Tackle The Text "How To Forgive"

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[Music] this [Music] so [Music] i am here to give god some praise acceptance atmosphere anticipation [Music] his name is jesus [Music] what's up what's up what's up listen welcome to another lighthouse worship experience listen whatever you're doing stop it right now go to your phone like it share it repost it start a watch party make sure that nobody misses out on this amazing word nobody misses out on this amazing worship and nobody misses out on the day your life changed listen i think they better get started let's get in there this is the day that the lord has made i shall be exceedingly having rejoice and be glad in it the psalmist said in psalms 23 as i go through the valley of the shadow of death i shall not fear no evil for you are with me so god i declare and decree as we come before you to the throne of grace god that we begin to debolish the spirit of fear we come against the spirit of fear now in the name of jesus that god as we entertain the spirit of fear god that you shall remove it from our spirit remove it from our mind remove it from our will our emotions and intellect for this is the season of our second chapter that god we will remove fear and step out into the promise that you've declared for us we'll step into the promises of good health we'll step into the promises god of prosperity we'll step into the promises god that we are the head and not the tale the lender and not the borrower above and not beneath god that will step into the promises that this year god in our second chapter we shall be home owners in this season god that we shall god be entrepreneurs god in this season in the second chapter of our life we shall not have fear but we shall have life in life more abundant so god we declare and decree right now god that we're walking in total victory and total god prays as we praise your name god as we lift your name high above every other thing so god we thank you that we are the righteousness of god we thank you god that you're purifying our hearts we thank you god that you're healing our bodies and healing our minds and allowing us to know that god even though we go through the valley we're not alone for you are with us and we shall not have fear so we count these things done in the name of jesus for you said in your word you have not given us the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind so god in this mind as it's renewed as we think on these things we'll be careful to give your name the praise the glory and the honor we count it done because fear is removed and praise is released praise the lord everybody we've come to bless and out of the name of the lord jesus we've come to reverence him on this tuesday night and lift him up because we understand that he is worthy of praise if you love the lord why don't you just [Applause] [Music] no [Music] through the valley of the shadow love [Music] [Music] he's a strong town [Music] he's [Music] [Music] [Music] he's our strong tower [Music] [Music] is again come on [Music] oh is [Music] oh lord jesus hallelujah how many know that goodness and mercy shall follow me all of my day come on come on turn that in the chat goodness and mercy come on just declare goodness and mercy come on decree goodness and mercy so follow me all of my days come on [Music] [Applause] and i will [Music] come on [Music] oh [Music] and i will [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] and i will [Music] [Music] [Music] well hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] and we will see your face see your face seek your face god we will seek your face not your hand but we'll see your face [Music] lord we will see your face seek your face seek your face now oh god we will seek your face seek your face seek your face i want to be in your prayers lord lord we will see your face show us who we are [Music] come on let's sing it one more time [Music] so we give you a yes lord [Music] [Music] up those hands bless him with the fruit of yours [Music] jesus come on come on let's let the voices say yes [Music] yes [Music] will be [Music] come on allow that to be your prayers [Music] lord we praise our voice [Music] hallelujah [Music] know what more time we say [Music] to you lord [Music] well guess what it is another tuesday and we're tackling another text we're so delighted to be with you uh we thank you for being with us uh as you're logging in online right now just speak to one another tell everyone hello god bless you from myself and all of the folks here at the lighthouse church and to all of our lighthouse 2.0 members we thank you so much we could not do what we do if you did not intentionally make sure you were with us every sunday and every tuesday and thank you for continuously going back on youtube and re-watching this because the word of god is a lamp to your feet and it's a light to your path and it's so much said that you cannot digest it in this one sitting so this one today i'm telling you right now you're going to have to watch it all you're going to have to watch it again and then you're going to have to watch it again because this thing is getting ready to be power packed we're getting ready to talk about a topic that i promise you i don't care where you live this one comes to your front step but before i do that i want to introduce who's with me today to my right i've got pastor torrence moore oh no man to his right pastor rhema to his right pastor hammond what's going on guys doing well so well doing well it's good to see you all again on another tuesday you guys are the hardest working people in showbiz yeah yeah yeah you didn't deny it well pastor torrence uh i'm still hearing people talk about uh your clip about how men set the tone uh for relationships one of uh my spiritual son said to me he said when you did their marriage counseling they said that's the first thing he told me so i just wanted to tell people you didn't do that for the gram that's what you actually do that's what you actually practice and saying yeah uh i bless god and thank god for you and kim and your ministry and your family and you got the cutest grand baby i ever stepped so cute i want to chew her that's my baby man i want to bite her cheeks man she's so cute already i know man i already know it you're doing it i am i am he he love her and i just love to see that side of you so so today man uh i don't know i maybe i should just let you talk well guys we're gonna talk about a word it's almost a cuss word yeah it's almost a customer and it starts with a f yeah it does and uh it's an f-bomb it's an f-word it's it's a bad bad word for some people uh today i don't like to cuss but we're gonna talk about forgiveness i mean i i mean this one yeah when this topic came up in conversation i said man uh we're gonna have to lace on the boots yes sir and uh strap in tight because this is gonna be a wild ride because before we even talk about forgiveness let's just acknowledge that there are some real people with some real pain yes sir and they deserve to be hurt yes sir and they deserve to be frustrated yes sir and and they deserve to feel disenfranchised because nobody knows your pain it i don't know how you feel when you hit your toe on the edge of the bed only you know and i can see your reaction but i can't feel your pain and pain is one of those things that you can't feel for nobody else you you got to feel it all for yourself yes sir and nobody can feel it for you and nobody can take it away and you got to live through it so let's just acknowledge that there are some people who are watching who have real pain and and and let them know as as i yield to you guys that just because you're ministers and pastors and are you praying fast don't don't you all go through some real pain absolutely absolutely man absolutely let's do this um and i'll start with you pastor hammond this is right off the top they don't even know to expect this i want each of you because i you know it's hard to take advice from somebody who you don't really believe has been through what you've been through yeah yeah somebody come telling you about what to do with your marriage your name married or somebody come tell you to do something with your children but they don't have any or they tell you what to do with your church and they don't pastor it's it's kind of hard right for all of you to take advice from somebody who hasn't walked a few steps in your shoes absolutely so before we tell people how they ought to get over things and how they should forgive and i want us to be very practical i don't want us to be theoretical today yeah i want each of us to talk about a situation where we were extremely hurt and we have to practice forgiveness so that you can buy equity with the audience [Music] and prove to them that you too have had to be forgiven and the forgiver yes pastor would you mind starting well pastor uh man this is a you said it's a tough one um and i remember a time as a young boy growing up with my mom as a single mother and when i was eight or nine she married my stepfather and he came into my life at a great time because i needed a male figure but there was still something in me that fight fought against that he was not my dad and i saw my natural father in photos and growing up i would ask my mom you know when can i see my dad when can i see my dad and because of the the hurt that she experienced in the relationship she left and cut ties and because of that i suffered fast forward through my life there were moments you know as a teenager when can i see my father when you get older 16 when can you see your father when you get older 18 when can you you know i'm a man man when can i see my father i don't think you're ready but by that time you know months later i'm married now i'm on my own man and so i get engrossed in the marriage because it's new but around 20 there was something that triggered in me that says i want to know my father i want to get to know him and i never forget uh uh computer person and internet had just come out and i remember having my computer and dialing up on the on the modem y'all remember modems right when you're in aol and i i began to look up his name and where you know found his phone number and called him and that moment before i called i had all this anger inside of me because number one you know how can you be a father and you have a son and you never reach out you never paid any child support you didn't check on me you missed so much of my life i had a lot of anger and resentment but in that moment i had to forgive him and i never forget swallowing this big lump in my throat and saying i gotta forgive him because if obviously i want something for him because he didn't want something for me i called made the call and to forgive him i said listen for whatever reason you hadn't reached out to me i forgive you and i draw a line in the sand and if you want a relationship with me let's go forward and pastor i said all that to say forgiving is giving without getting anything in return and so that was a freedom to me to give him this sense of relief of what he did or did not do and we built a relationship from there awesome awesome and and let me say um obviously i'm not old enough to be a father but if i had a son i would want him to be like you yeah you are an amazing person and um let me speak on behalf of all fathers even though you're a father yourself um you don't look like what you went through and um i bless god for who you became uh pastor rhema you um your roots are in what we would consider a foreign land but truth we are in a foreign land your roots are in the motherland and you had to at some point in your life be like a fish out of water and come to a new place i want you to speak uh from the deepest place of your pain whether it be cultural or family oriented i want you to speak about an instance where you had to forgive from from a deep wound yourself the first thing i can remember is and it's funny because when pastor and pastor hammond began to talk about when he was growing up that was a similar experience also i had about when i was growing up and i just thought to myself isn't it amazing how some of these experiences happen when we are growing up i'm reminded of the scripture that says while men slept the enemy sold and how things that affect our life are programmed at that infant age why do i say that my parents are pastors i mean you know that they preach they do all of that my dad is a medical doctor and when we were growing up in nigeria just in case you've not heard the accent well we're growing up in nigeria um my mom at some point she took a break from work she's a nurse she took a break from work because she wanted to be at home she understood the sanctity of family and that's where we get it from also took a break to raise us up [Music] i remember clearly i think i don't even know where she was but i remember clearly that growing up i was molested before i even knew that i was molested and by man i can remember as i speak to you clearly my small body underneath that bed as i speak to you i can remember like it's the brown bed i know exactly the spot um and i can remem remember him on top of me and unbeknown to me he was sowing seeds that would program the next decades of my life into different things i was not ready for at that moment he was so deep that i did not know i needed to forgive him he was so deep that i did not know i was hurt that i had to take a step back having conversations through therapy and all of that to say this is where just like jesus told them take me to the place where lazarus was buried i didn't know why this was happening and i didn't know why i had this proclivity and i didn't know i had this tendency and this and that and all of that so eventually when my eyes opened and i was able to share the experience with my parents i didn't know how they felt because the same reason she took off of work to protect us it's almost like you are not there enough to be able to shield us from that i thank god for the grace of god so i say that because if i didn't tell people they wouldn't know i was molested and i'm just grateful and that's why i have grace and i when you talk about grace you just get me all stared up and i can go all out for it because i am not supposed to be where i am i was programmed to fail yes i was raised in a christian family and all that it don't matter that i was programmed to fail because when that mental thing begins to work you can shut it down it takes the blood of jesus to erase and delete those files or to be able to talk about it and not even feel anything about it so i had to make a decision to forgive who i don't know i don't even know where he is i don't know what is happening in his life but i had to forgive him so i can disconnect the umbilical cord of my history so i can go into my destiny and it almost chokes me up um every i remember you sharing that story with me before um and it does the same thing to me today that it did the first time you shared it and and that's something i could say to you all who are listening that you you cannot handle a person correctly until you are informed of their history yeah and and if you care enough about people to get to know what they've been through that will help you in your reaction and responses to the stimuli that you may experience a relationship with people knowing that about him determines how i handle him as a pastor as an employee as a son as a friend and to me is one of the most abhorrent experiences for an adult to misuse a child and you don't know how many people you set free today because there are thousands of people who are watching yes sir who don't have a microphone who cannot give voice to that pain and story but they can relate and they too know now that the blood of jesus can cover that pastor torrence um and all we're doing is establishing please don't turn the channel all we're doing is establishing to you that by the time we talk about forgiveness we're credible yeah that we're credible that we're not up here in theory telling you that you can get over anything and we're not going to use scripture i want to use real pain real real situations that can help you to realize that you too can overcome pastor turns man well rhema man you know you blessed me with i remember you mentioned that story to me before but that was a blessing man for me to just to to see you say that and state that here with all these people watching and everybody's and and the courage it takes to talk about that so no man that blessed me but but but the um when you talk about pain one of the issues for me was well probably one of the largest issues for me was divorce going through divorce the first time we talked about that up here with the tigers but that divorce it rocked it rocked me probably sideways left and right and i was so hurt and angered for the fact that i had to go through that because i felt like number one i wasted my time the first time like i wasted my time like i didn't have to go through that and i know everybody says oh well you got your son from that and you got a child from that yeah that's good i do i love my son but but what about all the time that i wasted leading up to a birth because after he was born i still had issues so then it it the the birth didn't cure the issue or the ailment you know in fact it made it worse for me because now i have my son out here without us being together so then when we go through the divorce i remember talking about the tackle the text with pastor on the other the another way in and um i came up here and i was i told pastor how i was praying and but i was praying hurt with unforgiveness in my heart and then you say well you come to church how could you do that as a preacher and a pastor no i preached with unforgiveness come on man i prayed with unforgiveness i came to church every day mad and upset and then this is what this is what unforgiveness does because when you don't like you say cut the umbilical cord arena it'll dictate the next pattern of life so so then what i did then after that before getting the serious relationships i had to have multiple now you i'm just been telling the truth pastor because you would think that a pastor shouldn't do that you shouldn't have all these different people that you're that you're experiencing with but i was experiencing with because i couldn't get away from the pain that was caused at first so i'm going to experiment experiment experiment i'll get with this woman cut it off she can't hurt me get with this woman cut it off she can't hurt me get with this woman cut it off because she can't hurt me so i'm doing all these different thrills and frios only because i didn't deal with the pain at first if you don't cut the umbilical cord like rima said if you don't if you don't deal with that issue it'll dictate your patterns from here you you you'll you'll find yourself replaying the same thing over and over and over and umbilical cords are a connection between the child and the mother the umbilical cord is connection between you and the pain and the biblical perp card purpose is to feed you so then here i am with this umbilical cord still connected to what had happened to me it was feeding me information to say you don't need to get back into something like that it's going to destroy you so i had to kill the umbilical cord it took me a while it took me a while and i destroyed people on the way this is the reason why now marriage means much to me because i destroyed so many people along the way pastor to becoming now the man i'm trying to become look at my how many dead bodies i had to live so so cut cut the cord give and it shall be given unto you good measure press down shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom i believe this is an unchartered moment in history where financial blessings are going to come in ways you have not seen there was a shift i was reading an article the other day where it said that just a few moments ago homes were being purchased at alarming rates but for the last two months there are more homes on the market than there were in the previous months why because the market is shifting it's going from a seller's market to a buyer's market and let me tell you something for those of you all who have been laying up your treasure and who have been putting seed in the ground god told me to tell you there are things that are getting ready to come that you're going to buy they're going to set you up for the rest of your life and you're going to do it through the sea i hear the spirits saying that you're going to have so much wealth that your interest will take care of your desires i'm praying that god will bless you in such a way that money will not be an issue for you as you get ready to give today i want you to hold that seed in your hand and i want you to know that all of the power and faith in heaven is backing that seed whether you're going to give on giblify whether you're going to give on our app whether you're going to text it or whether you're going to actually bring it in or mail it in god knows all of those methods god's not considering nor is he concerned with how it's received the only thing he's concerned about is where it comes from make sure it comes from your heart and i pray i pray a double portion blessing over your life god bless you let's get back to the message man i don't know if i'm gonna make it through this um i know if i'm up here about to cry i know that people are watching because this is what real forgiveness looks like and what it feels like because i pastor and because i get an opportunity to speak weekly because of the grace of god a lot of my story is is in the ethos because i get a chance to tell it a lot [Music] and the amount of pain and trauma that i've experienced in my life um as the bible says i don't know if there are enough books to contain it but i do remember specifically being the illegitimate son of a legitimately great man of god who was my biological father and being a member of his church i'm 12 years old and like you i find out in the living room of my mother's home at that time she had just gotten a divorce from her second marriage and she was never married to my father so she had just divorced my stepfather and i remember after he was gone because i didn't want to know who my father was because i had an example but after he left then i needed to know because i was so young when he came i knew he wasn't my father but it didn't register that he wasn't yeah he was there so i kind of knew that his last name was different but he was my father he was there when i woke up in the morning yeah he leaves i'm 12 years old i asked my mother i said um who's my real father i guess she must have got tired of us asking so much that she called us all into the living room my older sister myself my younger sister and my mother and i said who's my real father and she looked me in the face and she said these words she says dr brooks is i lost my mind because i used to go to church every sunday we used to have these chairs that would sit in front of the church and if you ever needed god to do something for you you said right there you sat in the chairs it was it was a modern approach to the mourners bench because in the old school church you had the mourner's bench and everybody was sitting on the front but they had these chairs they were fold-out chairs and i sat in the chair and every time i went up i had to sing prayer lord i wish that the pastor was my father it was my prayer wow i prayed every sunday that he would be my father because i saw him taking care of my brothers and i saw him take care of his wife and i and i'd been down the street and i drove past his house and i was saying lord i want me and my mama to get out of this raggedy apartment and and we want a house like that one day and we want a car like that i never knew that as i was driving by envious i was also an heir wow that i was actually driving past the house that i should have been living in wishing for cars i should have been riding in praying for a man who i should have been confiding in she told me he was my father i lost it i screamed and i ran out of the room and this is my mom she tough she told me sit down you asked me a question now you're gonna have to take it like a man it's my first lesson in manhood she made me sit down she says not only is he your father but he's also your sister's father i got me a sheet of paper and i wrote down 12 questions that i wanted to ask him and i went up because he wasn't my father but he was so i couldn't walk up to him like the regular kids and the regular people in church are like his kids i had to get in line let you know with all the members and let all the members talk and all the members talking when it became my time in line that sunday i said to him are you my father he said yes right there on the altar i said when were you going to tell me he said eventually i said do you mind if you and i have a meeting i want to ask you some questions he said sure listen to this he says give me your address and i'll come and pick you up on wednesday i had to give my father my address because he didn't know where i lived didn't realize that i was only five blocks away from him he drove up to get me in his jeep cherokee we leave 215 madison avenue on west 15th in gary indiana and we drive down the street and i asked him my first question before we got off the block and he turned around on my first question put me out of his car told me that he had to teach bible study that day and if he had to answer my questions he was going to be too upset to teach put me out of the car i looked in the window and i told him i said this just hurt me more than the previous 12 years and his response to me was if it hurts you that bad then you need to find another church to go to and i remember breaking and the hatred and the anger and the ability to flight and not fight became my modus operandi so anytime i felt anything like that i just left because the the rage that it built in me i saw myself doing physical harm to him in my imagination and it's then that i learned that fear is what actually happens and anxiety is what you imagine and i built in an anxiety complex that anytime i would feel something like that i would just bag off and i ain't know until i was 30 that that was my method and like you destroyed so many things in my path because of what happened in my past i only share that with you yeah not for your sympathy because i'm over it yeah come on man yeah yeah yes sir but there is enough on this stage that we can sit down by this campfire and have a conversation and you not believe it's us against you and that we're going to give you theories out of the bible that we have not practiced from being molested to being divorced to being rejected and abandoned we stand here today to tell you that our fathers the invisible man and the ex-wife have all been forgiven yes that we hold none of them hostage that his ex-wife is forgiven that his his molester is forgiven and that his biological our biological fathers are forgiven and my father is in heaven forgiven forgiven so let's talk about it let's deal with it let's unfold it let's unpack it yes sir because let me start off with this for those of you all who are in pain forgiveness is the only medicine for pain that doesn't have a side effect any other medicine jesus glory to god that you take for pain has a side effect revenge yes sir has a side effect yes sir holding it in yes sir has a side effect yes sir sweeping it under the rug yes sir has a side effect getting under somebody to get over somebody yes side effect has a side effect let's talk about the side effects of non-forgiveness because before we tell people to forgive they must first know what it is and am i correct in my assumption pastor hamid that forgiveness is the only medicine for pain that has no residue pastor raymond am i correct in my assertion that forgiveness is the only medicine for pain that has no side effect yes sir i i have to be honest just hearing this conversation i am scared already like i i feel the power of god and and you are absolutely a hundred percent correct in fact let me add this while i while i listen to you what i hear in my spirit are the words of jesus father forgive them for they do not know what they do hold on a second that means forgivers have classified information there is an element of forgiveness yes oh my god oh my god there is an element forgiveness is an act of faith there is an element not my will but your forgiveness is bloody okay yes jesus forgave on the cross that's why pastor said we're not trying to belittle your experience here we know you went through stuff and jesus had to bleed to forgive but there is an element of knowledge that forgivers have that the perpetrators of the crime or whatever the act is they don't don't have and i'm telling you that when you understand and when you know because the bible says forgive them for they do not know and if i just stay there that is enough help for me to say i know better that's why i can forgive you that alone sets me free because it means i have enough equity in my reserve to give you forgiveness if god one translator says not only forgive them for they know not what they do forgive them for they do not know who they are doing it too lord have mercy they had no idea who they were crucifying they had no idea who they were blaspheming against they knew they were out of line they just didn't know that they were out of line in the direction of the way and people who hurt you are ill-advised and ignorant of the fact that they are handling anointing that they're handling grace you know why when you said pastor raymond you said i i shouldn't be here see your molester was attracted to us on this stage if there was nothing great about you he would not have desired you and what most people don't understand it is who we are that draws what happens to us oh if jesus wasn't the messiah he they didn't crucify john no sir oh my god they didn't crucify bartholomew they didn't crucify luke they crucified jesus it was who he was that made him wrong come on on that cross and it is who you are that got you those nails it is who you are that gets you the crown but you must understand before you get a crown of jewels you must first bear the crown of thorns it's bloody it's bloody god my god blood comes before destiny i was thinking pastor wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you got to say that blood comes blood comes before destiny oh my god blood comes before destiny you have to bleed you have to bleed why do you have to bleed why because when you are bleeding there is a coagulation taking place every place where blood exits it actually coagulates and the only thing that stops blood is blood so when when the reason why jesus had to bleed on the cross is because blood when it comes in contact with wind which is the holy ghost it creates a scab that stops the bleeding and and that's where most of us are in our life right now i got a nine year old daughter and sometimes i go in her room and and for some reason she is she is an electric uh um uh mosquitoes they just find her i mean they just find her if there's one mosquito in the room it's gonna find her she gets bit by mosquitoes all the time and and she has this thing where she she scratches the bites until they bleed so sometimes i'll go in her room and there'll be blood on the sheets because she scratches the irritation see i'm a little more mature and i understand what scratching a scar does and so i know how to put anti-itch things on and i know how to hit it without scratching it because i'm well acquainted with scars and and i'm telling her now not to do it but one day she'll get to the place where she no longer wants to see the scars and when you get tired of the scars it changes what you do to the womb [Music] reverend you talking right when you get tired of bleeding in your sleep when you get tired of bleeding in every relationship when you get tired of bleeding at church when you get tired of going to the altar and leaving the same way you will change how you handle your wounds pastor i hear this in my spirit for somebody i don't know who this is for you you would ultimately become who you don't forgive i i don't know where that came from but i want to set somebody free who and what you don't forgive you i have to say that again who and what you don't forgive wow you become and this is what the enemy does with parents you become who and what you don't forgive i don't know where that came from hold on i know where it came from the holy spirit just told me that that jesus became sin yes sir and if he did not forgive us he would have become a sinner wait a minute jesus did not just become sin he had the capacity to become sin and forgive us for being sinners and and christians are forgiving people that's why forgiveness is spiritual so you become what you don't forgive if jesus did not forgive us he would have been a sinner and he became sin that he had the capacity to become the righteousness of god because he forgave us you become who and what you don't forgive i'm sorry sir this is the holy spirit i'm sorry let me tell you and we have to add because what you said can be backed by scripture because the bible says in matthew the 17th no it's 17th chapter matter of fact it's talking about the unforgiving service when the servant goes he's forgiven by the lord and then he's he's given his opportunity to pay the debt back goes out and sees someone who owes him something and then puts them in chains and then those who are watching go back and report to the lord and then the lord brings the servant back in and sends him to be tormented and it is it's factual and biblical that what you be what you don't forgive you become because when he didn't forgive the servant he became the tormentor yeah when he didn't forgive the the the servant after being forgiven himself he became tormented because he would not forgive what he should have let go that's bible reamer that was bible the lord gave you that from the holy ghost that's bible i i can't keep it together man reverend i'm i'm struggling to keep it together do you all feel the anointing reverend that was bible that's on this stage do you feel the virtue that is being drawn i'm i'm struggling literally man to keep it together do you know how many people who are headed hell word yes sir because they can't get this word yes sir yes sir that just one simple act of contrition that a gulf has been created between us yes sir and our righteousness because we cannot overcome the stain of a moment i think pastor hamilton in order for us to forgive we have to first know what forgiveness is see people are always forgive forgive but what is forgiveness yes sir don't keep telling me these theories about and how many of y'all are tired of people you just need to forgive what is that what is that what is forgiveness because i ain't i'm not mad at him anymore but i don't fool with him anymore have i forget i don't call them every day anymore and some people say well if you don't call them every day then that means you haven't forgiven because i haven't gone back to where the relationship was previous to the hurt is that what is forgiveness i got a definition uh-oh yes sir i got a definition and this is what forgiveness is this is what forgiveness is are you listening to me forgiveness is extending mercy to someone you have the power to destroy listen to me come on man forgiveness is extending mercy to someone you have the power to destroy [Music] that's what forgiveness is extending mercy to someone who has harmed you and mercy is actually compassion for people you have the power to destroy so when jesus christ gave us mercy my god it was because he could have my god turned us over to the enemy he had the power to destroy us but he chose to destroy sin and not the sin come on man and if you're ever going to be a forgiver you have to destroy sin while sparing the sinner you have to destroy the proclivity to react to what happened while maintaining a positive perspective about the perpetrator that you didn't bless me today it's forgiveness having mercy for somebody you have the power to destroy people said to me pastor heaven and i want you to go this is actually documented the only reason why i talk about what my father did to me is he's dead yes sir i never told this story yes while he lived i refused to have anything to do with the disintegration of his ministry while he was still alive yeah i never told the story until breath left his lungs yeah i never told anybody about what he did didn't do never paid child support never came to a basketball game live five streets away didn't attend my high school graduation i never told anybody until after we said earth to earth ashes to ashes and dust to dust because mercy is sparing a person you have the power to destroy what is forgiveness pastor i've learned in in my life um this short time of life that to forgive it takes strength so the reality is weak people don't forgive strong people do and for me forgiveness is stopping my resentment against the offender understanding that i forgive them whether they change or not and i think sometimes people hold the offender hostage to change and it causes them to not forgive or not forgive all the way let's be real we can forgive people on conditions yeah i forgive you if you do what i want you to do i'll forgive you if you if i see change in your behavior but forgiveness is forgiving whether they change or not we've got to learn how to forgive and move on yes sir because if you don't move on you won't get healed listen i want you i want you to i want you to hear what he just said and if you think we're just talking let me give you a bible romans 12 17 says repay no one evil for evil but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all and and i want you i want you to hear this because in order to forgive you've got to know what it means and sometimes forgiveness is only achievable by addressing your inner pain by addressing your inner pain if if and i want and i know some of you all follow us on instagram uh and social media i want you to do something for me because last week i posted the eloquence of pastor torrance and he said that men set the tone for relationships and if you go to my if you go to my instagram right now it's got over 300 and some thousand views on instagram on tick tock that same clip has over 800 000 views and and on facebook it has over 50 000 so i posted him one time and it's got a million views now if i post tomorrow that you are responsible for your inner pain we may get a hundred likes why because victims go viral yes so man but today i want to find out if you'll watch this a million times when are you going to address what happened to you come on sir yeah it's one thing to look in and you want to show your husband yes you got to dig into my past you got to go find out how to heal me but i want to see if a million of you will watch and find out what pain did i bring to the situation robin that the pain didn't cause reverend that's reverend listen we've got way more lesson we don't have much more time and i don't want to bore you or i should say that there's so much more to be unpacked that i don't want to try to give it to you all in one serving so we're going to stop right here this is a pause but i need you to set your phone one week from today at the same starting time because the second half of this conversation i personally guarantee it will set you free i'll see you next week what's up guys we thank you so much for watching this message be sure if you haven't already check out the box below and these are instructions on how to give also if you just don't know where to go where to turn who to turn to if you feel connected to this church if you've connected to our pastor in this ministry be sure to also look down below on how to connect with us and to just join us every single time that you see us on sundays or tuesdays whatever worship service that we may have and i also want to take this thing out with a prayer for you guys we pray that this word penetrates your heart may the blood of jesus be with you all the days of your life every way your free shall tread he will be with you we thank you again for watching us and y'all have a good day hey everybody what's going on this pk here and listen i want to tell you that i get so many dms so many messages of people saying pastor how can i connect with you i love your messages but going through youtube is kind of difficult where can i come to a centralized place we heard you and that's why we created lighthouse 2.0 lighthouse 2.0 is our tribe it's our village it's the place where all the people who say i want pk to be my online pastor and pk says i want you to be my online member this is the place where we go the watering hole the ecosystem where we all come to grow together and it is exclusively for you they're getting ready to put a link up on the screen right now that shows you how you make that exclusive step and everybody can get in so you better take first movers advantage and get in while you can fit in i can't wait to see you inside of 2.0 may god bless you and let's
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 19,773
Rating: 4.9500446 out of 5
Id: hizxt4x90Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 47sec (3827 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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