Curious George 🐵The Times of Sand 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Videos For Kids

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[Music] all the way there george worked on castle plans he wanted it to be perfect george we're here ah smell that salty air [Music] george [Music] [Music] george hadn't planned on having so much room to build a castle [Music] with this kind of space he could really think big [Music] george wait up [Music] let me know when you find a good idea for a castle he wouldn't build just any old ordinary little sand castle george said he'd built his sand castle around here somewhere [Music] wow could this be george's sand castle [Music] hello anyone home george it's me [Music] george it's the greatest sand castle any monkey ever made ever anywhere now he knew exactly what his castle should look like and that he wanted it to be a surprise oh you want to build a castle like that one whatever oh you want to build a castle here and me to build one down there then we surprise each other that the idea okay that sounds fun [Music] but he couldn't find them he was positive he built them this far from the water who would take a guy's sand bunnies did you lose something hey where you're pale in your castle book george knew he'd left those on the rock but the rock had moved [Music] that rock used to be out of the water didn't it you know what happened george tide came in [Music] you see this rock didn't move when the tides in the waves reach higher up the beach [Music] see [Music] so they all pull together all right once you get good wet packing sand carry it away from the water so the waves can't wipe out your work [Music] do [Music] boy you city kids sure are handy with your feet that's a pretty good job boys and ma rabbit won't burrow through it because she has her own doorway well time to pack up george put anything wet or sandy in the trunk for the trip home george [Music] um george this practice is for band members only that's the rule a five six seven and eight george needed to find something to put all of his keys on so they could jingle in the right way [Music] lunch is almost ready george have you seen the hall closet key anywhere i know i have a box of old keys that i don't use anymore you can play with them [Music] george realized there were musical sounds everywhere do you want to make instruments with the recycling too [Music] oh [Music] george wasn't sure what instruments he was making but he knew what he liked [Music] [Music] he brought his instruments and his musicians together it was music time [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] george learned his first lesson as a band leader musicians love free food [Music] hmm [Music] it didn't sound good yet but they were just warming up [Music] uh [Music] george never realized how difficult it was to get musicians to concentrate on their work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello fire department [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah guy said it sounded like a garbage truck full of cats and dogs from outer space landed on the roof hey andy are you thinking what i'm thinking [Music] [Music] [Applause] and he sure got a lot of wiggle power look at all those segments worms bodies are divided into little sections called segments which are like muscles that help them to burrow in the soil so what are you gonna do with your new worm george you want to race fast freddy the proper way to have a challenge race is on neutral territory not in any racers home yard on your mark get set go worms [Music] did i go [Music] wow city slang the winner is george's worm by a segment [Music] george had the perfect place to keep his pet worms um that could work except worms need to dig and i don't think they can dig through your sheets george [Music] garden soil excellent choice [Music] coffee grounds will make the soil rich and airy hey george huh big worm race at lake wanna sink lake bring your racer bet you got beat mr wiggly warm fever had spread throughout the countryside [Music] they make my soil better and that makes better veggies in my garden since all you cheering worm races scare the fish at the lake i'm going fishing in the river don't forget your lunch dear come on guys it's time for the championship race [Music] oh no mr quinn took your worms instead of his lunch [Music] [Music] catfish well hey is that my lunch box oh then this must be your worm farm good timing i must say [Music] and the new worm racing champ is uh uh you know george's worm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with the championship won george felt his worms deserve to retire to the garden and help the roses grow [Music] worm racing isn't the only sport in town you'll find a new hobby [Music] hey george ready for the frog hopping race [Music] george didn't know there was an even bigger bin for recycling if he could find enough recycling to fill it the doorman would win the contest for sure the next morning george went hunting for more recycling [Music] i think we're in good shape to win this contest hundley i think that would be wonderful you do the more buildings where tenants recycle the better and maybe you could start some reuse programs like we have wanna see sure [Music] we reuse everything we can think of shopping bags magazines we never throw out packing peanuts it's so organized anything to make the planet a little neater [Music] [Music] you really have collected a lot have i uh i mean i have nobody got their newspapers this morning weird [Music] there you are we have a food thief in the building i got a grocery delivery and someone took half of it what [Music] someone took my paint pails how can i mix paint with no pails where are the wiki pizza coupons they're always on the front table huh [Music] what pizza coupons hmm [Music] oh boy george those things are unused did you take them just to win the recycling contest no i don't understand i don't know how they got here recycling is about saving the planet not winning a shiny trophy oh of course i don't know how these extra papers and containers got here [Music] i think i know where the extra recycling came from uh george you recycle things after you use them people need to read their papers and eat their food first then they go in the recycling bin [Music] why thank you george since some of our recycling was uh unfairly obtained i think the best thing is for us to share oh that is so sweet [Music] after you're done you can come and polish my trophy we may have tied this year but next year will be another story oh yes our building will win outright oh really yes we've already ordered larger bins for every floor really [Music] that's not recycling george [Music] breakfast was george's favorite meal of the day along with lunch and dinner george could you pass the pepper please [Music] oh happer always made george that's some mess you made i'll go get the sponge oh except i'm late for a meeting i have to go can you clean up george thanks and make sure to vacuum up all the crumbs i saw an ant in here a few days ago uh no george that's a bad thing [Music] georgia made quite a mess even for a monkey [Music] that was close george almost stepped on an ant wait an ant the man with the yellow hat was right there was an ant in the apartment there were two ants in the apartment [Music] actually there were a lot of ants in the apartment [Music] an ant that's not tidy [Music] george was up to something hundley decided he'd better check [Music] was that where the ants were coming from if george could carefully block the crack the problem was solved george was a genius except now he'd have to stay here forever [Music] george had done it no more ants [Music] huh where were these coming from [Music] it took a lot of napkins and other stuff but george and hundley plugged every crack [Music] now they just had to get all the ants that were already in out george decided the ant might feel safer out on the balcony maybe that's what george should do carry all the ants outside george showed hundley his discovery ants follow food maybe they'd follow it right out the door so that was the solution put the food outside and the ants would leave [Music] and of course they come back with their food [Music] george had another idea maybe he could get the ants inside the trash can by filling it with food [Music] it was working the ants crawled into the can as fast as their legs would carry them where would they put them [Music] they couldn't put the ants on the sidewalk they'd get squished and they'd get even more squished on the street [Music] park the ants would love it there [Music] george and hundley set the ants free in a nice empty area of the park where no one would step on them [Music] it had been quite a morning but the ants were gone and everything was okay george i can't believe this apartment [Music] george had forgotten to clean up his mess good job george not only did you clean the apartment you also took out the trash he did oh yeah he did of course you also shoved napkins and handkerchiefs into the wall and covered it with bandages but i'm not even gonna ask [Music] you just sit down and take it easy i'll go make us some lunch [Music] george could finally relax the apartment was clean and he'd never have to worry about ants again [Music] george what are you doing [Music] are you looking for syrup [Music] well first you'll have to tap the tree [Music] no not tap like knocking i mean a tap like a spigot you know i've got an extra bucket if you'd like to make your own syrup first you have to find a maple tree now a maple tree has gray bark and deep ridges that run up and down like this and they have five pointed leaves like this oh yeah look the bottle tells you what kind of leaves to look for then you drill a small hole angled up for best sat flow then hammer in the spigot no no it doesn't hurt the tree george right now it's like the trees are sleeping they don't need their sap until spring when the weather gets warmer and they put out leaves [Music] got it now hold on you'll need these two i'll get another set from the bar here you go george [Music] hey george [Music] it took a while but george's bucket was finally full [Music] wait i'll help you we need a bucket lifting machine or an elevator or a cow [Music] george figured with leslie's help he could lift the bucket off the tap ready one two [Music] oops it wasn't a whole bucket of syrup but it would still cover a lot of pancakes [Music] come on okay okay [Music] pancakes for me yep and syrup and we made it well the tree made it but we tapped the tree all by ourselves wow very moist [Music] that doesn't taste like syrup at all grandpa's trees must be broken no no no the trees aren't broken george maple syrup trees give sap not syrup sap becomes syrup after it's boiled down luckily you've come to the right place we boil it right here at the sugar shack oh yeah now this will take a while and if we leave it too long it can boil over burn and be ruined so we have to keep an eye on it [Music] it took forever [Music] looks like it's ready what do you say to that huh leslie how did you get out i think she wants syrup cows like syrup a lot george the syrup it's going to boil over [Music] no matter how hard he blew george couldn't cool the syrup down leslie [Music] [Applause] maybe if they fanned it [Music] i thought you didn't know anything about making syrup [Music] you knew butter stopped syrup from boiling over huh [Music] well here you are your own bottle of syrup it takes a whole lot of sap to make a little bit of syrup [Music] [Music] thanks george best syrup ever luckily a little bit of syrup has a whole lot of taste [Music] the n avenue animal shelter scavenger hunt is about to begin boys i tell you team pisgahy is going to do very very well today maybe we won't win but we're going to raise a lot of money for a good cause who says we won't win ah well we're pretty good but we're never going to beat my cousin you have a cousin chef pisghetti i thought i knew all about making the mud pies [Music] until i saw cousin nilguainis you're each being handed the list of shapes some are easy some are hard and worth more points whoever has the most points at the end wins the golden rectangle you have one hour ready on your mark get set hunt four white rectangles it's worth four points but you have to have all four well hi george [Music] four black circles five squares [Music] one two three four five six seven eight octagon eight more points good work giorgio [Music] eggs that perfectly egg shaped 12 points for a blue ring let's go [Music] what is that the balloon head kind of nice [Music] giorgio did you see that how clever you are a blue ring ah i bet we win yes we have a total of 48. 48 points and 21 minutes left what's next uh only hard ones eight things that add up to one huh what else a hundred diamonds oh they're worth a hundred points but you have to have all 100 diamonds hmm george remembered a diamond that's diamond-shaped all right only 99 left to go you rescued it thank you so much nice breeze our octagon oh [Music] all gone ah maybe we're not as clever as i thought george wished he could cheer up chef pisghetti then he remembered the one thing that always cheered him up just in time oh you really like my pizza huh cheers you up [Music] ladies and gentlemen we have a score as you know the sponsors of the hunt based their donation on the number of points the teams accrue this year i'm proud to say the shelter will have the biggest donation ever thanks to the winning team team pisghetti [Music] the animals of the n avenue shelter thank you oh i'm so happy george was glad he'd helped the chef with the contest but win or lose the chef was always a champion to george [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 12,965,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: kiK-Zl_0d00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 10sec (2230 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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