Curious George 🐡 1 Hour Compilation 🐡 HD 🐡 Cartoons For Children

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[Music] George had been counting the minutes all morning he could hardly wait today was dog show day looking forward to seeing your first dog show George dog show the idea of dogs putting on a show sounded better than anything he'd ever heard if that's Professor Wiseman would you please let her in it's professor Wiseman oh hello George ready to go ready I have never seen him so excited I [Music] can't go remember I have to finish crunching these numbers bye have fun you two and a gorge be a good little monkey exactly and close the door please [Music] [Music] George got more and more excited until the show began and he found out that a dog show wasn't dogs putting on a show it was people showing their dogs to each other [Applause] [Music] George didn't exactly pay attention [Applause] how'd you enjoy the show George aren't all the different breeds fascinating huh would you like to see the winners up close George got a big surprise because when he actually looked at the big ones and the small ones [Music] and the crazily hairy ones he thought the dog show was great have you ever seen so many unforgettable dogs before [Laughter] well it looks like you had fun I hope he wasn't too much trouble he was no trouble at all wow that's great to hear got a run see you tomorrow thanks so much bye-bye so you like the dog show huh George wanted to tell the man about all the unforgettable dogs he saw but he only remembered three it's okay you can tell me later Oh would you do me a big favor and mail these letters I made a sandwich if you're hungry and when I'm done I want to hear about all the dogs George was afraid he wouldn't be able to tell the man more because no matter how hard he tried he could only remember three [Music] there was only one solution [Laughter] [Music] but no matter how many times George looked at those dogs he couldn't remember more than three there was obviously no way a monkey could remember them all that a German could I see the owners of the winners over here please briskly briskly with spirits Claire [Music] maybe George didn't have to remember them all briskly now I want one shot of each owner with his or her dog then one of everyone together briskly why aren't you snapping pictures because there are no dogs they had no dogs if there are no dogs the winning dogs are are missing all right people stay calm don't any of you panic because that is what I do [Music] Oh George a dog pile Hundley knew this meant trouble for someone no papers no yellow hat the man must have gone out to drop off his work [Music] [Music] the whole place was filled with strange dogs very strange dogs how many dogs did George have in here George wanted to know how many dogs he had two he counted [Music] but he stopped at 37 that sounded wrong [Music] and he never counted that little one at all he wanted to count every dog only once so he stuck the three small ones in his room where he knew he could see them [Music] he led the big ones into the man with the yellow Hat's room but they couldn't run around so much [Music] and the hairy ones went in the bathroom George wanted this one in with the big dogs but it was hairy enough to go with the harry's there were three big three small and three hairy dogs George what are you doing here George there are like 20 dogs in here George remembered all the dogs so where did these 3 + 3 + 3 9 dogs come from just so happy they're all back in all safe well everyone's back where they belong George and Steve were having one of those carefree days when there was nothing to do ah it's great being out on the street I'm not chasing after charkie for once I tell you Nettie we aren't going to break the record break the record what record see what's going on [Music] yes how long is it now 2600 we are making the longest trend of cooked spaghetti in the world oh this twist it's a tape measure I'm using to measure our spaghetti I can use this to see that you are 2 feet tall I know that is pretty tall but this magnificent strand of spaghetti measures Wow chef pisghetti for the spaghetti strand now long you're sure to get in Ginny's world record book that's our goal we'll know this afternoon when Jeanne herself comes to see it the official world record book lady is coming here yes and we need to go to town hall now to get back before Jeanne comes we're getting permission to enlarge this place because once we break the record the business will [Music] yoky couldn't understand why they had such a huge cat toy but didn't want a cat to play with it it's gonna take hours to untangle this mess we don't have hours we are due down at the Town Hall now sure George and I can untangle the spaghetti oh thank you Steve it thank you we won't be long hey no pun intended [Music] don't let me oki anywhere near that spaghetti okay George I'll start wrapping you take gnocchi watch [Music] [Applause] [Music] yoky knew the kitchen windows were usually kept open but so did George okay George guard the spaghetti strand with your life I'm gonna hurry only get my record book collection for Jimmy to autograph hello you have reached pisghetti's please leave a tasty message still are you there pick up I have an important question to ask George wasn't sure if he should pick up the phone so George picked up the phone ah Oh Steve thank goodness you and said we need for you to check on something for us eh yeah please go outside and tell me how tall the building next to our building is yoky got in she felt very clever for a second George had never measured anything as big as a building how is he going to do it since he knew he was 2 feet tall maybe he could use himself as a measuring tool okay that was one George but how many George's tall was the building let's see there was one George - George's three George's for George George lost count if only he had something like that measuring tape why not that measuring tape idling yoki was outside but somehow there was still a door between her and George [Music] [Music] [Applause] George knew he had to keep Naoki away from that spaghetti strand he had an idea how to do it now George had an accurate way to measure the building this tape measure could measure anything [Music] this was going great 10 feet 15 feet 20 feet uh-oh the tape measure was only 20 feet long but the building was more than 20 feet tall but how much more now how was George gonna measure the building if only he had something longer than that tape [Music] of course George had a spaghetti strand 30 feet long hey aren't you Ginny the world record book lady you are correct I've been a fan of yours for years well thank you I'm here looking for I know what you're looking for chef pisghetti's is this way [Music] phears pisghetti's restaurant and huge ship the scanty strand of spaghetti I have got to get a picture of this George could see that the spaghetti wasn't touching the ground which meant it was a little bit shorter than the building how could he measure the difference when George held the Strand at the top of his head he'd reached the ground that meant the building was exactly one spaghetti strand and one George tall oh yes this is going to be spectacular whooping why you don't come back in a bit you're a genie the world record book lady and you must be chef too scary yes yes and up there on the roof is that your monkey friend displaying your super long spaghetti strand here's the photograph I just took of it Wow does that set a world record Jenny oh I'm afraid not here's the picture I took of Alphonso Dimitri displaying his strand of cooked spaghetti from the Leaning Tower of Pisa no no no I'm never gonna get into world and record the book you most certainly will you have the second longest strand of cooked spaghetti three stories tall three stories I gotta call an Eddie and tell her the building next door is a three stories tall [Music] so gnocchi finally got to play with the spaghetti and chef pisghetti broke a second record world's longest cat toy [Music] [Applause] the subway will take you anywhere in the city even to ancient Egypt thanks to the museum this looks great it looks exactly like the real thing see oh it's a hawk it warns people that this is the pharaoh's barge ha my history teacher is gonna love it at least I hope she'll love it I've really need an a there's only one thing left to do huh see if there folks [Music] I guess I could try it out in the bathtub but in ancient Egypt boats had to stand up to storms and in rough season and crocodiles the bathtub probably didn't have any crocodiles but in this park did statues of crocodiles that is good thinking George this is the perfect place to try out my boat relax I'm in fifth grade I'm prepared oh man this is great I can see if my phone holds up in bad weather [Music] she takes it dripping and keeps on well my history teachers gonna be so impressed I mean I actually did my homework I need an a to pass the class George was sure Steve would get an A his homework floated really well unfortunately it was floating away maybe George could make the boat move towards him we can make another wave with this rock and the splash will send it back to shore I'd killed my homework it's unsinkable I should get an a-plus [Music] quick catch it [Music] [Music] look at it take those Rapids I am a master barge builder yeah the boat I'll probably get an a-plus-plus if I can never catch it [Music] great George we'll cut it off at the pass but we need something to catch it with let's use this hurt help me out will you ah right Oh George it's getting away [Music] Steve's boat was a goner or it would have been if the drain had been draining but it wasn't until someone cleaned it can't go down there you don't understand my history homework is in there and I've just got to get it back I've just gotta otherwise I'll be stuck in classes like kids sister next year that's rough yeah you're telling me hold on anything that goes down a drain goes to the wastewater treatment plant maybe your homework is there and we're going there to hold on it's that way oh this is great we go to the plant we get my vote bing-bang-boom easy eh this is not going to be easy hey so let me get this straight your homework just went down the drain yes sir and I need to get it back oil grit or solid everything that comes into the waste water treatment plant gets sorted into three categories boys mostly from car and truck engines and sand and grit from construction or sand used on icy roads in winter and solids that means pretty much anything else that ends up in the water will choose spare parts boats boats they'd all be right here wait your boats not here it's raining but the sanitation workers said everything that goes down the drain goes here it does except during heavy rains the system can't handle all the storm water and it overflows right now the pipes and tanks are backed up so anything on its way here isn't going to get here there it goes down the river to the ocean the ocean how am I gonna find my history homework in the ocean if your history homework is out here we could find it the Albatross is a skimmer boat she patrols the harbor for floatable like that notables are what we call trash in the water that bypassed the treatment plan [Music] there sure is a lot of it and it's almost all from people littering on the street you see the trash gets washed out here when it rains plastic green has got a bird don't we'll help her out and then release her at least I think that's my boat [Music] there you are good as new ah I wish I could say the same for my boat my teacher is never gonna believe my homework went down a storm drain and got destroyed huh well I think I've used that excuse before [Music] and then we went to the filtration plant but the boat wasn't there because it was raining really hard and when that happens the storm water and wastewater never even makes it to the plant it all goes right to the ocean trash out there is called flu doubles and this thing called a skimmer vessel goes and tries to clean everything up so in conclusion that's why my project is dirty and smelly oh and ancient Egyptians use them and stuff so when it rains everything goes into the ocean that's awful somebody ought to figure out a way to warn people yeah they should paint a model boat with an X through it on the street drinks so some other kid doesn't lose his history homework like I did and while they're at it they should paint like birds and fish and and little wavy things for water on the street drains and then like paint a coffee cup with an X through it so people know not to litter because it'll end up in the ocean [Music] that's a very good idea Steve it is I mean yeah it is yeah does this mean I get extra credit perhaps this was a terrific idea for a class project Steve thanks of course the bad news is you won't get to be in history class with Betsy next year Steve's grade was looking better and so was the water because when it comes to litter monkeys don't monkey around George was helping get ready for breakfast while the man with the yellow hat got an early jump on some important work this country air is just what I needed yeah by tonight my speech for the tribute to Professor Wiseman will be perfect her great vision great insight exhibit right woolly mammoth her love of the woolly mammoth oh yeah okay okay I'll stop for breakfast [Music] [Music] well fruit nags are good these cupboards are too small for us maybe we should buy less food the thought of having less food made Jorge more hungry well we still need breakfasts hey I'll run to the market maybe you can finish my speech for me while I'm gone [Music] [Music] [Music] hey George I'm helping jumpy out with extra nuts he's storing food squirrels hide food in the ground then when they need it they dig it up and I'm plenty to eat George never knew the ground was such a good place to store food George in the man with the yellow hat needed a good place to store food [Music] [Music] George could hardly wait to chew the rewards of squirrel style storage George these doughnuts are delicious George this fish is phenomenal all right now for breakfast then back to work on my speech where's our food George I think there's a food thief on the loose why would someone steal paprika George wanted to explain that he had it all taken care of [Music] do we have Gophers go first all our food [Music] my paprika why would someone bury paprika [Music] [Music] George squirrels berry nuts and seeds not orange juice orange juice doesn't belong in the ground let me show you what belongs in the ground okay see this nuts and seeds come from trees and plants they can grow into new ones if they're not eaten you see that's a peanut jumpy buried a while ago it started to grow now when I was a boy this tree wasn't here I bouncy squirrel I used to watch jumpy's great-grandfather various food that winter jumpies great-grandfather didn't eat that acorn then it started to grow and just kept growing this tree came from an acorn just like this now do you understand George thought he understood [Music] we need more orange juice so I'll walk back to the market then I really need to get back to that speech if an acorn could become a big tree George wondered what a rubber band would grow into [Music] or a feather [Music] George was gonna grow all kinds of exciting things the man with the yellow hat hadn't finished his speech George could grow the rest for him blah blahdy blah Blee Blee Bloo blah blah this would be the best speech ever [Music] papycha have you been just sitting there waiting for me the whole time oh you weren't just sitting there waiting for me the whole time when the man looked like that it meant George was about to hear a long lecture so you see seeds nuts acorns grow my socks the radio the can opener don't grow okay now we have to dig up all those things you buried Oh George where's my speech okay we have to dig up my speech first unlike jumpy squirrel George didn't know how to find what he wanted everything smelled like dirt [Music] [Music] hey you did in a swimming pool huh oh no bill George was being a squirrel and buried my speech we can't find it well I'll help huh wait I know someone who can really help she's a great digger no speech here Oh digging a pool there I Oh George buried something in we're trying to find it well I've got a metal detector I used to find coins and such down but the legs maybe that'll help cool well my speech isn't exactly made of no maybes what you're looking for no my speech isn't made of Oh are they pirate Keys yeah could be maybe - a treasure chest no we're we're not gonna find my speech and I can't rewrite it in time I'll just have to skip the tribute [Music] George didn't have the talents of a squirrel but he did have the talents of a monkey which meant he could see really well well that's not made a medal [Music] ah this is the air that inspired that wonderful speech are you planting something it's a long story that's not a peanut looks like something you buried is growing maybe you are a little bit squirrel after all [Music] even a little monkey knows when it's the hottest day of summer it's when birds walk in shadows dogs leave their tongues out all day and men with hats use them as fans you know Monday was the hottest day in five years too hot for the park huh Sun so strong today the air conditioner needs a helping hand another sign of hot weather blackouts [Music] when too many air conditioners run at once they can cause the power to shut down I should call the electric company so they know we have no power oh I forgot to put the phone in its battery charger again where did I leave it now ah the batteries not charged we're due at the museum we can call from there oh [Music] good thing the power came back on they almost forgot to turn everything off before we left George oh no another blackout nope watch this are we ready dr. Leavitt [Music] I wanted you to be the first to see to see that the lights work [Music] you just witnessed the first test of the solar panels are installed to power the museum we're unveiling them at a party tonight we're a Solar Museum Wow usually electricity is made far away and sent in on wires but now the museum makes its own power solar panels turn the sun's rays into electricity which is then stored in these batteries [Music] it's dr. Levites birthday during the party for the solar panels I'd like to give her a surprise oh I could make one of my famous birthday lasagnas precisely what I was thinking these batteries are a lot like the ones in toys flashlights or cordless phones I mean they get all their power from the Sun George never knew the Sun could charge batteries I'm gonna be busy with my lasagna so I can't play now okay [Music] a remote-control spaceship is the perfect hot weather toy until the batteries run out George didn't want to bother the man with the yellow hat in midlas Anya but he needed batteries then he remembered how the museum batteries got power from the Sun so why not let the Sun charge up his batteries too [Music] there was something else with batteries that needed charging there we go ah professor Wiseman didn't say what time to bring this I'd better call her George have you seen the phone it's outside it should be on its charger Oh No battery's still dead you wanted the Sun to charge it well that's not how solar power works George what the Sun can make things hot especially when it reflects off something shiny since the phone won't work can you take a note to Professor Wiseman for me back again George in this heat ah tell him to get his lasagna over here at 5:00 here I'll write it down oh those are solar panels they convert the sun's rays to electric power remember [Music] George forgot about solar panels that's why the phone didn't charge right batteries store the energy the solar panels create so we have it when we want it even at night hey want a ride home in a solar car I didn't even hear that car drive up that's because solar powered engines are quiet bye thanks George five o'clock if I put it in the oven right now it'll be ready in plenty of time [Music] hey while it cooks we have time to play [Music] another blackout George the ovens electric my lasagna won't cook I'd better warn professor Wiseman we may be late or worse lasagna less ah where did I leave it now [Music] there's no way on earth to cook without power George that reflected sun is hot that reflected sun is hot George you may be a genius a pizza box keeps Pizza warm so it'll hold the heat a hole to let the Sun in glue on some plastic wrap to keep the heat from getting out again and shiny aluminum foil to direct the sun's heat into the box [Music] fantastic angle it so the Sun hits the lasagna if the power comes back on we can put it in the oven but if it doesn't I think it'll cook hours later guests arrived at the Museum which was the only building in the whole city with electricity ah how do you have a lights and their conditioning the whole city is without electricity ah the museum is now solar-powered blackouts can't affect us I'm sorry how the Power has been out all afternoon I couldn't make a desert I know poor dr. Leavitt won't have her favorite birthday things yeah excuse me chef monkey finger huh it's hot it's cooked we made a solar cooker thank George and the Sun oh nothing could make this birthday more special than a solar lasagna that was nice of you to teach him to drive the solar car I thought you taught him George [Music] [Applause] [Music] in spring good gardeners can't wait to get things growing need any more help okay I have to go help professor Wiseman designer new terrarium by George George had his seed system set first he dug a hole then he planted some seeds and he covered the whole compass had a seed system too but he didn't plant seeds he'd hate them he thought it was awfully nice of George to put out a pigeon buffet compass thought this restaurant had weird rules maybe they weren't supposed to eat the seeds until George was finished [Music] or maybe you weren't supposed to eat while George was around [Music] [Applause] [Music] George wished there were two of him and then he remembered farmer renkins protected his garden from the birds with a scarecrow [Music] so George decided to make a scarecrow to [Music] only it wasn't very scary maybe the birds were only scared away when something was moving that was it [Music] but how could he get it to move he also needed more seeds seeds were easy making a scarecrow move was hard I heard a guy named Quixote opened a new bakery up ahead hungry it was the biggest pinwheel George had ever seen pretty neat huh [Music] [Applause] it's a windmill yep it grinds my grain for me let me show you how it works when the wind blows it pushes the sails just like wind pushes a sailboat along the water but since sails are attached to the mill instead of moving forward they spin around [Music] hmm some people use windmills to make electricity I use mine to make flour and butter well I'll be what do you think George that's the butter churner those stones ride the grain into flour for bread bread and butter go together like well bread and butter [Music] that is pretty amazing my windmill Oh No your butter I didn't know a windmill could do that you could use a windmill to move just about anything yes this one's a pepper mill that was it George could use a windmill to make his scarecrow move and George's garden could finally grow he was gonna need a bigger windmill luckily George knew a perfect place for finding things the recycling room now what did mr. Quixote say if you're building a windmill you need sales a sturdy base something for the sails to spin around and something to make the Scarecrow move now that he had the windmill parts he just had to put them together time to take those sails for a spin but his windmill stopped short so George gave his windmill a leg up for [Music] when you're making a windmill it's easy to get wrapped up in your work so George gave his sales at Ramnath huh his sales moved but his windmill didn't what was he missing when the wind blows it pushes the sails and then George realized these were too loose so he got more sticks and attached the sails with tape [Music] [Applause] [Music] George could push his sales but the wind couldn't mr. Quixote's sales were stiff maybe that gave the wind more to push against so George made his sale stiff [Music] [Applause] all his windmill needed now was a scarecrow over at last his windmill was finished and it was a good thing too huh because he was out of tape now he just had to wait for the wind and get a wait for his windmill [Music] George had done it he made his scarecrow move but he did feel bad for compass and his friends [Music] now the pigeons could eat their food while George grew his [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 8,125,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: lXAee156jX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 17sec (3977 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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