Curious George 🐵 Honey of a Monkey 🐵Compilation🐵 HD 🐵 Videos For Kids

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what is that honeycomb it's what bees make inside a beehive bees build hives to lay their eggs and to store pollen and honey hmm today is Earth Day and I'm doing my junior Farmers Earth Day speech on honeybees you want to hear it if we say yes can we have honey hmm maybe okay hmm these are amazing creatures they build hives and trees mostly thousands of beads can live there all the other bees follow a queen she's the biggest bee and there's only one in a hive every bee has a job drones mate with the Queen but worker bees go from flower to flower getting nectar and pollen to make honey oh man that is good try some we ate Betsy's honeycomb and she needs a first peach Oh Oh what are we gonna do good thinking George do you have honeycomb honeycomb [Music] the park is full of trees maybe there's a beehive in one of them George couldn't find a hive [Music] howdy buster bees man's name but you call me buzz honeycomb we need honeycomb sorry fella just sold the last one oh this is a beehive I built it from scratch beehive it didn't look anything like the beehive in Betsy's picture this top box is called a shallow super the bees make honeycomb in this deeper box is where the queen bee lives and lays her eggs and this grid makes sure she stays in the right box so you don't wind up with bee eggs in your honey and then George realized if they couldn't find honeycomb he'd just have to make it hmm the bees don't really just show up usually you have to buy them well sure if you've got some boring old hive but we'll make our hive extra-special great that way bezel move in right away whoops broke my lead hey George do you have a pencil sharpener and then George realized you didn't need to build boxes the apartment was full of them [Music] he did have drawers that fit together and they came with their own lid kitchen cabinets were practically a one-stop shopping spot for beehive parts they didn't call them frames for nothing George was just missing one part okay George so how do we drum up bees Betsy said bees go from flower to flower maybe if their hive had flowers the bees would move in Betsy yeah this what I think it is wait Betsy I can explain see you said have a taste so we just the tiniest slice and it was young and then where'd it go ah so we tried to buy you more but everyone was out so we built you a hive instead you guys you've done a lot of things but this this is absolutely by far the best present you've ever given me it is but we ate your honeycomb what oh no that piece of honeycomb was for you I've got lots more show me how this works I want to use it in my Earth Day presentation sure Betsy had a hive Steve and George had more honeycomb everyone was happy well almost everyone [Music] after all a dog's Lobby is his castle greetings pooch head reaches third buckle that's three beca brats hi hmm [Music] four stripes long exactly four kena brats very good the royal brats vien birthmark just as the princess said thanks for watching the lobby Harley oh hi can I help you absolutely not now I blow the fanfare I believe so your highness your highness what you are in the presence of her royal Majesty the princess of brats via so now we bow-wow a real princess in our lobby and now you can't walk away with Hundley we got carried away this may be a descendant of the Royal dachshund brats via a Royal doggie I always knew he was special he we must adjourn to the Royal quarters and complete the test only if I come with you [Music] welcome to my royal suite George had been in parks smaller than the Royal Suite nice it's very clean now we do the final test the brats vien royal dachshund must weigh exactly one helmet hop on Hundley he was much more than a helmet he is not royal his name is Lord Percival Parkington the 15th Percival barking t'en and now Lord Percival can take his rightful place in his new home [Music] knew how you must to live here not you just Lord Percival he's special don't you think he deserves all this of course he does do you want to live here boy [Music] Hundley didn't really understand what was going on he was having too much fun [Music] all that matters is that he's happy [Music] George had never seen Hundley this happy to see him you haven't touched your brats Vee and beet casserole now you eat [Music] how could Hundley be unhappy this was where he belonged that dog was as high as the third boot buckle was Hundley George never noticed that mark on Hundley before today it smelled like jelly [Music] [Laughter] weight yoke Lord Percival's royal birthmark astonished impossible that would mean he's not don't be too happy either please accept our gift of the Royal Bratz fee and leek and gravy hoagie [Music] a dog's Lobby was his castle and for hungry even better than a real castle George couldn't believe his eyes he'd never seen such interesting stuff in one room before I'm sorry but you'll have to play with that later right now it's circle time that's right so today let's share some of our favorite movements Allie would you like to start oh yes my favorite movement is a forward backbend walk over handstand that was lovely George what kind of movements do you like to make careful George not so [Music] ah it's alright George I know it was an accident we'll fix it later all that morning George tried to learn the rules of kindergarten here's the castle here's the moat here's where the horses live this is wonderful except we don't stand on the sand table and we don't hold the plug on the water table either at lunchtime Georgia discovered something kindergarten is harder than it looks you're a monkey George you're just not used to kindergarten George wanted to be a monkey who was good at kindergarten what could he do George had an idea instead of drawing a castle why not build one a castle for mrs. gold to live in what you doing George oh you want to build a castle for mrs. gold [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm maybe castles weren't allowed in kindergarten maybe he should ask the bookshelves the water not a problem but sand in a carpet that's a problem George wants to know if he can build a castle instead of draw one uh sure sure I'll be right there let me tell you about carpets first you got your shags it's not easy building a castle but George found a way with bookshelves and blocks for balls and a curtain for the roof and every Castle needed a window [Music] [Applause] [Music] George's school tool made a great construction level at last the castle was ready all it needed was a tree yes well thank you that was most informative I'm sure it will look it was George's idea but we helped when you said a castle you meant a castle I hope this is wonderful it's amazing what you can do when you use your imagination and work together and have a monkey to help you it was good being a guest monkey but it was also good being a plain old regular monkey on his way home [Music] oh it's from my mother happy birthday love mom I'm late for my appointment hold on to this for me will you George I'll be back at 7:00 and then we'll celebrate bye George you want to have a party a surprise party even better all you need is a an apartment be your buddies see a cake and D decorations ABCD that didn't sound hard at all for Cooper the man with the yellow hat would be back at 7:00 George had only four hours to get the party ready and the man's buddies were listed in this book since you invited me to your party I'm gonna give you my special all fruit frozen cake just pick a size Georgia a big party needed a big cake at the big one surprise [Music] looks like quite a celebration it's at a birthday whoop yeah say I could blow that up for you it'd make a great decoration hiya George everyone's coming I just had to say yellow hat and they all said yes George had picked too wide of a cake it wouldn't fit in the freezer luckily it was cold out on the balcony that took care of C cake she watchin also picked too big of a poster and a too small ladder everything was the wrong size [Music] George had gotten his wish his apartment was the perfect size for a monkey now he just needed the cake and decorations the cake was in the freezer the poster was on the wall and the star was no trouble at all George was ready for his guests but not ready for their size I hope we're not too early [Music] torch is right we have to hide [Music] hi everybody a party for me gee thanks me too [Music] how about some music a George sighs Department is fine for little monkeys but not at all good sighs this was more like it everything was the size it should be except maybe the cake six o'clock only an hour left and George had to start over George wanted to get the sizes right so he decided to measure everything first okay this time George ordered the right size cake and poster and chose a better ladder George are you home this to celebrate my birthday oh wow all my friends and my plumber my dentist my barber they were in your address book George put everything together he did oh thank you George maybe it wasn't so bad being a little monkey in a big world after all and there was one thing his arms were always the right size for a ping-pong ball no it's an egg where'd it come from a bird's nest of course hmm maybe it rolled here George had to get the egg back to its nest before it was too late wait eggs can break like that plus you shouldn't slosh them around we have to find her mommy so she can come and sit on Tiffany [Music] found an egg huh that's one big egg might be an eagle egg huh that's the only bird around here with an egg that size there's an eagle nesting in the Pine Grove down by the lake that [Music] alley was right it was getting hot George had to hurry well they've gotta be here somewhere they couldn't just walk away well they could I just hope they didn't because that would be a disaster this egg wasn't nearly so big how could mr. renkins ever have thought his egg was an eagle's egg he'd drawn his egg way too big [Music] if George was going to find the eggs mommy he had to make sure his egg drawing was the right size [Music] that's a red-necked grebe they nest on the water saw a few whoa but how is he gonna get to it you can't swim without sunscreen nope not here either mr. Quint was right grebe eggs were the same size as George's egg but their colour was all wrong George's egg didn't have spots but his drawing did that's our Tiffany all right did you find the mommy if George was going to find the eggs mommy his drawing had to be the right size and the right color anyone know what kind of egg mrs. looks like a house wren to me I'd say it's a parakeet more like a house finch to me he got that George a house wren a parakeet or house finch and house finches had light blue eggs George still looking for the mommy why couldn't George find the nest his drawing was the right size the right color hmm but wait it wasn't the right shape the other eggs were oval but his egg was round uh they all must have hatched no oh hi George the man was looking for eggs too let's face it George is never gonna find the mommy we'll just have to move the egg but Tiffany could get sloshed well it's better than getting squished Childress serpentina a turtle why didn't I think of that turtles bury their eggs in sand near water maybe this one got uncovered when the other eggs hatched I think Tiffany wants to go swim as you can see all kinds of animals lay eggs and fib Ian's reptiles monotremes don't forget dinosaurs [Music] maybe George would find one of those eggs next year [Music] I call this extreme hopscotch hmm you think he can handle it you can go first [Music] 1 2 3 8 9 11 12 13 13 Georgia never counted past 12 what at 13 look like of course one comes before 2 and 2 comes before 3 if there was ever a time George needed his lucky cap it was now I'll bet you could hop the most ultra mega extreme hopscotch board the world's ever seen what happened oh your cap I found it on the floor so I washed it here you go uh-oh it's shrunk in the wash George didn't want another cap not unless it came with a good-luck guarantee Steve's ultra mega extreme hopscotch game was in one ounce he had to get his captive 5th [Music] if George couldn't stretch the cap there was only one thing left to do but no matter how much he washed it his head just wouldn't shrink the way the cat did how could he hopscotch without his lucky cap hey George come on down everybody's waiting okay George it's ultra extreme so when you get to the flower stand you have to stop and smell the tulips then go under the flower stand I'll bet he can you get through it one time as long as he wore his lucky cap George figured he'd have luck [Music] nineteen [Music] George made it thanks to his lucky cap this fell off before he started it's a little small huh he'd hopped Steve's most monstrous ultra extreme game of hopscotch without his lucky cap that monkeys awesome [Music] George didn't need to be lucky to be good it was the perfect size for a dachshund hey Hundley you want a lifetime supply of dog treats room Hey yeah it happened yesterday but I forgot to tell you hey lucky catch but George knew luck had nothing to do with it [Music] [Music] and one last hurdle pedigreed boots perfection Thank You Hundley fastest George thought he should probably practice the course with charkie hmm what was distracting charkie a tennis ball sorry George but you can't practice now I have to clear the field for outdoor ballet class George was going to have to find some other way to practice the course oh you need paper sure George had decided to draw the course so he could make another one just like it the obstacles looked kind of familiar the a-frame looked like a triangle George could draw that with three straight lines the seesaw was like a smaller triangle with the line on top now while George needed to do was build the course I think I'll take the stairs [Music] finally wondered what George was doing to his roof George and Hundley tried follow the leader they tried cold dog nose oh how did obedience training go George Wow I bet she'd do anything for one of these biscuits what charkie really do anything the next morning charkie did everything perfectly thanks to George and the biscuits my George I'm back from the concert house Turkey doing hard you did it who says you can't teach a new dog old tricks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're next Turkey 40 seconds excellent and now our final student this should be interesting five seconds the dog biscuits were all gone what was George going to do a tennis ball maybe that would work oh that's my puppy three four five seconds only two more obstacles to go nothing could go wrong now 40 seconds oh no pigeons George couldn't compete with pigeons unless do you think he was fast enough Chuckie I have no choice but to award you this diploma you are now officially obedient fifty nine point nine seconds [Music] your techniques were rather unusual George but perfectly acceptable good work [Music] that's my charkie so obedient hmm how could anyone think otherwise [Music] George thought it would be fun to sit inside a cozy house and watch a storm with the man and your bow George you can't go outside when there's thunder and lightning oh your bow is out there don't worry he'll get wet but we'll clean and dry him before he has time to rust as soon as the storm quiets down we'll go get it hey how about a game of tic-tac-toe George usually really enjoyed tic-tac-toe but this time he couldn't get his mind off your bow wow the storm really did a number on the beach don't worry George you're Bo's a tough little robot we'll find him [Music] but your bow wasn't under that seaweed or any of the seaweed okay so we've searched on top of the sand and under the seaweed which means your bow must be buried in the sand hey that's mine I forgot all about it oh wow wasn't that a great storm I always find such great stuff after a storm you know [Music] nifty huh it's a metal detector it helps you find buried metal now the louder it beeps the closer you're getting to metal now when it beeps like crazy using the protector George found lots of metal things [Music] batteries are dead I'll have to recharge them but I'll bring this back tomorrow in case you're still looking by now thank you well Jorge can't find his robot it's buried in the sand is it made of metal mm-hmm you could try using a metal detector we borrowed one but it ran out of batteries well metal detectors are easy to make sure first grab the portable radio from the shell okay am/fm radio check next find the calculator bottom drawer on the desk now take the radio and switch it to a.m. okay then turn the knob all the way to the highest radio station number but make sure you get static and not an actual station turn up the volume then turn on the calculator and tape it to the radio test you see the radio and calculator act as a magnet when it five things that would stick to a magnet the radio beeps George was confused he had already searched half the beach but which half if only the beach were smaller then George remembered to take Tac Toe he could break up the beach into smaller sections like a tic-tac-toe board if George could mark off the squares he searched then he'd know where he'd looked and where he needed to look [Music] hi George you want to make a grid to help you keep track of your search oh great idea George all set let me know if you need anything [Music] no luck huh your bow had to be in this last square he had to [Music] [Music] way to go George you found him [Applause] [Music] [Music] have fun well I guess this means I can get back to the thrilling conclusion of my book [Music] wait for me [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 8,973,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: aEvAm06R6_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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