Huge Secret Revealed In This Video! Never Thought This Would Happen Again! #Grimes Finds

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hmm [Music] [Music] it is wednesday and check it out the girl in the garage just beautiful so anyway not another garage video or to brag about mine and kayden's job we did and there are some fantastic units open they're going to be really expensive but they're going to be big and beautiful so i made a deal you guys know adrian my buddy he kind of just comes and he buys a lot of the stuff that they really honestly i don't sell in my auction so it works out for work it works for him it works for me he makes money i make money and the most important thing it's gonna free up a ton of space he's on his way over here right now we have already kind of made a deal i'm not gonna tell you what it is now or you won't stay tuned so anyway he's on his way over here he's going to kind of look at everything we made it kind of i guess we'll say a a pre-deal and we've agreed on a price he was 200 bucks off what i asked him for here's the deal everything this garage has been paid for 10 times over smaller things you know just aren't really desirable as a just kind of onesie items that go well in auctions he does really good with this stuff he has a really big buyer base for this that i don't so he's gonna come in this for every thing in the garage the deal is for everything that's not work or personal related he's gonna get all of the action figures over here remember over here all these trash bags all of these boxes all of those that mountain look check this out y'all see over there let's peek that mountain is all action figures so he's getting like everything on the shelves uh not my tables uh the radios but look this is all action figures uh there's a bunch of gun cases there's a bunch of really nice clothes uh there's some trunks uh there's some nice furniture uh just look at all this stuff this is all action figures and dvds he's getting all of this y'all look at all this fabric like that's a ton of fabric so he's getting all of that that stuff still is good for him he's getting the folding ladder he's getting all these tools the really nice levels only stuff if it's not like banged up and and broke so it's good that this is all really sellable stuff for him he gets all the fishing poles uh all the golf clubs there's a whole big another set over there there's a bunch of tools in this he gets these little display things uh so anyway all that he gets the fridge uh the i think what is it frigidaire he gets this he gets the freaking yahoos up there he even gets the dollies if he wants the table he can have the table he gets all these tools look their sets are little um what do you call them socket sets uh there's a bow in here he gets more action figures more dvds uh dvds this is really nice and again we don't keep it if it's dingy or like missing parts we don't keep it but i saw that this thing was like selling for like 75 bucks so i kept it um this was like bought at auction and wasn't paid for so i threw this in here uh just a bunch of sellable stuff this stuff over here is like all new products it's all it's all good stuff like there's no trash y'all saw in one of the videos i picked all the trash out so like see the suitcase those blue bottles he's gonna tell me he's gonna sell them for a dollar but those are blue glass water bottles and those are worth way more than all so he's gonna get all of this stuff over here too this is all in the box new in the box stuff um these are really killer uh vintage speakers uh there's a guitar more uh fabric these saws are in here there's saws in here look another saw uh radio equipment kind of coke stuff sports cards uh see this is kind of just fun of a bunch of little stuff that like like i said it's just kind of little onesie twosie items you know they're kind of hard to lot in an auction uh but it's all good stuff like this you know the back fell off of it um like this there's a beanie baby bear but anyway there's jewelry stuff like that let's see if i show so this little whole setup right here is he actually probably will have a buyer for this but this is i think four or 500 bucks uh there's this like oil pan cover um this is actually in here uh looks like it's new um let's see what else what did i miss there's like new bags up there oh this little dvd thing i think this thing's freaking killer y'all look at that i bet it changes colors like green and you know red and yellow and stuff uh he's probably got good buyers for this stuff too look this is all the nicer rugs that i found anything else that was bad i threw out but this stuff i kept uh nice gun cases where all the latches work there's some nice rug there's a new like uh shag rug down there's never been open it's factory sealed okay what do we have over here okay so more uh cloth i don't know what that was uh this like press uh look all these like metals uh what else these are really cool y'all i love these actually i kind of want to sneak these out but that would be dishonest because i already told them it was everything in the garage um look these are in here but usually you know i wouldn't keep the wheaties boxes uh but look these all have cars in them so he gets all those he does not get the elliptical that's gina's but he does get the trunk look at all these toys y'all look at all of these freaking toys he gets there's more under here there's a really nice cabinet under here look at this more toys the big toy um so anyway like there's some nice books in here these are kind of some of more of the hardbacks uh i don't like keeping well usually when you get the the softback books in here they're usually like just cashed by some um that you get them back so i just usually goes away dvds for models uh look at all these old horseshoes uh this would be good for like someone who makes knives and stuff all right y'all look y'all remember this box of maps and i there was like all the crappy units that day i went to the live auctions and so i bought this out of a unit uh from a guy who won one uh for like 40 bucks but i already made my money i actually doubled my money on that so he'll get all the rest of them the maps and again julie's oh that's that really cool gun case let's see what's in here guys oh look there's a tripod uh never mind that would have been not a good high school joke uh anyway so look all these dvds there's blue rays in here there's like a lot of new sealed ones look these are sealed uh there's a bunch of sealed ones here so anyway these are all good they are in the cases [Music] all right guys it is actually we are back from vacation we already made the deal but adrian has just got here he's backing his trailer up here's the garage now we have already made a deal for everything in the garage that includes all the action figures he's actually already taken hold on focus hey guys all right so he's already taken a whole truckload of action figures so he's already happy so i'm going to tell you at the end how much he paid he's taken everything except my shelves all the stuff on the shelves all the rugs the gun cases uh the last of the toys the art um the trunk everything so hey stay tuned in this video you'll find out how much i sold everything in here for and basically i did this guys because i've made my money on everything in here i've over doubled my money on the action figures now what i'm basically just wanting to do is kind of start new start fresh get my all new shelves that i'm going to go buy uh in here and we'll go from there hey y'all say hi to the girls y'all haven't seen them in a while hey babies y'all need some water y'all need to stop throwing your water out okay you gotta stop throwing your water out all right girls all right so look check it out this is all trash the shelves are empty this is stuff that he did not want so we made the deal before he started loading i told him i've already got to run a dump no big deal i'll take it anyway so he left some stuff he didn't want yeah he didn't want this he didn't want the sealed lion king to assemble with the activity looking back so i'm keeping that that's going inside he didn't want the wood grain speakers what else did he want he didn't want the cokes he didn't want the radios he didn't want the gun racks or the the handmade rugs this is all trash that's going to the trash there's the stinky rats uh what else did you not want nothing he's too sexy he'll break my lens i can't show him y'all that's what he told me i don't know if it's true i'm just gonna take his word on it so all right this is other stuff he didn't want but look we cleared all this cleared this cleared this look this is where all the toys were he didn't want this he didn't want the art this is all junk well let's take a look at the trailer all right y'all check it out so he has a full freaking trailer now for the big reveal of what he paid for all right guys for the grand reveal y'all know adrian but y'all check it out we upgraded his presence on the channel so he's going to tell you how much that goes on your hand we upgraded i got him something special y'all look so all right so all right so you needed products right yes you got to put put it in here yes okay so it's got to stay here though all right y'all so check it out he's in the game too he knows this game just as good as i do if not better but the units suck right now don't they yes a lot yeah come on yeah put effort into this i just gave you a great deal we made a deal i asked 1200 bucks for everything in the garage and he chose to leave some of it behind most of it was the toys i've already over doubled my money triple my money on the toys i'm kind of over them so and then you came back at me with what a thousand thousand bucks thousand bucks and where did we end a thousand bucks thousand bucks y'all so thousand bucks y'all everything sold y'all i'm so excited to have this thing back he just took off the puppet hey give me that that goes in the adrian locker so we're going to put this back for every time that adrian is on the channel maybe next time adrian and rabbi grimes will do a video all right guys we are gonna load up the trash this morning me and gina are gonna take all of this lovely rest of this trash stuff is broke all right dvds that are like uh mix matched or scratched broke whatever i'm going to toss all these boxes because we got plenty so anyway the goal today is to get all this trash out get all this clear and then tell you guys a big secret but anyway so we're going to get all this stuff loaded we're going to take it to the dump and then we're going to go somewhere somewhere i didn't think we'd be going something i didn't think i was going to be doing again but we are going to go look at a just a small are we focused guys a small facility because we just decided we really don't want to run our business out of our house anymore we still just want it to be me and gina because we just feel like that's more efficient the job gets done right so anyway we're gonna get this stuff loaded up take it to the dump and then we're gonna take you guys to see it possible small grimes funds auction house small very small and it's a big if let's just see where this video goes all right so anyway like i was saying let's get all of this downloaded stuff from vacation [Music] yo i'm going to buy that i'm gonna buy all new shelves for the possible new location or for in here if we do get this new location we're gonna be actually staying here one more year actually stay in this house so all right cool yep three o'clock all right guys i don't know if you just heard gina but we have a meeting to go see this place possible place three o'clock today so it's definitely going to happen in this video three and a half times hey stop here please fight a big fan up i'm just going to pull all the way around like we did last time hey will they do what we did oh man all right guys we are here at the dump diddly dump dump here in plano texas we're about to throw this out and it is 212 which gives us just enough time to get to the possible new little possible place bang the door hi guys i'm not blowing kisses on my stash it tickles my upper lip let's go see the possible new place teeny tiny small oh it looks like it might be oh wait no that's alert oh look grand opening grand opening look we got a new thrift store in plano so we have about 32 minutes to waste until we go look at the new possible small location but anyway so plaza thrift i don't know if this has been i don't know we've never been here well it says grand opening i don't know what that means a lot of people have re-grand openings but anyway hey we got time to waste let's go on the thrift store see what we can find that's a true statement guys the same setup oh never mind okay all right all right y'all i don't know look the shelves are full yeah we just found a new spot y'all yo y'all check this out so far so good hey this is pretty nice yeah all right yo this is like two minutes from our house should we look for some vintage easter stuff how much of their sex 343 for a sack of frisbees oh look it's minnie oh that is so that's kind of too cute oh that is cute minnie mouse but she's a little dirty that's a dirty man here little easter sacks they got a lot of plus oh these are kind of cute jelly bean junction those are kind of cute you think i don't know if you want to look these up they may not be anything uh-oh let's see how much their toy sacks are three bucks i'm digging that not that sack but i'm digging it these little villages okay so did you find the figures no type in jelly bean junction figures are one of one this might be my new favorite toy joint yo that's kind of cute the full armor of god that's actually kind of really neat i might buy that just for that that's pretty sweet oh those are like little golf tee things yo look at all these y'all [Music] wow there's so many like mario kart oh he's three bucks is elsa i think i'm gonna get er from my collection he's clean and go to our disney collection okay um i don't know this has got all these golf things in it see those will sell a lot look there's some vintage ones right there yeah this one's got this cool like full armor statue the golf things will sell for probably 20 30 40 bucks yeah it's like where's waldo but where's mickey dumpy jack frost let's look for uh dr you know what's this oh look at this deer little frozen activity set all right so uh nice actually very nice very nice lady told us pink is 50 off this looks kind of neat is this older let's see what you know 2019. it reminds me that again don't break the ice do you remember that i don't like that it's too torn up and looks cheap all right y'all let's see if we can find some wankies here oh look they got cassettes oh look for dr seuss books oh look a frozen a frozen funko pop well i don't know it's 393 yellow uh i don't think so because the box is pretty jacked so i'm gonna leave that there oh look the indiana jones set vhs okay i'm gonna check to see if there's any of the uh you know what little mermaids because i've found three before oh actually i'm gonna come here all the time i'm just checking around guys for oh look here's some older disney books oh the emperor's new groove looking for dr seuss just in case it's a silliness container oh that's pretty is that really heavy no it's 242 isn't it yeah this thing was 70 bucks yeah we're getting that for 242. oh wait yeah that's yellow so it's 2.42 that's a steal they want six bucks for the big little one accident here's a pretty ashtray do you think we'll get more than seven bucks i think that's really pretty oh here's a frozen glove oh that's is that what's her name elsa that's anna i think are you sure yeah [Music] ah it's broke ah that sucks y'all that was a oh you know i don't think i've ever found one of these in a thrift store and it's broken pepsi it was only 95 cents to tom and jerry it was in 1975 i'm serious i'm so bummed about that cup i am so bummed yeah oh here we go elvis yeah that's pretty bad bad hey man oh man look hey look man mark martin's on that man what 242 ma'am i don't know i figured never mind oh hey this is really pretty oh wait old cake pan it's kind of pretty good is this first thing to go there is that what this is or is it just for apprentice 2006 all right guys we are here at the location i like this uh already because it's gated it's got security cameras but the only concern i have right now is is that customers will be able to come in and out which i'm not too concerned about because look there's places all over dallas but i just look this is like five minutes from our house would be nice so anyway i'm my i mean i guess we could stay only shipping and maybe sneak a few people in or out but anyway it'd be preferable that we could have a code for our customers to get it out but that's only like two days a month so i can't imagine that they would have a problem with it anyway let's go in let's go check out spots are you serious get out [Music] he did uh work with amazon i guess he shipped really he shipped everything out from here oh nice yeah this would be a nice little little area for you oh man i should have brought my old light ball oh you should oh does this have a bathroom i didn't even think about that oh it does have a map [Music] yeah this is perfect it really is yeah yeah this is perfect yeah that is perfect nice small it's bigger than our garage yeah you got a little bathroom let's be part actually you can put your well no we want a rolling photo booth yeah but just a little thing right here perfect hey guys hey so uh y'all let us know down in the comment what you think look we weren't gonna get another place but like it'd be nice to have a small place i think the rent on that place is like 1500 1500 bucks a month which we used to pay like 6 500 a month and so anyway we just think we can be more efficient there uh run a lot more product keep it clear from our house not be embarrassed when people come over not embarrass the kids we can keep our box truck up there we found a place that would basically you rent a box truck we're signing a year lease with them how much is it a month uh 300 plus yeah like 300 bucks a month y'all but that's nothing for a box truck you don't have to pay for all the maintenance look a lot of y'all tell us hey why don't you buy one look we've been down that road i think 300 bucks a month with them taking care of the maintenance and stuff on it and check this out they wrap it for free so we're getting a free grimes friends youtube auction slash whatever on the side of the truck it's free so that's just free advertising for the channel auction so anyway hey we think this is going to be the best we're kind of taking a big model like we've done in the small model like we've done from home and we're kind of meeting in the middle because we think that might be the sweet spot so anyway guys let us know down in the comments what you think should we stay in the garage or should we go ahead and get that place let us know and we'll see you at the next unit
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 11,626
Rating: 4.9252033 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds Storage, Grimes Finds Storage Unit, adventures with purpose, cole the cornstar, conkys flippin adventures, crazy lamp lady, crazy middles, crockers, dumpster diving momma of 2, fan mail, grimes finds, grimes finds auction, grimes finds wife, jeana grimes, jebus, justin grimes, locker nuts, sdguy, storage unit auctions, storage wars clips, storage wars fight, storage wars fights, storage wars full episode, treasure hunting with jebus, what the hales
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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