Curious George 🐵Fearless George 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies 🐵Videos for Kids

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[Music] a hero alone mission find the one and restore it to its rightful place mere guards can't stop fearless george he's tracked the one of ones to here the lair of the dark betsy [Music] it's fearless george help i'm professor buford fromage famous for smartness [Music] i am free [Music] and sore even though fromage is free you will never get the one of ones back she's right you'll never find it because you'll never get past my big brass bubbly butt [Music] you mean professor fromage no i mean steve time out why are you sticking a robot on us i'm supposed to be the bad guy this time yeah you're bad but i'm secretly worse it's a twist exciting unexpected adventures are supposed to be full of surprises [Music] betsy steve time to go you want us to stop playing right at the exciting part well that means tomorrow you'll start playing right at the exciting part hey that's right george didn't want to mess everything up by cleaning but he knew that you couldn't leave toys in the floor someone could get hurt before we go help george clean up [Music] it took so long to set all this up we never got to find out how our high-stakes adventure ended [Music] we want to do something for more than three minutes let's play catch [Music] what are you doing george [Music] wow why didn't i think of that face it you're no monkey [Music] the storm's over [Music] that's the world's crankiest polar bear guardian of the one [Music] [Music] can fearless george ever get out of this yes with the aid of his loyal pterodactyl pencil well that was certainly an unexpected twist he returned the missing one to where it belonged let's play again this time george is a wizard trapped on the south pole by penguins and if we run out of time we just roll it under the bed whether he was being a wizard or cleaning up toys fearless george was up to any challenge [Music] on their way home from the circus the monkey with the yellow balloon and the man with the yellow hat noticed that professor wiseman's light was still on don't tell me you're still working professor of course it's only nine o'clock what's this a foot race we're trying to raise money for an expedition to the lost city of oman oh great cause i'll sign up for that hey you want to help me train george great what about you professor are you going to run me oh i can't run i've got way too much work poor professor wiseman she doesn't know what she's missing the next day george couldn't wait to start training hey wait up stop i need help this was strange the professor who said she couldn't run was running terrible absolute disaster what did the t-rex collapse oh worse anonymous donors they won't contribute to the expedition unless i run the race but that's great races are a lot of fun can you help me train i don't know a thing about running no problem let's meet in the park at lunchtime tomorrow come on terrific i can't wait [Music] oh boy what he sprained his ankle how can i train for the race without him oh [Music] you want to be my personal trainer [Music] okay well let's get running [Music] oh is this a ferris wheel okay i've never been on one of these before [Music] what an amazing view hey look there's the museum i can see my window it looks so small from here the professor had so much fun on the ferris wheel that george took her to all his favorite places [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the day the professor outran him george knew she was ready for the race [Music] the race was on [Music] the professor seemed to be doing everything right she ran at a steady pace and there she was drinking water so far so good [Music] i thought it'd be fun if my personal trainer finished the race with me huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and i found out who those anonymous donors were apparently they thought i needed to work a little less and have fun a little more that's right because all work and no play is a crummy way to spend your day [Laughter] to thank you for helping me learn that lesson i want you to have my medal [Music] thanks for helping me with the nature week exhibit george we'd like to see the tracks of all the animals that live around here the swim mask oh i'm gonna go jump in the lake to conduct the nature week fish survey bye [Music] george wished his photos were more exciting but there weren't many exciting animals around here hey george ah what you doing wow i see you've got almost every local animal except that fawn i've seen in the hills ah a fawn is a baby deer bet you don't see too many of them in the city huh a fawn was just the special unusual animal george was looking for come on i'll show you where to find it george still hadn't seen the fawn or learned what its tracks looked like [Music] these were the biggest tracks george had seen so far something extra large must have left them they looked like big duck tracks a big duck would make a terrific photo [Music] this was like the long track the garter snake made [Music] a giant duck with a snake's tail would make an even better picture but a huge snake with duck feet would be the most incredible photo of all [Music] maybe it's swam back home george remembered he'd seen big tracks like these in a book there they were dinosaur tracks a duck-billed dinosaur and the tracks were headed towards bill's house [Music] hiya george did you see the farm [Music] yeah i guess those do look like dinosaur tracks [Music] yep my new boots were hurting my feet so i put these on to walk to the lake i told you i was going swimming remember [Music] hey now i know what it's like to walk in a dinosaur's footsteps [Music] with no hungry dinosaurs around george still needed that special photo for nature week it sounded like jumpy was hungry again [Music] but george had enough pictures of that squirrel [Music] for such big animals those deer left pretty small tracks hey deer tracks wow you used fruits and vegetables to lure the deer to our house so you could take photos [Music] look at these wonderful deer how did you manage to capture such amazing photos george oh you know george he just used his imagination isn't that right [Music] most mornings george went out on the porch to find the paper this morning the paper found george sorry george wished he could be a paper boy someday but he didn't even know how to ride a bike not yet anyway [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this why this was my bike when i was a boy i sure had fun but it was a long time ago [Music] george liked knowing the man with the yellow hat was holding him up [Music] by the third day ah he rode so fast the man with the yellow hat couldn't keep up very good george i think you're ready to ride on the road now remember always watch where you're going stay on the right side of the road and signal turns like this for left and this for right [Music] that's it oh and be a good little monkey cyclist bye-bye [Music] wow great trick sorry i came out so fast but i'm gonna be late for school hey could you finish my paper route [Music] trusted with a paper route it was like george's wish had just been granted every house on the road gets a paper including the houses across the stream [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes george had become just like a real paper boy [Music] nothing would stop him from completing his route [Music] [Laughter] the last time they came to the stream the man with the yellow hat made paper boats george thought he remembered how [Music] his boat was so good george decided to make a whole fleet [Music] you must be a paper boy that's an important job looks like you've delivered them all but won another day's hard work almost done eh [Music] george couldn't wait for his newspapers to be sun-dried george had promised bill he'd deliver all these papers if it didn't get done bill could lose his job [Music] maybe the man with the yellow hat knew where to get dry papers [Music] hey hold on george how about we just buy a few dry papers and deliver them right now and so george was able to finish his route just like a real paper boy maybe i should buy a new bike for myself too [Music] sorry [Music] look hundley it's your buddy george [Music] come on in guys thanks for letting hundley spend the night while i'm gone [Music] i brought all of his chew toys and snacks and grooming supplies [Music] thank you hundley and this is a list of everything hundley needs and when he needs it oh that's quite a list he's used to doing things in a certain way [Music] this is the first time we've been apart in three years seven months and 15 days [Music] i'll pick you up in the morning just like we talked about bye-bye bye we'll make sure he has a good time i'm gonna do the laundry [Music] hmm [Music] next add one half cup of water [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] hundley had been taught good manners to be neat and to chew his food thoroughly waiting for hundley to chew wasn't george's idea of fun [Music] george couldn't wait to find out what was next on the list [Music] [Music] hmm just to make sure hundley wasn't trying to tell him something important george checked the list [Music] hundley didn't want to play he always slept with squeaky mouse squeaky mouse helped hundley sleep and kept nightmares away [Music] hmm [Music] hundley knew george was having a bad dream and he didn't have his own squeaky mouse [Music] wow [Music] hello hundley how you doing boy was he any trouble not at all right george [Music] hundley says thank you dogs and monkeys don't always understand each other but sometimes a squeaky mouse can tell you who your real friends are welcome to the incredible edible arboretum a cornucopia of exotic comestibles blueberries alicia blueberries are my favorite bush-based fruit come on george [Music] it looks like you all forgot the county sprout rules uh rule number one never eat any plant that you're not 100 certain is safe and that means consulting the edible plants guidebook um no it means getting an okay from an adult right rule number two plants are living things you can kill or hurt them if you're too rough so don't pull on them and don't break any branches come on [Music] why is the screen flickering [Music] either the earth is off its axis or i forgot to charge the batteries okay george can you climb that tree and see where we are [Music] and bill bill bill where are you going don't worry i've got my handy backup compass this way folks bill a sprout never leaves the trail that's rule number three bill oh our excitement's really growing cause we don't know where we're going in this direction green in this direction a path [Music] george couldn't believe what he was seeing someone was trying to break that branch somebody was not being a sprout [Music] oh no this man was wrecking a tree [Music] hey are you a monkey cool [Music] i always wanted a monkey but my mother said no george had to do something and fast this tree was in trouble [Music] hey return the headgear monkey [Music] george didn't mean for the hat to get wet or the man but george couldn't wait around he had to check on that tree george wished he could think of a way to get the branches back on the tree he needed something sticky really sticky like mud george thank goodness i found you oh i'm sorry i left you in that tree oh dr greenbean nice to see you huh sorry we're late we've had a rough day tell me about it first this monkey ran off with my hat and now my tree lopper has vanished [Music] hey what's going on we'll put mud on this uh george so dr greenbean was cutting some branches and you thought he was hurting the tree oh you should have asked oh wait oh you're a monkey well anyway this is called pruning you make a careful cut and it doesn't hurt the tree at all [Music] hey i got it uh mr sproutmaster according to this you're going the exact wrong wait you're going the right way never mind proceed [Applause] are you closed is there some holiday i forgot about ask of the chef [Music] wow what happened please please just a taste a tiny little taste please [Music] gnocchi approves all my recipes but for the past few days she likes nothing i cannot serve unapproved food to my customers gnocchi lives on italian food of course not she merely gives approval one leak good two licks excellent three licks magnifico [Music] oh my cooking is worse than the cat food well it sure doesn't smell worse yuck [Music] and it certainly doesn't taste worse not that i've ever tasted cat food [Music] you're just being nice if gnocchi won't eat my food there's no point in serving today oh flower delivery oh it's a nice selection today just to put him down hector thank you okie dokie [Music] no no no no chewing under the flowers today we just started using a florist gnocchi thinks the flowers are snacks for her you might as well let her eat flowers she won't eat my food ah i will talk to chef this is what comes of letting a cat make cooking decisions [Music] george wondered why gnocchi wouldn't eat the chef's cooking when it was clearly delicious ah maybe tomorrow would be better [Music] as well not let them go to waste if gnocchi's eating cat food she's not sick what could it be [Music] what will we do without ravioli oh i think i'm allergic to something in here yeah i i have an allergy it's when your body overreacts to something like food or a plant or flowers some types of flowers can make some people sneeze and cough [Music] but for the past few days she likes nothing no no no no chewing under the flowers today [Music] george what are you doing in here [Music] lick good two licks excellent [Music] three licks magnificent [Music] this will be our special tonight is gnocchi [Music] approved if they're not for george we would never have known that gnocchi was allergic to those flowers giorgio you have saved the restaurant and my reputation i'll give you a free pizza [Music] hi boy i'm glad to be home professor wiseman asked me to bring some rare stamps to mr stamp one two three four five all there they're so rare i i was nervous i might lose one [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow george i can't believe you did all that while i was gone [Music] you know i think you broke the world's speed record for making a gigantic mess george didn't see a gigantic mess just a bunch of little messes that looked big together [Music] george you have to learn to clean up after yourself and there is no time like the present here's your very own dirt dragon [Music] now you can clean up whenever you see a mess [Music] see you later george [Music] hi mr stamp those rare postage stamps are right here on my [Music] [Music] can i call you back [Music] huh wow george cleaned the whole place including the rare valuable stamps that means they're in the vacuum until he empties the bag [Music] charkie couldn't carry all those small pieces of biscuit at once [Music] lucky for her her friend george was here charkie hoped he would guard the pieces for her charkie forgot that george didn't speak dog [Music] did a monkey and a cape just take our jacks [Music] a monkey with a vacuum just vacuumed up my winning lottery ticket [Music] george was a happy hero thinking of all the animals and people he had made happy [Music] george come back [Music] hmm why wasn't it working what good is a superhero without a vacuum cleaner [Music] when the bag is filled you empty it into a garbage can and start again of course it was time to empty the bag [Music] and there was the perfect place to get rid of everything that was in it [Music] [Applause] george saw everyone he had helped today running towards him they must be coming to thank you george have you emptied this bag at all today [Music] [Applause] george was happy to be of service i'm happy to say they're all there huh thanks george would you like to vacuum my place i have lots of valuable dusty collectibles valuable collectibles sorry gotta go now bye [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 2,898,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: ZE3QedKlTDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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