Curious George 🐡 1 Hour Compilation 🐡 HD 🐡 Videos For Kids

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[Music] one thing george liked about lake wanna sink lake was that he never felt alone even when he couldn't see other animals [Music] he could tell they were out there [Music] george hi how about a hand yeah i'm preparing an exhibit on local wildlife for the town nature society and the baby alligator lizard i was studying just disappeared thanks have fun at the lake wow you saw all those animals you only heard them hey animal sounds would be great in the exhibit you want to help me again [Music] okay just point the microphone toward the sound till you hear it nice and loud on the headphones then push this red button to record it remember the closer you are to an animal the louder it gets but don't get too close [Music] this was simple for a smart monkey [Music] all he had to do was follow the sound as it got louder and [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] he tracked one woodpecker and thought he heard a second one but maybe sounds aren't as simple as they sound [Music] [Music] [Laughter] george was collecting pictures of all the sounds he had heard outside then he heard a new one inside [Music] george knew how to track a sound this was different it got louder then went silent then it was far away again this called for a second opinion 151 152 wait oh hi george yeah can you wait till i'm done with the moth census okay i'm coming [Music] oh that's just the smoke detector george it needs a new battery [Music] george wasn't sure this was the same sound he'd heard before [Music] and now back to my mods [Music] there it was again and it didn't come from the smoke detector [Music] that thing was here somewhere and he knew he could find it [Music] of course it must have gone out the window it was loud it was soft it was here it was gone [Music] only one room had an echo like that [Music] huh [Music] hmm [Music] he thought he had it but all he found was a tiny insect that couldn't possibly make such a big sound [Music] outside the man with the yellow hat and green night vision goggles was having his own problems with elusive creatures let's see where are those rascals [Music] i'm trying to study the nocturnal feeding habits of raccoons but i can't find any around here [Music] oh that's a nice recording of a cricket was it one of these you know hundreds of crickets chirping together can make a soothing peaceful sound but one little cricket in a quiet house can drive you bananas is there one in our house well he probably wants to get out and go home here uh catch him and free him outside and here's a tip george crickets are attracted to light [Music] now that the mystery was solved and george knew what he was looking for this was going to be easy [Music] [Music] george was already smarter than a cricket and he knew how to be faster [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] huh [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] then a strange new sound [Music] and then george set the cricket free to happily hop back to his cricket home [Music] did you free that cricket good work i am sure that's one happy cricket [Music] okay um that cricket left us some cleanup work don't you think george [Music] all done sleep tight george [Music] are you sure you put it outside you know george if we don't catch that cricket we'll never get any sleep [Music] ah i've got it the man with the yellow hat didn't have the cricket but he did have a solution george thought the best way to spend a relaxing afternoon was a visit with professor wiseman [Music] yes no maybe green thursday gravitational pull you're welcome [Music] oh oh hi guys hi just a minute i have to respond to this urgent message from dr haslein uh should we come back another time you seem busy [Music] oh no i am dizzier i mean busier than usual but it's administrative duties office work answering questions filing copying [Music] apatosaurus herbivorous boy i'm overseeing five exhibits two opening here and two more opening in cleveland hmm [Music] oh i mean four exhibits two plus two still equals four even when you're distracted i think all of this work is getting to you [Music] george is right you need to relax we'll help we're very relaxing guys how about saturday george is right oh where is the schedule i had a pen [Music] oh there it is thank you saturday relax [Music] let's see professor wiseman needs our help hmm let's think of some relaxing things to do tomorrow [Music] uh-huh that's fun but she needs to relax you know something peaceful [Music] a picnic that's relaxing perfect [Music] so the next morning the man with the yellow hat packed at picnic lunch i think we have all the ingredients it takes to relax one professor [Music] that's very generous george but i brought enough for everyone oh thank you i'm fully prepared for a day of total relaxation it's good to be away from work for a while isn't it yes i wore blue which is a scientifically proven relaxing color i practice reclining at a 45 degree angle a very relaxing position well this is all going perfectly [Music] well what [Music] feel relaxed yet well actually i was trying to remember if i faxed the specifications of jupiter's moons to the director don't think about anything we'll do all the thinking for you i think you'd like a pickle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here let me try no no no you just relax what we need to solve this is something that'll help you grip uh aha i think this is rubber [Music] don't give it to her she shouldn't have to work i'll just show george how to do it [Music] turn it like this [Music] so we know pickles aren't relaxing at least not flying pickles [Music] this is sure to relax you well honestly i'm just as happy sitting on the ground but what could be more relaxing than hanging from a tree watch you just lie back and let your troubles melt away [Music] thanks george george [Music] oh let me help [Music] oh he's too heavy [Music] don't worry i'm sure i can find a way to solve the problem oh no you relax uh i'll work it out [Music] if we only had a big stick we could use as a lever almost there george perfect uh you're not gonna get me out the way you get candy out of a pinata are you no we'll use the bat as a lever [Music] oh are you hurt no i uh i landed on my hat oh no only an hour left to squeeze in some real relaxation now we're not gonna create any more work for professor wiseman right okay come on come on come on come on come on [Music] feed the ducks youtube fun relaxation ducks okay here i go [Laughter] george carefully [Laughter] no problem we're still feeding them right it's fun huh right ducks [Music] but your hat is waddling away [Music] oh my hat [Music] we can solve this problem you shouldn't i i should okay how aha we can use the kite string to fish the hat out of the water i just need a hook [Music] perfect choice okay wanna toss it george [Music] hmm we need more weight okay try again [Music] see that branch we can use it to lift the hat we can [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh thank you thank you oh this wasn't what i planned all you did was solve problems for us please accept my apology apology for what i had a very relaxing day huh relaxing exactly hands-on problem-solving not like work where i just answer questions and shuffle paper ah well then you're welcome well see ya oh okay ah wow who knew relaxing could be so exhausting [Music] come on george i think it's time for a nap it was an exciting day to be a door dog because he and the doorman were expecting a very exciting delivery [Music] didn't you sleep last night me neither i was too excited about a big [Music] oh delivery are we glad to see you when the doorman said a big delivery he meant a big delivery [Music] what's in this thing my western town a whole town in a box uh-huh it's for my train set i wish i could set it up right now but i'm on duty yeah we'll set it up we love trains hey thanks [Music] okay [Music] hundley and the doorman had built the most amazing train set ever there was a future town a farm town and even a mountain town the western town goes right there relax hundley george and his friends will be very careful sure absolutely it's okay fella if you're worried why don't you stay here and keep an eye on them you can nap when they're done hundley would not rest until the last piece of track had been laid but before hundley knew it the west was done doesn't it look great oh the track is missing a pin see [Music] there it is [Music] the pin was lost don't worry we'll find it not only was the pin lost but the apartment was a wreck i wish there was a quick way to sift through all this dirt [Music] hey good idea george we can make sifters with our fingers but sifting is a slow business and boring it made a sleepy dog even sleepier i feel like a minor in some old western movie oh my darling oh my darling oh my darling little pen first we had you then we lost you wish we'd see you once again first we had you then we lost you wish we'd see you once again [Music] morning deputy big day today with the train tracks joining up i wrote a little song all about it would you like to hear it it goes something like this [Music] prairieville was neat and clean got the best sheriff you've ever seen [Music] his deputy was on the ball though he was just inches tall prairieville prairieville way out yonder further still prairieville prairieville stuck out in nowhereville but all that's about to change when the tracks join across the range when the tracks join across the range [Music] howdy deputy time to mosey over to the tracks everything was set for the ceremony the deputy was confident it would all go without a hitch suddenly a stranger rode in [Music] a stranger could be bad news [Music] [Music] well aren't you a cute little fella did you just get into town want to come see the train tracks get joined yep the deputy had to keep an eye on that one citizens of prairieville welcome to the ceremony for the joining of the rails and to drive in the last pin sheriff doorman [Music] what oh dear i've lost the pin [Music] oh no oh this was off hundley had to find that pin [Music] need a we feel just awful about losing the pin um [Music] hmm this is hopeless the deputy thought she might be right there was too much sand then the stranger realized all they needed was a sifter something with holes that would let the dirt out but keep the pin in [Music] who's hungry after all what's a western without [Music] perfect a really big sifter [Music] [Laughter] the deputy hoped the holy bowl would save the day [Music] only it didn't the holes were too big to keep the small pin inside any luck finding the pin last piece of pie sure you don't want some [Music] suddenly the stranger knew what to do if he wanted a sifter with holes the right size huh he'd have to make it himself luckily he knew how big the holes needed to be [Music] this was bigger than the pin from the box if the stranger used it to make holes the pin would fall through them but this was a perfect size nail it would make a hole that would let the dirt out but keep the pin in ah [Music] great job deputy whoa [Music] hey there it is way to go huntley you've got the best sifter of all yeah your nose [Music] now who should put in the pin we don't want to lose it again hey my town it's all set up ah oh and you saved the last pin for me [Music] hundley was happy the train was back on track this is great and i've got the perfect name for it hundleyville what do you think of that hundley uh hundley [Music] prairieville was neat and clean got the best sheriff you've ever seen his deputy was on the ball [Music] watching for the man with the yellow hat to come home was easy for a sharp-eyed monkey like george because nobody else was that yellow [Music] well almost no one [Music] seeing the man was great but seeing him with a present was even better well hello how was your morning were you a good little monkey that's my monkey hmm uh hold on george that present's not for you it's for professor wiseman's birthday you can see what's inside when she opens it uh tonight at dinner dinner was years away maybe just one peak now if you really want to unwrap something come in the kitchen here you can pretend the orange peel is gift wrap you'll be helping me and unwrapping too oh orange skin didn't feel like gift wrap but there was something good inside maybe that thick skin was there to hold back squirts [Music] now the onion had skin that felt like gift wrap [Music] but it didn't smell like any present [Music] and no wonder they keep cheese wrapped up [Music] these coverings were all different but they hid the same thing yeah something smelly but that couldn't be the same reason the present was wrapped could it [Music] george could you please peel me one apple [Music] this was much better the apple smelled good [Applause] [Music] george after you've done one apple leave the bowl of unpeeled fruit out okay those are professor wiseman's favorites that i bought especially for her birthday [Music] um george could you pick up my pants for me they're being altered at the department store [Music] don't worry we won't open it without you phew have a seat i'll be back in one moment with the pants the man with the yellow hat was right this aaron had completely taken george's mind off the [Music] fancy beautiful wrapped present [Music] [Laughter] nothing to eat nothing to smell nothing all george uncovered was a mystery why just wrap empty boxes [Music] give me your honest opinion i'm very proud of this display this is not a display it's it's a story remains of the birthday brilliant i love it why well i thank you [Music] rapping always hid surprises so why wrap these if everyone could see right through it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] george decided that some wrapping was there just to keep monkeys out [Music] oh [Music] hmm [Music] people sure are buying a lot of coffee makers i just wrapped 15 in a row there you are i've been looking all over for you george wanted to play with the rapper people some more but he had to get these pants home george hadn't been gone very long but when he got back [Music] the present had disappeared [Music] oh thanks for picking up my pants george i know how curious a little monkey can be so i put the present away that should take your mind off of it but hiding the present only made george more curious [Music] this was the first time george noticed the walls were wrapped it looks like wrapping on top of more wrap maybe there were a hundred layers of wallpaper under here [Music] or not since he reached the end george tried to put it all back but it didn't want to go [Music] then he thought of a way to make this the perfect bathroom for the professor's birthday [Music] [Applause] [Music] up is that you george make sure you wash up before professor wiseman gets here [Music] and would you make sure that bowl of her favorite fresh fruit is out where she'll see it [Music] [Music] you can't get away with that [Music] huh you didn't wash this hand is all sticky okay now wow what happened in here oh professor wiseman help me hide this mess [Music] hello george everything okay i'll be right out i got your favorite fruit help yourself [Music] is this a bonanzarine you can't put skins on fruit george only nature can do that on the other hand nature doesn't make banangearines sorry i'm happy birthday from george and me oh you didn't have to would you like to help me open it george [Laughter] [Music] i never would have guessed that's what was in this big box that's uh that's why it was wrapped that way oh my favorite symphony you remembered thanks let's listen to it during dinner oh here i'll get that george figured he'd better eat something because this was gonna take a while [Music] george liked playing with charkie because she could run faster than anyone and she was the best flipper too thanks for dog-sitting sharky while i go to the museum george here's her leash and her favorite toys she loves to play fetch [Music] but sharky never gets tired of running and chasing [Music] hi i've got a package for you from mabel's oh i'll take it here bye everyone have a nice dog yeah i mean have a nice day [Music] sharky please if this falls it'll break she knows what it is she can smell it [Music] see bath oils in my favorite glass bottles oh charkie just loves their aroma don't you girl [Music] george still couldn't smell it i better hide these really well if she gets her paws on them i'll have bath oil all over the place [Music] charkie even smelled it through the door that dog had one powerful nose [Music] oh no he didn't deliver my second package if the delivery man returns could you set the package inside for me thanks george i'll be back soon [Music] hey there i forgot to deliver the lady's other package is she still there you can accept it [Music] oh thanks can you sign right here this must have been more of that easy to break stuff george couldn't smell it but charkie sure seemed to [Music] charkie was the fastest runner but she couldn't resist a puddle [Music] there was no chance george could outrun charkie so he had to find a way to protect that box fast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this bell would ring if anyone bothered the box [Music] now that the box was safe george had to figure out how to get it back to aunt margaret's place [Music] wow [Music] what was the right size and shape to carry that box and charky proof too [Music] charkie still couldn't resist a puddle [Music] now where could i have put those bowling balls [Music] look hundley with this new carrier's see-through walls you won't miss any party or trip [Music] hiya george how you doing [Music] whew [Music] wow [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] good thing charkie never got tired of chasing her toys [Music] with all these boxes how would george ever find the right one [Music] george picked out all the boxes that looked like his but which box was his they all look the same what else was special about his box the smell [Music] if anything could find the right box it was charkie's nose [Music] [Music] [Music] hey george wow thanks for straightening out all my boxes you need a lift hop on after all i'm a delivery man [Music] have a nice day [Music] hi george did my package arrive [Music] george was proud to give aunt margaret her package safe and sound well i see you took good care of it thank you oh easy girl after i left i remembered what was in this box you didn't have to protect this one from charkie [Music] these are the new dog toys i ordered for her [Music] this was the greatest ending to the greatest game charkie had ever played [Music] all thanks to george [Music] busy day at george's apartment professor wiseman was coming to dinner and the man with the yellow hat wanted everything to be just right i have an idea why don't i finish getting the apartment ready and you go to the store great let's make a list okay [Music] okay i need carrots for my famous carrot cake cucumbers for my famous cucumber soup [Music] and uh apples for my famous uh bowl of apples [Music] here's a bag and some money george and have fun bye-bye [Music] when george got to their favorite store it was closed the grocer was on his annual fishing trip [Music] ah welcome to hua mai grocery and takeout it's our grand opening our first customer we are selling vietnamese food please try a sample cha yo it's a spring roll [Music] ah come on in and clean up on io3 [Music] george thought the food looked delicious and the store looked beautiful but the fruits and vegetables look different somehow [Music] this was green and long and bumpy must be a cucumber next on the list red round apples [Music] this looked like an apple now all george needed to find were the carrots were these carrots george didn't know for sure but they looked like carrots and were bunched up like carrots [Music] ah customer number one you ready [Music] ah let's see you have a cocoa some fat too and a few tuck glue very good choices here you are thank you very much how was school today mai great dad but who was that our very first customer our first customer was a monkey cool oh great did you find everything oh but this is a pomegranate george not an apple huh yes and i don't know what these other things are [Music] thanks george george decided that this time he'd ask for help [Music] you're back hi my name's mai ah ah can i help you fat too talk low and kogua yum but didn't you just buy these [Music] is that an alligator oh oh sorry i can't read this oh why don't we taste some things and then maybe you can find what you want so mai took george on a tasting tour of vietnamese fruits and vegetables [Music] and this is called carteen they didn't taste like carrots or cucumbers or apples but they surely were delicious yeah even the ones that smelled bad yeah were delicious and now let's try some and key george wasn't sure what he had bought but he knew it all tasted good bye see you later hmm [Music] hey just in time uh could you grate the carrots into the batter and put it in the oven while i change my shirt i guess they should make aprons that cover your arms [Music] yeah that's great uh then would you slice the cucumbers into the soup and put the apples in the fruit bowl thanks george [Music] okay i think we finally have things under control [Music] what is that awful smell [Music] george uh thanks for finishing the soup it smells strange [Music] is this a cucumber it tastes like eggplant it is eggplant so what did you put in the carrot cake [Music] is it is this some kind of radish radish cake and eggplant soup and a smelly fruit bowl interesting [Music] george couldn't understand it how could something that tasted so good in the store tastes so bad in the soup i'm sure you could make a good soup with eggplant but this was a recipe for cucumber soup well we still have oh ten minutes oh well i guess we should just order takeout [Music] where are you going george [Music] customer number one you are back and i think i know why you dropped this on your last visit ah correct me if i'm wrong but aren't these pictures of carrots cucumbers and apples yeah i see it now way to go dad tell me my friend are those the vegetables you have been looking for on your visits let me get them for you [Music] you don't want them [Music] [Music] nothing like a hard day of analyzing carbon isotope ratios to give a girl an appetite hmm something smells weird oh that's my radish cake really yum george perfect timing george is that your name uh huh hello i am win huang an owner of the hua mai grocery and takeout this is my wife hua and daughter mai oh well hello hi he named the store after us it means peach blossom is that the new vietnamese grocery on in avenue i've been looking forward to your opening me too is all this from your store it is we thought we should help george carry in his order we've brought you eggplant curry bun tit noon with nook yum a fish sauce with daikon radish oh i love that sauce bitter melon soup sahatlu which is pomegranate seeds in coconut cream and durian shakes it all looks great and there's so much would you join us huh we would be honored a few days later george headed back to huamai [Music] here you go [Music] hi look at all our takeout customers someone's been talking me i told everyone i know about how great the food is and i know a lot of people but don't worry george you'll always be customer number one [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 14,793,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: vSDD5njFTbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 18sec (3978 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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