$10,000 + PROFIT | GUESS Who Bought From Our Auction? | Abandoned Storage Units.

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are you watching that other youtuber crazy oh yeah actually texted us something crazy is everything okay yeah I mean it's a good thing it's a good crazy what yeah I only saw a part of it can I see your phone please let me see your phone do you have it up there all reading text this last night I can retain these out him to sleep what yeah that must be her the Equis you did mm-hmm oh no this is her y'all wanna see who just want bought for my auction this is freakin crazy yeah sure no we gotta wait to the end of the video now hi guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds this is the Tanner Edition oh this is an interesting story when did I find out you were going to Pennsylvania Pennsylvania where you went yeah cuz who didn't tell me Katie hey let's ask our viewers if a question on the chat which happened now but down in the comments how important is it that employees let their boss know that's not gonna be there so he can take the time to hire someone else I take the hey hey lesson learned alright see how nice I am to them hey Terra back we're happy to have them back here we go check it out back at the killer unit Jake setting up the table the egg goes outside quick look after what happened yesterday I'm so scared Luke got the two locks on it two locks if I had three I want to put three on it all right thank you what we're gonna get set up we're gonna throw our keys out master okay so here's the thing do y'all know your birthday come on I'll be the right key and tres tres tres right all right all right I'm glad our numbers in Spanish ain't check it out so all this stuff we've gone through just a few things here but every box was phenomenal so if you haven't seen it go to last night's video watch it see what happened and you know what we had a lot of sweet comments so here's the dang deal I do write we hate we lost out on that one but I think man I think the Lord blessed us with this and it's just cream gonna be fantastic so look six my table for gonna do is where do some unboxing while we're boxing because as soon as we leave here we got a head over to Rockwall Texas because I bought two units to head two safes mm-hmm so we will be opening one of those up we'll be airing that what's that Thursday ah safe video come tomorrow oh hey guys got to be in the video what do I get to be in the video tomorrow that's a weird question it's my birthday oh god you had to slip that in I did I did I've been planning to slip it in all week say it say it say it no that's what she said just told me how you use being a pastor's kid at school to lie to the people to get out of trouble dad dare you lie now if I keep that log on oh crap teach your mom you watching and my dad I know you did your dad just discard Washington yeah actually love you Curt Curt hoarding Stillwater if you're a rel let down Sarah you need church visit I highly recommend that dude heart of gold didn't pass over to son we told you a santur edition check it out let us get set up here are you going yeah you done bring us up get like you breaking my stuff again and it stopped mmm why am I always on the wrong anyway hey we're getting on Boston why are we opening this one because it said master bedroom and I think somewhere was the bathroom we now hey let's just do it this way remotes we're not going through oh is that what I think it is yeah said jewelry who's Junior all right I'll forget about it I got to commit commit to my boss commit to my thoughts y'all that's weird - duct tape purse didn't Tanner used to make these Natalie Natalie did I knew it supposed to do that yeah those diamonds and they're supposed to be loose mm-hmm no they're not mm-hmm one two three four five six seven eight I think you made that up maybe I don't know what's this all right we gotta give you all another hour-long video what is it a stylist yeah be silver huh or something nuts play to definitely play that until it's re bubbling all right it's good son this lady had nice stuff what is that Lafayette if people in the naughty group and my help for review come if y'all haven't noticed look again I bet that's gold that's you I promise you this is probably gold look look at that bro this is genuine diamond wow that's a good size diamond yo yeah it is look at that what you don't you don't and you don't put that big of a diamond I'm saying big a diamond I can't even see it no yeah no that's probably so that's probably gold what look at that yo we are ranked scoring I'm still disappointing there because I hired him and he freaking totally failed on that that's what she said joke and that was probably that might have been the most Center present on my Channel today yeah that was that was one all right we put this back in here check it out this on my pocket do we fund go through hey don't say fair yep how do you know because I saw Matt the state doesn't mean it came from the very door I mean but it could be weird Alice right no State Fair hey we found almonds Hey look the bathroom box what did we find in here what'd I say about bathroom boxes question I don't question I just think I told us a bro this video is taking off right so what does is they rank your videos I really and they'll tell you like you're like in your last whatever 28 days this is the videos how they're ranking well that one's like two out of ten so it's ranking really well at least like probably yeah about a week or so forty thousand people see it and I was like cuz he took he wanted me to add it to dingleberry Dave thing you know and and where I showed the world that he is dead in nerve endings and he needs like a lifetime supply preparation-h yep alright this one can go hey alright let me find another cool box bearbette alright guys we're back there's Tanner I gotta call this the Tanner addition alright but I'll come up with another word for it I already used dingleberry this way you're going to use it again alright not gonna lie I peaked in this one hey my have some cool stuff let's look at it that's what I know alright he's nursing us did you actually really great good to see ya our scarce first car sir uh Jeana when I met her man she was all about the scarf she's doing sometimes she's a lot of curves yeah I like her though she's very like she's very much lady ish look Skechers these are actually really nice that looks like some how often where - yeah so those are actually not I say those are clean hey those are gonna be nice in the auction what kind of this I really feel I'm feeling jewelry like big-time jewelry in this unit yeah I really am this lady didn't own a store now why she keep teasing me with the I kind of know it's one of these other things you questioned me on oh my god oh look peace be still and know that I'm good lord I need to know that Oh like the one that's not empty is the not or the one that's obsolete yeah please work no ill oh wait go buddy you can do it I believe in you don't watch me okay you ready it's gonna work alright that's it that's it no Tanner that was a good horn boys good job buddy good job hey he's sellable though I'm gonna break his back that's how Jory in there panky ring with a frog was it dead I think she's a newer subscriber and I had a really bad day with my depression and stuff Monday mm-hmm and frogs rely on God first rely on God um I don't care she puts the whole evil I'm bullying her like that she puts a frog by her thing now and I really appreciate you doing so hey I'll listen to what y'all say just do that can't respond everything doesn't mean that won't listen to you I appreciate the hell y'all look hand-wash made in Italy these are these my some big money you know sweet frog is a Christian based company the yogurt place yeah and that's what their thing is frog fully rely on God uh uh I dunno that's why the Frog was everybody knew there cuz Tanner's brother used to work there mmm your brother was good sweet frog see they questioned me on everything even about their family I know more about them you know what it is for uh I just I don't know why I just remember everything well hey no actually the hoardings are very very special people [Music] I'm not gonna lie shuck that bag I like man that might be jewelry but it wasn't seashells but somebody another subscriber just asked me about the show hey let me tell you another thing we real quick guys anything you see okay I get a lot of great offers very appreciative but we get a lot of offers saying hey offer you this or that I'd like to buy that everything from groms funds goes into an auction again one of the reasons why we don't sell an eBay and other platforms is because I'm building a business because the thing with riesling is right you can resell Riso reso then when you get old enough you know it's hard to do stuff like this what do you do right you don't have a 401k right so what out but what I will have at the end of this is a business to actually sell hopefully four five five million or so yeah that's the goal to me just kidding I told you I'll finance it to you so I peaked in this the only reason I'm opening this is to make fun of Susan Carter I'm joking I miss phaedra Sandra Susan Stiller is that are the one that's always the kicker stricka-- dang it I mean I'm not I'm horrible name job y'all better be lucky I remember that no but she hasn't oh is that double now I'm not being nasty I'm sitting if there's a head in here you know I meant I do ever seen the Dumbledore yes okay yes I did I'm looking at me like I'm creeping on this dog no I wasn't beanie babies look there's about three billion dollars in here if I go by eBay not sold prizes right in there probably look oh look how much did that cost six dollars nine dollars if you're in Canada that's more beanie babies hey I'm gonna call this the million dollar beanie baby wanted somebody got really mad at me when I put a million dollar BHS question mark no nobody does just like Oh what can I rent just like the lady who said to come and you only read it oh you got a phone I went I remember y'all stop watching me work y'all can watch this later tanner he watches other youtubers who refuses to watch my channel but um I got something they got hold that right there we were talking about this yesterday look that's beautiful guys that's a nice couch I thought it's a sectional but it's not is it reclining yep Hey blankets move our blanket right yeah told y'all that's my money right there Hey five hundred bucks for this unit oh okay so back to my rent the comment says something like this that the person was unsubscribing I'm not gonna tell you it was but she said that she was unsubscribing because I taught I needed to read the story of Jesus even though I've taught the story of Jesus for almost two decades now that Jesus did y'all know that Jesus died on a cross he did not hang himself I have blown away by that I must have missed that part I said Judas Judas did hang him self and that is biblical and it's in there so here's what happens when you click through hey you know what clicking through YouTube you know what it's like it takes things out of context like flipping through your Bible and skipping over stuff takes it out of context same thing with YouTube when you do this now that's boring that's boring man he's like dang dang Jesus hung himself what you know I mean come on hey I appreciate you I love you but don't chastise someone if you don't know what you're taught me that's why I tell these guys all times like many y'all's generation is so quick to not check the facts of a situation before they let their emotions take control people you can't think with your emotions no get you in trouble it's all in trouble I'm guilty I was wrong you'll do it we're all freaking sinners yeah just everybody sin looks a little different doesn't make it better work right now looks the same to the Lord I should put on my African hat for that yep our my African hat gov I think they already took it up oh I'll sport that boy wait till we get to that next unit I'm about to run I let's be honest I got a Tupac tattoo okay I grew up and were in more minority areas most of my friends I was just drawing I most of my friends to be honest were African American grown up that's just always where I felt the most comfortable and so but it was to be honest - I look like a redneck are you watching that other youtuber oh yeah actually texted us something crazy is everything okay yeah I mean it's a good thing it's a good crazy what yeah I only saw a part of it can I see your phone please let me see your phone do you have it up we're all reading nice town last minute I just returned to Texas last night I can retain these out him to sleep what yeah that must be heard the Equis you did mm-hmm oh no this is her y'all wanna see who just went back for my auction this is freakin crazy yeah sure no we gotta wait to the end of the video now what it's a no not a this is a TV TV that's cool how do you not tell me about this don't know I'm not that you're not gonna Doc's enjoy Tanner's license is on the back of his phone and it's a clear phone case payback so a buffalo fool what that is too cool y'all so check it out I'm that this is not planned so many cool things happen while we're filming uh-huh it's the good Lord above I tell y'all I said good Lord above too many things like this can't happen wait they already saw him so someone that's been on TV for years bought from our auctions emailed us my wife looked up their email address I mean it came back to there and I yes this is them actually I know this is them because I had a previous dealing before they moved out of the state of Texas if you are trying to guess who it is don't doing the chat which happening now do it down in the comments so I can see it later but they purchased we just got an email from this person could be mail could be female nevermind leave that joke alone could be either one but they bought from our auction asked if they could come pick it up later this week so that means they gotta come up to our place right right hey and you know what this is actually one of my favorite characters from the show that's been on TV for years this is too cool wait till the end of this video I'll let you know who it is and then we'll give her a shout out mmm you chances just won a 50% yes and who it was we'll just let you know who she is and I'll let you know who it is so stay tuned to this video a man I'll find another box be right back alright guys we're back I'm still pumped about that that's cool man you know what's really cool is like when this crazy idea came to start this company you know either I was it came a point where I could either go one way or another right because I used to have a partner and you know love them to death great guy we just had different different different visions right and so there's a point where I could have not done this or this but I never in a million years thought that like I'd become friends with Renee from storage wars right and he's just such a good dude like sometimes you see people on TV Renee bargain hunter strips if you're not subscribed to them you got to that dude is legit he knows what he's doing sometimes I watch people on TV I'm like man they have no clue with the Johnny uh but he does I'll tell like somebody's watching me might be that invisible turtle from two videos back yeah but anyway it's just cool the Renee bargain hunter strips and go subscribe : bargain hunters through go subscribe I see if I can make that work sometimes I forget and people like me but I never thought I'd be friends with him you know never thought that like I become you know actually friends with Jeremy and George from what the hell's go subscribe them right never thought that I become friends with George's brother at taking a risk we're done I hope you forget all of them and then you know that people like this will be buying from our auctions like the Lord has been so good I'm not from about the car now the Lord has been so good to us y'all here just so good good anyway hey Oh personal I just got goosebumps just got goose pimples my own shoot can you ever get Jim goose pimples I've never heard somebody call it good stuff I don't know okay all right this is like all right blown away it's some kind of new pants what's got her name that I can barely like not Docs I don't care about dachshund myself like you know many people have dogs you probably are setting the record Emma all right this is more paperwork everybody's like oh she's not as good as you thought it was Justin what are you waiting for then checking all the boxes I mean why did y'all want him back in the show whatever they just lied again I'm ashamed of you hurt you need to do somebody oh it's a dollar Tanner y'all this unit is so good is it really oh you know whose friend this is sturdy granny dirty granny's friend maybe you can talk some sense into her because she was trying to show her woohoo all right hey there deuce you're gonna be great she's hanging in the wall on our YouTube studio that we used for like a week and then it got flooded the stuff yeah oh hey yes the Golden Girls oh hey hi it's Luke hey hey look he's a porcelain doll he's actually really cool friends only she's been hanging on that wall by herself her leg all up in there likes you and her hand in the hope fist she's Hulk smashing it that was the one candle I like this lady style room what's in that bag where the new baby bag this one maybe Luke went shopping for dirty money too let's see what he bought her he bought her a necklace what it was it's a wedding thing like a wedding cake topper mm-hmm so kind of kind of bad will be an honor yeah I don't like the way some signs pottery Wow man it's probably like a $50,000 vase looks like a freaking mud it looks like scallop made it that was like he made it you know what I mean uh-huh yep and then somebody just put these nice little things in here there's so many nice little sellable things in it the famous people have you know Man Legends no no way you'll figure out nope I'm good I'm so good I'm ago oh yeah I think this is the case the doors in here look here's the door looks like um I have a trigger bar on it maybe not oh no it's not because it goes that way so that's probably their case so unfortunately with the 86 year old man is brought in here I'm glad you brought your sunglasses weirdoes like Batman the flippers Batman the flipper hey where's any wears glasses on his lives indoors with the lights off I forgot what the bedroom alright I know what's the tan tradition I love art oh my gosh if that's in there I was right you're right we already got like freaking phenomenal news for the end of this freakin video No okay that's paperwork so I'm happy all right shake time fix it I wish they could see double camera so they could see my face when you do it - it's Gordon's the thing I know since 1905 I guess yeah obviously I'm too important hopefully this is just because what you do doesn't mean it's not in here means it's somewhere else mm-hmm and duct tape yep in a duct tape first really that's what we get that's what we get man is brought in here this is what they spend on whatever was in the box I hope we found it 14-karat 560 bucks is what they spent please be in here that's got to be solid gold do you think that's all gold yes I think it is sitting yeah awesome let's just move on don't I need some more hateful comments I mean it's got stupid know by myself freaking watched 1442 there's real go hey you know yeah hey you know how you know that we're just being generous yeah here's the deal I do believe that this is Nicole the steps in this unit yeah he redeemed himself you go and totally redeem yourself what movie I don't know misc jewelry that's what it says I bet we'll be able to match up their jewelry you better shake that box ticket take ahead with me she forgot it yes and I think you should dump it out so we can slow-mo all the jury slowboat it yeah got watches pearls that's actually pretty little pearl purse okay hey this is still good stuff mm-hmm well that's actually pretty do I'm telling you that the goal here is golden I'm like a jewelry magnate she packed her jewelry weird hey man jewelry and long pepper shakers all the pepper shakers maybe their goalie pretty I bet that is gold leaf there it is I can't do this no matter if that's chipped off plating well it's really soft which gold is hmm 14 karat gold can you see it no it's not right there clearly 14 karat gold 14 karat gold that's gold I'm guarantee this is gold 14 karat gold nope that's a zoomed-in 14 karat gold the lighting in here is horrible hmm you can tell them the camera that's a patent number 14 karat gold yeah I'm assuming that's 14 karat going to this one probably is - I just can't I really can't see only there's a it's it's really filthy I'm I might get my whole money just a knack for that patent weird I think the other goal we found there was a real diamond oh hey oh yeah score oh yeah all right so what else we got let's put this back in here I'm Indian for free please Lord Jesus let all well I'm getting excited because I'm saying stuff like this if you just want to know why my hot balls and balls it out of the head they don't always not help me here Katie I don't know what you want me to do I'm recording I think people want to see you on the struggle bus ah boy POW man check it out hey did we see if the Avon necklace over dog it didn't [Music] listen 18 karat gold over sterling silver genuine mm the amethyst this matching earrings can you believe this right now I told y'all that's why you don't get overly angry about things and move on the Lord will bless you I promise you will I'm not preaching prosperity gospel why are you going nowhere is that silver so pretty honey oh there it is he found it where was that under the truck you know I have seen gold things is this big this was gold laughs we're out freak hour yeah we'd go melt it down right now I'm gonna go kick Tanner the nuts for just any reason cuz I feel like if there's a good reason to do that it'd be that one all right I'm not gonna open that look like bees that looks like that's probably silver though in there this is one this is one random freaking ball that's actually really pretty look it's a match in this is really pretty did she and this be the merit good they just no I mean oh wait is that what she got these from me out okay four bucks okay nothing fits really cool though fashioned pen see how the lighting is better so much better over here it is though I can't read that y'all but that looks it might be legit look at that just go under ten yeah I'll go bye [Music] how are you going to her I already did that more necklaces doesn't mean they're not worth anything guys just means that I want to take all this out of here this is really pretty good do you imagine is possible I don't think they heard you what rolling cart asked us freaking Andrew Dice Clay over here damn y'all know Andrew Dice Clay no you don't know is he okay well kind of busy no another comedian I was watching that a little kid that is that's probably wise turned out the way I did there's no way Hey look you know Garrett's nine-to-five sure notes that silver yo I can tell that silver out there too where does that say can't read it stamp something what are you doing do you know that text message is everything about yeah just looking at my snapchat your snap chatting while you're right in front of me yep I'll get you get your work done oh I thought you were going down no I can't this looks like it might be real to me though if that's real yo that's crazy stamp will be in there we'll check that [Music] Stan - this is electroplate what I mean that's just a real thin layer of over a base metal these are probably still don't have to guess okay so what's in here we got more watches Oh Gruen a bomb man this is just the beginning of many boxes we have well we're on 23 on this one what were we at Lily I don't know if you have to get probably 15 in total 15 yeah total total total just a second I need that there so I'll go through all this guys when we get back better look at that that's really pretty elephants okay this is the same style ring is that other one you know but that's really pretty I didn't Oh guys I'll check all that it's just I really can't the lighting here horrible shows me where there's no live map Oh looks like a peacock it is silver falling I cannot wait to get this stuff back and go through it that is not really pretty to look at that still really pretty oh oh look it's mom bezel sure enough not too fun little sperm ring this cold this looks like gold yeah this looks like my real for real gold bro there's no time how much I missed that's 14 karat gold Oh clearly stamped what if that was a real diamond I'm taking a downward test for that yeah could you imagine that yo look how much gold we're finding for real huh what are y'all taking my boxes for I'm definitely I got a box back and say you say listen to me you can take boxes but if you see this is IMed room or bathroom set it to the Sun okay I need more gold huh this box is going in the car okay oh there's the beam huh Tanner come oh yeah oh yeah be done on the floor hey Vaughn that's real shaky that's not too bad that's still silver yo mm-hmm that's a big oh that's a beautiful little ring hmm you know those are gonna be CZs but that's beautiful look at that hey mines cz I think it's pretty 9:00 to 5:00 so it's gonna be gold over silver I can promise you that silver until sometimes the way it tarnishes yeah I'd almost guarantee that silver that's silver I'm almost so sports where I get spots over ankle kinda funny bedroom one bathroom that's really pretty look at those stones those are freakin nice all right let's put the good stuff in the Avon box and nobody's gonna check that uh-huh Tanner is dancing like that look 9 to 5 that's the first reaction I got out of that guy since he's worked here not really well that I've seen is he still wearing his glasses yep you got no right did I not tell you like I felt like the megawatt feeling yeah let's check this and then we'll take right there well what not no no what not why would you hang your whatnot from the wall that's weird no bunch of weirdos I think that voice is gonna hang around hang around I think it made the cut we made the cut you have a bunch of weird I was working for you if he didn't have a personality I said I love your personality more than your work ethic yeah where can you have a job and admit you're lazy what's this heck yeah Brooks you're learning and he actually works I forgive you for in those glasses he probably goes home and light those darts at pitches I'm just got makes fun of me one more time on national TV that's it do you see that on the plane your rifle and like throw darts at my attention what just say yes hey remember that guy on a Billy Madison Billy Madison calls it was like hey just want to call apologize and he like crosses him off his assassination list but Saul rates it will say bike button X whoa whoa whoa what did that sound like change and you wouldn't want to say hey Justin sounds like maybe money or gold in here okay oh it doesn't register huh you almost elbowed the camera there you go you're the best play of the year yeah yep that's it man I don't want to compete don't want to practice Hey how do you I mean don't say how much you make cause we don't want people trying to rob you do you make more than any of your other friends yeah like a lot more yeah shut your face yeah nobody in their right mind are you I got to get you and Tanner goons on the stupid peasant thumbnail every box [Music] either really dirty perfect rare gold this day toilet water all right hey guys hey we're gonna take a break hey where'd that joy box go well calm down in the front of what let's rewind what did I say to quit I don't know if you had the truck I don't know front seat of the car if I didn't say that but if a if I rewind it and it shows that I'm and definitely point it out hmmm but I might not have I'm I just said the front seat you said you were quitting yeah you said your lessons tomorrow yeah cuz I'm gonna sit around and wait to see you show up alright guys hey check it out let me dig through here we'll find another couple boxes and B alright alright guys so we're back I'm not getting another boxes we are at 54 minutes as you know where I know and I'll probably add isn't some thing so it might be a 57 I don't know check it out we gotta give you the thing here's who bought from us so we got a email that's right here says my sincere apologies had to go out of town last minute trust me I get that ba-ba-ba-ba they don't one of your auctions I'm winning fours is there any way I can retrieve my items this week or what do I have to do from here mayor do we know who Mary is we do we do right for Mary's finds all right Mary's finds calm from storage wars how cool is that hey let's give her a shout-out so go to Mary fine calm totally cool that's how she says it do you know that no that's how she says cool she spells it the way she says it on TV you obviously don't watch storage wars like I do so anyway yeah Mary used to be from here and I think if I remember right she sold her stuff from her store liquidating it when she moved to California and I found the ad on Craigslist at one time I was trying to get in there liquidated so anyway didn't happen but hey absolutely Mary come retrieve it but you got to come get it and you got to be on clip with this because we love you we're big fans Hey y'all go I don't know if Mary does YouTube Oh spam risk is rich why not anyway Mary spike go I don't know she does YouTube will find out but Mary's finds calm did he say something bad or something he was going to go there check it out she's got a YouTube channel go subscribe sure what the hell are you waiting for right so hey cool yeah absolutely Mary come on down get your stuff we'd love to meet you hopefully you'll come but I get you're probably maybe real busy and you'll send somebody like Tanner to come get it hey so that's the night deal hopefully who knows maybe we'll have Mary on a future up so may we get her to come Nick through a storage unit with us right yeah she loves doing that right mm-hmm Hey I don't know I'm gonna I'm gonna call I'm actually gonna call Mary maybe I'll do it in the car on the way over there would be the intro of the next video what you did sir stay tuned till tomorrow for the safecracking video and I'll let you know at the end of the video if I was able to contact Mary and to see if we could get her to come out and do a unit with us so hey check that out other than that make sure to hit that Bell select all because we do premieres and you want to make sure you get notification for everything make sure you subscribe so many people come in every night and they watch us and they don't subscribe join our community guys we enjoy hanging out with you most we try to be 8 p.m. since the time every night join us then other than that seeds next [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 37,462
Rating: 4.9361429 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, how to make money, Family friendly, Dude Perfect, What The Hale$, facebook, youtube, google, funny videos, fail army, family vlog, auction house, bargain hunters thrift, donald trump, 2020 election, impeachment, grimes finds
Id: q1MfHLgT4-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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