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the city is always a feast for an observant little monkeys eyes and this morning George was feasting on bold colorful signs new wow that's a pretty startling poster huh hi Steve I didn't know you worked here I don't I just changed the posters when the new movies come and the manager lets me keep the old ones my collection I bet I hold the most poster record you want to see it come on sure George have fun [Music] [Music] having a collections great my favorite stuffs always around me at that moment George decided he needed two things to start his very own collection of his favorite stuff and to stop spinning around all the way home George tried to decide which of his favorite things to collect George had a sign Hundley might like a smart-looking dog with a bright red line sorry fella you can't be in here [Music] George's collection was off to a great start but there was still plenty of room [Music] pedestrians only somehow the park seemed different I'm sure the picnic area was this way no no it's that way everyone seemed less relaxed no one is buying ice cream officer where is the picnic area just follow the signs Hey there should be a sign there so he picked one that looked good if everyone enjoyed signs the way he did Hey they'd like this one here wait a minute if this sign had meaning maybe all signs did that's what the sign says this was not the place for canoeing honey we found the picnic tables down feed the Bears [Music] nevermind it took some thinking like George figured out which signs went where all day people keep asking me for ice cream is it the white coat hmm maybe it's this who put that there that all the sign shops making a new one want to see how they do it hmm we make all our signs rectangles to help people find things a circle for what you can do and a red slash for what you can't do you want to make a sign [Music] it was for his bedroom door a sign that not only looked good but was very useful [Applause] [Music] something was wrong here Hundley wouldn't ever mess up his Lobby [Music] maybe dog food made Hundley jumpy only one way to find out George didn't feel any different so it wasn't the food now he wanted to go back out to play [Music] was Hundley pretending to be asleep or had his mood changed again George did want to play but he had to solve the mystery of Hundley this was too much was Hundley sick no his nose was called he sorted his photos into two groups quiet normal Hundley and lively unusual on Hundley he didn't even know what he was hoping to see then he noticed something normal Hundley had a brown collar but jumpy Hundley had a red collar charkie jumped around a lot and she had a red collar too George had the solution red collars make dogs jump more [Music] to test his theory George put on a red tie hmm he didn't feel different he couldn't jump higher maybe it only worked on dogs Hundley thought he sure was looking good tonight that explains everything Hundley was acting like two different dogs because he was two different dogs [Music] I'll take my poor little Doxie oh she didn't look this is my sister Dorothy Doxey has a way of getting loose Wow if I didn't see her right there I'd think that was Hundley wrecking the place George was having so much fun with doc see maybe some day Hundley would meet a monkey he could have fun with to give me the food [Music] how did those tapers get to our food I put it in an airtight bag and tied it up in a tree [Music] George meant to put the food back but he forgot you know George there are worse places to run out of food than the rain forest see [Music] and avocados and coconuts [Music] I'll get it I'm good with monkeys be a good little monkey boy girl that's an Emperor tamarin with tamarins females are always the leader sorry a girl trade you a banana hey come back with my camera oh I wish I had gloves my movie gone and there's no time to shoot another you're leaving tomorrow George felt terrible you wish there was a way to save professor Wiseman's movie if only he could catch the tamarins and then George remembered he was a monkey too [Music] nothing could dampen Jorge's determination and if it did he shook it off you're right behind you [Music] but people didn't dry so quickly George was bigger than the tamarins so he could cover ground or air more quickly [Music] but he was outnumbered it was the biggest tree George had ever seen could this be the tamarins home maybe now George could get that camera my camera movie [Music] good job I'm so glad you're a monkey isn't that sweet George they're gathering our food oh here comes my favorite part [Music] [Laughter] I think they like it George couldn't wait to watch it again it was like visiting all his jungle friends right here in the city we need to do this scientifically the way I see it we could have come from three directions I call them direction a direction B or from that direction which I haven't thought of a name for now one of these three roads has to lead home the question is which one hmm only one way to find out a car wash like the one from the truck it's closed huh I guess we couldn't have come this way after all [Music] just then Oh oddly hurt a clue bill Huntley super-hearing would lead the way home those bumps were something he hadn't felt they hadn't come from this direction cobblestones hmm wait you guys George is right if we came this way we would have felt those believe me but we didn't [Music] that's when yogi smelled a clue fish market wait a minute pause the music I remember now I smelled a strong fishy aroma right about the time I was passing Pluto Oh dead end we couldn't have come from this direction ah [Music] they see we have no idea where we came from we'll never find our way home now and George was out of clues and then he saw it the ferry it was splashy and shaky oh and Hundley noticed it ding like a bell and all around them yoky smelled fish George realized they must have come over on the ferry oh yeah that's the ferry it carries cars from from the city that's it that's the way we list him oh my gosh it's leaving run stop stop stop look both ways okay all clear [Music] [Applause] [Music] yogi George needed to do something fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a team high-five high-five we're like a team of superheroes with George's eyes Hundley's ears Yogi's nose and my brain nothing can stop us at last the very duct they were almost home great we'll be home in no time follow me team [Music] you made it hi George well I'm happy to see you too and so glad you did what I said and stayed close by hey George wanna play this game now yeah you're right finding our way home was a lot more fun hey let's do it again tomorrow maybe you should tell me a little more about your day George fever stuffy nose clammy paws you're definitely fighting a germ torch here you go see that blob that's a germ some germs are good for you but bad germs can make you sick well that's your body your nose mouth stomach those are your lungs when you sneeze or cough that's your lungs squeezing together and trying to force out the bad germs enough biology time for you to rest [Music] George saw a face a face he had seen before in the mirror it was him [Music] [Music] George's mouth was amazing it was like a giant cave a cave with an echo a squishy floor which was actually his tongue and best of all in a spaceship George was amazed he didn't know yoki could drive George knew they were somewhere above his mouth but where [Music] fortunately yoky had discovered a helpful sign they were in George's nose [Music] so easy you know oh yeah you know I bet you sniffing out make disease you won't be smelling that suggested with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well I'll be making you Weezer come you better take bath hard wake up and if you wonder [Music] that was the germ that was making George sick well hey you're a strange-looking germ talks is my name these here singers are the Chairman's Oh George explained that he was the owner of this body and toots and the Germans would have to go go why should we go we like it here I'm making you feel sick oh well at least I'll be on my way [Music] [Music] George knew he wouldn't feel better until he got rid of toots but where did he go the lungs it looked kind of wet was this the lungs or was it the stomach maybe they made a wrong turn somewhere [Music] [Music] so where should we go next the throat maybe the EES [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're awake how do you feel George felt great he could even smell again you see much better well I wish I could say the same thank you George that song was very familiar where was it coming from [Music] what's he doing here look at that George he's so lonely we have to save him oh right we should move him to the big lake so he can be with his families honey Sally just cracked a tooth and I have to take her to the vet you want a cop sorry I'm in the middle of rescuing a fish oh well I don't think Sally can wait all right looks simple enough good fill your bucket you can start over there where's where's my bucket [Music] if only there wasn't so much dirt the fish could swim to the big lake all by himself all done excellent hand me the shovel and I'll they got listen oh it wouldn't be long now as soon as the path was finished the fish could swim back home he did it no more fish could get swept through well if George was willing to sit there for the rest of his life George needed something to stop that water fast [Music] see a lock has watertight gates ani check this is the big lake and this is the small pond you pull up the gate on one end and the water in the middle goes to that level hmm at least one gate is always closed so the water in the middle stays where you want it no matter how exciting he made it look the fish wouldn't go maybe fish like cheese sandwiches as much as little monkeys oh yeah we already ate chill out huh no I [Music] when did I eat my lunch hey did you uh take the paddles huh I always leave Mon the seed i I don't know listen something very peculiar is going on around here you're tellin me believe me I am normally a very organised and unforgettable man oh I should have known looks like I'm the forgetful one I forgot how much mischief a monkey can make [Music] well what have we here it looks like a fish canal you are some smart monkey did you save the fish George had saved five fish Wow that's great George wait the lonely fish is still there you know I think we should just chase him [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice job everyone Wow we've accomplished quite a bit today a fish rescue and a dark repair only one thing left to do Oh Jeff was really hungry but his order only had a measly one on it huh huh then he remembered what the man with the yellow hat had told him about zeroes [Music] George Jacky good to see ya oh is that in order for your friend with the yellow hair George realized what his zeros had done but try explaining that to a dog okay now where did I leave that piece of paper I misread the order it's one thousand dozen oh this is the biggest day in the entire history of Donuts we'll have to have more Donuts flown in from other towns [Applause] [Music] let's see this 5,000 oh my mistake it's 100 this was still more Donuts than one little monkey could ever eat or maybe not 900 oh you can't carry it all Jorge can only think of one solution to a problem this big so George headed home with one dozen donuts and everything was perfect [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] mmm Wow those smells so good I'm sorry I didn't ask you to buy more than one dozen you look hungry George I'll make eggs then it's doughnut time it's a little dark in here I'll open some curtains so anything exciting happen today George I passed by the D family they look pretty happy did you put that doughnut there oh what a waste of food now we only have eleven to eat here's the say where'd they all go what a hundred dozen doughnuts a hundred we have one dozen doughnuts look Wow miss doughnuts asked me to give you the Bell wow what a mistake how could they think you bought a hundred doesn't don't what well at least I know you were paying attention we've got to put these doughnuts in bags or something Oh what are we gonna do with them all so in the end George got one dozen doughnuts like he was supposed to the hard-working firefighters thought everything was perfect how many left George [Music] the rug made for good toe squishing so it would probably be fun to jump on George had to get that juice off the rug [Music] [Laughter] soap soap clean stuff bubble bath would make it smell good [Music] but there was something missing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] George had to get all those suds out of the house so he could say if the rug was clean Georgia was happy he spotted the glass of juice that could have caused a real mess grape juice must help you think because George suddenly remembered when the Rincon's basement flooded this is when good watch pigs go get their farm they needed a gate opener Pig how could such a little monkey move a big heavy pump George could use a bike to move the pump [Music] even with wheels George needed help to pull it all the way back to the house don't sure like the bull he was the perfect choice or maybe the pigs would do it but when he opened the gate they ran to do their watch big duties and get their farmer wasn't there anybody who'd help the chicks were willing but the count was a lot stronger [Music] what is it something wrong no I think they're trying to tell us something that trying to tell us all the pigs are loose Adam [Music] that cow was so good at towing a pump that it went right past her [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] before long he'd pumped all the water out of the house George I'm home wow that new rut makes the whole room look cleaner George come see what I bought George George knew the room was still a little squishy but he had the feeling there was something else he forgot [Music] well whatever he forgot he knew he was gonna hear about it soon enough [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 5,243,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: rxyUui-VBlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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