$1000 | Are You SERIOUS? Storage Staff GONE CRAZY? BIG PROFIT MADE! 2 Abandoned Storage Units WON!

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yeah well I mean how else are we supposed to get the stuff teleport you only teleport for official business I have to file a flight plan and everything subs like you know some places like I appreciate people who stick to the things because it helps keep this storage name like tight yeah but that is ridiculous did you tell her we don't have to tell it for you I mean look where the door is welcome back to another episode of Grimes finds it is Rockwall Edition Double Deuce number two for the Double Deuce yes yep that's not a weird Double Deuce number two number two does number two we walk for the number two let's call this one the number two units so as you saw if you saw in the last video or the safe video right down there where the card is no you weren't that's the problem he was not today anyway loved his dad so much that kid so anyway hey that unit down there with the with the Victrola looking thing know what grant was it I remember lots of cool stuff the safe the big safe here's the deal I still don't know what was an essay yeah I got to go back and watch the video now he's I don't remember what was in it I don't know because we haven't busted open filmed it yet that's what we're just rocking rolling so we're here at 4:42 I paid I paid 580 I think for the safe unit yeah I think I paid 460 for this five by ten well that's nice that's been a grand for these two back I took into consideration the area right a few videos said it several videos I take into consideration the area where this is a Rockwall Texas rock wall is a very wealthy town so there was a lot of cool stuff in that unit we know that there was stuff in the safe I still don't know but if you want to see that you got to go back and watch it it was probably yesterday video I can't always filmed like one I saw that the box to the the fire safe but that's what you know the fire safe was in that unit this is same and so we actually found that fire safe so I bought that one because they had the big safe from the safe unit and I bought this one because I thought that was probably gonna be in there but that one ended up being in there with a unicorn or a weird weird unicorn I found the unicorn oh yeah I'd go watch yesterday's video I couldn't talk anybody in Tainan but you know so here's the deal it is way too dark to film in here but look guys I have no idea what anything oh this is actually not too bad what did you need your your light it's not No okay well I'm still gonna get the 6 foot table what we're gonna do some unboxing here but another reason why I bought it was because air all this art I'm hoping it's art what's all bubble-wrapped nice and neat when somebody took the time to do this I'm gonna guess there's at least three Thomas Kincaid's in there that would actually be a very good guess we did find yugioh stuff in the other units but here's the deal when I bought this I knew there was a good chance that I saw Christmas something told me Christmas tree trolling tree yeah Christmas there's a lot of Christmas boxes there's like Christmas stuff over here and so usually I don't like that because it's Christmas and be honest we're too close to Christmas for me really to get good money for it so here's thank Neil let me get the table set up let us get some boxes out here and find some good boxes to go through with you guys we'll be right back all right guys look really great part we got the table out and I started getting personal stuff out yeah I was gonna get some good boxes out for you so this was Christmas this was actually in the personal box with frames and there's no picture in it and that's a record so not personal yeah we're not we're keeping that that's like it isn't as well so I was grabbing this it looked like Christmas I was just gonna throw it on the truck right or throw it on that cart right there what I did wait can you see it no what would I got excited about Jeff will said I turn red that was like the last thing I you check all your boxes I'm gonna say not real this seems don't match up on the bottom made in France they kinda mm well but then it's not perfect yeah so anyway it looks like a bathroom yeah like a little car can't expect Paris made in France doesn't mean that's real but that's a France I thought it was Italy France okay okay see Tanner would know about Louie Vuitton this doesn't look like an expensive watch case that I'm not got the legs from huh oh look Snoopy okay we've just bought one of those Easter ghosts hang on batteries with it then he worked all that it was really cool does he work frosty oh he's got a plug in so I don't think he's gonna work oh so look hopefully the little charge let's put that narc is that a Santa beard Santa beard no just watching this little cosmetic all right and this can all go back in but here we go brain boxes out actually here you back up that way back didn't make them sick because it'll be the one box I don't open it assume it's all pictures yeah so this is personal this is going to go back to the family oh I don't know why I keep walking with you personal Chris personal insane autographs or something all right the two can go down there tell them those are personal Tanner to be separated oh yeah this is going all this stuff has to be taken out the truck at the end of the office we put it in the 40-foot that's personal never got the end that's cute those cute Christmas lights tree topper it's actually gonna propel huh happened to his hand you got feminine facial features I did not oh my gosh oh I know it's been about 3,000 freakin million dollar work Hey look how many beanie babies can we find wery Natalie happen like this oh hey we found a bunch actually that might be the eyes that the princess is huh million dollars million bucks right there look for dead my pocket going on retiring hey we found that weren't even related the units that run crosstown uh-huh we found a ton of beanie baby that was like way a crime yes I did that's why I knew I was in it I did it I just knew earlier see all those buffers get those bummer at pitching start bringing them out here every time he passes the camera what's he say nothing you have to watch it to find out these puter yeah no there I thought they were Peter what is going on out there was that you know is Jagger saying that he was rich because of all the beep what's the definite no for real what is it okay we work for an auction house you might want to learn that you work for an auction house you might want to learn that how old is antique Oh how old give yours no whoa you block the camera trying to work yard Jack around that's good oh yeah bro nice yo money no I wouldn't be surprised with Rock long yeah we honest dudes they just found a unit in California this past year they had seven million dollars yep I think I want the bathroom glasses [Music] don't break their freakin so how'd you know that was my nickname in hospital all right this is gonna be packed back up let's get this back in there maybe definitely this is nice well gave that away yeah a man more than tech we go by 20 years but technically people are going by 10 years now right other way around we go by 10 but we weren't where is such a change with generations and what's considered collectible an alarm system like 80 stuff is vintage all right come on they're freaking know if I was right about some Thomas Kinkade he's broke all right I don't get that boy doesn't get in trouble cuz I don't have to babysit Katy you just don't know alright these can both go keep on rolling hey those are personal pictures make it if you can tell this person to intercept them in a separate stack when you were carrying those out numbnuts I can clearly see baby pictures in them this is actually really that's a really nice that's like walnut or like is it saying oh it's limited a 2004 that's a really nice one this is am i moving faster than y'all pulling this out going through it talking about Robert don't this is crappy stuff all of our trip crafter that's a printer tracer award-winning right there more Christmas stuff I'm not gonna go through this what's this a pig and mom all's something I don't know but it's all wrapped up we'll see what mom ahead hey that tongue can go that blue top there separate them why I mean what was it off [Music] [Music] oh yeah shut off the cam I'm fixing that Fitz oh there it is right there it's a carrot I think we're right there it looks like it's been it's on the bottom we could fix that and I don't think you'd be able to tell I mean I'll tell Tanner what is it you got everything rooster oh hey I don't not screaming down here but actually could medical stuff medical stuff nice you know what this is you know what this is what you say what you try this on because I wouldn't work in a fat suit dress I feel you're my best food thing somebody's too good I've never worked in fast food somebody's too good you're 16 no well I don't care yeah hey that's our work loss 14 at catfish King catfish 30 years popped out no it's the buildings you know where hips burgers hey y'all actually go ahead and just lock up all that art one box it back at that place just get that stuff on the truck yeah very very heavy crystal made that plastic that feels really nice themself y'all trust me this can't write off he brings it himself I see that pull high kick one more time hey what's up man let's not picture things with my nose I know what that is I look Oh world Christmas is it really I bet that's what that is yes she's her gender and what about this units from the gender reveal nothing that wouldn't even a things when this lady probably was what she cares about to get stuff done did their job I know I mean I'm impeding on their job sorry she's a painting I just wanted to use that word he she learned that word last week she's been looking for opportunity and there it was yep so cute Tanner you know where that would look good on the mantle at the pearl I'm under house on your face I think I've got more I like that it I got it on camera you can make it come on cause of all his facial expressions today they took it what hey check this out guys we're gonna take a break right here because how long are we going 15 15 minutes is this the first flip yeah all right disregard your reveal crayola crayola is actually flexible now you ain't got a lot of kinky Craig we'll move it on mm-hmm well movie is that really doesn't know I'm just legitimate question I know I would be freaking out I would live in but if we did know a little kid I wouldn't ever remembered much of trouble on your face Tanner look [Music] baby look Kroger oh do you see the name no I'm sorry block yeah Oh actually I bet that's the dad's I bet this one fair so mmm what are you doing blitzie bros before hoes I'm gonna say dude you married that was inappropriate I think I need a knife a key is you're useful hey grab box you start bringing them out here door jumping your way buddy whoa this is you that matches the cat that's happy nice that's a nice bucket right that's what it looks like a little champagne buggers oh yeah that's super heavy end that's all this anything that's soup that'll be us out loud clean ding Oh looks like it's long dude that's crystal I said it's long - I'm training them training them folks that's beautiful y'all Gator we're filming please be please be what would I think this was like silver silver yes I think I believe what word silver silver yeah but like sterling gold plated sterling flatware nice of care plated flatware thank you for your purchase this is nice though smells brand-new a new smell like this like that let them smell here you go look over here oh man look take your phones binky phone vintage phones vintage cameras feel like that's in there oh no but look well we actually probably use that on the action as part specifically for this camera come on back up Jack back it up [Applause] [Music] I wasn't recording yeah well I mean how else are we supposed to get the stuff teleport the only teleport for official business I have to file a flight plan and everything like you know some places like I appreciate people who stick to the things because it helps keep this storage name like tight yeah but that is ridiculous did you tell her we don't know how to teleport yet I mean look what the door is alright yeah not unless you've got another plan lady are they pretty oh that would be cool hey thumbnail okay this you shouldn't talk about yourself like that bro like we just bought this unit yet like less than 24 hours 48 did you read that read that out loud jewelry boxes plus mom's roses alright bro it ain't a gender reviewing good lord hey bring that back in here stay tuned to the end of the video to see if Katie's right nothing about the students names gender is you know but that thing does know that oh yes yeah I'm making myself that's the end the video just set that down on the ground we're gonna see if Katie's right right now not in the chat down in the comments let me write push not the chat comment let me know yeah I'm about to throw the fuse you better hope there's gold in here chain mama if there's not gold in here to get hit with some number that time I hit you with a trash bag and I like sped it up and slow so hey right now down in the comments let me know do you think Katie yes she's right and that that has to do with gender reveal cuz this unit scream of gender reveal right yep yeah cuz the 1980s like freaking shoes yep cuz they were doing gender reels back there right yeah you don't know you realize in the eighties I said mom's jewelry this hit mom's jewelry boxes you the bulb it may not be today it may not be tomorrow it might not be when you're freaking 20 it might be when you're 40 but it's coming for you about that one you make it too easy to be phony jackwagon idly that's all it good yeah yes it is totally totally what I like I'll be the jewelry magnets yeah [Music] a livable place while you'd like to put jewelry owners up the clock or is that one of the okay so hey hey let's do this state know stay tuned to the industry issues right yep you're right I swear we just found freaking tons of jewelry boxes I don't take that never mind oh hey videos baubles Biblio stolen book ever buy on this video oh why did we stop til cuz of the lady yeah she thanks for x-men thanks for Nightcrawler yeah no Ryan Gosling what no Nightcrawler that not die man Nightcrawler was the x-men the blue guy with the tail he teleport it was a teleporter all right I don't expect you know oh look China we're not gonna unpack this here but look at these Derby cups in this can be money yo told you this is good Indiana we still got a safe deposit Oh would they already figured that out all right they can go look at all the Graduate dolls I don't open dolls hey Dad fragile ceramic doll these boxes can go hey you know there's not very many off-brand Hot Wheels right well there's matchbox people just safe for little cars in general it's hot we're not wheels but it's a bright I tried saying there's not a lot of off-brand we're gonna find little car these UVO parts because do you really like this brand didn't you hmm I love more you do stuff in this box or shoes old books dominoes oh don't mention up here don't mention Rodney wheeler mister Batmobile thought he was gonna bring me a Hershey kiss to frickin make up for freaking crushing my dreams hey man I crushed your dreams here's some chocolate just ladies like quick around hey man y'all gonna keep going in and out of that door yeah yeah I don't know tell me I really like the Bible oh Jesus had blue eyes why what I know benjamin netanyahu's got white hair [Music] Prime Minister Israel okay thank you dolls I'm see I'm keeping some stuff for you guys for back at the warehouse one more unit to pick up we've this is like our fourth episode to come to their right oh this is gonna be pretty I'm not opening it I'll show you inside I'm not taking that out of there but that's super nice make sure this goes on top well I was showing your butt Wow don't do it I got one subscriber now hey you know what everything this lady had to have this cotton in it uh-huh start bringing more boxes that we packing idea it is it really is I wonder if it's cheap hey all this dirty stuffed animals we get aa star using stuffed animals yeah I just saw that slow mode if I can I'm joking I'm not going back to phonics slow started using stuffed animals - that's pretty oh there's two of them probably a home project very cool she looks like I do you can get their home can we know they used to sell these things just plain white they still do that I like the the sir yeah yeah and you just painting them yeah I just didn't shout painted doll by me or ceramic whatever like handmade like somebody made it nevermind meiosis do we want to see it Tanner that's all I'm asking why you gotta make my job so hard welcome to the Tanner show Tanner shipment of just standard personal with that stuff that's got to go to their office let's go here treaty core look more older stuff hey y'all be careful with this stuff I'm learning about Christmas decorations in just take that jacket off thanks another North Bay thunders what do you suck hey fragile crosses where I'm gonna open those fragile glass what's a very they something cobalt cobalt [Music] he scored on the 90 minutes people taking care that came from that we've got a story of happy nation takes just take that to the truck alright was that Fostoria pattern I'm not gonna do the water first what my story is the big thick diamonds I saw it but again I'm not an expert on means see if they're real or not boss I think what do you think real or knockoff do you know what hungover [Music] all right now we're back so some day was back then I kept walking back for watching what's going on which if I guess if I'd be curious in any way I'm not gonna rap here yeah we get this wait for you like not not dusty not yellow this one looks like [Music] hey so check it out these can go so what I dig this is the breaky dye box oh yeah so we found a box that says you break you die it's cheese take the Hummels and make sure he knows that there's Hummels in there and those are very breakable invaluable they need to go on top all right so what idea is that went ahead and unwrap these I think that's the one that fell so be careful where okay it's like Christmas she liked Christmas a lot she did like earrings and brooches that's plated that's bubbling at least the clasp is that's cute we're gonna move this one over because it's got glass in it let's just go to this one yes I do they're in my pocket you want to get them I do not want to get them you can have them I've heard it folks right where you need introduce you dingleberry day yeah you got a single berry day silver it's sterling that's sterling and say I like lo amber stones and their son to whatever Hickok USA vintage stuff that's pretty New Hope Pennsylvania all right so one that let's go here I really like yeah it's very yeah the box is just as the box is probably the most valuable thing in here look at this this is killer it's heavy yeah this is sterling oh definitely stamped sterling right there at the top you could Park he sits right there that's sterling this is sterling put that back in there this is really pretty I just like this box oh it's like it's made of wood that's the first time I've ever seen a started on YouTube channels in what me and Tanner plan on starting our own alright so we got those tears pack this stuff back up please in that box down there will tell the bubble wrap let's go here what do you think no the box right believe it had bubble wrap in it there Dee got it alright tell him to bring it back oh please be gold please be gold but it was empty it's either 14 this is either 14 stamped 14k or 18k I can't tell that's gold did you hear Tanner Huff it then there's a little baby finger that's gold so that's great that's nice that's really 14 karat gold yo that looks like it would be like the gemstones are the kids this is right look two gold rings already no it's just that's gold filled this 12 carat gold filled that's definitely plated right there and again guys this doesn't mean that everything that this stuff is not gold that it's dead - how about you it's just not gold this is stamped something in there oh it's a bunker that's nine to five so we found two we've got a lot of gold today already mm-hmm we just have a lot of boxes to go through that I think we're gonna find a ton of gold what's that sir can you read that think this is 14-karat yeah that looks like gold this 14 karat okay so there's some more gold oh is that the same one you had no it says nine to five hmm so it's gonna be gold-plated [Music] I don't know I think that says nine to five okay so hey that's what I was dreading or not some more gold you can go and pack this up does it have cameos in it no but look this is where it is super pretty it says art y'all look this up for me I don't know about as I say art a RT somebody out there by the truck yeah usually I find these these are usually they're at least gold fills what are those hair time I don't know I think this is probably I was yawning says Park Lane not familiar with it it sounds familiar actually well we had one in the last video or maybe two videos ago I don't know but yes we had Park Lane it was oh no cost you yeah I think Park Lane has a store at North Park Street timex old Timex you read that say 95 mm-hmm 9 to 5 XS so 9 to 5 so I don't know I might take this back my eyes are getting really big that means not right all right so there's a freaking grandma's jewelry box got some gold that's pretty awesome ah so we got to do two more what helped me a minute yeah 10 on this one okay and let's see break that's a break he does great - it's a bit extreme what is worth taking someone all right thought nothing hey I don't know what all righty sounds broken is that fintan okay oh you know what I'm not unwrapping this uh-huh breaky died beautiful glass okay I'm not gonna open this that's what it looks like I'm not I don't I don't want this to break on the way back that's not gonna do the justice well unbox this when we get it back but I'm not doing that here I'm not unwrapping this look at all this stuff down here look this is another carnival glass piece there's that piece that's Benson look at that oh it is okay so hey if you break this y'all done got it she was right lady was right break you die sorry your tutor says pure I thought that might be sterling alright guys so hey that is it we got one last thing I know we all want last thing let's keep the camera right here we're gonna see if Katie was right she said if she was wrong she was taking a pay cut what then all right no I'll say closely all right here's the thing this is the thing that Katie says she thought had to do with gender reveal even though nothing in this thing said general was she right yes and she they don't use the typical pink and blue risers I think she might be right I swear for someone in her says a boy I'm a freaking kicked myself bud why else would you put pink and blue things in a pig I'm just wondering and what yeah all right here's the thing cuz they ran out you make sure to go and like subscribe all of our videos right now just take like eight hours of your day and that way you get through all our videos no all right so hey do this make sure to hit that bill make sure to select off so we mostly do premiere so if you don't you're just not gonna get notified so do that and make sure it's crop of that season [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 97,829
Rating: 4.8705883 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, how to make money, Family friendly, Dude Perfect, What The Hale$, facebook, youtube, google, funny videos, fail army, family vlog, auction house, bargain hunters thrift, donald trump, 2020 election, impeachment, grimes finds
Id: X0Z2BSoe-C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 56sec (3056 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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