Making A TWO POUND .929 Sterling SILVER COIN At Home! Dangerous DONT TRY THIS AT HOME!

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] guys welcome back to garage finder so check it out guys my electric melting furnace is coming after two failed silver melting videos i decided that hey let's just do this the right way so here's the deal what are the simpson figures about my goal is to make a cast a same cast of all of these figures right here to the exact size they are now but into solid sterling silver before we crack this open and get to melting just wanted to update something oh my gosh at least did you get it on film i got it on film it fell over why didn't you seal it we're gonna take the next seven days and we're just gonna release videos the plan is is to do a two-hour live to make up for all the time for all members all members and we're gonna do some other special things for all members to make up for our mistakes guys i'm sorry because we're lagging behind on the extra videos if you want a refund let me know i'd be happy you're like just i don't care just supporting the channel man i know you put a lot of time a lot of effort and we actually put a lot of money in this channel all right all right let's unbox this baby gina was trying to pick up first she's like do you want me to pick these up yes look they all fell i was like no i would like to melt them they can lay right there until y'all okay so here's the plan y'all for this video we are gonna melt gold i mean silver but i'm not gonna make the cast of the simpsons today that's something i think i should just try a few times um but here's what we're gonna do we're gonna try to see how much silver pours into that skillet so we're gonna make a huge brick of silver in this video hopefully it's gonna work because i do i spent the money y'all i was like man i got about three more attempts at this and i'm about like halfway into a college tuition so it might be just a better off investment if i just buy the kit y'all and i've already been looking at upgrades for my kit you want to know no i want to donut i want to do action figures and i might do some out of aluminum i might do some different castings different levels i'll probably only do one sterling silver per set um but it it'll have a high res reserve on it a bit over the silver price but y'all i think it's going to be good but look we got a plug yeah boy no more butter knives yeah no more almost about to die or burn my house up yo look at these i got legit things y'all i'm so pumped i've been waiting like a kid at christmastime you have and never stay late well this is going to be well this is for the channel too it is a business investment yeah because i am going to sell this stuff and look we find scrap all the time and i can either sell it to somebody or now i can make i've got i ordered molds and stuff so now i'm gonna make my own bars whoa yeah baby look it's over furnace i'm so pumped about this hey is this all the way i ordered some other stuff oh wait no it's in here slow down son it's in there look y'all y'all know what that is wait they better both be in here what i ordered the one with two crucibles the two sizes oh you did yeah the three kg oh yeah they're both is that way no y'all look at that look this is so much easier y'all look we're gonna put silver in here right uh-huh hold on then you're gonna put it in here yeah look it's like a furnace y'all this is so cool this is like a now you know like people that do like trains and hobbies and stuff like that and you got some old like mint silversmiths oh yeah yeah this is gonna be okay so look at this y'all so look in there so basically i don't know i guess i'm going to read the instructions actually for this because we spent a little bit of money on this but look so basically i'll put my silver in here okay then i'm going to put in here we're going to close the thingamajiggy and i believe we're going to look first let's make sure it turns on oh look make sure it powers on yeah boy oh you got how they know i was a or i wasn't a i don't think that that's the their it might be they might be losing their own customers i'm just saying can you make some blue or yeah sy company you might want to go neutral i'm just saying take these out real quick all the ones that have the plastic on them uh so check it out over here look i've got the furnace it said to set it in uh so i'm setting it at a thousand it said what 967 i'm gonna set it actually i'm gonna go yeah that'll be all right um so i'm gonna set it there i'm gonna pick out all of this stuff i don't know i think it said one pound fits in this no maybe some more i don't know here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna fill this up with these silver 925 backs and other scrap pieces we're gonna melt this thing down and we're gonna pour it in here and hopefully hopefully this time the third time's the charm charming we're gonna have a big chunk of freaking silver all right guys so these don't have any plastic pieces in them [Music] so check that out all right yeah boy we're about to melt are y'all excited hey down in the comments in the chit chat let me know like this is just the beginning of this journey i know me i've been addicted to silver and gold for a long time just the like the thought of like gold miners and stuff like that and just what it doesn't mean i mean it's so cool so hey this is really cool this might be a i don't know the beginning something beautiful let's see uh where are we at 47 degrees so we got a little bit to go so this thing it says once it reaches temperature i should have this liquid in about 40 to 45 minutes i think is what it said so hey we will be back in a few minutes to see what happens all right guys check it out like not even a half a bag look filled it up to right there i'm gonna leave it a little bit empty but look y'all got like little tongs hey that's cool okay so look this is heating up it's already almost 100 degrees yeah the heat's starting to pick up so i really don't need this to drop it [Music] uh hey will you run me let's go ahead and order a couple more heating coils i didn't know that i don't know how long they last but y'all check it out so hopefully when we come back we're going to be able to lift this i want to get the hold of it you know what i mean yeah okay that feels pretty good so hopefully when we come back guys this is going to be red hot we're going to pull it out of here and we're going to freaking pour a brick of freaking silver all right guys want to do a quick update we are at 200 degrees almost y'all so you know i always tell y'all life is about progression not perfection right whole purpose of the cross of jesus christ is because we couldn't achieve perfection right right so i'm not looking for perfection i'm just looking to do better than this y'all my first time i didn't get anything right that's right we didn't we got nothing like i didn't even i don't even think you couldn't even tell i tried to burn it it was bad but look y'all this is my second attempt at jewelry or burning silver and look that's a nugget and you can even read some of the 925s on it which is why that's pretty cool so i'm keeping my first nugget so i'm not trying to achieve perfection guys i'm just trying to progress i'm just trying to progress past this y'all ignore gina doing the dishes she's just doing what a woman should do right i'm not doing that yeah women should do all the cooking and cleaning right right right what am i doing right now you're being facetious yes do i believe that no you don't know all right but hey sometimes it's fun to wind some of you up uh but y'all look we got smokage or queen y'all queefily the silver's in their quaiflin to death [Music] all right guys it's on almost getting up to 800 it's smoking a little bit this peaky side that's oh shoot that time that's a hot black ball don't touch the metal y'all look at that oh it is it's turning nice and yellow all right guys so let's let it warm up a little bit more and hopefully we'll be pouring some silver [Music] [Music] oh no i left my all right guys so it is smoky and i have been like going back and forth you got to forgive the chili pot gina made chili chili after church it was great but check it out uh i was going to put this here so i could have running water because i was afraid like this is going to burn through the pan i mean it's not going to burn through the cast iron for sure but i'm like how hot it's going to get this and how you know how many degrees is this going to take away from this and until it gets to the cabinet all problems running through my oh okay so look whoa whoa what's happening all right we're gonna look in it for the first time together you ready mm-hmm don't lean your face over i'm not i'm whoa look how red hot that is whoa all right we gotta close it okay so my stir stick and my sand casting stuff isn't it got delayed so i'm gonna use this for a stir stick i'm just afraid like it'll that might just burn i don't know that what if it just like and then it comes out like you know what i mean like in a cartoon like when they would dip it in the acid yeah i did that yeah i'm not a liar um 979 degrees so it's hot enough to melt silver now yeah oh yeah you can kind of see the forms of them let me see if i can get it yeah don't melt the lens it's going to start melting all right guys we're at 999 990 999 degrees 999 hot y'all look let's look inside i want to touch it with the stick [Music] hey did you see that that's a silver queeful okay oh look whoa it was just like a topless it was should we put more in we got to put more in should we yeah [Music] yo should i put my nugget in there no your nuggets like a it's a symbol i'm gonna keep it did you get the stuff out of these i need to make sure not to put any plastic in there yo that melts down a lot it does yo i'm glad i did that i knew it looked like it was a liquid down below that here i'm gonna pour some more in there yo that's like liquid liquid whoa all right i'm for some wine y'all ready i don't know if you're not supposed to do this but [Music] hey y'all let me get this uh here let's knock these off with the stick yeah let's keep these off the sides oh you hit me with that whoa did it burn you oh man that's fire oh i see plastic i don't want plastic in my silver no plastic [Music] i'm being so careful i guess you should huh i mean i want to get a big brick i didn't know how much that was going to melt down but that's almost got paper in there i mean that would have just sizzled up but yeah yeah this is wild there huh that was fun get that in there get that off is there one on that side no i don't see one okay at least not through the camera i want to put a chain in here i can't wait to melt gold i got scrap gold y'all we'll make a gold bar this week [Music] and then we'll put the stick in the pudding [Music] oh that was gold thing what remember i did find some gold scrap in there oh you did yo all right so look look in there show it to him i feel like i should fill it up more what do you think yeah here i'm gonna close that hold on all right guys give me just a minute and i'm gonna fill this back up uh to the top because we're gonna try to see how big of a brick we can and then we're gonna weigh it at the end hey see if you can zoom in on the pot and see all those 925 stamps like yeah coming from that side can you see all those it's kind of neat to know they're all going to be like combined into one bar now well like a or a skillet a round a skillet round that's what we're going to call it a skillet round it sounds like something on the applebee's menu hey man come try our new ten dollar skillet round y'all this is wild this is wild i don't know y'all at least i'm being me i'm trying not to be messy and that's hard for you too and i'm trying not to i don't want to be dangerous [Music] trying to be dangerous i mean danger is my middle name and what's my nickname in high school okay all right we're going to pick all these up off the floor but we don't want any scaloopity-do's around all right y'all look it's full again look oh look it fell again oh my gosh look how fast it melts babe look it whoa oh look it's silver look how look it's already wanting to fall again i'm gonna keep putting silver in there y'all we're going for the gusto oh you ready ready were you already filming i was already filming not supposed to do oh my gosh you gotta wait till i put the stick in the pudding [Music] we have to make the t-shirt on ground spot what was that i think it was kate [Music] so hey guys in the comments and in the chit chat let me know how much do you think our our brick is gonna weigh and hey this is exciting news to know that we're actually gonna have a something to weigh at the end of this video i've made y'all wait when did i do the first one like almost a year ago last fall january or was it okay so yeah it might have been like november yeah i think it was yeah so it's been it's coming up on a year the first time i tried this the second time i tried it was last week yeah and i got a nugget so hey y'all we're gonna hopefully get something better this time we're trying to get a skillet round oh i'm sweating bullets i'm sure you are it's hot oh man i got i see i got impatient i got impatient impatient making silver justin you see them old silversmiths do you see them doing stuff like that no danger they edit it out yo i'm sweating balls this is the last bit i'm putting in here okay now i got a drink of water this is getting intense okay so i'm gonna pour these out we're gonna wait for this to melt down let's look it's already going down again yeah look oh man it's already sank baby this smells fast all right y'all hey we're gonna cook that for about 10 minutes and we'll be right back all right guys so hey i decide look i decided we're going to go big i can always get more silver so i want to go ahead and fill this thing up we've got about halfway full of the crucible is liquid so i'm gonna fill this up y'all now like as soon as it drops in there man it like melts uh pretty quick so look i'm filling this up uh i'm gonna go big i just realized if i would have poured whenever we were gonna pour we were gonna have like maybe the bottom of the pan so i just didn't figure all the holes in the earring backs and stuff you know but anyway so um all right hey we're gonna finish this up hopefully when we come back we're gonna be pouring a full crucible full of silver all right guys hey we're about to pour it hey y'all check this out so i'm gonna take one of these little guys right here that says 925 and once i pour this i'm going to try to drop that on the center and hopefully it doesn't melt it should melt but that'll be our 925 stamp all right guys i'm gonna give this a quick stir there's still some chunkies in there but i'm just gonna go ahead and pour this for the sake of time because look it's 450 y'all look satisfying y'all because i was gonna do this anyway because i couldn't wait and there's no way i could not film this and y'all be involved in it so hey give me one second because our camera battery is about to die we'll be right back all right all right guys we're gonna do this quick because the battery's done i don't want to miss this so y'all we're going to get a big chunk of ice and put this on i'm nervous i know okay are you nervous oh my gosh it's heavy oh my gosh it's so bright red okay are we doing this for real i'm i'm scared okay i'm gonna squeeze the crap out of this thing [Music] okay hold on let me get the eyes huh yeah get the ice get that hurry get the flatten are you ready uh-huh okay so we're gonna try to cool this y'all okay this is gonna be cooler than i thought but i needed to leave it in there longer i know i needed to leave that in there but look for the sake of time this is our first time i'm gonna melt i'm gonna cut this down and re-melt it anyway for the simpsons y'all ready y'all is this gonna blow up hold on ready oh it's dirty y'all feel like this could be a music video like if i was a rapper like that's in your mouth it's so hot all right y'all should i try to dump it did i try to dump it i don't know what you should look it's trying to boil that water yo this water is boiling yo no i can feel it rumbling in my hand yeah making silver has a lot of dirty fun should we try to dump it before it before it hardened whoa all right hold on [Music] next time we're doing this outside okay i told gina no more projects in the house y'all look at this that's a lot of silver yo [Music] oh that smells like fajitas well we have to eat it last night we did but not in that country oh i forgot to put my thing on it yeah that would have been good roasted wieners you know what i mean i meant my little uh there's no way it's gonna stick to it yeah not now y'all think that's safe to touch i don't even know i thought it ran a little longer look oh wait oh we gotta turn this off yeah turn it off turn it off turn that off yeah it works this is our most successful silver video yet whoa oh wait look we got lusage yeah they're that's okay those are the ones that didn't get to melt yeah that's the ones that didn't get to melt we got to save those i don't want to lose all that silver i know y'all look at this okay let's knock the dust the loosey-gooseys off okay let's let's be a little that cools quick look it doesn't yeah that's silver that's chunky we gotta hurry up because the camera's dying y'all i promise we're gonna get better at this but look i'm gonna polish this thing i'm about to get online right now to see how to polish silver this is all the stuff from like the pan but look obviously i didn't leave it in there long enough because there's big chunky things all on it uh but hey so let's see how much we have here y'all that's heavy look look that's like listen to it i know you ever seen like oh hold on we lost one are you ready let's see how much it is 2.1 pounds of silver yeah that's 2.1 pounds that's a two pound that's a two pound round all right guys hey i promise i'm gonna get better this hey we'll see you guys tomorrow night [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 12,515
Rating: 4.9062028 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, how to resell, Storage Wars episodes, family vlog, vlog, best vloggers, lunkers tv, rob lunkers, Googan squad, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, garage sales, funny videos, duck dynasty, family videos, Melting silver, melting gold, how to melt silver, how to melt metal, silver melting, silver smithing, coin, dumpster diving, mind seed tv
Id: vTSxMxv6pjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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