Curious George 🐵The Lucky Cap 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies | Videos for Kids

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I call this extreme hopscotch hmm you think he can handle it you can go first [Music] 1 2 3 4 13 George had never counted past 12 what did their team look like of course one comes before 2 and 2 comes before 3 [Laughter] [Music] if there was ever a time George needed his lucky cap it was now I'll bet you could hop the most ultra mega extreme hopscotch board the world's ever seen [Music] [Music] what happened oh your cap I found it on the floor so I washed it here you go [Music] uh-oh it's shrunk in the wash George didn't want another cap not unless it came with a good-luck guarantee he had to get his captive fist if George couldn't stretch the cabin there was only one thing left to do but no matter how much he washed it his head just wouldn't shrink the way the cat did how could he hopscotch without his lucky cap hey George come on down everybody's waiting okay George it's alter extreme so when you get to the flower stand you have to stop and smell the tulips then go under the flower stand I'll bet he can you get through it one time as long as you wore his lucky cap George figured he'd have luck [Music] 14 15 16 17 18 19 [Music] George made it thanks to his lucky cap this fell off before he started it's a little small huh he'd hopped Steve's most monstrous ultra extreme game of hopscotch without his lucky cap monkeys awesome George didn't need to be lucky to be good it was the perfect size for a dachshund hey Hundley you want a lifetime supply of dog treats hey yeah it happened yesterday but I forgot to tell you hey lucky catch but George knew luck had nothing to do with it [Music] after all a dog's Lobby is his castle Oh monkey beat him [Music] aha four stripes long exactly four kena brats very good the royal brats vien birthmark just as the princess said thanks for watching the lobby Harley oh hi can I help you absolutely not now I blow the fanfare I believe so your highness your highness what you are in the presence of her royal Majesty the princess of brats via so now we bow-wow a real princess in our lobby and now we [Music] you can't walk away with Hundley oh we got carried away this may be a descendant of the Royal dachshund a brats vehicle a royal doggie I always knew he was special he we must adjourn to the Royal quarters and complete the test only if I come with you [Music] welcome to my royal suite George had been in parks smaller than the Royal Suite nice it's very clean and now Lord Percival can take his rightful place in his new home [Music] new huh you must to live here not you just Lord Percival do you want to live here boy Hundley didn't really understand what was going on he was having too much fun all that matters is that he's happy [Music] George had never seen Hundley this happy to see him you haven't touched your brats Vee and beet casserole now you eat [Music] how could Hundley be unhappy this was where you belonged that dog was as high as the third boot buckle was Hundley [Music] George never noticed that mark on Hundley before today it smelled like jelly [Music] [Laughter] wait yoke Lord Percival's royal birthmark astonished impossible that would mean he's not don't be too happy either please accept our gift of the Royal Bratz fee and leek and gravy hoagie so the next morning the man with the yellow hat packed a picnic lunch I think we have all the ingredients it takes to relax one professor well this is all going perfectly I think you'd like a pickle [Music] turn it like this this is sure to relax you well honestly I'm just as happy sitting on the ground but what could be more relaxing than hanging from a tree watch you just lie back and let your troubles melt away thanks George [Music] now we're not gonna create anymore work for professor Wiseman right feed the ducks you to fun relaxation ducks okay here I go George careful no problem we're still feeding them right it's fun huh right ducks but your hat is wobbling away we can solve this problem you shouldn't I should okay how ha ha ha we can use the kite string to fish the hat out of the water I just need a hook [Music] perfect choice [Music] okay wanna toss it George hmm we need more weight okay try again haha see that branch hmm we can use it to lift the Hat oh thank you thank you ah this wasn't what I planned all you did was solve problems for us please accept my apology apology for what I had a very relaxing day Hey relaxing exactly hands-on problem-solving not like work where I just answer questions and shuffle paper oh well then you're welcome well see ya oh okay Wow who knew relaxing could be so exhausting can you sign right here but charkie sure seemed to so he had to find a way to protect that box fast this bell would ring if anyone bothered the box [Music] now that the box was safe George had to figure out how to get it back to aunt Margaret's place what was the right size and shape to carry that box and charkie proof - charkie still couldn't resist a puddle now where could I put those bowling balls hiya George how're you doing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good thing Turkey never got tired of chasing your toys with all these boxes how would George ever find the right one [Music] George picked out all the boxes that look like hands but which box was his they all look the same what else was special about his box the smell hey George wow thanks for straightening out all my boxes you need a lift hop on after all I am a delivery man [Music] have a nice day hi George did my package arrive George was proud to give aunt Margaret her package safe and sound well I see you took good care of it thank you Oh easy girl after I left I remembered what was in this box you didn't have to protect this one from charkie these are the new dog toys I ordered for her this was the greatest ending to the greatest game charkie had ever played all thanks to George [Music] then having lots of fun with your boat oh you want the scrap wood do you take it I'll even hitch the Kirk to Lesley to help haul it oh now he had wood what else would be good for stopping water [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] getting wood to sit still and be a damn was harder than it looked water was still getting through he had to stop the leaks then George realized a raincoat can block the water [Music] at last George had built a dam George's Dam was ruined the Beavers they did this [Music] building a dam twice and one day was hard work at last nothing could stop George from boating now George didn't mind rain it meant his pond would be bigger tomorrow when he brought Bill to see it okay George I'm coming I'm coming [Music] George a dam calls for two important elements proper instruction and water those beavers of course they must be behind this [Music] this isn't good the water is important to the Beavers home haha there must be something wrong up the creek pasture dam [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh George saw the problem that fallen tree was acting just like a dam you're coming back aren't you [Music] Leslie there's a proper way to I'm explaining to a cow [Music] [Music] [Music] hit the windmill again that's 20 getting a high score at golf was easy George was born to golf at the end of the game Steve totaled up the scores I had 35 that's my new rigor for the best score yet Bessie's adds up to 58 and George 257 a high score isn't good you want to get the ball in the hole with the least number of tries in golf the lowest score is best I thought you knew George couldn't imagine how the lowest number could be the best that meant if George didn't play at all he'd score zero and be the greatest golfer in history [Music] maybe monkeys weren't meant to play golf or basketball or to set records that was just like miniature golf I think you'd have done better at miniature golf if you'd known the rules sometimes girls and monkeys think exactly alike we build our very own golf course right here I know where to get some great stuff to build a golf course with sure you can play with that stuff but don't ride the unicycle without a helmet oh great stuff let's get to work [Music] [Applause] [Music] busy aunt Margaret says to be home for dinner in an hour holy cow we made our own mini-golf course you want to play okay in our game each hole uses a special Club [Music] you'll never get it through there you kept hitting the windmill yesterday [Applause] [Music] great if George can do that I'm gonna break all my golf records on this easy course George thanks but I really don't need help on this are you keeping track of your score on this easy course Steve oh yes okay on the first hole George got a one lucky Betsy got a six and I got a six the Club for this hole please my first ever looks like I'm going for the record too okay here comes my Olin one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hulan - these flowers will look beautiful and that'll kayak hiya mrs. Flint just what Georgia me we're building a car so we can race in a race all we need our car putters well if you see any car Pat's lying around just help yourself the broken boat and the car body looked a lot alike [Music] it already has two seats one for you one for me she like us what guy at George and Allie had found a car body [Music] now they just needed steering wheels [Music] this board had wheels and a steering wheel with a horn unfortunately their car wasn't Jorge got to thinking if you want your car to roll the wheels had better roll too we should use the wagon wheels first he put the steering handle through the hole in the bottom of the boat then he nailed the boat to the wagon [Music] the car was almost ready okay we've got one two and three but we still need hey kids aren't you enter in the derby race it starts in ten minutes oh we're missing a car pardon we don't know where to find it well I'd offer to help you but we know we know no he'll bow out well if you see anything you need you're welcome to it Georgia now he had their break it looks okay we can test it on the way to the race [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah the racers ready on your mark no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gracious that's my fire and that's my wagon go George that's my buggy [Applause] [Music] for a while George and Bill were neck-and-neck [Music] [Applause] hi George where's the librarian ah oh I see can you help me find Hundley's favorite book it's called dachshunds and dandelions a yellow book no problem George was very familiar with that color [Music] nope not it nope and nope no no that said dachshunds and dandelions finding books was hard but George had an idea if books were sorted by color they'd be much easier to find it took a lot of work but the library was fixed it would be easy for people to find books now Oh George Oh George um you know I can't find a book yeah it's new yorkese favorite book - it's called mice everywhere are you asking me what Khalid the bookies I don't know but I do know one thing it's very very very very big big is not a color [Music] you know I got to get some poop books do so I'll check this out up front little buddy hmm organizing books by color didn't seem to work baby things should be organized by size instead little books medium books big books you monkeys books George had fix the library again George would happen the books are all messed up come here I'll show you this is where all the outer space books are supposed to be what instead you've got funny books dream books bug books Pink Pony books ah where are all the outerspace books George tried to explain to Steve how he had organized all the books did you arrange all the books by size that's amazing but I don't think that's the way libraries work see outer space books are supposed to go on this shelf and books about dinosaurs go on that shelf and all the other books I don't know where they go George wondered if outer space books all go together in dinosaur books all go together well then maybe trade books go with other train books no matter what size or color they are yeah train books probably go together hey I get it maybe all the books are organized by subject cool [Music] yeah you've got a lot of rearranging to do don't worry I'll help we did it the Pokes you're back in the right order great job you carry library I'm back George my it looks neat as a pin in here all the books are back where they should be on the shelves according to their subject right well mostly right books are typically arranged by subject then by author alphabetically except storybooks they go together by author I'm sure I can put things right in no time great sounds like you did a great job George hey maybe you'd like to help out of the library every Saturday helping mrs. do it was fun but exhausting you George you forgot your book on the other hand only a librarian would give you adventurous Henry for another two weeks what could be better than that [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 5,313,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: yXbwLDqPdFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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