COPS CALLED US / UNSOLVED MURDER / I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Storage Wars

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[Music] his wife was the prime suspect of his disappearance and what they believe murder so this just gets crazier and crazier they couldn't find this man or his vehicle they finally actually they give a certificate of death because they couldn't find him [Music] yeah anything we found in connection to the murder or to the unsolved i i suppose unsolved since you haven't found the body yet correct so anything we found in that storage unit connected to that you would have saw in the actual in the actual video but uh i know i know it would have been a while ago what happens on facebook is is old videos get regurgitated up onto facebook and so so that anything that we knew in regards to that murder mystery or again i apologize unsolved unsolved missing person assumed to be murdered you would have saw it that was the sheriff department that is that was actually the lead investigator from a sheriff department in a missing person's expected murder of an individual that has been missing for over 20 years we bought that storage unit [Music] moms and dads and other adult figures we're a family channel we always have been always will be but there is very sensitive subject matter today in this video i'm warning you ahead of time it'll be at the end and if you don't want the kids to hear probably a good idea to watch this later without them heads up but don't worry i'm not showing anything graphic although the subject matter is somewhat graphic [Music] back at the warehouse ready to get at it yet again with the grandma unit that george actually bought this past weekend that had the katana sword in it from highlander we now have two of those swords and i don't know what else is in there so let's dig in together but before we do just a couple things i got to get done first everything that from that unit is either it's either donated it's either garbage shredded personal you know any any personal information that that stuff is all destroyed uh or sold so everything is gone i wouldn't even be able to get anything back for you guys it's another friday morning which means goodwill is here for their donation pickup when you deal in tons of volume you've got to move tons of volume and so we can make money by selling things we can actually make money by donating things so we get a tax deduction all of this here has to go in there so once you guys pick this all up what happens to it so from here we take the donations back to our central warehouse we actually sort the donations uh so for our purposes they're either wares meaning not clothes or their clothes so we separate my clothes or wears and then from there our stores and our five stores in our area order them as they need them and we ship them out to the stores that's fantastic thanks for picking up fellas absolutely thank you all right finally we can get to the unboxing after we got everything else done this is what we still have this is what george came to call the grandma unit because we found so many sewing machines and there's one there's one there's one and there's three more in there and we have no idea what's going to be in here so let's dig in let's have some fun unboxing today so many of our viewers and subscribers are interested in sewing machines there's four of them here so there's a singer with the case here's another singer with a case and it's going to get a little bit bumpy here here's another singer with the manual i did find the manual that's a fashion mate here is a kenmore with some sewing supplies as well so i thought the first thing we would do is actually show the sewing machines and there's probably more of them in there and then i'm sure we're going to get a plethora of sewing supplies we're going to call this grandma bertha i've already figured out what her name is and it's not bertha but to protect the innocent grandma bertha's unit let's take a peek in the chicken or rooster basket here looks like we have all things wait hold a second look at that it looks like this piece is supposed to come out no maybe it's just tucked for the fabric so we've got all things sewing and embroidery and everything else related hey look at this look at this is that real the jack yeah it is it's the japanese government one dollar the japanese government so we just found we just found old money japanese government money in there that is cool you see it okay i'll set that aside show george that later here is i'm gonna have to go through all of this because the older generation they hid money everywhere and so it's gonna be in intense look at this look at that that pin topper or pin stopper i don't know what you would call it let's just move this around here okay more stuff in here lots of fabric different fabrics we know she was quilting so you know there look there's some of the the quilt work stuff stuck inside there too what is this this is a magnifying glass yeah there's gonna be stuff hidden everywhere oh man i can't wait to go through all this oh thank you grandma bertha all right here's another the hinges there let's look here we've got a ton we've got a ton of thread would you call that thread or string and there's buttons in the bottom and there's some papers in the bottom too i just need their designs looks like they're maybe embroidery designs okay i'm gonna set that aside that looks cool here's a bag of yarn so we got a ton of yarn right there here's a yarn basket so a bunch of yarn here as well and again i'm gonna have to go through this with a fine tooth i'll show you quickly on the video but then i have to go through everything once i set it aside here's another little caddy so let's just see yeah you got you got all kinds sewing everything in these caddies so this is another sewing caddy which you know maybe if we're lucky there's some old money in there too let's see what's in this bottom one that releases it a bunch of bobbins bobbins huh cool stuff upon closer inspection this says the japanese government promises to pay the bearer on demand one dollar now i've been to japan i helped establish christian camp there and money didn't look like this i can't see anything identifying as far as dates i did not scan with google translate which is something i would typically do to try and chat to translate the japanese to actual english anybody else have any insight seen anything like this before let me know in the comments see what else grandma bertha has here we've got looks like little red riding hood although yeah the eyes are working i know you can't see well you count a little bit there the camera is on an angle pointing down on the trailer but looks like she probably quilted the dress i mean this is just a huge huge dress for a little dowel and will not go any further than that but i bet she made that set that aside we got a rose collection i know somebody named rose uh let's see we've got a rose collection this is this is a baby so the baby's supposed to be crawling baby still has all the bubble wrap baby has a blanket as well and let's see oh we i think we got a name certification of authenticity limited edition this is part of the rose collection this is ann that is ann so i don't think anne got out of the box very much and probably that's all right so ann you're going to go back in the box until we can figure out what to do with you and over here's a box as well and we've got some books in here we've got greatest historical novels now one of the things we're going to do specifically with this unit we're going to look through every single page of every book because this is grandma's unit wow look at that brand new oh that is the beautiful leather that's that's nelson publishing right there brand new large print yeah we'll have to go through every single page that's beautiful just to make sure no money was hidden another box here this one i'd have to take the camera up a little bit this one says dowels and we got tape i got to get my knife i'll be right back i go go find a knife it might take me a little bit i found a knife just remember size does not matter well when you have a knife so here we go we'll get inside here and see what grandma bertha has hidden in here definitely took care of stuff things were very very nicely taken care of we've got prime let's see yeah this is that's family photos we're not gonna show that we've got well let's see if we got the actual dowels i'm not sure who that is and this is taco bell this is a large one i get these a little bit here and there but this is a large one i've never gotten that one that big this is an angel and the angel the angel is actually missing a leg oh found the leg but we're good found the leg we have some other babies in here as well with eyes let's just go real quick see what else we can find because we're looking oh oh puppy we found another pound puppy yeah yes okay pound puppies are worth quite a bit of money nowadays they are extremely collectible this one's dirty this is the second pound puppy i've found in a storage unit i just found one like last week and it's been 20 years and all of a sudden i find two i haven't found any in forever there you go that was great that was an awesome find and i'm not sure about that man i wish it would have just been labeled pound puppies and this all right this is a little freaky d oh wait there we go oh no wait this side gets even weirder one or two in the comments let me know do you prefer one or two the face of this baby one of the questions we get asked all the time is do former owners actually see their items up for sale on ebay or craigslist or facebook marketplace see this hoosier cabinet behind me i bought the unit for 80 ashland ohio guess what i'm very open that i hire individuals and i pay them commission on what they sell so this morning somebody contacted an employee on facebook marketplace and said hey that's my cabinet that's mine i had it in storage at ashland guess what i bought it in ashland so yes people do see and people will contact you things are getting crazier she's now saying that it's her huger cabinet she has the receipt for it and she's she's asking how in the world can that be your bosses so here we go this is going to be this is going to be interesting there's another cool little box and she has got all kinds of quilting look at that all kinds of cuts and quilting cuts and wow you name it i mean she had it prepped pinned prepped all kinds of stuff look i wonder i wonder if we're gonna find you know the quilt that this actually goes to that would be cool oh look at this here let me i wonder if that's grandma bertha right there old school picture oh we got some hidden things down here look at that we got some extreme sweet breath well let's see what we can do i mean can't be all that old right oh my brother's up there right now so we'll see whoa oh man that is extreme not an extreme oh god or cool little thimble number 10. oh that tastes like mothballs um this is not the best extreme stuff i've ever eaten that's hideous this one says sewing and i've gotta cover up the address we gotta still have our local knife remember don't cut to the sausage cut away from the sausage so i was safe though don't worry safety first this one actually says sewing on it and come on away from the sausage that says boy six months what is this this is just fabric fabric look at that steelers this is just going to be a ton of prepped fabric for quilts look at it oh look there's little baby baby bibs too i wonder if she was gonna make a quilt out of them jeans for quilts this is just everything for sewing it goes all the way to the bottom all the way all stacked up prepped and prepared for those that were starting to wonder i promise you this entire unit is not going to be just sewing and quilting so we found this box it says food and i haven't eaten it's almost four o'clock i didn't have lunch today i had an apple for breakfast let's see what we can eat we got pancake mix we got some suddenly pasta white rice mashed potato three things of mashed potatoes hamburger helper that might help something else that's probably sugar come on give me something seasoned salt quick bread hey that'd be nice if i could cook and bake and make something we got starch we didn't score we've got a big random box here and the good news is there's money in the bottom of it so we may if we're lucky because maybe grandma bertha was actually born and living around then which is my guess we may actually find our 1943 copper penny that we've been on a constant quest for i don't know i'm not seeing it there let's look let's look here and no before anybody even asked i didn't plant this money you find money in units all the time well i'm not seeing it [Applause] let's keep moving hopefully we find something that i have to edit out of this video all right oh look at this something better than money my first love do we dare oh my goodness look at this um the first love was jeremy that's sweet all right we've got a ton of stuff here that's all personal got red allowed classics we'll have to go through that over here we've got man just a lot of sorting a lot a lot of sorting that's probably for an aquarium anything that was blocked out like you mentioned there was keys and there was and that that would have been personal names so whenever whenever we buy a storage unit i don't even remember how long ago that was that had to be maybe two years ago or something like that one of the things i always share with you is there's a story in every unit and grandma bertha story is getting very twisted as i'm gonna show you and i'm not gonna show you all the details but foul play death and murder was a part of it which is one of the reasons why i always always encourage you never ever ever reach out and contact former storage unit owners with your information if you're going to reach out to them it has to be anonymous because you don't want to put yourself in an unsafe situation let's look at some of the newspaper articles clippings next case with a newspaper article i have stacks and stacks of newspapers about this disappearance break found in the 1999 case a local man disappeared five years later they received a break he and his motorcycle his truck all gone and they believe foul play murder so this just gets crazier and crazier they couldn't find this man or his vehicle they finally actually they give a certificate of death because they couldn't find him and all they know is he was filing for divorce and all they know is he completely disappeared never to be found again and all that stated is foul play they absolutely believe foul play was a part of this this got real somber real quick because i found all of this legal paperwork so basically the family filed and they don't want their brother's stuff to be sold because right here his wife was the prime suspect of his disappearance and what they believe murder and maybe you're thinking right now jeremy why would you even share this with us well i questioned whether i should or not but i've always operated letting you know every aspect of this business if you're going to get into it and these are the things that are guttural painful make you sick to your stomach when you read them so this is the last piece of paper i'm reading i can't take it anymore if there was anything that would have helped the investigation any further we would have submitted that to you guys nothing i don't have anything anymore it if we you what you saw in the video that's what we had in connection to the missing person potential murder [Music] yeah that's all well sure yeah yeah just just keep in mind that anything that we did have it's all gone and so no i get it yeah okay that sounds great all right my friend hey have a good day thank you all right thank you bye-bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 137,614
Rating: 4.9344716 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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