Curious George 🐵 Curious George's Low High Score 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Videos For Kids

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[Music] [Music] hit the windmill again that's 20 getting a high score golf was easy George was born to golf at the end of the game Steve totaled up the scores I had 35 that's my new rigor for the best score yet [Music] Bessie's adds up to 58 and George 257 [Music] [Laughter] [Music] high score isn't good you want to get the ball in the hole with the least number of tries in golf the lowest score is best I thought you knew George couldn't imagine how the lowest number could be the best that meant if George didn't play at all he'd score zero and be the greatest golfer in history [Music] maybe monkeys weren't meant to play golf or basketball or to set records that was just like miniature golf I think you'd have done better at miniature golf if you'd known the rules sometimes girls and monkeys think exactly alike we build our very own golf course right here I know where to get some great stuff to build a golf course with sure you can play with that stuff but don't ride the unicycle without a helmet oh great stuff let's get to work [Music] [Applause] [Music] busy aunt Margaret says to be home for dinner in an hour holy cow we made our own mini-golf course you want to play okay in our game each hole uses a special Club you'll never get it through there you kept hitting the windmill yesterday [Applause] [Music] great if George can do that I'm gonna break all my golf records on this easy course George thanks but I really don't need help on this are you keeping track of your score on this easy course Steve oh yes okay on the first hole George got a one lucky Betsy got a six and I got a six the club for this hole please here we go my first ever looks like I'm going for the record - okay here comes my hole-in-one then having lots of fun with your boat oh you want the scrap wood do you take it I'll even hitch the Kirk to Leslie to help haul it oh now he had wood what else would be good for stopping water [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] getting wood to sit still and be a dam was harder than it looked water was still getting through he had to stop the leaks then George realized a raincoat can block the water [Music] at last George had built a dam George's Dam was ruined the Beavers they did this [Music] building a dam twice and one day was hard work at last nothing could stop George from boating now George didn't mind rain it meant his pond would be bigger tomorrow when he brought Bill to see it okay George I'm coming I'm coming [Music] George a dam calls for two important elements proper instruction and water those beavers of course they must be behind this [Music] this isn't good the water is important to the Beavers home haha there must be something wrong up the creek pasture dam [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh George saw the problem that fallen tree was acting just like a dam you're coming back aren't you Leslie there's a proper way to I'm explaining to a cow [Music] George knew you could find things shaped like the robots parts [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was only one way to find out if this would work [Music] [Music] it worked Hundley thought George was a real robot [Music] robotic for a whole hour was tiring George was ready to get out of that thing but he didn't want to ruin it for homily by letting him see the robot wasn't real since he couldn't reach the button George decided to relax and wait till the elevator came oh no I must have left the XF 17 at home it's my favorite - I can go get it while you finish setting up what's it look like well it's 2 inches tall it's red oh when it has no legs Jorge waited so long for the elevator that he fell asleep oh hi professor hi I just came to pick up a small red robot you mean the one in the lobby he said two inches tall but I guess he meant uh two feet [Music] did you find my XF 17 yes it's so cute how old were you when you built that 6 I was 22 it's cute I left it by the elevator because it got heavy patty there was the elevator finally George gazzola's oh I left it right here Oh No someone must have kicked it check the floor I don't think you could kick that thing across the room oh sure you could it's only two inches tall you mean two feet I know the difference between inches and feet professor there's a runaway robot upstairs it's small red and says X F 17 on the side you got the controls what controls it has no moving parts I'm so confused [Music] this sure didn't look like home who are these strange people [Music] that's not it is to I know that handwriting anywhere George professor Wiseman brought you to the museum because she thought you were my ex f17 yeah your outfit so good you almost ended up on exhibit hey that's a great idea huh we promised an ex f17 model we never said it wouldn't be monkey powered and that's how George became a museum exhibit for a day [Applause] [Music] George figured a smart monkey all by himself should be able to work this thing now what did you see Jay say he put in that drinking it's got five fruits and vegetables plus a special secret ingredient five fruits and vegetables and all of them seem to be red apples are red and peppers and strawberries and watermelons [Music] George didn't know what cabbage was but it was the last red thing in the fridge five red things now all George needed was a special ingredient a redfish okay so maybe raw fish is not a special juice ingredient George decided he'd try again and make a fish free juice he started with one of everything one apple one strawberry [Music] that wasn't it at all he had the red ingredients hmm what could be the problem George decided to experiment with different amounts of each ingredient he used a big piece of paper to keep track - sweet George added more peppers it still wasn't right and it certainly didn't pass the Hundley test maybe George needed more of these things Loes but George thought more apples might help [Music] George's juice was perfect well almost it still needed a special secret ingredient where could he find one of those hey can I interest you in today's a special special that's exactly what he was looking for it's eggplant piccata with extra amounts of piccata oh those are radishes did I want dry one oh but careful radishes are a little is penteado that means spicy radish is were spicy but spicy might be good in a drink I know help yourself a Georgia [Music] bye-bye George hoped that one radish would do the trick [Music] George had done his juice was just as good as Juicy J's better even George Oh No Oh have you been making juice oh no my goodness this juice is amazing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] George thought his juice was so delicious he decided to give it away at the next farmers market get your George juice it's made with apples for strong bones cabbage for vitamin C and a bunch of other healthy stuff oh thanks oh this is fantastic can I get the recipe sure George started with your juice but added a few new ingredients a radish oh that is brilliant a revolution in juice making - George and his delicious cures juice [Music] Benjy and Willie was George's favorite mice in the entire world and Gordo was the only gopher snake he knew personally so when mr. zoobel asked him to pet sit for a day George was thrilled now Bruno has already eaten an egg so he won't be hungry anymore today don't feed him the mice must be fed but I'm out of food so I told the pet shop you'd be coming by to pick up Mouse food George was determined to be the best pet sitter ever George I have to go talk to the park director about Heritage Week will you be okay by yourself be a good little monkey pet sitter of course they weren't happy they were hungry time to get food [Music] when he went to make sure Bruno liked his new spot by the window he noticed Bruno had changed what happened to him he's naked when Bruno saw that warm Sun he wanted to be in it the Sun was warm but city life was too noisy for a snake he wanted to find somewhere quiet came back for this I see Bruno shed his skin mr. zoobel was waiting for it huh as a snake grows up it wriggles out of its old skin did you think this was Bruno hey Albert Bruno is under his rock that's where he always goes after he sheds huh George was relieved to hear Bruno would be safe in his animal habitat until he remembered he left the habitat open Bruno must have crawled out [Music] the mice thought the big smiling monkey had come to set them free the Sun was gone now it was too noisy and too cold after life in a habitat Benjy and Willie wanted to explore and they discovered a new world you know got out of the apartment being your snake makes any mouse nervous but Bruno wasn't interested in mice his stomach was full and he just wanted to find a comfortable place to relax soft soil is always inviting to a gopher snake well I think you judge how nice [Music] no thought the mice might know the way home so he hurried to follow them the mice had never seen a furry plump snake with feet before and this was the first time Hundley had ever seen mice in his building [Music] Hundley didn't realize he'd run outside until it was too late to get back in [Music] hi George I hope Bruno Benjy and Willie didn't give you any trouble [Music] um why is Hundley in our sink well almost everyone hunt plan to stay put until he recovered from his adventure hey George you know why they call me the lemonade king free samples once people try this stuff they're hooked they can't get enough and they bring back their friends mmm this is the best ever I'll take two please Wow that gave George an idea if people got free samples of the man's book maybe they'd give some to their friends too that'd be a great way to spread the bird ward ah man's Warbler book with each lemonade you're going to give a free book in business we call that a two-for-one can't-miss [Music] but not everyone who wanted lemonade wanted a book either it didn't fit on a bicycle or it was too yellow or they didn't know how to read looks like you need to reach more people you should advertise that's the idea you just need to put the sign where a lot of people can see it [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh George how about you paint and I'll supervise from here okay [Music] don't forget the picture [Music] when George got close to the billboard he could see things he couldn't see from far away like the fact that the billboard wasn't just one big sheet of paper but six sheets glued together this time George was sure he'd get it right [Music] once George come down here quick [Music] you're painting the rectangles out of order let's put the pictures back in order okay that looks good but how do we keep them in order when you're up there [Music] George remembered that numbers were a good way to keep track of things you're numbering them good idea to keep everything straight George numbered the rectangles on the Billboard in the same order looking good George ah boy talk about a slow news day hey there's a monkey painting a billboard I wish there's a monkey painting the billboard pull over [Music] are we rolling this is a special report today live one monkey one billboard one story you'll never forget mr. libro won't you please reconsider my book is very important yeah but is it funny well no see that's a problem cuz I like funny hey what's everybody staring at is that a monkey what's he doing well no I know that billboard look at that a monkey painting a goofy guy with a bird on his wait a minute you're the guy yep it's me and my monkey brilliant advertising campaign if your book is half as brilliant as that billboard and I'm sold I've never seen anything like it this book is selling like hotcakes well George deserves the credit for that [Music] it may be laughs it may be cry it made me want to donate half the proceeds to the Warbler foundation and there you have it one book one monkey one recipe for sales success reporting live from lotsa libros don't forget save the Warbler and try Steve's lemonade George thought it would be fun to sit inside a cozy house and watch a storm with a man and your bow George you can't go outside when there's thunder and lightning oh your bow is out there don't worry he'll get wet but we'll clean and dry him before he has time to rust as soon as the storm quiets down we'll go get it hey how about a game of tic-tac-toe George usually really enjoyed tic-tac-toe but this time he couldn't get his mind off your bow wow the storm really did a number on the beach don't worry George your bow is a tough little robot we'll find him [Music] but your bow wasn't under that seaweed or any of the seaweed okay so we've searched on top of the sand and under the seaweed which means your bow must be buried in the sand [Music] hey that's mine I forgot all about it oh wow wasn't that a great storm I always find such great stuff after a storm you know nifty huh it's a metal detector it helps you find buried metal now the louder it beeps the closer you're getting to metal now when it beeps like crazy using the protector George found lots of metal things [Music] batteries are dead I'll have to recharge them but I'll bring this back tomorrow in case you're still looking by now thank you well Jorge can't find his robot it's buried in the sand is it made of metal mm-hmm you could try using a metal detector we borrowed one but it ran out of batteries well metal detectors are easy to make sure first grab the portable radio from the shell okay am/fm radio check next find the calculator the bottom drawer on the desk top drawer of the desk now take the radio and switch it to a.m. okay then turn the knob all the way to the highest radio station number but make sure you get static and not an actual station turn up the volume then turn on the calculator and tape it to the radio tastic you see the radio and calculator act as a magnet when it five things that would stick to a magnet the radio beeps [Music] [Applause] George was confused he had already searched half the beach but which half if only the beach were smaller then George remembered to take Tac Toe he could break up the beach into smaller sections like a tic-tac-toe board if George could mark off the squares he searched then he'd know where he'd looked and where he needed to look you want to make a grid to help you keep track of your search oh great idea George all set let me know if you need anything [Music] no luck huh your bow had to be in this last square he had to [Music] [Music] way to go George you found him Thurber [Music] [Music] have fun well I guess this means I can get back to the thrilling conclusion of my book wait for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's from my mother happy birthday love mom I'm late for my appointment hold onto this for me will you George I'll be back at 7:00 and then we'll celebrate bye George you want to have a party a surprise party even better all you need is a an apartment be your buddies see a cake and D decorations ABCD that didn't sound hard at all captain the man with the yellow hat would be back at 7:00 George had only four hours to get the party ready and the man's buddies were listed in this book since you invited me to your party I'm gonna give you my special all fruit frozen cake just pick a size Georgia a big party needed a big cake the big one surprise looks like quite a celebration is it a birthday oh yeah say I could blow that up for you it'd make a great decoration [Music] hiya George everyone's coming I just had to say yellow hat and they all said yes George had picked too wide of a cake it wouldn't fit in the freezer luckily it was cold out on the balcony that took care of C cake she watchin also picked too big of a poster and a too small ladder everything was the wrong size [Music] George had gotten his wish his apartment was the perfect size for a monkey now he just needed the cake in decorations the cake was in the freezer the poster was on the wall and the star was no trouble at all George was ready for his guests but not ready for their size I hope we're not too early [Music] George is right we have to hide [Music] hi everybody a party for me gee thanks me too [Music] how about some music a George sighs Department is fine for little monkeys but not at all good for medical science [Music] [Music] this was more like it everything was the size it should be [Music] except maybe the cake Oh six o'clock only an hour left and George had to start over George wanted to get the sizes right so he decided to measure everything first okay this time George ordered the right size cake and poster and chose a better ladder George are you home this to celebrate my birthday oh wow all my friends and my plumber my dentist my barber they were in your address book George put everything together he did well thank you George maybe it wasn't so bad being a little monkey in a big world after all and there was one thing his arms were always the right size for [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 2,638,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: VDYPNKsww74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 23sec (2543 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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