COPS CALLED On Neighbors AGAIN ... Protecting Our Property ... I Bought An Abandoned Ranch

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look at that the neighbors actually are fans they're saying we're number one and don't worry we're fans as well next week we're hiring somebody to come in and turn it around and face it towards them so they get the same message all right well tell me what the can of worms is how about i just tell you what the can of worms is out of creek worms my goodness they are they're the best you see here in the state of florida you could be held liable for selling a piece of property without disclosing let me make sure i get this legally correct item defects that are not readily observable and materially affect the value of the property now this is even when you sell property as is so that means encroachments not only is the potential seller liable my neighbor but also this implicates all of the family members that sold as well and that includes cecilia that includes teresa richard that includes oh yeah i got it all here debra that includes oh tina that also includes alfredo now tina you've already told me you're the black sheep of the family i got a feeling the family isn't going to be too happy if you drag them into this and if you want to claim ignorance better remember this so she knows that she's encroaching all over the property already she does okay because we told her we were like susie come on we're trying to sell the property you know and it's like once we said that i mean you got more now susie okay you know where the tower road is yes okay that's yours yeah okay i've tried i just i just i'll take care of it okay i've tried to get it it'll be done it'll be done she's sick she's in the hospital right now yes so they just cussed me out i told them to get all their garbage off i don't know who they are i'll figure it out that's not her family i'll figure it out okay but we tried really hard we got some out now we did but i'll take care of it i've already told her i don't know how far it goes back her junk i'll figure it out it's going to be surveyed it's going to be fenced see that background yep okay all the way to her house i'll take care of it reality is is i've spent a tremendous time of money fixing the previous owner's problems and i could have sued legally for those issues but i haven't i wanted to be a good neighbor i wanted to do everything i could to make sure that relations were okay that's yours if you go down there my dad long time ago about 30 something years ago he put um metal spikes in the ground over over there yes they're everywhere on your property my dad has metal spikes you think you can show me sometime my husband can okay actually that that would be helpful so i'm gonna have it surveyed and um and i already i went there this morning and i told them i said garbage gets out immediately if it's not follow lean i'll i'll take care of the garbage i'll finally i'll seize the property the town's on your on your side um because i've complained yeah um i raised my grandson so the bus comes every day to my house i also told them if they block that road again i'm gonna tow it out myself and so they know so so just so just so you know um just so you know i i'm no nonsense i'm a businessman and i do a lot of business and i'm not going to put up with garbage on the road i will do everything to clean the road up uh there will be cameras all over the property there there is there's camera on me i'm always have a camera on and is there anything else that you want i mean there's a lot of stuff back there i had all my family come and i'm like please get your stuff out of here and there's still stuff down there um there is a table saw yep okay we don't have anything to lift it that's why it's still there we didn't you know we wanted we wanted to bring it down here but you do want it well we don't have to lift it it's heavy it's pick it up it's like 50 years old yeah i'll pick it up i'll just throw in the back of the truck yeah you'll just have to tell me where to put it but everywhere everything else down there i don't think anybody wanted it i've literally done everything i can for these people i gave them everything back that they requested i went to them and asked them is there anything you want of all these abandoned items on this abandoned ranch and then i even paid a person to take those things up to them even though they had five plus years to remove it i guess that just wasn't enough so we're clear when you take something that you didn't pay for that's theft or when you don't give something that was paid for that's theft and i guess it just wasn't enough that i paid 250 000 for the property they wanted the money and the land i work a full-time job and push my ass around here trying to keep up on and it's never ending because i gotta how's that my fault i'll tell you what i'll trade your schedules i work every waking moment of my day no day off try being self-employed multiple businesses multiple states multiple employees and then vlog your entire life at the same time there is no such thing as time off and part of the work that i have to do is a job that you should have done already i moved up here to get away from people brian how's that my fault you can move again there's gonna be hundreds not only hundreds thousands not only thousands hundreds of thousands of people are going to be here you have no idea what's coming in the near future but i can tell you you got more youtubers moving in across the street that's probably wise it's way too late for that okay so in a nutshell uh what happened is i bought this property from them 70 acres they still own an acre right there the house yes they own they own an acre right there that's the house and uh they refused a survey when i purchased the property so i purchased the survey so i spent 5 800 in the survey okay the pin is over here probably i don't know eight plus feet maybe less maybe more i went to talk to brian this weekend about the issue of encroachment and immediately uh he got volatile tina came out and then tina is his wife tina is the wife tina came out sent him inside and uh we discussed we discussed the issue and then out of due diligence and wanting to do everything as best as i possibly could i made i i said hey i will have mcmillan come out and triple check this because they were being being um extremely rude about the entire issue so i came back up to talk to brian brian made brian made verbal threats on me and the property and that is the stake right there and then brian went on to if you want to come over here that's that's my property line so you're back this way everything towards you oh this way everything towards you're leaning on my property right now how far does it go that way so it goes all the way up to the road this is the area they're encroaching on this area i went to them respectfully i said hey i paid for the survey we got an encroachment issue and then the the threats were made as far as against me and against my personal property and then this was done as well this is all on my property this is this where's the property marker up here it's right up there so it goes from there to up here so all this from where that marker is in the pin straight up it's going to actually your property kind of goes right where the boat is going to go on the side of the boat straight up this is my property sheriff had to be called i need documentation legal documentation of everything that has happened and is continuing to happen for a future court are they home or do you know i don't know all right is that the survey marker right there uh survey marker is going to be right over here yes sir yeah yep fifty eight hundred dollars for a survey so it's already verified it's already submitted you have surveyed with you yes yes i do it's on my phone can you uh but if you're not a surveyor you're not going to be able to read the yeah no can you well just i want something documentation can you email that to me yeah i can give you the entire email or i can give you the entire survey is that way actually you want to see the video of him telling me that they're encroaching yeah whatever proof you have okay here's what that property i'm gonna show you the video of of him telling me that he's encroaching okay mcmillan mcmillan surveyor telling me that he's encroaching okay now you're liable for destruction of property as well what you're about to see is right back there so the pin that's what we just looked at inside the fence six seven feet in from the fence huh that's another pipe i believe that's russell with mcmillan you're listening that's russell right there russell that works for mcmillan yes sir very very interesting extra they're showing me all the encroaching now if you go oh i don't believe it this is us going to every single point this is mcmillan this is us going to every single point this is mcmillan is that is that him the survivor surveyor right there okay we went to every single point you're that's what you just watched you watched that one right there they encroaching he's showing it on the mouse and then he's showing the encroaching that is the survey that you just and when uh macmillan fell off talk to them no does anybody talk to them i did what'd he say that's when he got volatile but did he what do you say about you saying now that this is his property this is your property because of the survey this is where physical this is where threats started you got a video of that yes i do all right so i want to be very clear i never anticipated that they would be an issue at all they've been great neighbors until this point and then when i said i got the survey done and then we have an issue and then he blew up and then she came out she started talking about well i've already talked to this and i've talked to that never talked to me they already knew they were encroaching they already knew it was an issue never talked to me about it and then he blew up again i came back to say listen this is silly i'll have mcmillan come out triple check i already had him come out twice in check and then he blew up and then she unbeknownst to me i didn't know she was filming she came up and started filming and i'm gonna show you the clip it is it is so this is this is what day was this when was this this was saturday and i waited to consult with a lawyer this morning so this is him telling me off he just made physical threats you got it coming i'm going to get you you and the brother saying him stole the property that's the guy who lives there who i wanted no trespassing order on it's not going to stop at all if anything there's going to be more i'm not you cannot tell her to turn a camera off you have no legal right to tell her to turn the camera off no more than you have legal right now she came and started filming to protect me again and if i get a youtube video what about it this is the first time you've been recorded i didn't even ask her to do it tell me what i did i came to you politely and i'm coming to you politely and i'm telling you i will have the survey company come out again so you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna cop an attitude over what i gotta take all this yeah you have to you sold property brian okay so done so i'm telling you i will have mcmillan come out a third time you can talk to them so he's on my property right now you just told him this day right that he's the property they already knew they already saw the survey point so that's where he blew up and yeah i came to talk to him and said hey can we resolve this and they start blowing up tell me one thing i where's your started do you know it's some kind of sign company how's that my fault to get away from people brian how's that my fault i'm offering to have the survey company come again i'm not going back to ohio i'm offering to have the surveyor company come out again and talk to you so what he's what he's doing right now is that where he's he's taken yes and that's my property the gate down yes and that is my property that is my legal property you can do whatever she wants so if i wanted to right there when was it when was that gate put up though it doesn't matter when did you buy the property it was all solidified january 2021. and how did how did you buy the property without a they refused a survey that's probably wise now do you want me to schedule so you can talk to mcmillan what did i push all right so i'm offering one more time would you like to talk to the survey company oh my goodness so multiple times you're going to hear threats to me and the property they knowingly sold the property with encroachment issues they sold there's encroachment issues over there that i've already clarified and fixed with the other uh landowners let me ask you questions just so i'm clear on it when did you buy the property in january 21 what what what did you buy i bought 70 plus acres here all this here yes is all your all your property yes that's when it you know why they refused the survey i have no idea because they knew they were encroaching and they knew the neighbors on the other side were involved you should have a survey done exactly common sense but as you know already leaving common sense isn't that common let me ask you a question how long have they been here uh they rent or they own they i don't know either i don't know their personal business i do know that tina was one of the six kids that sold the property it was in his estate the parents estate sold the property they sold this property to you yes sir the family sold it to you yes sir and the legal points you just saw the legal points that is the legal parcel okay i can't have them on my project i understand i'll pursue everything else in civil court i just need that is your full-time residence this is is this are you asking homestead this is this is my full-time residence yes in ohio yes okay i've been here for five months now i haven't made this yet my full-time residence but this will become my full-time residence i also have a fencing company coming tonight to give me a quote on this at 5 p.m i don't want any issues with my fencing company if you have an issue just just call us back and we'll send you out tina and brian haley yes sir what is that anderson that is that is i believe says 4-0 it's it's something it's a zero something it might be 70 or 60 or 40 i don't know i can tell you they're getting enough property their po box is 127 in otter creek so this piece of property once was her parents right and then dad sold it to her and so now that's where you've got all this they're like well this this this and this no you sold peace property you sold a legal piece of property and now you're threatening me my life my family my property and the childishness that you're seeing there to uh you have the name for the surveyor yes mcmillan stephen steve steve mcmillan do you have a number um i can get you one really really can you send me the survey yes i can do that too how about i just send you the survey and it has his number in it that'd be fine and then you can contact him directly and we will go for the property the sale of the property was final on january what i don't remember the exact date but it was january but you bought this property from this family yes 250 000 cash okay it is a done deal okay here's the survey mcmillan i'm gonna forward this to you do you mind just double checking that that's it okay ordering that to you right now that is the survey that also has steve mcmillan's number that you can contact him does it have the date on the survey that when he done it all that i'm sure it does i'm sure it does it's a legal survey and the uh the date that the deed was recorded all that without that'll be on the auditor's site i don't know what it is right now i mean but it was january yeah january january i'm the legal owner you're gonna see the owner as hang your hat homes i am hang your hat homes it's a sole proprietorship that's me okay all right it's you don't know their work schedule i don't know their work schedule they were completely and totally the crazy thing is i had major issues with my other neighbors my other neighbors are now i corrected all those issues with them they're the good neighbors now and my good neighbors just on saturday went and flipped totally and went to bad neighbors okay i i don't even get it i don't understand it it's childish it's immature who i don't get it you say your friends guys coming back tonight tonight 5 p.m if you have an issue with him uh call get a deputy it won't be me i'm leaving at 3 o'clock but the information of this call will be entered so the deputy will know what's going on sure so he'll understand you know what's going on with this issue uh so it may take a day or so but i'll get back with you i'll give you a call sometime tomorrow morning probably prior to lunch and kind of let you know where we're going i want to make it very very clear i do not want them crossing on the line anything that's on the property line they're not to touch it's legally owned by me that is the law that is those are the bearings those are the points he's already done foolish things such as the flicking off of the hand if he would have hurt himself with the chainsaw i would have been liable for that i have a crew coming in next week to rip everything out and then i have the fence crew coming in in two weeks to put the new fence in okay all right thank you is that it that's it all right i'll get back all right appreciate it encroaching isn't the only can of worms you have opened up on you now now you got building code my buddy keith from four season fence where are you out of you're out of bronze bronson florida keith i got something to show you i remember when we were on the other side of the property you said you had never seen anything like that before right i got something else to show you today keith's coming out in two weeks to set up the fence on the other side of the property now keith this is the property line after the survey so the fence is fine here except the fence goes straight the property line goes at a pie shaped angle so we're gonna have to measure that out you got your wheel right yeah you all set with your wheel we're gonna have to measure that out and then we're gonna come across something that i don't think you've ever seen before let's go come across it all right let's let's figure it all out so guy next week he's gonna take all this out and then you can put in the fence at the same time that way you only do one thing and then it goes at an angle we're getting close you see it i see that you see it i don't know what the hell he's doing you see it so so check this out why is it getting there that used to be a gate yeah that used to be a gate not only that this used to be a gate on my property so now he's liable for destruction of property so not only has he made physical threats towards me my property and others on my property which he's liable as for as well now he's liable for destruction of property and i'm sure there's going to be a bunch more things uh it's just it's insanity how much hell am i going to catch or i couldn't run this fan uh you're not gonna catch any it's gonna be yanked out pulled out you're gonna run the next fence and i'll be there i'll be there i can have anybody else here you need here too i know you do you know i do and uh there'll be about five others here too so have you ever come on keith have you seen somebody ever mutilate a pole like that i don't even know why he was doing was he gonna cut some kind of a bear out of it or something you know here's the craziest part if he's on my property right he's doing this destruction of my property on my property kind of looks like a fish shooting a bird don't it kind of kind of looks that way so he's on my property destruction of my property if he would have taken that chainsaw and let's say he would have cut his leg off because he was so upset and so mad who's liable for that you would have been i would have been because he's on my property destroying my property and that's the insanity of all this by the way that stays i do not want that removed from the property that stays inside the fence line as a matter of fact it's going to be turned towards the other direction yep you can round it off we're going to finish it it's going that direction you know how hard it's going to be to turn that um i got a guy coming to do it next week wow you wanna know what the crazy part is the guy that's coming to do it so what i can do next week i can take the tree down we can get that out of the way 200 yeah about the same as the other so next week we'll get all we'll get all the work done and then mark we're going to be here around 12. yeah so you do it all at the same time so i'll have everything prepped and then you're going to go straight up on that angle we'll figure out we'll figure out where their flag started yeah straight line straight line on an angle i guess an option is i could charge them rent that way they're in a legally binding contract and that way they're covered under my insurance to actually be on my property but i got a feeling they are not going to pay done deal that's what i'll do done deal you know this plug right here is just no good well i'll pull all of this is getting pulled down everything is getting pulled out all the old fences i don't know where the hell they got all these telephone poles that but i don't know that's what they are yeah it'll all all get pulled out with the tractor this has to go too this is yours now it'll all get pulled down it's all on your property yep it belongs to you yep whether they put it up or not yeah it doesn't matter no it don't owner of the property that they had for hogs apparently yeah they had hog pen back here oh i know i understood why people cut like that he had to be fingering somebody you think it was me you think it was me it was a good possibility though you know what part of that is gonna it's gonna be on their property so i'll have to have them pull a string and then just cut the branches off so he might have to just come over here and go chop and then we'll haul that and you won't know until you pop yeah yeah all that's got to go yeah it's all coming out next week that's fig trees them are hard to get to grow down here yeah apparently it's growing well ain't going to be very much longer no no it's not are you gonna are you gonna attempt to fix his fence back when you tear it down uh so what what i'm gonna do i'm gonna have it all ripped out and then it's just gonna be removed right now they got it because you're not liable to put it back in i'm not liable to do anything right now they got a no trespassing order so i came to talk to them and uh i went very very uh politely to them and said hey survey's done they knew all about this beforehand so her her response to me was her response to me was i already talked to these people in the courts and i talked to this and they said i all i had to do was gift you the property and i'm like gift me the prop it is my property you're not gifting me anything on that side of the fence it already is my property i can't have you doing things like this over here i'm liable for it so they already knew all about it never came and talked to me i came and talked to them he got he got all hostile she started saying weird stuff and then he got even more bad words man i mean common respect is you know you have an encroachment issue you go talk to your neighbor you say hey we know we got an issue let's fix it but there was no respect whatsoever imagine that because they've had it so damn long they think he owned it that's what it is how long that fence has been there that's what it amounts to that this has been there 20 years probably probably longer probably as rusty as it is uh i i don't know about you but if i've ever worked for anybody and my employer gives me a paycheck and if it's not all there i have a little bit of an issue with that wouldn't you yeah yeah i don't know anybody that goes to an employer and goes uh i'm sorry but i don't know if anybody buys land and gets half of it away there you go there you go and and so anybody who goes oh jeremy jeremy it's not a really big issue you should just give them the land first and foremost number one they sold it and i don't know any of you out there in the youtube world who would ever give part of your paycheck back to your employer if they didn't give you what they owed you in whole they refused the survey when i made the offer for the property because they knew they had major issues major major issues over there and now they know that they as an issue here i see they fix that issue over there somewhat these guys are cleaning it and here's the crazy part i'm fighting one battle that they should have done beforehand before the property even went up for sale before the property even went up for sale that battle should have been fought by them and not me and now because they know they are an issue now i have another battle that i have to fight which is insanity and i'm not i'm not even going to fight it anymore you know there's not much of a fact well you know what i'm just going to let the courts take care of it you're in the right i got threats so now you got issues there that he's liable for i got destruction of property and i think the the list is probably going to continue oh man i've had threats here recently i'm telling you i had to put up a i had to put up a damn uh surveillance system hire the cops to come down to my house for the last couple of weeks or weekends to make extra trips down in my neighborhood to keep these people at bay i had to buy more weapons and put them in my house you want to you want to borrow my stump over there you want to put that in the up by the road you want to buy i got one i might go home cut it into a big bird we just got to push a few more things over there but the old posts are out everything's prepped everything's ready yeah i'm just going to charge you another grand theft auto knock it out knock it all out that's just for the hell of it i'm keeping that man that is staying here on the property for good but i've seen them on property before because they didn't know exactly where the property line was yeah at least think when you damn well would probably well they sold without a doubt these people lived here their whole lives and they act like they own it anybody thinking the same thing i'm thinking here pop calling the kettle black this right here this is what happens when common sense isn't common with most people all of this absolutely all of this could have and should have been avoided if a proper survey was accepted and done before the sale of the property but it wasn't because they knew there were encroachment issues your can of worms now you came on my property you threatened me it's one thing to threaten me i get threatened all the time i don't care i'm not scared no big deal but you threaten people that i love my friends my employees not okay you got one more chance to respectfully come and apologize and then i don't want to ever hear another word from you again and if you don't do what needs to be done i will you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 299,771
Rating: 4.8926721 out of 5
Id: 0yqkqsPcmJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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