Exposing Actual Fraud - Not Clickbait (Must Watch)

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Great video, kudos to you !

I JUST went through the exact same thing this week ! Bought a locker from Barrie Self Storage and it was staged with Hockey jersey hung up on a hanger, vintage knickknacks displayed on a shelf and old records fanned in the front. The rest of the locker was Trash.. exactly like your video. Boxes and boxes of broken glass, boxes of empty boxes. all trash. I get it's a gamble but how unethical and immoral to stage it prior to sale. (due to COVID19, the facility moved to contents to a different location and they are refusing to provide pictures of the initial locker)

Do you have any advice for me ????

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chmena 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] like i said let me do some research i can't make some phone calls y'all can't just sit i'll go i go i got a car you can't you're gonna give him my money you can't just abandon him well i don't have two thousand dollars cash on me but you're gonna go look at the two invoices you're gonna give me the exact amount it wasn't me i didn't stay here okay what got me i'm just the middle you're gonna realize i am not mad at you right now i'm telling you but by the end of the day i'm gonna swing back through here okay and you're gonna have our money well hello and welcome over here to lunkers tv this video is gonna be a little different i normally never would do anything like this like this is i know there's some channels on youtube that would be just absolutely just so excited to be doing a video like this i'm personally doing it i'm not going to show the place and or the people i'm mainly doing it because i know there's people that watch this video that are doing this right now and i think you need to stop pretty much it this is uh this is what i would call fraud 100 fraud and i bought a unit from this place in december uh actually here's a piece of that video oh it's empty no it could be in here though well i don't know if this is the grandmother of the grandpa's but someone was smoking something looks like uh weed like pretty much this entire box right here as you can tell is this going to be adjusted for you can see it's all non-solid items nothing i mean look at this it's literally a cutie thing stuff like that that's all trash so here's some actual photos from that from that unit as you guys can see i'm overlaying them right now you see the front of it's really clean it's got like furniture that's like half ass wrapped everything's kind of neatly placed in the front and in the back you guys see home depot boxes nice pretty done up nothing wrong with it okay back then like four months ago i didn't really know exactly what i was doing didn't think anything of it well come to find out two weeks ago grimes buys a unit from this place and as you guys do know same thing here's a little chunk from that video and that's also the video where i said this is fraud what happened in the front of the what happened in the front all clean home depot boxes okay coincidence maybe oh yeah this is why i'm not even gonna look you want me to tell you right now this is the place where i bought bought the one it was my worst unit ever bought i lost money on it like it was if we don't if we don't start calling these people out man it's just sometimes it's not worth the energy and i just move on but somebody's got to stand up to these companies because they're just they're coming in here and doing whatever they want cowboy memorabilia big tub right at the front they put that cage gun case tools and then every box i've opened so far has been little kid stuff this is all track this well i'm not saying trash but it's not it's sellable items it's good sellable stuff it's not what you would anticipate from seeing the front i mean look so what i've learned like when people spend extra money on their boxes right there's always nicer stuff for 90 of it and then you see all these boxes then it makes me i'm not gonna lie somebody makes me wonder did the manager go buy new boxes and they stuffed all the crap in here no there's literally yeah there's boxes inside pour up boxes in boxes i've just noticed it a lot more online that you can tell people are jacking the lines and she said this unit had been here a while and you gotta admit there's no dust on these boxes and that's clean and this tape is really really sticky so i'm just saying all right so now we're coming up to this one so i was looking the other night and noticed uh wow this is good looking you clicked on it and like all right front looks clean had all those nice stuff and i've seen the bot the the back and it was home depot boxes and i was like oh my god what unit what what storage facility is this the exact same source facility the exact same thing the exact same everything so something just someone is actually shooting a gun currently right now um what was i going to say kind of like a damn squirrel oh and the thing that makes this one so suspicious and the fact that it is 100 fraud is two weeks ago that same storage unit number i think it's 231 213. don't don't quote me you'll see it in the video on the photos is the exact same storage unit number of the one that i'm buying today that was two weeks later yeah they're stuffing these [ __ ] units let's go let's go let's go have a let's go have a little bit of a conversation i just typed in the storage unit place that i'm going to i typed it in listen to this this is this is crazy i typed it in to get directions i just typed in the name you know and i scroll down see it has four four reviews so i look at one of them literally last year from a person named tina k beware buying storage auctions online from this place when boxes out of the same unit have different names on the paperwork and then the boxes oh i gotta open it and yelp i don't have yelp well damn it i gotta download yelp real quick one sec it has a put in boxes make the unit look nice and neat in picks just want others to be aware stage units online for sale been doing this long enough to know boxes were messed with so i picked up picked up grinds he sat next to me i'm gonna go in there by myself and pay for this unit i'm going to bring my cell phone camera in there because i know if i bring this big giant lunky camera in there she's not going to say what i i'm thinking she's going to say for one i think it's going to go i'm going to ask her a little about the unit i'm not going to ask him to lean you i'm going to ask anything like that i'm just going gonna ask her a little bit about you know like we do every single time we literally buy units we just try to figure out what's going on like that last one i bought lady ended up being from louisiana she got a divorce and she liked weird witchcraft stuff so this one so we treat the same now what number was the unit do you remember 231 231 okay i know that because i bought it three weeks about three weeks well what i was saying i i either said it was 231 213 i can remember i'm gonna head in here i'm gonna do the whole grime thing putting the cell phone in my pocket and then i'm gonna put it up on the counter face down but you guys aren't gonna see your face like i said this is not to destroy the company in any sort of way unless they want to be [ __ ] about it then i'll let you guys know who they are but i hope i hope they don't do that hope they just realize and give me my money back real quick all right here goes the awkward part i brought that unit robert where's this uh this unit been here no no no no for me uh 17 30 95 with your device know anything about the people um no not really no it hasn't been here that long like we're talking a month two months three months no it's probably about six six months yeah how much i'll mess around people come in they put their stuff in here and think they're just gonna dump it here and pay what they want when they want me because you know okay what you they wouldn't do i'm sorry seventeen thirty at least we know they're musicians right yeah yeah or the kids or somebody was yeah it was have you been here before uh yeah i bought a couple units here i bought one two weeks ago and i bought one in december that's your copy oh it has a gate code it has it has a seal and then unit number all that good stuff and they're time to clean it out all that good that's your copy of it you're gonna have a little nipple i saw so you're gonna get open for me yep all right so we just we just sat in the conference like i watched grimes video from here the other day and i'm gonna tell you guys right now i'm gonna insert some clips of it here in a second but you'll see it's locked same door 231 this unit's apparently been here for six months as we all know we were here two weeks ago and i actually have a video on my channel you guys you know called this is fraud and guess what i hate to do this but this is i feel kind of i feel kind of bad because you know what [ __ ] them i don't feel bad at all i don't feel bad at all yeah i know they're with you hey this is [ __ ] stealing yeah go ahead do it i want you to do it i paid 1700 for this unit and i'm pretty positive i'm gonna go get my money back here in a second i basically bought this unit to prove a point this is literally back too and for the last units not just using it but the last units and i'm adding in labor cost okay well you took it to another level this was my i know i get it i get it you know what i was just doing i just want to i just want them to stop i wanted to stop if they don't give me my money back i'm calling fox i'm gonna say since i haven't i don't really remember the photos from this unit there's going to be nice stuff in the front some miley wraps and then there's going to be some home depot boxes in the back with clean nice boxes if there's boxes and boxes i might throw my camera damn you are struggling dude these illegal attacks are tough oh god this is my first time ever exposing anything in my entire like this all right buddy if this door is also hard to roll up i remember it was hard to roll up two weeks ago is it hard to roll up yeah oh look oh coincident look nice stuff in the front hey can i tell y'all something real quick about storage units hey where's the dust yeah exactly hey what do you know what else what tools there was a gun case right here about a week ago oh you know what else is over here oh look rob a smith and wesson box how convenient how freaking convenient you know what buddy will you grab that box right there that's six months old and please show me the tape oh that tape is clean oh what a coincidence can you pop it open for me i'd love to pop it open and i'll pop it open oh wow that's not that's not weird at all there's boxes and boxes there is literally boxes and [ __ ] boxes oh oh that makes sense that makes sense same kind of crap last time yeah this is look at yeah hey after y'all y'all watch this video go over to my channel check this out this is exactly what we have you know what grab another one you know this is fun this is great oh this is yeah hey i bet you that swiss man i bet you that box is empty but conveniently just placed oh it's empty i couldn't guess that one huh oh [ __ ] look it says what miscellaneous motorcycle parts yeah couldn't have guessed that one that ceiling conveniently like who puts their stuff like this i don't know if there's if there's even one box within a box i'm telling you this camera's gonna end up in the storage unit next door man my adrenaline is going so hard right now that's what she said oh rob i'm pissed look at this [ __ ] oh a box in a box and you know what oh [ __ ] a boxer they're trying to take this is cheating man this is a box in a [ __ ] box this is what's happening the owner is freaking bidding on the live units they're going through it and then they're staging these units and selling them as lane and that's illegal in the state of texas okay well i've been doing this a couple months but i feel feel pretty good right now i feel like we're doing some we're doing something good justice for this yeah this is good this justice this is it people love to try to bust these things nobody's done well i i don't we were trying to bust it i was drinking whiskey the other night and i was like hey man that's a good looking unit then i realized oh my god it's the same place yep overview you're the one that realizes yeah just oh yeah i realized it was 231 231 this is just it make it i'm kind of feeling good right now i don't like people that lie cheating still what do we got exactly same thing junk every one of these boxes will be junk and there'll be stuff like that they took with a sweeper and they were just getting all the trash out of the unit and putting in boxes there's nothing good in here i promise you they put a few little things i bet you that black case it's probably empty that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] they put like oh here we go oh i didn't even notice this because i didn't there's xbox facing there's a there's a screen facing there's a laptop that's right there like who puts everything up there oh look there's the xbox oh there was an xbox in there 360. i promise you that probably don't work money back so my question to you buddy is i got a real question you've been doing this for like 20 years or just forever way too long my question does the lady behind the counter does she know what's going on yeah absolutely oh she does for sure yeah she does okay just making sure he's just making up stories the last so the last time i bought this unit if you look at the video on my channel i actually recorded going there and i said hey is this a lean unit and she's like oh yeah and she hesitated i'll pause i'll actually put that clip yeah it's a weird unit that's just weird nothing that you know i usually you can what you did you can pick things like in the unit's profile and usually that'll follow true through the boxes somewhat right if you see things outside it'll resemble i'm gonna go ahead and just set you guys there for a sec so now our plan is i know we got a little squat so do we want it what do we want to do what do you want to do here's the thing we have video evidence we know that we bought this unit we have her on tape saying that she this has been here for six months uh last time three weeks ago this belonged to two brothers that's true i was um so no they know what they're doing and i went back to old old old storage unit or storage treasure units from this facility and they were all the same thing they were furniture saran wrap they were brand new home depot box the same mo guys same mo they've been doing this for years i have a video from december the one where i found dr it was it was just weed home depot box it was the same thing there was tennis shoes or shoes here furniture that's wrapped like this and there was home depot box in the back and you guess what guess who my worst performing unit this entire time was that one that one i filled an entire dump trailer full of nothing but trash yeah i barely made my money back on the 1200 i spent yeah so there you go okay and you know what's kind of weird about that when it was like which now you know what god dang i wish i would have known you back then you know why what makes sense of late that the people that own the unit which was right over here i bet you i can go over there there's an x on the wall i bet you that one will be up for auction here soon but the uh i bet it won't i bet you they don't do this for a while i bet you we shut this little you think we shut it down we're shutting this operation down okay well that makes you feel a little well the thing was that unit they had there was a grinder and a pipe in a unit where someone who was apparently going through extreme leg pains they had like those machines at circulation circulation machines i was like this doesn't make any sense yeah none of this if i would have been with you on that unit i would have known 100 that it was staged because if you watch the video like i'm i can't i just can't it's not making any sense to me and i'm just go the whole video i just keep stopping i'm like man this is staged at the stage well if you guys know who grimes is at this time um he is linked to the top of the description he's good friend of mine uh he's been doing this for 20 years and he he knows this has been happening this happened to us in new york as well this did happen to us in new york this does happen inside this little industry and you know what i have i have a voice on youtube that's fairly fairly large and i feel like when you're able to do something good it's better you better do it so you want do you want to go back over there do you want do we need to you want hey you know what you want to open a couple more boxes that are full of yeah let me yeah let's just go ahead and yeah we already know but let's verify it but this is what i want i want to tell you is that dude you're doing a good thing from people from as a spokesperson from my industry most people don't have the luxury of we have to go out and buy these units most of these companies are thrift stores uh they do small stores or garage sales to survive guys this is their whole livelihood and i'm telling you one bad unit can take a small company out and right now with the coronavirus and all that other you know baloney it's really hard for small businesses so we're doing a huge huge favor and we're bringing justice to this industry because i'm telling you guys this is this is so wrong this is so wrong look same stuff just junk well not my glasses got to keep those uh jump old coffee pots look little ice thing dirty freaking broken things and some dirty pots let's go i mean yeah just grab another one right there all right guys so one of the one of the things i teach on my channel and i've taught rob when people spend money they have a little extra money to spend on brand new boxes that's a key sign where you up your bid they know that so why this is exactly why they're taking these dirty boxes this dirty junk putting it in here making it look like it was somebody that had money so that we'll bid more and then mission accomplished oh look why would you put a box in a box all trash i told you like they swept the stuff off the ground it's exactly how every one of my brand new home depot boxes was all right buddy that's enough i don't need this anymore oh jeez i am so sorry hey i'm not sure if you're aware i want the owner to give me a refund okay i don't know if you know it but i have all the video evidence for the last month and a half i bought that unit three weeks ago and i've got you on camera saying telling me the lean story how his brothers and we just got you telling him that's been here for six months so get on the t-shirt if the owner's been doing it i know y'all have live auctions too i know the whole thing we've been i've been look this is my industry this is cheating people this can get people shut their businesses down this is wrong this is just wrong so we're going to give the chance for the owner or whoever's doing it to do the right thing or it's going to channel 4 news because it's illegal illegal i'm a state licensed auctioneer what you're doing is legal can you bought a unit from you this summer so i have all the audio i have all the past auctions you've been saying home depot boxes saran wrap furniture boxes and boxes junk and junk we got the scam do the right thing and i won't put you on blast do the right thing and put [Music] you know and i know that you guys are doing something wrong i can't get a hold of my owner you're going to give me my money back here's your money back no you're giving me money for that unit his unit 16. 230 don't don't even try to cheat me i have it all on tape i have i have the tape i have you there you left the tag on it i had me wiping the the crusty stuff off 231 you know that unit was sold last month don't even try to lie to me just do the work what's your name justin grimes you know i was here on my wife he was with me when we bought there here's your money let me let me let's get into channel 4 by this afternoon okay give me your name justin and then you have another unit over here that's got an x mark next to it that i paid 5 40 same thing for same thing boxes she's fine but i'm not i'm not doing this i'm not going to say anything to anyone i just want to make sure you guys stop okay i will talk to the person who sends me the pictures and i will see if i can't get your money back you told me this was six months you knew this was [ __ ] please don't give me that come on just do the right thing get get get on the phone i want my money back she's calling everybody she's doing fine she's fine that's all i'm asking just please let me pull the invoices buy which one units he bought and stuff like that 231. justin grimes and then i got your name okay let me do some research and i'll get back to you no i'm going to sit right here we're not going anywhere but this is going to channel 4. i already have a contact okay and and what i'm going to do is i don't want to do this now i don't i promise you i'll be back i mean you have to give me some time no you didn't give us time when you were trying to cheat me that's not how i didn't try to teach you it wasn't me you know man you have to know something was not right here and i'm telling you right now i'm going to do auctioneer so stop stop calm yourself why did you why didn't you just tell me it wasn't here for six months why did you be honest i tell the truth i promise you this will go away if y'all stop this i bought this unit because i knew you guys were doing this [ __ ] that's the only reason we bought it i went out there and i opened up three boxes and i was like both here we go i'm doing this too this is how we survive luckily we're a big business we're a huge business but these small companies that do this one bad unit puts them out and when y'all stage stuff the cowboy autographs and empty gun bars remember that last week yeah or two weeks ago empty gun cases guess what i found on this one an empty gun box because it says smith and wesson right on the front you guys are doing the same with everybody just give us our money back stop doing it and don't that's it i promise you it'll go away but if not this is what's going to happen your site's all for location will be over we're not going to say that let me make some phone calls do some research pull some invoices and i can't i can give you the invoices i have them all sword treasure that's another thing do you want soldiers to know that you guys are doing this people yeah like i said let me do some research and call make some phone calls y'all can't just sit i got i got a car you can't listen you're gonna give him my money you can't just abandon you can't you know not give us time but no if you weren't doing legal activities this wouldn't happen but don't tell us we have to wait whenever we're the ones in the wrong why is it always in this world that the people doing the wrong are the ones that have to wait we shouldn't i'm not i'm just the middle man here though that's that's that's the only reason why you need to calm down that's the only reason why i haven't gone eight because you are probably the middle man but you fed me a bull story did you not yes i did see look and he doesn't do this for living that's why he's tom but i'm very tall but i do i do youtube videos for a living and you're you're us you guys are literally right i know you're doing this and look i have all these the screenshots that i know the owner bids on the units okay there's bad reviews online i'm sure you already stopped you guys gotta stop doing it just play here i promise you that's it look in life it's not if we make mistakes is what we do after and i'm asking you to do the right thing you always i just don't want to come back about two thousand dollars i don't i don't want to hear anything i i give you my word we're not going to but i also give you my word if this is not rectified very quickly that i will follow through on letting other and the only reason i do is not to hurt y'all even though you all purposely are trying to hurt people but what i will do is i'll do it to protect the other people in my industry because i am a huge spokesperson for the storage auction industry okay okay and and barry i have a rather large following in the storage unit industry period well i don't have two thousand dollars cash i'll need to get it we'll step out will you go you can do it right now yeah you can do it i know you can do right now and tell me how much money you're gonna put me back within the other day i don't know i mean no i do know how much you're gonna get on the invoice well how much is it how much do you about 1800 bucks okay but you're going to go look at the two invoices you're going to give me the exact amount plus deposit well actually we don't need to pause this because we probably got those back what is your 1620 is what i paid for that exact unit and you know what oh 16 20. oh then you you owe us about uh 2 200 i paid 16 20 the one where y'all stays the rifle case and the tub with the cowboy it wasn't me i didn't stay here okay wait not me i'm just the middle you didn't realize it i am not mad at you right now i'm telling you but by the end of the day i'm going to swing back through here okay and you're going to have our money okay i'm not saying that i'm going to i'm just telling you do the right thing all right that's all i'm asking for okay can you do it i will i promise okay think about it you pay 600 bucks for that and you have to take it all to the dump i like i said ma'am i know not you i'm saying me i just paid 1700 bucks and there's no profit in there besides the stuff stage that's that's legitimately a mortgage payment gone for no reason and my next question is if you guys are doing that then who does it say that you guys are upbeating them online and then keeping the cash because we know on that storage treasures so so that you said the owner doesn't know anything about it no no they don't oh man so has it been you and somebody else doing it i guess yeah this guy really didn't get it from me and said that yeah he put me if he could sell his stuff in there and i should have put it on there the manager's unit i guess okay well so you tell me he doesn't have the money exactly so i'm trying to i'm trying to come up with some money to give your if i ask if there's anything in that you need at all you can make money no no there's no there's nothing in the unit to make money because everything within the unit is is actually just trash like it's actually i didn't even look at how i found a picture so i don't even know that's my mask no it's all trash are you telling me that you're not doing the unit yourself you have somebody else somebody else is doing them right yeah i'm glad you're just posting them for them well i mean i'm personally not gonna make you lose your job i promise you it's not gonna be me but you're gonna have to the guy i'm in my eyes i just want to make sure you guys don't do this anymore and the other guy's the one that's going to be a little bit more irritated i'll probably have to call him calm down a tad but that guy who's ever doing it does he i guess does he work up there is he going to be up there today because if he's not okay because if he's not gonna be able to get the guy's money then it it i don't know it's probably not gonna be too good for y'all right that's that's why i'm trying if i i can come up with some money my personal self i'm telling you during what we're going through right now i don't want any of your personal money but as long as you you're not going to do this [ __ ] ever again i'm fine with it we'll never be on that fight again okay but i'll uh i'll call my buddy and i'll have him give you a call up there and you guys can discuss what you want to do um because i'm not going to fret over 500 bucks that you guys took from me i'm just gonna as long as you don't do it again we're good so you won't see me again okay all right well i'll have him give you a call okay uh yeah i'll have him give you calling this number all right thank you yes ma'am by the way i'm just gonna throw it out there if i'm out of focus i apologize this camera lens is all jacked my other one's up getting it's getting done okay so came back they don't have the money okay so they don't have the money now i'm not gonna fret i don't want this i think i think you can actually change people's the way the way like i don't want her to lose her job because i mean she's got bills to pay for i understand that completely like that's not my goal i'm i just don't want them like i told her just don't just don't need to be doing this it's not good you can live a clean life and do the right things for people but i am going to give grimes a call real quick because that was sixteen hundred dollars that he could probably use tremendously right now and i'm gonna let's just let him handle it because i'm gonna be honest you guys if i'm out of focus right now i do apologize i can't see hey how you doing buddy i just spoke to him so the owner of the complex doesn't know the owner it's not it's not running that entire thing's not running to the owner uh she's been she told me what she's been doing the owner made her say this he knows well she said it's a guy that's been she can she'll she'll tell you everything she told me it's a guy that they got she has a guy that's been leasing the units out and that he just shoves all this in there she says she wish you would have put them online is it correct the manager special and here's the kicker i know it's going to kill you and i told her that you're going to call her because it's not my it's not my problem at this point and i know what you're in it and i know what you're going to do but i did i did ask her three times i said i'm not going to come after you or she said she's worried she's going to lose her job i said that's not my my intent cause they only owe me like 540 bucks you know yeah but they don't have the money so i told her that you'll be giving her a call so give her a call she's being very cooperative now she's i think she you know i think she's just scared i don't wanna i'm just gonna let you here's the thing i don't think i don't believe her i think the owner knows and i think that's what the owner told her okay well i'm gonna let you handle i just told her it's i can't i can't stop you doing from what you're gonna do i know that's that's that's what i was saying just because maybe they can come up with a payment plan because i mean but yeah but with the reviews online he's definitely in on it he's just trying to cover his butt he's probably gonna he's probably trying to throw her under the rug well i don't want her to get thrown under the bus because i know for a fact she's probably she's probably just [ __ ] you know she's just a middle man she doesn't want to lose her job because so if anybody he should be and i'm gonna leave that up to you to do what you need to do i'm gonna i'll send you over i'll text you over the number and that'll pretty much that'll be everybody all right cool well there you go ladies and gentlemen let me go and send this number to him i am hot the car's off smart well at least we got to do something good today uh grimesy give him a call he was originally he was super super super super super heated and he was actually originally gonna turn him into the state and all that kind of stuff but after he spoke to him he's pretty positive that they're not going to be doing this this stuff ever again which was the entire goal in the higher intent of this and now i'm not going to tell you guys who it is or what storage complex it is i know some of you guys are probably wondering but that is not i don't want to be malicious about it i just want to make sure and show because i'm sure actually i'm very positive that there's facilities out there that are watching this video and or watching his videos that maybe he'll claim him up and make them stop doing it that's the whole point of this video if you guys knew the channel please do me a favor and subscribe other than that stay safe out there don't go kissing your neighbor on the lips because apparently that will contract some disease that they're talking about right now but anyways i love you guys and i will catch you next time on another episode of lunkers tv [Music] you
Channel: LunkersTV
Views: 1,974,106
Rating: 4.8802266 out of 5
Id: GHYvcqjqn4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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