PANTY SHOTGUN Found In ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT! $310 Spent on Storage Treasures! Mystery Boxes!

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I should have used this a little more what is that that's a duster without the best part of it no this is the grossest unit [Music] you're way too loose there bro I was big all up in your boob alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds man I got something special I got two things special one I think a really special unit and two I got a friend with me someone you never met before in a video his name dingleberry Dave right what's going on actually I just I made up that name okay if you thought that was real you're weird because if somebody named their kid dingleberry David but check it out I did that to protect the innocent but he's not really innocent tell me your real name Daniel Daniel this is my buddy Dana Smith all right I don't remember how our friendship started a long time ago when we were getting out of house y'all moved to Rockwall there's a whole story I'll tell you about that later but anyway somehow we freaking in the state friends and he's really weird weirder than me you'll see in a minute so what hey here's Neil he was up at the shop while was bidding on two units right at this same place I let one of them go but I got the good one I think and I got the better price on one so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna flip this round I got these on stores treasures calm if you never checked that out go to it I'll put the link down in the description of the video so you can check it out in your area put the zip code in just like that put the zip code in and go check out the units because I know the ton of y'all have asked us hey how do we do it how do we buy our first unit if you see a unit I can't promise that I'll get to it but you can email me at grand funks comm at gmail grimes fines at you can send me a link and if I can I'll try to get to and help you profile that unit all right now what we're gonna do is start doing a live probably twice a month to where we just do nothing but let you send us in links we'll bring you in on the live and we'll help you five units because part of why we do what we do is we want to help you build your own business if that's what you choose to do so anyway let me flip this round I'll explain to you what I've been on and why bit on it and why didn't go any further on the second okay so like I said we put this on we got this on storage treasures calm obviously you can see I won this one for three hundred and ten dollars it's a ten by ten is how they have it advertised right here's the first picture this is the lead pitcher if I had any recommendations for them it would not let that be my lead picture right a lot of buyers when they're scrolling through these sites except me right because I understand that sometimes they don't put their best foot forward but what I probably would have done is probably picked you know maybe a picture like this right look at all those beautiful boxes y'all beautiful boxes right all taped shut and what do we see lots of dust right look at all that dust okay so I won this for 310 what I'm gonna show you is I'm going to show you that I'll tell you why I bought it one I bought this unit basically based off the one I didn't buy and let me explain that so I won this one and this one was also it's at the same location it's here but you can check it out my high bid on this I think I put in sixteen hundred and sixty dollars obviously and that's why he got it at sixteen seventy right this was a little bit bigger unit it was five feet bigger that's what she said and check it out so what you see here is you see like dust right and you see an NFL thing or NFL Major League Baseball sign it says something on here says Hall of Fame you can't tell that now but there's a keyhole right there's this vintage radio and if you look at this picture hall this is so hard to do hey man go what hold on y'all all right check this out so why this one went so much I'm guaranteeing it's because they saw that and they saw this an autographed football right and then there's this upper deck 92 I've taught y'all 80s and 90s especially after probably 77 going forward it's been really super mass-produced and so this went for more but I believe this unit belonged to the same person this unit and I'll tell you why if you look right here on this box you're gonna see black sharpie right and you're gonna see duct tape on a lot of these boxes duct tape right check this out if you go here you're gonna see duct tape on these boxes back here you're also I'll see if I can find it this is a little hard to do this like this but look black sharpie it looks like the same writing to me so it looks like the same handwriting so the same dust similar handwriting and the boxes were taped very similar so this one has a lot less boxes than a one I bought but it had bait showing is what I'll say I'm not saying they set it up but what it is is they solve the two items outside of the box and this one says collectibles that's why this one went high but what I'm hoping is that the majority of the boxes in the unit that I bought did belong to this one and did I have more boxes more opportunity to win stuff but sometimes I've learned that some people there's a big stack of boxes in the back of this unit let's see if I can find it so basically right here if you look see this whole half the unit back here is couches and stuff so no boxes are a little bit of boxes up here and then there's this one pile of boxes back here which could be the rest of the sports stuff right maybe he put all that stuff over here and put all his personal stuff in another one what I'm hoping though is that these two belong to him I'm thinking I might have got the steal out of these two units simply because there was an autographed football showing in that thing this case right here wasn't sure so here's the dang deal Gina's in there Pamela boom I'm riding with dingleberry Dave and she's in there where at what's that say on the glasses on Metro Metro Metro Self Storage there's my ugly truck look Gina came and drive look at that yellow I'm joking somebody hit me they didn't have insurance so anyway check it out she's in there paying what we're gonna do is we're going over there dingleberry Dave we're gonna go in that unit and we're gonna see was i right so stay tuned we'll be right back [Music] welcome back check out this dusty box of something hopefully ten million dollars that's one reason why I bought it I just told you in the car lots of dust right we loved us look at this another reason look look down here what's that tell you it's been broken yep they've tried to think so what happened is when you see multiple locks that's usually a good sign to me is because there was something at least a value in it maybe whose emotional value I don't know but usually so this thing's been up for auction at least twice so they've cut that lock twice or they cut it once it went up for auction they were able to pay enough just to get the auction stopped and then they popped in the lock on it went up for auction again so we're hoping something about you check out that trunk guys so there's a huge trunk up there don't know if there's anything in it check out all these boxes let me see them so look we got a lot of sealed boxes we got a trunk hey if you want to see what's in that trunk stay tuned to the end of this video we'll pop that trunk open for sure in this video at the end but look boxes boxes boxes boxes so what we're gonna do is is we got the truck we got the tailgate out and we're gonna do some unboxing right here and there because you know me I can't wait so let's see what's in these boxes we'll be right back alright guys so we're back so I cleared a little space because it's freaking cold out here it was like 70 yesterday and it's like it was 34 we got the truck but that's Texas Texas is bipolar as I am that's - check it out where'd you get you the unboxing so this one does say fragile so there's probably something French graduation for graduation let's see what we got I'm not gonna lie oh I hate this smells like dog well clean that dust get in that box I don't know well that tells me their house was that dirty yeah those are awesome those are wood hey Peter pretty living in that storage oh hey it's always a good day when you find Chinese balls all right now look blue balls are pretty cool blue Chinese balls look I can hold them in my hand twist them favorite jokes people what blue balls cuz I'm ten years old you blue ball jars hey check it out those a pretty name we got to make $310 right we already have too late to great-aunts three eyes I think there's a third one in there three good items alright guys sorry we got a phone call anyway check it out blue balls and look this guy's holding blue ball is all right a lot of blue balls in this thing can I say blue balls anymore I don't know watch this hey that's actually kind of cool look cool right hey we're gonna put this in the back of the truck right cuz we don't want them to break but hopefully do you think this is one of the electricity things guess what I've got a plug in the truck we're gonna have to test this out stay tuned I've got a plug thing in my truck we're gonna plug this in don't let me forget cuz always promise I never deliver okay oh we don't have that plug his blue ball works here hey this might be a good song off not this really relic it looks like that's a nice watch yeah okay I don't know is relic a good brand never heard of it either it's gotta be right we'll get Daniel in the picture okay ten thousand really Thanks hey check it out boo you got another watch I think that says Rolex I'm joking does not it's a bu it's a bum check it out oh you think there's anything on these yeah the bowling place let's go hey fun fact I actually that's a long time ago when I was still at Motel 6 corpora office I applied to be director of entertainment or something for them because I work for Dave and Buster's at one point Azaria operation measure so I was gonna go work for them that would have been fun but I declined the job now we have a good trip for summer tap out hey I can bag my tab I know puppy's like a real douche weren't that bad right but I can legitimately you can back it up I can back it up let's see [Laughter] all right check it out so this is glassware storage storage pillows you think that's wrong hey if you see a guy walking up on us it looks like he might own a bunch of blue balls or previously owned it let me know dangerous game hey that's good make a waffle would I look that's clean clean what is that I already said go that's what is this is gonna be Parker Italian all natural grow your herbs buy the good boxes can we open this one should we go with it yeah maybe I spoke arolex into existence let's see where they shopped at not a good sign that Walmart hey check this out pants on DVD player yeah clean that bad boy up hey y'all this is how dirty the house was saying this is how dirty the house was I see some weird YouTube videos man people letting beers and moose walk in the back door all kinds of stuff this might be by Charles Harris the New York Times bestselling sooky sooky I may know Sookie is I'm joking there's that redneck boys again hey hey man shoot I give you that bonus proffer reason he's living vicariously through me I asked him how much chloroform he had about it freaking coming out new top 6a but if I were profile this unit know if I had two profiles you know they probably belong to Bruce Lee maybe he brought my beer on dust he died in 1973 I believe right yes you did he died no because we were looking at the movie posters yesterday and there's a movie about him that was made 1978 and it says Bruce Lee does something from the grave I do know that one but he did his last movie he made actually with Kareem abdul-jabbar they just roll up they do throw are they far behind don't turn around don't do anything maybe maybe somebody showing up just watch this alright guys we're back so it turns out they weren't a spire superfan they just have a unit here as weird right they actually pay to come here hey never seen oh it's got some borax right here thank 1987 1996 so that's pretty cool let's go field souvenirs oh yeah we feel little funny if we put that on all right so this is actually one so this is actually a really nice VHS Judy let's show them the model number see if they want to look that up for us let us know what you think because these are coming back dark yeah look that up let us know what you think how much this is worth how much can we sell this for it should be me they'd like to wolves I'm seeing a thing remember the what the hell's unit with all the wolf stuff yeah those words but that guy was a furry yes all right guys so we're back so hey we're gonna dig in this box I do have to get somewhere pretty quick so anyway we're gonna do a few more unboxings man yeah like you know where and this is the nastiest use y'all it's so nice that's all I'm saying I might just call this one than the big nasty oh that's it I just came up with the big nasty that's what this is a good one all right let's pop this over James I don't know if he's talking about me or this unit I mean dingleberry call me I didn't know if he wanted his real name so they buried a popped in my head let's see all right let's see that it's a better box y'all yeah this one one this one wouldn't wanna pick that or me and we still got the trunk don't forget we still got the trunk so stay tuned till the ends well you stay on me man if he finds something you hear him scream like a little girl he's either just acting like himself Ryman's Oh these disks for diamonds was this mystery jigsaw puzzle game what is that that's a duster without the best part of it this is the grossest treatment [Music] [Laughter] three different regions and you know [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] Nick would win okay very sad very sad unit man I'm Michael I wish I would have it on another one I'm not the kind of guy can easy there well you can show this now actually I'll show them because little boys watch I don't want them see no nastiness hey remember hey live tip 101 if you ain't married you don't look at who whose period that's right you know look at you watch this I think it's just Fitness rings it is a fitness magazine okay well I just I saw half-naked woman over [Music] all the trash was just a ruse we're splitting it dude you know we're trying to split my stuff a handshake um you need to go see uh before you go see a gastro you know what that is there something that's odd oh yes Hey look it is all joke was funny at the beginning they still the package yeah oh you that never miles about to prison whoa [Laughter] some people I say just make them uncomfortable and designed by Cambridge 86 probably hey check this out y'all was oh do we do that ball come on let's just show some people some more jokes know what's in here that's that's where the one expensive painting looks if he jammed a knife in my god just some lingerie hey lighting knows we're gonna be so much fun no like I said a charged you argue for that goose enjoyed it oh my gosh my purple cotton balls alright guys so what happened we ran out of space I was gonna make some Oh what happened do you really wanted to try on the nipple rings oh it's how much trying to increase the sensitivity and I get where he's coming from with that after what we learned I'm gonna put up a GoFundMe you can go fund me account that's not what I'm that's the girl doctor yes hi doctors for the internal though my talk I told my subscribers I need as old as you broke my third row I bled through my stomach oh that's when I had to have this one I had the polyps get out anyway Morgan do is is we got to get some of this stuff back in here cuz I get to get somewhere but we still got the trunk so stay tuned and there was another box I set out there that I wanted y'all to see actually I just want to see what's in it so we're gonna get some of the stuff back in here get that box do an unboxing look in the trunk boom there's video so stay tuned until the end for the video we're back alright guys so we are back I'm trying to whisper because Kenny Rogers that's a gambler himself well probably I can piece this out probably make two thousand twenty five hundred dollars on this but it was not my best work not my best work hey my thing I had a really really tough day yesterday I shared with y'all today is better Tomatoes hey Tommy Marine I'm training I'm actually very aware of where this knife is oh I'm waving around but I do not trust that guy real more Christmas some bubble wrap honey almond moisturizing soap not tried not not to beat a dead horse sweet a dead horse Las Vegas 1913 Liberty [Music] this is the best you can endure and taste like nah but I beg to differ he's like wherever you pulled that big old plastic thing check what's in that Samsonite Swanson Plan C swamp Sammy Thompson what movie hey don't tell him if you don't if you know the movie on the chat down the comments below right here not in the chat which I did enough you know what movie did we just quote ya then call me Jack monkey look that's sellable oh it's not chipped I thought the nose was chipped but look at that thank you to dolphin noise I had Katie do an elk yesterday when I made her wear a reefer Internet can you do it off I cannot do it it's getting really awkward people waiting do it I don't know come on that was her feet look I think I filmed butas other ball yeah and it's blue oh that's actually really pretty oh I told you we're fine good stuff in here we haven't gone so really dirty sick dirty but look at that that's beautiful that's actually really pretty what do takers do best they bounce Dingle dangle I'll look this is kind of cold dude you know that is oh that's the thing that you it's it tells the temperature oh well it's caught something else hey Oh more dolphins hey well I know you did a white dolphin how does the black dolphins know what it is but it's not do you see what is it called we're all about look we're about unity up in this job right what it's the truth hey I had to tell somebody last night in the lie there like didn't believe I had a Tupac tattoo let's see I got sweat sauna long johns under here and it's made of lace and they'll just be embarrassing all right so what are you doing let's go over here then where they put all their people oh thanks beep ellos this guy never make it in this business never make it trying to make it in this business buying storage units Tommy just conned me into coming why he knew this was gonna be dirty hey he by curiously lists through me again I still don't know how much frickin chloroform he pumped in the bins at home joking Casey yes I am kind of he's like I can't let Casey see of korah form on the credit card statement I get in hey look at this kitchen herb kid goes with the stone faces we go chessboard hey y'all stay focused remember we still got the trunk Oh a bag what's that is that a million dollars the big black bag grab it that's a jacket he just said that's a now I know how my viewers are worried are you digging that and move on that over there some ice face-off look the cooking club for kids why would you call it a cooking club that's like inviting violence no look at this oh look Walt Disney World's Swan and dolphin oh cool well you made I'm gonna repeat it over and over and over it's gonna go I'm embarrassed crap up as good as I can all right looking Connect four oh yeah you know just one of my favorite things to find lunch boxes they're very nostalgic sounds like the thermos is in there hey I'll give you a hint if you can guess what movie this is for just ate on the back all right y'all guess right now down in the comments below before and I can check the timestamps you know what I asked people questions people watch the video like a week later can I ask them a question in the beginning you can tell they watch till the end to get the right answer there's no way okay this lunchbox is from 1997 extinction that's the word I'll give you the extinction I'll show you this at the end and then we'll have to make the noise for it what ready that trigger which phone it's less than 10 all right hi Marisa Jackie they were buying stuff from Half Price Books there you go no alright guys so check it out let's do the trunk okay okay let's do the trunk we get over what kazillion dollars in this thing all right so here's the dang deal y'all see the trunk a mess with nine ready ready one two they really shop out video shop they really need to add the angel singing thing yes can you do that Hey video yeah so they don't have a white noise uh-huh sound fake that white noise on there was me in the bathroom yeah I made that no and now I was like so I came out of the bedroom like like oh I was so amazed with myself Jesus like what am i I just made the coolest white one - did you think it was cool I thought was very cool let's go to look at this that's Daniels frickin cousin hey did you know anybody that's why you begged me to come in you're just trying to get family members I'm a sweet transvestite from Transylvania right I've never seen Rocky Horror Picture Show that's the one I'm looking for I know all right but I've never seen it before you know it's a really good movie it's a musical yeah mm it's probably dehydrated you mean evaporated don't crack me on national TV Oh national TV trying to make me look stupid hey it's sealed y'all it's gotta be in there where's my can I open it oh he's using your knife oh yes you broke it broke the airplane you broke it what is this come here whoo y'all smell that borax I don't quite know what if Foley smells like is usually right when I smell it on my alright let's see if it's evaporated oh that is that box smell that box why is that small no bro that does not smell good I mean maybe that's how it's supposed to smell but that did not name like I mean I think alcohol look I got soft brain look hey uh sure if you want to like promote me hey youtube some a y'all tagged uh sure right tell uh sure that I keep us sure in my pocket I gotta get this thing called me I think it's the cardboard I'm telling you want to smell I got sure you don't want to smell like I'm gonna go slow-mo right here in print sexy music watch [Music] I've slow-mo sexy music y'all don't get excited especially that's kind of cool what was in that this is turtle turtle turtle turtle invisible what's that say studly stuff unlimited webbing that's that's weird comics turtle instructions down here Dave hey down here day I meant to say babe I was mixing another word Oh oh yeah hey man your favorite movie oh [Laughter] I'm sorry hey after I've had a bad day like mentally usually the next day's out of control stop all just one behavior give it to three days and it'll wear off I promise check it out Call of Duty is it in here yes Hey yes warfare - I think I saw this crackdown his name is fu to crack down right all right you're not allowed to be any more my videos Sassy's Creed yes Xbox Oh das cowboy knows your lines that's for the cheese heads it sure was all right Aaron Rodgers it was a catch guys you know it's so wild it's a cow but we still we're six and eight right now is six or seven six is seven we got three games we went out if we went out we go to the playoffs Christmas lights 277 Hey look Dragon Age 2 so what we had six games uh-huh four out of six hey Romeo Hey so we made money on the shoot so hey here's the dang deal guys that's it again I apologize for my behavior but hey hey so we thank you for being here we'll be back with another unit tomorrow guess what I just ordered a magnet magnet we're gonna magnificient you want to go I do okay cuz here's the deal I need backup let me tell you why we need backup well so it picks I've ordered two 900 pound magnets they'll be here in a few days we're gonna go off this weekend here's what I plan on doing I looked at the videos the best ones are the ones that find guns where else do you find guns and lakes the Trinity River if y'all don't know Dallas the Trinity River we're gonna go to the section that's right behind loose dirt prison the federal prison so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go fish the Trinity River magnets I think we have a really good shot at finding guns which will turn over to the place because I'm not keeping those right my only worry is is I need you to carry because check this out for real all jokes aside the area's very known for very bad things but I figure that's gonna be the best content I'm a little nuts how many backup do you coming you think about this thank you God they're not gonna they're not gonna share you're not gonna stick around and give me enough time to talk for them to let me show them my two-part tattoos oh yeah they're just gonna see some dude looks like a redneck right thank you ain't gonna know they're not gonna know that I'm part of Nigerian right what check that boy I have the proof I still got to show the proof hey they're not gonna give me time right so I need backup because if people see this redneck out there fish in that part of the training where'd you ditch that weapon out hey we're gonna go to the best of the best areas meaning worst parts of Dallas we're gonna do some magnificient and we're gonna try to release two of those a week but I'm gonna go to the worst areas we're gonna go to the hood and that's what we're gonna do the creeks at right yes in fact what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna research where the biggest crime areas are I'm not joking and we're gonna take you the hey we are game everybody can go magnitude but are they gonna go magnet fish the ghettos we're back and I know what you're thinking did you see that no sure oh yeah did you see it yeah I really didn't I'm good hey I know it's you're thinking that dingleberry did it again he told us wait to the end of the video and didn't deliver all right hey my wife goes hey what about the lunch box so check it out if you guessed right guess what you get knowing that you're right ya know in your eyes yeah so extinction was 1997 lunch box one of the thermos is there it sounds like it okay check it out here it is one two it would have been better for his lost dress we have lost world okay but dang it was a thermos yeah you know hid I figured that that's why he's ridiculous all right all right Hey there it is guys oh hey thanks for reminding me dear see you [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 24,087
Rating: 4.916575 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, how to make money, Family friendly, Dude Perfect, What The Hale$, facebook, youtube, google, funny videos, fail army, family vlog, auction house, bargain hunters thrift, donald trump, impeachment, Panties, grimes finds, blackheads 2019
Id: AN1fTzEV7iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 29sec (2969 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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