NEW RECORD WIN Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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you who said we could go home i said what now you said i could have ice cream i said what now burgers french fries bring about i also said elvis that's number one on my list what's number two elvis no rule number one i am number one rule number two elvis is number two now we're getting somewhere with you starting off with 25 in quarters check this out george i don't know if 25 and quarters is gonna do it this is insane this is like the great wall of quarters yeah but but you actually could walk up it it's like a mountain going up and if you look over the back of it it's a mountain going down this is this is either crazy a good idea or a bad idea okay the the danger if anything falls off to the sides we're the only ones here right now but the danger is if anything falls off to the sides i don't think you can go left because look at the front look at the front lip what do you see nothing exactly you have to go right if you're gonna get any coins back get that domino effect going there is a bag back there as well because there's a black bag in the back there is a bag the payout for this better be good i i feel like this is straight up gamble right now i can't even but it was the only one that wasn't played out yet and i think we're gonna find out wow i probably should have went home um when uh when in doubt uh work it out right i should learn when to go home oh my god i just saw some in the front move a little bit oh my goodness it's pushing it out something did something actually did move up front or moving you're gonna have to try and get enough quarters to fall to do some damage they're jamming they are jamming you might have to go to the left they are definitely centered let's go center the rope is making everything jam right now yeah there's a rope in there it just moved a little bit everything just moved a little bit this is a good sign you got quarters falling always a good sign yeah i agree that's a good sign if i don't have quarters dropping soon oh did you see that thing move okay yes i did see it i didn't see it i see a quarter on the edge just wanting to fall in order one lonely quarter wanting to fall in all the way left all the way left you're going to go all the way left yeah it looks like you're going middle it looks like you're going yeah but if you don't get any quarters you're not going to get any quarters on the left everything's jammed on the right yeah but that's where the quarters are babe it may be jammed on the right but that's the only place anything's going to fall it's it's trying it's trot oh yeah yeah probably this is another video we're not gonna be able to show do you wanna just quit now might as well play all my quarters yeah play your quarters ah oh it just moved [Music] i don't i would really be going to the right i don't know i just saw it shift i just saw it shift oh my god i just saw it shift again i saw it shift again me too something good something good better happen oh i saw a shift no joke no joke no joke is shifting [Music] [Music] this is intense this is so intense i'm not if i'm not if i don't win anything i'm not doing another buy-in we should i'll just take you home your middle actually went out believe it or not your middle went out oh how many more quarters do you have um probably about two handfuls but remember i got small hands you do have small you have frequently small hands yes yes not that small oh i mean you have unfreakishly small hands you have unfreakishly babe i'm telling you i really think right is the right way on this one or you're not going to get any quarters if you don't get quarters you're not in look your chant yet unjammed you you're dropping some now you're dropping something good shift good shift shift just happened running out of borders but yeah but you're dropping them because you went back to the right i'm down to three down to three do it to the right you got to do it to the right because you got something right on the edge come on baby okay anything else all right let's pull all four quarters of that dropped [Music] that's more than the dollar i thought you got shout out to eva though for making me a lucky bag she is the most creative person i think we've ever uh not met in person one day she's like the vinci of the youtube world oh you're almost you're almost forgetting some you're almost getting some to drop you got to make them count here we go oh you got one you got one you actually have some on hanging over on the edge you got something you got something here we go making some moves now you actually are kind of back in it i think you're making something happen whatever is happening you're making it happen something better happened because i only have 12 dollars in quarters just be strategic be careful oh here we go you're getting something to drop borders are dropping something is happening look at the edge oh wow i cannot believe what is going on the base of this thing is the the the area to the right the area to the to the right is literally floating it's actually floating over the edge if you can get a good enough my heart is palpitating i'm out of breath i did you're on your meds still right i'm having a hard time breathing right now yeah but you still have your meds going on right yeah which by the way that's why you get nauseous it's not because of morning sickness but yeah these new heart meds my cardiac specialist put me on one of the side effects has been nauseousness and dizziness i thought it was just when she was around me she got so dizzy but apparently that's that's the side effect of being around her i just dropped you order oh you just drop some quarters in the actual hopper drop the last quarter you ready to pull yeah elvis is i saw something happen he was singing for you i was like okay you gotta go now you go now oh you got a couple to fall that's good that's good here we go here we go here we go here we go something's definitely happening try not to vomit george something is definitely happening why am i talking in the third person why are you what why am i talking in the third person why do you do anything in the third person i just thought it was because you were weird that was my take at first i thought it was excitement that's making me queasy [Music] living that crazy life it's definitely hanging over the edge oh my goodness you just think it's gonna fall back you need a monster push [Music] i don't have enough ammo to rapid fire either so i gotta drop off oh you just dropped it like it was hot and the biggest danger drop it like it's hot you don't drop it with caution here we go here we go oh my goodness george oh my goodness george oh my goodness smells like a dominoes what i just saw that was so awesome okay breathe breathe oh my gosh something else is about to happen i think you should go go to the left now go to the left anything it moved it definitely moved all right this is getting exciting we better pull i did pretty good for ammo this round 131 what were you down to like 10 12 12 12 is what she was down on the left i think that's a pretty good plan hit it left and see if you can do exactly what you did to the right i mean really it's like it's like pulling a string on somebody's clothing if you can unravel it watch it unravel oh my goodness did you see that thanks you owe me a root beer float okay you owe me a burger fries ice cream i'm gonna mountain dew yeah i'll take a mountain dew i don't mind that what about a mountain dew float have you ever had one no but i could imagine i've never had one it doesn't sound like it would taste that great i've had a coca-cola float which has a different name to it [Music] i saw it moving [Music] this is crazy this is so crazy [Music] oh look at that gold barn it's creeping it's crazy on my side george something is happening what if what if that wall falls backwards and it hits that gold into the plane that would be awesome how amazing would that it yeah especially since we didn't have to pay for the goal going for the gold you got to be careful if you're gonna if you're gonna get that thing here we go if you're gonna get that thing you were close i thought you were going to get it to hit and knock it in something's going to happen i thought for sure you get it to fall and push that goal [Music] it was a beautiful beautiful structure and of itself and now what's happening this is like george and the battle of jericho george won the bottle of jericho jericho oh wow okay breathe for a second breathe for a second let's let it do its work let's see for a second i'm gonna take a timeout and stretch my arms out stretch my fingers out all right stretch my back a little bit is there any way to get that goal oh my gosh it's gonna fall is there any way to get that cold you're the better trick shotter than i am look it's still pushing it's still pushing it's still pushing and elvis is singing oh this is my favorite part just letting the pusher do its thing i don't have to do anything it's gonna fall and stuff just falls look at this look at this here we go here we go this is the crazy part because this is what happens when we go to pool the vibration and there you see just like that magic moves just like that so often when we go to pool that's exactly what happens that's what happens when you look away and playing do you think there is any way but getting the rest of that to fall to swoop in that gold bar i don't know i'm doubting my skills right now come on we got to think of something [Music] something [Music] [Music] here we go quarters here we go here we go here we go okay victory is mine george and i with that mystery bag though it ain't mine yet i can't think of anything anything that would try and get the gold except for trick shots and even then it's gonna be hard i don't think a trick shot i don't think a quarter is gonna get gold that's a heavy heavy piece [Music] although the rust the rust has kind of moved out of the the king everything is well oiled [Music] you got this girl nice push [Music] just don't think trick shots are gonna do it what do you think you're gonna have like dollars in order maybe even seven hundred it's actually there's gonna be a record the shoot is so full with quarters right now it's jamming up to the top because we haven't emptied it it's jamming you see it jamming look it's jamming that's how fearing it is oh wow wow and here i just thought it was a burger fries and ice cream you just dropped you just dropped a mystery bag you dropped the mystery bag that's a big bag that's a big bag right there i hope it's a bag of tricks i thought you were using your full bag of tricks on this one what's the most you've ever been down to can you remember and then made a comeback on quarters you were down to one quarter and made a comeback yeah are you serious yes why don't i remember that because you have the bad memory oh i have the bad memory in this relationship what were we talking about exactly do you remember the most amount of quarters you have ever won i think today will be a record for sure i can't remember the amount either it's like we went to florida and i forgot everything yeah your rain it's like a big blur to you everything that occurred in ohio is one big blur to you because now florida's this new chapter in your life florida is where you don't want to look back you're not trying to look back new year new state who [Music] you know what you've made these quarters rain so much i made it hail i'm just i'm not even in awe anymore i'm just like yeah okay she's making further smoke [Music] i have a feeling it was all of our friends at home shaking [Music] there's no other explanation [Music] i mean my quarter drop game is pretty good but it ain't that good so the folks shaking at home big shout out to you that's where it's at all right give me your guess what's in the mystery bag i don't know i said bag of tricks i wish you could have got that mystery bag on that last one that one looked like a probably gold [Music] and you know you love shiny things gold is where it's at oh look at that [Music] wave after wave [Music] so what's your guess it's a surfboard saying the mystery bag has a surfboard didn't you yeah a surfboard you pour water on it and it's like have you gone surfing before i attempted to with a boogie board does that count well hence the word surf not boogie but you technically you are surfing on a boogie board aren't you really boogieing on a boogie board or is that what you do when you're digging jeremy when's the last time you saw me eat a boogie like an hour ago false and i was hungry because we haven't gone to eat yet you saved it because it was a snacky snack for you because you like eating my boogers dream on dream on youtube you're the one you're the one making this stuff up i'm just going with your flow i don't want to interrupt your flow barbie for me to interrupt your flow when you go on like this you told me you told me to taste like albany's gummies that's what i told you that's why you eat you must have got a you must have got a chewy slimy one not a hard crusty one speaking of albanese are we ever going to go to the factory yeah do you want to go tonight sure we gotta go in the opposite direction [Music] well we can go [Music] actually we could probably do it we could go around the state we could we could go around the state [Music] so we just go we go up around at peru take us a while to get there that's for sure it'll be worth the drive yeah it would be worth it sherbert that's probably our favorite huh yeah who was who was the viewer that sent us sherbert once and we fell in love with sherbert we didn't even know they made them and now we love them no we love them remember when i got sherbet rainbow sherbet fudge from amish country and you eat it all yeah i ain't dumb you can't let that stuff you can't let that stuff sit around and go bad it'll go bad for one week no it started to go hot it started to go hard yeah it started to go hard and i saved it i saved it forward to that last bite you would have been eating a brick i saved it from being bricked [Music] and i'm i'm very proud that i did save that fudge from me and frank it would have been fudges not meant to be a rock hard solid brick it's meant to be soft and moist and make your tongue all tingly inside well you know what i didn't get to experience that because you ate it all by yourself you saved me none of it and it was so good i ate all the root beer too but you want to blame me for your weight gain yes you were the one that bought it yeah i bought it for myself i got you the room here fudge you know if you're not around i don't buy groceries so i don't eat because i'm too lazy you don't know how to eat a real meal i don't buy groceries i don't like to go shopping i don't like to spend money make shopping you know i don't like to spend money [Music] on food tractors are different and gators gators are different oh my goodness look how close that bag is for you don't you start on gators that gator was all for you i wanted to get you a four wheeler you're like no yeah but that gator was like an awesome investment because it's a utv that's actually practical for around the ranch [Music] we can pick up garbage because the previous owners left so much garbage on the property we can throw it in the back and dump it oh my goodness here we go you think it's going to fall yes it's about to fall that quarter just the porter fell off of it it's got to fall it's nearing the edge it's daring are you gonna tell me what you think is in the bag oh my goodness here we go well that was a great wall of china i'm gonna say snow is the great ball it's a great wall of quarters i'm gonna say it's a quarter horse it goes with the quarter theme the quarter horse that or if it's from china if it was a wall from china oh it's hanging then it might be it might be chopsticks it might end up getting stuck if it's hanging like that that that's like a bag of uh lay's chips it looks like it's mostly air because weight would have taken it down [Music] sing it to me all right i'm down to four quarters better make it count you better make it count i take that back i'm down to three [Music] [Applause] quarters i don't even know what just happened [Music] what just happened oh my goodness this definitely is my record and 1022.75 cents in quarters you're positive it's a new record wow and george doesn't want to go for more quarters no way what was your guess i guess the surfboard that uh that grows when you pour water on it what was your guess i don't remember ever actually having to guess i think i was hoping for gold it's got some weight to it it's gold then it's got to be gold it's definitely got weight to it yes i got four casino chips yeah that's not bad it's not gold but it's still good i guess we're staying to [Music] play [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 269,864
Rating: 4.9252553 out of 5
Id: CHz6USH6-Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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