Curious George 🐡 A Monkey's Duckling 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies | Videos for Kids

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[Music] the eggs were still warm but if dumpling didn't come back soon [Music] george decided that if dumpling wasn't going to sit on her eggs he'd have to do it [Music] carefully [Music] well sitting on a nest hatching eggs is actually pretty boring hmm no this i've got to get on tape bill here bringing you a a city kid sitting on a nest of duck george why are you sitting on a nest of duck eggs [Music] wow i don't believe it a duck is hatching right before my very eyes on camera uh mr mrs rankins you don't want to miss this your ducks are hatching we'll be right there [Music] all the eggs are hatching [Music] there's the proud mother dumpling duck and here's the fourth duckling being reunited with its family [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hello [Music] george had to set this duckling straight his mother was a duck not a i'm monkey your little duckling will be a regular duck family member by tomorrow the next morning george was eager to see how his duckling was doing with his new duck family here we are on day two of ducklings chronicles look at that the fourth duckling is with it oops spoke too soon [Music] [Music] george had to show the duckling that monkeys are one thing and ducks are another [Music] farmer life magazine how is that going to help oh george wanted to show the duckling that in a typical duck family there aren't any monkeys [Music] that wasn't working either [Music] maybe if george showed him how to act the duckling would get the idea [Music] it looks like george is trying to make like a duck maneuver [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh i should get this on tape you're watching dumpling duck saving her baby like only a mother duck can [Music] george figured he could watch the kite even better while it flew [Music] hey george lose your kite i don't think i can reach it [Music] oh careful there fella don't fall gotcha [Music] you get it okay [Music] wow [Music] [Music] hmm over the years i've seen everything in the waters around here seem proud salmon to see that flying monkey seen flying monkeys striped bass blowfish [Music] george was flying with birds it was a monkey's best dream come true now that he'd lived his dream [Music] his arm was getting sore and he wanted to go home but he had no idea how to do that george well i could have swore this was where i left that kid with my kite george where are you hmm he couldn't wait boy for a city kid who never flew a kite before got her up higher than i ever did whoa [Music] [Applause] well hi bill you own binoculars sure do what's trailing behind that kite ah it's george it's george he's got a squirrel on his head bill you call the fire department okay why i don't know they seem to know how to do everything what are you gonna do i'm going up there after him the world below looked beautiful and unfamiliar george wasn't even sure which way was home anymore oh and the squirrel in his head was hungry [Music] flying was the best and the worst thing that had happened to him all day george george it was his friend the man with the yellow hang glider george i need you to reach out and take my hand with a hand uh foot whatever [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys hang on tight we're going home george would never forget the day he was almost a bird and he added almost being a bird to the list of things squirrels don't like [Music] you're a natural kite flyer kid good work lunch is ready here's some lunch for you too jumpy it's time to bring her in george [Music] every weekend after that george couldn't wait to play with the band until one day [Applause] [Music] sorry but the band stand had to come down it was old and unsafe he had no idea where they lived george did know that they sometimes played in the plaza del sol subway station he decided he'd look for them there george was at endless park plaza del sol was the next stop so all he had to do was take the subway uptown this was plaza del sol all right but the band wasn't here is that you george [Music] what are you doing here [Music] i think you're saying that they took down our band stand i know we were sad when they told us and i wanted to tell you but i didn't know where you lived the burritos are vegetable and cheese wrapped in a tortilla buen provito [Music] that's my mom maritza and you know my dad luis and my uncle felix and my sister cecilia marco tells me you're feeling sad about the bandstand george we are sad too yeah we tried playing in the street this morning but it was too noisy it's worse than the subway it was nice to have a place where people could actually hear our music [Music] eating great food talking about music it reminded george of the last time he'd been at pisghetti's [Music] excuse me coming through excuse me georgio isn't it great everyone has come to hear the band pisghetti's might be fine for a man with a violin who could go up to each table to be heard but it wasn't working for a whole entire band okay so we need a room big enough for the band but not too big a high ceiling but not too high and no lions or carpets or waiters [Music] hi george and hello friend of georges hola are you coming to the opening tonight marvels of the maya it's our biggest archaeological exhibit ever there'll be food and lots of people bring your friends lots of people was marco thinking what george was thinking yes um do you think you might want some music tonight my family has a band music oh fantastic idea seven o'clock see you then this is a little tune we wrote called hooray for george [Music] he's sorry he's sweet quite light on his feet he's got a smile for you and an hola for me we don't know what he'll say but he'll brighten your day with a big monkey grin well he can show you the way so hurry poor george brother you clap and i'll sing let's make this song really swing so hurry for [Music] that a monkey can print [Music] he likes all our songs and he bounces along we have so much fun that we can hardly go wrong so when it's time to play we give a great big he's our number one fan and we all want to [Music] nothing [Music] all right hey where can we see you play next we don't really have a place to play not since they tore down the bandstand hold it hold it hang on this band is unique if george is your number one fan then i'm your number two which is why i've just decided to build a new bandstand and i'd like you to perform on opening day really okay it's a deal thank you thank you and welcome to the all-new glass bandstand please welcome lobos de plata hit it george thanks to the new band stand lobos de plata sounded great even when hundley joined in gnocchi was thrilled to be back in the restaurant now she could go back to her old routine george needed something to draw on [Laughter] [Music] uh waiter could we get some garlic bread huh [Music] needed to measure both sets of marks [Music] i guess he doesn't want us filling up before the meal to measure the marks on the door george needed something longer [Music] waiter could we get some water [Music] um now he's reviewing the ravioli he seems to like it better than the spaghetti that he just dragged along the floor the scratches on the booth were shorter than those on the door and they were a lot deeper too george proved the scratches were different [Music] gnocchi was innocent [Music] but then who was making the scratches george couldn't leave this problem unsolved he had to find out what was making those scratches [Music] there was no evidence of a bear or dinosaur break-in where is our garlic bread we ordered it quite some time ago i think your waiter is quite lazy oh i am so sorry miss coos i will get it now oh he's not the waiter he's reviewing the restaurant for the newspaper don't be silly well it's true he really likes the ravioli [Music] this scratch hadn't been there earlier it was brand new this is the most thorough reviewer i have ever seen well that's not a restaurant critic or a waiter it's a monkey a great scientist wouldn't let a problem get the best of him george had to calm down and use his head hmm [Music] oh what are you doing in here they know him he's not a monkey that guy was so wrong george showed them what he had discovered [Music] oh georgio oh i love this kid you are proving gnocchi is innocent i'm so happy i'm gonna make two trays of cannoli exactly can only for everyone on the house [Music] making enough cannoli for everyone was exhausting because though george thought like a scientist he ate like a monkey [Music] mrs rankins we may have a rules violation here [Music] oh my gosh we gotta follow him oh boy george could see his house from up here ah no need to panic george there's a proper method for getting a balloon back down on the ground [Music] i i'm coming george [Music] [Applause] why'd you stop because this is a truck not a dock roll mr quinn roll like the wind but i have a motor then you motor like the wind i'll run it sounded like bill wanted to go back home hmm [Music] this sure looked like a steering wheel [Music] so george decided to steer them home [Music] oh no it's going higher [Music] george right now the important thing is stopping this balloon maybe those sandbags were the balloons anchors [Music] okay they're just ahead got it well uh good luck then [Music] oh that's not a safe and approved manner to ride a balloon i know bill i i know now don't worry i'm gonna help you [Music] this is what happens if you don't follow the rules [Music] the wind's getting stronger you can tell from that flag down there be worse at least the wind's not blowing us toward the ocean [Music] oh no the wind changed it's blowing towards the sea do you know what that means [Music] hey pull that core it will open up the vent and he can fly out the top [Music] the vent it lets hot air out so that's how you make a balloon go down george you saved us [Music] oh no the wind's picking up we're gonna land in the ocean i've got you george i was a little worried but there's a proper way to worry without panicking [Music] my camera oh i forgot to take pictures [Music] that's a great one george you took the pictures for me [Music] if i didn't and you didn't how [Music] hmm george rushed to show it to the man with the yellow hat then he realized he forgot something [Music] [Laughter] [Music] someone left that in the elevator [Applause] [Music] oh um george did we bring the skunk home in the basket we have to catch it without scaring it or you know oh we can't let that happen split up catch that skunk the skunk was pretty confused to wake up in a strange new place and it really wanted breakfast [Music] stop cut come back you're caught [Music] oh boy stop i'm organizing one elevator trip for all the floors to cut down chances of scaring the skunk skunk shh don't do that right sorry [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] uh when that skunk finished eating it would have no choice of where to go the coast is skunk clear okay going down wait for me [Music] don't frighten it oh this is jeffrey he's a domesticated skunk he's odorless [Music] ah so that's the skunk that george saw oh wait'll george finds out we were all worried about nothing george's plan was working in another second that skunk would be captured by monkey ingenuity [Music] george you didn't see a wild skunk [Music] oh yes you did don't anyone move [Music] it's i mean she's happy as long as nothing scares her we're okay that ends our program of mello jazz and now highlights from the 1812 overture oh no [Applause] huh [Music] [Applause] george couldn't wait to meet a real penguin oh this is great okay you'll meet us at this spot at 9 00 a.m right right remember if you get lost use the outpost beacon to find your way back don't worry if we get lost we can always find an igloo for shelter no you can't igloos are found in the arctic not in the antarctic check this side of the outpost for the penguins okay but don't go too far george if you see penguins call me using the radio mic like this oh it's gonna be a great day [Music] hi uh um i found a penguin well it found me but it's not a chin strap i think it's an adelie penguin [Music] [Music] [Music] george had found one of the chinstrap penguin family george was so excited he forgot to call the man with the yellow hat he also forgot to look where he was going [Music] the camera was waterproof now george wished it would stay in one place [Music] george where are you okay i'm coming i'll find you [Music] oh georges [Music] oh [Music] excuse me seal stop there's no way to steer an ice flow [Music] wow that's a humpback wheel we've got to get out of this blizzard there's a cave we'll need more protection than this [Music] hmm [Music] we can do now is wait out the storm [Music] there george hey the blizzard's over [Music] oh [Music] now that george had the camera back he could get the pictures professor wiseman needed [Music] look they're nests you found their breeding island that's why we didn't see them earlier this year amazing work how did you find them we'll do it the same way every time we come well first have a monkey drop the camera in the water [Music] back in the city george couldn't stop thinking about his carrots finally after what felt like 66 days because it was george had three full-grown carrots those look ready to pull george [Music] george wished he hadn't bitten this one when it was small [Music] wow that's a perfect carrot george showed his carrot to mrs renkins now this looks like a prize winner let's find out if it tastes as good as it looks huh i'll go get a knife george needed something he could put the carrot in for safe keeping [Music] hi george bill's not here his bunnies got loose two days ago and he hasn't been able to find them if you see them tell bill right away they won't stay in one place for very long brownie spotty herbert ninja black ears [Music] those looked like bunny tracks [Music] [Music] george found them [Music] they were cold afraid and very hungry he had to tell bill but bunnies won't stay in one place what if they weren't here when he got back hmm he couldn't carry them all [Music] but he could carry them home in this [Music] but it wasn't a five-bunny case they needed to eat and if they were eating they might stay put but it wasn't going to be easy to part with his carrot [Music] this was the hardest decision he ever had to make um but it was for bunnies [Music] he had to get bill before they finished eating [Music] they're all here if you hadn't gotten them to stay still i don't think i ever would have found them perfect carrot was gone but it was a carroty hero [Music] huh something new is growing maybe a bird dropped some seeds there um if it's more carrots can we eat one this time [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 18,322,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: pzKJ-yhg9JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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