Huge Changes Buffs & Nerfs Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 6

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patch 64 balers Gate 3 is live and with it comes a ton of big changes as well as Buffs and Nerfs and today we're going to talk about it let's get to it so just a quick warning to anybody who hasn't beaten the game yet this video is going to contain massive spoilers I won't be holding anything back so we're going to start off with some of the stuff that they highlighted and then dive into the more nitty-gritty details you can now dismiss a recruited companion from your party while speaking to the companion you want to replace them with this is an absolutely phenomenal change cuz it's really annoying to have to go back over to somebody dismiss them first and then go to the new person that you want to recruit this just speeds up the process when a dialogue triggers automatically the game will now try to prioritize your avatar character as the main speaker this is another phenomenal change that should have already been taken care of a long time ago because it is super annoying when you end up with the wrong person in dialogue especially when it is not the face of your party if you started your game on a set difficulty you can now switch to custom mode except when already playing in honor mode next up they fixed the shield bash and rebuke of the mighty passives not triggering saving throws it's just always good when stuff works properly moving on to a host of gameplay changes you can now toggle off repelling blasts as expected this is really good to be able to do because there may be certain situations where you don't want to knock somebody off a ledge cuz you want their loot Auto selecting your camp supplies before a long rest will use resources more optimally this is a really good one because I qu quick LLY realized when playing the game that using the Auto Select camp supplies was never a really good option because it would often select too much or sometimes it would tell you it selected the proper amount but if you actually did the math properly it was more than what you needed it just didn't show it on the screen so hopefully this fixes all of that group hide now works on all party members controlled by the player including followers and summons it's really annoying when your summons don't hide when everybody else is hiding this next one is a two-parter and there's one of these that's way better than the other so they made it possible to dismiss party members during Camp nights that's okay but the really good one here is they also made it possible to recruit hirelings to a full party they just hang around Camp until you need them this is so good I've gone to grab a hirling for testing purposes many many many times and forgotten to have kicked somebody out of my party first and you go through all Wither's dialogue just to realize you can't recruit them and then you got to go talk to somebody to kick them out of your party so that you can go then bring a Hing into your party and this just gets rid of all of that fuss the elixir of Hill giant strength now applies it's a back when thrown I guess all elixir have done this in the past I don't know why you'd need to throw one wouldn't you have just drank it beforehand but either way this is a good fix if all other Elixir work in the same way they should all work that way as a quality of life Improvement the packed weapon condition now remains after long rest can we get a heck yeah in the comments that is super annoying to have to apply every single day and have to remember this is a phenomenal quality of life Edition now we're going to start getting into some of the Buffs and Nerfs so they buffed some stuff in tactician mode the dder has a special Sanctuary called spindle web Sanctuary that erupts in psychic explosion when the status condition ends in addition his spendal web fanaticism ARA will now debuff his enemies they also improved combat AI pathfinding through dangerous surfaces and through steep terrain they increased the number of valid methods of knocking out Menara in order to recruit her so basically they just made it much easier to recruit Menara than she already was which is definitely a good thing we'll get back to some more Buffs and Nerfs here in a minute but first on to UI because these patch notes are all over the place and I'm just going in order so the trade interface got a graphic overhaul clarifying which character is bartering for your party what their persuasion score is and how much of a discount they're getting for the trade the feedback when bartering has also been improved to indicate the status of the offer this is phenomenal they did an absolutely amazing job on this and it looked looks great I love the overhaul to the UI for trading the whole party's inventory is now present in the trade interface which doesn't require you to switch characters to sell items from their inventories anymore this is also phenomenal so when you go to trade everybody who's in your party's inventory is just there for you to sell from so you don't got to swap back and forth to whoever in order to make trades or go grab stuff from their inventory or just leave the interface in general this is a phenomenal change great quality of life improvements they added custom mode settings to the lobby UI giving you time to create personalized experience while waiting for your friends they also made it so that the camp chest is now integrated into the camp inventory's UI so now when you click the little UI to bring up everybody's inventory that's in your Camp they changed that labeled that camp inventories and now when you click it you also see your Camp chest there this is great because this means you can just anywhere in the camp you can access your Camp chest you don't need to run up to it it's a massive time save and a phenomenal change all right back to Buffs and Nerfs so this one's a bit of a Nerf so in honor modes this is only in autom mode the additional attack granted by haste no longer grants extra attacks to the Slayer form so big Nerf to Slayers in otor mode the grasping Vine spell has been updated to be more useful in combat it has better stats and it spawns vines in a radius wind summon that's a buff the tadpole power fractured psyche's follow-up spell shatter psyche is now a bonus action if you have the awakened feet that's a buff Mage Slayer and potent now work while in Wild shape and other shape shift forms that's also a buff or maybe a fix but it could be a fix that's actually a buff player characters in mind flare form no longer gain an armor class buff to their form so if I understand that correctly that is a Nerf to the Mind flare form but that form is already so strong anyway you could have Zero armor class and you would still be an absolute Beast mimics got a buff they now have increased attack damage several NPC spells will no longer be able to Target characters with the sanctuary condition as intended this is a definite buff to Sanctuary because there's been a lot of things that have been able to Target you while you have that on and they should not be able to Jahira can now use her Panther form while she's a party follower she can also now use lesser restoration and call lightning that's buff to jira counter spelling legendary action that can be counter spelled now removes the legendary action condition as well that's definitely a buff the slayer's Relentless lunge attack now breaks Sanctuary so that's a buff and a Nerf at the same time so if you're fighting a Slayer then that's going to hurt you but if you are the Slayer and you have that ability then that is going to buff you so I'd say that's a break even thing they fixed near n's legendary Action Now correctly triggers when he is attacked rather than when he attacks so I guess this wasn't working as intended and they fixed it they increased the difficulty of krick's encounter in tactician and honor mode so as I stated earlier they made a lot of little changes here and there to tactician mode to make it a little bit harder and I'll just be pointing out some of the bigger ones now this next one is really really interesting so I wanted to make sure I pointed it out the change itself isn't that big of a deal but what they stated here is so the Apostle of merkel's finger of death spell is now treated as a level seven spell instead of a canant trip so if you don't know our spells only go to level six this means the game has an innate capability to already go higher than level six spells so even though that this is an NPC that's casting a level seven spell this tells us that that system is already hardwired into the game to go higher than level six this means later on we could get patches that give us level seven spells or we could get a DLC that brings level seven or level eight or higher level spells and I just thought that was really interesting to point out there and kind of build a little bit of height for what the future of this game could have because this tells us that that system is in place to go higher than level six and that's without being modded I know you can mod higher level spells into the game but that's them modding them in and that doesn't necessarily mean that that's already hardwired into the game modders can do a lot they made several improvements to the combat with the gandhian who will be much more careful now for example they raised their dexterity to 14 gave them the blur spell gave them better armor and granted them light and medium armor proficiency hdor now heals for 100 hit points instead of 20 when he completes his ritual and ascends so yeah he got a massive buff they upgraded Hope's armor from half plate armor to Plate armor but at the same time they also changed her Shield to a regular shield instead of a plus two Shield so she kind of got a buff and an Earth at the same time so she's going to be about as useful as she was beforehand they fixed bystander NPCs not reacting to you damaging someone else by pushing them shove Thunder Wave Etc if the landing position of the victim is too far from the NPCs so beforehand if you shoved somebody far enough away from other people they just didn't realize it happened because they were so far away when they landed but now just you doing it is going to trigger some type of reaction from NPCs the bottled breath potion no longer lets you cast gust of wind infinite times so they nerfed that or fixed it whichever you prefer this next one is so good cuz it's something that has driven me nuts forever if you send Shadow har to Camp she'll keep the artifact on her if a custom character or a hirling has the artifact and is dismissed to Wither's wardrobe the artifact will transfer to another character so you don't have to carry that freaking artifact around in your inventory all the time you can pass it off to Shadow heart and leave it there on her fig a bug related to the permanent sea invisibility condition granted by volo's ID what whatever that is I the condition will now remain after the character who had it is killed and then resurrected so now you can die and ensure that you keep that permanent Buff when you cast hold person/ monster polymorph or dominate person/ monster from a place where no NPC can see you so this also means if you're invisible NPCs will notice the victim getting affected by your spell and will start to investigate stink Cloud saving throws can now be made with Advantage if the character has advantage against poison SA throws that is a Nerf to stink Cloud items can only be sent to specific companions in Camp if a party member is in camp at the time water Elementals and water meridon can now recover from Deep Water chasms this is interesting because this means if you get knocked into a Chasm when you are in that form and there is water in the chasm so it's not like a bottomless pit you can apparently recover from that so that's pretty cool feature and definitely a buff to shape shifting into those forms this next one is a massive Nerf and I'll explain why afterwards so they fixed transmutation Stones not being destroyed when their Caster leaves the party so if you didn't know you can make a transmutation stone that gives you Constitution saving throw proficiency which is great because it's a really easy way to give your class proficiency and Constitution saving throws if your class doesn't have it it was really easy to exploit this because you could just get a bunch of hirelings make them a wizard and then make them make the transmutation Stones put it on your character kick them out of the par leave them hang out in Camp and now you have permanent Proficiency in Constitution saving throws well now you can't do that so that sucks that's a massive Nerf the wave mother's robe no longer lets you use watery regeneration outside of turnbas mode and combat that kind of sucks and that's a bit of a Nerf the armor of landfalls green bed regeneration passive now correctly regenerates hit points at the start of a turn this is uh phenomenal and uh this is something that I tried to build around beforehand but could not because it was broken and so it's fantastic that they fix that armor piece warlocks bound packed weapon can no longer be disarmed as it should be fantastic fix the staff of cherished necromancy life Essence is now consumed as expected after casting a necromancy spell that's a good fix it's kind of a Nerf because uh well it was broken obviously so it's a fix but uh yeah it was very broken because you could just build those charges and cast spells for free as long as they were necromancy spells and that's been that way for some time so it's about they fix that all Paladin actions now work with freecast elth powers that's a good little buff there to paladins we got a bunch of Buffs and fixes to the Wild Heart barbarians so wolf wild heart barbarians Now Grant advantage to allies for unarmed melee attacks not just melee weapon attacks including unarmed spell attacks like shocking grass this is really strong and this can be even stronger if you have a specific set of gloves that allow you to turn any spell into a melee spell that's a Fant fantastic buff all wild heart barbarians now correctly receive resistance to Falling damage while enraged bare Wild Heart barbarians now correctly deal rage bonus damage to unarmed attacks like other barbarians The Tavern baller feat now also applies the bonus damage to improvised weapon attacks I'm pretty sure it was supposed to already do that so I think this is just a fix correct me if I'm wrong down there in the comments they fixed a bug preventing you from pinning surface tool tips this is something that showed up in a previous patch a bug that was introduced I don't know when how or where or why or what happened but I noticed I wasn't able to do it anymore so it's nice that this got fixed and you can now check uh surfaces with tool tips because it lets you see how long that surface has left on the ground magic items present within dismissed character inventories can now be donated to Gail I'm so glad they are improving the whole donat your item to Gail nonsense because it has been an absolute pain I don't like to donate items to him to begin with but having it be as much of a pain as it was uh this is a great change here's another one of those they buffed tactician mode notes in tactician mode cloaker fantasms Action Now summons an additional illusionary duplicate and cloakers have the alert feet if you escape prison and then return to your cell and close the door without being noticed by anyone Allied to the arresting guards you'll no longer be considered a fugitive this is hilarious so you could just escape from prison go do some stuff and then put yourself back in jail and no one will care I don't know why you would want to do that but it's cool that they put little details like that in there the achievements relating to specific Origins will now be unlocked for all players in the session not just the player involved in the moment this affects the following achievements and then it just lists all of the achievements that it affects that's a really cool change because that ensures that if you're in multiplayer and someone is doing an origin character you get the those achievements too good boys scratch and the albear Cub will now play together in any Camp not just the main one in the wilderness from Act One Reading Mena's map after leaving the Wilderness now correctly reveals the location it's supposed to reveal after you return I'm not sure what that one means that's why I highlighted it and wanted to read it out loud to you all if you know what this is referring to let me know down there in the comments cuz I mean this is obviously a good thing because it's supposed to do this and it wasn't before but I just don't understand what it's talking about here I never ran into this this issue or this thing casting moon beam on a blighted area in the shadow cursed lands will lead to the Caster losing concentration over the spell and dispelling it oils that can be used to coat weapons now indicate their duration in the tool tips this is a great little thing here because it's super nice to be able to plan a little bit better and this gives you that info to help you plan a little bit better instead of just using the oil and hoping it lasts long enough or as long as you need it to Tool tips for spells requiring concentration now more prominently display a war morning if you are already using concentration to maintain another spell this is such a welcome addition and such a nice low quality of life thing because I am really bad about using another concentration spell when I'm already using a concentration spell I do it all the time by mistake so this is a nice little thing that will hopefully help keep me from doing that as much in the future and then the list just goes on and on and on and on it's like a book but a lot of this stuff is just little fixes and tweaks and I didn't notice anything else that was to like stand out that you should really be concerned about just a ton of fixes and little tiny changes here and there there is one thing I want to point out that I did notice and I think it's going to drive a lot of people nuts and that is with the UI changes that they made they also remove the numbers in the character Creations so it's just those big chunky sliders now that you also see in all of the other menus and I'm not really bothered by this but I feel like this is probably going to frustrate a bunch of people so I just wanted to point that out to you so it's not a shock the next time you boot up the game let me know what you all think about all of these little Buffs and Nerfs and changes down there in the comment section and if you enjoyed this video please consider hitting the Subscribe button and notification Bell so you can be notified when I upload other videos and if you're looking for some more balers gate content you should check out one of my other videos on the screen right now I want to give an absolute massive shout out and thank you to all of my channel supporters for helping to keep these videos sponsor free you all are absolutely amazing people if you would like to become an official Channel supporter check out the links in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and share your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 93,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3 patch 6, patch 6 bg3, bg3 patch 6
Id: vbCaiKUT8wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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