Curious George 🐡 Where's The Firedog 🐡Compilation🐡 HD 🐡 Videos For Kids

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ah a mailbox with a tail [Music] what will they think of next blaze [Music] blaze ran off can you help me find him he looks just like that dog under the mailbox [Music] i love you too blazy yes i do but you've got to stop running away yes you do yes you do [Music] you lost him again didn't you probey he's like a ninja but i know how he got out this entire wall of the station is a giant door and it was open we close this and he'll never get out again whoa well we have to train now blaze but we'll play later blaze was very bad at staying what if he got out and ran so far away they couldn't find him how would someone know to bring him back to the firehouse [Music] everything in the station had a label to say where it was from maybe blaze just needed one of those firehouse labels on him after a little searching george found one he hadn't even made that big of a mess well for a monkey [Music] george headed home sure his troubles with blaze were over then george thought he heard footsteps again huh that was odd [Music] this would help george could play with betsy steve and charkie and blaze blaze [Music] have you guys seen blaze oh that's why that dog had a fire station sticker on him yeah we've seen him he went that way oh no blaze is really gone this time oh no where was blaze going now blaze is in that truck that's the animal shelter truck the animal shelter oh no that that's terrible that's horrible hi we're looking for our dog uh hang on just one second please nope still a monkey and a fireman together how can i help you my dog is here you you just brought him in ah come on back [Music] oh hey i was worried about you usually oh he's very playful he made a lot of friends already even the gerbil likes him there you go buddy a brand new dog tag you're welcome looks like blaze found the toy section if blaze keeps running away we're gonna need a new fire dog or a new probie to watch the fire dog a little better don't worry we got blaze a dog tag and a leash and i'll train him to stay he'll never get out again i promise sounds good sam but right now it's time for your training you've got a big test tomorrow great let's go it had been a long day of dog chasing but now george could finally relax was that blaze nah couldn't be blaze george couldn't believe it blaze was more trouble than a monkey he's too fast and we're too tired [Music] oh you want to go see your friend whoa blaze came to play with the other dog and he wanted to play with charkie in the park and play ball with george george suddenly knew why blaise kept leaving george figured out how to stop blaze from running away by getting another dog meet sparky great now we can lose two dogs the shelter worker says some dogs do better with a friend now let's go take that firefighter test i'm ready and the dogs will both be here when we're done right george [Music] that's right oh you did it you finished the obstacle course in less than two minutes oh yeah oh oh oh hang on you still have to pass the real test that's right we have to check and see if the dogs are still here [Music] oh no and sparky are gone oh no they could be miles away by now i'm sorry guys it was sure nice working with you [Music] never mind congratulations probie sam and now your firefighter sam all right can't breathe i'm good why because [Music] wow how'd you like to sail a ship like that hundley [Music] the neatest ship to ever set sail was the ss dignified its commander was world-renowned captain hundley no other captain was as smart as orderly or had as wet a nose no one knew how to ride the breezes like captain hundley the greatest sailor in the history of wind but always not smooth sailing boom a new crewman came aboard during a stop in the dry tortugas new first mate george was a sloppy monkey with a jelly sandwich [Applause] [Music] [Music] he put that monkey in the brig and kept his ship dignified the wind was so strong the pirates were upon the dignified before captain hundley could give orders [Music] the pirates were led by yellow hat the pirate he's famous you know hi how are you we're uh taking over your ship because uh well you know that's that's what pirates do [Music] and that come on out and have fun with us [Music] george snuck down with something to cheer up sad captain hundley [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that flag always reminded the bold captain how dignified his ship was [Music] george wanted to hang it up where captain hundley could enjoy it [Music] [Music] where is that good little monkey [Music] george are you down here oh my goodness i mean our wake up put on life vests we're we're filling with water sinking we gotta get back to our own ship [Music] intrepid captain hundley instantly took control of the situation [Music] the winds out of the northwest at 30 knots captain [Music] [Applause] captain hundley used the wind perfectly and they set sail george george [Applause] [Music] ah what's up boy have a scary dream [Music] that was the strangest dream any dachshund ever had after thinking about sinking hundley thought that maybe if his boat wasn't weighed down with water maybe it would still float and it did [Music] so george hadn't ruined his boat he just sunk it [Music] hey that sounds fun doesn't it george say hundley your good pal george is gonna come out on the boat with us today at least hundley knew what to expect so he was prepared [Music] fever stuffy nose clammy paws you're definitely fighting a germ george here you go see that blob huh that's a germ [Music] some germs are good for you but bad germs can make you sick [Music] well that's your body your nose mouth stomach those are your lungs [Music] when you sneeze or cough that's your lungs squeezing together and trying to force out the bad germs oh enough biology time for you to rest george saw a face a face he had seen before in the mirror it was him [Music] george's mouth was amazing it was like a giant cave [Music] a cave with an echo a squishy floor which was actually his tongue and best of all a spaceship george was amazed he didn't know gnocchi could drive [Music] george knew they were somewhere above his mouth but where yeah fortunately gnocchi had discovered a helpful sign they were in george's nose [Music] you won't be smelling that smelly so don't eat a thing that's my suggestion cause i'll be giving you a new testament [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and if you're wondering who to blame don't forget just the name cause we'll be making you sweat and squirm [Music] that was the germ that was making george sick [Music] well hey you're a strange-looking girl toots is my name these here singers are the germets george explained that he was the owner of this body and toots and the germets would have to go go why should we go we like it here i'm making you feel sick oh well in that case i'll be on my way i'll i'll just do again [Music] fool you i'm never leaving [Music] george knew he wouldn't feel better until he got rid of toots but where did he go [Music] the lungs it looked kind of wet was this the lungs or was it the stomach maybe they made a wrong turn somewhere [Music] so where should we go next uh the throat hey maybe the ears [Music] [Applause] [Music] this whole place could flow [Music] you're awake how do you feel george felt great he could even smell again oh you seem much better i wish i could say the same thank you george [Music] that song was very familiar where was it coming from you won't be smelling that spillage hiya george hey you want to try some delicious made out of apples that i picked myself apple cider [Music] do you want a whole bottle that'll be 350 please why don't you and ally make a trade that's what we used to do when we were kids [Music] i like it but i don't want to trade for a stick oh i like the cart though george wasn't sure he wanted to give up his new cart but then again that cider was delicious [Music] now just remember kids once you make a trade it's for keeps we know and was missing his cart there were so many fun things he could be doing no like playing hide and seek [Music] or carrying a pet fish around but the cart was gone unless he could trade it back for something you want me to trade the cart for a jar of sauerkraut no i'd rather have the cart i'm kind of using it george was in luck he had seen a pony just like that over at vicki's house you want to trade a jar of sauerkraut for my pony no thanks [Music] except maybe a dollhouse george didn't have a dollhouse allie had a dollhouse though [Music] if george could trade something for the dollhouse then he could trade the dollhouse for the pony and trade the pony for the cart [Music] did you make that [Music] i love it wait right here here you go george [Music] okay george [Music] like my cart ally traded it to me for an old backpack [Music] you want to trade that pony for the cart no thanks i need this to help me carry stuff to the swap meet [Music] a swap meet is where lots of people gather in a big space and trade stuff you should come it's fun who knows might find something i would swap the cart for oh this is great george i'll bring all the stuff i want to get rid of oh no no that's the keep pile that's to get rid of pyle the next day george hoped that between his sticks and the man's stuff they'd have something that bill would trade for hmm got it oh i need it i like her sombrero though you want to trade the sombrero sure [Music] you want the cart it's a deal oh wait i just traded it to mr quint [Music] well that's a dandy fishing reel but unfortunately i just swapped the cart with my brother for this singing whale 49 tons of krill on the wall 49 tons of crew [Music] george found mr quint's brother flint but flint had traded the cart to his other brother wint for a back massager winter traded the cart to mrs renkins for some soap on a rope [Music] and mrs rankins had traded the cart to vicky sorry george i just traded the cart to some people from the city [Music] george had worked so hard to get that cart back and now it was gone for good [Music] [Applause] there's nothing here that i want see i'm an artist i work with wood and what i'm looking for are unusual sticks [Music] well these are the best sticks i've ever seen thank you [Music] at last george had a cart of course he no longer had anything to put in it [Music] but that wouldn't last long [Music] george hoped his special cold-fighting little bit of everything soup would make him feel better [Music] george i wouldn't do that if i were you that spoon was just in my mouth it probably has cold germs on it see germs are too tiny to see but they're inside me and cold germs are what made you sick when they got inside you [Music] but all that cooking had made him one sleepy little monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] george had just fallen asleep when he heard a strange [Music] [Applause] sound george remembered the last time he and gnocchi had flown around in a spaceship he had become very small and had flown all around his own [Music] what a body mouth george wanted to explore but there was no time he had germs to find george knew that germ it was toots he and his friends had made george sick before now they were playing a concert in the man's stomach [Music] hey you know jam you're that meddling monkey [Music] watch out for the mucus jam could get stuck in that stuff [Music] [Applause] [Music] see ya monkey we're off to playing more people until the entire world has heard of toots and the giant match [Music] what we're saved get ready i'm coming here we go [Music] sorry to disturb you but they need your signature george knew that voice oh my fossil thank you do you have a pen sure quick follow me onto the pen [Music] where did those germs go [Music] here you go [Music] this didn't look good here we go now what was that word hmm that's it put the pen in your mouth put this in your mouth they were going to infect professor wiseman they had to distract her [Music] shushu oh yes cat [Music] see ya monkey [Music] twitch was heading towards professor wiseman's mouth but george found a shortcut [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] goodness you look awful i feel ah a little better well i've got just the thing to help you feel even better homemade chicken soup this is it we'll go right back to the big guy then we'll have ourselves a real journey party cause i'm a rabble it looked like there was no way to stop toots but then george remembered something oh feels like something's crawling on my hands how odd i'd better wash them [Music] no no wait don't wash your hands whatever you do please don't wash your hands [Music] george knew that there were still other germs out there but at least he had made his building a tiny bit safer [Music] when george woke up from his strange dream he decided to go check on the man right away [Music] but there was something he had to do even before that wash his hands [Music] and his feet after all you can never be too careful [Music] thank you goodbye george george i can't pay you for things i usually do myself that's why i wouldn't let you brush my teeth but here's a 20 advance on next week's allowance five ten 15 26. [Music] how could george earn more money there's always work for a good pasta detangler [Music] i love this monkey piggy was heavier than ever but he wasn't full yet [Music] how else could george earn money [Music] oh poor georgio he's trying to earn money to buy a boat but nobody seems to appreciate his music i think i can make everybody happy and these are quarters george each one is the same as 25 pennies [Music] 25 50 75 one hundred pennies and that equals one dollar now why don't we open your bank and see if a pig's worth of pennies is enough to buy the boat you want [Music] i know how to get your money out let's go to my house [Music] with piggy's help george had saved his money now his big dream was about to come true here you go george [Music] this is the kind of piggy you have to break open it's so you won't be tempted to spend your savings [Music] okay we'll think of another way okay go george [Music] maybe if we put piggy in the clothes dryer the coins would shake out [Music] but it may break it too [Music] well charkie solved the how to open piggy problem [Music] well it's eight dollars exactly you have enough for your boat plus three dollars left over [Music] george had his [Music] boat but he was gonna miss piggy [Music] hmm oh the piggy bank that's one dollar and you have three [Music] [Laughter] [Music] any idea what you'll say for this time george [Music] what's he doing here [Music] look at that george he's so lonely we have to save him oh you're right we should move him to the big lake so he can be with his family [Music] honey sally just cracked a tooth and i have to take her to the vet you want to come sorry i'm in the middle of rescuing a fish oh well i don't think sally can wait all right well i'll come back as soon as i can [Music] looks simple enough good fill your bucket you can start over there where's where's my bucket [Music] if only there wasn't so much dirt the fish could swim to the big lake all by himself hmm [Music] all done excellent hand me the shovel and i'll dig out listen [Music] oh it wouldn't be long now as soon as the path was finished the fish could swim back home [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he did it no more fish could get swept through oh if george was willing to sit there for the rest of his life george needed something to stop that water fast [Music] see a lock has water tight gates on each end this is the big lake and this is the small pond you pull up the gate on one end and the water in the middle goes to that level huh at least one gate is always closed so the water in the middle stays where you want it [Music] no matter how exciting he made it look the fish wouldn't maybe fish like cheese sandwiches as much as little monkeys [Music] [Applause] oh well you uh already ate your lunch huh no i i [Music] when did i eat my lunch yeah [Music] say did you uh take the paddles huh i always leave him on the seat i i don't know listen something very peculiar is going on around here you're telling me believe me i am normally a very organized and unforgetful man ah i should have known looks like i'm a forgetful one i forgot how much mischief a monkey can make [Music] well what have we here it looks like a fish canal ah you are some smart monkey i'm back [Music] [Applause] and we saved sally's tooth did you save the fish george had saved five fish wow that's great george wait the lonely fish is still there [Music] you know i think we should just chase him [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we did it the fish found his family nice job everyone well we've accomplished quite a bit today a fish rescue and a dark repair only one thing left to swimming last one is a rock fish [Laughter] hi george terrific it looks just like jade take a look [Music] yeah professor wiseman and i rescued her when she lost her jungle home look she's changing color oh chameleons can do that see she's usually green like her jungle surroundings and that's why we named her jade but under the sun's rays she got warmer and that made her change color watch chameleons change color when the temperature changes [Music] anyway today jade will get a new home at the zoo that is if i can convince dr chroma that she's the kind of rare chameleon he's been looking for oh hey do you want to feed jade while i'm gone [Music] oh great her food's on the table uh just drop in a few pieces and she'll do the rest thanks george bye-bye [Music] jade had an amazing tongue [Music] george had left the cage open [Music] huh [Music] george hoped that squeaky would lure jade back to her cage all he could do now was wait quietly [Music] [Music] maybe george could keep track by tracking her tracks hundley didn't know what george was up to [Music] whatever it was it wasn't clean [Music] george's plan had worked jade's tracks went right out the door [Music] [Music] they found the wagon but jade was gone and now she had a million places to hide hi george oh what happened here oh boy hey jade well i don't know where george went but i have to get you to the zoo i can't be late for professor chroma [Music] maybe jade liked to be warm maybe that's where george should look was there a warm place that george had missed [Music] hmm [Music] now all george had to do was put jade back in her cage huh the cage was gone that meant that the man had taken squeaky to the zoo instead of jade hey george what's a rush [Music] sounds exciting well hop on [Music] meanwhile the man with the yellow hat had just finished telling the dramatic story of jade's rescue and now i would like to examine jade if she is the rare chameleon that you say then and only then can she stay well of course [Music] what was that sound what the squeak oh um hey let's all go to lunch huh i don't know about you but i'm starving the chameleon please [Music] show me the chameleon oh uh okay george [Music] yes this is the chameleon we've been hoping for oh welcome jade to the zoo [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 3,544,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: ctyqqU_4WAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 43sec (2803 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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