Baldur's Gate 3 - BEST Alchemy Crafting Build Guide

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hey guys Max here in this video we're going to be talking about the best alchemy crafting build that we can make in order to help you have the highest chance of success at proing those bonus potions Elixir and poisons now I've seen a bit of misinformation out there in regards to how to create this build I've seen builds that require the cleric class or that build come online at level 10 or level six that's all inaccurate the build that we're about to go over comes online at level five with a 97% success rate and we're going to push that build's l limits all the way to level 99 we are first going to go over the build and then I'm going to explain why it works so well what stats we need to be focusing on and then a small spreadsheet that shows different examples of various builds and how they compare to this one before we begin I'd appreciate it so much if you'd hit the like And subscribe button down below as it really does help the channel grow and this research did take a bit of time in order to make it a strong early game build and if not that's okay just keep watching and give me a chance to change your mind about it let's go so first we're going to head to the hide out and talk to Withers to get a new hirling fate do thou require very well choose and the hirling we're going to get is Brianna bright song who is a halfling and we're going to talk about why we're picking her and the beneficial racial traits that she'll have here in a minute and now that we have her recruited we're just going to talk to Withers to Respec our class F thou require As and we're going to choose wizard for level one these spells do not matter although bonus tip I like to choose a couple spells from this list that I can cast on my party members while she doesn't have to stay in the party like long Strider is a pretty good one uh but uh abilities you just need to make sure that you have wisdom level 16 it does not matter what these other ones are you just need to make sure wisdom 16 so just spread these out however you want and then proficiencies this is very important you need to make sure that you switch one of your two to Medicine so change it from plus three to + 5 and this is going to come into play later in the video when this all comes together and that's going to wrap up the Respec next we're going to level up to level two we're going to stay with wizard and we're going to choose the the subclass transmutation the Spells do not matter at all just pick any two that you want doesn't matter now before we go to level three let's back out a second and let's take a look at her stats okay so because she's a Hing she gets the trait Hing luck when you roll a one on an ability check you can roll the die and use the new one this is basically a fail safe so when we're trying to proc our potions if we roll a one this gives us a second chance and then because we chose wizard level two with the subclass transmutation we get experimental Alchemy this is what allows us to do the procs on the potions and The Elixir uh as long as we succeed a dc15 medicine check okay now medicine check keep that in mind because when we were going over our proficiency bonuses we chose the one to level it up from three to five remember that okay this is very important the next step is to increase this number as high as possible and as soon as possible which is what we're going to go over next so we're going to come back to leveling instead of wizard we're going to Branch off to Bard and it doesn't matter any of this just hit accept now the next Bard level again just choose any spell you want it honestly doesn't matter accept now our character level is level five and we're barred level three this is where everything comes together the spell you want to choose is enhance ability very important make sure you get this okay the subass does not matter and then on The Bard option up here we get to choose more proficiency bonuses as a Bard at this level and the first three on the left column it it doesn't matter uh just choose whatever you want but the medicine on the right column is what we want to get okay we want we want to increase this medicine from five which we did earlier to seven okay and with medicine level seven we're going to finish leveling up and then we're going to go back to our character another bonus tip for you if you're playing on honor mode is that now that we have a level three bar we have access to an extra song of rest which gives your party an extra short rest so nice little bonus there so now we're going to be talking about our medicine proficiency bonus remember when we leveled up medicine from 5 to 7 on that last level bar level three take a look at this our medicine Prof proficiency is now level 9 well why is that well because we placed a point into medicine for proficiency bonus at level one that means that we will get an extra plus one bonus to medicine at character level five and character level 9 and because we just hit level five not only did it give us the plus two that we just added from bar level three but it also gives us that plus one from leveling up our character at level five but Max the math doesn't add up right like you know that would beev level eight medicine not level 9 well you're right but because we increased medicine again with that plus two at the third level of Bard it gave us plus two at level five instead of plus one and it's also going to give us plus two again at character level 9 instead of plus one which means at level five we have plus n to Medicine proficiency which gives us a 97% chance to double proc our Alchemy crafts so let's see how far we can push this let's go back to leveling up our character which is now level six but let's hit Bard level four pick whatever spells you want and we're going to get the feat which is going to allow us to increase our wisdom from 16 to 18 this is going to give you a plus one bonus to your medicine proficiency so now we're bumping it up from 9 to 10 and then we're going to switch back over to wizard pick whatever two spells you want for level seven and then at wizard level four which is character level eight again pick whatever spells you want doesn't matter but we're getting that second feet which is going to push our wisdom from 18 to 20 which is going to push our medicine proficiency from 10 to 11 so let's go take a look at that real quick and as you can see our medicine proficiency is level 11 but we have one more step to take to push this to the max get it Max no okay fine anyways remember when I said that we're going to get another plus two to Medicine just for hitting character level 9 well that's our next character level right so let's just go level up and you can choose any class that you want doesn't have to be cleric doesn't need to be ranger bar to wizard again so for fun let's just choose fighter that's like a melee class right we'll hit that and then we're going to go back to medicine and now because we hit Level 9 and we chose those proficiency bonuses at level one when we created the character and at Bard level three it gave us a plus two to our medicine checks now here's a small spreadsheet that I made with various different build path to show the character levels the class that was chosen at that level and what medicine proficiency came out of that this First Column here is the build that we just worked on this second one is the same thing except that fighter class that we chose in the any class section of level 9 I just switched that into level s just to see how it would play out the end result is the same but uh it's less efficient here at eight and these other builds here are just examples of me trying out different things to collect more data these two builds right here represent the plus one bonus for when you hit Level five and level 9 uh up here are the success rates these first four are part of the build that we just talked about this is level 9ine level eight level six and then the two wizard three bar is the level five that I talked about at the beginning of the video where this pops off this two wizard 4 cleric I saw this on Reddit uh but it had a 85% chance of succeeding with a seven medicine uh proficiency and this is at level six this one above it is level five character level five two wizard three bar and I even tried a uh five level Wizard and it was the same uh percentage on the uh success rate and I did 200 crafts for each of these just to make sure that I gave a good representation of each of the builds and all that's left to do is start crafting uh make sure you use enhance ability which is what we picked up at Bard level three and you want to use the owl's wisdom on your self and this is going to give us advantage on our wisdom checks for when we're crafting and then we're going to do this with level five like I said at the beginning of the video is when it starts to pop off and let's just do a few crafts here let's do uh antidotes we'll do 10 of those so we'll see if we have 20 in our bag let's do uh potion of [Music] speed let's do some Elixir uh rank one Arcane cultivation let's do colossa and then let's do some poison let's do um Dr poison 10 of those and let's do 10 simple toxins and then at level five we hit 20 20 19 19 20 and 20 that means out of six different crafts of 10 we missed out on two procs that's awesome right this is very helpful for Honor mode especially when you hit level eight and level nine and you start getting into Boulders gate itself and you start crafting the good stuff like elixir of cloud giant strength you don't want to miss out on that 1 two 3% chance to fail crafting this same thing with elixir of universal resistance which bonus tip this is actually a potion not an Elixir so you can drink both of these at the same time the best potion in the game for healing potion of Supreme healing and then these two are really awesome while you're in act one and two oil of accuracy for Honor mode plus two bonus to your attack roles that's awesome and then uh serpent Fang toxin is one of the four ranks of poison that you can do as well so good stuff for Honor mode as you get higher up uh into the levels on this build it just gets better and better and it just reassures that you won't fail on those crafts and that's it if you feel I deserve it smash that like button and do please consider subscribing to the channel if you want to see more balers Gam three content like this I really do appreciate it and I'll see you in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Maxxramus
Views: 7,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maxxramus, Baldur's Gate 3, bg3, hidden, secret, tips, tricks, act 1, act 2, act 3, alchemy, alchemy guide, alchemy build, transmutation, potions, elixirs, poisons, gernades, bombs, elixir of cloud giant strength, elixir of universal resistance, oil of accuracy, honor mode, gold dice, golden dice, crafting, brinna brightsong, bard, wizard, medicine, proficiency
Id: 8ImtdwQ0qTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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