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when it comes to flying airplanes it really doesn't matter what the size is there's a lot of responsibility when you're the pilot in command tonight we're gonna fly the TBM from Brooksville Florida down to Miami Florida [Music] all right welcome aboard the TBM 850 we'll start this up here fill the marshal or a signal that we're gonna wind up he's telling me we're good to go here we go these pump on starters on and then at the starter light blinking ignition late on those are the first two things I'm always looking at on a turboprop to make sure those two things are working correctly Angie's rising stabilizing as high as the cooler and reduce the fuel the low idle watching the light off watching the ITT for hot star angie from star looks like the ITT is gonna peak out at 8:04 and now it is robbing good there within the limitations finish off first our club Brooksville Tampa Bay Regional Airport automated weather observation to two to five Zulu when two four zero at zero three visibility one zero sky condition clear temperature to three Celsius dew point one five Celsius altimeter three zero zero eight remarks density altitude Niner hundred Brooke all right we've got the weather here yeah Brooks go we'll go over to ground frequency and pick a pariah fire Brooks will ground good evening no verify one saying a brother of it yes Bo we're gonna pick a probably far down to buyeo pocket DB I made five one thing a Bravo Brooks will grab your coat and train you ready ready copy one take a brother Ben one take a brother clear the opa-locka Airport as filed after departure maintain 2000 expect one seven thousand one zero minutes after departure tamper departure frequency is one 18.8 squawk is zero zero two three clear down to a block is five maintain 2000 expect one seven thousand ten minutes after eighteen eight on departure frequency squawking zero zero two three and re if I want angle rather you've been one tango Bravo Rebecca Creek we're over at the FBO we got the weather and ready text I want a brother ma five one tango Bravo Roger runway two one taxi via Bravo one and again the wind is two three zero at four altimeter e00 to graduate thanks for that clear - taxi - they're only two on via Bravo one lra if I won't take a brother all right we got our taxi instructions I'll give him a flick of the taxi light is a sign of ready to go try to follow his hand instructions talks to go forward get away yeah like to welcome everybody on board very excited to have you guys on board the TBM 850 tonight for a night flight down to opa-locka from Brooksville Florida bunch the wing out there we'll check our flight controls you can see they're free and correct if you guys do you like these videos be sure to smash that thumbs up button subscribe to the channel ring that little bell also down the description is all the other social media link follow along in between flights let's like to thank my patrons over there on every week you always get early access to the videos when they upload the nice easy taxi at this airport Oh way to one I'll be right up here in father's Turkey to 460 Romero so Tom proceed on course from way to Wycliffe takeoff a Cherokee out there in front of us holding on the other side of the runway is cleared for his takeoff we'll go over to tower frequency down giving tower another a 5-1 tango Bravo hold the Charter to 1 you've been made 501 tango Bravo Brooks which I write the whole short only to one for at least holding shutter only to 100 if I want to take a breath so you asked us to hold short and there's those little bars right up here in front of this the whole shoreline that's where you got a hold short of those lines the people that are as familiar with aviation as others a star lighting here to tone it down a little bit departure even a 5-1 tanker bravura after departure fly runway heading runway two one cliff takeoff clear for takeoff - 105 go ahead another rape I want a GoPro all right we got our takeoff clearance across the whole shoreline here final is clear and looking down if only that is also clear Miami Florida here we come should be a nice beautiful night flight here tonight went up here in center line very good we're gonna ease the power up hold the brakes still get takeoff power sit on this one make up power is set release the brakes little temperature pressures all look good in the green not push her quite a lot with my right leg to overcome the torque of the engine in the blade spinning to stay on the centerline now what we're looking for is a rotation speed there we have it pull back buddy there we go tap the brakes put the gear up there's a transition that gears up and we'll go if you're hoping we like slaps up we'll talk to the woof look we've got a damper on their k-6 your room here proceed on course I'll pants Lana right now I mean our Santa run away heading it she being one tango Bravo contact Tampa departure all right Tampa Bay if I one thing abroad enjoy your night good evening no verify one single brother 1800 she does you want a no problem temper departure thank you i dint in crime in mean teen at 4,000 ident up to 4,000 85 one thing a brother so she s denied then I pushed the ident button here on the transponder because a little flash on our target when techno Bravo radar contact three miles south of Brook fellow 2505 hitting of a one to zero position checks will fly had anyone to zero if I want to take a brother all right so let's Bank on over here one two zero on the heading we're still hand flying so we can have a little bit of fun here 3,000 climbing for thousands get 1.5 to keep turn here thank you for you temper departure radar contact climb 18 1 mm a point 3,000 wearing 5048 Tampa internationals just to the south of us there's 3200 climbing to 4th US will actually let the autopilot have a little bit of fun here so flying in heading mode IES mode autopilot on we're living on a 4000 not 1 to 0 heading 1 tango Bravo climb and maintain one 2,000 and contact approach 1 3 5 point 5 1 3 5 point 5 2 1 2008 21 take a brother Tampa good evening no verify one tango Bravo 4000 climate of 1 2009 a one to zero degrees I went anger Bravo Tampa departure good 103 really really so she gave us the look I'll tender say I remember one day uh probably she don't crowd the crowd on course want to take a breath all right so we're gonna scroll down to crowd direct enter enter Guerra five going to nav mode okay now the airplane is gonna turn and they can trick to the crowd intersection like they course visible follow the rest of the flight plan after we had set in for crowd information about shadows now we have it set to three thousand feet a minute biessed air speeds bleeding back as you can see once it gets to a hundred and thirty knots right we'll put it into IES moment alright so you can see we're just about to hit 130 knots up here we'll put the IES button now the airplane won't stay pitching 430 knots in the climb and we'll also go into 850 mode we're gonna put the flap lever up and over the gate or affect the roll be like I'll also turn off the inertial separator which you see the light came on if I went and took my image that I went to why 72 now refi one thing up arriving every day good evening Miami no verify one tango Bravo he does 6-iron climbing $20 crowd we keep advancing the power here the group would boot or implemented on this flight what's the he won't be going high enough just have to worry about over temping the engine to go one 2015 waiting to try to get on with Miami here they've been held I'd be able to check on yet I mean oh very if I want tango Bravo one 1500 climb into one two does 95 one single Bravo Miami Center climb and maintain one 4,000 a fortnight ago three zero four zero four of climate ain't one four thousand eight five one thing I Bravo it's a one four thousand set arm that do two thousand feet a minute and three zero zero four set on RL tenders but 3,000 divided two 1/4 oz beautiful sunset a buffer break wing a 185 victory traffic 185 in the heading a fight one thing bro 25 cent headache bug yeah I'm gonna edit mode Bank over beautiful view up the right hand side there and out over the Gulf of Mexico there are nine Papa golf context Sampo approach one capturing one four thousand says Capt feet which is one four thousand it says right here a LTC of the to capture you look down here at the four flight on the iPad you'll see there is where we took off put their bread crumbs late a little green line 185 heavy traffic that is are routed onto my only thing about those find anything with seven thousand ten one seven thousand one ticket brother one seven thousand set of our altitude pre-selected 5lbs then a three thousand feet a minute though Pamela Chester pressurization or a cruise altitude of 17,000 feet their son is just south down over the horizon over there I've never seen a green flash yeah I never seen a green flash and say cups of being face on side thing about Rose Bowl and I'm point take five fortunately in erbil able to experience that built me did the best you want six tiles on found pick one seven thousand here's our altitude alert SS we're climbing at such a high rate it's already starting to capture like I say that once it does capture it'll go from a LTC to a lien ice do a tampa bay off our right way 7,000 American 1250 you know one thing a Bravo clitoris to the Lee County vor Romeo Sierra with you direct portal intersection joining Engel fix arrival utterly kind portal for the jingle six Riley if I'm on tango Bravo direct enter enter enter nav mode now we are going to be going direct to the Lee County viewer and then for dough will be next on our flight plan now we're starting our left turn towards week I bet we could set our cruise power now what we're gonna do is pull the torque back just a little bit cuz as we pull our prop our camp back here the torque is gonna rise slightly so don't over torque the engine so I'm gonna pull with our right hand here the blue lever back now you're gonna see prop our camp drop back from 2000 I'm gonna go to 1900 and you can see the torque is rising also a little bit right there with my left hand here we're gonna adjust the router trim so that we're coordinated we'll also set up our V nav which we know in this arrival will be chingle at 6000 so 6000 set up zero miles ed jingle Romeo come a little start down in 1956 second over 1500 feet a minute descent rate for profile for the crossing restriction that we'll have on this arrival yeah when it comes to flying airplanes or any aircraft in general you go through to get your pilot ratings from your first flight is a solo pilot to the end of your career every time you get behind the controls of that aircraft there's definitely a lot of responsibility that goes with it even if you're by yourself buying this TV M here is my full-time job whether you're looking to fly for fun or to do it for a career be sure to the description below go check out my friend Jason Shepherd a POV comm runs an online ground school elsa has a book that you wrote the private pyle blueprint it'll help guide you through getting your ratings through the buckling up to his papers a lot of people look for guidance I'm going through to getting your eggs it's a really great source and what's nice here with the iPad go to airports type in opa-locka it go we can get a little weather update right now we won't agree for and right there it's shown you on the right side all the weather drew four winds one three zero nine or ten mile visibility scary 27 30 79 degrees Fahrenheit one beautiful night there an opa-locka Miami well adjust the lighting here at some of the instruments tone them down as it gets a little darker throughout this flight if I at night is like I said in the past is definitely my favorite time to fly I always thought it was really nice looking at all the different lights in the cockpit yeah it's it's a beautiful sight inside the airplane at O 35 voluntary kind of million 32.4 32.4 one tango Bravo good day oh you good evening no array if I went tango Bravo one said it does direct cars w25 one thing go Bravo - Federer Roger the Fort Meyers altimeter is the three zero zero five terrified Wow look it off that right way beautiful sunset over the Gulf of Mexico we'll get set up for the ILS nine left and we're just going to load that for right now look down here at the iPad here's our approach plate it's already moved at 5:41 covered with the colors to nighttime from and we are all set up a brief time when I could get the ILS nightlight here's a turn off of our SW we're gonna start our left her great view out the front of the airplane there you go some of the pink clouds up with the sunshine and we'll leave that sunset and their view mirror now them raped by one thing Oh Robert if enemy k1 4017 one four thousand one tango Bravo one four thousand set up in our altitude pre-selector and we'll vSTEP 1,500 feet a minute down and since we're starting our descent I'm gonna push to the left with my left hand here on the rudder trim squared up our heady but even though this airplane has a yaw damper on it you still have to manipulate the rudder trim and any type of ascent or descent to stay in coordinated flight I'm like maybe some other airplanes let's go over and get the ATIS I'll pocket area separation papa two to four times ooh we have won 1-0 a date visibility one zero sky clear temperature two five two point two one now temperature three zero zero eight ILS approach to avoid I wonder where are we departing runway nine left one to another great advisories players deliveries come out ground on one to zero point zero two advise you have okay we have information papa that's the latest information for this hour beautiful out the front there enough you guys can see but you can actually already see the lights of South Florida 0 thousand if you bug this is a beautiful night to fly your girl I call this easy bunny anytime the weather is really nice you have 23 you know you do this as a living compared to paddling really bad storms aired mine you still have things that could go wrong with the airplane that can make it not an easy day but as far as weather is concerned this is the easy bunny play of the night if I wouldn't tangle Bravo try like 11 o'clock four miles east on 101 three thousand Hydra traffic a sight one tango brother Emma one tango Bravo Roger maintain this little bridge with that topic that's gonna maintain one 1000 visual separation for the traffic down at 1081 take a rather alright one one thousand said arm yes at 1500 feet a minute there we go one thing that night is it's so easy to see other traffic compared to during the day but the lights blinking out there the rate by one tango Bravo defender maintain 6,000 roadway the defense total lay down to 6,000 8501 take a breath 6000 set up he doesn't want any delay so we're gonna give no delay we're gonna go 3,000 wait a minute that's the limitation as far as this autopilot is able to go in a descent with the vs mode we're gonna ride the elevator down also just our pressurization for our landing one thing we got the watching out is over-speeding below 10,000 you don't want to go past 250 knots so I want you guys to keep an eye on that for me I pull the power back significantly to make sure we don't go past that 250 out of 10,000 feet coming up here bill got the wind air will turn our landing lights we have LED lights on this airplane as you can see we are right on the speed limit all of us about 248 knots what does go seventh does its thing to six times it's already starting to capture that altitude right by one thing abroad but it's been a maintain 5,000 28601 take a breath I didn't want 70 contact my approach one to eight point six oh boy how it you just lost a generator hold on a second here we're gonna reduce the love it when you throw me a pain through those ain't too bad I mean oh very if I went to Bravo 6000 centerfire present any current undergraduate at I maintain three thousand ten or eight three thousand one take a breath there's three thousand so what we're gonna do is I've been reduced a load do it once every turn out for conditioning and we're good there or looking up we're gonna push a generator trip it reset here not coming on let me reduce the load forward farther static you know statically it's all coming on and try it one more time here it's not coming on so I'm going to try the standby generator look good on the amps and the standby generator has picked up the load so we're looking down here now me Jen is off and the standby generator is on so that is a mess I'll take a bow to kind of maintain 2000-2001 take a breath all right Stan we're running on a standby generator right now but onto mm I'm gonna pull out urgency checklist real quick to verify everything is we did everything right what a fest is turned into be like we're gonna be taking it over to Secada to get this thing fixed f9 all right what a nice one tight about the cheetah Michael came in the cephalopods are not alone vector K intercept the localizer and I'm left if I one take a breath all right direct cocaine but though we verified with the reverse appreciate your checklist we're honored stand by electrical generator that was a mess so you would get eternity to notice oh heavens we lost our main electrical generator and we still can't get to come back on so we reduced you or we're good to go I went on to our stamp I also can't 1006 I'm cleared for the ILS and I left approach it by one tang brother it is a mess when you are single pilot you got to deal with an emergency like that now I'll fly the plane it's quite a load take the line as a single pilot clear for the approach we're gonna arm the approach probably made already cut they're putting three ones you're all right over here nobody ever glades here with that issue I'm just glad there's no smoke in the cabin can you or not well so got a little bit of a line in the middle bedroom I guess that's because our standby generator gonna hold that wood a little bit different sound when people are talking we ever did lose all the radios through and play with squawk 7601 34.6 a web settings yourself I'm I found all over to Tyree if I one thing ever ever talk about rape I want tango Bravo just outside Oh cam yeah last night left being a fat one tango Bravo will play at our role went down her left hurdle in the land I'm left over if I want to go bro airplane is going to turn and I intercept the localizer mine is coming in it'll hold that just blowing it up but we're looking for the glide slope to come in once it gets one dot above we'll go gear down two miles from the SAS boat so we'll put our first nozzle absent selected and looking down here at the indicator indicate I can see our glide slope to start to come in Oh 31 41 I'll play guitar our traffic is on a ball foul by one dot above we'll go gear down good and start praying that it makes it all the way down without kind of ground strip it anymore early on ground edge for Tina generators all right gears down standby generators still gone so it load on that didn't affect anything beautiful few out there man I'll tell you flying over South floor with all these lights is amazing I'm a 3141 fly heading none of you guys can and we got wine in the radios people are tired of looking good right the localizer just a little bit to the left as the wind is coming I'll bail off the radar lipids pushing just a little bit off to the left of the localizer there and glide slope pretty much on just a little bit low what we're gonna do is we're gonna disconnect the autopilot and we're just gonna have fun and flying it in for the rest of this flight a little fast oh I try not to slow it up a little bit still I'm gonna have a little bit of a wind off the right side of the airplane it'll be crabbing a little let's go get down in the flurry we'll kick that out with the rudder 531 41 can't take my marker for two critters 31:40 would look good beautiful long runway everybody out there in promise believe the upgrade that to LED lighting Bob doing poppers would you bubble years ago after six to five bills pop up later number to follow a PBM one mile final wrong way an hour left clear to land well and I'll be glad we're on the ground this play is done I don't know what you guys there's our decision altitude that's how low we could have went if we're in the clouds we see the runway environment so we can continue to land we're still right on or localized for glide slope but there are LED lights will be able to see their only real nice when I get down in here go back a flight idle going to the flare in every go touchdown most honest airline just a little bit to the left we're going to beta with a power lever here my right hand just to slow it up and we'll roll it out to Charlie intersection ain't bad one thing abroad will come right at charlie and kind of ground right now Charlie had gone to ground E if I want to take a brother this is the Charlie intersection right here in front of this ours could be hard to see at night but we'll just follow a little yellow line in right it's seeing for us that okay the center line onto the taxiway clean up the airplane here Oh Graham good evening neither if I want tango Bravo clear nine left - charlie need to go into signature 25 one tango Bravo block ground good evening tech-savvy up up up up into the ramp thanks one thing a brother welcome to Miami Florida guys that was not a fun fight dealing with losing our generator main generator and having to deal with all that getting all set up for approach yeah at the same time you know that is Oh high workload for a single pilot but you know we just concentrate keep flying the airplane and deal with the issues is we need to do and all worked out good so anyway if you did like that video please smash that thumbs up out subscribe to the channel I hope you guys are all doing good signature is right off our right wing here and we'll go in there shut this thing down and get this thing fixed and call it a day there's our marshall or right over there to the right just got to go around that big little Gulfstream all right looks like we're just gonna do a little you chart here and it'll start great over here good spot got some spotlights on us too you a good post flight inspection all right here we go start a left turn here all right guys talk to you again someday soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: steveo1kinevo
Views: 972,333
Rating: 4.955843 out of 5
Keywords: steveo1kinevo, Flight VLOG, Stressful Flight, Travel, Inflight emergency, Becoming a pilot, Career in Aviation, Pilot life, Aviation, Airplane, Flying at night, vlog, TBM850, Flying airplanes, Socata, Daher, Taking off, Landing an airplane, ATC, ATC audio, Flying IFR, Cockpit, Flying, Pilot, S1K, MZeroA, ForeFlight, BOSE Aviation, Aviation Life Clothing, Miami
Id: PnEGh9Be21o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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