These Instagram Accounts Are Trying So Hard To Be Spooky

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BTW the title is wrong on this post.

The actual title is: These Instagram Accounts Are Trying So Hard To Be Spooky

Sorry about that; I posted it before Danny could add any finishing touches!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Meljusenr 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

"and now I just kinda wanna listen to some spooky tunes"

god DAMMIT Danny!

I can't believe you've done this

you know what I was expecting after you said that

you know what you've done

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/Meljusenr 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I need another spooky boy song damn it !!!!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/lhiz_jordn 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

When Danny talked about the mirror thing, I half expected him to do a bit where he was looking in the mirror and his “reflection” turned into Drew.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/maieen10 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

These were way too spooky. Don't lie

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/theFields97 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I’m just imagining Drew’s reaction in background while Danny is murmuring pretending to be the devil. Like imagine just reading a book or minding your own business while in your tour bus and you see Danny doing that into the camera. I would not be able to keep a straight face!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/queenofclumsy 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

"And now i kinda wanna listen to some spooky tunes" I know i'm not the only one that was waiting and hoping for Danny to drop some beats.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CutieDemonzOFFICIAL 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

KIDS SEE GHOSTS? Danny confirmed wavy

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's up Greg I hope you're all having a great day welcome back to my channel this of course is another episode of boo ah so it's officially October now and you know what that means it's sweatshirt season it's sweatpants season I think October might be my favorite month of the year you know the weather finally starts to cool off a little bit and you get that nice cozy cuddle weather leaves on the trees start changing to these pretty orange and red colors and on top all that everyone's trying to scare the [ __ ] out of you all the time but you know what I'm here for it I love Halloween I love getting spooked I am absolutely a ho for Halloween people start changing their name to spooky things on Twitter brands start tweeting spooky Halloween related stuff but the thing I've noticed is that these spooky fact accounts and like scary story accounts keep popping up on my Instagram Explorer pay accounts like terrifying flicks the scary facts seeking horror all designed to get you in that spooky state of mind for Halloween these accounts are so strange the selection of facts and stories that they choose to put on here just are so out of left field and I don't understand why they put a lot of them in sometimes they're worded really poorly and other times they're just like not even scary at all and I don't know why anyone would think that they're scary and a lot of them of course are just totally made-up and like just aren't true also before we get started I got new merch baby boy Greg hoodies now have a new logo and it's not just Greg typed in a free font that I found like it was before also these shirts which I really like I think that they're very cute we also just added these cool Nutcracker embroidered shirts that have like a little Nutcracker right on your chest also for the first time I now have hats they have that same little Nutcracker guy design on them but check all that stuff out it's a danny gonzalez out store link is in the description ok listen to this fact on August 29th 1968 all TV's in America shut down without any reason there was a murmuring voice on the TV that some believe was the devil's voice I mean that sounds kind of creepy that everyone's TV shut off and there's like a voice on the TV but like is there any reason that people thought it was the devil like did it say something that made people think it was the devil or did people just hear a murmuring sound coming from the TV and like all at once everyone just agreed yep that's the devil yeah that's the devil all right that's what he does he turns off everyone's TV and then he just murmurs into it just has a tiny little voice and he just murmurs and you can't you can't even hear what he's saying because there's static over it he's really quiet the devil is really shy when I hear the word murmur I just picture like which I think we all know that's how Satan sounds just a timid little guy he probably had like stage fright or something that's why he was so quiet he turned off everyone's TV and then was like wait [ __ ] this is so many people it may be the devil but I still get kind of nervous sometimes if you stare at yourself in the mirror for too long you will start seeing a scary reflection of yourself because your brain gets bored this is also called the Troxler effect is this true when your brain gets bored it just starts making [ __ ] up I'm not saying it's not true actually I think it might be I feel like I've heard that before like if you're laying in bed and it's like completely silent sometimes your brain will start hearing things cuz it's bored so I feel like this actually is kind of true to an extent I don't know if it's as true as this picture is making it seem if you stare at yourself for in the mirror for too long your face just starts decaying before your eyes maybe if you're on acid or something but I don't think just normally if you look at yourself in the mirror for too long your skin will start falling off of your face and your eyes will fall out honestly that is pretty savage of your brain though when you're looking at your own face in the mirror to just be like man this [ __ ] is boring dawg I want to look at someone else man this is this [ __ ] face Oh news fest you got a boring ass face dawg I got a look at something else I got a look at like a [ __ ] corpse face that's what I want a Russian child claimed that he lived on Mars before he was born on earth he said that Martians are over seven feet tall and breathed co2 oh my god that's so scary that he said that I mean this is insane scientists have been looking for extraterrestrial life for so long and especially on Mars I mean they've done experiments that we've taken pictures we've sent Rovers over there to go around and explore spend billions of dollars on Mars exploration when all they had to do this whole time was just listen to this Russian child and blindly trust everything he says I also like that it seems like those are the only two things he knows about being a Martian from like living an entire life on Mars I would assume but the only thing notable about them is yeah there's 7 feet tall and they breathe co2 but other than that they're pretty much just normal dudes so they're really tall and they breathe co2 are we sure this kid didn't just see a tree I was playing hangman with my daughter the other day she looked me straight in the eye and said he looks just like the hanged man in our basement okay I've seen lots of facts like this that it's like something creepy a kid said kids say creepy [ __ ] all the time maybe it's because kids see ghosts but maybe it's just because they're kids and kids are dumb I'm just imagining being the dad in this scenario like your kid says that and you're like ah I got you uh hangman I win that looks just like the guy hanging in our basement what yeah the guy in the basement hanging by his neck you know that guy they dead one how are you so calm about this why why am I just hearing about this now he's always making that face like leather like the dead face I gotta go check this out oh [ __ ] did you know Charles Darwin ate almost every animal he discovered I guess this one would be scary to me if I was a [ __ ] Finch is that who this account is for seeking horror it's for finches in the Galapagos Islands I was a Finch in the Galapagos Islands I would I would be pretty scared when I read this you never know when Charles Darwin is gonna come along and eat your ass or not eat your ass just eat your whole body do you think this means he ate like one of every species he discovered so like if he saw a whole bunch of birds they were all one species he would just eat one to see what it tasted like or did he eat every animal that he liked found that's what he would do he would go around in his little he would dock at an island and then just sprint through the jungle just just devouring every living thing in sight Charles Darwin was a plague on every island he visited Charles Darwin you are a monster somebody's just sounds so like conspiratorial and paranoid that it just makes me worried about the person who wrote them what if you're the only person left on earth and the rest of the population you see it's just your imagination playing tricks on you what about that what if that were true would that be scary I mean I guess that's kind of creepy to think about but also would that even change your life that much I mean if I've made it this far just pretending that everyone else exists I think I'm doing pretty well honestly I feel like that would make me feel pretty good about myself like if my parents aren't real I taught myself how to talk and walk everything I've ever learned I taught myself I made up calculus I [ __ ] just K I came up with physics just out of thin air and then sat in an empty classroom apparently and taught it to myself so I guess I already know everything and I just haven't taught it to myself yet in Detroit in the 1930s a baby fell from a high window and landed on a man who was passing the street below the baby and the man both survived the incident a year later the same baby fell from the same window and landed on the same man and they both survived dude this poor [ __ ] baby holy [ __ ] what parent keeps chucking their baby out the window don't leave your window open so much maybe I mean if it happens once you'd think you'd learn and they keep throwing the baby at the same poor guy this seems less fitting for like a creepy horror account and more fitting for like a statistics account for statistics buffs yeah even the caption what are the odds of this I could almost see this on like a hopeful faith in humanity restored account like this man saved this baby's life and when they met again a year later he saved his life again also what is this picture this is clearly not a real picture of this happening it's very clearly photoshopped one because there's obviously no way that someone would have a picture of this happening like someone was waiting with a camera ready for the baby to fly out the window more importantly this is like the fakest picture I've ever seen I don't even think that's a real baby I think that's a picture of like a baby doll from Google Images it's way brighter than the rest of the image which which man here is supposed to be the one that it falls on cuz neither of them are close enough for that to happen also the window is closed so - what did the baby morph through the window maybe that's why it keeps happening dude your baby's a ghost I can just walk through walls explains why the baby's not dying because it already did and it's a ghost in 1971 the Pereira family began to encounter strange human-like faces / stains that appeared and disappeared in their home without explanation one day Maria Gomez told her husband that a face had appeared on the concrete floor in the kitchen her husband immediately destroyed the image with a pickaxe only to have it appear again later the mayor forbade them from destroying the new face and had it cut out for testing later it was known that the house was built on a graveyard I'm sorry so two weird things are jumping out at me first off like a weird stain appears on your floor and it resembles a face I would be like okay that's weird we should clean the floor but the husband was like I gotta [ __ ] destroy this with a pickaxe I gotta I gotta break the [ __ ] floor and then it happened again and the mayor showed up and took the floor this sounds like a very made-up story again I'm not saying it's not it could be based in truth I'm too lazy to Google whether this really happened or not honey if the face is back what again can you please destroy the floor again yeah yeah I got you [Music] I was just gonna destroy the floor what no no no you can't just take my floor hey my floor was that the mayor yeah I think so a Texas man was asked not to swim in a marina due to sightings of an alligator he responded with [ __ ] that alligator before diving in the water he was immediately killed by an alligator this is the opposite of scary things are scary when they're unpredictable you don't know what's gonna happen you're not in control of a situation this dude had just about every opportunity to not get eaten by an alligator and he still got eaten by an alligator this fact is just a guy got eaten by an alligator because he jumped into an alligator's mouth so be careful you're not as safe in an alligator's mouth as you might have thought I can't believe he said [ __ ] that alligator right before jumping into alligator infested waters and getting eaten by an alligator that's so dumb in 2008 a beach was stolen in Jamaica the 500 truckloads of sand remain missing to this day [Music] we're the [ __ ] that Beach be okay these other facts weren't that scary but we're the [ __ ] did all that sand go nothing is scarier than missing sand where is the sand why did someone need all that sand what are they planning with that sand they're plotting something big for sure they're gonna do they're gonna do something big with all that saying man it and I'm not sticking around for when they do mr. Sandman stole all my sand okay this is uh this is from a screenshot of this spooky facts thread on Twitter some of them are pretty spooky but this one the electric chair was invented by a dentist Oh a dentist how is that scary it's not like he did it while he was cleaning someone's teeth he just decided whoa wait what if I just [ __ ] plug this chair into a wall and kill this dude and it worked and then he was like I got a patent this [ __ ] that was probably like a side gig he did that on his own time you don't have to worry about your dentist just inventing a new method of execution while you're getting your teeth cleaned I don't think that that's what you should take away from this is getting your teeth cleaned and you see your dentist just kind of like thinking while he's cleaning your teeth and then he'll suddenly turns around and just fix up a [ __ ] chainsaw oh [ __ ] not again no I call this one the chainsaw chair this one's really weird a time traveler stated that on September 11th 2018 a man named Jane al Oliver Beck will be born it's said that he will be elected 56 president of the United States on November 3rd 2082 we now have evidence that a boy was born on September 11th 2018 by the name Jane how all of her bed the thing I love about this fact is they totally gloss over the first sentence a time-traveler stated on September 11th 2018 they're just gonna gloss over the fact that there's a time traveler that exists so we all know that there's time travelers we don't need to explain how we know that or why we believe that this person is a time traveler but here's what he said as if that's not the far-fetched part of this the fact that there's a time traveler walking around just spouting out prophecies also I like the wording we now have evidence that Jay knew Oliver BEC was born what is the evidence is the evidence that the fact that he exists as if the evidence isn't like his birth certificate and the fact that he was born then I'm a little skeptical like did you just find Clues somewhere that this dude exists now we found little booties on the grant little baby booties with the name Jane now Oliver Beck put it in the evidence bag just one more clue that this baby exists Buzz Aldrin was the second person to walk on the moon and claims that he saw aliens on the moon he told NASA and some people just some it's not important who he told NASA and some other people to so it's not just NASA he even took a lie-detector test and passed look it up okay I feel I feel like that's not true but I'll look it up did Buzz Aldrin see aliens on the moon the story claiming Buzz Aldrin saw aliens in space is utter nonsense okay did they just think no one would actually look that out they were so confident look it up go ahead you'll just figure you'll just find that we were right like oh wait what are you doing are you actually looking it up no no all right I feel like that's enough spooky facts I feel like I'm sufficiently in the spooky mood and now I just kind of want to listen to some spooky tunes and I'll do that with the help of our sponsor array Khan ray Khan is a company that was founded by Ray J and they're earbuds are endorsed by celebrities like Snoop Dogg and cardi B they offer a huge selection of wireless earbuds and headphones that come in a variety of styles and colors to fit your personality and your own personal style I like to wear mine when I'm working out look at how fast I'm running right here and they're still not falling out now I'm dancing on top of a cliff they're still not falling off oh now I'm falling off of the cliff what's gonna happen I hope he's okay oh no now I'm dancing again and the best part about them is they started about half the price of other premium wireless earbuds they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands you know and their latest model the e25 is their best one yet with six hours of playtime seamless Bluetooth carrying more bass and a more compact design that gives you a nice noise isolating phase so go to buy rakin comm slash danny gonzalez or click the link in the description to get 15% off your order thank you to recon for sponsoring this video and thank you to you guys for checking out Raycom you guys check out our sponsor not only does it help them but it also helps me because it makes people want to sponsor me more in the future so if you want to check them out just check out that link in the description also we still have a few shows left of our tour put the cities that still have tickets left up on the screen and really fun performing it like every night for a different crowd of people it's been really cool to meet you guys and I think the show has just been getting better and better every night so if you want to snag tickets to it we are two different people tour com or click the link in the description alright thank you guys so much for watching this video if you're new here and you're not subscribed yet make sure you subscribe and turn on my notifications to join Greg we're the fastest growing army on all of YouTube do not look that up all right Thank You eternal galaxy 3106 for turning on my notifications you are truly great see you guys next time with a really interesting video where I run drew and Curtis over with the tour bus fight this video is over now you'll find something else to watch or just watch this video and oh we had a lot of fun but you can't say on this entry forever this video is over now over down so why are you still watching the unit
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 6,843,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, hilarious, react, reaction, reacting, awful, spooky, stories, ghosts, scary
Id: wW_C5diRSAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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