Bidder Tried To Steal Our Jewelry At Auction! Abandoned Storage Unit!

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[Music] welcome to another episode of Grande Fonz guys today is trash edition I'm joking it's not trash tradition we're actually about to go to the goodwill auction me and Gina it's kind of one of the places I started I want to go back check it out just kind of see how it is I did a presentation for the corporate office of goodwill about three years ago to try to get that account but they're locked into a contract but anyway they did make a lot of changes after I suggested a lot of options so anyway I'm gonna go back check that out see how it's going I might buy some stuff I don't know me and Gina are about to hop in the truck the team and back here we've been so backed up y'all then we are getting this yard cleaned up you know we just gotta feed a dumpster thing yeah we got I don't know put spikes on the ground some people don't park in front of it or something people always want to block that gay but anyway so hey the thing we're doing the morning because it is a cool crispy what like 50 yeah 50 y'all cold enough for me to wear my what the hail said it also you know you didn't do your thing oh yeah there it is heart so anyway tanzir Jenks here wait what keep it okay keep it okay we're about to head to the goodwill auctions see what we can get to add to the dollar grant fund so these guys are setting up a time lapse we're going to show you all the beautiful trash look at our stack of mattresses and furniture it's getting great I can't tell you what this is for but I'm not saving it for nothing I promise you something huge big and massive and what's another word ginormous ginormous it's coming through you're gonna have to stay tuned baby way hey we're gonna head it to Goodwill auction we're gonna insert it in the time-lapse right now so you can see what these guy busier got done when I was gone it's really just a white ribbon hey Thomas for the video I'm Jeff I'm gonna see what you're doing anyway we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright guys I'm here at the goodwill auction jeana's with me hey we're gonna try to stay discreet because they may not want us filming so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna flip this camera around and what I do is this when I get here they open it up 30 minutes before for preview and you get a walk around and look at the stuff so they sell it by the box loads and so I'm gonna take you around show you what I'm looking at and I'm my bid on some stuff we'll see so here it is check it out alright guys so here it is so here's one of the first boxes that we saw and look at this huge deal I promise you my option this is a hundred bucks this box is probably gonna go for about ten bucks but what people will do is move your case okay people are gonna come in here and they're gonna start trying to hide stuff that this is what they do they're really dirty dirty bidders here and I hate to say that but it's the truth and you know I don't like to talk bad about people but that's the way it is so look these are all the boxes old Shamu alright gotta be real careful and help me watch so yeah what they'll do is it's Christmas pot what they'll do is those people will come in here and they'll hide steps boxes and then I'm supposed to do that and I quit step over it trying to be discreet y'all so I'm gonna kind of walk backwards so they can't see look at that look at that oh look a Mario hey we got one of these in the auction right now is that oh look it's Phineas and Ferb and hello and hello kitty all right all right guys so hey I'm gonna there is big boxes of jewelry as well I'll try to get some footage of that you today's meditation to talk of predatory positive worth please go get them down come back in this car [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these four bucks right here how to your gym in 1515 that way so these cool would be enough we'll be back about 3035 sir about that but that would be very bad there we go so $30 101 $30 a hormone oh look at all this good stuff 25 [Music] fifteen weeks if it didn't event what about this 50 bit 2015 2015 2015 output about 20 bad now 30 throw the Bible to be 30 Frankton 20 Bible to be 30 2530 Souls what about number 4 to 20 found them before to these 4 parts right here chant where temple alright guys so I thought it would pop in real quick just to put a little context into the next clip here so what happened was is actually let me stop there let me go back historically why I stopped one of the big reasons I stopped going to Goodwill was because just a lot of shady business I won't be wrong honest it's just shady up there the bitters are shady you have to be real careful they started cracking down on for a little bit so what people will do is is after you've bid on boxes they'll go back behind you and they'll take items out of it and go put it in their boxes and so I even had a time that i outbid this guy he was their big spender supposedly but anyway back in the day when I first started going there how it started is i outbid him on some action figure tub so I wasn't trying to be mean I just I was willing to put spend more and so somebody went back around and poured like kerosene oil all of my tubs and so anyway they what they do is they try to bully you and they try to run you off and so anyway so this kind of happened again is so I bet on these tubs I want an auctioneer even told her clearly that I was the winner and so when they moved on me and Gina were standing over the side and I just told her I'm gonna watch the jewelry buckets and sure enough they walk over there and they start putting their hands on my bucket and I told him I said hey that's mine I bought that you need to get you out and there and they're like no it's ours and I said no and so I went over there and I just very politely said you need a chance I'm a bucket and so then they left they say solve a serious and so they left and they got the manager the came over that's who you're gonna see on the left side her trying to explain it and then the ladies even telling her no it's mine and then you'll hear me say in the clip you ain't getting it it's mine I bid on it I paid for it it's my jewelry so anyway my lot number was on the sticker and that's what she's trying to tell her and the manager actually was very nice this lady I tell you what I have been through three or four managers up there people who supervise the bottom she's hands-down the best she's got a good attitude she handled it properly I thought and then she came up to me afterwards and and she actually told me that she doesn't think that they bought enjoyed all they were just trying to see what they could get away with on me and I'm the wrong guy so anyway hey check out the clip and then enjoy the rest of the video [Applause] [Applause] alright guys we are back we couldn't get a lot of footage inside but I did buy a big Gaylord full of hats bags all that stuff for ten bucks and I bought two jewelry tubs how much I spent on them jewelry ties babe say hi to Jeana alright I I started coming to say about five years ago anyway so I'm gonna show you real quick what I bought and again it's been here a long time so he's always helped me I won't come here just get him a 22 tips right so hey hold on one second will show you what a button alright so we're back and look at this look so what you do is Goodwill takes all of their jewelry in the back and they try to cherry-pick it but when I see big knots of stuff I always find gold and silver here because they're too lazy to get the knots out what is this so anyway I'm super pumped to get these back these two tubs right here look our master they're probably like 50 60 pounds of piece but anyway oh look at this hey Jory and one time but hey anyway we're gonna get this back to the shop and we're gonna go through it we're gonna see how much gold until roof on and we'll be right back alright you keep driving so look in there everybody's up to the things loading their trucks and look at this we're gonna give you some shots it gets wild around y'all some of these people were flat up nuts flat up straight up nuts but anyway so one second BAM boom BAM there we are alright we're back so anyway Kenneth I've known him for a long time these guys when you pull up man they pretty much claim you right they say hey if you need help at the end of the day then they want help for tips so they don't officially work for Goodwill they just actually hang up out here outside of that cuz they make pretty decent money doing anyway Kenneth has actually worked for me up at my warehouse several times when he's taken the dart role and everything but he says his cards good so I don't know I might end up giving him a job here next time I got a higher he's a real nice guy like imma walk so anyway look jewelry usually when I'm driving by myself I'm not gonna lie I'm doing this mess but the tubs like right here in the passenger seat and I pop this thing open I'm diggin it at red lights because that's how like fun it is so anyway let's get this back oh I got to show you this so here's what we did let me tell you how much we spent how much did we spend at the goodwill auction 297 I just happened to look at the register what she was checking you out like checking you out not like checking the check-in yeah weird but anyway so check this out we spent 297 that's width buyer's premium as the goodwill auction we got two tubs jewelry.these I bought a Gaylord full of hats and bags and stuff like it said but back in the day they used to let you take the Gaylords they don't let you do that anymore so anyway we sorted through it in there and I got all the old hats out of it what I paid for that 50 bucks yeah I was like 35 all right 75 bucks for a huge Gaylord full of stuff I probably pull that over a hundred hats old school like I mean Borden milk like there's some there's some yeah there's some cool ones in there so anyway I'm talking fast as crap thanks I decide to go to the jewelry I'm gonna check this out so check this out in goodwill auction if you go around to the live ones and you see one item in a box you can tell the auctioneer hey I just want to bid on that one item they'll take that item out of the box before they bit off the box and so I went over there because a lot of people were eyeballing this geode look how big this thing is all compared to my head look a purple it's beautiful but anyway I stopped coming to Goodwill because it used to be so shady because people after you buy stuff to go around and they'll take stuff out of your boxes when you're not looking and so anyway I decided to come back today I'm hip to it and they were trying to hide this item right before the bidding started I tried to get it on camera but they were trying to hide it and so when the auctioneer got to the box I walked over I dug it back off a box they turned it upside down and put it in a corner and that's all the auctioneer I'm gonna bid on it and why did you just do that I asked you a question I didn't say tell tell him how much it was I might have told you I don't know but she just told you ten bucks right ten freaking dollars auctioneer came up to me afterwards he's like you got to steal the day on that geo and I was like I know it I said the only thing is is I don't know if there's any more on the bottom of that box but anyway so that's it we got this for ten bucks and I bought one more single item out of a box I thought my wife was recording it she was she was holding the phone oh but she wasn't recording but anyway so and he looked ridiculous because all the people were looking at me like I was stupid because he starts at Timbuk so anyway I went up to the auctioneer I walked right in the older crowd and I handed jean of the phone she was in the back and I pulled this out of the box guess who that's for it's for poverty I bought this for pirate I'm gonna take this to California and give it to them but anyway hey look it's like brand-new but it's I walked over there and I was like I want this out of it everybody looked at me like for real and so anyway nobody bid against me I can't imagine why anyway so 10 bucks unicorn anyone we're gonna get back we're gonna jump out dump out one of the buckets of jewelry and we're gonna start sifting through see how much gold and silver we pop see you back see you back see you back at the shop that's what I'm at Cadiz alright guys so we are back here at the warehouse these two knuckleheads have come out here to help me pick up all the heavy jewelry that's all doing pretty heavy alright that's going into the farm table so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take this into the farm table I might do one bucket in this video in the next if I find gold and silver in this we're gonna take it up to my buddy Mike shop and we're gonna scrap it we're gonna see how much scrap we can pull out of these I thought it'd be fun but here's the deal costume jewelry watches all that other stuff that's in here we'll put those in Big Lots I spent 297 total I promise you I'm gonna freaking at least make a thousand dollars off what I bought there in this next auction so we'll see but anyway I'm gonna get in here and get set up actually she'll buy these all the time to see who could pull the most out if it didn't take eight hours to go through these I would let y'all all right so look let's just show them real quick this is what you see so when you go in there you can dig a little bit y'all look at this here's why I bought this one was because of the knots because here's what I know I know that goodwill in the back I've been through I've had a whole tour of the thing when I did a thing for them but not they're not they don't mess with knots so gold and silver can be in these knots cuz they don't mess with them because it's too time-consuming and so when I reached in this one and I felt this big old knot right here look at this look at this y'all hey Mary I can buy this stuff all day long maybe I should call Mary she's being overwhelmed what's that Kate Spade the watch link is okay so check this out oh hey hey bro those are gold I was gonna say are they gold which means if they're buying it go right off the bat like the deputies are gold they don't have gold stems for sure so anyway hey here's the dang deal somebody sent me a message that's precious look you can find brooches like I mean all kinds look ya'll look at this so look I've got to do any of y'all comment down below did y'all know that this was a thing like not just in Dallas but did y'all know this was a thing why I used to do this all the time and I just don't have time for this anymore but look at this listen here think okay do you think we're gonna what is that look at that just cool stuff like that like what is that I don't know what that is Alaskan Co it's Alaskan coral that's cool that's cool that'll sell right there boom alright so hey anyway precious moments yeah I could see your city I could go by these all the time 50 Cent's with this silver that'd be awesome okay so you want dump one out so I can't remember I had the receipt in the truck but I think I spent 70 or 80 dollars on this tub usually I'm the most I've spent on a tub is maybe hundred seventy-five used to back in the day used to get these Tufts for $35 tell me this is not the jewelry overload look at this look at this OMG maybe this is the thumb oh wait without the glasses some guy told me he said stop Irish nation an agains you're a professional you don't need all the stupid stuff that master pitted he is what he said hey this is who I am on or off the camera Bros is they don't change I'm telling you look at this stuff collectible pins oh look there's an elephant for Katie my mystery box Oh Angie oh is this crazy what Lucky Brand blue jeans America I found a $900 sterling it was like a very intricate Native American one and it was about a 950 dollar necklace sterling silver and I found one in this before don't Tiffany I found Tiffany I've got everything you know what I like the bottom look at this look boy oh is that that sterling right there that's darling I tell you that silver right now I don't need to find him to stamp on it but I'm gonna find it for you I can tell you right now that is that is silver that oh look here's a match where he got sterling silver a pair of earrings and what 30 seconds this is so much fun yeah I forgot about this is that dude that's some kind of ring stand look at how to watches oh look at Star Wars watch that's cool huh Star Wars watch and it's cracked hey I got a better phone you want it all right master pitting your masculinity what I do my glasses I can't do this job without glasses y'all so anyway do you see anything target a look is it turquoise synthetic turquoise y'all this unit right this thing Oh which one so yeah like which one oh my god oMG oh look at that that's pretty oh look no that's really pretty though what are those crowd I just lost the word let start with em I think so I just lost it no come back that's pretty there well I don't gonna be hundred people at this auction okay so I think what we should do is let's go through a little bit what do you think yeah hold on let's see if we find a gold chain you know hey she don't ever want to help she sneaks up in her own whole day I dumped out a bucket of jewelry that's how we get her down here right alright so hey anyway look at this that's probably synthetic with these other stones maybe but I bet this might be silver y'all what is this - silver people not just lift it up by that chain snap it oh yeah I think it's huge oh here it is this is the end of it I'm trying to make money though and you're trying to so anyway hey we are let me go through this a little bit and kind of get some of these knots away and all that good stuff and then what we'll do I keep saying that and I keep on cool stuff mm-hmm all right so what we'll do this is I'll start making a pile of gold silver if we find any at all we already found silver what's it thanks silver maybe look oh I thought the mercedes-benz of Henderson I thought it was a money clip wah-wah-wah okay so what I'm going to do is is I'd like to go underneath here to look and you'll find like oh look at that why they put the chain back together the only reason not to feel like you would do this if it was silver precious metal I feel like this is gonna be silver that I'm pretty sure that's silk y'all thought so we're gonna stand it over their shoes I'd be scrapping that sucker alright now I can see that look no gold in there yeah sit oh not the best way to see this gold I could have put a magnet to it but what fun would that be so anyway I just like to kind of go through this stuff real carefully pull out anything precious metal and then what we'll do is we'll light up the rest of this and there'll be a lot of good sellable stuff in here this is so much fun alright guys I'm not gonna make you stand here and do this all this so let me sort through this some of this we'll see how much gold and silver we can find real quick I'll be right back yeah so we're back I went through the first tub and I just browse it real quick cuz I usually spot gold and silver anyway there's a ton of sellable brooches things like that look I can put a little coins look a little freemasons cuff link I hope I find the other one that's really pretty so I'm not gonna go in detail here this is sterling silver okay actually it's a shelf so this was in the goodwill box show that I total spent 297 which includes that and I think I might get close to getting that back I just out of this geode but anyway keen yeah there we go got it yep okay so look that is beautiful it's not missing any stones so look at that sterling silver bracelet the it's got a really nice clasp on it so look at that oh yeah okay so check this out I'm pretty sure that's gold it's real skin but in here is a lot of precious metal okay and sellable right because if it's just scrap we'll go scrap it but if it's premium which is wearable doing so long yeah so anyway hey here's top - I'm gonna browse through tub - if I'm fine enough scrap we're gonna run it over to the scrap place and I'm gonna show you how we describe John rivers okay so when I was digging in this one up at the goodwill I opened up one of these boxes and some old military metals found out in the old military pens and stuff are sterling a lot of misspelling a lot of people so that's what we found so far so you gotta stay tuned to the end of the video and I'll show you what's in this box where I've been putting all the stuff I find beautiful indeed avalanche of jewelry hey do a thumbnail I don't know that's just mean go ahead be me your bike oh that was me what take that back when she asked me where something is are you looking grandma go alright but this was in the bottom you think there's silver in here look at this I look old patch mountain man oh another elephant let's see if we find a piece of precious metal right now for the viewers usually it's on bottom you should do it in 10 seconds yeah yeah because you always say how good you are at spotting it it's gotta be there for me to spot whoa you got ten seconds this mountain but this is damn Mexico Mexico silver see it's on your face I do like going to the bottom of this stuff look that's cool four times oh it's a real a medal for high school boys Texas relays that's kind of neat look more Texas it's a horseshoe pendant old school Timex it's good luck if they face out what there were shoes right did you just make that up know what that off the elephant's trunk that's where my dad told me stuff my dad flowers your dad told you it's absolutely wrong I believe it just joking yeah you know I'm flying Stewart right all right so anyway give me a few more minutes with a fossil watchman thing is I know we're starting box with all our boxes booth Macy's California you know I found a lot of older pretty stuff in there that's pretty it looks like there's a the Jurassic Park Geneva oh I need my glasses back on that's why I'm having a hard time I was like man I can't see all right now I can see all right so anyway hey I'm gonna start pulling this stuff apart real quick hey Juicy Couture still a nice clean case yeah till the next clip starts to go through this and alright guys we're back so here's the deal we can't go do this crap today my buddy's not gonna be there so I'm gonna do it tomorrow or the next day or I'll do it the day that you save the video that's today I'll do it so here's a thank you look here's what we got here's the mystery box that had precious metals there's the two tubs over there where I was working so I just went through it superfast y'all just to pick some stuff out to kind of see to show you that you can make your money back real fast those tubs right there I'll probably peace out and I'll probably make probably $500 will do cigar boxes jewelry costume jewelry holder jewelry so we'll split it out I think that's what will make this right here I don't I've never had one this big I really have not that's what she said anyway but hey they were thinking and I just said but look at that look at that yeah that's freaking amazing so I'm thinking right here this is gonna at least bring I think one to two hundred bucks yeah easy we paid two 27 nine to twenty six two hundred two hundred $79 dollars total so between just the the leftover I wouldn't call left oh it's your good stuff in there and I'll probably still find a lot of silver that those tubs will make the money back this right here is gonna be all bonus I think everything up here is gonna be bonus I found some old sterling silver here and I put these bolt Parana they remember this - sterling silver I had this sitting up here because we're okay it's shown his address no cut it off okay cut it off we're gonna head her look at that I'm getting better ain't trying to Doc's people on purpose it just happens so anyway here's the thing where I put some of the stuff that I found and I know for a fact that I got more than enough in here to cover my cost so you ready do there girl all right so look these are all sterling silver did I wish I could have found the the matched well this actually I could we have silver chains I've got sober chains in here that'd be a cool pendant mm-hmm so anyway it says sterling on there I'm not gonna bore you with all this but I promise you 925 you know I've only got one so this would be scrap this is kind of neat this is heavier it says I guess that means real diamonds and this whole setting right here sterling silver Wow yeah so that's really cool right there I did find you one of the thing I wait oh I put that back one of the things I think with goodwill is that they do check for stamps but anytime I've done it I always find James Avery probably can't see that one no oh kinda kinda okay so this is James Avery everybody knows James Avery is it's a kind of I guess you'd call it a higher-end Christian it's a but anyway that is but I only have one so that's gonna be scrapped this is James Avery - somebody could actually probably filter see look I just don't think they know the James Avery son even though that one says sterling yeah but look it's popped right there but still you know that was probably a couple hundred bucks in the store oh yes for James Avery I got some 18 karat gold right here okay it's scrap let's see what else in here I I don't think these beads are gold but I do believe this is gold I think it was handmade I found a lot of handmade stuff in here look sterling these are kind of these are Spencer Spencer but I only found one in cowboy boots but that silver cowboy hat so I mean we're getting scrap silver but this I can make into a premium piece by taking that piece off and putting a nice silver chain around and that's what we'll do with that to maximize that this'll actually this is sterling right here to our 9:00 to 5:00 okay that's really pretty too so will like a coral yeah almost yeah it might be or sent that at coral bits so pretty right so we'll pop a chain on that that means is a premium right because if I take this like I said it takes to subscribe what I would do in Crocker's Locker actually was text text me about a ring a school ring and that's what we do with our school rings and older rings College rings even old high school rings from the 50s 60s backwards they're still bring a premium they're collectible stuff like this is not a premium if this was dinged up or bent I told him in a school ring I said yet if it's a new one just scrap it I said but pop the thing out before you go up there cuz they're gonna guess and they're always gonna lean towards their sides so anyway if I were to scrap that I take some pliers I pop that out that way they can't say well you know the stones like half the weight or a third of it so there's no guess in it so just pop your stones out if you're gonna scrap it these are gonna be sold these are Gold's these are 14-karat gold okay let's see what else we sill ver like but look at this that's a pro that's what I call a premium piece right it's a little fairy I mean that's a pretty big you know that's a pretty char I'm not a charm but like a pendant so we'll put a we'll put a silver chain on that and we'll sell that as a premium piece not just scrap silver these are all look I found a ton of these these are 925 they're kind of neat they're kind of offset alright I don't even know if that's the right word but there's a tons look at these there's tons of these in here sets so we'll probably get 10 15 bucks apiece for these so right there I could say I could make all my money back on these earrings I know again this right here the stamp is so small I couldn't see it but I believe this would be 95 what else we find this is this was in there was already price to $35 but it is sterling silver that's pretty cool huh yeah this has got like a silverback on it but that's that's pretty and so a lot of this is just it's just Stroh this is a this is actually a 22 karat gold ring yep so this right here it's not gonna pay for it but that's a premium I'm not scrapping that if there was diamonds and stuff missing out cuz 22 karat gold I promise you a pseudonymous they're not gonna put CDs and 20 years ago 10:14 yes the higher the gold you get the heart quality they're just not going to use it but anyway so that right there we'll put that in auction that would be a premium piece more scrap this is a 925 that's that's kind of pretty I'd call that a premium piece it'll bring over scrap for sure then you know like sometimes like this was in there that's pretty just a little piece of silver oh this was in there this is a premium piece we'll put that on a chain yeah bring that one right there James Avery okay so look at all these premium pieces right here silver I can I can guarantee I'll get anywhere between 15 to $40 a lot for them this is gonna be you know obviously a lot more these are gonna be a lot more so we got gold gold silver silver silver this don't match oh I know I know I saw a match there just what the a that's gold let's get that scrap gold a little scrap gold here oh yeah 14k there that yeah that was 10 karat that was 10 karat these are nine to five these are gold-plated nine to five but no I didn't have both of these oh these are nine to five gold-plated but they're silver underneath so those are premium okay just this little stuff look that's pretty actually I think this one with gold no it's not that was nine to five that's the cool anchors will put it we got silver chains for that look look here's another pendant nine to five I call that a premium piece we'll put a chain on that oh look this was in there that's really pretty it's almost like a cat's eye thing there it is actually look when you turn it oh yeah that's pretty cool so this is all 925 the chain and everything so that's the premium piece so this is guys this is what you can find it goodwill this is just scrap gold I guess scrap gold scrap so this was really pretty this is silver that's a really pretty bracelet so we got that's another silver pendant we'll put a chain on that we hit a little bit of 14 karat gold action screw up so look just all this little silver scrap that couldn't find matches - oh look another pin oh this was pretty bulky all right way um actually that's not silver at all that's crap that's premium for sure just gold you know well probably good we got a good little mask scrap gold there look but so this is silver just a big old silver chain so I don't know maybe I'll put that pendant on that because it's kind of a holder style mm-hmm but anyway so we'll match this stuff anyway so that's that's our little score from the goodwill I haven't unpacked all the cool hats I mean I'm telling you we found some old hats from I would say they're from the 60s forward board and mill just some really cool trucker hat sports hats Bulls hats with the tags on them like throwbacks so anyway we scored we definitely scored so anyway I wanted to introduce you to the goodwill auction because I might start going back there after the experience today I will go back I've left for years one because they just too much politics up there but anyway hey that's the dang deal we'll be back to buying units as well what is that Wednesday uh-huh make sure to should do the video before after ahead I've got too much to do if you do after people hop on huh if you do it after okay so you're from I am but then I can't tell them about it right now cuz they already happened so I'm not even gonna tell you about it cuz it's over y'all y'all missed it yeah anything yeah hope you enjoyed it hey we're gonna try to be on there we might be late you'll know now right where are we I don't know I'm just so busy got a lot to do we got to get to California I got to go back to Ohio next month man I wish I could tell you all something I just found out a secret Oh tell you they helped us get to ten thousand you all want to see if I can survive 24 hours in a storage unit on my own would just stuff from up here but I can to let have food delivery over again yeah I thought it'd be funny to have people deliver me right so hey we'll see you the next unit [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the bonus footage for this episode of Grimes finds we have mail right here actually we have two males two mil I don't know what that is this one is not opening until we get to 10,000 oh you know what I just said okay y'all can bring me snacks and drinks but any main meals nope are coming out of that box and that's from a subscriber but I don't know what kind it is yeah I know they're MREs that's what I'll tell you but when I get locked into a unit and I'm literally gonna let them lock me in there y'all last night I was like if I let them lock me in there I have a heart attack at night nobody's gonna find me Brandon knows what I'm talking about Vegas you know that's like my fear all the time but anyway so I'm gonna open this one this is from my friend Terry Anders and look at this how cool is that hey Terry hey Terry thank you so much I don't know what's in here but I already appreciate this I believe that me and you spoke on the phone one day for like 45 minutes just talking about stuff one day I think you weren't paying for a unit or super nice guy I'd thank you so much for this Terry it just got here like two or three days ago right I think I got here yesterday did he get here yesterday yeah okay so we'll open that when we get to ten thousand cuz that's gonna be whatever is in that box is my meals whenever I get locked into these okay so let's see what Terry Enders sent us I told them if it can it can hang on the subscriber wall check that out this is super cool huh I think he was a Vietnam vet he wasn't yet mhm look at this USMC oh that's a keychain I'm putting that on my keychain Terry it's a EGA I got my glasses right here my eyes are so bad you'll have no idea 1966 271 Vietnam I still can't read this because of the glare can you read it here y'all ready okay super cool hey where's Mikey I think he's if I'm not mistaken I think he that is something from when he was in the Marines really yes I think well this would have to mean something that year was that the years that he served yeah Terry is that the years you serve if you're in here comment below this is super cool how special is that I don't need a bottle opener anymore right that's right I quit drinking in January so I haven't had a sip of alcohol I think you splashed some wine in my mouth on accident no I drop I didn't relapse I wasn't that big of deal quit on my own y'all didn't but anyways just go back and watch the QA on anxiety and depression yes let's put that on my country so hey ter yeah thank you very much that's going on my keychain if you've got any mail or anything you'd like to send us to Grimes finds the address is right here I can Doc's myself for 18 forest gate Garland Texas that's a that is our option house address so enforce gate is two words if you send it to the one word one you're sending it to a daycare so please very very very cool Thank You Terry if you guys send something we'll also will open it up Lucinda your video will be coming soon I need you to email me that because the one I on Facebook for summers I can't hear audio and it won't let me download it for some reason so I'd like to put your impression of stalker cuz it is hilarious and I sent him a still photo of it texted it to him so anyway hey sinasohn you're sending in your videos and anything do depression to me y'all wanna do an impression y'all wanna hey if y'all want to send it in make a video on your channel or you can put post it on your Facebook and then you can just post the link it down in the comments do that or hey I tell you what do an impression of any of our a members what the hell's you got Jeremy you got George you got Brandon you got Laurie you got locker nuts you got mrs. Locker nuts who else we got missing one pirate pirate my boy pirate I just spit on you pirate pirate the salt princess hey Michaela get off your butt make some videos man you were making killer videos and you just quit on us man right right you're too good at this change making this yeah watching in the change videos yeah hey get back man a girl but hey we'll see you the next unit
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 63,338
Rating: 4.8780608 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: HJd2kyDGSyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 31sec (2971 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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