Close The Door || Pastor Keion Henderson

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i think it's important to discuss like the perception of justice we go to the courtroom we wanted to look just we wanted to look fairly uh before i try to hold somebody else accountable let me hold myself accountable and let's take ownership of maybe the trauma that we suffer growing up in and be educated on it and let's try to get rid of that toxic behavior and actually infect the next person people are hurt things come out mothers against drunk drivers when they're hurt you have all those things but they stop and then go start making laws you talk about the laws against bullying on when your child dies because somebody bullied them over the internet it now when you're in that pain that's pain a law comes out of pain things change out of pain tune in tuesdays at 7 pm central standard time on youtube and facebook live facts this is our story the black church has sustained the african-american people from the days of slavery to this day i don't know how we could have survived as a people without it the role of music in the black church is everything we have to have some individual and institutional armor in order to preserve our sanity we are a testament to the goodness and the grace of god and even though the method is changing i think the message has to stay the same the black church two new stream tuesday february 16th at 9 8 central only on pbs here's what i wish i would have known that i know now relationships don't operate in time they operate in seasons most people opt out of relationships when they're not having a good time when it's no longer fun when the romance isn't there when the trust has left but a seasoned person will tell you all of that is a part of it that when you disregard time and seasons it's proof that it's a lazy love because yes winter comes but it leaves [Music] and it may come again but if you withstand the season it leaves [Applause] well guess what you're tuning in for another lighthouse experience i'm excited you're tuning in i want you to stop right now i want you to like share and comment i want you to start a watch party i want to let some friends and families know that the lice house experience is happening right now we've got an amazing worship we've got a phenomenal word and you need to tune in and tap in come on let's go into the service as it's already in progress welcome to the lighthouse worship experience we just want to thank you for being here and for tuning in on today so father we just want to come to you in your prayer we just want to lift up our hands oh god we want to thank you for who you are all that you've done in order to continue to do in upon and through our life father we know that last year was tough for god but we believe that this year is going to be the greatest year of our life in this year of balance so father we just bow our heads and we open up our hearts to you oh god father we lay prostrate before you oh god knowing god that you can do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we may ask or think according to the power that is at work within us so father we just ask that you will continue to make a way where there seemed to be no way oh god that you would get the glory out of everything that we do that you would get the glory out of everything that our hands touched that you would get the glory out of everything that you were placing into our hearts the desires of our hearts god that you will give to us oh god so father we just ask oh god that you continue to show us your perfect will for our life that you will continue to show us your way o god for this season of our life father we just ask oh god that you will continue to show us how to to move and live and to be your children your people oh god to be your handiwork oh god father we just ask that you will continually show us your goodness and your mercy as we continue to move in this lifetime of god and it's in jesus name that we do pray and we give you thanks and we say amen come on praise the name of the lord jesus this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it come on wherever you're watching that we want you to watch and share come on put those hands together lighthouse nation as we're going to put the lord in worship on this morning hallelujah [Music] come on you can help us right here say lord i praise you i love you yes lord do more than anything come on oh we bless you jesus lord i love you lord i need you need you say lord i need you i love you yes i love you come on if you love the name of the lord jesus clap those hands come on get up from wherever you are [Music] i love you i love you more than anything i i need come on come on come on let's raise it up again [Music] hey i need you more than anything [Music] come on how many you want to give them the glory come on right where you are come on hey why we give you the glory jesus [Applause] listen we give you there's no one like you come on street [Music] [Music] [Music] there's [Music] [Music] [Music] say no not [Music] ah come on bless him right where you are if you know that there is nobody like our god there is none that compared to our god and we give him glory [Music] and hearts open wide as we cry god we lift your name high come on say hands up [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] jesus take your place [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus take your place oh come on [Music] [Music] when it's too high [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] we [Music] that [Music] [Music] one more time let all the other names fade away [Music] till there's only you get all the other names [Music] one more time we say let all [Music] come on and bless them right where you are hallelujah i want you to prepare your heart like an altar you're in a moment of worship let all the other things fade away come on right now all of the worries all of the strife all of the unforgiveness just let it fade away that's right that's right let it fade away let it disappear let it dissipate let god arise and his enemies be scattered come on worship him come on and worship him come on and worship him come on lift your hands i know i know you may be by yourself but you can still worship him nobody said that worship had to be a group thing this is an individual thing come on and lift your hands let all the other names fade away come on lift your hands right where you are lift your hands right where you are let all the other names fade away till there's only you let all the other names fade away jesus take your place jesus take your place come on let it all go let it all go lift your hands let all the other names fade away you can do it you can do it you can do it come on and do it let all the other names fade away jesus take your place let all the other names fade away jesus take your place one more time jesus take your place sing it all over the world come on come on he's got the only name let all the other names fade away at that name every knee must spout every tongue must confess let all the other names fade away jesus take your place let all the other names fade away he's awesome he's alpha he's omega i want you to look around your house right now and just see jesus take your place anger you are not in control jealousy you are not in control insecurity you are not in control my house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer come on one more time i want you to sing it get your family together and i want you to declare it in your house let all the other names that's right fade away that's right right in your home write in your automobile say it right now let all the other names fade away till there's only you let all the other names fade away jesus take your place jesus take your place let all the other troubles let all the other options let your plan b and your plan c and plan d go it's it's optional it's god let god arise and his enemies be scattered i pray to god jesus takes his place in your life jesus take your place hallelujah i praise god for our worship team who takes us before the throne of grace weekly i'm thankful to you you could be anywhere in the world but you're here with us and i appreciate that our god is great and he is greatly to be praised this morning [Music] i don't have a sermon i have a testimony and let me tell you you can't have a testimony until you first endure the test i want you to get your bible and go to matthew chapter six let all the other names fade away matthew chapter six let all the other names fade away till there's only you let all the other names fade away jesus take your place jesus take your place matthew chapter 6 verse 6. [Music] the bible says these words it says but you [Music] when you pray any prayer warriors watching me today you might not be able to sing but you know how to pray [Music] you may not know all the fruits of the spirit or the seven deadly sins or how to exegete the texts or isaget attacks you don't know hermeneutics or exposition but you know how to say father i stretch my hands to the he says when you pray [Music] i've got some simple instructions hear me well enter into your closet anybody got a prayer closet a prayer place where you go where you cannot be distracted he says enter your closet and he says really i i want you to know did i know you got a prayer closet but there's a deficiency he says when you enter the closet shut the door behind you and pray to the father which is in secret and your father which sees in secret shall reward you openly when you do pray go into your closet shut the door behind you and pray to the father which is in secret and your daddy abba father which sees in secret shall reward you openly this was what i want to talk about tonight today i want to talk on this subject close the door that's what i want to talk about i want to talk about [Music] close the door just recently um just a few days ago maybe a week now i was walking through what we're calling the dream center dream center for us is a forty thousand plus square foot building that we are building and i'm really really not bragging on the building i'm really bragging on what the building will do designed to teach technology and designed to give a safe haven for those who are aficionados in sports and sciences and technology and math and we're going to feed people there and it's really a place for us to keep our promise to the community it'll be done hopefully late spring this summer here in our north campus in houston and the other day i was walking through it and the general contractor ed he was sharing with us all of the different things and features of the building and i can't tell you how excited i was to see where the hallway would be to see where the classrooms would be to see where the gymnasium is going to be to see where the spaces are where we can trans form lives and i begin to give god glory because in the pandemic struggling week to week just like many of you somehow god was able to give provision because we have the audacity to have a vision and it hasn't been easy the project has been on hold and has had more bumps in the roads and starts and stops than i can tell you it ought to be finished by now and and it's just beginning because like many of you covet and the struggle is real but but somehow and i just wish you could type it so i can feel it god is faithful he is just to perform and if god said it mr will he will do it i'm walking through that building and i'm looking at amazement at how god is doing this where people are still being a blessing laid off it ought to show you you really never needed a job all you ever needed was god god can do anything as my pastor would say but fail he showed me everything you could imagine where the lights will be hung there'll be nine lights in this room and they'll be folding doors in this room and you can turn one classroom into two and during the basketball tournament they can lower the curtain down and one team can be playing on court a and one team can be playing on court b and by the way pastor you're almost 40 can you steal duncan i answer him absolutely don't get it twisted can't do it like i used to but i can do it like i can and i'm looking at this place and that's myself and pastor torrance and jackie and those who were with us were getting ready to walk out he shows us something that i didn't ask the question about but but when you go in it where the building that we're building connects to the building that exists there was a brick wall and when i looked at it i thought what's the purpose of it so what is the purpose of this cinder block wall and why is there a big hole through it he says oh pastor this is called a firewall and that opening you see is actually where we're going to put the frame for a fire door he said that this wall in this door creates a barrier between listen to me that which will be and that which exists so if there is ever a fire in that which exists it won't spread into that which will be and if there's ever a fire in what will be it won't spread to that which exists he said it's an expensive wall it's an expensive door but it's worth it because it stops the spread i have to tell you that it arrested my attention so much that the expense no longer mattered what it cost no longer mattered and even though it it drove the budget up just a moment i stopped complaining because i recognized that sometimes it's expensive to stop a spread that sometimes in order to keep a thing out of a thing that's coming and to keep a thing out of a thing that's coming to a thing that's been sometimes you have to put a barrier to keep things from spreading but but this is the thing that really got me he says this door will be connected to the alarm system he said this door will be connected to the alarm system and he says you won't have to worry about this door he says it will be magnetized and he said these words he says whenever the detector smells smoke whenever it detects heat this door will close automatically this door is connected to the alarm it doesn't need your assistance it will be activated by an emergency why am i talking about fire doors and cinder block walls and smoke and heat because matthew said when you pray go into your closet but it's not enough to go into your closet he says when you do go into your closet close the door he says close the door and when you pray into your closet and when you close the door pray to the father which is in secret i thought to myself let's look up the word closet for the people of god i looked up the word closet it's taken from the greek word tamion a word that has an interesting progression in history at first the word tamion in the greek was used to describe a secret place a secret place where a person would hide money are a valuable or possession so so like the vault at a bank or are like the safe at your house so we're just not talking about a regular door we're talking about a door that that only the person who owns the door can have access to we're not talking about the door to walmart where anybody can walk in we're not talking about the door to the restroom that anyone can walk in we're not talking about a rec we're talking about a fortified door and the progression in history is that tamiya later goes on from meaning a vault or door it actually means now in the greek it actually means watch this the door to the bedroom the the door to the bed chamber the door at which point you get behind it ain't nobody else's business what takes place on the other side god says god says so when you come and you pray to me i am going to put you behind the barrier that only i will have access to and and the reason why i'm telling you to close the door is because it is only if you close the door that i can ensure that your business don't spread it it's only it's only see god is saying i can keep a secret now you can't post it and then ask me to protect you you can't put it on facebook and then come pray you can't put it on instagram if you'll just come to me in the secret place and if you can resist the temptation to be public i promise you i'll keep it private and is there anybody watching me today that knows we serve a god that can keep a secret is there anybody here that look that you can just thank god right now that you've not been exposed now you can act perfect as you want but i know what i'm talking about anybody want to thank god that he will lock the door and throw away the key anybody want to thank god that he is not a blabber mouth anybody want to thank god that he is not loose at the lips anybody want to thank god that he can keep a secret is there anybody in here today or watching me online that can say you know what if god couldn't keep a secret i'd be destroyed right now because i've been some places i shouldn't have been i've done some stuff i shouldn't have said and the only reason why i am here today is not because i'm perfect i'm not here because i'm perfect i'm not here because i'm flawless i'm not here because i got good values i'm here cause i closed the door i'm here cause i closed the door do i have any door closers watching me today you will be able to admit that if it were not for god you wouldn't be where you are somebody shout i'm here because i closed the door i closed the door i closed the door i closed the door so when matthew says he says when you pray into the closet and close the door he is saying that when you enter the place of prayer with god you can be sure that whatever you said to him won't spread and i can't guarantee your boo won't tell it yeah because because as long as they happy with you they keep a secret but if they get mad at you they're logging to your facebook change the password and tell on you holler at your boy some of y'all been through that before i'm not telling you that your girl she got you back now but i don't know what's gonna happen if the stuff hit the fan if it get tough i can't tell you what they do but i know what my god will do i know that whatever you tell him he won't tell it i know he'll keep it i know he'll if those of us who go to the almighty god he will hide us in the secret place in his pavilion he shall hide us he shall set us up on the rock what kind of god we serve we got a god that can take a flawed vessel hide them in the secret place and set them on a rock which means that god can cover you while he exposes you that means that god anybody want to thank god that while your name was going out your mess didn't go out anybody want to thank while you were climbing the corporate ladder god kept them from finding out who you actually were anybody want to tell somebody online today i'm not here because i'm perfect i'm not here because i'm smart i'm not here because i got a good strategy i'm only here because i closed the door i went into my secret place and i prayed and i closed the door the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much the problem is that you go through more than you pray through you go through more than you pray through see i don't just go through and pray i pray and i pray and i pray so that when i go through i got more pray too than i got go through do i have anybody in here today or watching me online i ever want to get to the place where you got more pray through than you got to go through yeah you got to pray you got to pray one of the things jesus disciples asked him he said they said they said daddy they said jesus i know that you taught us how to fast and and i know you taught us uh how to worship and and i know you taught us how to perform miracles but pretty please dear god if you just do one thing can you teach us to pray like john taught his disciples i i'll teach you said our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who have trespassed against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever amen and then god turns around and tells us through exegesis that that is not what you pray that's how you pray [Music] our father which means you have to start off in worship my father which art in heaven hallowed holy hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come see i want your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day watch this i ain't even got to me yet i'll follow which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us as we forgive others i'm not even gotten to me oh yeah and and this lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the glory the power forever amen i just learned something but if i start off hallowed be thy name and i finish off forever thy will be done that means that i know i'm praying when i start and worship and finish in worship that no matter what you're going through that you got to start in worship and you got to finish and worship yes i lost my job start worshiping him in the beginning and to worship him in the end i don't know what's going to happen my relationship worship him in the beginning and worship him in the end i got sickness in my body i will bless the lord at all times and his praise shall continuously be in my mouth do i have any worship because let me tell you if you're going to be a prayer warrior you got to be a worship warrior because prayer and worship going together i'm going to give you about 15 seconds to bless the lord at all times and let the praises of him be in your mouth close the door close close the door i want you to treat prayer like intimacy don't just be talking to me any kind of way in front of everybody when you address me come into the room and close the door and listen i don't care what door it is i said a prayer closet let it be your car door somebody [Music] notice i said that the door is connected to the alarm that whenever the temperature in the room rises above 200 degrees our smoke is detected the doors close because the alarm and the door is connected jesus says i am the dog in other words this is what he's saying are you listening to me jesus is saying i volunteer to be connected to your emergency i volunteer to be activated if they give you smoke i volunteer to be activated if satan tries to sit you like wheat i want to be connected to your depression i want to be connected to your panic i want to be connected to your anxiety i want to be connected to your insecurity i want to be connected to your temperature i want to be what you associate your pain with when you think about how you're going to make it i want you to think about me i want you to activate me when you get in your trauma and you may be looking at me right now saying pastor i've been watching you over the last year and a half and i don't know how you made it is it because you prayed i did some praying is it because you did some fasting i did some fasting is it because you're stronger than us no i am just as frail as you the reason why i am here today with veracity in my voice and vibrato in my speech is not because i'm better than you i just learned to close the door i learned to get in my secret place i learned how to say father i stretched my hand to thee i knew how to lay down on my face prostrate i knew how to go before god in prayer what is the secret to life it ain't money it's closing the door what's the secret to life it's not connections it's closing the door it ain't gonna be your notoriety you just gotta learn how to close close you gotta close the door and why do you have to close the door because i'm afraid to tell you my brother and sister if you've ever dealt with depression if you've ever dealt with anxiety if you've ever allowed suicide to enter into your mind maybe let me tell you if you don't learn to close the door the fire's gonna spread listen we just paused right in the middle of this message to let you know that it is absolutely time to give now we're talking about closing doors and there's a lot of talk about these emotional doors i want you to close the door to insecurity i want you to close the door to hatred i want you to close the door to unforgiveness but you know there's another door you can close right now it's the door of poverty [Music] as long as the earth shall remain sea time and harvest time will be here and as long as you sow seed god's got a harvest i want you to right now get a seed in your hand that represents the fact that as of today this sunday morning you're closing the door on poverty for your entire family i felt that thing right there that you will be declared able to declare as of this moment that there will never be another season of lack connected to anything that god ever gave me this seed is not just for me it's for my children's children i want you to get that gift right now they're getting ready to put a link up online they're getting ready to show you how to do it no excuses no excuses maybe maybe perhaps when we do offering right now you say i'ma get around to it and you forget to do it or perhaps you get a little nervous because you start saying if i do this i won't be able to do that i am telling you right now there's never been a person in the earth that has ever consistently given to god that god has a consistently blessed so i don't want you to worry about what you need right now i want you to be obedient i want you to get a gift right now in your hand if it's your 10 tithe i want you to get it if you're a generous giver and you give a beyond that i want you to get it if you've never given before but you say god i'm not a tither i'm not a giver forgive me i'm struggling with my bills but i'm gonna take this hundred i'm gonna take this 50 i'm gonna take this 20 and i'm gonna sow it right now to start a new flow in my life and i'm closing the door to poverty you got it in your head [Music] you got it in your app is it already in the mail have you already texted in all right you ready repeat after me as i move towards greater i will accept all divine ideas thoughts and concepts that will connect me to my destiny say i believe that what jesus christ has done for me it's bigger than what anyone has can or will do to me and because of his full gift i will lend to many nations but will borrow from none my friend if you just gave that confession and you released that seed god told me he's about to open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you don't have room enough to receive now guess guess what i'm getting ready to send you to the second half of this word god just opened the window but you're gonna have to close the door if you don't learn to close the door that situation is gonna spread into your house if you don't learn to close the door in that situation it's going to spread into your children you always say how is that child who never met his father acting like his father because somebody didn't close the door and it spread from generation to generation if you don't close the door it's going to spread through your bloodline if you don't close the door you're going to divorce a person then pick another person just like him how do people get married and and then divorce and stay single and then marry again and get divorced and then get married again and get divorced and keep picking the same thing over and over is because they didn't close the door on the hurt how does a person continue to have bad spending habits and no matter how many raises they get on the job they stay in the cycle of poverty because they did not close the door on the thing that put them in poverty god sent me into your living room into your office space into your bedroom to tell you that those tears that are coming down your eyes are not the results of pain they are the results of doors they're the result of a door that you left open way too long pastor i close the door yeah but it's a screen door it's got the same wind coming through it it's a screen door it's like it's like the neighborhood i grew up in and we we had this little screen door it was metal at the bottom in it and it had screen at the top and it had a little handle couldn't protect anybody from anything the only thing that couldn't open through a screen door was a fly and a mosquito if an intruder decided they could just slice the screen and unlock the door and open it up and i'm afraid that some of y'all got fly defenses standing in front of the intruder called insecurity you can't put a screen door in between you and your hurt you can't put a screen door in between your pain you gotta put doors with bars on it you gotta put a door with a seal on it and no wonder paul said that when we are in heat the holy ghost is the seal and it is activated i learned something about doors but it wasn't until my house was on fire you see sometimes you don't get the right doors until it's renovation time sometimes you build your house and you go cheap because you never foresee this circumstances you foresee you don't you don't think you need that extra camera because ain't nobody ever gonna break in and you don't think you're gonna need a fire door because the house is never gonna catch on fire but you won't know it until you need it and and and and so the bible says that when you go into prayer you you gotta close the door i learned something george i learned something uh from from ed he says pastor not only must the door be fire rated but the frame must be rated to the same specifications as the door he says he says because some people have the right door but they got the wrong frame and and so here you are standing behind the door not recognizing that life is eaten at your frame because because you're standing behind your faith but it's not framed by prayer you're standing behind your worship but the reason why you can shout on sunday and be depressed on tuesdays because you ain't got the right frame that's that's why sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down because you got some of the essentials you got you got the praise and you got to worship and and you got to dance and you got to speak in the tongue but you missing this prayer frame this this thing that holds the hinges together this thing that keeps it all together there is something about the frame you've got to have a frame and what i learned inside of the fire frame is a seal that whenever the temperature reaches beyond 200 degrees the seal gaps closes the gap on the door why does the seal close the gap because most people pass the rhema don't die from the flames they die from the smoke most people don't die from what they feel heat they die from what they ingest you're not dying because of what's on you you're dying because of what you let in you and the reason why i was able to get in you is because you didn't have the right frame because when you have the proper frame on a fire door there's a seal inside of it and according to ephesians 1 and 13 in christ ye also trusted after ye heard the word of the truth that the gospel is out of our salvation in whom after you have believed here it is ye were sealed by the holy ghost see the holy ghost is the seal and if you ain't got the right frame i don't care what happens the smoke is going to get in the room and i'm telling you right now the devil is able to get to some of y'all because you ain't got the right seal so whenever you go to church and you look at somebody whenever you go to work and you look at somebody who you think ain't as good as you how did david make it through getting bathsheba and getting a husband killed how did he become the king of israel because he had to write seal how in the world does moses stutter and still become the emancipator after murdering a man and throw him in the backside of the desert because he had to write seal how is it that joseph is able to go through a pit and make it to the palace because he had the right seal how was it that the hebrew boys were able to stand in the fire it's because they had the right seal i dare you tell somebody if i have any survivors on here just say it's the seal for me do i get if i got any survivors watching me right now say it was the seal for me it wasn't my money because i ain't have enough it wasn't my relationships because they all fell apart it wasn't my friends because i found out that they were not real let me tell you it was the seal for me somebody shouted was the seal of the holy ghost it was the seal of the holy ghost that kept depression from spreading throughout my house it was the seal of the holy ghost that while i was in my room crying the lord didn't let it leap off on my daughter when i was in here thinking about this god didn't let my son or my daughter get that is there anybody in here or out there who wants to just shout about the seal i dare you just shout it was the seal for me but let me tell you something the seal and the fireframe door it's only activated by the fire i wish that you can hear god what he's saying to you right now god is saying i'm there but sometimes it's the heat that activates me it's the fire that makes god expand into your life if i never had any problems i wouldn't know god could solve them if i'd never had any tears i wouldn't know that he could wipe my tears away if i'd never had trouble wireless i would have never found out he was a bridge if you've never been hungry how you find out he's bred if you've never been thirsty that's when you find out that he's water it is the heat that activates him somebody thank god that he's activated by the heat somebody will thank god that he'll never leave you alone that he's a heavy load sharer he's a waymaker he's a miracle worker he's light in the darkness he is activated by the heat somebody shot it was the seal for me i kept looking at that door i kept looking at that door i kept looking at the door and in the door there is a panel of glass so that you can see through it just in case there's fire on the other side i said ed that glass that glass is going to shatter and and it's going to hurt somebody he said oh no no he said pastor he said that that what you're looking at is tempered glass and that glass can stand the heat for 60 minutes he said for one hour straight four flames the glass will stand he said it can it can it can stand for an hour oh i got a bible reader who's getting it right now it's in the heat but it can wash for one hour no wonder jesus said to the disciples when they had fallen asleep can you not watch with me for one hour god told me to tell you if you can stand the first hour he'll take care of the rest some of you gonna have to stand the heat for a season you're gonna have to stand the heat for a time but god told me to tell you that if you can stand it for an hour he'll expand the seal somebody just watch with him for one hour he says he says that that in matthew 26 and 40 jesus says to his disciples that he had fallen they had fallen asleep and he said peter could you not watch with me for one hour watch and pray that he enter not into temptation because the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak that's why you need a door because sometimes the flesh is weak that's why you need a seal because sometimes the flesh doesn't have the strategy to escape that's why you need a fire resistant door that's why you got to close it because the door keeps the flames from spreading is there anybody watching me today that didn't have a door and you had to sit back and watch the whole house burn down and yes when you were building your life they told you about the door called prayer but it was so expensive you opted out but it ain't to the end that you find out that the cost of a door is nothing in comparison to the cost of the whole house that the cost of praying is less expensive than the cost of losing your entire family to depression there are some costs that you shouldn't skip when it comes to building the frame of your life somebody just typing that don't cut cost you got to get the best door available and you got to make sure that that door is closed because most of you will not be harmed by the lake of fire most of you will be harmed by the smoke of rejection it won't be the flames that hurts your faith it will be insecurity that will choke you to death and when you're laying in your bed at night and your life has fallen apart you will be good at eliminating the flames but what do you do when the smoke finds you smoke doesn't give a warning it lurks around the corner and let me tell you something about smoke it gets into everything you own when it comes to rebuilding your life the whole house may not burn down but what do you do when you have smoke damage it's like it's like a person who smokes cigarettes they don't light the car on fire but it's the smoke that ruins the interior and i'm here to tell you some of the lives are smoking your emotions on fire your dreams went up in smoke when it didn't work like you planned on it when your heart got broke the smoke came and now everything around you smells like smoke your children know you're on fire so they smell like smoke and now there's a a cloud in the house a cloud over the family called the smoke of rejection the smoke of insecurity the smoke of envy the smoke of gluttony the smoke of slothfulness the smoke of laziness the smoke of life has choked you out and that's why wouldn't you pray you got to close the door somebody said close the door i don't know who will do this right now but i need everybody at home i need every one of you at home listen to me hear the words that are coming out of my mouth i need every one of you at home stand up get out of your bed throw the comforter from over your over your shoulders i want you to stand up right now and whatever room you're in i want you to get up and we're going to do it together symbolically because you're going to close the door of whatever room and you're in and this is a symbolism of what you're telling the devil you're going to do every time he tries to allow a fire to spread to your life and your house are you ready right now i want you to limp i don't care for your own crutches if you got a crawl if you're in the hospital bed i want you to get your iv and i want you to take it with you and i want you to go over to the nearest door in the room you're in and on the count of three i want you to close it one two three close the door let the devil know i just stopped you from spreading through my house i just stopped you from spreading through my family you're not gonna get my heart in my mind i'm gonna quarantine this fire to the neck down but i'mma keep from the head up smoke free somebody close the door cause if you're not careful the devil won't just settle for your head he wants your heart to and after he gets your heart he's going after your spirit i need you to treat this next crisis like covet quarantine it until it dies [Music] close the door on it cause i'm telling you it's gonna spread and when they got you it's gonna get everything you got when you close the door you can keep the fire out and you can keep the smoke from coming in if you don't close the door it's going to get in your language if you don't close the door it's going to get in your responses before you know it every post it's going to be smoky yes god is the greatest power [Music] he's the greatest power [Music] and because of that we shall never [Music] shall never be defeated get up right now i want you to walk over and i want you to grab the handle of that door tap it that's how you know it's hot on the other side [Music] you might have to stop drop and roll [Music] i'm telling you to close the door [Music] cause this one is a consuming fire [Music] you gotta close the door close the door just walk right up to it [Music] pull it closed and because god is the greatest power come on get up and close it [Music] we shall never never be defeated if you got to do it with tears in your eyes and because god [Music] is the greatest power we shall never [Music] never be defeated if somehow in this message you can go get your baby and your daughter and your husband and your loved one and put them all in the room and shout we're closing the door why and because god is the greatest power oh [Music] you gotta close the door [Music] cause if you don't it's gonna get in your heart it's gonna get in your mind [Music] and once it gets in there there's no telling what you will do i won't do you got to put an end to this vicious cycle of allowing everything that happens to spread you got to close the door that's right get up close and close it close the door on even caring what the other person is doing at this moment [Music] i don't care what you saw on social media i don't care what some gossiper came and brought you and told you it's close the door [Music] the other day i was with my mom and she was going through some things and she put out a set of pearls from her mother they're 70 years old and the emotions began to flow i can see it and she was passing them on to my daughter and my daughter had no idea of the value at eight years old what her grandmother had given her at almost 70. so she left it [Music] my mother who knows how much it means she was insistent so she brought it to me later and i'm starting to see her go through things that mean something to her because there are some things you want to spread there are some things that the seal will let through but mama would give caitlyn pearls but she would never give her pain [Music] because that stuff [Music] it's not transferable because somehow mama was able to close the door lift your hands and be cursed is the greatest power we shall never never be defeated and be cursed is the greatest power let it go make it personal i shall never i shall never i shall never i shall never be defeated because god [Music] is the greatest power [Music] i shall never [Music] i shall never be [Music] is the greatest power yes make it personal i shall never [Music] never be feed it close the door so the distractions won't get in [Music] close the door so the voices won't get in close the door so you're not tempted to do what somebody else would do but you would mimic god and ask this question what would jesus do i know what men would do but what would jesus do i know what i would do but what would jesus do one last time get up you got everybody in the room go grab it you ready and maybe some of y'all need to close the door behind you maybe you need to lock something in so you can get out i don't know what end of the door you need to be on but we're getting ready to do it together [Music] you got it all right on the count of three i want you to close that door one don't do it till i tell you [Music] two are you ready three close that door god just told me that you're delivered that you are set free that there is healing coming in your direction that there was the blessing of abraham that is coming over your family that he's getting ready to bless your seed seed that you are now as blessed as the stars of the sky you are now as blessed as the sand of the sea the waters of wealth are going to flow in your direction in the mighty name of jesus get ready for victory get ready for overflow get ready for glory get ready get ready god's about to do a new thing in your life no weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises up against you shall be condemned if you don't remember anything i told you today can you remember one thing [Music] close [Music] the door what an awesome word phenomenal worship it's part of the lighthouse experience and i want you to re pack this message i want you to right now tag some people that weren't on there i want you to go back and encourage somebody i want you to subscribe to our youtube and our facebook channels all of our handles and pastor keon i want you to connect this message with somebody that was not connected i want you to remember all the words and the worship that you experienced because why it's going to change your life this is good ground the lighthouse church we're doing so much in our community locally and abroad that you too can be part of this connectivity listen we're in 2021 and god is connecting us and he's bringing balance to us and by doing that you can connect your seed to a thing that's already balanced the lighthouse church we're we're doing so much for the kingdom i want you to sow your seeds i want to give what you can right now i want you to look at the numbers on the screen you can give by way of giblify you can give by way of app you can drop your mail off at the church no matter how you give you can text it we will receive all of your gifts the numbers on the screen listen if you say pastor hammond the word the worship it did something for my spirit it did something for my soul it brought transformation i want you to text the numbers on the screen and i want you to text lh nation to a4576 we've got some prayer counselors we got people that are standing by to ready to receive you for whatever you're going through you say i want to dedicate my life today to christ we're ready to bring you into the fold of christ's kingdom i want you to text again lh nation a4576 the hours far spent i'm going to pray us out today father now god we thank you today god for all the viewers who are watching this message not even those that are replaying it right now i asked kind father that you would give them the spirit of balance that you would bring balance to everything in every area of their life that's out of balance god let every word everything that was spoken over us and in us god shall not fall to the ground but it shall be planted in this season for this is our season because we're not going to faint not we count all of these things done in the master's name of christ jesus we pray amen remember that this is the year of balance and we're doing it together at the lighthouse church there's no experience you said it like the lighthouse experience i'll see you later listen we have created a way for all of you all to connect with us online whether you live in the city of houston out of the city of houston whether you're in another country we've created a platform called lighthouse 2.0 and it is nothing more than my way of connecting to you wherever you are so right now they're getting ready to put a link up on the screen and you're going to be able to go to that link to that place and say you want to be a part come check us out we got a lot that we've given and we got a lot more for you i cannot wait to see you at 2.0 [Music]
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 74,093
Rating: 4.9240713 out of 5
Keywords: Close The Door, the lighthouse church of houston, pastor keion henderson 2021, keion henderson new sermon, keion henderson sermons, keion henderson church, bible study by pastor keion henderson, keion henderson message, keion henderson motivation, lighthouse sermon, latest sermon highlights, lighthouse church live stream, lighthouse church, Close The Door sermon, keion henderson, pastor keion henderson, holy spirit, pastor, sermon, bible, god, god's word
Id: 4loTgC5qVGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 20sec (4640 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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