MTV's Most Awkward Show

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I couldn't even finish watching this, and I love Drew Gooden. The fact that Rachel was ok with being associated with this creepy, exploitative show is such a bad look.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hairnetqueen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched this video drunk last night and don’t remember seeing Rachel at all. Guess I’ll rewatch later lmao. Side note, I love him!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dankblonde πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched this last night and was thinking about how wild it is she hosts it!! I was so uncomfortable

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EcstaticExperience πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What rock have you been hiding under?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nafafonafafofo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes. I knew this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rylensmommy18 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hey guy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PM_ME_UR_GLABELLA_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

i was just about to post this too! i was so surprised/confused to see rachel. also I recognized travis mills because I used to watch his (ex?)girlfriend's youtube videos (madeline petsch, from riverdale) this show's concept is so creepy and terrible and i'm pretty disappointing rachel is associated with it, honestly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/squeegiebeckheim πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched a few episodes just because I saw Rachel would be a part of it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I felt like most of the "stories" were fake or at least heavily produced. But hey, most "reality" shows are...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/expatigorical πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Do these people at least get some money out of this? It's so awkward and embarrassing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BachCatch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- [Drew] You're watching MTV, a channel that is neither music or television. Coming up next, we got a six-hour marathon of "Teen Grandma," but first, a brand-new episode of "White Guy Complain." (upbeat techno music plays) - Hi. So the Golden Globes were last week, and to be honest, I'm kind of having a rough time, 'cause none of my favorite shows where nominated. Yeah, "The Queen's Gambit" was very good, but "Ridiculousness" is on its 20th season, and they've never won anything. And then, I was gonna make a joke about a different MTV show, but "Ridiculousness" is the only thing that ever plays on that channel, so that's all I got. Apparently, the only way to watch other MTV shows is on YouTube or Snapchat, 'cause that's where I found out about my new favorite show, "Ghosted." (Kalimba music plays) - That's really cool. - If you haven't seen it yet, it's very much in the same vein as "Catfish," except with sort of the inverse premise. So, rather than people confronting someone they've talked to online, but never met; it's people who have dated until one of them inexplicably up and left, and the other one wants to know why. But it's a very similar show, which is good, because "Catfish" is pretty entertaining, even though every episode is kind of exactly the same. All right, so I've been talkin' to this girl online for goin' on nine years now, and I'm starting to get a little suspicious. Every time I ask her to do a video call, she'll say that her internet's not working, even if she's out of the house. Or she'll say that her phone always catches on fire when she FaceTimes and she doesn't wanna burn her hands again. Which I understand! What does she look like? Is she pretty? Oh my God, most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. She has this beautiful, long, blonde, short black hair. Sometimes her eyes are green, sometimes they're brown. It's like she's four different girls, and the fact that I get to date all of them, makes me the luckiest guy in the world. Did you notice all these pictures have watermarks on them? Yeah! I did see that. I think it's... You know how when you get professional photography done, they'll send you, like sample photos before you pay the full amount? I think she's just smart with her money, and never pays full-price for pictures. Uh-huh And if I'm being honest, that's the kind of financial responsibility I need in my life right now, because I have a crippling furniture addiction. Yeah, you do have a lot of chairs in here, I noticed. Okay, so you said you were getting suspicious, is there any particular reason why? No, not really. Mhm. Okay, well I guess... She has been doing this weird prank lately, where she'll text me like, "Hey, I'm so sorry, "I have to come clean. "I can't believe I lied to you for nine years. "I'm actually a little boy named Fred, "and I wanted to stop, but you're just so gullible, "I couldn't find a way to." I don't really get what the joke is, but she's so funny. She actually sent me some of her stand-up last month. - You know what you're breath smells like? Dun-ham! (audience laughs) That's Jeff Dunham. No, no, no, no. She's the puppet. The other thing that "Ghosted" is really similar to is that radio show that Danny made a video about. The one where people call in like, "I had a great time with this girl, "but then I never heard from her again. "I don't know what happened." And then they track down the girl, and she's like, "Yeah, you literally "shot me with a gun that night. "Of course I'm not gonna call you back." And he's like, "Man, nice guys really do finish last!" So now that I've spent one hour setting it up, let me just show you some clips from the show. - [Narrator] On this episode of "Ghosted: Love Gone Missing," Travis and Rachel are helping Ross figure out why his girlfriend of six months up and left with no warning. - With no warning, that's an important detail to remember for later. He was totally blindsided by this, has no idea why she would leave. - You met at this event, Tinderella? - Yes. - What is that? - It's a millennial dating game, they put all of our profiles on the projector. It was like, me, this other nondescript dude, and then a really hot guy. So, you know, she picked him. (whooshing sound) His name's Brian. (whooshing sound) - Brian. - [Ross] I didn't get a chance to get her number. We did lock eyes, so I said in my head, "I'm not giving up." - Did you see how quickly his face shifted in like, the creepiest way? - I did get in touch with the guy who runs Tinderella and has the email list. So, yeah, I got her email. - What did the email say? - [Ross] Hey Jordan, I don't know if you remember me, but do you think that we could go get coffee? - [Drew] Hey Jordan, I'm the guy who looked at you. Do you remember that? I remember that. I'll never forget it. Hey, why did you pick Brian? Is it 'cause he's hot? I don't think he's that hot. I only said that for TV. Will you get coffee with me? I need to look at you again. I'm free every day at 3 a.m. Please respond right now. - Her response was yes! - [Narrator] Things seemed to be going well, but Ross kept a big part of his life from Jordan. - Does she ever go to one of your stand-up shows? - [Ross] No. - Why? - She's never been to one of your stand-up shows? - Because it's kind of emasculating when you bomb. - That's another detail to remember. She never saw his stand-up, but according to him, it was because he was embarrassed. Not for any other reason. - [Ross] Jordan is actually openly bisexual, and I'm kind of just half a virgin still. I'm just like, kind of plain. - He's half a virgin? Which half? - [Ross] No one really called me daddy. - [Rachel] Did she call you daddy? - She did, yeah yeah. - How did you respond to that? - I said, "Yeah, I'm your daddy." - Yeah, you're my daughter. I had sex with your mom last night. Aww shit. Things were going great, but then outta nowhere, she ghosted him. 'Cause that's what the show's about. - [Ross] Then I looked at her social media (whooshing sound) (upbeat techno music) I realized she blocked me. - I love the way this clip is randomly edited. - I'm ready. I'm ready as I'm gonna be. - [Rachel] All right. - I might puke, but I'm ready. - Don't do that! - [Ross] Thank you. - Thank you. I was totally gonna barf if you didn't tell me not to. - [Ross] Like, in the past nine months, I can't find somebody that measures up to her. - Wait, nine months? They only dated for six. You gotta let this go, man. More time has passed since the relationship than the length of the relationship. It's time to move on. I think that's what's weird about a lot of these episodes; is that at this point, the people who have been ghosted are essentially stalking their ex, but they've hit a dead end, so the MTV crew comes in to be like, "Hey. We can help with that. "We have a team of world-class detectives "and we're gonna track down the person who's made it clear they want nothing to do with you, "so we can force them "to tell us why they want nothing to do with you." - [Travis] Ross gave us Jordan's cell phone number and social media handles. Even though he's blocked from contacting her, we're not. - Technically anyone that's not Ross can contact her. Here's her phone number. You can call her if you want, we're not gonna stop you. - [Voicemail] Please record your message. (beep) - Aww, straight to voicemail. Which is weird, 'cause I always pick up when an unknown number calls me. Since that was a dead end, they start stalking her Facebook, and they get in contact with her old friend, Holly, who spills some beans. - So you've known her while she dated Ross? - Who's Ross? (ominous beat drop) - Wow. - You've never heard of a Ross. You mentioned a Makena, who's Makena? - It was the girl that Jordan was seeing for a little bit. - [Travis] Wow. - So then, after reaching out to all of the people in her life, Jordan finally answers the phone when they call, and she sounds so uncomfortable. - [Jordan] I had a really good reason for ghosting him. (ominous beat drop) So, that's really all I have to say about that. - You don't need to tell us, that can be totally between you two. We just wanna know if your open to sitting down with him. - [Jordan] Uh... I... - [Rachel] Ross has kind of been left in the dark. It's been- - [Jordan] Okay, okay. Fine. Fine. - Oh my God. Leave this poor girl alone. It's been nine months. She's dating someone else. - [Rachel] I mean, Travis and Rachel for the win. (clap) (laughing) Let's go. - [Travis] She sounds traumatized. - Ross wouldn't take no for an answer, so neither would we. (clap) Now you can find pretty long clips from these shows on YouTube, but I realized that the full episodes are like, three times as long. There's entire sub-plots they cut out. For one: apparently they went to talk to the guy who put together the Tinderella event, and he reveals that he hooked up with Jordan that night. - I took her home, actually. - Thank you so much. - Which, as we know, based on their timeline, was two weeks before Ross and her started dating. So, I don't know why he gets so upset by that. - And, he took her home. (sad pop music plays) β™ͺ I've been dead and gone β™ͺ β™ͺ But I'm on my feet β™ͺ - So I guess she wasn't half a virgin. Anyway, now it's time for the big, totally not awkward confrontation. I love the juxtaposition between these over-the-top action movie sound effects, and his squeaky little voice. (dramatic creepy music plays) - Okay, Jordan, I love you. In my heart I still feel for you, obviously. But, then like, I hear that you're in another relationship already, with a girl named Makena. (whooshing sound) And then I heard that you have another friend named Holly. - [Drew] And then I found out that you have a dog named Whiskers, and he told me you have a job at Staples? - I told you about my dad, and you knew about all of that stuff. That he wasn't in my life, that he walked out when I was four. I don't really like talking about that. It really is hard for me. - That's why I came on this show, to tell everyone in the world about it. - The real reason I ghosted you was because, (suspenseful horror chord) the stuff you were saying about me was honestly so disrespectful. (suspenseful music plays) - No. Um, what? - I have never said anything. This is my first time talking! - Are you kidding me? - Why would you ever think that? - I mean, I have proof, so... - What do you mean you have proof? - You wouldn't show me any of your comedy stuff at all. So, I found out about one of your shows and I snuck in. The stuff you were saying about me was so... Just not okay at all. - I might have a few jokes about you, but I never put your personal life on blast or anything like that. (upbeat ominous music plays) - Can I please show him a video? - [Travis] Yeah, you can show, yep! We're gonna come over there. We wanna watch it as well. - Hell yes you can show him the video! Were gonna come too, grab the camera. - I just wanna say that I have this new girlfriend, man. And she's like, crazy. She's like, teachin' me all this stuff. Like, 71. Like, 69 with two fingers and stuff. (laughing) Yeah man, she's gonna be the branch manager of my spank bank forever. (laughing) The only thing is, she calls me daddy. It's like, that's a lot of responsibility. I mean, I'm gonna wear my jean shorts and go to some PTA and get the girls I really want. Like, thank you for teaching me all these things. (ominous chord) - Oh my God. His face. His face while they're watching that. So I've been dating this girl lately, man, and she is stinky! Her teeth stink, and her hair stinks, and her face stinks. Her feet stink, and her mouth stinks, and her apartment stinks! And her car stinks! And her family stinks! - [Jordan] All that (beep) that you're saying about me, comes from all this deep baggage that I have to live with. And yeah, you can just make jokes about it, but I don't get to do that. You were making jokes about how our sex life is really crazy, and I'm really experienced. - Oh my God! It's a joke, though. - No, no, no! Stop! You're makin' it worse, dude! - This is it? This is why the past nine months I've been sitting, wracking my brain wondering what am I missing? Am I an idiot? And it's about this? My (beep) stand-up? - Err. Ugh. Sorry. I- (sniffling) - It's okay. - Babe, it's okay! Brian can't hurt you anymore. Wait, are you cryin' about me? (sniffling) - I wanna give her a hug right now. (sad instrumental music plays) - I wanna lose the other half of my virginity right now, would that be okay? (crying) β™ͺ And now it's too late β™ͺ β™ͺ Somebody took my place β™ͺ β™ͺ Is this what you- β™ͺ - Well, I guess this thing kind of backfired, huh? - [Rachel] How do you feel? - [Ross] Strange. It's not what I expected. And I don't know what I want. - I don't know, it's like, if a girl can't support my comedy career that I hid from her, 'cause I was using her personal life to come up with all my jokes, what's even the point of having a girlfriend? - Here, we can walk just away from the camera a little bit. Just give you a second. - Hey, come on, let's move away from the cameras. We can go up there and stand in front of some different cameras. - And that you love me and all this stuff one day, and then the next day, you're making jokes about the intimate details about our sex life. So, it's just... But... - Wait, there's a but? - [Travis] But what? (suspenseful music plays) - I mean, I still love him. - She does? - And you could have her. - He can? - She loves me and I love her. - Why? - [Narrator] Will they make up? - They might make up? I swear to God, if they end up back together... - I just wish you'd asked me first. Before doing that. That's it. - Yeah, that's kind of all he had to do, was be like, "Hey can I say these jokes? "Oh, you don't want me to? That's fine." So this is where the show really goes from dumb to stupid. It starts off as this somewhat interesting, although super invasive investigation. And then slowly turns into this fuckin' game show where they're sitting in this black and white studio and then they text each other one last time to let 'em know if they're in or out. - [Rachel] Ross, what was your decision? (suspenseful music plays) - [Ross] I decided to ghost. (message pings) - Oh! (dramatic chord) That's a surprise. - [Ross] After hearing the reason why you ghosted me, kind of changed the way I've felt for the past nine months. Like I said, I'm sorry for what I did, but I thought that we had pretty open line of communication. I would rather have a relationship where if I do mess up like that, we could talk about it. - Wait, not to take this show too seriously or anything, but wouldn't a good line of communication include him telling her about the jokes in the first place? Yes, it's true, I cheated on you upwards of 40 times, but when you found out about it, you just left. You didn't even talk to me first? (circus music plays) your not very good at relationships, are you? - Jordan, what did you decide? - I decided to ghost. (message pings) (suspenseful music plays) - [Travis] Jordan, can you please explain your decision? - No. At the very end of this show, they call them a few months later to check in on them and see how they're doin'. - That whole thing just made me realize that I just need to make sure that I can trust the person I'm with before disclosing all that personal stuff. - What else did you learn from that experience? - Yeah, was there anything else that, uh... Maybe we taught you? Or... - Ghosting's probably not the best way- (laughing) - [Both] There we go! - There we go! - Yeah, that's what I thought. I think you learned your lesson. - Oh yeah, absolutely. I'm not doing that again. - [Travis] Done. One and done. - That's good to hear, because if you do try to ghost someone again, we will track you down, and make you talk to them. We'll call everyone you've ever known to get your phone number, if that's what we have to do. And then we'll sit ya down in a warehouse and not let you leave until you're done crying. And there's nothing weird about that! This is not a bad show. I watched a few episodes, and that's definitely the best one to in-depth on. I will say, though, one of the recent episodes was pretty good, too. So in this one, she explains how she moved in to this meditation house with 50 people and then invited her girlfriend to live there, too, but things went south. - And then, I ended up moving in there, Rhee shows up. Perfect! Now I have a sister to share all of this with. I went to her room, and all her stuff was gone. Her bedroom was wiped clean. I've called her, I've texted her. Reached out on social media. No response. - Yeah, if I had to guess, and I'm just speculating here, it might be because you joined a cult. And then, when she realized that, she was like, "Bye!" So that's MTV's "Ghosted" in a nutshell. Would I recommend it? No. Not at all. But if you do wanna give it a shot, just be prepared to go into it with this mindset. - I might puke, but I'm ready. - That's a callback. From earlier. Now that I have your attention, let's hear a word from today's sponsor, Hello Fresh. Hi, I'm world-renowned, semi-amateur chef. And I'm here to tell you the secrets behind 100 percent of my meals, Hello Fresh. I've been subscribed to them for about a year before they even started sponsoring my channel. And the food is so good. You'd think they would eventually run outta good meals or after a few months you would just get bored, but not at all! They're constantly adding recipes that I've never seen on there before, which makes me excited to check out the app every week. And even if there's something that doesn't necessarily peak your interest, you can always just go in and swap it out for something else. Whether it's a vegetarian meal, low calorie, low carb. And if you need to skip a week for whatever reason, you can do that, too! The meals are then delivered straight to your door on whatever delivery date you choose. Inside packaging made out of almost entirely recyclable or already recycled material. Every box comes with fresh ingredients and recipe cards that make following along fool-proof; even if you don't spend a lot of time in the kitchen. The pictures help me know I'm doing it right. One of my favorite things about Hello Fresh is that it saves me trips to the grocery store, which can be time consuming and pretty stressful. I also find that every time I try to plan out a recipe I found online, the grocery bill adds up way more quickly than I anticipated. And I end up with a bunch of extra ingredients that generally go to waste. With Hello Fresh, everything is already pre-portioned and measured out perfectly. I would honestly recommend Hello Fresh to anyone who's looking to add some new recipes into their life. And that's coming from an actual customer. I pay full-price for this stuff. Sometimes they'll ask me, "Hey Drew, do you need a box "to film the ad-read?" And I say, "No, thank you. I already have one." You know, now that I think about it, I should probably just take the free box. Hey, speaking of free boxes, I've got a special deal just for you. To get 12 free meals, including free shipping, head to and use my promo code: imalittlestinker12. That's 12 free meals across your first four boxes using my very special promo code that's on the screen and also in the description. Other YouTubers might try to get you to use their code instead, but what they're not telling you, is that my code is way better. So, please use mine. Thank you so much to Hello Fresh for sponsoring today's video, and feeding me dozens and dozens of meals. Wow! I did it! Two videos in one week! And all I had to do was go 27 days without upload. Real quick, I just wanna address, I know at the end of my last video I said that I would be releasing an apology video for not releasing the video I had promised after the video before that, and I just want to address this. No excuses. The reason I never uploaded the apology was because my computer caught on fire and my apartment's on fire, and also I'm on fire right now. So, I have to stop, drop, and roll. And I'll see you guys tomorrow! Bye guys!
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 3,256,791
Rating: 4.9818425 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, MTV, catfish, Catfished, Ghosted, Ghosted show
Id: RXrK6t-Yzaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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