Curious George 🐵George Takes a Dive 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies

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george went in the lake and the lake went in george george you okay [Music] when you're underwater you gotta hold your breath like this [Music] see now you try it oh [Music] good job did you see it [Laughter] you city kids you got to open your eyes if you want to see anything here use my mask it keeps the water out of your ice so it's easier to see down there boy are you in for a surprise it's like a zoo down there [Music] bill was right there were so many different living things it was like a zoo except wet [Music] [Laughter] they live down there just like we live up here some animals breathe in water like we breathe on land [Music] oh i gotta do my paper out [Music] keep looking george if you need anything ask mr quit [Music] george was so busy keeping the turtle safe he had no time to search why did he keep trying to go in hmm suddenly it was clear george told his plan to the turtle but the turtle didn't seem happy maybe he was homesick what else would make a bathtub feel more like home to a turtle frogs [Music] george brought back all the green lake stuff he could find even the slimy things [Music] he'd accidentally caught a fish the turtle had to like that [Music] how could sand and snails and frogs and lily pads and slimy things plus a fish not be enough the only thing the lake had that this tub didn't was mr quint maybe a monkey could never make a turtle happy [Music] except by leaving it alone so george decided to go back to what he was doing in the first place searching for bill's lost disk [Music] what he discovered was more than just a lost toy [Music] [Applause] [Music] and they could hold their breath for a long long time much longer than a monkey [Music] ah what a day i can't wait for a nice long stoke in the top whoa [Music] george has it really been that long since i cleaned the tub or did you do this [Laughter] [Music] ah okay everybody's back home i hope you've learned there's more to a happy home than just a dirty bathtub hey looks like you could use a hand or maybe another foot [Music] i'm guessing you're going the same way i am uh-huh [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] george are you okay [Music] it's really going it's it's [Music] gone hurry after it this isn't so bad as long as we keep the weight kick over the back wheels and you keep kick kicking the other wheel back in we'll be there hey we're here with time to spare our problems are over oh this is gonna be a problem [Music] good idea george let's take your stuff to the recycling center then we'll have room in the wagon [Music] hey what are you doing george [Music] huh [Music] george you need to put [Music] yeah that's what i was gonna say [Music] well here goes nothing it works [Music] kind of wants to turn all the time [Music] you know what i'm starting to think hurling betsy's wheel down the hill wasn't such a great idea after all we'll never find another wheel the exact same size as the other three unless we shrink them all to this size [Music] i guess i'll go call it margaret huh [Music] george you saved the day hi you guys hey george did you help steve go get my wagon um look i can explain everything see i have this crazy idea i thought if wait we didn't go get your wagon we brought the wagon with us to get your package but that's what's in the package [Music] see aunt margaret got me a new wagon since the wheels on my old one kept popping off [Music] what's the matter [Music] looks great george i'm so grateful to you for helping steve i want you to have my old one [Music] if one bouncing ball was fun george could hardly imagine how much fun he'd have with that many oh welcome to the launch of the new mega bouncing fun ball [Applause] [Music] george wondered how far a mega bouncing ball could mega bounce this is the first fun ball contest ever anywhere and whoever comes closest to guessing the number of fun balls in this rocket gets to keep them all and now your entries have to be in the gas box by five o'clock today ah don't bother entering because i'm gonna win oh really i've got a surefire secret number figuring formula you'll see good jerky [Music] now he had to find a container this size and shape george remembered they had a hat box that was just the right shape [Music] a box this shape and size should hold about the same number of balls as the fun ball machine to make a good guess george had to find bigger round things to count [Music] hi george i'm heading to the thrift shop to donate these things so someone else can enjoy them ah ah my old marble collection well i've got cat's eyes agate some big kong sized ones too these big marbles were the closest yet to fun ball size [Music] oh you want them well be my guest george were you using marbles to figure out your guests for the contest that's a pretty good idea george i estimated a fun ball to be almost as big as a golf ball [Music] oh hi huh may we borrow these golf balls we're trying to win a contest by five o'clock sure but you better hurry thanks if we win the contest we'll split the prize george this cookie holder is about one-third the size of the fun ball machine's container [Music] so how many balls would be in three containers 120 that's our number [Music] we have a winner george and betsy came the closest with 120 balls i don't get it i divided red balls by green balls and multiplied by orange ones what went wrong so george and betsy how are you going to split the [Music] [Applause] [Music] that prize sure nice of you too to give everyone a fun ball wow this is even more fun than all the marbles i found in the street [Music] so george what are you gonna do with the fun ball machine [Music] [Applause] [Music] you two can be my golf partners any time [Music] hey george it looks like a great day you want to go to the park and have a picnic [Music] george loved picnics but he didn't want to get caught in the rain again and clouds meant rain but i thought oh okay we can eat here [Music] but there were clouds it should have been raining [Music] unless maybe only dark clouds made rain little white clouds didn't ah early the next morning the clouds overhead were white [Music] so now he could have that picnic [Music] [Applause] [Music] the wind that blew the leaves must have moved the clouds too george definitely needed to study wind [Music] the cricket's noise was fast again it always had more to say when the weather was warm that's right and the harder the wind blows the faster the pinwheel turns you are turning into a regular weather monkey how could they forecast weather here they didn't have socks or pinwheels or crayons not even a cricket [Music] radar tells us where it's raining and satellites show us earth from space so we know where all the clouds are oh then this computer tells us what the weather will be or it would except that's yesterday's picture we can't find our satellite you lost your satellite well space is very big and now the mayor's coming by to see if he can play golf today he hates getting caught in the rain [Music] so did monkeys without satellite data our computer can't forecast it's just absolutely hopeless [Music] what where is he going so monkey fast i think he wants to predict the weather for you [Music] there were storm clouds in the horizon but the wind was blowing them away [Music] george checked his drawings the sky was red last night and now with the cricket's fast chirps george knew it would be a warm day [Music] so will it be okay to golf they say that some animals can predict the weather maybe george is one of them [Music] professors mr mayor what's the verdict we have it on the best authority that this afternoon will be perfect for golf [Music] splendid is it modern technology wonderful say why don't you join me [Music] one of the finest days i've ever seen you were right thank you george was right george perhaps tomorrow you could help us find our satellite george would have to think about that the sky was telling him tomorrow might be a perfect day for a picnic [Music] ah can't you just see my face okay everyone you know your assignments let's go yes i wrote it down in my litter log and does everyone have an official pretty city committee trash bag [Music] excellent then let's go make our city pretty [Music] hey huh you're welcome to take whatever you want just put what you don't want back in the boxes okay well at least george now had a job to do wait a minute why would anybody throw out a pirate ship even if it was a little broken george decided to use one of his bags for trash and the other for treasure george found more things to add to his treasures [Music] what was that [Music] george didn't know but it was shiny and it made a nice click [Music] george also kept the square pig and the red bottle which was the same color as the heart box [Music] or the round glasses he needed to empty it [Music] george loved the man's pig collection [Music] now he had a collection of his own a street treasure collection now the next step in the evaluation is to weigh the trash you have collected 10 points for each pound of trash we really need george's trash every pound will help well maybe he went up to the apartment i'll take a look we need your ah uh george why is your trash all over the floor [Music] one gum wrapper that's your trash [Music] and this is [Music] stuff you want to keep did you find george wow look at all this trash this'll earn us another 50 points at least [Music] george a collection isn't just random stuff you find on the street a collection has to relate in some way like a stamp collection or a coin collection or my commemorative pig collection okay you can keep some of this stuff but not all of it [Music] finding things that went together wasn't going to be easy the pirate ship floated on water and was made of wood well since the boat was made of wood george decided to have a wood collection [Music] there were blue things and things that were half blue half green at last george knew just what to do [Music] this bag is empty [Music] um george is that the only thing that didn't fit into your collection [Music] oh there may be more trash upstairs but i think we have to go see well this is highly unorthodox but okay [Music] well i'll be that is beautiful george beautiful oh it's a work of art a color collection way to go george and what better way to capture the can-do spirit of pretty city day than to turn trash into something well pretty with your permission i'd like to hang this in the city art museum in fact i think that would ensure that pod seven led by steve will be on the pretty city poster i hereby declare that part seven led by steve is the winner of the city pritification contest [Applause] isn't it great george my uh i mean our picture on a poster thanks to your work of art [Music] it was so cold the jumpy squirrel had decided to move indoors the house had everything it was warm it was quiet and thanks to jumpy it had lots of nuts it is cold in here let's turn up the heat [Music] the man and the monkey were back jumpy had to get out fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] but no sooner was he out than he wanted back in luckily jumpy had a lot of in and outdoors now he just needed to sneak past the monkey [Music] oh no well i'll be hm we're gonna have to fix that there we go george wasn't so sure about that but jumpy still had another squirrel door upstairs [Music] what was that your friend jumpy has been very busy okay we have got to insulate this house huh insulate it means keep the warm air in and the cold air out first the man sealed around the windows [Music] yeah the caulk is squishy so you can fill the holes and keep cold air out you want to try [Music] then he got ready to insulate the attic [Music] all this fluffy stuff that's cellulose it's insulation that fills up air pockets in the walls thanks george filling up these empty walls will keep even more heat inside jumpy thought it was the perfect time to sneak inside but he thought wrong [Music] oh much better the man was right it was much warmer inside but outside it was colder than ever [Music] and then george saw it [Music] it was the perfect squirrel house so george cocked them [Music] now he needed some fluffy stuff but he was out of fluffy stuff [Music] there we go [Music] the lint from the clothes dryer would work just as well [Music] but if jumpy's house was going to stay really warm it needed a door only squirrels can't turn doorknobs maybe a teapot could be a door [Music] or maybe a ceramic chicken thingy that's it a postcard would be just the right size [Music] now that his house was finished he had to furnish it [Music] getting jumpy to live there was harder than george thought [Music] his squirrel house was missing one very important thing [Music] jumpy was surprised the monkey's place was nice it was warm and dry now everyone would be cozy this winter [Music] it was a good thing that george knew how to make cozy insulated houses [Music] huh a very good thing oh no [Music] you got it oh mr yellow pants's guitar isn't all shiny like the pretty bluegrass one huh george couldn't wait to see the man's guitar all bright and shiny but instead the bat made it lumpy and peely oh and then he remembered anyone can make a guitar you just need the right parts george would make a new one great idea george we'll make a new and improved guitar [Music] the one that was sturdy and did have a hole wasn't really a box at all [Music] but the wood thingies they found were too skinny [Music] george's guitar looked almost like the man's guitar [Music] except for those bumps these strings were attached to something that turned if only george could find something like that [Music] oh yeah [Music] that's good george turning it tightens the string [Music] george's guitar looked great and it even had lights play it george [Music] george's guitar looked great but sounded awful now the men would never be able to play at the hoedown uh-huh hey gang hi george did you find my guitar jerry and i wanted to practice yeah i don't think you'll be playing with this well it was uh it was nice of you to clean it for me you're welcome but don't worry mr yellow pants you can still play george made you a new guitar show george [Music] this is great huh oh bluegrass has a fine tradition of using handmade instruments of all kinds washboards spoons but this this is the only shoestring fishing line yo-yo picture wire tennis racket bird house rubber mandolin hey i think i've got the lyrics for your song [Music] let me tell y'all a story about a monkey he built an instrument to play with a birdhouse racket and a mess of strings that boy was strumming every day he had a monkey built for house panda land it was the strangest picking thing there's ever been it had a shoestring fishing line rubber band and yo-yo [Music] let's go [Music] well you don't need to take no music lessons you don't even need to tune it all a birdhouse man lends a cinch to play just pick away an apple ball he had a monkey billboard house mandolin it was the strangest picking thing that's ever been it had a shoestring fishing line rubber band and yo-yo that monkey birdhouse mandolin he had a monkey filled paradise vandalism it was the strangest picking thing that's ever been it had a shoestring fishing line rubber band and yo-yo [Music] [Music] [Applause] a messenger thank goodness you're here why aren't you in uniform [Music] company rules all clown school employees must be in clown uniform at all times now pepe iloco the world's greatest clown will be here in 15 minutes to perform his amazing show but he'll need this i need you to pick them up and deliver them to pepe george was excited to help pepe if he moved fast he could pick up all the parts and still make the show this will help you remember hurry pepe loco will be here in 14 and a half minutes five oh there you are pepe aloco will be here in 11 minutes uncounting [Music] now hurry up to the second floor and pick up the next part and make it snappy what took you so long pepe iloco will be here in nine minutes your next pickup is on eight [Music] we only have seven more minutes any way you can do pickups faster your next pickup is on four george sure wished he had a way to tell what floor he was on without having to start at one [Music] elevators had signs that told you what number came next even if you were somewhere in the middle [Music] george could make a sign too [Music] certainly using his numbered fingers all george had to do was count down from floor 8 to floor 4. [Music] his counting system worked ah here we go yeah yeah oh you're here hey your next pickup's on the 10th floor no need to start at one george's fingers told him exactly how to count from four to ten take everything to the first floor quickly pepe loco will be here any second hello my name is pepe [Music] oh is that for me [Music] my gadget oh thank you now to get to the ninth floor for my show [Music] you're right the elevators are tricky hold this for me will you can you believe how hard it is to find the parking spot at this joint the elephants need a garage [Music] what floor are we on i was busy with my gadget and forgot to count i was busy trying to figure out what your gadget was i didn't count either we'll have to start all over uh i'll be late for my show [Music] oh the seventh floor that monkey's a genius he certainly is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and now introducing the world's greatest clown pepe loco and his mystery gadget [Music] [Applause] and it was all made possible by george a monkey you can really count on [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 5,865,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: Px4JjXDHab4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 12sec (2532 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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