Curious George 🐡 George Learns to Count 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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[Music] foreign [Music] it took a lot of counting but he finally made it to the eighth floor we only have seven more minutes any way you can do pickups faster your next pickup is on four George sure wished he had a way to tell what floor he was on without having to start at one [Music] Invaders had signs that told you what number came next even if you were somewhere in the middle [Music] George could make a sign too [Music] ah I'm never gonna find a parking spot [Music] wow thanks I just have to go to the ninth floor which [Music] is a long long way away numbered fingers all George had to do was count down from floor 8 to floor four seven six five four at least he hoped it was for [Music] worked ah here we go yeah yeah oh you're here hey your next pickup's on the 10th floor no need to start at one George's fingers told him exactly how to count from four to ten [Music] George was on the 10th floor but his delivery was practically on Ten and a half take everything to the first floor quickly pepia local will be here any second [Music] made it nice nose hello my name is Pepe oh is that for me my Gadget oh thank you now to get to the ninth floor for my show [Music] you're right the elevators are tricky hold this for me will you can you believe how hard it is to find a parking spot at this joint the elephants need a garage [Music] what floor are we on I was busy with my Gadget and forgot to count I was busy trying to figure out what your Gadget was I didn't count either we'll have to start all over I'll be late for my show oh the seventh floor that monkey is a genius he certainly is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now introducing the world's greatest clown pepeo logo and his mystery Gadget foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you ah there's no way bird could get past this brick wall except through there there's bird safe and sound [Music] hope that's not what I think it is [Music] what I think it is ah steer bird to us oh an elephant might step on it I'll go to the other side when I get there steer bird left to those bars and I'll grab her [Music] to go left George had to push the joystick left [Music] joystick needs to go left it is left okay slowly let go of the joystick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I can't watch George do something huh if off was on up was down down was up and left was right maybe right was left [Music] oh my [Music] George needed the plane to go up [Music] you did it George Follow That Bird [Music] what do we do now oh I got it George lands bird but this time so we can catch it he slides the throttle to slow huh the throttle is already on slow I give up luckily monkeys never ever quit [Music] off was on up was down down was up left was right and right was left [Music] maybe fast was slow [Music] foreign [Music] chance you can turn it off if off was on maybe on was off Stellar work now to fix the remote [Music] oh too late the flog oh I'll never be able to make the repairs in time the Lost blackbirds won't be able to join their friends again but George knew the remote wasn't broken it was just backwards he could launch bird if he did the opposite of what the book said to start the engine he hit off I'm back uh what is my monkey doing with your bird to go fast he slid the slider to slow he pushed the joystick down to go up [Music] he joystick right to turn left [Music] and to turn on the autopilot and activate the computer he hadn't tried that one before but if he if the autopilot was like everything else if you wanted to turn it on you had to turn it off thank goodness we found you some wires got crossed on the remote and everything is backwards [Music] we're receiving transmission you're a genius [Music] hey any chance I can get you to help me land bird when the block heads South for winter [Music] monkeys love things that fly [Music] especially if they're the ones who get to fly them sorry Grandma but how he gets too hot exercising outside Hogs do that sometimes sweetie if George couldn't bring Howie inside where it was cool he'd have to bring the inside cool outside to Howie all right George [Music] [Applause] [Music] needed to make his hog exercise her turn even if it wasn't plugged in now what made that fan turn [Music] George had a wheel he could make his van turn two [Music] where could he find a wheel [Music] now instead of being powered by electricity George's hog exerciser fan was powered by George [Music] and Howie could comfortably exercise for 30 minutes now all he needs to do is practice walking for the judges [Music] yep it's step four we better get started every day Howie had the same routine he exercised had a bath got rushed [Music] practiced walking for the judge [Music] and got an apple [Music] exercised had a bath got brushed [Music] I practiced walking for the judge and got an apple [Music] how we practice so much he knew it by heart today's the day ready for the fair Ulysses George and Howie were ready too oh how he had exercised been bathed and brushed now he had to walk for the judges and then he'd get his Apple huh you're up next number 88. oh [Music] where are you going with that I'm sorry but you can't take that into the ring it's against the rules huh but that's how we always practiced how can how we went with him without it [Music] oh Howie was worried his friends didn't seem to know what to do but how he knew it was always the same he exercised got bathed got brushed [Music] and now he was supposed to walk for the judges and then he'd get his Apple [Music] besides having a hard time keeping cool and liking apples pigs are really really smart we have a winner [Music] well I'll be [Music] ah [Music] George didn't know what deployment and then he found out [Music] the Rover drove away with George no problem just use the remote control to bring it back I I can't find it oops I I think I left it sitting on the Rover my mistake [Music] George was on an out of control Mars rover he had to stop it [Music] [Applause] that sure looked like a remote control foreign [Music] now George was in full control except for being lost on Mars maybe he could find his way using the book [Music] there were the two moons of Mars [Music] that wouldn't help him find his way back to the ship but it sure was cool [Music] reach the Valles marineris it looked like the Grand Canyon but much bigger than any Canyon on Earth [Music] he also found the Olympus Mons the highest volcano in the solar system [Music] foreign it had a pretty nice view too [Music] he'd found the rocket now all he had to do was drive there [Music] the Rover was stuck he had to give it a good push to get it going again that was his mission [Music] Einstein's broccoli spinach gum was gumming up the works he wanted to get to the ship and tell the Man with the Yellow Hat except the Rover wouldn't go [Music] luckily you remembered he was three times as strong in Mars low gravity [Music] George are you okay you were sleeping so peacefully did that sound wake you up I blew a bubble and it popped [Applause] then George realized why he was dreaming about gum [Music] ah gum in the main Rover control panel did you stick them in there every time I told you to stop chewing see I I thought that one was the trash hey oops George how did you figure that out [Music] all clean it works we're ready to Launch [Music] seven seconds three one stop [Music] George you saved the Einstein Pizza space program thank you so much you know sometimes I think the world would be better off if monkeys ran everything [Music] [Applause] nice [Music] it's then put in this giant sifter to remove husks or hulls which are the parts of the grain we don't eat [Music] that is so cool and then finally it's put in bags and it's ready to be shipped to the warehouse wow any questions yes could we have one bag of Masa please oh I'm so sorry we don't have any Masa this is all flower oh what I'm sorry since there's been very little rain the drought delayed the Corn Harvest no corn no Masa where does your corn come from we get ours from local farmers [Music] George knew a farmer [Music] look at my new water tank George it stores rainwater for my crops [Music] [Laughter] what what is it George pointed the way to Rankin's Farm [Music] this is wonderful [Music] it's true the drought delayed the Harvest but thanks to my water tank we had just enough to get through I've been harvesting all day I'm almost afraid to ask but you say you've been harvesting all day yes so my question is do you have corn now yes you must read [Music] not only did Mr rankins have fresh corn but he also had dried corn that could be ground in tommaso right away come on boys we must see that the corn gets through to Marcos abuela the tortilla Express is on the way oh hi hello [Music] so they took the corn to the mill where it was ground in tomasa and put in bags come on boys [Music] then they took the bags to the warehouse where they were packaged for the stores [Music] ah look at that and to the store where they filled the shelves for customers here you go gracias [Music] finally to Marco's house [Music] George was surprised he always knew that Mr rankins grew corn but he didn't realize that the food in the store and in people's homes came from Farmers like his friend Mr rankins [Music] she's here until that day George hadn't really thought about how important farmers were to so many people surprise Marco's grandmother loved Marco's special tortillas this is amazing what a tortilla but one person loved the most of all I could eat a whole stack are there more yeah nice [Music] um no no [Music] have fun George was going to make sure that this time Sammy and Susie couldn't escape [Music] wrong again huh how are they getting out [Music] it was a mystery [Music] foreign [Music] but where can we put them that they won't get out [Music] ah [Music] ah it's the perfect place to keep them [Music] stop Susie [Music] they're going in your room are they just gonna chew on your stuff oh well at least the goats couldn't escape from his room unless they learned how to fly foreign [Music] no no major damage they sort of ate my easy chair well they say goats have cast iron stomachs I guess they can eat anything oh yeah maybe that'd be best I'll send them over bye-bye foreign YouTube better take the goats back home I think your grandpa might be planning to give them away [Music] oh it's too bad Grandpa's giving the goats away just because they eat stuff Nobody's Perfect I mean look what are you listening stubborn but Grandpa's not giving him away Ali was right Ulysses was stubborn but he was also useful Sammy and Susie would be useful once they could give milk If Only They were a way they could be useful now George poison ivy poison ivy and the goats were eating it would they get a rash in their bellies well they say goats have cast iron stomachs I guess they can eat anything George might have found a way for the kids to be useful oh hi George say where are Ali and the goats Grandpa look at Sammy and Susie well I'll be they're clearing my field George figured out a way for them to be useful like Ulysses they can eat poison ivy they rip it right out by the roots what do you know hey I can plow this field now I could plant Alfalfa or or bean sprouts rutabagas thanks Sammy you too Susie hey rankins is that code eating your poison ivy she sure is they love it they're clearing Grandpa's field for him I got some poison ivy needs clearing out too can I borrow them you bet mister and that's how George and Ali's lawn service was born [Music] best of all George and Ally's lawnmowers didn't need gas [Music] we have a total of 48 48 pints and 21 minutes left what's next uh only hard ones eight things that add up to one huh George knew that one and one adds up to two but eight things that add up to one uh what else a hundred Diamonds oh they're worth a hundred points but you have to have all one hundred George remembered a diamond Joe good luck oh what did you find for our team laughs [Music] that's diamond shaped all right only 99 left to go you rescued it thank you so much make that a hundred left to go 15 minutes I guess we better stick with what we got a nice breeze [Music] no I got it oh no oh [Music] [Music] 48 points all gone ah maybe we're not as clever as I thought George wished he could cheer up chef piscetti then he remembered the one thing that always cheered him up just in time oh you really like my pizza cheers you up oh that's nice Giorgio you're right it cheers me up too why worry about making the best of mud pie or winning a race I got all my good friends and if my pizza makes you happy well then what more could I ask nothing like a slice of pizza or or two or sometimes all late huh it's true sometimes I eat all my goodness eight pieces eight slices that add up to one one pizza that's the answer nothing I love you [Music] foreign [Music] at least what time is it two minutes [Music] come on where are they they have to make it we are here [Music] oh very good a hundred diamonds ate the things that add up to one thing they seem to be possible but you figured them out cousin well I had a little help it's been a fair game cousin May the best man win ladies and gentlemen we have a score as you know the sponsors of the hunt base Their donation on the number of points the teams accrue this year I'm proud to say the shelter will have the biggest donation ever thanks to the winning team pisketti [Music] the animals of the n Avenue Shelter thank you I'm so happy George was glad he'd helped the chef with the contest but win or lose the chef was always a champion to George [Music] George tried to remember how a real front loader worked [Music] of course if the scoop faced upward then things wouldn't fall out [Music] hang on I have just the thing no oh where did I put that thing ah here it is never leave home without an adjustable wrench I've also got pickles what's up [Music] now the toys are staying in there I'll hold and you tighten huh [Music] the front loader worked great now except for one thing George couldn't get toys into the scoop George thought about the real front loader again the scoop needed to be able to tilt you're right George looks like we need to loosen things up [Music] now the scoop can move now to lift the arms [Music] well that didn't work but I think we're on to something George knew and Sylvia was right they needed a way to make the scoop move [Music] great idea there was only one problem how could George steer now don't you be discouraged reworking and revising is what engineering is all about I learned that when I designed roller coasters sometimes you have to sit through a lot of slow rides before you consume [Music] what else could he use to control the scoop George couldn't find a place to attach the Rope [Music] oh that's no problem luckily I've got Sheila [Music] my drill isn't she a beauty [Music] perfect [Music] now to see if it worked [Music] it works [Music] wonderful [Music] you fixed it I'm gonna get my toy makers right on it I mean do you mind if I use this as a sample go right ahead [Music] well partner looks like it's mission accomplished [Music] or long George had his front loader back and it worked like a dream [Music] bring her in their work was just one small step for a monkey and his aunt [Applause] good job George but one giant leap for mud pies foreign belts would be a good start uh George have you seen my [Music] oh yeah never mind now he just needed some Wheels to make it move [Music] you need Wheels maybe my grandpa has some we could borrow we could ride our trikes over good ah [Music] you want to ride over upside down look we could try [Music] George that's a great idea after removing the fenders and tires George had his conveyor belt now for the cardboard ducks it was almost like the game at the fair but there was something missing [Music] that was better [Music] when the Ducks move it's harder to hit them I don't think I'll ever be good at this [Music] it was working Ally was getting better with practice [Music] hey it looks like you're ready to go back to the fair [Music] uh time for one more game you've got uh three minutes just enough time [Music] all right Ally good job oh looks like somebody's been practicing sure has foreign [Music] could hardly stand it [Music] just one duck left [Music] you know um I'm not sure I can do this we should just come back next year just try you're right [Music] I mean we did it here George this is for you sure for helping me to become a good duck knocker downer oh wow that is very nice of you Ally [Music] you know that duck game was pretty easy I just had to practice try hard to not give up his favorite Fair ever Ali learned to practice and got her ducks in a row and George got a bear can't wait for the Apple Festival next month you'll want to go with me because I know everything about it I'm really good at pitching apples you know and bobbing for them and eating apple pie oh I'm really one of the best apple pie eaters around [Music] George's guitar looked almost like the man's guitar [Music] for those bumps nothing some Chopsticks wouldn't fix [Music] now George just had to wait for the bumps to dry I found some guitar there were shoestrings a yo-yo string some fishing line a picture wire and rubber band George couldn't decide which of Ally's strings to use so he decided to use them all [Music] he was almost done oh No George the hoedown starts in half an hour we need to hurry oh how do we attach the strings to the top these strings were attached to something that turned if only George could find something like that [Music] oh yeah [Music] foreign [Music] George's guitar looked great and it even had lights play it George [Music] 's guitar looked great but sounded awful now the man would never be able to play at the hoe down hey gang George fly my guitar Jerry and I wanted to practice yeah I don't think you'll be playing with this well it was uh it was nice of you to clean it for me you're welcome you can still play George made you a new guitar show them George [Music] this is great huh oh Bluegrass has a fine tradition of using handmade instruments of all kinds washboards spoons but this this is the only shoestring fishing line yo-yo picture wire tennis racket birdhouse rubber bandolin hey I think I've got the lyrics for your song [Music] tell y'all a story about a monkey he built an instrument to play with the birdhouse Racket and a mess of strings that boy was strumming every day he had a monkey build birdhouse by the land it was the strangest picking things I ever been it had a shoestring fishing line rubber bands [Music] let's go [Music] well you don't need to take no music lessons you don't even need to tune it all a birdhouse mandolins a cinch to play just pick away an Avalon he had a monkey Bill birdhouse mandolin it was a strangest picking thing that's ever been it had a shoestring fishing line rubber band and yo-yo that monkey birdhouse mandolin he had a monkey feel Berlin [Music] oh [Music] that monkey birdhouse [Music] [Applause] George loved going to Maples department store [Music] I know there's a lot you like to do here but let's not stay too long okay I just need to buy some shoelaces [Music] George did have a lot of stuff he liked to do at Mabel's in the TV Department he liked to see how many monkeys he could become over at gift wrap he liked to help the lady tie up packages and he really liked to ride the escalator always remembering to hold on to the rails [Music] George over here what do you think huh yeah I like them too oh and thanks for checking in Place George love best was the kids Department [Music] [Laughter] aha George saw something he'd never seen before [Music] where did the train come from and where did it go George had to find out [Music] hahaha [Music] so that's where it came from that little lamp on the table [Music] George found that when the train moved across his hand it got a lot smaller [Music] so he thought he'd try and experiment sure enough when the lamp was close to the screen the train got smaller but as the lamp got further away the train got bigger that's really something huh you want to see how it works now see how the train has been cut out of the lampshade now the light shines through it and voila and if you don't like trains we've got ponies or race cars aardvarks now that George knew how the lampshade worked he couldn't wait to get home and make one meanwhile the men with the Yellow Hat was waiting to pay for his new clothes sorry George I still have to pay but it shouldn't take too long I hope perfect [Music] only seven people ahead of me [Music] five more people and then it's my turn [Music] three more to go I'll be out in the jiffy [Music] listen why don't you go home and I'll meet you there [Music] yeah [Music] fables will be closing in five minutes please make your purchases now I'm trying okay George couldn't wait for his light picture to move across his own room [Music] but wait how did it move Maples department store is now closed please make your way to the exit [Music] it was a great day to fly a kite with a friend kite flying friends are forever whoa even if good weather isn't it [Music] hey come back here [Music] all right [Music] oh [Music] I think we need a new kite [Music] Bill and George took their piggy banks to the store to buy a new kite let's get that one George [Music] that is the kite We Gotta Buy [Music] wow okay let's see what we've got [Music] that's two three I hope we have enough 350. five 785 86 87 we need more no no oh don't have enough money George [Music] you know you could put the kite on layaway you give us part of the money now and we'll save the kite for you until you have the rest [Music] how long would you like us to hold it well we'll have to find some jobs and earn the money today's Friday which gives us all weekend um we can come back for the kite first thing on Monday Monday it is oh come on George let's get to work [Music] huh hello Mr Quint this is Bill from Bill and George's excellent job service where every job we do is excellent George and I were wondering if you had any um jobs you'd like done this weekend you do great thank you yes we'll be there right on time we got another one hi Mrs rankins this is Bill from Bill and George's excellent job service where every job we do is excellent okay and then after we pull the weeds we'll go over here and walk the dogs then over here and mow the lawn then to the lake and paint the shed then to the farm and pick apples then we rake more leaves clean a garage wash the windows stack some cans what's the matter [Music] oh you're right it is kind of confusing [Music] and it's a lot to do [Music] I got it everything organized will make a schedule huh a schedule I use them all the time to keep myself A1 perfectly organized [Music] who put each job on a card then we'll put all the cards in order from the closest job to the one that's farthest away that way minimize our travel time and maximize our work time [Music] of course we should also figure out how much time we can spend at each job if we want to finish by Monday no problem [Music] so after we pull the weeds we'll have exactly 20 minutes to walk the dogs 25 minutes to mow the lawn etc etc which leaves us 45 minutes to pick apples at the rankins then on Monday morning we get our kite but only if we finish all our jobs so we have to stick to this schedule [Music] it was deep winter a time when the whole world seems snowy and cold here we are [Music] this year was the snowiest and coldest ever come on hahaha [Music] it was so cold the jumpy squirrel had decided to move indoors the house had everything it was warm it was quiet and thanks to jumpy it had lots of nuts haha [Music] it is cold in here let's turn up the heat [Music] the man and the monkey were back jumpy had to get out fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] but no sooner was he out than he wanted back in luckily jumpy had a lot of in and Outdoors [Music] now he just needed to sneak past the monkey but monkeys have very sharp ears [Music] hi [Music] dude [Music] oh no [Music] well I'll be we're gonna have to fix that there we go hi George [Music] we can't leave holes in the house all the heat will get out no jumpy needs to stay outside there's more food for him out here he'll be happier in his own home George wasn't so sure about that and neither was jumpy it was way too cold his door was sealed shut [Music] but jumpy still had another squirrel door upstairs [Music] what was that uh-huh yep your friend jumpy has been very busy no wonder the house is so drafty okay [Music] we have got to insulate this house huh insulate it means keep the warm air in and the cold air out [Music] okay cold ready or not here we come first the man sealed around the windows [Music] yeah the caulk is squishy so you can fill the holes and keep cold air out you want to try ah [Music] Italian chefs have a word for perfectly cooked spaghetti Al Dente which means not too hard and not too soft tonight Chef piscetti's pasta was not Al Dente it was glass did I hear her did she come back I think something's bothering chef pisketti [Music] I cannot concentrate under my cooking because of my beloved on me nothing the accordion ah here we go again [Music] no more happy times what watching her play had a pesto now gnocchi only stays for breakfast and then poof we don't see her till bedtime why what did I do oh she used to play in the alley all the day oh look here she is on an old canvas drop cloth that someone threw out the way she clawed at it I think she was afraid of it oh and the old cardboard boxes those were always getting in her way hot those old carpets she liked them but they always made her first so dirty and there she is waiting by the old wooden door oh she scratched and scratched and screwed wanted to go to go so I got with the cat daughter she can't mess this one up it's metal and I cleaned the garbage out of the alley to make it neat for hell but the next day she's a vamos [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you think gnocchi likes burritos better than Bolognese gnocchi would never do that no well maybe no ah I cannot take it anymore I must know where she's eating these burritos why not follow her me follow a gnocchi oh the scampering the leaping ah the chef was right you had to be a cat to follow a cat or a monkey [Laughter] you will follow my gnocchi if gnocchi was eating burritos George would find out but early the next morning instead of going to a burrito place [Music] gnocchi went to a boat but why would gnocchi go to a boat [Music] George was determined to find out [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] maybe there were burritos in those bags [Music] show the chef pretty city committee pod number seven come to order George was honored when Steve asked him to be part of his pod as you know the mayor has declared today's City prettification day that's right Steve pods will be Fanning out all over the city to pick up litter and well make the city pretty right again Steve later this afternoon I will pick a winner Hodge will be judged according to the prettiness of their streets the amount of trash they collect and their can-do Spirit Steve asked me to mention that the winning pod will get their picture on this pretty city poster [Music] ah can't you just see my face I mean our pod plastered all over the city good luck pod seven I'll see you at three o'clock sharp for the judging I expect great pretty vacation okay everyone you know your assignments let's go I wrote it down in my litter log and does everyone have an official pretty city committee trash bag yeah [Music] foreign excellent then let's go make our city pretty seven seven that's our pod we're gonna do a super job George's assignment was to clean up his own street but Georgia's Street was already pretty pretty [Music] oh hey hey you're welcome to take whatever you want just put what you don't want back in the boxes okay well at least George now had a job to do wait a minute why would anybody throw out a pirate ship even if it was a little broken oh George really wanted to keep it hmm George decided to use one of his bags for trash and the other for treasure [Music] this Heart-Shaped Box was definitely treasure [Music] you could use it to store pictures [Music] keys they might unlock something really interesting George found more things to add to his treasures foreign [Music] what was that [Music] George didn't know but it was shiny and it made a nice click [Music] George also kept the square Pig thank you the red bottle which was the same color as the heart box [Music] and of course he couldn't throw out this painted whatever it was [Music] or the round glasses [Music] or the yellow daffodil George's sack of treasures filled up fast foreign he needed to empty it [Music] [Music] every monkey needs a blue watch [Music] and a couple of yellow ducks [Music] quack
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 2,515,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: 8A6Lwx9i6vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 57sec (4377 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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