Curious George ๐Ÿต Station Master ๐Ÿต Kids Cartoon ๐Ÿต Kids Movies | Cartoons for Kids

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while bill waited for the number 7 train to arrive george was able to find the station where bill was waiting he also saw that trains were out of order [Music] then they got even more scrambled luckily george had paid attention to what station master flint showed him [Music] he could fix this [Music] huh could you repeat that what did he say number seven number eight anybody understand that i don't understand him but i trust him [Music] fast work station master we're all in order [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] um station master we're sort of out of order again [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] station master you did say reverse didn't you [Music] real trains were even easier than toy trains for a smart monkey [Music] all he had to do was simply move the number 5 train first [Music] george was a great train master the five moved into position followed by eight seven nine and six [Music] then six seven nine eight and five then seven five six eight nine six nine seven five eight five six eight nine seven seven five six eight nine five six eight nine seven eight seven nine five six five six five seven five six eight nine and then 356. [Music] is it just me did that sound like a monkey this wasn't like his toy trains anymore george needed help george didn't know why that warning bell wasn't going off see if the whole sandwiches are equal the haves must be two right [Music] thanks for holding down the floor george i'll take it from here oh [Music] that was the craziest train ride ever you wouldn't believe it george [Music] hmm don't be sad you could have gone if you had four hands [Music] be a good little monkey in space [Music] ten nine eight seven six five four three two one ignition [Music] [Music] george you've achieved orbit [Music] to your left is earth to your right you're passing the space station [Music] don't worry you're circling the earth so you'll pass it again when you've done one complete orbit [Music] did i mention the lower gravity in space plus the motion of the rocket make you weightless [Music] there was nothing to do now but wait to push those buttons and wonder what was in that box he'd seen how heavy these boxes were so he gave a mighty monkey tug and found out he wasn't the only thing that weighed less in space toys it was full of toys poor george i hope he's not too scared being alone and out of contact george had never seen a top spin so long before space was a great place to play [Music] george wondered whether these toys would be more fun if he had someone to play with you have 20 seconds to get everything ready to launch [Music] hard to believe but cleaning his room had prepared george for an important mission in space [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] he looks ready george are you ready to launch excellent i'll tell you when oh maybe we shouldn't have sent a monkey now george now [Music] [Applause] he did it great job george [Music] thank you george you're in position to return home pull the lever to fire propulsion rockets george pull the lever now or you'll be out of position [Music] it's a super spy's job to discover secrets and double o doggie is the best he has lots of tools to help him well that's a periscope remember [Music] well inside the tube are two mirrors the mirror at this end reflects whatever it's pointing at to a mirror at this end [Music] that way double o doggie can see things without being seen himself [Music] all right good night little spy monkey can we meet an hour later a super spy had to be smart quiet and quick with his hands and feet he'd only been a super spy for two minutes and double o monkey already had his first spy mission find out what the man with the yellow hat was going to get him but he had to make sure he wouldn't be seen [Music] george hi how you doing what [Music] george a barking charkie was even worse than a puddle the last thing a spy wants is to attract attention let's see now it should be here somewhere [Music] george [Music] huh that's funny your baby looks just like my monkey i i mean uh he's he's a good-looking monkey i mean oh boy [Music] [Music] it was hard being a super spy without the right tools [Music] george's periscope worked great he could see between things [Music] over things [Music] and around things [Music] [Music] how could he keep his eye on the man with the yellow hat now [Music] [Music] a broken periscope can't stop a super spy with tools like a mirror and the brain of a monkey [Music] [Music] you wouldn't be a spy monkey would you he did you make this huh wow this is very good really but you know it's not nice to spy on people and can ruin surprises like this now do you want an official double o doggy periscope or would you rather just make another one [Music] you want both [Music] when you're a super spy monkey you need lots of ways to keep your eyes on things [Applause] [Music] hiya george huh the man with the yellow pants he said i could go see if you're awake are you awake finally oh you were sleeping forever so you know what i want to do today monkey stuff [Music] wait don't monkeys go out the window [Music] all that morning george showed ali monkey stuff like how to eat strawberries with your feet [Music] how to swing on a rope how to sound like a full percussion section in an orchestra and how to blow bubbles with an extra big monkey breath i'm going to the store do you want anything george did you know that monkeys can blow bubbles longer than anybody [Music] that doesn't surprise me how about you allie you need anything from the store oh yes um a flying trapeze and a walkie-talkie please um i'll see what i can do [Music] is that a squirrel i love squirrels oops hi there [Applause] i found him george george it's kind of weird the squirrel won't answer me [Music] but then george remembered how he washed mr glass's windows on the very tall building this was gonna be easy all george had to do was find his life vest tie a rope to the front throw the rope over a branch and bring ally down okay [Music] you missed but don't you worry i can get it [Music] this is too small it looks monkey sized [Music] the rope was a good idea but george needed to attach it to something that ally could put on or [Music] get on [Music] oops this raft is too flippy george [Music] okay let's think some more didn't have that many choices only a two short ladder some pool toys and a rope [Music] what could be easier than holding onto a rope [Music] but we already tried the rope george [Music] okay now what george [Music] you want me to hold on while i'm climbing down [Music] okay [Music] oops i ran out of rope george hey look what you did george let's do it again [Music] hey it's mr yellow pants did you get me the flying trapeze sorry the store doesn't carry circus equipment for some reason but i found these walkie talkies oh i have to show my grandmother bye-bye i'll call you later thank you thank you thank you thank you you're welcome so george did you have a nice time with ally that night george couldn't wait for lights out and so the little mouse roared and the house fell down [Music] good night george happy dreams [Music] [Music] clearly this was the start of a beautiful and curious friendship when the squirrel comes in to get the nuts why don't you go hit a few while this fella and i pack up for the move george had no time to lose it had been hours since he last golf bill had warned george that a golfer had to be careful he could lose his ball in a sand trap or a water trap [Music] or a squirrel trap [Music] an old agreement says the castle's owner must show the deed every year or pay the back taxes and i cannot find the deed oh oh i could help you pay the taxes oh we've not paid in over 400 years laddie i may not be good at math but 400 times anything is a lot of haggis well maybe i could help you find it what's the deed look like it's very old paper and it has the family crest on it the dragon in the yellow town [Music] [Music] it was a secret passageway [Music] there was nothing like a big stick to get you out of a tight place or into one luckily george found a bridge unluckily it was raised [Music] if you could push windows and pull bookcases maybe you could spin wheels too [Music] um [Music] george couldn't figure out why the squirrel wanted his golf ball since he had so many of his own [Music] this looked just like the dragon uncle tam told the man with the yellow hat to look forward [Music] we're out of time give up i have to give him the castle i won't give up is this it no a dragon's in a red tam is this it not blue yellow yellow have you looked in the mirror today laddie um [Music] master tan i'm here to claim the castle hand over the weekies george knew they'd be happy he found the dragon and wanted to show them right away [Music] he needed as much leverage as he could get for this shot [Music] [Applause] here you go it's all yours [Music] i cannot believe it it's a deed where did that come from [Music] oh this is great they looked even happier than george expected not only did uncle tam get to keep his castle but george had his first hole in one if he could only get his ball back [Music] if there was one thing gnocchi couldn't resist it was a toy clown [Music] now where was that cat [Music] oh what kind of chef forgets his garlic hundley might be a door dog but he wasn't very good at door knobs fortunately monkeys are excellent door openers [Music] unless the door is locked hmm [Music] gnocchi thought it'd be much more fun if she and hundley played outside [Music] poor hundley clearly hundley needed some monkey help [Music] gnocchi was surprised that hundley was still in the basement [Music] gnocchi was sure that a game of chase would make hundley feel better [Music] it did it took his mind off basements [Music] hmm george could build a ramp to the window [Music] hmm a ramp stronger than a pizza box [Music] hundley was beginning to like this game [Music] george had to remind him that he wanted to get out of the basement gnocchi had a lot of fun with the clown but now it was hundley's turn [Music] maybe hundley just needed a push [Music] george needed to think of something else ah maybe he didn't have to go straight up to the window [Music] george didn't need one ramp he needed a lot of ramps george's ramps worked [Music] [Applause] what did you do to my basement jojo [Music] dylan and his mom were back hundley had to hurry [Music] gnocchi didn't know what was going on but it sure looked like fun [Music] hundley oh thank you i thought we'd lost this forever look dylan you are the best door dog [Music] another job well done well almost done [Music] hi george [Music] that's terrific it looks just like jade take a look [Music] yeah professor wiseman and i rescued her when she lost her jungle home look she's changing color chameleons can do that see she's usually green like her jungle surroundings and that's why we named her jade but under the sun's rays she got warmer and that made her change color watch [Music] chameleons change color when the temperature changes anyway today jade will get a new home at the zoo that is if i can convince dr chroma that she's the kind of rare chameleon he's been looking for oh hey do you want to feed jade while i'm gone [Music] oh great her food's on the table uh just drop in a few pieces and she'll do the rest thanks george bye-bye [Music] jade had an amazing tongue [Music] george had left the cage open [Music] huh [Music] george hoped that squeaky would lure jade back to her cage all he could do now was wait quietly [Music] wow [Music] maybe george could keep track by tracking her tracks [Music] hundley didn't know what george was up to [Music] whatever it was it wasn't clean [Music] george's plan had worked jade's tracks went right out the door [Music] [Music] they found the wagon but jade was gone and now she had a million places to hide george oh what happened here oh boy hey jade well i don't know where george went but i have to get you to the zoo i can't be late for professor chroma [Music] maybe jade liked to be warm maybe that's where george should look was there a warm place that george had missed [Music] now all george had to do was put jade back in her cage huh the cage was gone that meant that the man had taken squeaky to the zoo instead of jade hey george what's a rush [Music] uh sounds exciting well hop on [Music] meanwhile the man with the yellow hat had just finished telling the dramatic story of jade's rescue and now i would like to examine jade if she is the rare chameleon that you say then and only then can she stay well of course [Music] squeaky what was that sound what the squeak oh um hey let's all go to lunch huh i don't know about you but i'm starving the chameleon please [Music] show me the chameleon oh [Music] [Music] well it's well perhaps yes this is the chameleon we've been hoping for oh welcome jade to the zoo [Music] hiya george hey you want to try some delicious made out of apples that i picked myself apple cider [Music] huh do you want a whole bottle [Music] that'll be 3.50 please why don't you and ally make a trade that's what we used to do when we were kids [Music] i like it but i don't want to trade for a stick oh i like the cart though george wasn't sure he wanted to give up his new cart but then again that cider was delicious now just remember kids once you make a trade it's for keeps we know and was missing his cart there were so many fun things he could be doing no like playing hide and seek [Music] or carrying a pet fish around but the cart was gone unless he could trade it back for something you want me to trade the cart for a jar of sauerkraut no i'd rather have the cart i'm kind of using it george was in luck he had seen a pony just like that over at vicky's house you want to trade a jar of sauerkraut for my pony no thanks [Music] oh except maybe a dollhouse george didn't have a dollhouse ally had a dollhouse though [Music] if george could trade something for the dollhouse then he could trade the dollhouse for the pony and trade the pony for the cart [Music] did you make that wow i love it wait right here here you go george [Music] like my cart ally traded it to me for an old backpack [Music] you want to trade that pony for the cart no thanks i need this to help me carry stuff to the swap meet a swap meet is where lots of people gather in a big space and trade stuff you should come it's fun who knows might find something i would swap the cart for oh this is great george i'll bring all the stuff i want to get rid of oh no no that's the keep pile that's to get rid of pile the next day george hoped that between his sticks and the man's stuff they'd have something that bill would trade for hmm got it i need it i like her sombrero though you want to trade the sombrero sure [Music] you want the cart it's a deal oh wait i just traded it to mr quint [Music] well that's a dandy fishing reel but unfortunately i just swapped the cart with my brother for this singing whale 49 tons of krill on the wall 49 tons of crew [Music] george found mr quint's brother flint but flint had traded the cart to his other brother wench for a back massager [Music] winter traded the cart to mrs rankins for some soap on a rope [Music] and mrs rankins had traded the cart to vicky sorry george i just traded the cart to some people from the city [Music] george had worked so hard to get that cart back and now it was gone for good [Music] [Applause] there's nothing here that i want see i'm an artist i work with wood and what i'm looking for are unusual sticks ah well these are the best sticks i've ever seen thank you [Music] at last george had a cart of course he no longer had anything to put in it [Music] but that wouldn't last long [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 5,949,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: tJe0iVV4M9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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