MIAMI, FL to DALLAS, TX - Flying over the Gulf of Mexico!

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long horn Cowboys the Alamo you guessed it we're playing for Miami Texas let's get this started there's a big dough place at the bottom of the map between the Midland on their hat young Lone Star beer can change your state of mind you can go I'm just about ever and not here we could get tongs or just pick a back you can have your pick of any Yellow Rose inside but if you mess with it you ain't on the air in it you leave your heart way down [Music] [Applause] we never got the pipeline where the buckle bond still is loose then find and a cowboy knows he can have a super ball there's two teams on the Friday Night Lights fools males have sat then I come Sunday morning read you're gonna save us all with it you don't ever forget it you leave your heart way down in it you'll be feeding my dad down the Texas we're gonna let the ng wind up down here and as soon as that winds up beside and it's gonna go it should be in there now we introduce the low idle now we're looking for a hot start song starts hot starts on the ITT hung starts on the ng not to continue to wind up pretty hot day out here plus 34 degrees Celsius on the ramp good all right it's there like a confirmation Sierra one seven five three zero whether one two seven zero one two is photo one zero 3,500 scattered 900,000 broken temperature three to two point two four temperature to nine or 85 ILS runway two-seven right approaching yes lining up wearing wrong white t 7 right to seven left and three zero no stammering crane locator 1.7 miles west-northwest oh boy airport 66 feet above ground level advisories clearance liveries open one-one-niner point to that Python shall contact you have information Sierra all right we got information zero a little bit clearance here pick a bright fire well clearance good afternoon about refi one singer ever over its signature with Sierra looking to pick up rife our tv-ma 5-1 tango Bravo clear to Dallas love airport via Miami six departure Winkle transition that has filed maintain 2000 expect by level 3 0 0 1 0 - after departure departure frequency will be one to eight point six o'clock five seven three zero cleared out to Dallas love Miami six my code transition has five maintain 2000 I expect tree zero zero ten minutes after one to eight point six on departure frequency squawking five seven trees here and I've ever if I want to keep him one thing a bubble read back correct I'll block the ground good afternoon November eight five one tanker brother approaching spot three with Sierra taxi over a five one tango Bravo runway two-seven right thanks me November 6 November November 6 no doctor to center right November 85 one thing a brother we gave the marshal or quick flash of the taxi lights that lets them know we're ready taxi you got our taxi instructions we'd like to welcome everybody on board it's got a special treat today we're going to be flying IFR at the TBM 850 from Miami Florida up to Dallas Texas we've got to play at level three zero zero and I'll show you the route once we get up going here we'll show you the route that we're going to be doing today guys do you like these videos be sure to smash the thumbs up button also subscribe to the channel is greatly appreciated also ring that little bell to notify you when I upload the videos look at our another rape I want tango Bravo push it to seven or eight culture hey if I win tango Bravo blog guitar turn right heading three zero zero runway two-seven right so particular for takeoff early to seven angle turn right to trees zero zero two that rape I want to brother alright you gotta take off Claire's here across culture first clear down the runway and the final looks clear I'm gonna leave the bleed off on this takeoff roll since it's so hot outside until we get airborne then I'll turn the bleed on so the engine stays a little cooler on our takeoff roll all right up on center line here here we go Dallas Texas here we come breeze power up for our takeoff higher yes since I don't have to bleed on the ITT is a lot cooler than if I would have had it on all right big pressures all good northbound for now that Astrid it's three Northeast because the rotation speed I don't think I'd be able to see that but I'm final there it is 4-0 tracks with a tranquil back Roger plane over there got a yoke up there sky we go eliminated speaks with a localizer a pass Roosevelt right turn I need six hotel Hotel blog here at eleven o'clock three miles helicopter 700 or below northbound from runway 27 right cool in a big hotel Hotel Roger only two seven right good touching go start a right turn to tree zero zero don't go far later alright puffy it's nice taking off out of 270 split your interaction we need to go for a round pinnacle flaps up keeping it up goddamn prior yeah I got there I got the truck now pull the power back a little bit we're gonna put our plate on it's your discretion our ittv they go a little bit higher north very tough all right Farah one single Bravo contact my Moodle course departure watch second row alright 733 tango tango applied to third we're also gonna put the autopilot out put it on it was a three-hour 48 minute play my good afternoon about a 5-1 tanga private to you 1,300 climb into 2008 I one thing about my pleasure to contract law maintain 4,000 Danforth I want a brother any jumper 2032 five-to-four refreshing left all right so you got 4,000 set up in our altitude selector I like to climb at a hundred forty nights a week and actually do we just go into the S mode and you will pitch for 2500 feet a minute before their speed chili dog as soon as it hits higher floor yah I will contact departure one-one-niner point 4 5 1945 one thing every day let's hit time for tea not so good is but that name I mean I've already fight one tango Brad Teague 2,900 client 4,000 no raid5 one take a rubber want me to furniture arrived or 17 7000 7000 one thing ever ever it's a seven thousand in our altitude selector and we're staying at is but we're gonna do now 23 Street you throw up and over with the flap lever ticker an outgoing 850 mode also turn the inertial separator off you turn here another showstopper a-rod we're gonna get an increase at tore it to 383 heavy contact my mission to 130 2.8 NASA I call it back so you don't over towards the engine does everyone tango Bravo one able to can he go correct Wanko wants hang up brother we won't take a bad word traffic no factor Chloe didn't one zero thousand one thousand want take a breath good marker all right ready once your thousand at the altitude selector or 1457 army departure writer go tired to get up into employment $87 vs at 3,000 feet a minute so our speed leads back to hunt 140 yeah I'll go into that mode [Music] [Music] alright now that we're up and running here this is our rod today we just took off out of Miami we're gonna go up over Sarasota join the queue 100 route to over to the intersection fatso we're doing make landfall just around New Orleans through their seat up over Louisiana into Texas and over into Dallas we do have some weather just northen around Dallas I'll have to keep an eye on that as we get closer I'm in a factory to contact graphing and clinically open conquer 36 our altitude alert 1000 ago get important to it 9,000 climbing up once you're that currently and that should hopefully put us above the majority the clouds down here in Florida so should be nice smooth ride we are going quite a ways over the Gulf of Mexico we have a life vests on board we're doing good also I got a 20 man through life raft so if we go down I'll have basically a cruise ship pull it around on until I get rescued one time we didn't win $1 you want that I want to take a beretta marks Brickyard 44:11 1.5 for five thousand three hours 48 minutes late time today coffin time is strictly being unforced negativity there's no man sir my lord sir we forged a 350 you are a passenger on this airplane you would want to wait until one hour ete go to 50/25/25 a thinner one 32.4 me it really doesn't matter because it's not a single pilot you can it's a co-pilot airplane never get up and go use the restroom so I just gotta suffer so it does feel good to be back at work flying a TBM 850 this is one of my jobs that I have if you guys aren't considering everyone into like it was a career or just for fun church I built my friend Jason chapter he's got a cool YouTube channel f0a and here on school and he also does like videos or training for 0/3 sure check it up yeah description below the winter bamboo come eating one mm what mm want to take a breath we're getting a slow step up here today guys 1,000 feet at a time you don't want a graphic on the maintain one six thousand won six thousand I want to hang over ever want a go battle cutting behind me Center one three two for 583 245 want a cup I mean if I went saying about do you want two thousand two one six dialect when Columbia name one six dogs do firing reverence the air but they just take the clock bomb I'll even put the subpoena and a half you'll keep that for the Airbus and we'll go up to 160 I want to take a brother Oh climb via this Airbus that's right behind us somewhere by one thing Oh Bravo claw maintain a level one Niner zero Clarington one nine zero one take a brother all right I can open the flight levels now 41 9 0 set $3 44 is your third yeah once we go up past one eight zero will push the standard button go to 9 9 to NRL senator there's 140 on the speed push the is but now we'll climb it back in is mode not to worry about stall on the plane behold rate around 140 when I push the button alright that's 18,000 feet the beginning of the flight levels here coming up so we're gonna go standard to 9 9 to the other jumps up to it's a to 9 9 to set both of them if I want to take a Bravo cause they pay you follow both to 3-0 alright well two trees here I want to take a brother and up we go again as a pilot it's nice to just get bigger step ups then such more frequent level offs just cuz you know it's nice to just get up there and set your cruise power 25 1 tango Bravo that's a balmy Center 1 to 6.5 to try 652 one take a broken I mean I verify one thing about t20 for climbing the two trees 0 remember you 5 one thing a problem I myth inner loop let me pay for level 3 0 0 oh thanks for that up the tree zero zero one thing a brother alright good news we are cleared up to our cruise altitude finally what we're gonna do now is let the airplane climb up we'll let it plane out build up its airspeed now we'll set a cruise power and we can take the shoulder harnesses off here now get comfortable for this lovely three hour and 48 minutes late remember e51 tango Bravo contact - enter one 28.2 two t28 trying to untangle brother how could they do that ma'am I mean I verify one thing about you two for to climb into trees you never Maury five one finger Rob oh my hammy thinner Roger good after service ceiling on the TBM 850 here is 31,000 feet since we're going westbound today we had to pick a even altitude and since we're going over the water and I like to go as high as I possibly can in case we have any kind of trouble because it's the most amount of time the diagnosis try to fix it before we hit the water so that's why I chose 30,000 feet for this route look if it's quite a long time to troubleshoot any issue if the engine was a fail to try to get it restarted or any others probably might have but usually if an engine fails on a turboprop you're most likely not going to get it restarted in my opinion normally a pretty catastrophic failure alright so we are now level we let the airspeed build up we're gonna set our cruise power so we're at 30,000 feet bet the torque pulled back enough here now what we're going to do come down here with our prop rpm and pull this back towards towards me and as you're gonna pull that back room for three Niner if you're gonna see the prop rpm right there 1 2 3 of every night we hunter and the torque should rise a little bit one thirty three point nine or four Niner zero Bob today now we have the prop X 1900 which is what I like for cruise and we have a cruise power set another thing I'm going to do is I'm kind of come down here and you go to the fuel page on our engine Trent monitoring and right now if we scroll down talk with the community set in how much fuel we had on board when we to dock Miami but right now I double-check this throughout the flight to make sure it's still holding true to give us correct information we have to our 43 gallons of fuel on board is what it's showing we come up here and look and double-check it with the gauges of what's really in the plane and it matches up so now when you come down all this informations gonna be going to correct contact Miami feel for 30 points you we got a 5.3 one nautical miles per gallon as well we're getting there dude and we'll have eighty three gallons while we land at Dallas fast 405 Miami but it's always good to keep on top of all this just to make sure we have three hours in ten minutes with your Mach number oh we get to Dallas 851 four miles what I'm gonna do now now that we got the airplane all cruise though and we know everything is all looking good running good everything's calculated properly when I sit back and relax and I'll turn on the XM radio for about the next three hours and we'll see you guys a little bit further down the road here [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we started our descent on the arrival the Jaeger three arrival into Dallas love America 1551 Divya baby give it on two one four thousand for probably two to zero okay look over and pick up the ATIS okay I love my London is your contractor what tank ever ever Center up boy 37 7 shuttles love-filled arrived here who has dispersed your information Charlie 2:05 temperature when 2.17 altimeter to nine or nine or two alright we finished the eight is there we have information Charlie so we're gonna we've got some storms all in the area and peccary control approach one get back to expect I try to get an hour now approach four one three left Jaeger at 7001 take a brother when people Bob are you able to I never rivals the red and for no dogs birth hey forever we can do that one thing about throwing after acre doing the reading for a mother dog by a one and pickle burglar thank you I Jeff you're a great for Valley if I want a brother electronic charts area so nice when you're flying single pilot cuz things come quick and you don't want to be flipping through a book of a paper trying to find your approach place there to go down through some of the cloud layers that you can see out here to the left pretty cool also every November different foot on her on board weather radar just for an extra step of safety your key Niner Niner clear in case things starting to boss them up in front of us as we get closer to the airport we got quite a bit of precip over by the airport especially in the overlaid our arrival and everything on to our charts here it looks like there's gonna be heavy moderate rain over the airport but because get your seatbelts on alright cuz it's gonna get a little bumpy coming up here about to go into some icy conditions that's where we will no longer be able to see out the windows here pretty soon and what we're just relying on our instruments we do this is we don't have a son in our face oh when you're go with your bumps I usually always put the power bag but we're gonna right it'll make the bumps less violent zero you know prepared going through a really fast airport is in modern precept my problem is is our Pro Chi puts us out into the orange crate and that's what I'm looking at right approach goes out into the orange you know the airport isn't yellow regional food so one three five point to getting twenty five point to one thing a Brotherhood good day good afternoon verify one thing about you 7600 just saying to seven thousand one Charlie every five one thing about over regional but thanks Delta's downcurrent you have to be able to thirty nine another one night one will get that the one thing a brother all right so the top of the hour they just switched temperature one page one free drive approach and you marry seven Mike Mike severe weather avoidance program in effect LMSs my micro defender in North internationally fellas long runways 1/3 left insulin three fries are in progress but my son initial contact you have information pill though all right we have information Delta let them know hey five one king of Bravo's is gonna maintain five down seven ten 5,000 one tango Bravo we have a delta thank you then approach it if I want a road just want to confirm road we couldn't get expect aren't have for one tree left then I can throw a little defined you run away I'm not sure which I'm not gonna give you okay Roger right now I got everything briefed for the Arnav one three left it's just when they switch it up when you're this close the airport to when you're single pilot to just rebreathing you approach is close it's it's pretty tricky so thankfully with my app here for flight it'll be quicker than doing it the old-fashioned way and they used to say they had a severe weather avoidance which is active there's some bit bad storms all to the west and the northwest of the airport remember if I won't take a Braille book I like to approach a 23-point Donner g'day 23.9 what's hanger bracket it Roche another replay one thing about it to you five thousand nine eight five one king of our you are on went three left actually yeah okay can I get I get it not request for the I don't have one three left or am I went through that our nav Zulu once are you left a if I left a pro well at 1443 fighting at p60 alright so we're gonna do a Lulu once we left so I got a quick you know one 7 November maybe go back and pull up the Zulu one one three left thank you there was he dealt the regional approach Roger everyone through that alright we're all lined up pre lift here we go so where's about five of us all growing it to one three left we got another yellow else to do so here in front of drive my house still be on it it's all just moderate rain it will be going in and out of that sounds like tower will be your next frequency on 23.7 so I'll get that Sam see we're ahead of the play great matter the final project that way I don't have to tune it in when I get her next ricochet one hangover I would've gonna maintain 4,000 that maintain 4,000 want to take a breath all right we 4,000 on our altitude selector we yes I'm at 1,500 feet wrapping it down we should be popping out of this IMC here pretty quick Kelly old trap there were three ones everywhere remember he for the left maintain two days with a little more confidence so you can actually see the rent comps and I think we need the sunglasses anymore well look at there we got a real nice view of downtown Dallas Texas offer left approaching RF I want an umbrella we have field site I'm tango Bravo Rogers well yeah I thought you might the Araneta Zulu a person oh I had the visual if that's possible didn't Rose anyone tango Bravo maintain three doubt 3081 Tanger brother all right ride to sneak in there just get a visual but today's pressure went through that lock on the crew point seven visual approach one 3 left 1 2 3 points what happened is that uh hawkers we put him in front of us we got that guy hang a problem forehead in a three who there or not for your statement three two zero one tang brother so yeah we want to but we got a raw deal on this whining that cuneta they gave the hospital B which is behind us a visual and they put us some vectors under the heavier stuff I gotta love that uh airplane here to wash anyway don't want tangle Bravo turn left heading two four zero two four zero one tango brother there was enough p.m. love something sided pan movie night that's airfield right down here below us Madison feature with it stuff once your left cocktail of power one two three point seven three seven that gives a bit you want three bits do you guys want a little bit more scenic tour anyway of Dallas end you're right I want hangover how about it kind of maintain pretty Taoism that maintain 2000 want take a breather alright super 2000 maintain 170 or not the last out there you gotta love them that over ten o'clock and a mouth a for hill to say well maintain one sentence you're on the speed one tail brother yeah two to three miles here just get to 40 getting don't you think - 4-0 I don't want to take a brother hey over there get the field say it out there at 34 38 fourth out no one tango Bravo fighting the 2-0 drunk finally convinced fresh from way one dream left to to 0 trying to find out there for the visual one three left if I want to go further I think arrival cut they love tired out one two three points have a good day we retire have a good day you want to take brother yeah I love tower here that afternoon nothing reef I want to Bravo out the visual for once we left very bad one thing a brothel of chairman in charge of continue good today or what hey brother how the 14th and you got to go about 2535 continue the Alima hold short of Charlie 7 name is shorter Charlie 7 Southwest 25 35 23 49 in traction approach he though there's on the parallel but no we're flying a vision with you just a moment I'll let the autopilot have some fun no product ordinate make sure it does it's l50 or person eight five one tango Bravo left I run away three left wind three six zero at five three clams clear to land one three left a file on taken forever all right guys sounds good we got cleared to land clearance four one three left runway out there and safe as you guys can see we're right on the glide path and we're right on the approach quarter standing on three right went three things a little bit to the left the airplanes holes a little bit to the left and we're actually a little bit high but the airplanes adjusting the auto pilot flying us right now before take a 14-10 that is correct when they won 3 right 2 3 4 check out put thank you you're down to go select a to make sure it indicates elbows 25 35 run my one pure Atlanta the waiting the kick that's always a good feeling but you see it indicating plane is doing a good job right on the glide path great approach course I also see the little simulated runaway on our display right there pretty cool repu landing with a little bit of a way through 20 the quarter for two here for left tail when landing airplanes 22:27 yeah for now to do that planting with chillin does not always this is quicker than they have been easiest greased event airplanes like to land in the 500 fine our feet to go just connect the autopilot I will just hand flying it in you'll hear the chime when we would have to go a mist so you can either how low you can actually go I could feel the slake tail end here I'm still hand flying well there's the chime there was our decision altitudes if you look out the front window that's how they cope as regional departure I start to pull the power back I don't stop down there shorty right went 3 Sigma there are 5-2 Flair everyone three left Monica wait draw a nice smile and hide somewhere 23:49 yeah I'll be back at the reverse lift well coward Southwest 4241 three-way get off their health in 3 min 3 5 3 @ 5 you'll start going off with the reverse thrust with the point from that welcome to Dallas whoa guys excited to be here that's the whole short virus go to ground if I want tango Bravo clear one three left Oh three we need to go to signature try one thing a bar below ground Ikeda Parker be alpha cat in Montana brother that is signature right out in front of us hope you guys enjoyed that plate that was a long one probably not for you but for Sid we said nice airplane man I'd say uh what's four hours over there cool open e there there's a navy plane right there next to it pass by looks like well those hurricane hunters I don't know if you guys know what that is drop in the comments below look they use that for but I've brought my raincoat I hope you guys have yours cuz we're about to get wet here in just a few minutes there's our Marshall array of a furnace will follow his hand instructions in [Music] so while we're here in Dallas I'm gonna take you guys to the frontiers of flight museum looks pretty cool let's go check this out [Music] so they have a lot of cool things to look at inside of here I'm gonna show you my top three favorites that I found coming in at number three would have to be the Corsair to a7 was originally conceived as a light attack aircraft to replace the douglas a-4 skyhawk the a7 was developed into one of the best tactical fighter bombers ever fielded by the US forces nicknamed the ultimate bomb truck the a7 could carry a 15,000 pound load of munitions on eight different stations on the airplane accommodating virtually the entire range of then-current u.s. naval aircraft ordnance what makes this airplane so special to me is when I was younger looking at the different airplane magazines this one always stood out to me I think it's a really cool airplane now that we checked out my third favorite display let's go check out my second favorite coming in at number two would have to be the Vaught 173 this one-of-a-kind airplane built as a technology demonstrator it was designated by the bought aircraft as the v1 73 because of its shape it was also called the flying flapjack and later renamed the flying pancake its purpose was to demonstrate a flying wing design that was capable of aerodynamic controllability at speeds as low as 24 miles per hour I'm sure getting to fly the flying pancake back in the day was the cat's meow pretty cool airplane after seeing my second favorite display here we're now gonna get to go see my favorite let's go check it out coming in at number 1 as my favorite display here is the Apollo 7 command module to be going up into space is such an intriguing thing let's go check out the Apollo 7 the Apollo 7 command module was the first manned flight of the Apollo program they traveled a total distance of four million five hundred and thirty nine thousand nine hundred fifty nine miles the first flight find the tragic Launchpad fire of the Apollo 1 mission command module in January 27 1967 that killed all three astronauts a major delay was placed on the Apollo program pending the results an extensive series of design and safety reviews as a result of these investigations the module underwent many design changes among the changes made was a single quick operating outward opening crew hatch which replaced the two-piece hatch the new aluminum and fiberglass hatch could be opened in a matter of seconds by both crew in the pad safety crew in addition the launch pad spacecraft cabin atmosphere for pre-launch testing was changed from a hundred percent oxygen to a mixture of sixty percent oxygen and forty percent nitrogen a mixture that was selected after extensive flammability testing the Apollo seven was the first manned Apollo flight and the first one to use the re-engineering command module this vehicle made a hundred and sixty-three Earth orbits in ten days 20 hours and nine minutes of all the spacecraft systems and procedures were flight tested for the first time so effectively NASA dubbed the mission one hundred and one percent successful so there you have it that's my top three displays here at the frontiers of flight museum and thank you guys for flying up from Miami to Dallas with me I hope you guys enjoyed checking out these exhibits here with me and if you like the video please smash that thumbs up and subscribe to the channel again someday soon [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 407,079
Rating: 4.9750614 out of 5
Keywords: Steveo1kinevo, Flight vlog, VLOG, Becoming a pilot, Career in aviation, Aviation, Pilot life, Pilot, Taking off, Landing an airplane, Airplane, TBM850, Turboprop, Flying, Travel, ATC audio, ATC, Flying IFR, IFR, Miami, Dallas, Texas, Frontiers of Flight, Dallas Love, Flying in bad weather, Storms, Airlines, MzeroaNation, ForeFlight, Bose Aviation
Id: GZv-5RBdugM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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