Curious George 🐵The Color of Monkey 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Videos for Kids

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watch closely Gorge and witness a little magic first I dipped egg in the yellow dye then I dipped the yellow egg into the blue dye and presto it comes out [Music] exactly but if yellow and blue make green George wondered what would blue and red make George you created a brand new fruit a purple Nana [Music] [Music] George you're yellow no I gave my guarantee and now a whole monkey is wrecked Betsy what am I gonna do you're in charge Chef Steve oh there problem solved no one will ever know he's yellow now sometimes I think I'm a genius and red and blue make purple oh maybe he could find what colors made brown and die himself back to normal a blue dog in an orange monkey what could be worse than that where'd they go I don't know but we better find them before the birdwatchers do [Music] voila I see the red bird perched on the stop sign by the fire truck are there many orange monkeys in this park no I have the only monkey in town and he's monkey colored usually no George there you are where's charkie it's very close huh I see the red Tanager don't anybody move [Music] let's see if I remember right red and blue makes purple and purple and orange Mick Brown just hurry before the birdwatchers get back I am sure George is bleeding as a good god better you're here what do we do [Music] Where's George ah that's a chef I cannot tell a lie George fell into the oh there you are taking another bath to keep extra clean for the picture and to think I thought that I might find a messy monkey George you're you're red he's as red as the rarest summer Tanager this gives me a fabulous idea a true dedication to the red summer Tanager this will be the best birdwatchers cover ever and so it was thanks to a certain colorful monkey guided by the scientists the rocket hooked on to the telescope [Music] it was time for the spacewalk George your job is to push this button and let me back inside this keeps me attached to the rocket while I'm outside oh um the tether link ripped off my suit then you can't go outside oh boy we have to scrub the mission no let George do it and don't forget be a good little monkey space Walker [Music] Wow that city kid really gets around George knew what he had to do first remove the nuts using the wrench why didn't it move he knew the rule lefty loosy and righty tighty he wasn't the first monkey to mix up his Lucy and his tidy just the first one in space [Music] oh did I mention George only has enough air to last two minutes well you did now George you must complete the mission expeditiously I mean finish up and get back in the rocket very quickly [Music] putting replacements in was pretty easy and then it wasn't [Music] maybe he needed to put this stuff and exactly where the old stuff was [Music] oh no this last hole was a completely different shape George you need to head inside now George I'm going out there after him you can't you don't have a tether oh boy [Music] why it wasn't a different shape at all now he needed righty-tighty George you have only five seconds of the air left that's it I'm going out no you'll float out into space [Music] giorgia see George did it the telescope controls work again [Music] great work guys you're coming home oh it wasn't two minutes it was an hour and two minutes my mistake okay the only rule is that you cannot cut through the cornstalks everybody ready get set [Music] so we should go this way [Music] I know the bell sounded like it's that way but we are here the map says left [Music] hold on Oh tough break for the little monkey he's hit another dead end leaving them in last place there here we are luring the belt team George is the last to reach checkpoint one I doubt they'll ever catch Kane quit hmm just turn well what have you say Tina see here's the bridge and the red tractor it's all on the map the maze looked a lot more like the map when seen from above and now George could easily see the path to the next bell right behind you George team Jobs is back in the race but uh-oh folks looks like Sprint is running in circles okay George which way now oh oh I see every direction looks the same so we can't orient the map I guess we're lost George saw the bridge the duck pond even Leslie the cow but they were all in the wrong place [Music] until George turned the map just right now everything lined up in George knew exactly where they had to go that way let's go [Music] are we lost again where to next George were almost to the finish line [Music] [Music] follow the cow don't you still wanna race now hear them they are coming over in a second I don't think no this is our winner [Music] [Music] destination reached excuse me looks like you two win the golden cob that's one smart monkey knowing that Leslie could always find the barn at milking time oh very clever George yes listeners it has been quite a day has anyone seen my microphone [Music] George was doing great he was able to follow charkie everywhere with his ears did a black dog flip by followed by a blindfolded monkey you mean there's nothing wrong with my glasses which way they go [Music] where was he these things didn't feel familiar what were they for what's that sound sounds like a rose George did you pull the pump valves ed George lost charkie nothing he touched felt furry and he didn't hear her ah but his nose knew that wet dog aroma she was close by [Music] why don't we get any normal visitors here [Music] she was hiding again but George knew how to find a silent wet dog fur he'd caught up with charkie but it didn't smell like a wet dog and this dog was too small to be charkie this dog was a cat delicious smell plus a cat he knew exactly where he was whitney ogeid chef pisghetti's place a place with great food is exactly where charkie would go [Music] Oh No what have you done my buzz duh you know normally if I heard yelling followed by crashing I'd worry it's George but he's at a party did a black dog flip by followed by a blindfolded monkey everybody in town seen him but I can't find him wasn't so noisy here and there was grass why even blindfolded he knew he was in endless Park and that wet dog smelled close George smelled and touched and found something that felt like charkie when he heard her bark he knew it was charkie I searched everywhere I can't find george and charkie did you look there now just take one swing this time okay [Music] this time George didn't just use the bat he used sound and touch and smell I got him everything he knows [Music] George had used all his senses except one to find the pinata and that one was taste and then George saw it his first airplane a free gift for you thanks for flying color carriers [Laughter] [Music] uh-huh what a cute little monkey waiting was fine by George after all he had a brand-new toy plane to keep him busy only his toy plane was gone he'd left it right here on a red suitcase oh dear it says here your plane might be canceled altogether oh it was just like a real carousel only longer and greased here and instead of ponies it had suitcases not just any suitcases the red suitcase [Music] it was a mover maze but not for people luggage got to have all the fun [Music] good news they think it's clearing up late planes are taking off in 15th George George was the parent or guardian of a little lost monkey please report to the information desk [Music] George fancy seeing you here with the parent dog okay so long George have a nice trip [Music] have a nice flight George now George I'm just going to confirm our seat assignments whatever you do don't go anywhere I mean it what are you doing here you should be at the animal loading area do you have any bananas on this flight a monkey's uncle Craig where is your crank hey you don't belong here you got yourself a seat now we gotta get you to your plane quick you can rabbit a George George this is the final boarding call for Kona carriers flight 52 30 to Hawaii have you seen George thanks captain oh there you are you little Dickens I was hoping I'd see you again remember me from the line you left this on my bag that Airport was a fun place it was like a vacation before vacation [Music] good thinking George this is the perfect place to try out my boat relax I'm in fifth grade I'm prepared oh man this is great I can't use my phone holds up in bad weather unfortunately it was floating away look at it take those Rapids I am a master barge builder great George will cut it off at the pass but we need something to catch it with let's use this hurt help me out will you ah right Oh George it's getting away [Music] Steve's boat was a goner or it would have been if the drain had been draining but it wasn't until some kid can't go down there you don't understand my history homework is in there and I've just got to get it back I've just gotta otherwise I'll be stuck in classes like kids sister next year that's rough yeah you're telling me hold on anything that goes down a drain goes to the wastewater treatment plant maybe your homework is there and we're going there too this is not going to be easy hey everything that comes in to the waste water treatment plant gets sorted into three categories poisons mostly from car and truck engines and sand and grit from construction or sand used on icy roads in winter and solids that means pretty much anything else that ends up in the water will choose spare parts and they'd all be right here wait your boats not here it's raining but the sanitation workers said everything that goes down the drain goes here it does except during heavy rains the system can't handle all the stormwater and it overflows right now the pipes and tanks are backed up so anything on its way here isn't going to get here there it goes down the river to the ocean the ocean how am I gonna find my history homework in the ocean plastic ring has got a bird [Music] don't worry we'll help her out and then release her my boat Lisa I think that's my boat my teacher is never gonna believe my homework went down a storm drain and got destroyed so when it rains everything goes into the ocean that's awful somebody ought to figure out a way to warn people yeah they should paint a model boat with an X do it on the street drinks so some other kid doesn't lose his history homework like I did and while they're at it they should paint like birds and fish and and little wavy things for water on the street drains and then like paint a coffee cup with an X to it so people know not to litter because it'll end up in the ocean [Music] that's a very good idea Steve it is I mean yeah it is this was a terrific idea for a class project Steve thanks of course the bad news is you won't get to be in history class with Betsy next year [Music] [Music] well this we don't throw back but if we find the rest of the orchestra we're gonna need a bigger boat [Music] well we did a good day's work George you never know when a wash down yeah after a big rain well we'll get that tomorrow [Music] what have you got there [Laughter] an American eel I've never seen one here before you've got to get his picture [Music] he's right he must have wandered in while heading downriver on his way to the ocean [Music] the next morning George headed out early determined to catch a picture of that rare eel hey George do mr. Quint say you guys saw an eel in this lake eels never come to this lake wanting to catch it and take your head you wanted to be the one to catch it huh okay it's a contest I'll go get my equipment [Music] here was George's chance to get the eel first so bill couldn't take it home the eel was out of reach and George was out of breath this looked bad soon bill would be back with his new hook a hook was just what George needed [Music] [Applause] [Music] now if only he could get the water to sit still [Music] Wow looks like a big one don't worry I'll help you George didn't want bill to get the eel but he didn't want the eel to remain trapped either [Music] ah it's just an old cage Hey the eels in that cage and you're the one who hooked him okay you won but George we have to help that eel get back to its home where it belongs ah well that's why I wanted to catch it to take it home to the ocean [Music] [Applause] being a city kid you don't know this but eels travel from fresh water to the ocean to spawn bonfires mr. eel dr. Spock the way to say goodbye to someone headed out on the ocean [Music] all the fishermen came back with tales that day mr. quints tale of how he freed a whale and George's tale of how he and Bill freed that eel by George George had his seed system set first he dug a hole then he planted some seeds then he covered the hole he ate them and then he remembered farmer renkins protected his garden from the birds with a scarecrow [Music] only it wasn't very scary that was it [Music] but how could he get it to move it was the biggest pinwheel George had ever seen pretty neat huh some people use windmills to make electricity I use mine to make flour and butter well I'll be what do you think George that's the butter churner those stones ride the grain into flour for bread bread and butter go together like well bread and butter that was it George could use a windmill to make his scarecrow move [Music] now what did mr. Quixote say if you're building a windmill you need sales time to take those sales for a spin but his windmill stopped short so George gave his windmill a leg up for come his sails moved but his windmill didn't what was he missing when the wind blows it pushes the sails [Music] [Applause] George could push his sales but the wind couldn't mr. Quixote's sales were stiff maybe that gave the wind more to push against [Music] [Applause] all his windmill needed now was a scarecrow over [Music] George had done it he made his scarecrow move but he did feel bad for compass and his friends [Music] now the pigeons could eat their food while George grew his [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 18,866,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: aNuH8TeXFzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 46sec (2386 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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