The Ultimate Commentary Video (w/ Kurtis Conner and Danny Gonzalez)

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Love these boys

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/daytoremembers 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

I legit want Drew on the podcast.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Jteam6 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just started watching him and Gonzales recently. Had know idea he was the Road Work Ahead guy

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
(squelching sound) (squelching sound) - What's up Greg! - What's up Greg! - Hey Greg! - That's Danny's thing. - That's my thing. - Well guy, we are in beautiful New York City as part of our tour. - We are in the big apple. We're inside one gigantic apple. It's a sweet, sweet fruit that you just can't beat. - Please help us out. We're trapped. - Yeah, so that's kinda what we're dealing with right now, (all laughing) but we thought, while we're on tour we should make some videos together and what better way to do that than by making a video together. And today I wanna talk about weird movie trailers I've been seeing lately. So let's start with the first one, this was kinda going viral on twitter. - [Girl] You know that really, really, tall girl that you go to school with? - Would you maybe wanna-- Never mind. - [Girl] Hello? - [Boy] Hi! I'm the new exchange student at your school. I was hoping you'd wanna go with me to the homecoming dance. - Yeah yeah, sure sure I mean-- - (laughter) Gotcha! Let's face it Jodi, you're the tall girl. - Let's face it. - You have to come to come to terms with the fact that you are the tall girl. - It's disgusting. - You freak. - How dare you do that? - How short is this guy too, they make her look so freakishly tall. - Yeah, this guy's probably like 3'9". - (all laughing) Yeah. - By looking at that how tall do you think she is? - Like 6'8". - Seven feet tall. - Like seven feet tall. - Yeah, like huge. - [Drew] The table ends at her knees. - They just had to buy a bunch of little props. - Little props to make her look bigger. But then her friends says that she's 73 inches tall. She's 6'1". - That's not that tall at all. - And it's "Oh, you freak!" - Ugh! - When she's over six foot... (all screaming) - I mean I'm sure it's like kinda hard to be that tall. - Sure. - It's not like she's like seven feet tall. - If she was like eight feet tall and the movie was about like her medical problems, how hard it is, then yeah. - Like my shin bones can't support the weight of my whole body 'cause I'm so tall. - And I'll die in my twenties like most freakishly tall people do. - Exactly. That'd be a cool movie. - No, she's 6'1". - Yeah, she's gonna live a long life. - Let's face it, you're gonna die next year because you're too tall. (all laughing) - I don't know about that. - I need your help. - You're my big little sister. - That's me. - Let's get to work. - And the whole movie's about her getting shorter. Trying to make her shorter. (all laughing) - It's not coming to love yourself, it's like how do I make myself shorter. - [Drew] They hinted at a makeover scene, but how do you makeover someone who's too tall without making them shorter? - Drop a bowling ball on your head. (grunts) - Okay, now I just have no neck. (all laughing) - I am beautiful now. (bright upbeat music) - Okay, so it's a movie about a very tall girl. If you had to guess, what do you think the movie is called? - Tall... ... girl. - How'd you know? - That's what it's called? - It's called "Tall Girl." - The movies called "Tall Girl." - Yeah it's a movie about a tall girl and they said, "We should call it Tall Girl." After seeing that, it got me thinking I feel like it's been a good year for bad movie trailers. There was the Sonic the Hedgehog thing that everyone freaked out over because he was so ugly, there was the Cats movie trailer that everyone freaked out over because they were so ugly. There's a tall girl that everyone in the movie freaks out about because she's so ugly. So I wanted to watch some other weird movie trailers, and I had you guys send me a few. So this is a Christian movie, and it seems like just a regular Christian movie when it starts, but there's a pretty big twist about halfway through that I'm excited for you guys to see. - Okay. (piano music) - Does the C stand for Christ or something? - (Irish accent) Christ me dance! - So you guys don't know what the C stands for yet, then. - No. - I just wanted to dance and hang out, dad. And now all of this. - Oh, the C stands for dad. - Yeah. - No. - Dad, me dance. - Dad, me dance! - No, that was a good guess but, no not quite. You'll see. - Mom? - No. - Unfortunately, she's in the advanced stages and treatment's not going to help. I'm sorry. - Plea. - I really like that embrace. - Plea. - (high-pitched) Plea. (laughing) - It's okay. - (whispering) It's okay. - When you looked at me, (dramatic sound) I know this sounds weird Sheri, but it's as if God has chosen you. And if that's the truth, man this is going to tick off the devil. (girl screaming) - It's... him. (dramatic sound) - Oh. What? (all laughing) (devil speaking foreign language) (all laughing) - Wait. I thought this was going to be a feel-good story about a girl with cancer learning to dance. - No. It's a movie about the devil. (all laughing) (mimicking devil speaking in foreign language) Speaking like in Satan. - Speaking a Star Wars language. - He's speaking in tongues. - He's speaking like a Jawa. (truck horn honking) (explosion) - Yes. - It's so weird. Like you think it's going one way, and then he's like "I'm just not sure how the devil's going to feel about this" and then the devil shows up. Is it just gonna keep shifting tones throughout the trailer, and then the devil's just like, "I don't know what my little goblin's gonna think." (high pitched squeaks) - (high-pitch voice) I think I like it. - (high-pitch voice) I'm actually okay with it. (rock music) (screaming) - What the fuck? - Yeah, and then they're like fighting. Fighting the devil. Hey, go back. - Go back to hell, devil. - Save me! (mocking wailing) - [Girl] Remember a serpent, disguised as a dove. - What do you know of hell? (all laughing) - What do you know of hell? - Also, she's referencing the Bible I think, remember the serpent disguised as a dove. Is that guy disguised as a dove? He's clearly the devil. (imitates devil speaking in foreign language) - I hope I'm not putting off any weird vibes. (all laughing) - Yeah, no. I think it's pretty obvious man. - It's pretty clear you're the devil. - Holy shit. - [Drew] A dance that shines through darkness. So, do you think she's gonna dance the devil to death? She's gonna dance so hard and good that the devil dies. - Ah! - Have you guys heard of Mama Boy? - (both) No. - Here's another one that seems normal but has sort of a twist. - Can you keep a secret? - Spill it. - [Boy] Lisa and I are, we're in love. - You cannot touch her. (all laughing) - (creepy voice) You! What do you know of hell? - I've got a problem. A growing problem. - I don't get it. - Do you prefer cloth or disposable diapers? - I promise, I will come up with something. - The way they edited that make it seem like he's like, "I promise, I will figure out the answer to your question." - I promise I'll figure out what the fuck you're talking about. I still don't know what the problem is. - The whole movie is spent him trying to figure out what she meant. - Yeah. And her talking around it in different ways. "I'm just saying, we're gonna need a couple of bottles." - Bottles? - He has a corkboard with a bunch of red yarn between like diapers. - I've got to think of something fast. Hey, Uncle Theus. - I need somebody to volunteer to do my experiment on. - His uncle, who is Mary Poppins shows up. But it's off-putting because he just has a regular voice. (all laughing) Just like, "So I'm here, I just need someone." - That is Adam. My most extraordinary experiment. He is gonna have a baby. - You know Uncle Theus, you said you'd never be able to repay me for that experiment. - That's right. - I know how you can repay me. Wait till you hear this plan. - Is he gonna have the fucking baby? - [Girl] (shouting) What? - It's perfect, all right. I'll have no problem hiding ten pounds. And then when school let's out for the summer, I'll have him. - Is it gonna come out of his dick? - Yeah, where is it gonna come out? - Yeah, this movie is about a guy who takes on the pregnancy for his girlfriend. - You have performed this procedure before, right? - Yeah, of course. - [Girl] A monkey? - A baby comes out and it's like, it's a monkey. And the scientist is like, I forgot to tell you that's the only catch. - It's a monkey. - Coming out of your dick. - (laughing) It comes out as a monkey. Yeah, we've done this experiment before on a monkey. - And it came out a monkey. - So. - We figured it would be a human, but it makes sense that it is a monkey. - Yeah, so far, two for two, monkey babies. - I'm a mother! (rock music) - [Man] You might be in for a rough ride. - How hard could it be? - You really have no clue, do you? - High school just got weirder. (all laughing) - I think this is gonna be a little bit weird, guys. - Just a little bit. - Cut to a scene of him in the hospital bed with a baby coming out of his dick. - So I know you're a big Neil Breen fan, this one is for you. (lively piano music) - [Man] My name is Cade. I have an identical twin brother Cale. - We both wear the same clothes. And we live in a glowy forest. - Programmable, virtual-reality, the corrupt version. - A limitless digital universe. - Are they just saying words? What the fuck are they talking about? - I have no idea what this movie's about. - Programmable, digital, digitized, universe. - Let's go out to dinner. - You're a creep. Leave me alone. I have a boyfriend. Get out of my face! - Let's have a drink. Let's have a drink. - Leave me alone, I have a boyfriend, get out of my face! - I'll meet you back here at eight o'clock. - Yeah, I don't know what that scene was. (mimicking characters from movie trailer) - I miss my brother. - He's just staring off into space. - I miss my brother. Oh, the conversations we used to have. - Who am I, what am I? - How did I get this beard? - Why does it look so good? (explosion) (explosions continue) - He's just, walking with explosions. - I know. Did he only download one explosion sound effect? - [Cade] And you believe things you wouldn't ordinarily believe. Who's there? (all laughing) - [Danny] Who's there? - Who is that? - Justice is served. (explosions) - My favorite thing about Neil Breen movies is that he has so many ideas and things that he wants to do in the movie, and he'll say yes to everything. He'll put it all in. (explosions) - That was the longest movie trailer I've ever seen, it was four minutes long, and yet I know absolutely nothing about the movie. - I know there's explosions. - Yeah. - Or one explosion that happens a lot. - Yeah. - I'll be right here. - Did you like it, that was just for you? - I liked it. - Big Neil Breen fan, I know. - I liked it. - Don't worry Danny though, I got something you'll like. Remember you made that video about The Bee Movie? - Yeah. - Yeah, so here's another movie about bees. - Oh, cool. - And you'll really like this. - Did you think I made that video because I like bees? In that one video, I talked about bees a lot. - Was it just the one video, or? - No every video I watch, you're like, where are the bees? - I just think, well Danny likes bees. - [Kurtis] Danny loves bees. - I wanted to help people. I actually thought I was doing good. That's why I sent my research assistant to a private facility in the Caribbean a few weeks ago. - You're the new guy, huh? - I guess I am. - That's what I say to everyone new I meet. So you're the new guy, huh? - Well, to you, I am. (all laughing) - Senior assistants don't spell research team. I just think you guys need some proper motivation. - Is this a pornography movie? - (all) I just think you guys need some proper motivation. - That's what we're here to fix. I need results by next week Louis. I don't need a hive of super bees. - You're telling me these guys aren't in porn? They must-- these guys look like they are. - They might be porn actors. - This isn't necessarily a porn, but they were hired from doing gay porn, yes. - Things have been going badly ever since you got here. - You brought death with you. - You sent me out here to die, just like you sent these students out here to die! - So how come it keeps cutting to porn, then? - Yes. - There's like a plot going on and then it keeps cutting to that one guy. - Well, I don't know, you're the bee expert, you tell me. (all laughing) - And it has nothing to do with what they're saying they're describing the action of the movie and then it's just like, "We're gonna fuck these bees." - (all laughing) Wait, no. - No, please. - We don't need to fuck the bees. - That's not what this movies about. - Because the three killer bees that haven't stung anybody, well they somehow managed to get outside, and they could be anywhere right now. - And now they're all taking showers. - Yeah, they're fucking each other. - No. It's not a porn. (all laughing) - [Danny] This cut right here. - [Kurtis] That's not a porn? You know how zombies do that. (intense instrumental music) - You like it though, right? I know you're the bee guy. I saw this trailer and I was like, Danny's gonna like this. - This movies barely even about bees. - Yeah, there's more man caressing than bee. - Danny, I played this just for you. You're not even happy? - I'm confused. (intense instrumental music) - Let us in the house so we can fuck. - We wanna fuck. (intense instrumental music) (screaming) - So yeah Neil Breen for you, gay porn bee movie for you. I think I know my friends. (all laughing) Someone else just sent me one for a movie called Gooby. So I had never heard of this movie, I guess this came out in 2009 even though it definitely looks like it was made in the eighties. - [Narrator] A family movie about a boy with a very active imagination. To whom something remarkable is about to happen. He's about to meet the most ferocious monster of all. - I love that little hand thing that only happens in movies. Have you ever seen anyone grab something? - Who enters a room like that? (boing sound effect) - Oh, it's Kurtis! I was scared because I just saw the fingers, I was like who the fuck is in our room? - It's the creepy finger guy. - [Narrator] He's about to meet the most ferocious monster of all. (boy and monster screaming) - Gooby? - You guessed it. - A terrifying looking life-sized bear with the voice of Shrek? That's me. (playful music) - The heck was that? - Gooby! - Ah! - Oh my god! - I would definitely think this is a horror movie if-- - Gooby! - Sometimes you just have to let it rip. - So here's one of the reviews, "A perfect family film." From - If I was going to try to make up a review for my movie and make up an organization it would be from, I would come up with the name - [Drew] And the website looks like it's the first website. "Home," "About Us," "Reviews," "Archives," "MySpace" and that goes to their Facebook. Okay. Goes to Patrick Ricketts Facebook page. Who worked at Video Views, he doesn't work there anymore. - Like if you click on Popeye's Facebook page, it goes to your Facebook page. It says "Worked at Popeye's." (all laughing) I don't know if I represent the whole company. "A movie for the entire family." - [Danny] Five out of five, puzzle pieces? This movie made me scratch my head five times. - [Narrator] For every childhood, there is one time, one adventure, and one friend who makes it all come true. For Willy, that time is now and that friend is Gooby. - The time is now. - [All] And that friend is Gooby. - [Kurtis] Robbie Coltrane. - Robbie Coltrane who plays Hagrid right, in Harry Potter? - And this movie was made in the middle of when they were still making Harry Potter movies. - He had to have had so much money, already. And Eugene Levy too, has been in plenty of stuff. Why the fuck is he in this movie? - Yeah, it's not like he would have been desperate for work, he was-- - In one of the most popular movie franchises of all time. - Do you think he postponed the filming of a Harry Potter movie so he could be Gooby? - I'm on Gooby next week, sorry. - Sorry I got the role of a lifetime. I am Gooby. - I gotta Gooby. - I got to - Gooby! - This movie probably made a lot of money because he was in it, right? - Yeah. - We can look it up. I mean, he probably made a lot of money. - Sorry, this movie made three thousand dollars? - (laughing) Three thousand dollars. - And the budget was 6.5 million. Every studio needs a failure. And that failure, is Gooby. - Out of all of these, I'm curious to watch this whole movie. We have plenty of time on tour, maybe we should watch this movie together on the bus. - Yeah, I think I would only do it if the folks at home give us a big thumbs up on this video. - Yeah, leave us a big thumbs up, maybe we'll watch the whole Gooby movie, make a whole Gooby video about it. - Maybe. - Yeah, and then we can see what the fuck this Gooby thing is all about. - So smash that like button if you wanna see that. - Smash that like button like those dudes were smashing each other in that bee movie. - Like they were fucking those bees. - Oh shit, guys. I just remembered. I'll be right back, I gotta go do something. - What do you gotta do, your outro? - [Drew] I've been away from home for a while and if there's one thing I miss besides my wife and cat, it's a home cooked meal. I mean, don't get me wrong, eating Cheetos on a bus is great and all, but boy, do I miss vegetables. Luckily, HelloFresh is here to save the day. The meals are delivered straight to your door every week and you can make them all in about 30 minutes, even if you suck at cooking like I do. There's over 20 meals to choose from every week so you're guaranteed to find something you like, it's also a great way to try something you've maybe never had before. There is vegetarian meals, low-calorie meals, you can also add fun extras like cookie dough or garlic bread. HelloFresh is flexible too, so if you're going on vacation, or leaving your house for two months to go on a nationwide comedy tour, you can skip however many weeks you need to, it's great. HelloFresh now starts at $5.66 per serving, which makes it the best value meal-kit for your money. I've been using HelloFresh for as long as I can remember, and I endorse it wholeheartedly. I love the variety, I love the convenience, and I love how I don't have to scramble to try and figure out what I'm gonna have for dinner everyday, because I know at least I have three great meals waiting for me in my fridge. So to get started with eight free meals, that's $80 off your first month of HelloFresh, go to and enter promo code "imalittlestinker80" That's $20 off each of your first four boxes, just by clicking the link in the description. - What's up, guys? - Where were you? - You were gone for like three hours. - Well I had to rent an Airbnb to film that. - We called you like 30 times. - Your cameras been recording this whole time. - Ah, damn it. - You're gonna have to edit out three hours of us sitting on our phones and kissing-- or, just sitting on our phones. - Yeah, just sitting on our phones. On our phones. - On our phones. - Sitting on top of your phones? - Kiss- Not looking at-- - Thanks guys for being in this video, thanks HelloFresh for sponsoring it. If you want to see us on tour, we still are doing a crap ton of shows. - It's been really cool to see you guys all coming and seeing us. - Yeah. - Yeah, the shows have been a lot of fun. So thank you. - Yeah, they've been so much fun. - If there's a show around close to you, I hope you come too. - You know what I always say, everybody needs to see a show every once in a while, and for you, that time is now. - [All] And that show, is Gooby. (all laughing) - So we're gonna go watch Gooby, and we'll see you next time guy. Bye guy. - Bye. - Bye bye.
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 7,323,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, danny gonzalez, kurtis conner, collab, tall girl, netflix, movie trailers, cringe, weird
Id: YIafrsAWS1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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