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today the TBM 850 is out of its annual maintenance inspection $93,000 later ready to go fly [Music] [Music] so let's go [Music] all right welcome aboard the TBM 850 here and we'll start it up we're on the ramp here at socata we got 24 25 volts it looks like 25 volts on the battery start here it'll be strong we're gonna put the star on first two things we're looking at now starter light is blinking ignition delay design you didn't have those beautiful with the start cycle immediately watch the ng rise up it's gonna stabilize for a round fifteen energy still below idle now we're gonna watch for a light off watch enough ITT for a hot start ng for hum start regarding that fuel cutoff here I saw one of those not going away we'd go back to feel cut off oh good ten tolerate around 737 start is almost complete there we go good start [Music] up no airport information out for the two to five v zilla weather wind zero Niner zero one zero weather better than five thousand five temperature to nine or dew point two four altimeter three zero one two landing in departing runway one zero visual approach in use for any airborne request contact mommy approach control them one to six point zero five advise direction of flight prior to your tactic use caution for trains in the vicinity Airport device control in this contact that you have information alpha all right we have information alpha so we're here at sakata dyer here in Pompano Beach and we just picked up the airplane of its annual maintenance inspection it was a very expensive on this year ninety three thousand dollars yes you heard that right so we're gonna bring it back today to its home of opa-locka and we're gonna do an IFR plate here and sunset into the night so it should be a real nice setup light for us turn on our air conditioning now the amps have come down it is a real feel out there of over a hundred degrees so it's a hot I here in South Florida alright so we're clear out the front take off the parts break here taxi late on and we'll start our taxi up to spot five want to get something out of the way real quick I'd like to give a special announcement we did a 4:00 flight century giveaway a DSP receiver my channel here and we I decided to pick a winner from one of my patrons and the winner is Michael Lloyd I had a little story time segment that I had everybody tell a story of one of their favorite stories of aviation and I liked Michaels story the best so everybody did a good story and I'd like to congratulate Michael oh you are the winner of the four plate century I'll be giving away a Bose headset next so if you didn't win that one day - no we are giving away that Bose the headset but the flaps down out there take a look at the wing I've selected [Music] good evening delivery by one tango Bravo or hope shorter one zero and one time brother are you ready to go it will be ready one sec brother waiting eyeball release and hopefully just a minute or two I don't know problem I'll go check it right there's a good year one hanger out there you look down here at the iPad at the for flight app you'll see there we are one get away well short 1:07 aitikaf tango contact to launch control departure control it ever tinkle TBM 8 5 1 take a brothel after departure fighting zero nine zero they they kicked out them runway one zero one zero zero take play pick up clear for takeoff what's your oh five zero nine zero climb maintain $2,000 if I want to take a pro alright we are ready to go hope you guys are got your seatbelts all faster I'm very excited to go on this plate so final is clear found the runway looks clear no light up here soon all right there you go so now we used to drop our Pam up to 2000 [Music] and take our power is set actually we're not getting it up down to 2,000 so I'm gonna board take on power another big fight one thing about it I'm gonna have to work that take off might be a second in the Rob area that's fine turn right at taxiway Mike and then cross runway six back to runway one zero and how much time you think you're gonna need we'll see you're just gonna sort out applicable issue here and that might be about five minutes five okay thank you this family-run jail let me know when you're ready to go again Roger exiting out Mike we're gonna cross from only six and we'll be hold short of zero barrier there what you know like a river all right so my prop our camp wasn't getting up to 2,000 it was stuck down early 1900 I've had issues where prop governors get stuck before now I'm gonna just put my full running up there another band Oh couple times let's see if I get it to it where it clears it here's the rough area so what I'm gonna do a few times here point to the went a little bit and set the parking brake doing over speed governor and test again here and see if we can resolve that issue there was a parking brake on it so we're gonna do is run up to 1900 drop our cameras at 1900 push the test traps to 1600 release and now it's not going back up to 19 higher it's sitting out like 1810 I don't know why it's doing that so let's try it one more if we can get this thing to work correctly we're gonna go up to 1900 the proverb camp there it is I'm gonna push the test it's gonna see the drop release dropped like 200 and it should go back to 19 and 18 again so it's not performing correctly oh sure I want more time we need his proper cam to get up to 2,000 it's almost there then you're gonna see it start to drop back yep 1,900 that's not gonna work all right we're dead in the water guys so anyway I just want to show you well upload this video anyway just to show you what happens some things don't go as planned we're gonna go back to the hangar here after I could give a call to the TVM maintenance just to see if they have any other tricks up their sleeve that rival I'll be back after this phone call so let's just try setting takeoff power one more time to see if we get up mm and we'll see what happens so right it's no see if you can see I don't know if you guys can see it's hovering right down there at 1900 I can't get the proper camp up to 2,000 is where it is so our popovers me governor is shot so anyway there you go guys it's a little showing you what happens when things don't go as planned caught that on the takeoff roll let me go back to the hangar and I apologize guys I was excited to bring you up for a nice sunset flight but sometimes things don't go as planned and so I hope you guys enjoyed seeing what happens when things don't go as planned so contact ground here and tell me to go back to spot bye brother eight five one day I'm going yeah I'm gonna run a barrier here and broke an airplane okay it wasn't me I did I swear and the remember one tank Bravo taxi back on the Alpha crops when we check that the numbers to spot dodge Hydra we're gonna taxi alpha cross six two spot five don't worry I'll play all right and I'm just going cans without you can reap out I appreciate the name thank you all right sounds like a nice friendly controller there yeah our over speed governor is shot here's runway six again final hey you guys you know sometimes you want to see when things don't go as planned when things go wrong well there you have it on the phone call I call the director of maintenance and he basically just said bring it back in they're gonna replace that overspeed governor tomorrow so I ought to just come back to the airport try it again once the three installment you drop the other it was good that we caught that on the takeoff we would have got airborne you know you just you don't have an airplane that's working correctly you know you want to get that back slowed up on the runway and be done with the play Brad get up in here and then had more issues anyway congratulations Michael would like I said he's gonna be the winner of that for flight century and also coming up the Bose headsets I'll be giving away state one can even convert details on how to women bows and said it's gonna be a really good prize all right I'm not gonna get back where we were at the parking area which was right father so we're just gonna do a little u-turn right here and we'll go right behind this nice brand-new night for you over here and anyway guys hope you're all doing well okay talk to me again and I don't someday soon take care guys [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 613,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VOG, vlog, Travel, TBM850, Becoming a pilot, Pilot Life, Career in Aviation, Pilot, ATC Audio, ATC, Landing an Airplane, Taking off, Cockpit, Flying
Id: pDseTU6Hm_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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