ABANDONED: Nike Air JORDAN SNEAKER Collection Found In Abandoned Storage Unit For ONLY $375!?

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alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds we are here in Carla Dallas Dallas I think it's I think it's considered down like five miles away from the shop which is excellent yeah so we are here at you know 1483 I spent 373 75 but I got good news the really cool unit that y'all been watching the last couple of days we actually paid 125 to that I don't know wouldn't have me fine looked at it we're like man 175 was a killer deal but 125 so here's the thing pop this sucker open Gina's gonna give you a pan of the room and then we're just gonna get to business and then you can kind of deer in the pan you figure out why I spent 3 375 375 on it and or you can think like man that dude's an idiot why did he spend 375 on it and then I'll tell you why and then we're gonna get some stuff out we're gonna do unboxing the crews gonna be here soon and we're just gonna get at it alright alright let's get at it oh yeah first try [Music] alright guys so we are back and here's the thing do you saw it you let me know not the chit-chatting that we're chatting to now but down in the comments let me know already the beginning i'ma check the time-lapse don't be cheating the timestamps thumbs up thumbs down do you think 325 from the beginning of the video was a good deal I'll tell you why I'll tell you I know this is only a canvas hopefully that's not a split I can touch that up but these Marilyn Monroe canvases do really well and our options okay I saw this as kind of mid-century this is probably like 70s right but I'm hoping the glasses in here there was one there was two here the furniture for the most part even though it's a little cheaper these little corner shelves there's some pretty good condition right and seriously I saw I saw all this name-brand right one of the things I tell you guys whenever you're profiling a unit look for a name-brand right even if it's in a bad area they may not have had a lot of money they could have poor furniture but if you see a lot of name-brand stuff usually tells you jewelry and a lot of good other stuff because they were very much about their appearance right so I did see Nike what is that Reebok or condo that's Adidas Nike I saw this one down here you're not allowed to touch it but I saw a shoestring in there they're so cute no baby Nikes we're gonna have a little baby to put these on soon hopefully next year maybe alright so look we're gonna be like what is Gina pregnant not Target not at the moment I get the vasectomy reversal which we're saving for it's like five grand but we're saving for since we get it I'm going to get fixed up little by little baby ground spices a little baby crumbs so anyway meaning me stop humping the laser anyway this equality you're not allowed to touch any of this stuff all but look my instincts were right Jordan Jordan is baby you got at least 3/4 of your life to go that's three more life to you so don't blow it don't do drugs if you're doing it stop it get some help so I saw this you know it's a department store I saw that through there it looked like it was a really nice condition okay so hoping there was more bags in there there's a lot of boxes I saw shoes up here this leather jacket let's just move this I'm not sure what it was but it looked nice it looked like they cared about their appearance what's this a Paris blues I don't know 1981 is that a good brand yo y'all let me know not in the chit chat you let me know in the chit chat too but let me know down in the comments when I ask y'all things the reason again why I do this ask you don't go comment down in the comment is because the chat gets so much as we grow the chat gets going so fast man I just y'all know how I am like man things go around the house or something like that and I just miss it and I don't mean to I don't mean to miss your comments doctor but so also put it down in the comments because I like to go back and read all the nice things y'all have to say and some of the main things dirty laundry no let's just got a peek around me was that your foot yeah that was your foot nice so radio days so usually this I'm gonna touch that up a little bit that's where it was rubbing on the wood but I'm gonna test this up that's a little spot we'll clean that off but I guarantee this will probably go for 50 or 60 bucks an option they probably learned like 200 a lot so here's the big question guys what's in the boxes yeah what is in the boxes I did whatever I'm in here bidding I'll take my flashlight and I'll shine it down in here you know and I'll try to shine it in the holes people think I'm weird I'm looking in people's hole I mean box holes box hole could hold in a box man look at that already excited about that oh okay here's a good sign yo here's a very good sign not only did the parents like their style but they made sure their baby had style mm-hmm right so hey here's the dang deal what I wanna do is I want to get some of this loosey-goosey stuff off we're gonna do some unboxing with you let me get all of this out situated so you don't have to watch that part and we're gonna come back we're gonna do some unboxing and we're gonna get this unit out of here and hopefully again hey if you forgot right now while we're taking a break when the Batman thing goes that's how long you got like a split second but not on the chitty-chat down comments let me know 375 so far what you seen thumbs up thumbs down yeah Justin you did great Justin you're an idiot you stopped buying units one of the other we'll be right back all right guys we're back and I almost forgot that so check it out we got the furniture and stuff down there but one question we did have if you all know this symbol right here let me know if that's worth anything not in the chat but down in the comments let me know if you you know this bag it feels like real leather you know yeah it's not like tearing everywhere you know it feels nice not so special I'm thinking what is that yoky yo yo so fancy wore that sucker out yep look at that where she was can bags the dirt around stuff like that so I started going through some boxes I'll be honest the only thing is it would be a couple things on this run and the other bidder saw it too but like you know a lot of the run there'd be like one box of bullets sitting here one Michael Kors purse sitting here it was like it's just so weird but I look around here not all of these are popped but if you look you'll notice I haven't moved any of these you can tell the tapes been torn too but I stopped waited because I wanted to film this with you guys so right we've got some nice clothes got a few purses those Jordans over there killer yeah and look and the furniture is a really good condition so let's see what we got here these are actually pretty nice really clean little air maxes okay oh yeah got another pair in the silver we got boxes for crappy all of the boxes know that we find you do I think so cuz I mean first couple boxes we go these boxes right this area boxes striking out here that's what she says ha that ain't make sense ready yes I know that you don't think that's funny alright hey check it out hey this is gonna have to be the shoe room huh uh-huh we're gonna put these all out for a thumb or something do a thumbnail like that hey I'm alright with that these are canvas that's not dirty these are canvas and glitter those are cool starts jeans white t-shirt and timberlands really so I have a two part attitude that doesn't mean that those are cute those are little kid shoes these put your foot up here what you are you a little kid oh this is about you about two centimeters away from me okay let's see what size are these size six those are cute though yes they are cute cuz I know we got vintage in the other one right yeah so we got a good vintage unit so this is gonna be a great auction yo I actually kind of like those new ladies lady she's a freaking shoppings Walmart and storage what yo check it out though it's gonna be a good auction right one of the ways guys that I buy units and if you're gonna start an auction company or something like that you don't want to go buy all the vintage you you want a good mixture out cuz that's what keeps you it'll bring all different kind of people so this is a score for us because having nice clothes and freaking killer collectible shoes with all the vintage toys with the glass now we got furniture we've got like four other units to pick up so there's no telling I think there's a safe and one but alright guys we are back and so here's the dank deal the crew is running behind they must hit a flat hit a cow I don't know what's going on but we got all this stuff out here waiting so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go through these boxes a lot of this stuff was home goods it's actually really good sellable nice microwaves or do you know where to go be like third album I walked back over to my right doesn't begin we get some good footage anyway so there's a lot of good sellable a lot of nice clothes but we are gonna go through the rest of these boxes here I did pop these open to see what was inside and I liked what I saw on top I can't promise what on bottom I'm good but anyway shoes more shoes yeah this is the shoe these are Jordans mm-hmm they're nice too yeah we call it special or something yeah I know but that's one yeah so that's a nice guest bag so right now 375 all the shoes all the furniture I mean seriously that's a little dingy corner cabinets a little mid-century modern things and like I said what is that oh it looked like one of those weird like masks that you wear to masquerade party was this okay Tommy he'll figure that's clean yeah actually look the bobbing telling hadn't been set down a lot that's alright Tommy this is Tommy [Music] sweetheart bone head bone band you don't have a class I don't wear glasses I would not put that on my eyes that's probably why she didn't have this you anymore she died of an eye infection ah see glasses these are cool dingy is crap but those are those are cool like 80s style Jesus action that's definitely not gold I keep turning it right when you're free no it's dead it's stamped right there no this all away I don't know these bracelets not bi oh that's my style huh sure where that probably goes with this shirt and everything hey coach there coach yeah that looks like something you'd wear no well this look like Sookie what's D max D and what Italy design crew though dude looked like more like hair yawns yeah Pete local people don't know yeah yeah I know trying to make fun but this was totally this chick style yeah bracelet she was rocking it her purses and everything oh it's the schoolhouse okay cute listen battery oh yeah you know what it is it's a unicorn the unicorn horn no I'm joking it's like a it's a rocket booster for your car [Laughter] [Music] dildo Dallas that's what I'm gonna start naming our city what is this Oh Michael Michael Kors oh right there yeah dangling in my face tingling in your face Jessica Simpson she used these up good emotion emotion that's written on there that is not as thought to be honest with you I've been trying to go legit she was saying one of them Harry Hines these are clean that's not torn that's little actually I don't know what it is I don't know what that drip down on is birthday hey give me a filmer boxes we had a empty pool boxes we did so we determined this is not our roller blading is better than roller skate like currently I do you know what I mean is I don't see you go down the street like this no I don't yeah they can't even see your life like this oh she's festive yeah but that's what I got your tickets oh shoot that one lady's gonna be like oh oh look at this it's like an air thing Oh like a breathing apparatus for a kid it's a nebulizer that's what a good way to get get your your kid that is not what I look like don't make me guess you want me hey I'm not going rollerblading since the kids stopped riding bikes so there's one box we'll get these boxes I want to take a real quick break and be right back all right okay all right guys all right go back to what you're doing back angle all right I guess you saw I'm going over Jordan box hey hey do we do this box no I know we hadn't done these I remember seeing these joints the Georgia babies being at least three or four wouldn't you say the shooter came through the shooters more air maxes they took care of him that style I looks more Dita's nice nice and won't even clean these puppies up a little bit more usually when we get these I'm afraid it's like they're all jacked up I know not look at these don't you like they came out it does actually smell like new look at that mm-hmm how many pairs of Nikes we got honey I don't know what there's a Y between adults and kids Oh Nike book I've never seen these those are really cool that's like it's like a notebook yo so we got one two three four five six seven pair out of that box just yeah out of that box alone sandals we'll put those in here I thought we had some green Pumas not as exciting is like probably these boxes I'll tell you what Adrian the bids on units he loves shoes oh I thought those were messed up yo but that's how those look those are cool see look at these Jordans look at the color on those are really cool I like those I told that dude that's always cooking food I thought I told them next time I find a big shoe score cuz well you know what those trash bags are the clothes that we should go through I saw blue shoes okay we've had people spin to get him out of many own shoes in our auction these look like some of the nicest yeah Oh put those back on can't lose those Oh baby picture in broken glass broken glass Nike oh these are air walk I err well I don't know if air walks anything anymore but these they used to sell these in the mall oh really y'all men were like in journeys ah just getting our air walk was like the skater shoes okay you know this is huh it's Uncle Eddie cousin Eddie cousin Eddie every time I say uncle I wasn't any warning Rocksmith explicit content Oh where's that other hat I found here does people look at that - PAH oh well come on - boy you gotta be very oh he's flipping the bird foot oh man oh why look Jory I find someone Jory you don't even excite me anymore oh look at that Hornets head that's unlawful behavior I love the old-school Hornets colors I just love it [Music] now why would you put this in here what it's just like barbeque sauce is iphone what else nails the kids school pictures that makes them on yeah alright guys so we're back we got to hurry because the really nice manager that's here let us know their gates broke and so they have to keep it I guess I opened during the day oh it has been so it they have to manually open it so we have to be out here about 5:45 and the crew is like wave on so anyway what we're gonna do is we're gonna finish this box real quick that box real quick and we still got a unit upstairs we need to run up and because we're not gonna get enough footage out of this we're gonna run upstairs we're gonna give you a sneak peek of what the next episode so anyway when she was anything I was peeking all in this so it didn't really look like anything too special looks like all good stuff oh yeah Oh Bratz watch what I don't foresee you see the copper in or anything not silver yo I tell you have a problem with the boss okay let's put this back in here let's do this cuz what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get all this stuff I'm gonna go ahead and get it out I know great shoes so good mixture for the auction [Music] you do always need a hammer always put that in your belt loop like I'm a little boy that's really good thanks care alright guys so hey here's the dang deal we've got to get hurry up because their gates broken I really love this location so we won't be very respectful to them so anyway hey we're gonna take a break but we're gonna get this stuff out and I'm gonna run upstairs I'm gonna show you what's in that unit and grab it alright guys welcome back so obviously we're not the other unit and there's a reason why is because crew was a little bit behind like I said and so by time they got there and we had to roll we had to get out of there so what I did do is I pulled out one two three four five six thirty minutes so you get two units we're doing a three four three four one three four you get two units in one preview just don't don't show them all but just peek over here right here see this whole table that's not even like a quarter of the collectible unit but it's all laid out kind of what I've been doing today is we had pickup for the packing Mugu awesome and went super well but so what I've been back here doing is just kind of going through this I'll show you one more thing I'm not taking you the back but I might have bought too much so that's why I'm over in the new shipping area working but y'all can see pickets you way up there wow that's not too far oh all of that all the way back back back that whole warehouse over there is full of stuff I bought y'all and I was feeling really really good stuff I think so anyway hey so as I promised we're gonna get to part of this unit so we're gonna get two units this is a different one this one I believe I paid more for I think I paid 375 for this unit and I'll tell you there's right now there's about sixty to eighty good clean boxes and since you weren't there when we when they unloaded I'll tell you what it is it says a lot says like mom's bedroom right here down here mom's bedroom breakable bedroom it says shoes there's a lot of boxes that said kids kids room living room figurines living room breakable figurines hoping those aren't life precious moments or a bond or some crap and then another bedroom mom's bedroom and I'm not gonna lie I want to see what was the mom's bedroom yeah me too I do I like I love digging through people's bedroom stuff in their dresser drawers so this says dresser drawer so let's go through these real quick these are completely different unit that means quick I'm just show you some more of the stuff a recap of some of this stuff before so you already get at it ready ready it's Saturday well yeah it was Christmas week it was a long dresser mom's bedroom burgers why-why-why people this is the third different unit no relation would be even beanie babies okay let's see what mom had in her dresser she had dresser oh yeah already oh look there's some pears your name might even be some silver in this joint all right I'm not gonna sit here why dig around you're not gonna sit here while you the girl but I'm gonna make dem sit there why I dig that makes sense I look at the seahorse you really have all the stuff in her dresser y'all just joshing us Hey look me little light bulbs I'll stir mama haven't her dresser I really do I have a feeling the reason I bought I got in a bidding it was me you're bidding against Chris they got Chris he's losing another he's another big bar but me and I've been together on this one but the reason why I bid so much I really did I felt jewelry and a lot of y'all been calling me the jewelry magnet the jewelry came just happens no you just know how to look it just happens are you looking Casey and I just popped this bar oh my gosh not saying they're worth anything but looks like it's lighting okay regular made in China you think you can get money for watches and what kinds uh I mean it's a nice watch it fits very heavy just kind of nose around was it a Fitbit that's a armitron it's like some kind of cheap Geneva [Music] there's a frozen okay there's a bunch of wearable watches in here so I'll go through that a little bit better so far so good see what else we got a nail polishes if I turn the pack huh oh yeah if you like no kit no you got another coach how we'll put these all online right here mama did not have this in her dresser we find gold in this joint I'm gonna be so happy that's not it's a rosary it's so pretty yeah that's pretty pretty in blue okay oh my gosh I didn't I'm promise you I expected your but I did not expect this people who got ministers gonna be setting this up call public stores I'll show you my receipts hey baby you're like way too close no sure not to me but like she never gets all up in my girl like that like she's like if I could tell you how close she is like it's less than a foot and a half and I don't I'm just trying to show them what something I understand that vacati does a really good job and it doesn't help if you stand back here and still put the camera in my face what she just did is she step back and then did this it's been raining all day maybe a little stone or something so I don't know maybe it's some kind of little polished stone to earrings that would have been nice let's get the beanie baby oh my god it's all costume doesn't mean it's not good holy cannoli it's not sober but I'm pretty if it was you can't find Rolex it's not about what I said what does I say Baywatch Oh bit that watch whoa no well that was that in that a bit fit right fit fit whatever like I said it right can't you switch these out [Music] is this a knockoff that what was it only 1488 how much they cost let's see we got more watches that looks like a Swiss watch older switch waters switch switch watches and has a hardware say 10 carat circle with chain you think the kids went through this there might have I didn't do a good job I did pop one back one box open in the back mm-hmm they said Mama's dresser and it would look just like this just stuff poured in so it makes me think that they literally had to probably just go in the house and like they dumped everything and everyone into it and everyone back - okay am i doing something wrong here surely that's deeper than oh I don't know it's not some easy buck say that I just saw a gold watch link I don't have his real cool gonna have to do one freaking one box are we gonna get to the other bar cheese what's the same Dovie they're gonna get along Dolce Vita there were 30 but 18 karat gold plate jewelry hey we're heading in the right direction that's kind of pretty oh that's really pretty so got art glass in it look at that like those paper whites we find that's really pretty that's gonna sell good actually Paul the starts missing stones I don't like selling stuff it's missing stone yeah see maxi-pads going [Applause] [Music] it's at a pen okay yeah hey you never know man actually you know I'm finding all kinds of unicorn horns you are oh look this is what I need for my - I don't have to drive oh can I clip my phone in there maybe you think maybe I need that for my dad we took a trip a good boy will walk with the rose on it say yeah she's probably doing it oh that's got to be gold that's too little not to be doing ten karat gold all right oh yeah found gold but it's broke that's alright they're still so hey you know what every time I find broken gold let's get an awkward Manzi we're looking for something I bet those are solar it's pretty over the pretty box we could fix that that's really pretty oh it's made in Italy - yeah but look it's missing legs this is literally the first box we've gone through from this unit looks like she's gonna have a lot of good stuff simply gold mmm it's a Europe mmm worthless there's some brooches they did they just pour all of this out of her dresser you're probably gonna see this beat man we forgot a piece of gold you think I need to find one of these and keep it their words I can play my music back here while I'm working yeah look this a little bit better but they paid $58 for the 10 karat gold daily this is in the same box as those other ones right yeah I think so so maybe the backs were gold yeah there's definitely something wrong right there she's gonna crush it charm bracelet yeah let's get kitty cat on it I guess he's match it look like little rubies what do you think down with this box yeah we'll go through it no we're gonna follow this jewelry those are silver little silver clasps no it's one of our customers that has a big employs oh the $4,000 invoice no the $1,200 right oh yeah y'all believe that so I spent 4 G's on the auction last night all right let's look look here's some more little coins these are for him well he's kind of cute or something that's what we need that's our that's one of our Charles on YouTube hey you teach other things there that pretty got some more watches it's a nice little fossil watch mm-hmm sharp I didn't know sharp man watches that's played for sure see all the bubbles got a lot of bubbles in it okay does this have a thingamajig in here making doll hair jewelry out of I guess they're making sure that didn't come on so I'll go through this a little bit better make sure you say we're all like definitely not still we I mean we got a good chance of on some golden oh alright so let's go to you finish out Mama's dress suit no no man let's go living room let's sleep mama having real okay I'm hoping they're like what do you know if it's not oh collectible what do you hope they're not I hope it's not just knick-knack precious moments I hope it does or they're Teddy's or what a cherished cherish teddy though unless they're made out of crystal I'll take crystal beanie babies mr. Sedley oh now I was hoping these were stands oh that would have been cool yeah or they just would be Disney at least it's not pretty no it's a little egg little piece of what do you call that Mars Mars I thought it was volcanic place that's a holder yeah the world people plates are over oh he's cute oh that's a cute box battery-operated okay little owl I'm not throwing it away oh hey oh that's home now I think we should wait wait okay big announcement and no joke I know how like a lot of people Oh huge announcement every weekend any like really was that the announcement really we have a real for real and probably I don't know if I'll be going live with George George George tomorrow night I think I will be as long as he's back in the saddle oh great another ow oh elzar cute dolls are cute I'll sell food I like our bus [Music] you know that Donald Trump will call me right now super low-energy keep calling me Jeb Bush Jeb I'm I'm I'm Jeb Bush and today to you super low energy I want a voice just it's still pretty funny oh that's pretty white jade porcelain made in they took that off made in some way it's so pretty really pretty it's got a checkered by I still say we sell that this is court on blue court like the chicken that's actually what I thought and candle good tasting candles I do recommend this one candle smell good today fresh all right guys we will finish going through that later but not now yeah 21 21 I don't know that YouTube Google that all youtubers I'm sure they know that oh well we have kids yeah we did so we hear all this but then they just stop the silliness okay what does this a breakables [Music] [Applause] hmm thank for water pictures rooster where'd you stick it in there or is it just supposed to have holes in it turn of the channel this is not interesting that's what you'll move on okay so this one said shoes kids shoes kids I promise y'all these are two separate units this is not out of the same unit y'all saw the unit with all the shoes well obviously there's the beginning the beginning of this video this is this is different this is from mama I'm gonna pull off the first thing here LeBron witness three you think they're in there there's something in here some crap you like Antoine's or some your Nike fir maxi dynasty they are okay maybe I got really excited people hot look and one hmm fellas Walmart oh they did yeah I'm not throwing as a white people I'm gonna give them to somebody you see those right these are not Nikes forever 21 yeah forever 21 she whose do you think those are girls babe right you already got yourself some rice you look a Batmobile what's some change in it I was about to have to sweat you out filming with Gina hey me in the face with the camera like just in general I'm free that's not nice okay hey guys we're gonna take a break real quick and we'll be right back all right guys so we are back things look a little different they do I had to swap it out because I was about to start looking like storage scavenger you seen the dudes eyeball Oh have you seen it no that's how I kept getting so close to that cave I was like now I'm gonna look like him I can't be looking like that I am just joking score scavenger you didn't put some Vaseline on that I'm joking tell her to stop hitting you everybody's been joking that's why I sent them but so anyway hey there's your plug hey Taggart a plug how you get it right so anyway do this what doesn't the kids shoes it wasn't until you got a hurry actually no we don't have to say that we'll say that to the end of the boxes so because we got to do [Music] probably I was gonna say a selling machine no i'ma go with piano you're really gonna argue with me that goes to the piano yeah to a keyboard not a piano a keyboard an electric keyboard you sure yeah I still think that goes to a cell I've never seen a sewing machine you never see a song I mean yes with the old ones that's gonna be our channel thing that's what the boys that the unicorns there's one that says mom's dresser yeah it's not worth taking that time on there King Grimes [Music] [Music] [Laughter] hey that's all that matters oh hey why do some desk makeup I picked this box because I was hoping it was kind of like we already found today it was a rocket power just must be don't put that on me see that's another way expert unicorn horn finder yeah that's expert unicorn horn yeah they move fast I'm telling ya so fast oh just trying to get through man that's my speed of unloading boxes yeah it's just natural we can tell but yeah I'm mass chaos right I can't have you on the same room thank these go with the unicorn yep no they're not [Music] Cinderella oh look it's still in there you want to look just like Cinderella now's your chance cuz you got the beauty but wait Sookie that goes to something come here obviously this wasn't the right key oh that's not the right key it's two male ends no womp yeah you know what I mean oh you gotta hurt the little preview little auction mini prepay you know what you can't blame me at the beginning of our YouTube career I was gonna say yeah I made the mistake of inviting someone on there and going through you know blindfolded and somehow and that you June it he finds the one dildo in there that works and smacks me y'all haven't seen that go watch the birdie you gotta go on to probably my favorite video we're like it an hour in 10 minutes I'm bringing him to cut some of this down but hey anyway guys so you feel butters you gotta go through so hey here's the dang deal we're gonna take a break and we'll be right back so we can show you a little auction preview [Applause] alright y'all know me this ain't auction preview because I forgot something hmm I always forget we're about to walk out the button gonna start editing and I was like alright so check it out I actually like this this little box so we found a bunch of these vault boxes and the collectors collectible yeah not the Nike the shoe 296 turn this was out of JFK alright huh look at this three sentiments that's yeah that's a three cent nickel yeah that very much so look at it up close three cent nickel yes it yeah that's 1866 hey if we found this in the shoebox I'm telling y'all we still got about it Rick in 50 boxes to go in the kids shoe box in the kiss these dollars there's $2 huh where do you see a pacer you just make that up on the back what's the Mexican symbol it has the eagle with the the snake can it speak right am i right is that all AK I think you're gonna have a chat mexicanos right there hey look here's the Australian dollar oh that's cool what kangaroos what was that how close she was B frame for room I'm not making this up that she does not somehow in the last seven years that's mother but she know you were telling your dad yesterday you lost your depth perception that is no lie I do have lost my depth perception does she like this lost the definition does not know what personal space is watch that's fine you don't have to but like there's some situations like yeah turn around she's like the butler for mr. deeds if I can find it it's not right here well not up there she's gonna go in here I am Emilio sir I am your servant all right if I found it hope you enjoyed it if not long on a word boss all right so anyway hey that's what was in this box this is actually really cool I can't even see it so bad this do you know showbiz boys no was it like a check you cheese hey not in the cheesy chat they were chatting out down there let me know you know about showbiz it was it was before chuck-e-cheese actually I think chuck-e-cheese was like almost like the spin-off show that's a gorilla the big gorilla got there I think he played the keyboard did he play the drums I think it was a keyboard it was a whole band in the curtain came back I thought that was trigger cheers man Chuckie Cheese ripped it off Joby well I wouldn't know this I used to what we Chucky Cheese has been around since I'm gonna live we lived over by it it was by Red Bird mom in Duncanville that's guys you hope probably grew up in my neighborhood but we used to go there all the time so anyway hey that's the coins now let's go to the auction preview grab it all right guys welcome to this last part of this video you're watching right now I told you I would give you a walkthrough trust me this is not even of this unit 90 and a half of it promise but what I wanted to do is is it's kind of hard when I'm tearing through boxes to see really what we pay I don't know if I told you I did in the chat but we only paid 125 for this unit not 175 so there's the clock actually all of this stuff on the shelfs came out it's unit but this is kind of yeah this semi radio was actually really nice actually I need to stop talking so slow oh there's the Gucci hat here's the clock we do have the glass piece there's the Hillary Nutcracker Nike had just cool stuff check this out so I do believe this to be legitimate this is a five-dollar Confederate note and it's actually a really good condition okay and I already check the website because a lot of the times you can find these oh I found multiple these I found a $10 one and there's a website a check and it'll tell you if the serial numbers on there they'll be like no those are commonly faked and so I do believe this to be real and just a one of the ways you can tell is the $10 when I found the bordering was completely perfect it's actually in there on the desk and a frame but see how this was cut rough see the border okay because that's a good sign that it is real and see where the ink bled over onto the border on both spots so you can tell that was a live signature oh why is it better that it's not centered because they would like almost hand cut it yeah yeah so yeah if you see these perfect borders that didn't happen back in those days okay so I do believe this to be real this old 1952 checked from how do you say that I'd say go see yeah okay but that's real too so these you didn't see this I just found them in a box like I told you when we're doing the unit we didn't go through everything like we do back here and so I've still got I got so many box to do though so there's the autographed baseballs we found yeah I don't y'all know how I feel about plates but there's some good place here's a Wizard of Oz one oh that one's cool you know what I might do I might put this together to unlock the plate and the book I said oh yeah I like that here's those phones there's my boy right here I got ahold of them yet but I need him to come sign it for me look here's the video games we found look how many Nintendo characters a focus on work no I know him look after this because he's gonna hide him but looks a good eye out so I've already checked these I've got some empty cartridges over there that all sell is one big bulk lock but all of these have the games in them it's Frogger in there Froggers in the PlayStation that's what I mean yes that was my game but look we had in 64 we had some DS games one Wii game here's Harry Potter's freaking wand yeah I'm not gonna lie the only thing I opened was that oh yeah I did here's I love Lucy's new kids on the block you got to put Jordan on top cuz he was a leader right even though freakin Donnie thought he was he wasn't he makes a heck of a burger now I hear that look I don't like starting lineups but I found the Michael Jordan one oh that's cool that is pretty cool I don't think I've ever seen a certain line of so that actually still worth a few bucks there's the Lucy thing here's a mic we actually might need to use this if we start doing lives again that's really cool so yeah that and that's actually I think a pretty good brand families but these are boxes that I need to still go through plus all of that back there where you see the big picture - he's still poking his head up so I'm telling you like this is so 125 bucks y'all like so far this is what 125 bucks paid for and I'll tell you right now in the Nintendo games we got that yep did this this stack right here will easily pay for the unit and so this is all profit everything else is on profit but anyway other than that guys look this is stuff I can't tell you I've got a big surprise Oh was I not supposed to look at it no you can't I'm just boxing some stuff up we got a big announcement we're not announcing it today stay tuned I might announce it tomorrow live with George George either on his channel my channel I'm not sure but it'll be after what the hell's but it's not one of those hey we got an announcement every week and then it's like that was lying this is a big announcement for our company and everything so we'll let you all know that probably tomorrow night I just spit it know for it that is so gross yeah it was so anyway hey make sure to LIKE subscribe we're almost a 15,000 our goal was 15,000 please please please help us I don't like not hidden goals I think we're 350 away from 15,000 so everybody found your family they're gonna be in for New Year's whatever bar you go to as soon as you have a few shots just go run below me and check out grounds fine just like that do that everywhere you go that's your family's party if you're drunk out hey man check out ground spots and just do that and then or just steal their phones go around the bar and steal phones and subscribe so hey other than that make sure to subscribe hit the bell make sure to hit all notifications other than that was the next [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 34,847
Rating: 4.8641768 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Auctions, Reselling Business, Penny List, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Sneaker Heads, Sneaker collection, nike shoes, nike 2020, Sneaker Pimps, sneaker con, air jordan 1 bloodline, sneaker invest, nike ticks, nike air max 270, adidas ozweego, auction hunters, storage hunters
Id: avP9d7J7h18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 38sec (4418 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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