COPS CALLED! Everything STOLEN By Previous Tennant!! Abandoned Storage Unit! Grimes Finds

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are we gonna get an explanation or anything well that's the thing I have no idea I well didn't we should call the police instead thankfully in the state all right guys so here's what's going on in this video I want to do one of two things I want to protect the customers in here so we're not gonna show his face and we're definitely even though I'm not convinced the manager didn't have anything to do with it we're definitely not gonna show her either and we do not want to show the address because we don't want anything done because there's just too much to speculate on but I do have some ideas of what was going on here which I'll explain more in a second but so what's going on right here is after she rushed off she came back straight in the office and basically she really tried to force a felt very forced like very quick get out of here tried to give us a refund and I just say yeah I did talk to her and I asked her if she was concerned so anyway she's on the phone with the district manager and she doesn't have really much concern but so as I'm standing there waiting for her to get off the phone I notice a couple things if you look at the screen right there the cameras off okay that was that not two to two out there right but look over to the other camera and what you're going to notice is that one's not offline but if you'll wait here just a second it's coming up and it actually looks like the camera right there it looks like it's obstructed it looks like the view has something over it so look a lot to speculate I don't know what's going on but I chose just to walk away from the situation and chose not to do anything because look time is money and I got time for it so hey onto the rest of the video alright guys so here it is so again I didn't plan on buying anything else but I do in a regular habit and building my routines I get up in the morning I checked the auctions and I saw this one out here in Louisville which is not too incredibly far from us but I thought it was a fantastic unit it's a 10 by 20 ok obviously you can see that I want it for four hundred and eighty dollars okay and that's today's day so it was today but I didn't plan on by him but sometimes if something's just so good why would you pass it up I felt like this was walking down the sidewalk and seeing a hundred dollar bill in the freaking ground and alls I had to do was reach down and pick it up to make a little money and so that's how I felt about this unit so let me pop this up and just kind of show you why I bid what I did and why I didn't want to pass up on it okay so again it's a ten by twenty and one of the things when profiling units that you want to do is you want to know your areas right is it is it a is it a poor areas at a rich area right how did the houses look simple right you can actually look up online like average incomes and things like that in areas and that'll tell you for the most part what the units are gonna look like and I'll usually do that before I go and runs or go out to places I'll look at how much the average income is in higher income areas usually yield better units so anyway look this I don't know if you can see it very well because of you notice how the reflection everything there but look everything was wrapped up super nice okay let me go over here click on this one okay look at this furniture right here okay look that's a nice table lots of nice clean boxes that they paid for furnitures all wrapped up nice and neat look at this more furniture look look definitely looks like older furniture but it's super clean super nice everything looks like it was taken care of okay and then on this side of the unit okay look there's more boxes there's a whole I think that's a double stack of boxes and then you go over here to this side of the unit and look at this more clean boxes and lots of furniture wrapped up taped up super clean and then up here at the other side of the front you this is a long 10 by 20 more boxes look stacks the boxes back here it's like four deep it looks like three or four deep about four high ISO a lot of clean boxes look the furnitures I mean just wrapped up nice and neat so check it out so Gina is inside paying we're gonna pop this open in just a second and show you what it looks like other than that we'll be right back [Music] all right guys so I'm back jeana's in the car sorry for my mood tell you why in a minute she just went in and paid for it we're actually going back up to the office because the manager just took us to the unit that great unit that I just showed you on storage treasures first of all she needs to slow down I know she's upset because there she's not she told jeana's she's not supposed to be working because it her husband's birthday so she's upset some doesn't make sense I feel like she might be making this up her reaction right there did not make sense she wasn't even shocked that the door was opened when she walked up to it so what I think I might do is call the police because she just basically walked up when she walked in the unit door that we just purchased I'm still so dumbfounded by this what are you doing here so she was she should have slowed down but anyway so we just got up to the unit and either the previous unit or the way that she's behaving is making me think something else but we'll find out we're about to go in the office but either the previous owner anyway all this stuff was emptied the unit was swept clean all of the stuff was gone that we purchased at auctions so anyway I'm really upset right now because we just drove out here to Louisville for this auction we bought it we paid for it and then we come up in her reaction walking up to the door I should have been filming but it wasn't even shocked like the door was like two feet off the ground and she just raised it up and then oh my god all right I'm gonna have to refund you and then she literally hopped on the cart and took off without even waiting for say anything to us and just left us in here so something doesn't seem right and we're we're gonna go in and find out what's going on but I'm fairly upset if it did the owners did come back there's nothing the property could have done about it but anyway I said you should call the police but anyway I might because legally that was my stuff now anyway we'll be right back all right guys so we are about are you looking up the other place all right so there was so because we came out here I'm sorry I'm very frustrated because we came out here there's another place not too far from here that are really cheap unit looked pretty good promising and it said anyway I luckily I purchased that one so this isn't a total loss but I did turn off the camera one I want to be respectful but I basically so it was just chaotic and that's what I just ended up telling away right I told her she just basically we walked in there and she tried to hand us our money back with no explanation and he was just really odd to me and so I just said hey you know aren't you concerned don't you want to call police I mean what you're telling me is someone broke into here and stole a bunch of merchandise which right now technically belongs to me because she's still holding the money that's not concerning but she did tell Gina when she went in here she was upset that she was working today so I don't really think she cared if we're just shooting straight because she said it's her husband's birthday she's not supposed to be but she said she's gonna call the cops I don't know that I believe that by anyway so basically we just got a refund you know I just I troubles trying to explain to I said look I understand you didn't do anything but a better explanation would be nice here she's coming out here now I said it would be nice just I said you know this cost us money to bid to come out here to tell you right now she's been smoking weed because she's cheap freaking wreaked of marijuana I may be over let me change that maybe it wasn't her maybe it was someone that walked in the office previously that could be but she just was very difficult to talk to and so anyway hey so what we're gonna do is is I guess for this video I have no choice it doesn't make business sense to sit around here wait for the cops just so you know it just I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna sit here so I can you know ask the cops questions on here it's not gonna change anything at the end of the day and like I said I'm a business first YouTube channel second if I was a YouTube channel first hangout and hang around but I'm not right and so anyway we are heading over to the next unit it's gonna be alright she's frustrated as I am so but I just the lack of concern that your business was burglarized right not even said that right I don't know beyond caring about being funny right now but anyway so hey that's the first time I ever had it done did I say it then I missing anything so basically she you know she said she called her boss but it was real weird cuz when we walked in there I mean she was just real fast trying hence back her money and I'll be honest like her behavior was really weird and I called her out on that didn't I and I just said what I told her is I'm filming you too I just told her I see you she said well there's not really I can do I said well you have to understand my perspective for a business person is that I said this whole thing's been chaotic since you know the time that we pulled up to pay for this thing it's been chaotic you know you hopped on the car you took off without us we barely made it in the gate and then I said you walked up to the gate and I said you weren't even shocked I said did not even look like you were shocked that the door was two feet off the ground and then you just turned around really no explanation and you just said I'll have to give you a refund and walked off and I said you know it's it's chaotic so I said if you can understand why we're a little blown back and I said it just didn't even seem like you were very shocked that that stuff was empty if you know what I mean I'm not accusing her for anything I'm not saying she knows anything but even when she was talking to her boss that clip that you just saw you probably saw it because I'm probably just gonna use it I mean that's all I got here but anyway so we're gonna head over to the next unit but so yeah so we bought a unit and that doesn't make any sense they're supposed to walk these units in the morning [Music] is having a bad day when did when did reading people become your skillset I thought that was mine do you think she's do you think I'm really good at reading people I am I am I right 99% of the time yeah okay and I'm not saying that she stole it I'm not even saying she had something to do with it I'm just saying that her behavior was very odd right but my behaviors on a lot of people probably say hey that's an odd dude right so anyway hey there's five minutes of a frickin rant because we just drove out her to Louisville for a killer unit it just doesn't make sense and that unit went really cheap and I was really shocked I could I told the crew after I was like there's no way I won that four freaking hundred five hundred bucks so anyways I'm banging so I it just it was very the whole thing's just weird it was very odd to win it that much I don't know if it's cuz it didn't go did you check the unit number in there did you look up at the unit door yeah so hey here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna pull up to the gate real quick just because I want to get a picture of the unit door and and the lock and everything cuz we still have the goat the gate code so we're just gonna go make sure that that was the unit that we actually bid on it looks I'm not gonna doubt it was but I just want to make sure right I don't like my mind coming up with assumptions and so what we're gonna do is is I'm just gonna go in there take a picture the lock she said it was damaged and everything so I'm just gonna make sure two and two fits but if it does it does but anyway we'll do that and I don't know where it's gonna go from there but that's very upsetting so anyway off to the next unit all right guys so I'm gonna flip this round but I'm walking in right now all right guys so we're coming in here so I guess Gina's right that's 711 710 the unit we bought was 709 which would be this so I'm not saying she's not telling the truth she might just be really upset because she's not at her husband's birthday I could totally get that and you heard her say that everybody called in but this is the unit all right so look no look so I don't know if that was like that previous summit so was assumed they would have fixed it but sure enough it looks like somebody just freaking beat the crap out two plus so it looks like the previous owner came in here and stole the stuff and so man I wish I would have caught him but yeah so look anyway anyway hey hopefully the next units of good we've got two more that we got to go pick up so they look great too promising hopefully there see you there all right guys so welcome back so here's the big deal I'm over it all right you saw in the cabin - so are you laughing where is your money - I hid so anyway hey you saw in the the little beginning there how I explained it look I want to be respect for everybody that's why I blocked out her face that's why I blocked out her voice after talking to the manager here as you saw I think there's more to it but here's the deal at the end of the day it's gonna cost me too much time stress and effort - you know even if they did get the stuff back do you want it back do you want to be like I don't write because they've already gone through everything right it's the principal the matter I'm very big on principal and so anyway did you Gina was sitting there and I walked in is that guys I kind of got hypothetical I said we came in unpaid for a unit paid for it and you walked us there the doors as far off the ground someone walked into what did what's your first step he said he said there for a minute like I was asking a trick question he said call the police I was like okay I just had to ask anyway I walked off with and then we went into it more more and as you heard and the security thing that's actually considered an emergency type deal but anyway so I'm over it I'm excited about this unit let me tell you why I bought this unit right right look fragile fragile it's French there's French style all right there's a lot of boxes how much did we pay for this unit five hundred total right we just made like four eighteen honors yeah so 496 so 500 bucks y'all but check it out let me show you one a couple of reasons why I did this this was sitting up here and I couldn't tell for the stage now but actually talking this guy super nice guy but let's just see if it's in there let's start off let's start the video all right let's find something good so these aren't worth the ton right but if they're in here could be 50 60 bucks yeah and check it out I love Disney ones Oh John Wayne - right airplanes okay so check it out hey it's it's gonna be alright it's parent always crap about leaving this stuff in here well we're gonna put our lock on it supposedly Oh so anyway another reason I did I bought is cuz it looked like everything was clean and nice I did see this right I can obviously tell that the computer wasn't in here but at some point they probably had money to buy an Apple computer but you're like Justin well maybe they just found that box in the trash alright well what about this right about this right yeah yep now I actually I can't tell if there's anything here I don't know I never guarantee or think there is but Apple Apple there were Apple fans yes most people we've learned if they have a device even if they're living with somewhere else or in a bad situation they take their laptops take their computers take all this stuff with them right it's just that's I usually don't expect to find the stuff in here but it's a good indicator that they had money to buy stuff like this at one point right that fills him they had enough money to buy a 64 gigabyte another reason I bought it is because I could read this on the we bought this one storage Transcom okay so I did see bathroom y'all know how I feel about bathroom boxes we love them because we find jewelry Hey look pink headphones hey call those beats what kind of this it's got a skull on it Oh oh it says it right here I can't see it's really dark I'm still a little bit frustrated but anyway I can't read that yeah sure you know I'm nuts that's what people are selling assuming this isn't here but hey it's a good I did see this I saw fresh you own this it says handle with care' please I did notice when I was looking at the pictures there was a few other things that said household items miscellaneous bathroom so it said household to me right okay that's a good indicator yeah okay when I look at the furniture I look at the furniture to see kind of what type it is if I can and condition and that's actually feels really nice and I didn't see really any scuffs or tears on it so look we got a leather sectional you know that that might be close to paying for this entire unit I guarantee you this thing's in goodness condition is that right usually look there's a little scuff here but that's on the bottom corner usually pretty normal for moving and then there's a big piece in the back that's covering right so here's the debut let's just pop in some boxes okay I need to get my frustration out and the best way to do that is dig through other people's stuff alright so I was curious about this little hot sauce okay let's see what's in here okay I'm already liking what I'm saying oh it's the Last Supper it is that's cool that is cool I like that look never mind I'm gonna leave that alone right I here's the deal I don't like I don't it's like a pendulum swing mm-hmm it's weird you walk in white people's houses and Jesus is this white fluffy hair with blond hair blue eyes that ain't true right that ain't true right because Jesus was a Jew mm-hmm right so there's light-skinned Jews there are skinned Jews it could have been very dark-skinned they could all been dark-skinned we don't know but I don't like it when any race takes Jesus and tries to depict them as if they want him to be and so anyway I the thing is that none of us really know but we do know he was a Jew right we know he's from Jews descent and that could be many different things so anyway but this is super cool I can appreciate it I love it we're Jews where's it where's that turd with the turn do this where's that turn Judas Church well you gotta feel bad for Jesus juice right do you think he repented Hey a lot of theologians will want to debate it and I say if you go hang yourself right because that's what happened to Judas tree without remorse there was repent there right mm-hmm so but people die anyway III feel like something happened right yeah either was it was a epstein didn't kill himself type bill you know what I mean I doubt that no no you know never mind I was gonna make cleanse oak that wouldn't be funny it would be funny but I'm not gonna do it and look hey all that stuff aside look out either way I don't I don't I just don't think that it should be done Jonathan but this is beautiful right you know what I mean it's like they take it and like everything is like it's it's it's just forced like a peg through a certain hole to fit a certain culture right and so anyone could have been either way I don't know but I really doubt Jesus was like anglo-saxon he was not English accent those are a really good condition that no I called it the nude yeah just care for we got Apple product oh let's do a bathroom okay no I think your connects in the truck let me get some frustration out and then we'll open stupid no thank you or bar soap or some yeah that's cool that's empty no maybe the bottle store or something mm-hmm oh the cap says a new overwhelming tou s look let's make it and so we did get a little bit of the backstory right she's been up for auction she's been up for auction several times but I never come here she doesn't come here to mess with anything so see the you see the brass under their personal looks like feels like make up let's make up man frustrating day what's that hag or simply luxury okay oh yeah I'm gonna tell you there's something very a weave unbelievable did you notice I said no I didn't know so what it was it was truly it was unbelievable unbelievable right here--that sweep dude yeah so what I'm gonna do is we're coming back tomorrow to get this because I have a very tight schedule for us to sweep go clip by very tight schedule this week so we're you're we're definitely coming back doing anything this cool table with the top slice very clean I love clean units especially after that crab yes you're that oh yeah that was pretty bad bathroom otter that was gross it was pretty graceful hey this has been horny and I didn't even go through it another sexy lady oh there may be another statue actually got I got a couple really good customers they stuff like that that is cool black look at that that is a coal sculpture yeah that is cool that is a beautiful piece rardy yeah I'll tell you right now with that with the this sectional stays true to its roots and just that I promise you will get five hundred bucks out of that promise you will get five hundred bucks out of it so just from what I can see here in the stamps yeah unda seems money made my name is a money made yep and I would trust me I'm not gonna say that if it's not the truth this actually might be in there some kind of is this a radio Google it looks like some kind of navigation Google pay or is just a tablet yes Jesus hey thank you telling your news black white green blue whatever I love you Jesus thank you it's in there babe Bram freaking new it's a yep alright frustration is going away robot little oh that's this Marci a yes it's like a little mini computer huh isn't it it's very possible sticker we use those little stickers now because they don't stick too much right yeah sticker oh man you should use something that would just rip yeah and they just they were real bad they left a residue sticky residue and that's not what you want to do you know leave that on there so we use these because they don't really stick so that would be too funny but check it out to like we definitely made our money back definitely so it's good bathroom yep hey remind me did I have an alarm set for the other two units okay if we get those units y'all y'all want to see me because there's a safe and one of them RCA looks good that's what cute little keys are their computers back for it oh look hey we are whoa wash it off wash Utah that a tribe the indigenous black inhabitants of North America that's pretty cool I'm gonna read them I just love history with you sorry let's go I'm gonna read this worth two boxes in yeah thank you Jesus your brush that's not a beard fresh silly that's a that's an animal brush it's like for cats or dogs to chases dogs you can use a beer beard if you want though hey Bundy Kellogg's Bundy I know I just say that cuz it draws people's real log sale on y'all some of the things I do is just like there's some really made people stay tuned to see what they see hey stay tuned dingleberry Dave is gonna be doing the review freaking awesome we're gonna be awesome obviously that's cute look it's new new product that's gonna sell right yeah yeah yeah my granny used to put those in her hair yeah it's a little weird fishing that around her head oh my grandmother did you she would go every month she would go to the beauty salon once a week oh you get hurt to get her hair set my glasses I was curious about what this was during the bidding I just saw this case it looks like some kind of tools those look like nice quilts to oh cassette tapes yeah oh no do you remember them they're the fat boys yeah they came out with the movie The Fat Boys I can't read in the name of the movie you know what we have a movie poster in the auction no we don't yeah I really think we do oh I got it I could be wrong okay let me get let me backtrack a little bit it sounds familiar okay the fat well I might have mentioned it before because the fat boys I remember watching the movie a lot when I was a kid and I loved them so anyway you have to check that out let's see what else we got it looks like too short believe it or not I don't show that somebody's on a fortune that before it was called torque I wasn't even being punished like Katie so yeah too short is that bad seventh grade I used to ride around my older sister's friends and I was his name I can't remember his name but he was super cool guy older but he was always jamming too short so I was like that old man that's why I have a two-part dad that's right I love good music and regardless of that I don't agree with the lyrics now there's still you gotta you got to get people talent they're talented I've seen a lot of crap stuff I think I bet yarn here's yarn with new sheets twin sheets what's this baby that you don't show this city of Los Angeles Department of Health not gonna show that name on there we'll save this for unboxing come on that you are gonna see this video the day you see it which is tonight looks like this thing that's cool oh that's a very cool yeah I like that that's really pretty they all have tags - these African style garments mm-hmm that's cool what's the correct name for those I don't know I was trying to figure it out laughs talk John I don't know until I find something for the first time around yeah and everything I'll research it but hey I love different cultures I mean I just this is cool those are money yeah they are miscellaneous various items master bedroom will do that but I was looking at this table its first time at good stuff they said that's a nice looking table make sure we're not missing the family in any way because they've already obviously been through enough yeah this is all my stuff big black case right there what sorry y'all I keep trying to look at hey that's probably 30 30 $40 I knew I knew this was the reason I was bidding on this one cuz there was a unit that's been popping up around here for literally six months I think and it keeps going auction I keep trying to win it and it always gets canceled every time I think I'm bid yeah what was my bid on that one - two thousand something it's here it got canceled so I was bidding on this one cuz this looks promising I thought there might be a connection obviously there's not after talking to the guy but this is a fantastic unit so and you look at how much we spent versus what we would have spent on that and that was a 10 by 30 but it was still nice stuff because I saw the tags on the furniture said made in Italy and so yeah so anyway oh it's in there yo that's still sealed what is it for the flash pocket camera oh it's a pocket camera that's nice condition this smells Ben - jealous so would you say goodbye yes hey y'all let me know not the chat we're chatting right now you let me know down there 500 bucks a little less than 500 bucks we spent on this what you've seen so far what you think thumbs up thumbs down so far I'm Tom checking the time stamp Tommy cheating personal swamps in swamp cc1 Samsonite on enter here all right we're back in there don't tell him I know what you put in that they already know right they already know it's weird that's so suburban beard gotta give him a shout-out one of the things I love is there's like I love watching videos and when they insert funny clips from movies because y'all know I'm a big movie buff and so it's just really time consuming but he suburban beards sent me the site where you can get any pretty much free clip download it's phenomenal so I'm gonna be using it we're gonna step up our game it's right we're gonna start editing a little bit you know we are you know like I said it's not cuz I don't want to is about the time right yeah I think it's I haven't if power ties my time towards the company it's just paperwork it feels like there might be a laptop in there I don't want to show that there's a bunch of old it looks like they have pictures okay business cards yep CDs all right still a nice case let's go get you know we could do fill this up with video games and settlement auction great presentation curious about this oh man I thought I found a big safe back there we play anytime soon okay I'm not gonna take these out but look oh wait that's not that's kind of blankets you make but these Afghans look nice they got pretty colors you know be cool is like if it's not some like Afghan so that's I love this this Styles really popular that's Rd minutes we have 25 we're giving them an extra long video boy what you know about that is you're good to like knock somebody out with now I'm not gonna go on this box a lot of personal paperwork just have a look nice little yeah camera I love it when stuff just turns on for me hey stay tuned for tomorrow night you're gonna see the second maybe third part of this unit right we're gonna do that we're not gonna open this right because we don't want to talk great okay I'm excited about this unit pictures but something says miscellaneous miscellaneous what's a work no chips no dings it's not what I was expecting but lighter sliders that's pretty definitely we definitely are much [Music] more cassette tapes this is producing it is producing oh did you even see that what no no don't look now Oh get away to the end of the video I've been looking for something like to get them hanging into the end because they don't look at me this time there's something super cool right there oh there is it's about this long oh that's what she said uh no there really is I'm not teasing you all that is pretty how beautiful would that be mm-hmm this unit this unit right now I'm predicting if it keeps going the same way it's a $10,000 unit in auction mm our unit if it keeps going this way easy $10,000 so hey stay there I'm not cheating don't be letting other people talking in there they can't talk to me an avatar in the past yeah it's Jeff's cousin he's probably playing the instrument you think something got more a candle I made two candle holders I look he's holding on for dear life honey check that auctions I know that's why I was looking at I'm telling $10,000 Ewing easy if he keeps going this way look got this Gaea for girlfriend be my girlfriend look it's a little harley-davidson minibike I thought oh so yeah it'll sell look it's even got the handlebars the kickstand looks like it's all there this lady took care of her stuff get in good for her good for her wish you Vanna lost it hey going to do good hands that's right I said that watch everything crack we always find people who want to suck right you think this is even better than the one we didn't get I think so yeah actually I would guarantee it yeah there was not this many boxes in there I actually counted there was 28 boxes in there there's more boxes in here and these are producing in every box for this one of these giant Budweiser bottles oh that's cool okay several of them in here but what I'm more excited about oh look they're all different Oh Nicholls hey we're gonna take a break anyway so I can clean some of this up get it back in there it makes you alright hey come on in check it out so I moved the secret item cuz Jeannie was trying to cheat I've been married to you for seven years okay check it out so this is china closet this is china closet y'all i'm really thinking this unit is gonna produce a lot of money this stuff will all be up for auction this week y'all this week the way you were [Music] damn you Jeremy you don't drink I don't want to use the word relapse I say that because I don't really don't have a problem I quit on my own didn't have to go to a or anything it's just a choice I had to make yeah big party was for my kids that's personal we found like some dawn Parian in this joint was a cafe latte coffee drink it's Bailey's yeah so check it out this is very fragile ceramic ice figure oh it's a chef some yeah did you already know that no it's not able to read it myself I get the most hateful comment especially last night I don't know why we had a flood of people that we never had they were really mean like we had six thumbs down like immediately we've never had that many and since we did the premiere I know they were all from the premiere because since then we've had one yeah so the mystery actually it's not I know exactly where it came from but it's not their fault it's not their fault they gave you your thumb you know where they came from I love how everything is nice and - you don't drop it hey I don't let my Marine sweatshirt I had to burn that something after that yeah after what I did to Daniel or dingleberry $20 and wash only so we think that is like oh it's a wine very fragile very fragile glass wedding items ooh just storage okay China glass shots what's a ceramic angels okay we're gonna go through these I'm trying to just we're getting close to the end of this I think they just need to wait till tomorrow to see that's it I think you're just tired of filming am i right maybe there's a lot you don't do it y'all hear that y'all know I am the one that says no we have to get them a video we've gotta get this done I don't know we have this video I said that we started we start video note numero dos look I'm making we're just talking off film so there's a truck out there and we're talking we might come back up here and film the night just so we can get all the videos knocked out stay right there I'm Savior I just don't want to see the secret item has been taken out one of my dear friends will love secret item oh look these are actually very sellable yes all the pieces it says chandelier I know a couple of our subscribers really enjoy these yeah these are nice so that's what this whole bag is I really like how they took yourself all right glasses are back on getting dark in here sighs for clothes look there's it's a military flag right there oh you said your lamps don't drop very fragile I mean I guess a lot of stuff nothing heavy on top to storage fragile should we go for it they didn't see it a proper you sure I promise ok walk that way how hard is this turn towards me there you go people are throwing up right now I know all right so here's video we're gonna do this last box and I'm gonna show you the secret item and then we're gonna we're actually gonna start actually gotta go check on an auction because I'm trying to win a safe good idea oh and just select although I'm very well aware that there's the thing called locksmiths right and safecracker I'm very well aware of it but this morning this boy wants you yeah honey message like a hey man you know you can call lockers watchphone locksmiths stupid that's boring bro you'll need to report the guy getting in the locker huh yeah it takes two minutes told you serious money mm-hmm is money that is so pretty oh so pretty all right there it is this over here hard to get chipped right look at all the boxes we should know hey so let me know right now not down on the chat right that we're chatting right now but down in the comment section let me know how good do you think let's do a scale 1-10 let's do that so right now down in the comments section down here one through ten how good do you think this units going to turn out one being bad ten being super SuperDuper good okay so one to ten right now in the comments let me know how good it is stay right there I'm gonna grab the secret item Oh oh it's a kosoul like a sword actually I can't believe I didn't see what it was blending in with the white I guess yeah here look at the handle so look it's the dragon and look it's you know figural stuff and they obviously it's newer right it says 440 stainless steel but it's still a beautiful blade off that'd be a beautiful display piece hey so there it is guys hey stay tuned to tomorrow night because we've got a couple more videos coming out soon how could you not want to be tuned into this because every box were open and has sellable stuff yep I put this unit right now ten thousand dollars profit by next week easy off a five hundred our investment right mm-hmm so if keeps going this way it could quickly turn into fifteen or twenty thousand I don't see it going over much over twenty thousand less we just find something but here's the thing we could find a $20,000 item in here you could we could we're finding stuff from newer to older to antique it's just great so new clothes new electronics this is such a broad spectrum so anyway hey guys make sure to LIKE subscribe hit that bill make sure you select all other than that see it the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 281,677
Rating: 4.7779832 out of 5
Keywords: grimes finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, Dude Perfect, youtube, google, funny videos, auction house, bargain hunters thrift, donald trump, stolen, Break in, cops called, live pd, What The Hales, Busted, TMZ, Reality Tv, arrested, cops intro, caught on camera, police footage, police brutality, cops gone wild
Id: OyLfkD68YM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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