THIS CAN'T BE GOOD! - Crazy TBM900 X Plane Flight

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today we're going to be flying the TVM 900 in the back country at British Columbia this should be pretty exciting and I'm not really sure if we should be doing this but it's not a simulator here we go [Music] [Music] but all the 99 [Music] window imagine in the world that's top [Music] all dressed up I am dead [Music] if I cut off the treasure [Music] all right welcome aboard everybody in the TBM 900 here up dad Mac mell Fisheries in British Columbia our battery on here the generator domain I don't have laid um wait first system's boot up yeah pretty exciting I've never been able to fly up in British Columbia in real life so getting to take the TBM 900 up here today is gonna be pretty exciting gonna be taking off out of mock mal Fisheries it was this little airstrip was made 22 years ago by a bunch of researchers that studied the nearby water levels it was only used for six months and it's been a abandoned ever since the runway is 2952 feet long so it's pretty short push this button get our systems all up and run here and looking good so we're going to commence the start here I'm going to be doing a battery start and we are showing 25.9 on the battery so we're good to go so we're going up a comp here turn the strobe light on we're gonna put the ignition on hill boost pump on come on down here make sure look everything looks good I'm just gonna click up on the star and hold this for about two seconds 1002 release now we're gonna see our start cycle here watching the ng rise up it's gonna stabilize right at 16.4 will introduce fuel the low idle there we go now we're gonna watch for our light off watching the ng for a hung start the ITT right here for a hot start things looking good it's like the ITT is gonna tap out it's 697 I believe it was there Angie's gonna continue its rise up here good start I'm gonna come up here yato who's pumped Auto Hill selector to auto turn on her autopilot rims all set we're gonna come up and go up over the gate here and we'll also get ready to turn her bleed on and I'll turn our AC on make sure our parking brake is set here and it is inertial separator on 30 seconds or so we'll get our master caution along with the annunciator panel showing that the inertial separator is on turn our panel lights on here eliminate all the different switches and stuff a little bit better and one more crucial step come down here to the Bose a20 this is pretty amazing when you put this on and you click on it it actually mutes the side of the cabin just as it would in real life so listen to the difference here there we go so our h1 II is on so one thing we're going to do before we get all set up for takeoff is we're going to make sure all our trims are all set so here's our elevator trim I'm gonna dial that down at the green our rudder trim put that in the green relaunch room is set up I'm gonna come down so I'll put our first notch of flaps in it for takeoff right down here selected and also indicating alright so with this runway it is pretty short and we've got some mountains all around here if you looked at the iPad you're gonna see there we are and there's the runway right there so we're going to part out to the west here until we get above looks like 6,500 is those mountain ranges right over there to the south and then we're gonna climb on down on our route which is Shawn right here and this is some user waypoints I put in here on floor flight to get us into the destination that we're going to be going to quantum River Airport and I'll tell you more about quantum river as we get closer down to it you take a look outside here before here gonna see we're creating quite a dust storm this is a first time I've ever taken a TBM unimproved Airport landing strips there's no limitation saying we can't do it in real life I don't know if I would really temp to do this in real life but you know today we're in a simulator so it should be a lot of fun you could see over to the left over there get the Mac model Fisheries the old abandoned structures that they left behind 22 years ago all right so we're gonna come up here we're gonna turn on the landing light put that right on we got our nav light and strobe lights on and we'll release the parking brake down here and we'll be on our way got our initial separator on which is good because being an unimproved Airport like this we'd be kicking over lots of fadh that could get into that intake I'm gonna hold back on the yoke here a little bit as you can see keep the weight off the nose wheel so we'll pull back on the yoke right here and because there's not a lot of proper clearance at the front between the ground and the prop on the TBM let Mel get a TBM we're gonna be backtracking the runway and we put Department to the us to the Mac mill traffic there's an old boat - right over here back in the day and I don't hear any other traffic on the flights in here we're flying on that sim today I really highly doubt anybody we'd be back here just we're in the middle of nowhere so here we are in the runway so what we're gonna do is go into heading mode for this departure so right here heading mode now what we're gonna come down is to get the command bars at 10 degrees we're just gonna tap on the throttle here on the go-around button so you tap that it sets your flight director right up to 10 degrees beautiful area British Columbia hope you guys got your bears brand yeah if you were walking around here it looks like pretty desolate area and a lot of berry bushes off to the left there that's where the bears usually like to eat we'll keep an eye out for him we're gonna go as far back as we can on this front way to get a good run up it only is 2952 feet long so we do have plenty out a runway for a TBM a little patch of grass here I'm looking in there make sure there's no stumps or anything in there looks pretty good clear just grass I'm gonna come down here and get ready for our departure Gerry Heat's on and we're good to go now this is looking pretty tricky here I don't know how much farther we want to go back here we're gonna go exterior view and we'll do a u-turn right in here because any farther back in there I don't think we would make it this is tight this is one nice thing about having exterior view on flight sim compared to a real life we just kind of guessing where to go there we go nice sharp turn your line back up come to a complete stop here alright so here we go looks like we're lined up as good as we're gonna get here so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna ease the power see the prop rpm there and ease that up we're gonna hold the brakes it's on the prop rpm takeoff power set and we are and off we go a little bit of a squirrely there right with the rudder pedals but that's just some stuff for you so watching for a rotation speed looking good well temperature pressures all good in the green there's a rotation speed and we're gonna go gear up wow that was pretty too late watching the gear handle here it's blinking red you're unsafe light is still on and there we go gear is up and we're looking good in our heading of the flaps up and yaw damper on and actually we'll go on a pilot on and we're gonna climb and flight level change mode take a look the outside view man I love that view so since we're in flight level change mode set for a hundred and twenty eight knots is what we when we activated the flight level change mode right here it was that one twenty eight so that's a good speed wouldn't climb out at that check our pressurization you know we're not going that high we have a cabin altitude of 600 feet differential pressure at one point to take a look off the left wing there you see little that's the mountains that we're going to clear so we can pick a spot to go up and get on course we're looking pretty good we're in heading mode will start our turn over here to the left to get on course there's the airport down there behind us quantum river here we come and we're on the torque we're at 77 so we can still advance that it's more power out of this yeah we can also turn the inertial separator off down here by our left knee turn that 30 seconds it'll get this light come off now you're gonna see torque increase let's watch the torque increase you're gonna get an ITT drop with that eye with the scoops opening up with the inertial separator so see you're gonna see the ITT coming down here and you're gonna see the torque right here rise the process of that initial separator opening up I'm down to the map here we'll expand that I guess I could have put a user point in the computer system here so you can see on the on the MFD where we were going but I have it here on for flight take a look so here's the airplane to level out 9,500 feet it's gonna plane out bill up some speed and be good to go beautiful view of the mountains out there this is explained 11:00 I'm really excited for the new Microsoft Flight Simulator will be coming out later this year but look at the view of those mountains you come down here and look at for flight and iPad you'll see that's where we just took off we want to get on course click on the first Waypoint it has it up go direct to as shown us will turn over there to the left [Music] so yeah if you guys enjoy these videos be sure to smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel still currently here in quarantine and hopefully things get back sooner than later to somewhat normal so yeah where we're gonna go into his quantum River Airport it's a hub for forest workers and it's still active today it's really busy with a lot of different forest workers clearing out the valley with the trees and stuff the runway is 2500 feet long so a shorter than the wrong one we took off on so we got to be very careful on this landing also one thing that is in the notes of this airport is due to all the forest activity with the different forest workers they will sometimes use this runway to store put their logs on you know utilize it with their vehicles so it's so they actually advise you to do a low flyover a low pass over there or to let the forest workers know that we will be coming in to land as airplanes only come in to land every couple days at this airport so that it's not really used by airplanes that much but the forest workers will utilize this runway for their operational needs so we've got to look out for that when I come into land and also because the terrain around the airport along with the different trees we have to come in from the West land so we'll be landing on the western runway it's advised to be able to utilize that we're currently burning 75 gallons an hour so real thing the good down here field at the fuel gauges we're about a hundred gallons and we're burning 75 gallons per hour the reason why we're burning more than normal as we're staying pretty low do the the fact that this plate is not very long you have an altitude for pressurization in here is 2,300 feet and it's a differential pressure at 3.2 so this is the type of flat but I would never attempt this in real life you know with if it was my own personal TBM you know coming into these type of strips personally I would want to just take a little bit better care choosing a more appropriate airplane for a play like this but that's what's fun about flight sim is you know getting you know do things like this they would not normally do in real life if we were going up higher this is on the overhead where you would turn your oxygen on let's turn it on here's a little that comes on but since we're staying low today we won't really need to worry about the oxygen so what I did here down here by Stewart Island I put in some user points to get a bill to navigate those little mountains there to get us into our quantum river Airport which is right there so yeah with this quarantine going on flight sim has really been a great way to keep the skills sharp today we're not really doing any of IFR procedures just you know some mountain flying on a nice VFR day you guys are thinking about becoming a pilot and you think this looks fun going online has never been a better time my friend Jason Shepherd runs an online ground school m0a comm it's linked in the description below go down check it out up guide you through getting all your ratings and like I said a lot of flight schools are closed down right now so it's not a bad time to take your learning online go take a look in the back here real quick I know we're single pilot we should get up off the controls but you know I wanna go check out the school airplane it's got the black leather with the red pinstriping pretty cool take the ferry table out carbon-fiber about that not bad put that away nice alright we gotta get back up here and take care of business now in real life you would never want to do that pee I see you're stuck at the controls Mary go back in our seat to enjoy the view so with that in mind looking at the charts looks like we can go right on down to 7500 feet gets a little lower so we're descending on down in I don't know if we'll get any thermals of any of the wind we're using a real world weather sometimes probably get some thermals off these different mountaintops and the ridges the wind swirling around but so far it's been nice and smooth that was 1,000 feet to go level out at 7500 feet so the one thing if you take a look around guys the one thing you I think about and I would think about real life as well as what would we do if we had an engine failure right here as you can see I would be first of all feathering that prop as fast as I can to get the best glide out of this thing and I would honestly what I would be looking for is to put it down on like a body of water I'd be shooting down over there you know like right into that by the ready walk the shoreline because in the mountains like this you're not gonna have very many good spots to be able to set it down and even if you were to try to put it down these mountain tops ranges it would not look it would not be pretty what would you guys do I don't know that's that the water will be my opinion in the mountains like this bottom River Airport we'll see if the forest workers will be working out today on the runway and stuff we'll make some announcements I'm on that's him 22.8 with all the under control there he holds that's what they use we'll turn the inertial separator back on so right down here by our left knee flip that switch now 30 seconds or so we'll see the inertial separator laid on right here on the cast I wouldn't lie if I said I was not a little bit nervous coming into land at this airport well you know like 2500 feet long very narrow and we'll see how this goes there's our inertial separator on came on after we flipped that switch down there so on this landing as we know there's going to be some poorest workers most likely working out around the airport we're gonna actually come up here put our policy ting landing light on that switch to on now if we go to the outside you're gonna see now that we're outside the lane light isn't a pulsating landing light mode anybody that's down on the ground out there should hopefully see us coming a little bit better well look at the beauty beautiful area so I up ahead there you can see that's gonna be our valley that we're gonna be sending down into so putting in those user waypoints has been pretty helpful with me to see where exactly we're going to go in to get in there you match up the push plate here you know the sectional to what we see out the window we can start down so we're gonna come right down here autopilot disconnect on the left side of the ogle gonna hit that now we can hand fly the rest of the way in and the flight director off won't be using that anymore you're not utilizing it there's no point to having it up and just being a distraction so we're gonna start hand flying it down in here so what we're looking for is our first turn to get us into the airport that's just our altitude alerter we'll just put that up 9500 get that out of the way like I said if you're not utilizing something just you know get it out of the way it's not beeping at you then or or like if I'm not using the flight director there's no point having it up to distract you the first pass that we're gonna do we'll just go flaps to the takeoff position just so it can utilize a little bit more slower airspeed and we're gonna do a low pass over this Airport we'll make one announcement here as we're coming in our first one to give any traffic in the area that might be here I don't know we're coming in want remember you have a TBM we're 14 miles to the west northwest we're gonna be flying the runway it will pass and right traffic inbound plan quantum river see this is where we have to be careful that we make the right decision on what pass and what area we're going in to get into this Airport we look down here we want to make sure it kind of follow our flight plan that we had all briefed up that I briefed before this flight so we're gonna go a little bit over here to the right this way we don't get in trouble this is a very unfamiliar area for me if we go down the wrong Valley I mean that could be a bad choice if there's no out and we get too low look off the right side there you'll see we're just beating the tops these hills all right so we look back down the iPad here this is where I've got marked right around the this peak here was where we'll start to go left so we can go right on down this direction over here and this will keep us on the next turn not so tight pull the power all the way back that goes off if you don't have your landing gear down just advance it a little bit so there we go this is the little gap I want to hit right here we're under our first notch of flap setting here for the speed so we're gonna come on down and go first notch flaps select it I also make sure indicating and indicating so this is tight I mean this I mean guys I got remember this is my first time coming in here so I just downloaded all the scenery from prop strike studio and the airport that we took off out of is actually free on their website he has a tail dragger playing that he is designed that you can download for free this Airport here that I paid for I think was like $28 but you know for him to be all give out free scenery you know I don't mind spending some money to help out a developer I think it's pretty cool stuff he's putting on it so yeah check out props tricks to do if you guys want to download the scenery so now we got a look for our airport it's gonna be over there to our left as we around this Bend and we'll start we'll keep it coming down here we're going to do right traffic because I think there's a mountain right to the northeast of the airport runway and we come down here see how far away we are we're about 4 miles so I'll make another announcement quantum raver TBM we're four mile right base for the eastern runway to roll ahead want remember so we're looking for the runway here go ahead to rolling ahead so we're gonna come down here is inhibit there we go inhibited that now we don't have to worry about getting yelled at so much you just come down here you hit enter go to inhibit that I'll get rid of all those warnings that we had to deal with all right so do you guys see this runway it should be right out in front of us somewhere here we got to really make sure we look for what we need to look for with all this equipment that could be on the runway only twenty five hundred foot long runway so it's very short I think I see a building over there right at her one o'clock so look at this we I got to think I got the runway in sight here this is why I would not to do a right traffic cuz there's no way we could do left I tell me if you could I see any equipment on this runway man we have to do a tight turn in here to get back to this runway there's our airport oh my goodness guys I can't believe when I try to attempt an way in there and the runway looks clear I don't see anything on the runway - you know I don't so that's our runway that's we have to deal with so now we got to get out of this valley here I don't know if we were meant to do this in a TBM but we'll do a u-turn here and come back in the land wow this is not I don't know if I would really want to do this in real life this is too tight for me we're gonna do a steep turn here I'll get over here to the left as far as we can go here we go we'll do our turn right after we get past this next little outcropping of trees it looks like it's a little bit wider right there all right we'll be all right with this I feel a little bit better right here there we go a nice deep turn to the right what you practice all these and all your practice and training oh we had plenty of space nice steep turn okay so now we're gonna come in the land there's a runway right down there we'll get done a little bit slower here slow it up and we'll put the line of gear down and gear selected and indicating and we can actually go full flaps up selected we're also gonna look right here and make sure it indicates now I'm a little nervous about coming into this Airport and the flaps are indicating all right so we're gonna pitch for 85 knots I mean if the forest workers didn't hear us coming in over that runway I don't know what they were doing but it's known that they will put stuff on that runway we're gonna slow it up it's good thing we inhibited to all that terrain because we begin yell at the whole time looking good on the speed Mountain River TV mr Turner a base for the Eastern rental a quantum river looking good we'll just extend out here to give us a little more time to play with to adjust for landing on this runway it is beautiful I couldn't imagine what it'd be like flying here in real life we're got to come down we'll pull the power all the way back to flight oh we gotta get down we're still a little high I believe here looking at that last angle alright there is a runway right out there in front of us oh my goodness this is crazy looking and good on our speed 85 knots there is a runway you went a little bit to the left of center line here got to get it lined up perfect go because it's narrow [Music] there we go looking good good good on the speed a little bit slow but it's okay just drag it on and real nice go to fly title go back to the flare here there we go a touchdown go back into reverse Wow we're holding back on the yoke keep that pressure off the nosewheel and there we go we didn't even use it up half the runway welcome to Quantum River wow that was exciting so we'll do a u-turn here it's got to make sure we don't clip any trees at the wingtips here woo can close on that one at rate we can keep pretty close so there we go clean up the plane here welcome to quantum river that was exciting well maybe the loggers took a day off or something keep her inertial separate on of course because you look at this runway it is not the best of condition get our trims readjusted for next time we decided to go skyward actually we didn't use up hardly any of the runway I mean that was really impressive I mean I dragged it in as slow as you'd want to go so look at this let's see if the other guys are working looks like we got some containers off to the right here and then look it looks like to get it yeah over there you got a one of the graters or the what do you call it the construction equipment he's actually doing something over there here's our wind sock we'll a helicopter pad here so yeah he's actually working on some brush over there to the right yeah look it over to the right he's actually working on some of the brush see I think we should just park right up in here this is a really cool Airport anyway guys I hope you really enjoyed riding along with me today and explained 11 and the TBM 900 you did like that video be sure to smash the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and we'll get back to some real world fly videos here someday soon but while we're in quarantine it's fun to make use of the a flight sim look there's they got two guys too got a guy over here working on some pipes to some culvert drainage so we'll park it right here and call it a day all right parking brake is on we'll shut this thing down [Music] all right guys we're all doing well we'll talk to gain someday soon [Music] you [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 136,536
Rating: 4.9095507 out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, vlog, TBM900, Pilot, Aviation, Pilot life, Travel, Flight Sim, Flying in the mountains, Airplane, Aircraft, Jetline Systems, Landing an airplane, taking off, MZeroA, Foreflight, BOSE Aviation, Hot Start TBM, xplane11, Becoming a pilot, Carrier in aviation, S1K, Backcountry Flying, British Columbia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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