$15000 In Diamonds and Gold FOUND! LunkersTV | Abandoned Storage Units | Real Storage Wars SUBSCRIBE

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I started going through it and look what I found right off the bat 14 karat gold wedding ring contains nine brilliant cut diamonds right here it is this is these are the two rings that Rob found in the unit that we did check it out one two three four five six seven eight nine this is this ring in 1980 y'all 1981 they had this appraised at $3,600 okay so this makes this definitely vintage we got our diamond tester here okay even though I've got the appraisal it says they're diamonds it actually gives you the clarity and all that oh yeah all right guys welcome to another episode of grime finds this is part trace of the frickin 10 by 20 we bought for 430 dollars first that is turning out to be quite a fantastic unit isn't it all right so Gina's here Katie's here he goes here Diego's here Diego's here Jacobs hiding in the truck there he is all right guys so hey here's the thing deal look this units empty this is the one you saw in the first two episodes you believe all the gold we found those nuts so stay tuned what we're about to do tried to go over here to this unit dig around let me flip this around and kind of show you some of the cool things I've seen in it and why I'm excited about it oh all right guys so check this out I really like this lamp I love lamp I love lamp I bet these little LED balls all look some of the balls broke off but check it out so the furnitures actually pretty nice in here look at that big old piece really nice look there's that Gallus star thing I've been telling you all about so stay tuned it looks like we'll just see what's in these bags it looks like there's two leather sofas in here maybe pleather I don't know but they look like they're in good condition so anyway we'll go through all these boxes see what's underneath all of this jazz tubs and then I kept a few boxes out for that we're going to go through because just hit camera and video equipment and this is as much as I've seen at this box but look looks pretty promising all right all right so hey give us a few minutes what we're gonna do is we're gonna get reset let me get some of the clothes off the top of your so you don't wanna see all that boring stuff and then we'll start in some a bucket so grab it alright guys so we are back look [Laughter] this box removed uncaging this week now since she's got to this let's see what we got sad we don't care about this personal birthday card in it dang it watch it spot check we're back to this budget I'm about to make the best oh oh dang it more personal crap what's that I love boxes with more personal stuff with the old paper Walker survives recall election oh that's all what's his name on a bad lip st. or a bad lip reading bad lip reading what is he to break the leather there we go I don't know I used to know a guy the big camera all right we got here Oh Eric Clapton 1988 [Music] use market to this that fYI was sarcasm video camera all the wiring see what their tape Cowboys Stadium blown up I remember do you remember when they blew up the lawn yeah no this is it it's on tape they got it [Music] new electrical school that's really cool copyright 1930 property of Meryl crying oh look more video more cameras look the lenses ah very nice extra lenses in here having Brandon so again smelling stuff on the bottom no it's a random 10 and they're simply but you didn't create me would you say it's good symbol Oh instead of temples hmm oh these are old these you're older there might be something there might be some money yeah and he's old but he's really this yeah we don't have to look through these buttons uh well you all those I'm curious now that might be some hey go ahead and we start putting all the clothes if you see anything cool yellow so leave all these buttons you know there's some big money and some of the older stuff all these old buttons how much house when we say buttons buttons is kind of thing fun works oh no that's fun to say I told ya I don't know I remember Polaroid's so awesome did you have to shake it yeah that's cool so Interstate Batteries great American race Buick plastic to Disneyland very cross Bullock yeah very cross boy alright so come on in let's just here before I sell the eggs you know what this might be money yeah that's very 90s isn't it yeah that's back when women won and look like Frankenstein I remember seeing my mom fit her shoulder pads in her eye under her shirts and under her jackets little secret pockets little pockets yeah I was like why made in China all right guys so hey here's the dang deal oh wait did we finish that box if you want to pack that back up Katie yeah we did I'm not going growls clothes hangers loosey-goosey he's like what you just stopped me when I started to the picture yeah because breakable stuff it is what oh my gosh oh my gosh I know I'm gonna break something I got to do it you see what I see 1948 it says on the bottom it's gonna be played I've never found a sterling silver said if I found that it's death Lynn there's heavy one too it's Rogers see what we got here 1947 1847 Rogers quality and beauty over a hundred years old dang it man it still might be worth something we don't know we do not know I'm sorry trying to look the seat this is all the same pattern this is all this is 1835 it's crazy fuck they didn't do the monitor no this is a little bit different one so this is just a mixed bag baby yeah baby yeah baby mixed bag alright that's still a nice fit oh look they did they had it all March I will molest this box to get away from marking so but when the markings are on the top boom Virginia Rose made in USA I like it we'll look up that pattern see that this were that could be that's alright there's the ball toy we got played live all right this can go to guys we are bet look yeah we're gonna start handing some of these pictures off that look so kind of cool a planet or not I think it was deemed and not a planet and it used to be a plated dessert you think it's clinic oh maybe they did yeah all this art can go right here [Music] Hey look that's not cool yeah it's like that's cool too Marlon she sure did thank him didn't she this must have been Mike got her home decor that's pretty Merlin I don't know if it's actually me a little bit yeah that's just Christmas stuff bags hey guys yeah go grab the dolly let's just throw this whole thing on a dolly that's a huge hockey pipette so it's like some sort display is it made out of styrofoam so Dow Stars proud sponsor adds a Bud Light big ol hockey puck dominoes no it is Oh little knickknacks a lie do you I was this probably all this things we don't want to see ya what's the point yeah look at the beaver hat Baby Love those are ear muffs yeah that's real first beaver ear muffs alright looking good yeah I'm calling my I found an article that some really sweat bugs and warmer oh they did not cool I know from being in the hotel business that things are a CC get rid of all right seashells in here I was a seashell sculpture that's kind of cool all right yeah I know that throw that on the stove porcelain Indian doll right there's that let's see what else we got over here this might be good TV oh hey you can take that that little Asian looking piece that round people up but model it for us when you come out it is a drum why gotta be negative dude he's just pointing it out at this point of the facts you Hey look how you know what you are look at a t-shirt it look Harley yeah you sure that's older one nascar 50th anniversary I guess that's a bobby labonte I don't know who that is no I look like Labonte oh yeah I mean I'm assuming as much Jegs automotive that's pretty cool look it's Ohio yeah Otto your arms in the way in the pictures they're a NASCAR fan son [Music] has a phone number on the back speedtech thirty of Nikita that's weird drills properly equipped NASCAR one concert t-shirt or band t-shirt what's that bonnie bill yeah Bonnie hey Katie before I get accused of more lies all right we got a blender pre-algebra never made it out of pre-algebra actually I did two times x equals wait what you said two times x equals way too taut what sex oh so that's what you got to find out algebra there's no I month another question I only say that's where my wife is anyways I'm dumb oh I didn't see your no I don't he's a very very smart I thought that was a gun holster Eminem satchel oh that's cute a little bit beach bag uh-huh Swanson Swanson San Quentin Susie Swanson Samsonite we say that every time we find a Samsonite have you notice that because it's funny it is funny this is really nice oh that's that goes with the one that was in the that's a nice old mirror that's really pretty probably one today yeah here out this I'm kind of stuck in I like is it a coin thing no this is the high school box Edwards private library number one city they are way overdue dancing brittle works of Robert Burns [Music] all right like this rack and all this little stuff can go Katy that rack you know where that's going that she right so I don't remember oh look she was a this the bad boys are you gonna pull it out he's trying to be [Music] yep that's really cool this lady was a hippie she was here's her belt Jim Noguchi oh you remember these these were the bomb Brady Bill afraid of melon had to worry about like losing or gaining weight yeah you always had a place in your home where everyone you could tie the XS and a knot Hey that's where I keep my tamale corn huh oh look it works no more nori people trying to be not trying to be greedy oh I need to go check on it you know that's pretty - balls with hands around their paw this lamp is probably one of my favorite things yeah that's very very cool anyway Dallas Stars I'm going to get out of the West and girls crafting the truck the great night I did so good I kept over there all right got some old cups I'll look at that Stein the sounds kind of killer I'm not going to take that oh that is quite nice going on shoot and bake baby shaking take one lose that offer talent hi Talladega night Ricky Bobby he's got yeah Native American oh it does have moccasins all right they're not real ones feather hey so here's the dang deal guys we're heading over to another unit I don't know how many minutes crap I'm getting full hour so that's the end of this unit stay tuned for whatever gun alright guys welcome back so obviously that was not enough footage to give you a full hour so here's what we're gonna do I'm about to get so we got this unit this whole room this whole room is just that unique so check it out you're gonna have to go to the auction tonight it will be open tonight after this video so make sure you go check it out bid all of this stuff in this room is what we paid so here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna give you an auction preview and Rob over at lunker's just called me and he said hey I got a unit come check it out so I'm about to leave here while the crew it's Saturday we're working on Saturday there's Jay there's Diego actually I think that's I think I'm gonna start calling him Dilbert so I don't know why that just popped on my mind he was walking around and I had anything I said to him he just said yo yo and I was like dude you should be called Dilbert so anyway there's Dilbert there's my wife back there what are you messing with back there okay so check this out I have not updated yo yet have I updated our subscribers all right so check this out whoa oh yeah she gets to be in too many episodes so soon enough she'll be asked me where's my money for the part of the video so anyway we are Gina what she's doing right here we found the appraisals to the ring so if you'll remember in the first video that me and Jeremy and Rob did together Rob pulled out this actually let me just show you the clip bakelite o-ring box all right so you saw that he found those two rings and at that point he couldn't find any marking on so when we got back we did find that there were gold but not only were they gold they're real diamonds and I'm gonna show you that here in a minute but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pack this stuff up and I'm heading over to Farmers Branch to check out some unit that Rob just won so I'm gonna go dick to that unit with them but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the appraisals and we're gonna take the diamond tester and we're gonna go rub it in right no I mean not rub it in we're gonna go teach him we're teaching him we're teaching Rob about how this game works how to profile units and all that good stuff and he's helping us with more about YouTube so it's just it's a really cool cool deal that I'm able to help him he's able to help me so anyway let me flip this around I'm gonna show you some of the auction preview and then what we're gonna do is you're gonna hop in the truck with me we're gonna head to Farmers Branch and we're gonna go see I wanna see if Rob will let us film some of his unit that didn't sound right so anyway we flip this around I'll show you some of the cool stuff we found this unit because now it's not all in boxes and all wrapped up in paper and tape and all that good stuff so it's all cleaned up pretty here you go look so I was like I just I grabbed one box and I started pulling paper out of it it said appraisal it had all the details and it actually had pictures but here's the thing the appraisals are from 1980 so stay tuned to the end of this video and I'm gonna show you the rings that Rob down in the in my jewelry box and my phenomenal Tim by 20 that I paid four hundred thirty bucks for so we'll take those with us and I will show you the appraisals and I will show you the diamond tester where's the diamond tester Casey Casey where did that come from I don't know Casey diamond tester Katie anyway I don't know all right look it out so look so what they're doing right here is let's show you this we have this cart so what the easiest way we found over the years to do an auction is we come in here Thanks let's do the education piece so a diamond tester we're checking that with this to go rub it into robbing to show Rob how this works right right so anyway so we find it the easiest over the years and so what we call base pieces are either pieces of furniture or display cabinets and you'll notice every time in here the display cabinets and things are rearranged right which that happens look remember that big ol long piece of wood used to be on that wall had that big old booby painting on it that we still have actually we're gonna put that in the cell right okay we're gonna put that in the cell so we bring all our base pieces in here and then we actually put boxes up here we start going through stuff oh luck or just text me it's 15 out so I got to hurry up and get out of here so if we put base pieces and then what we do is we go start lighting so these are some of the first Lots okay you'll remember some of these items look a little geode slabs we found this was just in a bag with costume georgeous nine to five really pretty remember all the dragons we found hey member the Tiffany box Rob found this in my in my unit that sounded weird to probably do not find anything in my unit that'd be weird remember that and she pretty but he found the box and had a bunch of watch parts in it we'll check this out this was in one of the little witchcraft boxes that's what it said so y'all get off me good lord but look Italy Tiffany accompany yeah look at that Tiffany and company little little ring bucks jewelry box how cool is that look we've got some little chubby dudes over here once praying once giggling I don't know what's up and check out the major loaves that is horrible that looks like these kids these days he just we just need a poke a big ol hole and there so you can see through it and earlobes can look like a rubber bands been stretched out too far anyway rambling Hey look ya'll check this out go look at my slobby Robbie video slobby Robbie is a really cool guy he did a video with this he to stores and he also has a TV series on Netflix go check that out but this is bootleg for Saatchi this stuff's hot right now people are paying big dollars for this kind of stuff so go check out that video see what I'm talking about but look this is it for a brand I like these Zippos the pinstripes let's see just look Harry Potter Lowlander look there's that big old Kanak we found oh actually this is a thing I'm filming the thirst iron it's a door stopper so anyway honey so then what they do is is we get everything the way it's gonna be wipe it down then they put it on the carts and then they roll it over there to the photo booth and they take pictures they put it back on the car and they bring it back over here and they make it look what like it was because we do that every time right we try to do it every time Roberts like we try okay so why did we do that why do we want to put it back in the way that it goes in order to youtube order and people can come by and do what okay we offer a live preview for every auction if you want to come in try something on look at look it over make sure you know it's it's a viewer you're liking right because you're responsible when you bid so anyway we try to make it look pretty again right so hey this place was full of boxes yesterday because Rob from lunker's TV was raining you couldn't film the manager with Lennon films though he brought everything over here and we let him put everything in here we filmed with him but you have to go over to Leung lunker's TV right here go check out lunker's TV and you'll be able to watch that video the unboxing here and we busted open a gun safe and groms fine style by throwing it off the top it's cool you gotta go I asked him today when he's gonna release that but look just more cool items look there's the Indian little dragon pot okay these are kind of cool because these came from the urban Cowboys Stadium these were probably little giveaways a handle when you walked in but Irving Cowboy Stadium got blown up which we actually have a tape that we found in this unit so these were kind of cool these are these are not being made anymore so you know some electronics some art lo these are some of our thrift store funds what else we got some precious metals look if you want to look like Michael Jackson you can buy these look at them Georgia those paint Jordans ours look I know a lot of y'all said you like these shell boxes we're gonna do them all three in one lot look we got tools so let's look at all these stickers these old bumper stickers and just kind of these uh auto stickers and stuff like that but there's just some mix off Edelbrock had one of those on my Mustang back did you say ancient Chinese hey look at this replica piece pot Roach eggs I'm joking does bring a rattlesnake tails look got some crystal Oh actually this is Junkers Junkers Leung Kurt Junkers lunker's will tell me he's add that on make a 83rd channel and then look at this we got a lot of cool clothes a lot of the racing stuff finished tees Easy Rider tool concerts we got Kid Rock in here somewhere from 2001 look vintage starter jacket that's awesome looked at Hatcher youth Jersey that's actually a really nice Jersey Ted Cruz will political share some more jerseys look these harley-davidsons are from like the mid 90s look they're authentic and to be honest it looks like they've never been worn they're so like real hefty the color Stallard it look like they've been washed for so these are kind of cool tees look those up on either Dez Bryant maybe we need to bring dad's brought it back next year there that's a really that's a Reebok jerseys size XL but anyway oh this was one favorite yes look at that 1991 Zach attack toward where that is my childhood right there right remember that time is Slater and Zack gotten to fistfight the hall it was like the most cheesiest freaking pie you ever saw oh and the member when Jesse freaking got hooked on caffeine pills y'all remember that and she was trying to study alright guys sorry I got a phone call well yeah member Jesse got hooked on caffeine pills hey you remember that episode what and she like freaks out in her room and she's taking caffeine hey I know those those pretty one uh what about Lisa turtle remember when Lisa and Zack tried to date and they decided they just needed to be friends and you know these two were always fighting over Kelly right and then screech screech swoosh screech but he's just a weirdo now this anyway so hey that's the dang deal I've got to get out of here I gotta grab this Gorge grab these appraisals because Rob's probably already over at the unit and I'm about 11 miles once and I got stopped by the gas station Horace you get more caffeine [Music] alright guys so we are back we're here in Farmers Branch at Cube smart and lunker got him another unit and I gotta say it was a pretty dang nice unit if you know what I mean I'm joking hey would you say is your best best unit today 110 percent y'all check it out I just got to go through this entire unit with him and it was by there was to box them re-- 1 there was probably like 30 boxes in the unit and two of them were not any good and the other ones were phenomenal but if you want to know what was in those boxes including gold and all that kind of good stuff toy trains collectibles stuff like that you gotta go to the lock of TV you got to check them out check out that video to be up soon and also pre-registration just open for the lunker's TV auction so make sure to go check that out put the description not the description we'll put the freaking link down the description so anyway check it out what did I tell you I was gonna do come over here and show him that we found the appraisals to the ring so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hand this off to Jacob and I'm gonna show him the rings that we found the appraisals well actually the rings he found in my unit stay tuned bareback so come on in Jake bring it closer not as close to Jeana films you know what I mean I'm just joking they're gonna give me a hard time with it now so check it out we found these appraisals in a box full of papers that's why I tell you guys always keep the boxes don't ever throw any of the papers away until you know what's in the other box is when you know what everything in the unit is then you can throw crap away but so we had a boxes of paper I started going through it and look what I found right off the bat 14 karat gold wedding ring contains nine brilliant-cut diamonds right here it is this is these are the two rings that Rob found in the unit that we did check it out one two three four five six seven eight nine this is this ring in 1980 y'all 1981 they had this appraised it 30 $600 okay so this makes this definitely vintage we got our diamond tester here okay even though I've got the appraisal it says they're diamonds it actually gives you the clarity and all that but yeah look at these baby diamonds he's a little baby dumb alright guys so 3,600 on that one remember we only paid four hundred thirty dollars for the whole stinking unit so and then if you go over here this was in another box 14-karat white gold oh we didn't find that that's the only piece of jewelry we didn't find this is the white gold ladies cluster diamond ring booyah okay guys there's like five carats of diamonds in this ring check it out can you get you one of these hey check it out he found his first gold ring actually several rings okay how's it feel did you get the tangles you got my another reason tangling say that's weird [Laughter] check it out so real diamonds real gold and check this out what he's got right there okay oh yeah look at this 14-karat gold pendant with yellow and gold dial I've never seen a blue diamond y'all I thought that was like a sapphire or something look that's a blue diamond that's an actual blue diamond I think that's why this was appraised for 3850 $3,850 cha-ching so look at this these three pieces right here we got 38 50 you got we didn't find that piece do we know we didn't find the horseshoe but we found that so boo yeah how cool is that praise jewelry so just making one about more he was like giddy like a little ten-year-old girl and there was neither edge and going all weird hey check it out hey guys we appreciate you being here hey we encourage you to keep buying units right I know a lot of you have emailed me said hey you want us to come help you buy units I wish I had the time but feel free to email me a link if you want me to profile units an area you love to do that we're gonna start doing one live a month we actually profile units [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 96,869
Rating: 4.88273 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, grimes
Id: TS_uSrq6ZMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 38sec (2678 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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