Curious George 🐵Cat Mother 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] [Music] [Laughter] lucky had never seen one of these before he liked the way it felt he liked the way it sounded but he did not like the way it smelled no that didn't smell like Hundley but what did Hundley smell like oh yeah he smelled like that Hundley smell now where could George get something that smelled like Hundley this pill who smelled like Hundley and then some sure didn't like to share his pillow that was the sound of Lucky's friend Hundley was here no doubt about it Hundley was inside this thing but lucky was sure Hundley was in here somewhere lucky was somewhere in the walls hi George we're on our way home with pizza and dinosaur bones I hope you and lucky are having fun how could he fund lucky behind the wall if he couldn't see or hear him [Music] [Music] at that moment hundred realized every undignified moment of his life will involve George Huntley had enough now his nose was starting to itch recognize that sound George had to hope he was right the more Hundley sneezed that closer he was too lucky [Music] George knew exactly where lucky was except he was still inside the wall I heard Hundley sneezing through the grate downstairs please keep that cat away where is the cat oh boy nobody move alright little guy you're free [Music] George wait'll you hear about the weird digging we did today I'm learning that sometimes it's better not to even ask [Music] George look at the size of the squash I pulled out of the garden huh well it always points me you figure out which way you want to go and you can tell where you're facing because you always know which way is north hey can I have that dirt my bunny dug holes all over the lawn and dad says I have to fill them up boy can that bunny dig Thanks anything you want to borrow just ask [Music] what you think of something you want to borrow already okay go first roll in eat delicious crepes triggers a rope gate slams shut and Wham got your Gophers hey go first come on in here have a delicious grape [Music] are you here to catch him or feed him just testing out the gopher cage it works pretty good oh boy my back so worried I'm gonna go get the extra heavy equipment which has never ever failed I'll just be back [Music] George had everything he needed a compass a professional digger and a way to get rid of the used dirt all he needed was enough time attention Gophers all aboard the Calhoun crane ik [Applause] [Music] [Music] you can't hide anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I did it I caught you you grapes feelings monkey I've got you George Calhoun I have decided the Gophers aren't as annoying as you you go the Gophers can stay so uh who wants to help me clean this up I can pee in grapes oh hey guys meet Goliath he just moved into the building room huh his owner has a guest who's allergic to dogs so Goliath is helping Hundley and me in the lobby today if you call blocking the elevator helping its new lights for the hallways let's store them in the basement until the electrician comes Oh Hundley could you get that rope [Music] Oh Goliath could reach really tall places hunger wondered if the doorman's job would be easier with someone like Goliath he could put mail in the high mailboxes and take it back out again he could call elevators he could probably even put the star on top of the Christmas tree it was true the doorman did want a taller door dog George wondered what would cheer up Hundley maybe he'd be happier if you were tall like Goliath oh hey I know how we can make Hundley taller here on me you try huh then George realized dachshunds couldnt use stilts they didn't have hands to hold on to them all George needed were dog shoes platform soles [Music] [Music] [Music] hungry small on the outside but Hundley spirit was as big as the biggest dog [Music] you're right maybe just looking tall will cheer Hundley out this flexible mirror was just what Hundley needed to feel good again honey come look George I look really short I don't understand we looked all in the store but short here each new band produced a different reflected image [Music] he done it the monkey had made him taller Hundley couldn't wait to show the doorman I don't know what I did with them what did you find him it's closed they wouldn't fall through there [Music] the doorman's keys hardly what are you doing down there my keys you really save the day Hundley no kidding there's no way a big dog like Goliath could have gotten in that itty bitty space Hundley watch the desk for me will ya it's a mirror we made for you so you look really tall but when you want it to be tall George figured they could still use the mirror Oh only now it just be for fun you can play too Goliath [Music] that's real teamwork there are good things about all different sizes and with the new mirror changing sizes I've never been more fun we need to cool off we should take an inaugural dip in my pool tank of green stuff algae the proper way to handle a situation like this is to dump it out and fill it with clean water good idea ever [Music] we've only emptied that much oh these sure aren't moving enough water I need a break good idea the shade is a lot cooler I'll pour some lemonade oh I know genius don't move George I'll make you a really long one I'll just stick a bunch of straws together okay that should be long enough sucking lemonade through that long straw turned out to be hard work but eventually it came and the straw wanted to keep going how did the lemonade come out of the straw by itself oh okay let's go into that pool then we can really cool off yeah now what can be used to empty out the water using a paddle [Music] sure didn't take out much water and the sponges clearly didn't either [Music] neither with the boots hands I think we need a bigger straw yeah like a dinosaur straw I don't think dinosaurs use straws dinosaurs didn't have hands right right so how'd they drink their milk you got a point all George had to do was get the end of the hose below the water level suck the water in and then let gravity take over but sucking water out of a hose with a lot harder sucking it out of the straw too bad we don't have a dinosaur a dinosaur would have that pool empty in a second [Music] he was going to give it his best dinosaur dry horse you were below the water level and gravity pulled the water out hey not bad for a city kid hi guys my hose sprung a leak mind if I use yours bill we've got a water my plants George had one more idea what a great way to use a siphon hey now we just have to clean the inside of the pool fill it back up then we'll be swimming in no time that's all the water was cold and clean so with a little help from a syphon summer went swimmingly [Music] George felt awful he'd kept the man up again okay George I'm on my run maybe after a cup of tea if only he had some way to quietly find the kitchen in the dark he couldn't see or hear his way maybe George could taste his way George don't eat off the floor use a sponge okay so he couldn't use taste my other senses were there want some honey in your oatmeal maybe touch if George felt honey with his feet he'd know he was going the wrong way oh he was so excited about his path he could hardly wait until he couldn't fall asleep to try it out the honey was working he was finding his way by touch [Music] trouble is once you step in honey it sticks to your feet and before you know it it feels like it's everywhere George what are you doing Oh George needed to feel his way with something less messy maybe something soft [Music] [Music] George's soft path had to work because the man's race was tomorrow and he needed to get some sleep Georgia stuffed animals would tell him where the furniture was but he needed more soft things to lead him to the kitchen George sure hoped his path worked sorry so late I kept falling asleep big race tomorrow gotta go to bed early George didn't even have to wait until bedtime to try his soft path out [Music] he did it he'd made it to the kitchen and he didn't wake the man in fact he used his path many many many times [Music] because he was so excited about the man's race tomorrow he was the one who couldn't sleep the next morning George was there to cheer on the man as he swam [Music] and rode [Music] and read his way to the finish line see that John George the contestants lined up and the signal was given to start the race the leaning tower team was the first to take off [Music] what did we say about Klaus eat the balloon they landed in Florence Italy 9 minutes later leftenant oxi was sure he would win the race [Music] and then he wasn't sir the droid belt snapped we can't go if the probe don't spin there was no chance of winning now but then the monkey tightened his rubber band one turned too many Chuck monkey had to help but his plane couldn't fly fortunately duck sees ship was still on the ground he explained the emergency as they took off that left Tennant Toxie didn't understand the monkey ruined his ship and now he was about to do the same to the dachsies forgot about sir comfort but they couldn't go back because they couldn't control the ship [Music] if they didn't get a belt quickly they too would blow into the eiffel tower [Music] pose for a belt what a great idea [Music] go [Music] how can I ever thank you putting the Baron in an emergency life balloon that clever fliers use their ships propellers to create a wind to blow him back to the landing field they save the Baron but they were in last place [Music] still no obstacle was too big for Chuck monkey and leftenant duck see maybe together they couldn't win this race it wasn't 1909 hmm Hundley wasn't in a race and his balloon was still stuck but if it was a dream why could he still hear his airships propeller the fan it sounded a lot like a propeller and it looked a lot like a propeller and if it moved air it would move things that were in there right George raced back without the fishing pole because he had another idea and it was the same idea that Hundley just have George aimed the fan hunt like barked orders like a famous aviator and in the wind behind the balloon George could push it where he wanted it to go [Music] air conditioning is all fixed Hundley you're relieved from duty you want to go to the park and fly that plane George Hundley had something else he needed to do won't be needing this anymore woof you want it on okay kind of noisy if you want a nap it was exactly what Hundley wanted to hear because he had some unfinished business back in 1909 with the aid of a monkey that ducks he is pulling ahead folks if they win this one people will be talking about this victory a hundred years from now no no no no chewing under the flowers today we just started using a florist new yorky thinks the flowers are snacks for her you might as well let her eat flowers she will did my food oh I will talk to chef this is what tons of letting a cat make cooking decisions [Music] George wondered why gnocchi wouldn't eat the chef's cooking when it was clearly delicious ah George would watch her and see what she was up to [Music] [Applause] [Music] George could smell the delicious sausages but gnocchi had no interest [Music] George if you would like to stay Neddie is making a farewell dinner my cooking is too terrible to serve if Yogi's eating cat food she's not sick what could it be [Music] what will we do without ravioli oh I think I'm allergic to something in here yeah I have an allergy it's when your body over reacts to something like food or a plant or flowers some types of flowers can make some people sneeze and cough well not you some people don't have any allergies and some have a lot hmm I have to move these away from here I won't be able to breathe it all that seemed familiar but George couldn't remember why so nice tangy antipasto for you hmm kind of bland George knew that tangy eggplant wasn't bland oh it's the stuffed-up nose without a good sense of smell everything tastes boring here's the your dinner but for the best few days she likes nothing no no no no chewing under the flowers today [Music] George George had the answer [Laughter] [Music] of course you can take the flowers home if you like then well that didn't work George what are you doing in here what are you I think he's allergic you shouldn't [Music] [Applause] [Music] your cat is allergic to certain flowers here is a list oh really but she tries to eat them don't let her here's my bill so George's theory who was arrived and a lot cheaper [Music] one leek good to excellent three legs magnifico this will be our specialty for not afford your JH we would never have known that gnocchi was allergic to those flowers Jill Jill you have saved the restaurant and my reputation I'll give you free pizza did all that while I was gone [Music] you know I think you broke the world speed record for making a gigantic mess I think you're old enough to use the vacuum to suck up dirt and crumbs and paper [Music] George couldn't believe it all the mass is stored in this bag when the bag is filled you empty it into a garbage can and start again [Music] okay stop George George George George [Music] this vacuum cleaner is too big for you don't make another mess in fact don't move till I say so just freeze not moving is tougher than it sounds especially for a monkey what do you think huh oh you can unfreeze now George here's your very own dirt dragon George I have to make some phone calls you can clean anything that needs it okay it didn't matter if George spilled sugar anymore he could clean it right up I have the rare stamps call me as soon it George I can't hear vacuum the other room please George was running out of things to clean up of course there was a whole city out there for George to clean up see you later George hi mr. Stamp those rare postage stamps are right here on my can I call you back charkie couldn't carry all those small pieces of biscuit at once [Music] lucky for her her friend George was here charkie hoped he would guard the pieces for her charkie forgot that George didn't speak dog [Music] every day when the nice lady threw birdseed compass flew off to tell his friends it was lunchtime got to find George before he empties that bag I wonder how much stuff it can hold he was a vacuum just vacuumed up by winning lottery ticket George was a happy hero thinking of all the animals and people he had made happy [Music] why wasn't it working what good is a superhero without a vacuum cleaner when the bag is filled you empty it into a garbage can and start again of course it was time to empty the bag and there was the perfect place to get rid of everything that was in it George George saw everyone do good luck today running towards him they must be coming to thank you George have you emptied this back at all today George was happy to be of service I'm happy to say they're all there thanks George would you like to vacuum my place I have lots of valuable dusty collectibles for viewable collectibles sorry gotta go now bye [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 2,166,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: 7sYgfye4kJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2018
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