BAD NEIGHBORS DID THIS TO ME ... Protecting Our Property ... I Bought An Abandoned Ranch

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that's pretty good what do you think one more right there [Music] that jog right there that's the angle so the pin the pin is what that's got to be a good six seven feet in from the fence huh so you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna cop an attitude over what you gotta take all this yeah you have to you sold property brian this right here this is what happens when common sense isn't common with most people this is where threats started you got a video of that yes i do all right and then this was done as well this is all on my property we're hiring somebody to come in and turn it around and face it towards them so they get the same message the day is finally here i didn't start this war with the neighbors but i fully intend on winning it the man i hired to remove this fence the myth the legend it's the in-law travis my main man you've been out here multiple times helping me on projects here at the ranch what is your relationship to my neighbor actually my uh my daughter she's married to their son uh josh haley great guy great family um i'm just really surprised as to what's going on right now travis what do you think about our new uh yard ornament here very very interesting but brian has some skills there is no doubt there has been some artistic skill very much attention and detail placed into this but i still think it's missing that extra so while you're working on the fence and prepping for the new fence coming in i'm gonna work on actually sculpting this so that we can adjust it and move it and turn it around here's what you got to do today travis and i know you're prepped and i know you're ready if we pull this all back off this old fence this old fence from this point over that's their property from this point over and that's my property so the actual pin is down there did you bring t post i i got supposed to get smacking the ground so we'll we'll actually put t-posts in the ground we'll run a string anything over this way we're going to remove that for the new fence to go in but do you see that behind you what is that well there's definitely an old pig pen behind you but do you see another string oh right here yeah there is there is definitely another string and it looks like what's that got to be three feet off the property line yep okay so uh we we don't know anything about that string that's been ran but we do know we have to run a string let's go look up at the front the front property pin as well you look right here this is the front property line so the old pin i don't know can you get down in that hole right there substitute george the old pin is right there but travis what's behind you over there that's the string okay so there's another string again we know nothing about the string nothing's been said to us about the string but that's got to be i'm guessing three feet off the property line right yeah i think so okay so about three feet off of the property line that means nothing to us that's somebody else's string that's not our property even even if we went well maybe that's the property line we would never just go that's the property line it has to be exact because we don't want to do anything to the neighbors that have been done to us and so we're going to be exact you got t-post you got a line i got stream you ready to pull let's start beating the poles in you got a youtube channel i do got a youtube channel what is your youtube channel what's it doing willis okay he has a youtube channel as well whatcha doing willis i'm gonna pin it in the comments make sure you check it out well i need something to go ahead and beat the poles in the ground with so i think that'll work we need something to actually beat in the ground that's a really big rod now travis everything we did today was completely and totally legal agree okay everything was legal uh just so we're clear i have a legal team that i go through everything with before i ever attempt anything travis i got the chainsaws for once i'm gonna be an artiste instead of a fartist and my hat's a little worn out right now but here's what it is it works i'm gonna do the same thing down here i'm gonna go ahead and put this post in right next to the original stake right here that's marked and now i'm gonna run a string see this here this is a hand or a fist now this was given to me by my good buddy lee flipping conky's adventure and it was for it's for scratching i think i think it's for scratching but he said this would probably be a really good model to to perfect the other piece of sculpture by the way brian the original artist has actually reached out to me and i'm going to share that with you today i'm going to share with you exactly what has happened and if we're lucky something else will happen here on the property today [Music] i'm going to run this string from the post that we just put in down there to the post down there and we gotta figure out which bushes we're gonna have to trim up um because the um the fence is gonna be going in here we're gonna trim some of these bushes yeah what i'm doing right now i'm cutting notches because what we're going to do is we're going to put the chain around this pick it up with the tractor tractor's over there and we're going to spin it around we have to maneuver through these um bushes right now and i get pretty getting pretty close good to go so i'm trying to get the fence up um and intact and i'm gonna roll it up and put all the posts and stuff over there on the brian's property so that they could have it back all right one down nine more to go legality is important but so is morality and i think that's important one of the things that travis and i talked about before even came out is i said i wanted to make sure that this did not cause any conflict in your family your response to me was it's basically hasn't caused anything oh there's still be useful all right two down many many more to go this is my model right here get to perfection another one all right so we're gonna get this out of here roll it up and give it back to brian [Music] [Music] last one for this section that's amazing now we're just gonna roll it up and give it back okay i just ran out of gas but i haven't ran out of artistic creativity so what i've done is i've started to get the actual mold on the fingers here and i've i've carved out the hand here so we're doing pretty good there getting the carve there and i had the i really had to improve the thumb i mean i expect more from a true artist i mean that thumb that's gonna be difficult i think once i gas up though i think i think this thing this thing someday when i'm dead and gone this might be worth millions a hails of a lot of money hails of a lot of money right there you know like you said there's an issue here that i think it could have been treated a little bit differently uh my hopes is that uh you know the hayleys can shake hands be friendly neighbors and go back to how it was when you guys moved here okay so we got the string running all the way down the property line and at about this point is where it goes back to tina and brian's side so we're just going to go ahead and stop the fence right here and um that'll be it all right got her all lubed back up so jeremy seems to be having fun what about you oh i'm having a blast yeah love it work i love work sounds like he's doing a lot of work over there actually he does sound like he's doing a lot of work [Music] [Music] a few more to go [Music] [Music] you really know how to work a pole okay there we go now okay there's the tip of the finger there's kind of the knuckles right there uh by the way you fans you had a great idea painting this thing with glow-in-the-dark paint it's gonna get painted we're getting there it's getting closer man this is the most creative i've actually felt in i think years [Music] ran out of gas again but it's really coming along i like the pinky i like the ring finger here i'm working on the thumb and uh well i guess wait would that be okay yeah that would be the pointer finger right there so i'm working on that currently but um it hurts it honestly it kind of hurts doing this this would be like me having to repaint the mona lisa but sometimes if if you want to get a job done and you want it done right you got to do it yourself [Music] that's the last bit right here we're going to get rolled up put over there for brian and let's just hope it comes to shakes jeremy's here [Music] not too bad where'd my model go there's my model there's my model from conkey and um this is what i can do with the wood that's left i mean it's hard for one artist to follow another artist if all the materials aren't there so i got really good over here but the thumb unfortunately the thumb was just done all wrong but i still have detail right here that thumb there's the there's the nail i might touch it up just a bit more just a bit and then we're to pull it up we're going to turn it around you won't believe what brian had to say i'm going to share that with you too i will say jeremy's turning quite the artiste i think brian's got his work cut out for him with the art just about completed what we've got to do now see this here's the line right here so we've got to cut some of this out i'm going to come back with the chainsaw we're going to get this out travis is going to pull this post out that's the last post for the fence that he actually has to pull out so he's working on that now the big stuff goes down over here this entire rose bush is on my property so we're going to try and save the rose bush we're going to put a chain around it pull the whole route up look at that rose every rose has a george by the way that's george's mom's name rose and she's got five no six georgia's because of her husband too so we're gonna try and save that but then the big big big boy we got the actual gate post this is a telephone pole and there's no telling how deep it is in the ground we're gonna get the tractor [Music] now some of you may be thinking jeremy we see you restorage the love we see you do things for people all of the time why aren't you just gifting the property and those of you that are thinking that hey good question but you don't realize what it takes to actually sub-parcel property which would mean a whole other survey which means i have to pay more money now i want you to comprehend this acreage here in otter creek sells on the high end for 3 000 an acre i paid over 3 600 an acre i overpaid for what i purchased then i had to pay for the survey and you may be thinking why didn't you get the survey before you actually bought the property 5800 is why you gonna put fifty eight hundred dollars up and then have nothing i know if i pay for the survey and there's encroachments they're legally responsible i get the property i do the survey and then we fix the situations and they've had every opportunity to fix the situation could i gift them the property yeah it's going to cost me thousands upon thousands of dollars to give them a little piece of pie worth maybe i don't know 50 bucks they're not going to pay for it neither am i travis you dug this rose bush out by hand yeah vicious and delicious you know all right it's on my property but the reality is it may have sentimental value to them i'm not a mean vindictive person and if if it has sentimental value look at there's beautiful rose buzz already i'm gonna you know what here look yeah there's roses on it right there uh travis if you don't mind do you mind taking that on over to their property we'll just go right over there by the fence and we'll make sure if they want it they got it if they don't want it that's okay too there we go [Applause] all right glenn go up later [Music] oh my gosh [Applause] this is gonna break it it's probably gonna break that little post was that far down in the ground the big post is next we can only imagine we've been told it's maybe 10 plus feet down check it out travis is getting it ready right now i don't even want to know what this post is going to be like a little that one should pull right up really yeah all right wrap it yeah i mean vicious and delicious might be able to do this one big whole big chain try that [Music] oh my god [Music] oh man oh it's moving the tractor [Music] [Music] there it is there it is that's vicious and delicious approved i think how tall are you my wife is say six three but i'm 6'4 when i stand up straight up here we go hold on good job now for the piece of art [Music] okay yeah i know i'm like what are you doing came out what do you think right there exactly i think you're working i think that's that's pretty good what do you think a little more right there i'll think back a little bit back how far back a little bit this way the other way right yeah i need vicious and delicious you ready yeah there we go right there okay all right i'll drop it you said it i just want to see him oh man nice campfire [Music] all this artwork i'm not mean i'm frankly i'm not even upset i think any of our viewers know that george and i we can find humor in absolutely anything and and i love it i think this is humorous i've reached out multiple times with the olive branch and brian finally responded and i'm about to show you exactly what he said although i don't know how he's going to respond to this because he's literally gonna be looking at it from his back porch it's been a tremendous blessing to find guys like travis here in florida as we've transplanted from ohio appreciate your friendship yes sir and your hard work make sure you check out his youtube page what is it what you doing willis brian did message me through our facebook what the hails and if you're not connected yet feel free to follow us there on facebook and he sent a message monday night as i got home from ohio it says hey jeremy this is brian haley i just wanted to let you know i've gotten some wood fence to install on my side of the property line now that i know exactly where it's at alfred that's mr clark alfred and i installed that fence almost 20 years ago when i was renting the house from him and still lived down south and at that time he owned all the property there was a tree line there was a time where he said he would just meet up the fence at the corner i always thought it was a little off didn't realize how much this is crucial here i apologize for my behavior that's what i asked for right that's what he did he apologized for his behavior and then he goes on to say i actually do not like confrontations especially with my neighbors i'm usually pretty laid back and i try to get along when you came up like you did it must have pushed a button i'm usually not like that we will stay on our property to install the new fence i would like to cut my cactus sculpture down but i do not want to go on your property now this is my response to brian okay i appreciate your apology and as such i'm no longer going to pursue legal action remember the entire family the six kids are legally liable for not disclosing two encroachments selling the property and brian's legally liable for destruction of property but i'm not pursuing that because all i wanted is to make things right an apology move forward be done i expect your apology and as such i will no longer pursue legal action we will respect your property and stay on our property as well the fencing on our side of the property will be taken down this week new fencing will be installed six inches off the boundary line as is standard may 12th please leave the sculpture it's now a piece of the history of the property i absolutely understand if you're not willing but i think it's a good gesture if we make amends on film shaking hands and letting bygones be bygones i have absolutely no intention of being anyone's enemy we want peace just as much as anybody else please let me know can we have closure in person man-to-man brian i'm waiting to shake your hand bye
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 362,686
Rating: 4.8201537 out of 5
Id: rZcesxJOFA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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