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y'all gettin tired carrying that thing yet hey you better not drop that if you open it in a boring way I'm gonna be so disappointed in you oh yeah there you go nice thinking usually the noodles golly we got to get that I gotta see this thing that is not that a sentry safe good job this thing's taking a beating and keeps on ticking or whatever the thing was keeps a licking and keeps on ticking hey turn when you get it up here turn it towards us let's let's let the viewers see oh I was hoping we could see in it can we see in it oh look at him Oh oh my god this is the Double Deuce rock wall unit I just made that up with an Double Deuce check it out me and Gina we're actually here last night and we recorded like 45 minutes of footage so check it out what I got to tell you is we found two safes here I told you in the chat last night or not before sometimes a few videos back here's the deal velocity and the safes Rd back of the warehouse because I took the safe out because it was the same day that we had that other unit stolen what saw his paranoid leave anything in here so we're going to do is is I've already pulled stuff out that we had already recorded so I just realized that I didn't or that delete it so we got to go through it again real quick so we bought two units here total was right under a thousand bucks there were two five by tens it seems like a lot we got a safe we'd guarantee you stay tuned to the in this video because I found a really nice digital safe well it's nice it's nice now it's not gonna be nice by the end of this video no stay tuned to the in this video because we are going to bust that puppy open blow it up I don't know how we're gonna open it we're a freaking creative right like I said you were like frickin you can get a they sound just like that two other top yeah hi man you know you can just freakin hire somebody come do that for you man it's real easy wait you never course my openness said how fun is that right maybe if he is but crack was showing or something then maybe the most exciting part of it we're not gonna do that we're gonna freakin do it grunts fine style so stay tuned to the in this video and we are going to bust open the safe all right guys welcome back so we are here at 475 let me show you what I already had filmed and showed you once so we found these nice like clean bag sighs I don't think so that looks Hanban that's really nice there's personal stuff what I will tell you is that um when the manager was down here she said hey they only want I said you know what's the story and she's like a little lady just couldn't afford anymore makes me sad mouth about she said she said the only thing that she would like back if she could get it back with her parents not pictures of her parents her parents so between this unit and the unit down there lots of boxes great boxes we're looking for two people you hear that tanner two people they might be in a jar they might be in a bag I'm not sure so this is personal stuff we are gonna give that back to them there's Diego plug Lord chicken yep Lloris chicken chick-fil-a Duggan no say if you were in a minute I'm going to even you know there's a YouTube channel and it's just this dude like eating food have you seen it it's called Erica what are they called what they're called muck bangers that is the most he's sitting there as black behind him he's eating sushi okay yes ASMR it's a thing and I can't do it noises like that oh you and me are like that in the same okay yeah I know what Dan did I got a not staying with you for watch me a food in there so I will always tell people but I don't mind waiting you can finish that up we have a conversation after I want to see it and I don't want here mm-hmm so anyway check it out come this nikomia by the way phobia what is it I'm a phobia if calmness no no oh yeah I don't like nastiness I don't want to see your food oh it's just a it's not a phobia I guess I don't know why they call it like that pinwheel one oh wait a lot of weight I love yeah this whole unit this whole building smells really good it does so what's ruffle yeah great area we did show you this I keep it doesn't matter what I showed you I got needed it so this is made in Italy I'll show you you see where was the brand our our Rolls Royce I'm joking where was it glasses again I can't read it what's that say rioni RI oh and I've made in Italia that's how we pronounce it here money buttons what is what oh here just look right here Oh made in Italy so that's actually and when I saw this I was like man that's really nice I like that still got the little thingy on the thingy right thing you own thing Louie I thought actually in the picture it looked like diamonds I thought this might be a Louboutin and because of the area it's in I was like yeah so there was another handbag in here I'll show you that stuff in a minute did they already start taking stuff that yeah yeah it's okay I just I had recorded this once and I deleted it because I'm uploading what would be I'm commuting oh man a Virginia slim you know I when people like they talk I'd like to stick to the lip yeah just like that just like that so they're holding the cigarette in their mouth while they're typing comment it's going like this yeah other type of your comment yeah listen and they sound just like that yeah just like that look le e l le is alright really oh yeah that's cool though cuz you don't know about this thing no no no check this out this okay or it's not so check this out this is one of the reasons why I bought this specific unit I did buy it because of the safe what I might try to do is insert in the picture of the unit if I can find it it'll be right here there it is alright so if that's there then you saw the safe it was very clear right here whoo big beautiful safe but again I recorded it I already took it back to the warehouse stay tuned to the end because you're gonna see us crack that baby open okay this nice wood desk I like this ooh oh it's a double oh it's a double dose I need that check this out this was in you this is the same day-only whoa that's real real thing it's the same it's the same day about what check it out we got a sword this is the same day we found swords so we found swords and bulk units I like that I like the color of it right it's like a baby blue baby bring they did find this bow yeah what is this a Calvin Klein Calvin Queen Hank Aaron exactly NASCAR man shoot man Jeff Gordon man I'm getting to use my redneck voice all day long it's great all right oh man I deleted the funny part you are not gonna believe what I found in that safe Oh check it out huh you told me how I did tell you when we got back to the office huh ah you don't want to know yeah this is it still in there royal typewriter again baby blue she had a single blue very nice huh do you really wanna know was in there yeah all right you got a guess okay no see he's gonna just say it's funny okay okay it was made of synthetic rubber I'm not joking so that Lockbox right there I ever run the surprise I could have done the one-two-three thing and you would have seen a freaking dildo it's not it's actually in one of these boxes me and Gina were cracking up because the typewriter was on top of it and then I pulled the typewriter off and I'm freaked out I did my Kevin Hart thing and that's the first time and there's white box didn't say hey let's show just do they know century safe oh we need to keep this paper guys okay you know what we did find in here that gives me hope for the other safe here's what I can guarantee you 120 percent there is something in the other safe there's definitely stuff in there shaking around what we found a coin coin thing but it had the quarter thing so look at this other watch they must have worked her over it's like an award watch yeah perfect attendance the perfect chance for him those both of you me this year - my vacation I was telling them like my when I started at core brothels things I didn't miss a day of work for like six years awesome yeah that's my generation he's like a man I had no part of that um nope alright so hey look at this airplane yep alright sorry guys we got a call so anyway this was just kind of like a niche where cookware this is this crock pot that's in here it looks brand freaking new - oh-ho look what I found you all want to see what was in the freaking safe yep Danah know that I'm joking it's a gimmick corn head unicorn Hornets for Halloween no I'll give you a hundred bucks right now so you stick that on for a hundred bucks Tanner smells that's not new in package what are you good about you didn't smell it hey put this unicorn no no ten that's the deposit from the last unit man that was setup he just happened to have a hundred all these friends deposit like hey I'll give you a shout-out on my video if you stick that in for it blow up don't be asking for imma be like remember that time you didn't wanna be a unicorn got the best job ever yeah we do you get the chance to be all kinda worried so I have not looked in these let's go to the furniture real quick this is actually a really nice solid wood desk this is an air desk what else no just plain this is gonna keep doin oh poor Jacob he thinks he's funny he tries so hard to be funny I think he's made me laugh like twice and five years I'm being for real it's funny oh is it painted or they did they do that vomit I meant to say did they do it this is a million-dollar vase oh my gosh it's got there be careful that's what the parents this is so heavy yeah they're in there you know they kept the horn this one's got we called unicorn ashes hearing about what the heck I gotta click on the bag give them that that's a nice I'm nice people I'm not joking like oh yeah oh yeah I didn't I thought it would be in super light no my my mom did that to her parents for having put this in the front seat of the car Oh so let me guess furnitures weird boxes are it's weird oh there you go hey be very careful with that be respectful I really had no idea that's what that was gonna be this is super nice face this was made oh yeah I want this vase though they can have borne no I'm giving you back this might have been like special to the mom or son yeah probably like or it's got look Ln me oh here's their stand we're not working back here Tanner actually hey put okay no they can have it all that's a nice bass boom so hey take this box to please put put the other good dad in there that's all right so anyway look this what we have what else we have these are really nice rocking chairs I actually really like these those will be in the auction oh we got a we got them wrap them tell them oh hey right now we're gonna go through this but down in the chat or not in the chat there's a comics right here right because the reason I asked you to comment down there it's because then I have to go back and watch the chat we need to go through the video and find Jen it only lets you scroll back so far so down in the comments what do you think this is why this is one of the reasons why I bought this unit other than me say because I had a very good idea what it was from the yeah I just you you know I'm gonna drop it off at the office on the way back well that's good cuz we really don't want that to break I would serious I'd be so hard if we did that look these are you yo cards they look something they look like I don't know what these are the cases Oh Yukio Samoas you may be one of the grandson or yes you do look you you I actually did watch you yo Joseph for a short period of time oh this is kind of cool is this you here and that's wao all the rock that's pretty high oh yeah that's heavy the rock yeah the rock is I'll give you the hint who the rock is the rock Johnson Dwayne Johnson best friend John Cena John Cena you can't see me he's getting better y'all he's getting better I'm teaching him well look hey free correcting the wall breaking loss to cheer you on now man he's getting better he's freaking unwinding hey you should meet my friend dingleberry Dave he's as uptight as you are he can't even feel it yeah you gotta watch the video he didn't watch my videos either can't get my own employees to watch my free time subscribe Tim all right check this out this portal is actually a really good shape see that surprise nope here tanner Texas up the truck please but you're gonna walk into the truck come back in unicorn or don't come back at all Greg um don't start that girl what else we got here more you do stuff and a cart and cart that's a car dealers it sucks I have like that we're just being honest y'all don't know what anything is of anything but y'all both on this yes do you know how many games I playing district are they beat yep yeah beats by Ray Ray Johnson you need it you need to go for a pen after all the stuff you said to us it's just markers for the book it doesn't say Bible though that's right steady bubble all right so we did that we shot on the chairs we shot on this we showed them this all right let's get to this bad boy all right did everybody make their coffee like this these boxes of personal stuff though these three boxes need to go up front with the we're getting all the personal subject and I told her we drop it off in the office no stuff all right well you want to be that guy he's cussing on our channel already all right so here you don't have to get it right you guess what is this education time it's about learning here okay tanner huh old story Jory that's actually a legitimate and he sent a piece of wood that was stupid you said a jewelry cabinet it was technically yeah my mom hasn't liked this but probably similar every site opens for necklaces yes that's actually a very that's a legit yes okay that was my guess was the jewelry cabin an antique jewelry cabinet yeah I wish this was okay what give you a hint as I noticed this right I noticed this in the handle I mean I noticed this handle in the pitcher I could tell by the pitcher that it went like this and I can tell because it's a caster system the three boxes did the blankets there's the bags they go with us the blankets you only the double boats and pitchers that that goes back to the and the kasoori before tonight let's open this install good Robert I can sort technically true I don't pay you to freaking do karate kicks I page and load stuff out here I'm gonna do this give you one more guess hey my people I know my pee I know my subscribers my community my people I know they know what this is a lot of them do y'all do right now and out of the chat it doesn't count if you do the chat you do it in the chat but you got to do another comments I don't know Oh what maybe record yeah as soon as it opened up like that what are these called the with the big is the one one hook if it works is gonna be freaking the ball it's already wound I don't even need to wind it part of the reason why these these break and why didn't wind it first is because people over wind them and the mechanisms in a break so is it someone that has that I can't people name of it but the big what I don't know make it employs I don't know what I just cared yeah I don't remember how to do this uh where's Brian huh yeah where's brand-new hold on cuz there's the needle yeah but the needles on yeah I just can't no yes like that I know there's probably huh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you hear what he just said said Tanner Satan I'm not gonna mess with it too much I have not I not dealt with these a lot I have sold several this could actually be worth a lot I gotta look too small look here show them the model until I can get back we'll show them that pretty cool yeah 13 30 minutes prior I got a busted safe over right yeah 35 in the beginning that's right here's the dang deal guys we are going to bust the safe open next so by the time you blink your eyes we're gonna be back we're gonna be set up at the warehouse we're got a freaking bless the safe open so stay tuned alright guys we're back I know you blinked I said there'd be a safe in this video when you got back but you know I always forget things oh hey I just wanted to peek in air was gonna wrap it because I don't want him have to wrap it back up because I don't want this thing messed up but look I'm gonna beaker box looks nice I mean this is actually a really good condition oh so this isn't this is this be courteous so I was thinking it had that attachment oh yeah no I don't know what it's called looks really nice so let's see what's in here record Prince Charming a poem set to music I was to say I don't know I see the waltz some of these 78 stores one sweetly solemn thought so I'm really excited by I cannot wait to get back to get this back put some oil on it looks like Mineola Texas that's where my grandma was anyway hey check it out alright hey y'all make sure this gets blankets over I'm serious I think this not get messed up okay check it out all right so this time I promise by time y'all blink we're gonna be back with a safe beer ban all right guys welcome to this part of this episode and now it's time to crack that safe come on in and check it out so look I tried and I tried to do it the right way because I know a lot of y'all gonna yell at me but look I couldn't figure out the code I tried it it's a five digit code obviously and it keeps locking me out so check it out it's locked but there's definitely something in this excellence if one here hey go have some it'll stop beating them drums for about three minutes all right I'm joking don't do that you know all right you ready oh you hear it huh listen yeah okay and there's something thudding against the wall in here right so this is the one that we got out of this unit but again I deleted the footage because i'ma bozo so anyway hey I searched and I searched on YouTube and I saw people using grinders we've done that we've actually done something I haven't seen anybody do we used to Dodge Ram to freakin rip that sucker apart that was awesome but so I was like man I wonder how high you would have to be to crack itself so that's what we're gonna do first we're gonna start hey you two bozos get up here why are you still sitting down weirdo so he just ducks that's the natural thing all right so let's see maybe we could just open it bye y'all lifting it drop it let's see let's see what happens don't throw it down just see well lift it all the way up and then that's about what papi just let it fall over ball to keep all the safety they want to see it oh it's bleep hey you broke it no look look though if we cracked it look that whole seam cracked alright that didn't work here's the next thing we're in dude put it on the truck stand up on the truck drop it it's our muscle here y'all any of y'all concerned nots real it's a piece of paper joke people calm down it is a joke let it drop how high do you have to be to crack a safe you're gonna follow it and it okay oh wait Oh almost y'all y'all almost got it you know we need we need a bigger boat you're gonna need a bigger boat [Music] [Applause] all right guys so I went to the back and we don't have a boat at all but what we do have is a bigger truck right what I'm thinking is that's definitely got to be tall enough definitely got to be tall enough what we will we did about six feet so we probably dropped it from about like right here right so we got double to space show so hey you got my keys though that safe on the back of the truck Tanner get the truck I need you to back it up here so that we can crawl on the bed of the truck get the safe up there without damaging the u-haul truck make sense yeah come on do now like what are you waiting on weirdos you got this I believe in you teamwork teamwork makes the dream work you got it don't drop it on your toes it's gonna suck all right hey Tanner back that truck up back it up Tanner I was waiting for you at work or something I don't ever do that again [Applause] all right here we go Tanner's backing it up there's the safe in pretty bad condition I don't know what Katie's done he's not even looking oh good lord do not hit that truck tanner oh good lord hey so pull forward cuz we need to get right up next to that truck because I don't want to damage the you oh we damage the truck it's gonna be mine that suckers already on its last leg anymore [Music] alright guys we'll be right back we're gonna get that we're gonna crawl up there put the safe up there then we're gonna put the safe up there and then we're gonna drop that sucker down we're gonna sleep does Ryback pulling showing what you got showing what your mama gave you I'm joking don't do that all right I put I put a pillow up there I'm hoping that day goes to like my roof oh you're shaking my whole truck good do you not have mercy hey don't say that well on national TV Oh easy Oh all right now probably the little or one of you Jacob you're gonna need to jump up there and y'all need to set it up there do not roll that into that Center that you always gonna go straight through the fuel y'all need me to crawl up into the okay what you give up too easy yeah there you go y'all got this just step on the edge of my truck oh good lord he's steppin rotten sinner he took the car loan the truck before you say on the side come on man you ain't where else you gonna have a job where you can do stuff like this he's easy peasy oh no no no no oh good night oh yeah it's perfect guys perfect guys all right all right guys we got to move this truck we'll be right back all right so what we determine is these two wiener heads I'm joking Jake's afraid he's gonna fall for this I don't know you might be right huh he's saying he's two times lighter than our you're two times lighter than him hey this is double the height how high do you got to be the cracks a alright guys so check it out this puppy that didn't work but I got a better idea I don't got any boats I don't got any more trucks but I got a I got a roof now we'll try that alright come on let's go I don't know we're not finding your tower down the street they got the latter screwed Ellison just drop it off inspector this has to work ok so what we did is we did like 6 feet that was maybe mine now this has got to be double the height of the you all right why should be overall length logs in there it's like it's Chris we crushed $5,000 Oh all right come on out set it up here yeah well Gary what alright y'all are the stars of the show alright hate one spin it around don't drop it let's let them say it man that puppy is over this has to work y'all yeah so hey you are gonna have to pick it up and get in here strong and just heave it cuz we gotta try to hit down there I got to check this out look this is where hey we're starting to get better than you two thing look we got angles angles for days and transfer days hey there Stan alright here we go hi I'm gonna record this babe alright hey how high do you got to be to crack a safe we'll be back for take two alright here they are they're back don't drop that dang it hey alright guys let's try to hit something not soft this time yes hold on hey camera one you ready camera two you ready hey number two you're number two you know why you're number two I know you said you were quitting today why are you here I don't know all right guys so here it is how hide you got a crack it's safe take two come on guys lunch you just do it on his face [Music] not one more guess so here's the dang deal look how good it got he's on the way down he I mean Andrew Dice Clay this if he falls fall fall fall fall oh he's nimble like a meerkat and then be like a meerkat alright guys hey we'll be back for take three y'all gettin tired carrying that thing yet hey you better not drop that if you open it in a boring way I'm gonna be so disappointed in you oh yeah there you go nice thinking usually the noodles golly we got to get that I gotta see this thing that is nut that a sentry safe good job this thing's taking a beating and keeps on ticking or whatever the thing was keeps a licking and keeps on ticking hey turn when you get it up here turn it towards us let's let's let the viewer see oh I was hoping we could see in it can we see in it oh look at him Oh oh my god what's inside all right guys so we are back hey that ingo is expected but it's even kind of cooler because them guys well I'm glad you have to drop it again okay you weren't up here but I wasn't up downstairs locking the door and now they're back down they're letting them in because we locked them out to get back up here so we're gonna let them come up here but there's not just like a couple papers or something in here the thing was so full as why it wasn't shaking is what I think do you believe me I'll believe you I just I'm waiting to see what it is okay let me look first hold on guys boo it smells like an old lady's house no that's why I wasn't shaking cuz there were so much stuff in here yo OMG okay I'm not seeing a stamped on that right now that does not mean it's not real oMG oh my gosh look at all that Dori hey y'all can come up and watch y'all locked himself I know that's why he running down there oh my gosh y'all look at this hold on the suit is this 1960 CR something look no this has got it this might be our best fool yet in the same you think there's real gold in here yeah well look this is costume for didn't you already find gold and that's not it yeah we found a lot of gold so and here's the thing I don't even we're not even through half the box not even a half - but maybe a quarter the boxes were through and every box is producing ten karat gold earrings look ten karat gold earrings y'all whoo Lord thank you Jesus okay y'all keep it down we're filming but you can come up and watch this is exciting too exciting okay so look we got ten karat gold earrings okay uh here's the match so we got gold for sure there was gold in the safe hmm okay this is gold that's gonna be awesome this says jbk I'm guessing that's not gold actually I should probably put my glasses on for this [ __ ] [Music] there's so much stuff in here stay there stay there people stay there this might be real gold y'all huh 14-karat gold bracelet show look Italy 14k you see it tap on it 14-karat gold baby we got gold the yucking hoop in hallway fine good yeah no he says no he says be quiet but yeah this is too good y'all this is too good if this is DOM and Joe 14 karat gold in their sounds and there's I'm hoping those are done I'm more testing that 14 karat gold y'all okay this is just a citizen's watch base metal okay so still not watch okay so this looks like cops and what is this okay that's mark sterling right there but the thing so that's gonna get scrapped though because look it's missing the main stone this this was gold to be awesome but it's not looking see where the plating chipped off yeah there's gonna be a long video y'all I'm sorry but we got to go through this piece by piece these are at least silver until yeah so far they were white gold that way huh I can't tell okay to see if you can find these F on the stamp on this see what we got here it looks like it might be a real clasp 14 karat gold this is gold too do you find anything I'm gonna bet I'm gonna bet that's gold that's a pretty good sized chain though yeah mm-hmm look at all this gold so far okay oh look that's what popped off of that I wonder how that happened I'm so stupid man why don't you do that you have to do that you call cracks I don't need to call a safecracker I am a safecracker there you wallet for a dirty boy he kept our animals alive what's that say 9:00 to 5:00 yep 9 to 5 so that silver those are not too buff yep I figured oh and look at the bracelet look at the set they were really hard to code all right you ready something in here for sure let's go here first yo I did not expect a fine light for real like this much gold in here with gold that was loud Stevie forty phase the two phases okay there's something stamped in here it says I don't know what that would represent I would say all right look check that out I think that I think it's gold this is probably silver over too soon no Matt looks like I might be plated it's just really dirty okay so yeah put that over here all right let's go here you ready mm-hmm look at that 14 karat gold yeah oh my gosh could you imagine that was real oh sweet Jesus if that was real it ain't real but I mean I'm gonna test it there holy cannoli look at that 14 karat gold how much did we pay for this unit ah $400 hey the person that said they were bidding against me was watching our video last night and they knew I was cracking this open tonight so they're watching this ha ha ha hey but hey I love good competition brother or sister whoever you were that looks like a gold bezel at least this bezel mm-hmm yep look my stamped 14 karat gold yo I don't know this coin right here 1978 I'll have to look this coin up if that's a gold coin that's gonna be freaking the bomb diggity yo it feels like that actually might I don't know usually you don't put really valuable coins too well we found one before there was in a gold bezel or a fake bezel oh it was fake I'm saying this is real this is a real gold bezel hey keep it down in there she's on there hacking her lungs out while I'm finding golden in the party outside the door no what do you think looking looking looking looking this is definitely older jewelry so it may not be stamped I'll test that we found a lot of gold you wanted to stand outside the bathroom door okay the chains 9 to 5 to 5 I'm get that looks like real gold right here I just can't see Katie see if you can find on the the this part if you can find the gold this is definitely silver and that that looks like real gold gold has a different feel to it too alright so do we do all of these ok you grind those up and snort them tanner that's teeth you see a mark corner that looks like it might be real like hammered gold yeah that is pretty oh no it's not look it's it's plated see where the plate came off right there okay that's still cool though mm-hmm that actually might be gold there alright she would go for a box oh my gosh Oh see if that is really oh there's no way that's real oh it's Monet mm-hmm I don't think Monet's so Cree well yeah but I don't know they make real gold what that's what the box is oh that no this has something different look like maybe a cuff bracelet or something so I'm guessing this is the match all right so pretty I don't know how to look this up I don't know a lot about Monet I know that it's had made me a lot of money in the past it'll sell it's also like anything too exciting I'm almost positive that's real gold oh that's the match to what it is no those are both in there those might be real diamonds look how those that might be real diamonds I'm seeing like the rainbow and everything what my rings are cz it's it's too hard bye well I mean just for comparison reasons so I'm gonna take those is that where you get those tests if those are real diamonds that's probably we can get into they're probably for this for this whole thing that thing's real oh my gosh we're in the money okay so I'm betting that's real gold at least okay outlook I bet what look how much one bit where's the code I bet the code of the same same I bet it is - hey look - this just make sure there's no cash or anything Oh what else oh there's a watch oh there's a watch palm be Rolex okay so get those on Lynnette man somebody was using this recently sorry you maintainer laughs what Whitten oh look it's another Kroger watch I bet that's a real dollar huh it's a base medal that's kind of cool sue accessorize in the grocery store yes they worked there you didn't see this stuff in the other unit I wasn't there the first time we've recorded this unit you were and I deleted the footage well we didn't open the safe to work of course remember there was another Kroger watch in there remember in the little leather bag yeah you were filming no cash okay 14 karat gold chain keys hey hmm that's nice like one that Chevy would send you for buying it yeah yeah probably like you're dead lots of Chevy things I bet these are real gold - oh this matches that other thing huh oh it does yeah 14 karat gold right there see it yep 14 karat gold earrings boo yell these curls are gonna be real bad to get us some earrings but those are gold oh yeah this has a gold clasp we found a lot of gold this week you yep batteries gotta keep batteries in your safe and leave some cash I say oh there's cash so leave us yeah it's so dusty can't imagine why as a joke I did that Oh actually they did all right looks like that is the end of the safe guys but very exciting all right so hey check it out and somebody's right now common you know you could have made five hundred more dollars if you hadn't thrown that safe around like that and you're right but it wouldn't been it's fun so hey guys thank you for being here make sure to subscribe like this video make sure to hit the bill hit all because we do a lot of premieres if you want to get notifications for that you got to select all other than that see you the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 530,746
Rating: 4.6463208 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, how to make money, Dude Perfect, What The Hale$, funny videos, fail army, auction house, bargain hunters thrift, safe cracking, safe found, how to open sentry safe, grimes finds, safe found in house, golden globes 2020, safe found in river, safe found magnet fishing, safe found in storage unit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 23sec (3203 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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