next action is umbrell shroud so this is basically invisibility but it only works if you're obscured so you need to be hiding in Shadows you need to either be lightly obscured or heavily obscured um if you're crouched and you're hovering over an area it'll tell you whether it's obscured or not and I use this a lot of the time when I'm stealing stuff from merchants or if you just want to get closer to an enemy to do a sneak attack or get the surprise bonus and then finally you'll get disguise self which according to the wiki after patch five can be used to escape each prison once per character by waiting until the fugitive condition ends and then either reverting back to your original character if you're already disguised or disguising yourself if you were your original character when you got arrested so I haven't actually tried that but that's what the wiki is saying so that actually would be extremely useful if you get caught stealing and then this is where you're going to choose another spell here's your option to choose one of the ones you didn't choose before okay level four is an important one obviously you can replace a spell if you change your mind about one of them but then this is where you're going to choose your first feet and like I mentioned earlier in the video I chose ability Improvement first to get dexterity to 19 and then I used the hags hair to get it to 20 which is a massive massive buff especially in the early game in act one so that was the route I took um some other good options dual wielders kind of an option I never ended up using that I didn't think I needed it it's going to let you dual wield rapers I believe Sharpshooter is an amazing one for the ranged build I would save that for later on just because of the penalty to your attack roles earlier on in the game you're going to be missing a lot because of that so would wait till you're able to offset that later on and then for the melee one we have Savage attacker this is going to help you deal out more damage and make better use of your crits and whatnot so it's going to roll your damage die twice and use the highest result and that'll actually work on every single instance of damage that you do so if you have an item that adds like 1 D4 I don't know acid damage or something like that it'll roll that twice as well and use the higher one so you get a lot of value out of this but again like I said I think the best route for this is going dexterity 19 with a Mobility Improvement and then getting that hags hair to get it up to 20 that'll just help either way whether you're going melee or ranged because both of those will scale off your dexterity okay now this is where we're at level five this is where you get your extra attack so now you're going to have an extra attack every turn you'll choose a level two spell and for this one I would recommend pass without Trace if you're trying to go stealthy all the time that's what I chose um another good one would be Spike growth just because of how good the spell itself is holding off choke points and whatnot but the pass without Trace is really going to make it so you're not going to fail very many stealth checks at all plus 10 bonus is pretty huge and it last until a long rest just keep in mind that it is a concentration spell so if you're trying to go for in snaring strike it's going to end this effect and then you're going to move on to level six and this is where you're going to dip into your other class you want to go five into Ranger and then that's where you're going to want to go into Rogue for your sixth level which grants you sneak attack which deals extra damage to a fo of advantage against so that'll add one D6 slashing damage this will scale up as you add more levels into Rogue as well I think it's every two levels adds another dive damage also works if you have an ally within 5 ft of the Target and you don't have disadvantage so that's going to come in handy a lot and then there's also the range version so this works well for melee and ranged then you'll apply skill proficiencies which is going to double your proficiency bonus for those chosen skills I would highly recommend going into slide of hand and stealth cuz both of those are extremely beneficial for this multiclass build level seven is going to be your second level into Rogue and it's going to give you three different actions it's basically a bonus action version of a lot of the normal actions that you get so you'll be able to hide as your bonus action which you already had from your Bloom stalker subass then there's the Dash as a bonus action which can be useful and dis AG as a bonus action that's just going to kind of help you get around the battlefield a little easier if you need to use that in emergency situation or whatever okay and then level eight Rogue level three is very very important this is where you choose your subass Thief is a good option but I think assassin just provides a lot more for what we're going for here this gives you three subass features first one is initiative your deadliest against unprepared enemies in combat you have advantage on Attack rules against creatures that haven't taken a turn yet and because of you're already high initiative got that plus three from the gloomstalker sub class and then if you chose an alert as a feet you get that plus five as well so you're pretty much going to be going first every single time so that gives you advantage on your first round of combat against every creature you attack and with the amount of attacks you're dealing per turn it's very very useful second is Ambush so any successful attack roll against a surprise creature is a critical hit so surprise they're already missing their first turn of combat and then every attack you do is a critical hit and with the amount of attacks you're doing like I said that's going to be extremely powerful and then you have assassin's alacrity so quick as an alakat in Rain dark city you immediately restore your action and bonus action at the start of combat so when you sneak up to an enemy and you especially as a dual wielder if you use your action and bonus action to attack it's going to restore it after that so you can essentially kill somebody right off the bat and then get all of your economy back so all three of these subass features combined just works really well with a gloomstalker subass and that's why we chose assassin over Thief okay tab level 9 I would go one more into your Rogue just to get another feet and I forgot to mention earlier you definitely want to consider alert as as well cuz you get that plus five to initiative and you can't be surprised that's a pretty big one for this multiclass I didn't actually go that route and I don't think that I'm missing out on too much I've been going first I think in every single round of combat that I've done so far there may be one that I didn't go first but I think it's been every single one but not being surprised definitely helps a ton as well so that's certainly an option um this is probably where you're going to want to choose Sharpshooter if you're going the ranged route and then the melee route Savage attacker but again either way alert is a good option as well again though I still think in my opinion that ability Improvement is the most beneficial for you if you can get The Hags hair if you can't get the hags hair then maybe the other ones are better but I think getting The Hags hair and getting dexterity to 20 is just such a big jump that it's it's too good not to do let's go Savage attacker for the purpose of this video that's what I chose in my playthrough okay once you hit Level 11 or level 10 sorry this is where you're going to dip into the fighter class so the reason we're doing this partially is because you're getting another fighting style so this is where you can choose archery as your second one if you didn't choose it before um or if you want to just stay with melee the whole time you could go defense and get a plus one Armor class to your armor that's definitely beneficial but going archery is going to give you the option to kind of switch between the two styles that we discussed in the beginning as long as you've been getting gear along the way you could really just select Archer here and then and just switch between the two options whenever so that's what I did I chose archery accept and then we'll move on to level two fighter and this is the reason we went to fighter in the first place you get action surge which is going to give you another action to use and that's going to refresh on a short rest so that's just going to give you an extra attack to use in a combat encounter once per short rest and then for your final level what I did was go into Fighter for the third level and I chose Champion which will reduce the number you need to roll a crit by one and that Stacks so along with the gear we're choosing that's going to reduce it down quite a bit and it's going to make you hit crits a lot more often but Battle Master is also an amazing option just for the Maneuvers that you can get so really I don't think you can go wrong either way I don't know Battle Master might be the stronger option but for what I was trying to go for with the crits I chose champion and it's worked out pretty well and again I didn't go Battle Master but looking at the Maneuvers the ones I would probably recommend would be disarming attack so that'll give you additional 1d8 damage and possibly forces them to drop their weapon which is pretty huge that makes a lot of fights a lot easier repost I think that's how you say it basically when someone misses you can Counterattack with an attack that adds 1d8 damage to your existing damage and that's just going to cost you a superiority die and a reaction which is pretty good economy wise and then trip attack that'll do an additional 1d8 damage and knock them prone which gives you advantage on attacks so that's pretty huge as well okay the next section spoilery so I'm going to go over the best tadpole powers for this multiclass build so if you don't want to see those or if you don't know what happens later on in the story regarding that now's your chance to click away okay so some standouts for this are favorable Beginnings your first attack roller ability check against any Target gets a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus that's a really good one for this one luck of the far Realms once prolong rest you can change an attack a successful attack roll against a fo into a critical hit also amazing um if you're non honor mode perilous Stakes is really really good you'll make them heal every time they attack but they'll take double damage from all damage so you can kill them pretty quickly with that and it's a bonus action and the other stand out I would say is probably cold a week this is toggleable when you bring a creature down to fewer hit points than your number of evolved elth Powers it dies and all nearby creatures take one to four psychic damage so the more Powers you have the better this will be right here I've got 15 I think Powers so as long as they go under 15 Health they'll instantly die and All Creatures nearby will take one to four psychic damage okay now we're going to go over the gear first I'll go over the Act One stuff um you don't necessarily have to use every single thing I list here I kind of give you some options on certain types of gear this multiclass builds super powerful so even in honor mode you don't have to use a super specific set of gear you can kind of interchange things if you want to so the first thing is the death stalker mantle you'll get this if you play the dark urge origin and I think it's guaranteed that you get it but I'm not going to spoil anything for that once per turn when you kill an enemy you'll become invisible for two turns and you can probably do that almost every turn and the invisibility is going to give you advantage on attacks and disadvantage on being attacked so that's super strong I would probably carry that all the way through a three as well and then for weapons first thing is the hunter dagger it's a good plus one dagger on a hit they have to succeed a dc13 constitution saving throw or they'll be ruptured which will cause them to take extra piercing damage when they move Hunter dagger is found from ru Moonglow and the shattered sanctum the short sword of First Blood this will give you an additional one8 piercing damage to targets that still have all their hit points so with this build you're usually going to be trying to go first anyway or sneak attacking enemies so they'll usually be at full hit points that just helps you burst them down quicker and that's kind of the point of this build anyway so found on a deep gome corpse in the underdog by The decrep Village knife of the under Mountain King this one reduces the number you need to roll critical hit by one so you can roll a 19 or 20 to get a crit and then when you roll two damage or less you reroll the dice taking the highest result this actually works with ranged attacks and spells as well as long as you have this equipped and then Shadow Blade you get advantage on attack rolls against lightly or heavy obscured targets when using the blade that part is just whatever but can be bought or looted From a Jack near jira in the crash that's the shopkeeper in the crash then the suser dagger there's another one I would carry all the way through I under Mountain King actually could probably do that as well but there are better options suser dagger I would carry all the way through just for certain combat encounters so you do the quest to finish the Masterwork weapon to get this this silences whoever you hit with it so that'll make them not able to cast spells with a verbal component so it's really good against strong spell casters and then for your ranged option for the melee build I would say is the bow of awareness this gives you a plus one do your initiative roles it's a plus one bow so it's pretty decent you can get that from R moon glow as well and then we have the haste Helm this is something I used all the way through axe one and two until I got a better option at a three so this will give you momentum for three turns at the start of combat which lets you move an extra 5T per remaining turn of this effect so that's like an extra 15 ft at the start of combat so that's huge with your dual wielding each turn you'll be able to get to your targets pretty easily the spider silk armor you can get that from Menara whether recruit her or she drops it in the shattered sanctum so what this will do is give you a plus one to stealth checks then advantage on Constitution saving throws okay for gloves the gloves of power really good this basically affects them with Absolut Bane so they'll get a 1 D4 penalty to their attack roles and saving throws when you hit hit them and then you get a plus one to your slide of hand so this is looted from the goblin boss in front of the Druid Grove pretty much guaranteed to get that um gloves of the growling Underdog is also a good option so this will give you advantage on melee attack rolls when you're surrounded by two or more foes that's going to happen a lot you can find that on draw raglins treasure crates in the shattered sanctum and then also give you a strength of plus one your saving throws gloves of archery I would run on both your ranged if you're going to go the ranged route or if you're going to go the melee route I would keep these on hand in case you do need to shoot your bow once in a while it's going to give you proficiency with those bows which you're already going to have anyway but it's going to give you an addition two damage on all your ranged attacks then you can get that from grat the trader and the Goblin Camp then the gloves of thievery I would definitely recommend keeping all the way through all three AXS whether you're going the ranged route or the melee route you're going to use these to steal things um it's going to give you advantage on all slide of hand check so you're going to roll two dice use the higher value can buy it from brim and The interm Hideout after you complete the finding the missing shipment uh quest for him Smuggler ring another thing I would carry through just to help you put it on when you're going to steal stuff that'll give you a plus two stealth plus two slide of hand and minus one Charisma but you're only going to be equipping it once in a while l from a skeleton near the broken bridge section at the Risen Road and then the costic band is a really good one this will add two acid damage to your weapon attacks I would actually probably use that up until act three when you get better options sold by Darth bone cloak and then Mike and colony and then Crushers ring this gives you an extra 10 ft of movement speed you'll get that from Crusher in the goblin Camp all right now amulets there's only one I recommend from act one I mean I'm sure there's other options but this is the one I thought was the best Amulet of Misty step just gives you Misty step you'll find that in a gilded chest next to the bed behind pulma in the defiled Temple or I can spawn an M's trading inventory apparently now then you have boots of genal striding it's going to make it so your movement speed isn't uned by difficult terrain you can get that from blur in the mic in Colony and then these are the boots I would ultimately go for and I would recommend running these probably until act three as well maybe even the whole game disintegrating night Walkers so this will give you Misty step once per short rest and then you can't be in webbed entangled or ins snared and you can't slip on Grease or ice so that's a huge one that's worn by n the dude you fighting the Grim Forge and then if you're going to go the hand crossbow route this is the best you're going to get this the hand crossbow plus one and there's multiple I think you can get Darth bone cloak and the Mike and colony and Damon in the hollow that's about as good as it gets for those at this point and then if you are going to go the pure ranged route this is definitely what I would recommend there's nothing really better than this Titan string bow it does 1d8 plus one plus your dexterity modifier piercing damage and then it deals additional damage equal to your strength modifier so in the beginning remember I said you take points out of strength cuz you won't need it well you can still do that because of well let me tell you where to get this from first Ram in The zent Hideout or land tarve on the main floor of moonrise Towers that's an act too though this is is what you're going to want to run with that this will set your strength to 19 just by having it on you you're pretty much using that just to buff your Titan string bow but yeah worth it found by breaking the stool of giant Hill strength on the highest floor of the Arcane Tower with Bernard so that's in the underd dark and then with that I would run the adamantine Shield when a melee attack misses you the attacker sent Reeling for two turns you get Shield bash and then attackers can't lend critical hits on you and it gives you plus two to your armor class as well so yeah you'll get that in the adamantine Forge I think everybody knows where to get that and then if you're going ranged maybe run the adamantine scale mill again I didn't go the ranged route so that'll give you reduced all incoming damage by one when a melee attack hits you the attacker sent reing for two turns no crits on the wear disadvantage on stealth Jacks but if you're going ranged you probably won't really need that as much anyway and then for the final set of gear probably run this on the ranged build you could run it on the melee build too but the haste hel I think's better for that is the shadow of menzo Baron in this lets you become invisible for two turns it's like giving you the invisibility spell and then you'll get that from the pale corpse and the mikid colony in the secret area you have to do a quest for that all right next we're going to move on our act two gear first we'll start off with the render of Mind and Body this is a short sword plus one when you attack with Advantage you'll deal an additional 1d8 psychic damage that's like the least resisted damage type in the game so that's a good one and then you'll pretty much always be attacking with Advantage so you'll be getting this quite a bit sold by lar of the main floor of moon R Towers Justice R scimitars next this is a plus two and if you attack with Advantage you'll have a chance to Blind your target that'll give you advantage on all your attacks against that Target they'll have disadvantage on their attack roles and then their ranged attacks can only go about 10 10 ft so that's a pretty good one it also gives you Shadow soaked blow is a special attack which will add your proficiency bonus to the damage and if the attack hits deals an additional 1d6 psychic damage and it doesn't break concealment and then for your melee build I would recommend running the dark fire short bow actually could run this with a range build too it's pretty good overall so this is sold by Damon in the last SL in it's a plus two gives you two resistances both the fire and cold and you get haste spell which you can use once per long rest that'll help you burst down a couple targets pretty quickly in the beginning of combat then if you're going to hand cross rout this is where we're going to get some better options we got the Hellfire hand crossbow you can get this from your gear and The Gauntlet of sh so this is a plus two hand crossbow you can inflict burning while attacking while you're hiding or invisible gives you scorching Ray once per short rest and yeah about as good as it gets for hand crossbows for the rest of the game other than this one as well the near misser so this one's a plus one but it does force damage instead of normal piercing damage and it'll also give you magic Missile once per short rest that's sold by Ron glow in the moonrise Towers okay and then if you didn't go the dark urge route this is where we're going to get a better cloak the cloak of protection gives you plus one to armor class and plus one to saving throws so that's pretty decent and then you can purchase that from Quarter Master T the last side in for armor the yont scale ma is really good this is a 15 Armor class medium armor um and it adds your full dexterity modifier to your armor class normally it only adds half I think for medium armor additionally this armor does not impose disadvantage on stealth ability checks and then you get a plus one to your initiative roles so that's good for this class and then that one you'll get from quartermaster T and the last Light in for gloves we've got the flaw hell dust gloves so you get these from Damon and lost light in if you give him an infernal iron he'll give you this so they'll Grant you 1 D4 extra fire damage to your weapon attacks and then your unarmed attacks get additional damage but you're not going to be unarmed and then you also get plus one to your strength saving throws okay after that is the dark Justice ARS gauntlets this are the Green version there's actually two different versions I'll go over the other one in a second this gives you umbrell attack where your weapon attacks deal an additional 1 D4 necrotic damage and then you get the strength saving throws plus one you get that on a pile of boxes in The Gauntlet of sh near that demon guy where you get the Hell Fire crossbow and then the Blue version version you'll get these from spoilers killing Night song so these do the same thing 1 D4 extra necrotic damage and then the strength saving throw is plus one but then you'll also get beckoning Darkness the level four spell you can cast as a bonus action and what that's going to do it's going to make the target Take 2 to eight necrotic damage if it enters or starts its turn in a lightly or heavily obscured area okay for amulet is the surgeon subjugation amulet this thing is insanely overpowered I would carry this all the way to the end of the game this gives you paralyzing critical when you score a crit hit on a humanoid you can choose to paralyze the target for two turns recharges on a long rest um when they're paralyzed they fail all strength and dexterity saving throws any attack rolls against them have advantage and then any attack roll made against this creature within 10 ft is an automatic critical hit use that on a boss enemy and it's GG's yeah definitely carry that through the end game my recommendation that's worn by malice Thorn at the house of healing killer sweethearts another good ring this one is going to give you executioner when you kill a creature your next attack roll will be a critical hit and then that refreshes once per long rest but that's a good way to get a crit when you need it uh found lying on the ground where the shadowy copy of the player's character died in the selfsame trial inside the gauntlet of sh shifting Corpus ring is another good one this one I'd probably run well you can run on other build I guess too uh the other options I think are better but still a good one gives you invisibility and blur and this is dropped by flaming fist margus at the last Light in and then the dark Justice R helmet this is a medium armor helmet it's going to give you a plus one to saving throws against spells while obscured the number you need to roll a critical hit is reduced by one and that can stack with your other items like the knife of the Mountain King so you can rolling 18 19 or 20 if you have both those and then Constitution saving throws plus one that's found inside a gilded chest inside the gauntlet of sh so that's what I'd recommend running but there is the option of the covert cow as well so when you're obscured the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one and that can also stack then you get plus one to dexterity saving throws and that's a light armor that's carried by a mean loock creature in the seller of last Light a all right for act three gear we go over the weapons first the first thing I'd recommend is the blood thirst this is dropped from or defeating Orin the number you need to roll a critical hit is reduced by one which can stack which is super good good gives you true strike which you can use as a can trip once per short rest and a bonus action kind of mid don't really care about that it's a bound weapon so it can't be knocked out of your hand and when you throw it returns to you but you're not going to be throwing anyway when it's in your main hand you're going to want to run this in the main Hand by the way this gives you exploit weakness so creatures hit with this weapon receive vulnerability to piercing damage which is going to double all of your piercing damage and this is piercing damage so offhand when they miss with a melee attack you may retaliate and gain true strike that's still pretty good but you definitely want that vulnerability to piercing damage and ALS increase your armor class plus one in the off hand your other option is the Crimson Mischief this is another one you're going to want to run in your main hand as well also drop by Orin this will give you an additional 1 D4 piercing damage against targets with 50% of their hit points or fewer when you make an attack with Advantage the target take an additional seven piercing damage that's pretty much every time anyway that's for main hand only and then for offhand when you make an attack with your offhand weapon you add your ability modifier to the damage of the attack but that doesn't stack with two weapon fighting which is what you're going to grab if you're dueling anyway so that's kind of useless for your ranged options the dead shots really good it's a plus two bow it's going to give you improved critical which is reduces the number you need to roll a crit by one which you can also stack so again you can run that with all the other things and get your crits down to like 16 17 18 19 20 type of thing Keen attack you double your proficiency bonus when rolling ranged attacks with this weapon unless they have disadvantage so that gives you a decent amount more damage that's sold by Fitz the firecracker at the storm Shore Armory in the lower City then you have the vicious short bow so this is a plus two bow and it gives you doar amorus when you land a critical hit with any weapon attack it deals an additional seven damage so we're going for crits with this that just helps it even further that's sold by echo of abaz angal in the murder tribunal if you accept ball and become a holy assassin so you might not be able to get that anyway and then next is the gun male I'm probably saying that wrong but this thing is extremely powerful it's a plus three bow probably arguably the best bow in the game it's going to give you promised Victory on a hit you'll inflict guiding bolt upon the target which will give you advantage on your next attack or anybody who attacks them next and then it gives you glowing it shines with a glowing light of within 20 ft you can toggle that on and off and Celestial haste which is a better version of haste we can use that once per short rest so this gives you hasten for five turns but you don't suffer lethargic when it ends that's plus two to Armor class and advantage on dexterity saving throws your movement speed will be doubled and you get additional action so that's huge super good looted from the steel Watcher Titan in the basement of the steel watch Foundry there's s Rock's horned helmet which you can get from looting him during act three a medium armor it gives you deathbringer sight you get dark vision up to 10 ft or 50 ft if you already have dark vision the number you need to roll a crit is reduced by one which can stack and then you can't be frightened and you can't be afflicted with other emotion altering conditions so that's a solid one there's also the hell dusk helmet which I recommend for the melee build so this will give you let you see in magical and ordinary Darkness up to a range of 40 ft and you cannot be blinded so that runs really well with the darkness spell it also gives you a plus two bonus to saving throws against spells and attackers can't land crits on the we and then you get emulating gaze sear and frighten a target with with nothing but your glow you deal an additional 2 to8 fire damage against burning creatures you get that in a vault in the House of Hope next is the cloak of displacement so this will give you displacement at the beginning of the wearer's turn the cloak activates granting enemies disadvantage on attack roles that Target the wearer and that lasts until you take damage so the world two dice needs the lower value and if you already have a really high Armor class then GG's they're not going to be hitting you very often this is an act three you'll get it from the Traer andoral danelon and danon's dancing Axe and worm's Crossing and again that works every single turn next for the arm is the ballist armor so you don't necessarily always have the option for this but this is sold by Eko of abaz zagal in the murder tribunal if you accept ball and become an Unholy assassin so this is a 14 Armor class light armor gives you Aura of murder enemies within 6 and 1/2 ft become vulnerable to piercing damage unless they're resistant or immune to it and then you get a plus two to your initiative roles so that's very very strong in both cases next is the armor of agility this is a 17 Armor class medium armor exotic material add your full dexterity modifier to your armor class additionally the this armor does not impose disadvantage on stealth ability checks and then you get plus two to your saving throws adding your whole dexterity modifier which is probably plus 5 to 17 that's a 22 Armor class and then that's sold by gloomy Fenton in the stormore Armory okay for gloves we have the hell dust gloves so these will give you a plus one bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save DC your weapon attacks will deal an additional 1d6 fire damage and then the unarmed part of it doesn't really matter you get strength saving throws plus one and you'll get rays of fire can trip you can use once per short rest it's like scorching Ray basically like you see the Masters are really good pair of gloves too this gives you a plus two bonus to all attack roll and damage rolls with weapons and then it gives you strength saving throws plus one that's sold by Damon at for of the nine in lower City you could run that one on the ranged or the melee up next is the hell desk boots and these are probably the best boots that you can run so they're going to give you steadfast which you can't be forcibly moved by fo spells or actions and you ignore the effects of difficult terrain infernal Invasion when you fail saving throw you Ma your reaction to succeed instead which is crazy and then you get hell crawler which is like Misty step but you deal 2 d8 Fire d damage wherever you land and that's a 10t radius so that's huge it's so good um that's found in a locked Guild chest on the top floor of worms Rock Fortress and worms Crossing and then for our last piece of gear elegant studed leather probably should have put this with the other armors but this light armor that gives you 14 Armor class it gives you ambusher which is a plus two to your initiative roles advantage on stealth checks and then you'll get Shield you can cast as level one spell once per short rest probably already know what it does increase your armor class by five use this as a reaction and then you'll take no damage from magic Missile and that'll last till your next turn and then that's found in a high Security Vault inside the big vault at the back of the room at the counting house and the lower City all right so I want to show you guys a quick combat example and act three of how this multiclass build typically plays out so usually you're going to want to start out combat with a surprise round by sneaking and attacking unsuspecting enemies with that said you're going to want to toggle on snake attack in the reactions page and the reason you do that is because your snake attack action itself only uses the action and then combat will start so you'll want to open up with your main hand attack which will allow you to use your bonus action as well and then your assassin subass will refresh both of those and you can apply your snake attack to like your bonus action so you can get all three of those and then refresh so it just gives you a little more damage to open up with now keep in mind this isn't like the full true potential of this multiclass build because I'm playing as my dragon born character that was respect from sorcerer just to show you guys this stuff in this video and my gear isn't the very best you can possibly get and then I'm not getting the extra crit damage from being a half or so we'll open up with our main hand attack and you'll want to have dual wielding toggled on for the work too so attack there they're mad at I'm attacking yada yada don't react then my bonus action goes off then I can apply my sneak attack there and boom extra damage there goes 68 HP and that was two attacks so far so I'll toggle off my dualing now so don't Overkill anything here's my third attack everything in a surprise round is a crit guaranteed too so I'm not using my luck of the far Realms there's there's three attacks four attacks and I have my bonus action five attacks darker or uh dread ambusher is six attacks then I can use action surge potentially so that'll give me another attack here seven and attack again that's eight and then I'll end turn and if you have haste that's even better you'll get a few more attacks unless you're in honor modes you'll get one extra attack which still helps a ton so end turn there they're surprised so there they go they lose their combat for that turn and then I can attack again this is when you'd probably want to use luck of the far Realms if you're trying to get as much out as possible and then bonus action she's gone and that's about it for as much you can do see keep in mind that's one character and typically you'd have a party of four so they'd all get extra attack in the surprise round too and that's what 68 plus 54 plus 68 plus 54 plus 68 HP that's like what 190 is 290 something damage just from one character so yeah this multiclass build does a ton of damage and this isn't even the very best gear you can possibly get that's about it thank you guys so much for watching I'll catch you guys in the next one see you don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Omaha
Views: 164,412
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Keywords: honor mode bg3, gloomstalker assassin bg3, gloomstalker assassin bg3 honor mode, gloomstalker assassin baldurs gate 3, honour mode bg3, honor mode tips, honor mode guide bg3, best multiclass baldurs gate 3, best multiclass builds baldurs gate 3, best multiclass builds bg3, gloomstalker assassin multiclass bg3, best honor mode build bg3, best honor mode builds, best ranger build baldurs gate 3, best rogue build bg3, best assassin build bg3, best gloomstalker build bg3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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