Search Warrant Served On My Auction House!!! Seriously!!! Abandoned Storage Unit Videos!

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because like I said it's like oh that's nothing don't don't show them that they'll be yelling at me all right you ready listen Ally it doesn't break the grand for now right now I know you got a white one two three three welcome to looking down on my shirt I was like right when you started I was like man I'm filthy okay anyway guys so I have been out loading units today by myself and my dear wife Gina but anyway this is the intro so welcome to another fantastic episode of Grimes fine very interesting one I want to show you this piece of paper in a minute you're not gonna believe what the crap happened to me this morning I've literally literally was served a warrant a search warrant by the city of Garland for a patch of grass that is behind a 20-foot wall actually y'all wanna go see it y'all I'm so frustrated I'm not joking guys all right we're back sorry we got a phone call that was leo hey if y'all been wondering where Leo is Leo has started a multi kind of thing business going on and actually I've got to have him come here and give me a quote to do some work but hey anyway anybody in Dallas DFW area you know power-washing lawn services any of that if you need that let us know first because Leo has got his thing kicked off and we're super proud of him anyway so that was him calling Katy because he's got to come by grab a drill and he needs to give me a quote because I'd like him to be our new provider so this crap don't have but anyway literally seizure and search warrant hold on I'm trying to show you what what it's for actually I'm just going to show you come on [Music] yeah buddy so anyway I'm gonna take you out here and show you why I got served a search warrant and I literally it was it was not good I was thrown off I thought it was a joke at first and I asked the people to get off the property so I called my attorney I got my attorney on the phone within two seconds but anyway so we didn't get any warning no warning not an email not a sticker on the door cuz I'm the kind of guys you tell me hey I just go so fast I'm all I'm always going to go we don't have a lot of grass I don't think about it and so anyway not one warning this morning I get them coming up here I've got cops out here I've got two code enforcement officers here and it was for this patch of grass which I'm I go I see that sometimes point in but you know I was looking fat a search warrant okay then and I don't I'm not look I don't care what my neighbors - I love my neighbors but do you see all that over there okay just just hear me out and I asked a guy I said I asked the totem for spike I said is that I said his net encode it was rhetorical he said absolutely not I said so you're telling me I didn't get one warning y'all come in here stop my business honestly kind of embarrassing that the police showed up yeah I said so you came in a cul-de-sac you see all that you see the broken-down cars that have been there that are against City violation or they're their gifts code and I said but you chose this wifey likes my mother nothing but you chose to send cops city resources over here with no warning serve me a search warrant for grass god regret and I said so this so you're telling me you pulled in here you saw all those violations and you chose to serve me a search warrant on grass that's behind this wall it's why I got a search warrant from the city of Garland and I'm just going to say garland had a bad reputation among business owners as far back as I can know and now I'm certain to watch we just moved our business to Garland we used to be in garland years ago but this is ridiculous the wall is all the way around my property okay and I told the guy I said hey if you were to just knock on the door or called or you know anything I said I would in a second I said but I said you see why I'm throwing off a search warrant for grass Garland Texas a search warrant for grass no warrant they said they sent emails to the business owner but that doesn't help me search one yeah and I end the conference to have the young couples here I had my shirt down he's like I can tell you that I bought my just another gun safety guys if you care you see Joe always be respectful to cops and I grab right here and I pull up and show them I've got my CHL and he was cool with it I said well I saw you looking down I'm about to do is go tell my neighbor because all of this grass back here they asked me for their address and they asked me he said that they were next basically is how I took it all that grass back there I think I'm gonna go warn them just so dumbfounded look at all that crap that is not supposed to be on here so anyway we're gonna have a unit in this unit we're gonna be unboxing unit that me and her just got back from done we came here I saw this on the counter how's that man I got telling me about this and that just be honest there's a chunk back there yeah I gotta go through a how many minutes we got four we gotta guess oh well you can head out yeah okay you head there I'll meet you at the house and then we've got a unit that we just won for four hundred and ten dollars in McKinney storage treasures we've got to run out there pay for that we've already me and Gina I've already got that hey when the guys are done today have them anyway so we're gonna go back to the trunk we'll see any minute all right guys we're back inside anyway I had to go vent next door any went and warn the neighbors and just left them know kind of what was going on but anyway hey this trunk we got out of the unit I don't remember which one it's been taped to spin around up I was like oh my god I gotta know what's in it it says glass on the outside but I'm about to leave here we got to go pick up the kids and I got to go to McKinney to get a pickup a unit that we got there pay for that anyway so what I do online why I rush to pay for them is like Locker Fox it can be really bad about but they have the right to pull any unit from you so I always try to get there as quick as possible pay for them and get my lock on it and that's why I'm rushing out there anyway I have to know with them I don't know yeah I'm gonna say the guys struggled to get it down okay I'm gonna say Tuesday night's video alright alright oh yes hey we're recording they already know I just told them that you started your business oh and that you're here to get your drill and give me a quote right yeah so Leo's Locker still ain't happening but it ain't it ain't gone so is that you okay so hey let's say hi to Leo I told everybody in DFW you're doing power washing you're doing the art services business and commercial or no commercial and residential actually have a circle hey I got my pencil I saw we're looking for on warrants oh I think you put it up front yeah I got served a search warrant I'm not joking for the cops here they were cops were here city officials freaking lawn service for some grass I was in that patch can you look and see how no charges every two weeks and then and the little catches on the front and then hey also I can I talk to you let me get on my yard you're no presidential Iraqis Oh residential/commercial my every two weeks you kind of know what it is yeah but if you tax me like now how much I'll cancel their service and then if you can just be like on have me on a schedule for every two weeks okay all right all right let me know oh yeah some I said you got skills till you drop it yeah powder yo cutting board hey it's a lemon cutting board I'm like looking for the point looks like it's all pottery with hey would ya it looks like they went and sit their whole house and just grabbed all their pottery pieces Hey they spent forty nine bucks on this like I mean it's really heavy what does it say on the is there's one no so sticker will clean that off but I mean that's like these little pots little planners you can read the funnies man I used to always read the fine this is really heavy that's cool and somebody classes look just much of leads to the other party man me all wound up garlic wound up like a top home accent it's still pretty they repaired it wait hang on the knee back up okay hey these are nice cigar but something other than pottery in you Hey look hey Big D Magazine once they're gonna put me over one day I wanna make anyway hey I've got to get to McKinney they've got to finish up pirate auction number two I think McKinney we're gonna do a little bit of unboxing there we're not gonna pick up the entire unit so we'll do some unboxing it will seeing that all right guys so we are here in oh yeah weird mesquite Mesquite no weirdos mesquite send everyone and then McKinney we are miss key are we yeah we're okay anyway hey we're a mesquite here at live storage unit 392 I just snagged this one online for how much um 120 120 so here's the deal we're just gonna go me and Gina out here by yourself the crew is back at the auction house finishing up pirates second so-and-so means you know just out here with the box truck about to get it done sometimes you gotta do it right oh that's right all right so here she got the easy job right so here here's what a hundred twenty bucks looks like and then we're heading off to another one I paid for ten fourteen okay so anyway hey we're gonna just record go kind of do some unboxing get this stuff in the truck on the way we literally just paid for it she came in here popped it off but I'll tell you why I've been on it the speakers I didn't have the covers on them you can see where the covers were pulled off but they were still in kind of decent condition and then I saw these other electronics it looks like stuff was thrown in here pretty quick but there's a receiver and stuff like that up here look right down here it's probably it's not the older stuff probably but look there's one two three four cast iron skillets that's good money anyway so here's what I'm gonna pop the back of the truck up and we're gonna pull some of these boxes out and we'll probably just record the best boxes I'll peek in the top but that's just how we're gonna do it today and but kind of scan around in here for lots of boxes would we pay 140 120 120 okay so check this out you know there's a lot of boxes in here and I like clean boxes and there's a big cabinet right there hopefully the guys put the dolly on the truck for me but anyway hey let me pull some of this stuff out of here and we'll be right back alright guys so we are back obviously we got all of this stuff out and this is a weird unit like almost all the units right we found about 10 boxes of just towels and about 10 15 boxes of stuff it just says the glass there might be good stuff in it but anyway I found some good electronics I'll show you those in a second but what we're gonna do is I wanted I did see that up there so I left it he said little box looks like some color looks like it's a core box but no telling what's in it and then I have not been through this and so I saw this and I just told Gina's today let's grab the camera because this might be our moneymaker for this unit okay look at these divas these are actually really clean look at the side it's not dusty mm-hmm okay so those are nice those are gonna clean up a real nice look some Air Force look at these Jordans hey if y'all know about these shoes or you know about what these are worth go ahead and comment look how clean that is though these are gonna clean up supernatural so we got some Jordans guys looks some kind of like old school looking Pumas they're probably newer but that that's good yeah those are really nice those did good on the last auction what else we got look more Jordans over these these are Jordans yeah these are let's see these are us nine and a half there's the number you're gonna want to look up right there learn that from Brian Coonrod you said his name correctly I did so what else we got in here Mordy dis there's actually I just found a second box this year so we paid a hundred and how much for this unit I think it was 120 and look at these are clean all these are real clean they took here the shoes for these little Puma like this yeah so we got these right mm-hmm like erection is this the other one Air Jordan here Air Max it looks like all the matches are in here huh yeah on the bottom so hey I definitely say we've got I don't know hey if Alex pirate if you guys are on hey those are those guys nope she's way better than but hey check these out if you know anything special if you see a special parent here just comment below let me know but a hundred forty bucks says unit it's something like that I don't know how many so I haven't gone through all the boxes there's probably gonna be a lot of nice glass in here because I pulled out some really some pretty nice glass mm-hmm but anyway the shoes obviously is gonna be the big winner for this look at these Jordans Nikes adidas to look at that box of shoes here's the other box I haven't even open obviously shoes I'm hoping it's more oh my gosh it is it sure enough is I want these are legit though I don't know how don't get your shoes Ravi we do he loves Gucci me yeah he does it says made in Italy in the bottom what so we found Gucci Gucci some nice shoes it's a girly stuff let me get you hey Gucci they really took good care of shoes it's Randy yeah it's raining today here in Dallas so it's cooled off tremendously look at that look at those Jordans I feel like this are older maybe I don't know I'm not very good with shoes I'm still learning shoes guys like I said before but I do know when I've got a decent amount of money in here and I know these ain't no scrub shoes you know there's got to be a few decent parent here those are kind of cool what are those a brand is that to say let me say trying to get slower I'm - I'm trying to make my camera movements nice and smooth I said Jordan she doesn't it oh no James are the oh these might be LeBron James really I wonder how much these are worth hey these like these aren't like Easy's are they I don't know you know I never had heard it easy before I had heard of edge never seen one you know anyway LeBron James if you know how much these are worth let me know those are actually really clean - I can make those look probably brands thinking new brands thinking almost all these look new they do hey so check this out there's gotta be there's gotta be 500 are some shoes here I think even auction prices yeah but uh anyway we'll see there was that there was pots and pans I did see some brass in here some pop says oh don't you want me to come back there yeah why not it's just a bunch of like brass candlestick candlestick holders so there's a bunch of those in there I do want to see what's in the chest up top ah hey good things we go we got more units today this is what I saw y'all look empty but there's one more hold on oh hey that's what you get when you spend 20 bucks on it somewhere deep discounts anyway hey guys so that is the end of this unit we're gonna load all this up in the truck and show you the electronics I got two sitting kind of see the full perspective okay right by the office so anyway look we got these electronics got all their knobs got all the buttons I'm pretty sure these are gonna work but anyway look you can see we got the rest of stuff we didn't stack it high because it's a small unit we're heading to the second one which is a small unit but other than that we're gonna get this on the truck I'm actually gonna stop by my business partners office real quick catch up with him because he's like literally 30 seconds up the road and then we're gonna hit the next unit so we'll see in a minute all right guys welcome back to crossfire we are here in McKinney Texas we are at unit I'm not going that low I'm too old it's the end of the day I'm not bending over anyway hey I got little grant funds here with me and I got my beautiful daughter Kennedy she said that's all you're getting she already told me to hang on me in the video I said all right well if you decide you want to so maybe she'll give us a guest appearance in a minute she's not gonna be in the video that's all you get anyway low ground funds make sure to go to little ground funds he's gonna have some videos coming out we're trying to get him up to I think I said 250 subscribers but anyway he's young he's figuring out dad don't want a basketball channel he doesn't want to do this maybe one day we'll but that's not who he is we're still trying to figure out what his channels gonna be all be about but until then go to little Grimes finds he's under my featured channels if not I'm a horrible father and he's I'm definitely subscribe to everything but anyway go subscribe to him anyway so we're here in McKinney Texas this is the end of the day we went back into school we're here I bought this for four hundred and ten dollars on stores charge calm we did just get a little bit of backstory from the manager here the owner of the property he said that this unit I guess they transitioned they got bought out or maybe he bought it out but during the transition they lost this owners information but he said this stuff's been here forever but here at the transition they lost the information so I guess so this has just been waiting for six months beyond you can you see that okay so look at this no not ooh okay so 410 okay real quick let me show you something right there four hundred ten dollars is what we paid what is that that's a craftsman that's a double stacker and it actually looked like it's a nice shape looks like there's some kind of tool Oh be great if there was a gun yeah right so over here I'll be wrong honest that's why I bought it was the toolbox I was willing to go a lot higher on this unit actually and those right there are Kenwood the tape looked original it doesn't look like those have been messed with if not I've looked those up and that that set new old stock wasn't they were from 90s by early 90s early mid 90s if that's true then we will we got our money right there and in the toolbox so what we're gonna do is little grass spawns wants to open a few things if Kennedy changes her mind change ammonia no no yes she's good oh this is folks okay this is what little Grimes finds one and I don't blame him do you wanna save it for the interview over I smell poisoning hey check it out there's something in here is it shaking shaking shaking conference not a gun they wouldn't fit Sawada cash though alright so we're gonna put this right here guys I do like this look at this curved glass where's the bottom of it though you know I mean that's pretty heavy okay I've got to know what's in some of these boxes you know where I just found these oh yeah all right you're look these have been I don't know how long they've been that's where I keep it what's in it is it good okay let's cut the rest of it open a flop he said it's a flush Oh phone books I uh-huh Bob the Builder bro Oh what is that oh they're all cellphones bro that's cool we were just talking about this no that is a cell phone we were just talking about this all morning talking about how we didn't have cell phones when I was in high school and look it has a lot more older cellphones check these up let's see what this is probably the oldest one huh well charge your action a member you walk use these on your bow that's a Nokia that's not too old with the powers on though nope all right this this unit and the crap out of me hey let's do this we're gonna take a break I'm gonna pull these chairs out we're just gonna pop open a few boxes cuz we gotta get home we've got a pot roast cooking I'm friggin I love roast [Applause] go me alright guys hey you gotta warn me you okay you're worried about this right so look check this out this says bar class on it I did pop the top of this open and look what we've started to see inside and I was like man I don't know I got maybe overly excited build bar okay where's this oh that was to make drinks on I guess that's where the liquid falls down into me oh look this can we hold those look beefeaters that's my nickname in high school I'm joking that was weird good it's Nason's 1913 Oh y'all I knew it I just had it feeling about this eighth time y'all see that much dust you got it you got a bid y'all [Applause] hey Candy's got opening oh that's alright so this is bars here's some new look new Mikasa its binocular done soon yeah yeah I could tell it yeah it's binocular good hey mom check it out see how far you can see see if you can see a tick on that horses butt over there look Park Lane Mikasa look there's some new here it's kind of cool I've the drinkers prayer tin I'm trying to slow down movie shot glasses okay I'm not gonna open that because this is oh yeah maybe it's a pretty cool collection oh yeah that case felt cheap for Susan here Oh what is it okay we've had these before in units you know those are you fill these up with water you stick it down in the ground or your plant pot and it waters it hey this is a good box would you agree yeah that's a boat to get much anyway Hey look at all this dust y'all I'm so pumped so freakin pumped about this dust look at the little flag up here hold on keep rolling blue the Sun what is it I don't have my glasses on so which part will stick hey anyway oh look look that's either safe or a lock box again I don't have my dressers on or my dresser John oh man I'm really pumped about this Gina hey let me find another good box so we can cut out some of the kind of riffraff and we'll be right back an important record right Kennedy almost started cutting this up open whatever we were I did start cutting it I did I said anyway Hey look here's one of the Kenwood boxes from the back oh yeah baby I was hoping this is gonna be new old stock you know the boxes were just in - look at that hopefully oh man it looks brand-spanking-new y'all that's my eye so anyway look we got one two over there before we cut I'm gonna find another box I just want to see what is indeed I was hoping these we're gonna beat our speakers and I can already tell about feeling yeah yeah that's where the speaker comes off so he had a hole looks like maybe a brand-new little setup right here yo Kenwood set up so brand-new Kenwood set up speakers we still got the toolbox I want this is anything a name you did make sure it's got a clean name that's crystal here that if it's glass the crap me or the glass it'll cut off quicker it's a nice clean clean ding hey look there's a whole box of them look at these hey that could be some expensive crystal let's go do this one real quick cuz I do want to see if there's stuff in here oh oh well we got military but we do we got a military nap set this is the Uni I'm telling you wow I knew I had to have like this look pretty woman oh yeah that's a great great but have you ever seen their great Oh Kennedy pulled it out there what is the unit record group that's a real painting like DHS out looking other ones drink things is it really wise or did you pull out of there Alexander O'Neal [Music] trying to see what all this isn't here there's some crazy stuff in this box what CD cleaners that's pretty cool anyway you think you put the good stuff yeah I look like that's a microwave bowl hey come back to record the tune in the morning have a feeling yeah look at that oh my gosh oh that is beautiful look at that that's carved out of a show I'm sorry you see it look at that that's beautiful oh yeah look it's more shell are all made of shells oh that's what that noise was the eyeball dropped of it looks like it's got little stands in there for it there's stuff in here too oh hey guys we're gonna film this video better tomorrow we just I wanted to come out here and get you know what we got to come out here and pay for it right yeah but I wanted to know we're gonna check this out cuz some old frames can be skips well you just said that on YouTube so no I do want to see what's in this one handle with care' glass oh that's actually pretty that's pretty [Music] that's Egyptian right who do we know that's Egyptian we can give a plug George George from what the hell y'all make sure to go subscribe to what the hell's excuse me and let me tell you why cuz who is gonna be out there with what the hell's next week we are we are yeah oh you didn't know that I am Telling You yeah we're gonna be late now I really know you don't watch my channel okay I'm not gonna open all of this up just because I really was just trying to move this to get to this actually smarter all right there is some boxes in here electronics and stuff like that but I'm not gonna get to say let me do this let me find one or two more okay boxes and I'll pull them outside that way we have more light and then that way we can get this video wrapped up so we'll be right back hey we're back guys so what I did is I just made a circle around I found two boxes that we definitely want to unbox with you today and then what we're gonna do is I think there's a big trunk really nice cedar trunk it's underneath all this stuff no way I'm getting it out today I did find some more kin wood new old stock stuff back here which I'm really excited about someone who see that tomorrow's video do all the other is it okay so what I did is I just kind of making my way around to the back because what I'm going to do is I'm going to see what is in this little brown spot has already grabbed whatever that tool was he opened it but he hasn't told me what it is Japanese brand-new so we'll see in a minute usually usually there are tools usually there are total sequence in our money no the one that says do not open now we're definitely opening that'll pull the screwdrivers we go the wrenches remember we paid four hundred and ten four hundred and ten dollars drawers are so heavy uses alright guys so here we are I'm gonna save that suitcase for tomorrow there's some good stuff in the back hey look you need bubble wrap man look you can tell how long it's been in here this trash bag yeah anyway I like this unit this unit is going to give up a lot of more surprises tomorrow so give me one second let me crawl out of here and we'll do two more unboxings and I'll be the video bareback [Applause] are you recording hey you got let us know I was recording him doing that boy anyway hey so he is going to open this box right here it says bills things do not open what do you think we're gonna do we're an opening we're opening it bill we're open did not want us to see in this box what did bill not want us to see in this book his fanny pack okay well it's this first of all made in Taiwan pins okay I was hoping it was a knife right what else he didn't want us to see in here was it business cards where I'm gonna show that he'll look khususan have a lab series oh I wish I hold on I think I just saw a lady's body part so keeps camera up here real quick oh oh that's why that's why bill didn't want us in the box right that's somewhere in the trash why because we don't sell smut okay I'm trying to find one thing of these that I can pull out anyway so we're not going any further in that box boy [Applause] [Applause] all right these look like paychecks anyway okay so there was this box we stood the case that low grams finds found and then yeah this is what he pulled off of the coal case tools trade nice you'll get to open that yeah you got your case right there hey go get your case up here on this box I'm gonna show them these records don't open it yet I'll teach it alright so I did find this right here send records I was hoping that's exactly what it was not like medical records and sure enough look inside alright let's just hope there what if this was like the ultimate it's probably not Commodores alright let's test this out tape not on that box Oh Stevie Wonder hey already very white alright so far not a lot of money the Manhattans Gladys Knight [Applause] all right so this looks like some old R&B and stuff which is really good I really like it let's just check out a few more see if the whole box is kind of gonna keep that trend Nutbush oh huh it looks like they had the good ones I headed to the Commodores definitely I was hoping for some for some rock James Brown oh yeah see white guy hmm nope Bing Crosby actually one of them is that white Christmas one of sells fairly well KCM should bands persuade this Oh Soph Sammy Davis [Applause] hey I can't Isley Brothers man like that style look at that style let's probably have my buddy Brian come look at these so you can probably look through these I mean I kind of know Tom Jones live that's weird Cleopatra's yeah look out green what's this one the Blackbirds one more who we got no no anyway I solved James Brown anyway hey there could be some good records in here that's not to say there's not more in here like I said there's a big trunk under there and there's tons of boxes in here that even really gone through but anyway we just wanted to get a sneak peek because like I said it's like oh that's nothing don't don't show them that they'll be yelling at me alright you ready listen Ally it didn't break the grand for now yeah what one two three anyway hey well it didn't you're right there's nothing in there except Mason's thing anyway so hey that is the end of this video because why I smell it pot roast from here it smells good it's the crock pot anyway are you laughing at me alright Kennedy say goodbye Kaden say what Jim I got you and make sure to go subscribe to all my future channels like all their videos hit the bills to remind you of every time they have won't come out make sure to do the same with us Brandon from storage hunters Vegas will be on Monday live we're doing a we're gonna kind of step away from the storage thing and we're going to talk about something more personal with you guys about anxiety and depression we're going to be live taking your questions that's something we've both struggled with our entire lives even up currently so anyway we will be talking to you about that so make sure to LIKE and subscribe if you haven't subscribed my channel I don't know what's going on what the hell's are you waiting on what that's original anyway now I didn't what the hell is did good friends and we'll see them next week and we'll see you at the next [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 120,074
Rating: 4.8642688 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, search warrant served, cops
Id: ih9_CeM2SHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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