Curious George πŸ– George Goes to the Beach πŸ– Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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[Music] george thought professor wiseman's beach house was great this time it was even greater because george had brought your bow the friendliest robot ever [Applause] searching searching searching item found [Music] your ball is great yes eurobo's next job was to help george and the man with the yellow hat pack a lunch for the beach no not look out [Music] oh sorry george i'm listening to an audiobook the slimy sea monster from the sea it's great and scary [Music] george didn't understand how something could be great and scary thanks [Music] now are you ready for a long hike to the beach [Music] oh i hope we don't run into any slimy sea monsters george couldn't think of a better way to spend the day than exploring the beach with your bow [Music] say george you want to go swimming [Laughter] sorry yorbo robots can't swim could you read the manual again please well george if your bow was made of plastic like your bucket or wood like this chair he could go in the water but your bow is made of metal which rusts when it gets wet and rust is very bad for metal because it does this last monkey in is a rotten turnip [Music] i guess a storm is coming correction the storm is here quick george let's get inside made it okay [Music] george thought it would be fun to sit inside a cozy house and watch a storm with the man and your bow george you can't go outside when there's thunder and lightning [Music] oh your bow is out there don't worry he'll get wet but we'll clean and dry him before he has time to rust as soon as the storm quiets down we'll go get him [Music] hey how about a game of tic-tac-toe [Music] george usually really enjoyed tic-tac-toe but this time he couldn't get his mind off your bow [Music] wow the storm really did a number on the beach don't worry george yorbo's a tough little robot we'll find him under the seaweed could be [Music] okay [Music] but your bow wasn't under that seaweed [Music] or any of the seaweed okay george thought it was a great day for the county fair and sheep competition oh i'm so excited george grandpa's in the sheep dog competition [Music] he's not even a sheepdog oh let's hurry it's almost time for the final round it was hard for george and ali to hurry at a spring fair there were tractors to play on and prize-winning turnips to admire [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was even a barbershop for sheep [Music] don't worry george the sheep's hair will grow back besides now that summer's coming the sheep wants to get rid of that heavy coat [Music] george figured all that sheep hair was being taken to a trash can but the farmer had other plans [Music] a sheep's hair is called wool and after you wash it you comb it out and dye it [Music] then spin it into yarn and use it to make things like sweaters socks and blankets so people help sheep stay cool in the summer and sheep help people stay warm in the winter [Music] george had been saving his allowance for months and now he knew what he wanted to spend it on you want to buy a scarf you won't need it till next winter george are you sure [Music] final contestants for the sheep herding mr rankins and his dog bo whoops we're gonna be late come on [Music] nice scarf george hiya grandpa hi bo ready [Music] who's winning us or the sheep well it's up to bo to hurt the sheep around those barrels and into that and depend bo knows what to do because of your grandpa's whistling now those whistles are actually commands for boater fire we just whistled head toward the sheep and then get them closer together [Music] if they can get the sheep in the pen before two minutes are up they've won [Music] [Music] good job [Music] thanks for the fun day mr yellow pants it's too bad you didn't get a scarf though i bet i know what color you'd like maybe next time hey i have to finish some errands george i i won't be long [Music] no no no you have to pull it hard and fast that's the only way to fix it like this [Music] well if that doesn't work then you have to pull it more slowly [Music] it's wrecked all right george wondered if there was some way to knit the scarf back together [Music] oh yeah let's go find my grandma she can fix all kinds of stuff george was excited because he was going to see his very first baseball game marco's team the cubby bears versus the tiger babies hey george throw me the ball [Applause] [Music] i just wish i could bat as well as i catch i still have never hit a home run you'll do it someday marco and in the meantime you're still our favorite shortstop come on george i'll introduce you to the coach bye mommy bye have a good game hey coach this is my friend george put her there kid [Music] if i'm going to get good at batting i need more practice would you mind pitching hey who's running this outfit nah it's a good idea what about you kid you want to warm up with the team [Music] [Music] okay marco keep your eyes on the ball [Music] nice glove work kid [Music] whoa you're some runner warm-up's over guys it's time to play ball [Music] hello baseball fans looks to be an exciting contest of bears versus babies it says our scorekeeper has a boo-boo and can't make it george could be score keeper you think you can do it kid you have to hang a new number each time a team scores a run then what are you waiting for go keep score play ball this must be the scoreboard and these must be the numbers i'm fly and that's our first out three strikes out number two [Applause] [Music] and it's a sharp single towards second base oh what a catch by marco [Applause] by the third inning george had discovered that sometimes score keepers have a lot of free time come on hit a home run you can do it ah the pitcher winds up marco strikes a solid single to right field and he's safe at first base [Applause] [Music] oh a strong hit down the right field line and the right dealer is having a little trouble finding the ball run run [Music] time to put up a number [Music] ah folks uh i got to clean my glasses because i did not see five runs being scored that's the wrong number [Music] lower kid [Music] uh george you're really good at hanging numbers but now they have to go in the right order what did that mean in order it was an exciting day to be a door dog because he and the doorman were expecting a very exciting delivery [Music] didn't you sleep last night oh me neither i was too excited about our big delivery [Music] oh boy are we glad to see you when the doorman said a big delivery he meant a big delivery [Music] what's in this thing my western town a whole town in a box uh-huh it's for my train set i wish i could set it up right now but i'm on duty yeah we'll set it up we love trains hey thanks [Music] okay oh hundley and the doorman had built the most amazing train set ever there was a future town a farm town and even a mountain town the western town goes right there relax hundley george and his friends will be very careful sure absolutely it's okay fella if you're worried why don't you stay here and keep an eye on them you can nap when they're done hundley would not rest until the last piece of track had been laid but before hundley knew it the west was done doesn't it look great oh the track is missing a pin see [Music] there it is excuse me sorry the pin was lost don't worry we'll find it [Music] not only was the pin lost but the apartment was a wreck i wish there was a quick way to sift through all this dirt [Music] hey good idea george we can make sifters with our fingers but sifting is a slow business and boring it made a sleepy dog even sleepier ah i feel like a minor in some old western movie oh my darling oh my darlin oh my darlin little pin first we had you then we lost you wish we'd see you once again first we had you then we lost you wish we'd see you once again [Music] morning deputy big day today with the train tracks joining up i wrote a little song all about it would you like to hear it it goes something like this [Music] prairieville was neat and clean got the best sheriff you've ever seen [Music] his deputy was on the ball though he was just inches tall prairie bill prairie bill way out yonder further still prairieville prairieville stuck out in nowhereville but all that's about to change when the tracks join across the range when the tracks join across [Applause] [Music] george explained that he was the owner of this body and toots and the germets would have to go go why should we go we like it here i'm making you feel sick oh well in that case i'll be on my way i'll just do it [Music] but you are [Music] [Music] george knew he wouldn't feel better until he got rid of toots but where did he go [Music] the lungs [Music] georgia gnocchi agreed to try his lungs first [Music] it looked kind of wet was this the lungs or was it the stomach maybe they made a wrong turn somewhere [Music] gotta run [Music] [Music] now this looked more like a lock when the walls moved out air came in when the walls moved in air rushed out george was watching himself breathe [Music] this was george's chance so where should we go next uh the throat hey maybe the ears [Music] [Applause] [Music] no i don't want to go george couldn't believe how hard it was to get rid of one measly germ [Music] hey what are you doing let me go george didn't have a feather but he did have 20 fingers [Music] george and gnocchi had done it toots was gone [Music] you're awake how do you feel george felt great he could even smell again for an important call i have the most amazing exciting thing to tell you can you come over hmm oh right we're in bed okay then meet me at the clubhouse tomorrow right away and don't forget bye [Music] the next morning george raced to the clubhouse hey hiya george are you ready to hear this are you ready it's kind of unbelievable and i don't think you'll even believe it so are you ready [Music] okay i am going to kindergarten [Music] huh kindergarten is where you go when you're big and you need to learn stuff like how to write your name in eight plus two ah and i want you to come with me to get all my school tools so can you come can you come [Music] it was a good thing george went shopping with allie because she needed a monkey's eye [Music] okay which backpack the lion the witch or the warthog [Music] yeah that's the one i wanted too because it holds the most stuff see in kindergarten you need exactly three rulers and a cowboy belt and binoculars and pipe cleaners wow kindergarten sure sounded like fun where else would you need three rulers in a cowboy belt guess what these are two for one oh would you like a backpack george [Music] the next day george wondered how allie was doing at [Music] kindergarten kindergarten was great and guess what i told my teacher i was best friends with a monkey and she said you could come to school with me tomorrow [Music] you'll be our official guest monkey [Music] here's your lunch huh your snack and just for luck a brand new yellow pencil [Music] wow a school tool [Music] have fun be a good little guest monkey george discovered that just going to school was exciting first there was waiting for the bus [Music] then there was being on the bus and then there was getting off the bus [Music] this is it george kindergarten oh [Music] hi allie and you must be george all right class time to take your seats now we're not going to create any more work for professor wiseman right [Music] okay come on come on come on come on [Music] feed the ducks [Music] youtube fun relaxation ducks okay here i go [Music] [Laughter] george careful no problem we're still feeding them right it's fun huh right ducks [Music] but your hat is waddling away [Music] oh my hat [Music] we can solve this problem you shouldn't i i should okay how aha we can use the kite string to fish the hat out of the water i just need a hook [Music] perfect choice [Music] okay want to toss it george [Music] hmm we need more weight okay try again [Music] see that branch we can use it to lift the hat we can [Music] [Music] fantastic [Applause] oh thank you thank you oh this wasn't what i planned all you did was solve problems for us please accept my apology apology for what i had a very relaxing day huh relaxing exactly hands-on problem solving not like work where i just answer questions and shuffle paper ah well then you're welcome well see ya oh okay ah wow who knew relaxing could be so exhausting [Music] come on george i think it's time for a nap [Music] george knew he had to keep gnocchi away from that spaghetti strand he had an idea how to do it [Music] now george had an accurate way to measure the building this tape measure could measure anything [Music] this was going great 10 feet 15 feet 20 feet [Music] uh oh the tape measure was only 20 feet long but the building was more than 20 feet tall but how much more [Music] now how was george going to measure the building if only he had something longer than that tape [Music] of course george had a spaghetti strand 30 feet long [Music] hey aren't you jenny the world record book lady you are correct oh i've been a fan of yours for years well thank you i'm here looking for i know what you're looking for jeff pisghetti's is this way [Music] there's this gettys restaurant and here's chef pisghetti's strab of spaghetti i have got to get a picture of this george could see that the spaghetti wasn't touching the ground which meant it was a little bit shorter than the building [Music] how could he measure the difference when george held the strand at the top of his head it reached the ground that meant the building was exactly one spaghetti strand and one george tall [Music] oh yes oh this is going to be spectacular love this stevie why you don't come back in the middle you're ginny the world record book lady and you must be chef pascari yes yes and up there on the roof is that your monkey friend giorgio displaying your super long spaghetti strand here's the photograph i just took of it wow does that set a world record jenny oh i'm afraid not here's the picture i took of alfonso dimitri displaying his strand of cooked spaghetti from the leaning tower of pisa no no no i'm never gonna get in the world record the book you most certainly will you have the second longest strand of cooked spaghetti three stories tall oh three stories i gotta call a nettie and tell her the building next door is a three stories tall [Music] so gnocchi finally got to play with the spaghetti and chef pisghetti broke a second record world's longest cat toy [Applause] george always liked to visit the men with the yellow hats old neighborhood and that used to be the bookstore and look that's where i saw my very first movie [Music] oh this used to be a great old theater maybe some days someone will fix it up [Music] hey what's going on progress that's what where do you see the unique self-cleaning parking structure i planned for this site but this old theater is full of memories you can't tear it down [Music] tear down this theater you're not serious look at the beautiful lobby this bijou is what inspired me to become a doorman in the first place but it's tired and run down it's a hopeless broken old theater george didn't think it looked hopeless he'd seen the man with the yellow hat fixed things up before why couldn't he fix up an old movie theater too [Music] repair the theater us hmm you're right george if we don't do it who will how about it mr glass let us put on a special screening we'll show you that this theater is worth preserving i don't want to go out to a movie with one of these why bother [Applause] but a movie is always more fun on the big screen it can be a truly unique event unique hmm hi you're a monkey aren't you uh-huh okay it's a deal wait if you clean up this place and put on a unique one-of-a-kind show i'll save the theater mr glass i promise we'll knock your socks off [Music] uh maybe this is hopeless well let's see it with the lights on [Music] see it just needs a little tlc tender lobby care you know it'll take some work but i bet we can put on a good show [Music] cleaning up a movie theater was a major production [Music] we've never played for a movie before [Music] here it is isle of dinosaurs one of mr glass's favorite movies [Music] hey great work you two i can't believe this is the same theater wow the window of dawson's toy store was impossible to walk past without stopping [Music] [Applause] hey what do you say we stop in here for just a second okay george [Music] crunchy banana bars remember don't eat them all in one day or you'll get another tummy ache ah don't worry mrs dalson i learned my lesson last time you remember what we agreed any extra toys you buy with your allowance [Music] he gets a dollar a week for doing his chores [Music] the toy boat costs five dollars george [Music] let's see one two three four five i'm sorry george but it'll take 500 pennies to buy a boat [Music] yeah let's go home and count up the rest of your savings [Music] george you've been searching for 15 minutes don't you have any money saved [Music] that's it [Music] oh so that's where most of it is [Music] hmm you really need to organize your funds buddy i know just the thing for you [Music] it's just like the one i saved my money in when i was your age okay george let's feed piggy [Music] one two three four five and six seven eight nine ten cents and five pennies is the same as one nickel [Music] oh a little extra to get you started now you have 15 cents [Music] well george you won't find any more nickels in your ears that was my little magic trick [Music] let's see if you save your dollar allowance every week you'll have that new boat in one two three four five weeks [Music] or you could do extra chores and get it even sooner [Music] saving money sounded good to george so he started doing extra chores right away um george where are you i i thought you were going to dust the room what wow i don't think anyone's ever dusted up there before thanks [Music] oh is that why you gave me this well thank you george oh i get it thank you goodbye george george i can't pay you for things i usually do myself that's why i wouldn't let you brush my teeth but here's a 20 advance on next week's allowance [Music] five 10 15 26. [Music] george dreamed about flying in the sky so tonight was his lucky night sorry to pick you up so late but a satellite's just crashed from space and needs to be found right away [Music] there's the einstein pizza research ship just ahead [Music] [Applause] our mission is time sensitive so please no dawdling huh that means we have to hurry we must locate and retrieve this miniature weather satellite it splashed down close by but its exact whereabouts are unknown you three will search the ocean floor in the sub we're gonna ride in a sub george we're going in a sub [Music] uh any questions [Music] you in the yellow hat did you request our help based on our stellar work in outer space actually because i find small submarines much too uh confining and i don't like it when fish look at me let's get moving atmospheric forces are impinging on the satellite's external structure compromising its delicate circuitry even as we speak that means water might be leaking into the satellite and the data module will be damaged if we don't hurry ah got it we're ready [Music] so [Music] [Applause] okay george keep your eyes peeled for that satellite [Music] did we find the satellite already no i don't know what that is ah that's what it is we woke up a giant sea turtle [Music] now that's the satellites locating device we're close they're close close i said that i know hold on we may have a problem we're blocked by a coral reef is there any way around it [Music] only a tiny passage the sub is much too big to fit through oh return to the ship we'll have to try another approach [Music] the satellite is within that reef and there's no way to get to it i don't know we're we're experts on space not the sea you and that ship [Applause] do not proceed [Music] [Applause] george is that you mr quint what are you doing in these waters well studying the local sea life hey you're an expert on fish and stuff is there any way to get in there to retrieve a satellite not in this tub a coral reef is a very fragile environment ship this size of damaging the only way in the tunnel about oh yay big [Music] mr quint don't move your hands george can do it [Music] [Music] sounds can be mysterious especially when they wake you from a deep sleep [Music] mystery solved it was the sound of the man with the yellow hat digging [Music] george couldn't think of a better way to start the day [Music] morning george you want to help dig [Music] why are we digging well i'm not gonna tell you it's a surprise [Music] ahoy there well i see you started without me oh morning mr quint yeah george is going to help us dig too that's great but i got a better shovel for you [Music] perfect size for a little monkey [Music] brought my trusty wheelbarrow and buckets to help us haul the dirt don't you know well there's gonna be a lot of dirt too because it's going to be a deep hole what was a deep hole good for [Music] oh these are hard hats there for safety nobody goes down in the hole without them okay [Music] yeah i thought he should get this one too [Music] thanks george [Music] hmm [Music] it's not going to be so easy carrying dirt out of here anymore i borrowed my brother flynn slatter oh great um where is it it oops left it in the truck well i'll just go get it [Music] well easy you just boost me onto your shoulders there now put your hands there won't you i i got just let me get my balance i should [Music] my lucky fishing float whoo thanks oh uh better yet you step on my back oops wait wait a second [Music] or george could go get it that's not too heavy for you is it buddy [Applause] [Music] great [Applause] thanks george [Applause] [Music] ah i think this hole is deep enough deep enough for what being back in the country was exciting george wondered if anything had changed since he'd been gone george had never seen so many flowers at bill's house that's some garden you've got going thanks to the rankin's compost [Music] george couldn't figure out why bill was adding dirt to the dirt compost isn't just dirt take leaves grass leftover food mix it in a hole with air dirt and water compost [Music] it didn't smell like leftovers it's food for plants after all plants get hungry too [Music] george never fed these plants they had to be starving [Music] [Music] these leftovers would be perfect [Music] george felt like the world's best monkey compost chef [Music] george got up early so he could serve the plants breakfast [Music] george do you want blueberries with your ew what is that smell [Music] were you trying to make compost i think you need to hear from the experts [Music] this makes good compost george leftover fruit and vegetables bits of plants and dirt you can use any leftovers except meat fish and dairy products like milk butter cheese or mayonnaise that makes it smell bad and attracts animals ah after a few weeks these different things turn old they decay and become food for other plants [Music] george was glad to hear there was a use for forgotten bananas now this is what your compost should look like the and smell like it smelled like earth stir it up so it gets lots of air [Music] this will keep your plants healthy and green [Music] george took his compost container back to the city with him in case he found other plants in need [Music] i'll get dinner started [Music] this plant looked hungry [Music] they all did fortunately george knew what to do
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,010,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: 6s8mRcIUOhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 11sec (3731 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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