The Revelation of Relationship | A Special Message By Pastor Keion Henderson

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campus pastor lighthouse out we have an amazing service prepared for you this Tuesday evening I want to say thank you very much for tuning and the Bible says where two or three are gathered that God is there so even though you are not here presence we are gathered in his name and God is here and God is there so in his name miracles signs and wonders are bound to happen I want to say thank you for joining us do us a favor done just what this broadcast alone why don't you share it on Instagram Facebook YouTube wherever whatever platform you're watching because we want to spread this message and let the world know that even though the church building is closed the church is still open we're gonna go right into the service god bless you [Music] come on [Music] wise among us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] rise above the so [Music] [Music] just [Music] baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh very pop we're gonna allow the piece of the board survive what do you need released in your house just say [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] halleluyah halleluyah I will make a joyful noise unto the Lord it's prayer time in the sanctuary and I will make a joyful noise unto the Lord I don't know about you but I will not allow for the rocks to crowd in my place oh yeah so let's go to God in prayer for this time Father in the name of Jesus father we behold you we uplift you and we praise you for who you are father we come thank you that you are not allowing anxiety to rest and set up in our in our minds in our homes and our life father we thank you and we glorify you God that you are not allowing what the enemy meant for harm to destroy us but God you are keeping us in your protecting us from every hurt harm or danger God in the mighty name of Jesus father we just come to you to Creon and declaring God that this virus that has caused us to be shut in that you have caused for us to take this time o God to deposit your word on the inside of us O God to receive the mental that you have placed upon us O God and what you've placed on the inside of us O God for it to come out as pure gold Oh God so father while we're going through and we're being tried in a fire Oh God you are causing us to be refined in this time where this is a refining process Oh God and so father we just thank you God that you choose and you have chosen to refine us O God and so father we lift you up and we glorify you God and we bow down to you O God knowing that you can make all things well O God and we will continue to make a joyful noise it's you O God who continue to extol your Holy Name O God who continues to raise up our voices to you God and Father we just bow before you we thank you and we glorify you God but we know there is there is nothing that can keep us from the love of God and so father we just come thank you we press our way to the altar we press our way Oh God unto you O God knowing that you can make all things well Oh God father we thank you that you've made a way for us in the wilderness Oh God and you made a roadway for us Oh God out of trouble Oh goddess Oh father we just follow you we choose you we glorify you we submit everything that we have unto you and it's in Jesus name that we do prayer we give you things we say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the name of Jesus the glory of the Lord is arising in this place and I prayed that it is going up in your place and Isaiah said his train filled the temple that means that the Holy Spirit can fill any space and I hope that he is filling your homes and my god I know we can't wait until they release us but do you know that God teaches us so many lessons when we are still that's why he says sometimes you got to stand still to see the salvation of the Lord I hope you enjoyed the panel the discussion that we had yesterday with our teachers we put a lot of effort in a lot of work into making sure that we could bring you palatable information that you could digest and so hopefully going forward you learn something that can't be separated from your mind that will help you to lift your children to push them because the Bible says train them up in the way they should go and that when they're old they will not depart from it and I pray that you were able to get something from that welcome to our Tuesday evening Bible study we're here live in living color just serving you as we have so many times and I thank you for your prayers that God has kept us safe as we have come to continue to serve you and we meet you to continue to pray for us continue to cover us in prayer continue to go to God on our behalf because we are away from our families to make sure that you and your family can enjoy your time together so pray for these people and pray for their loved ones these are precious people and they are serving the people of God and I just pray that some of them have children and some of them have teenagers and some of them have spouses so I just pray over all of them and Tatia is making fun of me because I save precious people but we're gonna pray for them in the name of Jesus listen we're getting ready to give and you can do it in many ways I want you to know you can give three ways number one you can give on our website at LH Houston dot Church that's a good website to go to la Joosten dark Church just yesterday we fed another several hundred families every time you give we can continue to do the work of the Lord every time you give we can continue to do the work of the Lord this is the time that we found out that the church can do more than worship this is a time where we found out that we could do more than gather because our gathering has been prohibited but look we're still doing the work of the kingdom so continue to give @lh Houston dot Church are if you are a texter you can go to eight three two if this number eight three two log it in your phone and put it in your address book so you don't have to remember it every time a three two nine two four zero four four three you can text to give or you can go to our app and if you're looking for that app in the market or the App Store it is T L HC and a special thank you to all of you all who have gotten in your automobiles vehicles and cars and have come to the house and said you know what I want to drop my tithe and my offering off and you have been doing that let me tell you we're just like chick-fil-a we're just like Burger King we're just like Macy's we're just like the mall all of our revenue is down and everybody's trying to figure out how in the world are we going to make it but they've been tell you if you keep doing what you're doing God will keep doing what he's doing and we are all going to make it as a matter of fact I pray a special blessing over your businesses that even though your customers are not coming through the door that when we are released at your doors will fly open and customers will come in and I pray in the name of Jesus that you will increase in the desert Thank You Holy Ghost that you will increase in a drought and as you exchange your giving here's what my grandfather used to say it is no secret what God can do what he's done for others he can do for you and then it was old lady our church would say you can't beat God's gift no matter how hard you tried the more you give to him the more he will give to you so may your barns overflow with oil may every time you go to get meat that will be meat in the house and a way to secure that is to be honest in your tithe and offering so I want you to take your gift and I want you to repeat after me and I want you to say it with enthusiasm like you actually mean it say as I move towards greater I will accept all divine ideas thoughts and concepts that will connect me to my destiny say this like you mean it I believe that what Jesus Christ has done for me is bigger than what anyone has can and will do to me and because of his full gift I will lend to many nations but will borrow from non God bless you we thank you for your you're amazing love you're loved here are lousy you feel with so much peace and joy lordy or you make my life feel great all your promise its audience hand a man you're not a man you never you never laugh [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] she [Music] come on wherever you are joining with us we say come on we danced before I father your love [Music] with so much please [Music] Singh [Music] so all your promises and a [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me too much too [Music] Jesus you love us but all around the world we came together to say we love you too thank you Jesus for being so trustworthy thank you for being so easy to love your ways are not our ways your thoughts are not our thoughts but while we were yet sinners you loved us anyhow and so we have come together all around the world using the meeting of the internet to give a one resounding we love you Jesus thank you for the precious gift of the Holy Ghost thank you for dying on the cross thank you that you didn't stay dead that early you got up out of the grave with all power thank you for being so good in Jesus name we pray a man thank you all so much for tuning in to another Tuesday evening Bible study and we're gonna get right into the Word of God today normally when we come the praise team will sing and after they finished singing you'll give them a round of applause so right where you are right now I don't know where you are just clapping your house just clapping your house you may be saying pastor why am i clapping because there is one school of thought that when we clap we get the attention of angels and as you're clapping you're making sure that angels are watching over your house it's better said this where all night and all day the angels are watching over me so every once in a while when you feel a demonic attack I tell you just to start clapping let the Angels know I need some attention I need some backup I need I need somebody to come and intercede on my behalf so we thank you so much I I want you to turn in your Bibles and I saw this somebody sent me a direct message picture of they actually had their dog in the living room and they played the message the dog was barking and then they played the message from last week and the dog stopped barking when in front of the TV and watch the message I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing but it actually happened and another thing I saw is that one family actually got shares and lined the chairs up in front of the television and made the whole family watch it I think just being ingenuitive and thinking outside of the box in and not just having everybody watching it on an iPad and iPhone whenever you get calling the family together I think that's a great idea and so just find different ways to bring everybody together why because when we study the Word of God do you know that we're actually eating we're actually eating this is the bread of life we're actually eating and one of the things psychologists will tell you is the best way to develop a relationship with your child is to eat with them at the table and that's something that is not in the modern family the modern family doesn't do it anymore we used to back in the day everybody have to eat at the table now you eat at a TV dinner tray in one room and somebody's eaten in the bed and somebody's eating here and at the bar but come together when Jesus left the disciples behind he didn't give them TV dinners and told him to go home and put it in the microwave he brought them to the table in the upper room and sat with him and ate with them together so I want you and your family to watch this word together so that way you can make sure you're eating from the same table mark chapter 14 mark chapter 14 now this is still in the advent of Easter and Resurrection Sunday and this is one thing you'll know about me I do not wait until Easter is coming to talk about Jesus I'm not going to wait until all the way to next year to talk about some of the things that happen in the crucifixion and the resurrection because I think it is relevant all year long and when I studied this I couldn't help but I had to come back to it as I was studying for Easter on last week and I found this in mark 14 and the Lord told me to share it with you go to verse 44 and we're gonna read verse 44 and verse 45 and if you've been enjoying what we've been sharing with you just send us some comments send us some messages anything you want to see more of listen we're wrecking our brain on how to stay relevant and if there's anything you want to see that we're not producing please let us know and if it's within our power we will make sure that we produce it and bring it to you mark 14 verse 44 here's what the word of the Lord says it says and he that betrayed him had given them a token saying whoever I shall kiss that same is he take him and lead him away safely look at verse 45 and as soon as he was come he goeth straightway to him and saith master master and kissed him now I can't tell you what we just read over and how much power is in that verse especially verse 45 when it says as soon as he was come he goes straightway to him and say it master master and kissed him you won't understand that when I give the topic but you will be forward on I want to talk about the revelation of relationships that's what I want to talk about the revelation of relationship thank you so much when I was a younger minister and I don't I used to say when I was a young minister but I'm not anymore I'm inching up on that forty children of God and but when I was younger I just want to thank God right now publicly I was given an extraordinary gifted man of God the man of God that taught me at the trail Life Missionary Baptist Church in Gary Indiana his name was dr. Caitlin Brooks jr. man he was anointed he could exegete a text like nobody's business he even wrote a commentary on the book of Ephesians and the book of Romans a commentary not not a self health book not not a you know a book what we would find on the shelves for life interest an actual commentary with words conjugated and exegete it he was an extraordinary man of God he was not only powerful in the word and exegesis he was also extremely anointed I mean when dr. Brooks would preach he could he could turn a church upside down every time he would give the Word of God and I remember being trained by him I carried his books and his Bibles and back then he used to drink Gatorade from a glass and I remember sometimes pouring that and some of y'all may not remember this because now we preach in t-shirts and jeans but back then they preached in robes and was with that robe with the cross on the back you remember and it was the stuff was on the shoulders and sometimes you had tassels and all that kind of stuff let me tell you whenever that preacher would preach good and he was coming down it was a cake that matched that road and and they would come and put that cape on him and it had a gold chain here that that you would do it and if you had a good nurse they would see I know y'all know nothing about this but they would tuck a towel underneath his neck and all that kind of stuff because he could catch cold and the old preacher wouldn't go outside without a hat on it was all kind of stuff old man he was a Northey he drunk tea when he preached probably why drink it now he he a tree colas when he preached is probably why I use them right now he he extended the right hand the fellowship to people who joined church he laid hands on the baby he prayed for the sick he did the wedding as he was an extra ordinary man of God he taught me how to preach gave me my first opportunity to preach in July of 1995 standing on his stage at the Tree of Life Missionary Baptist Church 1111 West 11th Avenue 23:23 West 11th Avenue was the address and he allowed me to stand on that stage and preach to ten minutes before him in the 80s he had over a thousand people in church in the 80s he had five different locations in the 80s he was an a magnificent man of God and we had the greatest of relationships he was a mentor he he he would pour into you he would pray for you he was wise he was kind and he was loving and unfortunately I missed half of everything that he tried to teach me because he was also my father he was my father and I did not know he was my father until I was 12 years old and Here I am trying to battle between learning from him and overcoming myself because Here I am stuck in the conundrum of learning from a man of God verse has taken the advice of my own conscience I'm so upset with him that he is not a father that I am missing the lessons of a teacher don't you miss this don't you miss this because I'm trying to help somebody in this place today because oftentimes we missed the lesson because we have a problem with the professor we miss what it is that God is trying to teach us because we have some sort of issue with the vessel that he uses to get the message to us and so here I am I am battling I am battling between honoring my father and learning from my minister I've got this struggle because the sermon that he preached in the pulpit was so powerful but because of my personal experience I was missing the message and I'm wondering how many people like me miss the message because you have an issue with the messenger miss what it is that God is trying to say because you don't agree with whom he's saying it through help me Holy Ghost and Here I am I'm struggling with it I'm struggling with it because on one hand ladies and gentlemen he trained me but on the other hand he failed me and Here I am stuck in between two opinions not recognizing that a double minded man is unstable in all of his waves I don't know whether the love amar to be upset with him I don't know whether they care for him or pray for him I don't know whether he's right I don't know whether he's wrong and even though he was right there was something wrong inside of me and I was missing what it was that God was trying to tell me because I didn't understand the revelation of relationship I didn't understand that sometimes God will serve you out of broken glasses I didn't recognize that the vessel didn't have to be perfect in order for it to be purposeful help me Holy Ghost I didn't recognize that that most of us and now that I'm now that I'm a leader I understand that a lot of people go to the vessel expecting it to be flawless while they come to the vessel flawed and you got to understand that a flawed person cannot learn from an unlawful that sometimes the vessel and the victim have to have something in common so that God can use the vessel to talk to the victim it is why Jesus Christ could not help us in the earth until he became sin see he who knew no sin had to become sin so that we might be the righteousness of God and I am coming to you today to tell you that God is perhaps using somebody broken to fix you help me Holy Ghost that God is probably using somebody that you have an issue with to teach you a lesson and don't discount that person because you're upset with them and don't discount that person because they did something you don't agree with and don't discount that person because you don't agree with their methodology sometimes you must understand that God knows exactly how to keep you in line and sometimes he uses people that you would not pick to pick on you so that you can pick the destiny that God has over your life I don't know who that is for today but I am speaking to you from experience that while I was between these two opinions should I listen to him or should I not does he know what he's talking about or does he not know what he's talking about and all the time I'm struggling because I wanted him to train me but I felt like he had felt me and this relationship taught me my biggest lesson are you ready taught me my biggest lesson in authority are you listening here it is the truest level of commitment isn't tested in good times but by times of conflict and disagreement I'm gonna say that again because this message this is a Bible study so this is this is more of a lesson than it is a sermon I want you to get this because I can feel where you are because I have been where you are and sometimes and still where you are the truest level of commitment isn't tested in good times but by times of conflict and disagreement write this down this is gonna shock you okay get ready because I'm getting ready to say something that you don't agree with I'm getting ready to say something that the world isn't teaching you and I'm getting ready to show you something that you're not gonna see on the post on Instagram is not going to be on Facebook you're not gonna see it online are you ready agreement is not necessary to respect authority I know you're not gonna like that I know you're not gonna like that I know that ain't gonna rub you the right way and I know that you're not gonna put that on your vision board and I know you're not gonna put that in your mantra and it's not gonna be your screensaver but put it in your word in your heart that word have I hidden in my heart I want you to tuck this away for later because you're gonna need it I'm telling you by the unction of the Holy Ghost you're gonna need this later agreement is it needed to respect authority it's easy to learn from a person with whom you have no conflict it's easy to walk with a person that you don't disagree with but what happens when you disagree our experience conflict with the person God is using to teach you what do you do when God says you know what I'm gonna teach you your biggest lesson through your biggest hater what are you going to do when God says I'm gonna teach you the most valuable lesson that I can teach you but I'm going to smuggle that deliverance in the vessel that you don't want to touch I'm gonna use somebody who you could never hear from again to teach you a lesson I'm gonna use somebody that you never have to see again to teach you a lesson if you don't get anything other than what I am saying now it is this that God had to encounter Judas intentionally so that God could use Judas to get Jesus to the cross and even though the cross was painful it was actually his destination and here is the word of the Lord brothers and sisters and children of God that you have a Judas in your life right now that you could do without but God is using them to nudge you to a painful place because once you get to that painful place then you can get to the place where God can use your life for his glory so that he can bring out of this earthen vessel a glory that is already hidden in the vessel and oftentimes the lesson is taught to you by somebody you would not qualify as a teacher you wouldn't qualify your hater as a teacher you wouldn't qualify your ex as a teacher you wouldn't qualify the person who's lied on you as a teacher you wouldn't qualify somebody you used to be in a relationship with as the person that you had to learn the lesson for and sometimes because of the relationship you tune out the advice you tune out what God is trying to do because you have not yet understood the revelation of relationship there was a revelation in relationship and one of the things you need to understand is that acceptance is not needed for respect that you've got to get to a point in your life where you understand that God and acts you how do you feel about it God didn't ask you what do you think about it God didn't say how do you like that person and if you like that no God says I want you to do it could you imagine where Isaac would have been if he had trouble with Abraham's direction he didn't tell Isaac where they were going daddy what we going just shut up and follow me boy daddy where's the lamb the Lord will provide daddy why do you have that knife in your hand and I don't see anything that you're gonna cut and all the time Abraham knew that he would probably have to apply this knife to his own son but because he understood the revelation of relationship he knew that being obedient to God actually means that God will provide at the place called their and here is the word of the Lord whenever you act Mohnish and accept and respect authority God always has a ram in the bush don't miss it don't you miss it God will always have a way of escape when you understand that you don't have to understand Authority that you don't have to that you don't have to agree with authority that authority doesn't have to seek your state of mind before he gives you what it wants to give you that your job as a man and woman of God as a person of faith is to follow Jesus wherever he says go to sacrifice whatever he says sacrifice to let go of whatever he says let go up and understand that God is too generous to take more than he gives he's just trying to find out if you have enough respect for his authority so that he can pour on you more than you have room enough to receive this is a test to see are you in love with the authority of God or are you just in love with the benefits of God because the Bible says that he is our Lord and Savior that word Lord means he has authority over me God doesn't just want to be your Savior he wants to be your Lord and Savior he doesn't just want to save you he wants to have authority he wants you to do what it is that he says do he wants you to go where it is that he wants you to go I've got a question to you but for you just just to ponder and it is this question what what do you do when you disagree with Authority what do you do when there is conflict in your relationships are you the kind of person that can have conflict with somebody and speak to them the same day or are you the kind of person that if you and that person have it out you can't speak to them no more in life are you the kind of person that that that can understand that we wrestle not against flesh and blood and even when a person is acting demonic you must understand that it is the devil using them as a puppet then it is more of them do you are you or are you the kind of person that if anybody crosses you our hurts you you can't speak to him again you got to go and tell everybody about it you got to do all of this kind of stuff I'm trying to call you to a place of maturity where you can be starred and still stand well you can go through things and understand that there is a revelation in that relationship and I'm gonna show you that Jesus is the great example of what to do when you have to walk with the Judas Jesus is the greatest example of what you have to do when you have to work for a boss that you know doesn't like you Jesus is the greatest example in the world what do you do when you have employees that you know are the ones who planted the story to try to get you fired and and and you've got family members and sisters and brothers who you know are behind your back doing all kinds of things what do you do when you've been scarred how do you act when it didn't work out in your favor what's your response when you've been ridiculed here Jesus shows us exactly what we need to do now let me show you that even Jesus is like you so I want you feel bad about yourself because everybody watching me today if you get if you real at all you got an attitude now these men won't keep it real you might as well keep it real ain't no sister lying about it ain't no sense in sugarcoating it if somebody come across you the wrong way they gonna meet the person that was raised in the projects how let your boy am i right about that and even if you wasn't raised in the projects you might have been raised in a great neighborhood but when you got to school you hung out with the people in the project so you still know what I'm talking about Jesus shows us something amazing that that even he didn't always want what God wanted for him you remember he was he was nailed to the cross he said he said lord if it be your will let this bitter cup pass me by in other words I don't agree with this now I don't agree with this I don't like this Lord let this bitter cup passing by can you teach me another way I want this lesson but I don't want this class I want I want the glory of this but I don't want the story of this I want what it is that you want for me but lord if there is any other way you can do this please do it have you ever got that Lord if it's another way do it if it's another Avenue do it he says Lord I don't want this but then this is what separates Jesus from us he says but nevertheless not my will but what thou will be done when Judas came to the God of the gifts emiti that night to betray Jesus he said something that leaped in my spirit and it changed my life forever if y'all can put verse 45 up on the screen back here so that I can show the people at home I want to show you something cuz this thing leaped out of my spirit I never saw before and as soon as he was come he goes straightway to him and said master master and kissed him all of my life I've been focusing on the fact that he kissed him and I thought you know what Judas ain't no good because if you was gonna betray him why did you kiss him because you know we always preach it kissing is a signal of endearment and and kissing means you know that we're close and he got close to him and stabbed him in the back this right here don't mean nothing this this don't mean nothing this don't mean nothing you can go to places right now it's culturally acceptable to kiss people on the cheek and Italy and not even know who they are the this this don't mean nothing if you've been to anybody Church you know we already hey your brother we do that stuff all the time you know me no we kissed people we don't know all the time we ain't gonna do it no more honor than changed all that but I'm saying that that in the past we used to kiss people at a church to be a long time before we do it again but but but the key of this text ain't kiss help me Holy Ghost I wish oh I wish I were here is it anyway I know you can't come I wish you was here because when I'm getting ready tell you I'm already excited I'm keep pacing because I got something to show you because the the key to this text isn't kiss can I tell you what the key to this text is master oh this is the key but if you don't exegete it you won't be able to open the lock because this were master in the Greek is translated teacher no as soon as he was come he goeth straightway to him and said teacher teacher and kissed him never in the history of the Bible do you ever hear the disciples called him Jesus anytime in the scripture you hear the disciples refer to the Lord they are calling him rabbi they are calling him a title they are they're referring to him as who he is but Judas shows us the revelation of this relationship because when he comes to kiss Jesus he down raised Jesus to teacher he greets him as he greets him as teacher he comes right up to Jesus at the advent of him going to the cross and says teacher anybody who's getting ready to lay down their life for you anybody who's getting ready to shed blood for you anybody who's getting ready to take a crown of thorns for you anybody who's getting ready to give their side to a spear for you anybody who will drink hyssop for you anybody who will put nails in their hands and in their ankles for you deserves more than teacher look at how weak down graze them he basically says hey big man upstairs and and this is what is happening in the world today and I'm going to say it whether it's controversial or not I am so tired of people referring to Jesus as a higher power I am so tired of hearing people witness and reference Jesus as the big guy upstairs I am so tired of hearing people refer to him as the universe his name ain't the universe his name ain't big man upstairs his name is Jesus the Christ his name is Yahweh his name is Jehovah his name means something and there is something not about the title of Jesus there is something about the name of Jesus and the Bible says that he says teacher teacher see here is the revelation of the relationship what Judas shows us by what he calls him is that they never had one don't you miss what I'm saying because what people call you when they're upset with you shows you what they thought of you before they got upset with you because if he loved Jesus he would have still been master in a crisis if he loved Jesus he would have still been Yahweh even though he betrayed him if he loved Jesus he would have referred to him right even when he was wrong what people call you when they're upset with you as what they think of you oh god help me in this place the Bible says that he goes up and calls him teach a teacher in other words he's showing God listen I will take your communication but I did not accept your impartation I accept what you say it on me but I didn't let you in me because you've got to understand that what Judas called him in the garden is what he thought of him when they were walking again wherever they were walking because you must understand what a person calls you in front of people is what they think of you behind your back he called a master in front of the crowd because he had never accepted him as Savior in person and I don't know who I'm talking to in here today but I don't care how followed you are you'll see it he's still the Lord of lords I don't care how dirty you are he is still Yahweh I don't care where you been he's still Jehovah don't let Joe sin make you call him by another name don't shoot downgrade him to just a teacher when he is the world's greatest provider don't shoot downgrade him because you are ashamed don't shoot downgrade him because you don't want to come outdoors don't you downgrade him because people know your secret life and now you come to church and then you got to blend in with the world and call him something he's not he's still the rock of ages' he's still the great I am he's still d'affaires of 10,000 he's still the bright and Morning Star he's still the bridge over troubled waters he is a walking cane when you're all he's still the wheel in the middle of the wheel he is and was and is to come don't shoot down great you're going through a crisis his name ain't teacher his name is Jesus he downgraded them showing us in the crisis they didn't have a relationship when it was calm he don't get upset when people changed on you they didn't change you just saw who they already were Judas was always a betrayer he was always on the other side he was always a deflector he was always going to portray Jesus and don't you think that because you walk closely with somebody you're close don't you think that just because y'all used to be friends that y'all are actually friends no don't you think that because they used to have your back they won't stab you in the back the only person who can stab you in the back is the person who used to have your back so here it is Judas shows us they never had a relationship they never had a relationship Master that's all you got for me for three years do what I've been feeding you teacher for three years you've been around here borrowing my influence you wouldn't be nothing if it wasn't for me teacher for three years see here is the problem with most people when they're ready to betray you they forget everything you did for them before they get their next payout they forget they survived off of your payments Jesus has been sustaining Judas all of this time and now somebody comes and offers him a lump sum and he forgets that getting a little bit from Jesus every once awhile it's worth more than getting it all from the world at one time thirty pieces of silver for somebody who put them on thirty pieces of silver what's this for somebody who let him on the team he didn't qualify to play for thirty pieces of silver for somebody who was breathing life into his lungs thirty pieces of silver for somebody who would have forgiven him if he would have come correctly thirty pieces of silver for somebody who was trying to let Judas know even though you're getting ready to betray me if you come correct how still forgive you acts Peter straight where he went to him and said master master and kids - let me tell you something it ain't the kiss that betrayed him it was what he called him called him out his name cuz Jesus out teacher-teacher ain't just a teacher Do You Know Who I am you better go Acts Abraham when you can't figure out who I am just call me I am because I'm not the reason why he told Abraham I am is because he's too big to be in the past he's too big to be in the future he has to be in both places at the same time which is why he says when you reference me you have to reference me in the present because I can never be was I can never be is I can only be M he says master master and he kissed him and and and he says he says he says Judas really in essence you you just showed me that we ain't never had a relationship what you call me in the garden is what you think of me tell you something what people say about you and the dirt is what they think about you what people say about you in the dark is what they think about not how they greet you in your face but what a person says when you're not looking if he called him master master in front of the crowd it shows you the conversation he had with the Sanhedrin Council he didn't want to get here and act like God was somebody to him that he wasn't so he calls them him what he told them so he gets there and says teach a teacher because when they said well what's your relationship with him he said we like that mean like that I mean I worked for him part time and all that I countless little money and all that kind of stuff he never got enough in his Treasury to feed the people he ain't never got enough money he around here talking about he the savior of the world I ain't never seen him do nothing he of around time doubt that he got all this money in his streets his gold and here we out with a couple of hundred pennies in the bank and let me tell you he even took this all from one woman if he had that much money he wouldn't took nothing from her he don't need a love offering you got that you know it you you got it he never had a relationship with Jesus before the crisis you don't expect that he would have one now the title is important I must say this and I'm almost done because in this day and time we just want everything to just be you know people don't even want relationships no more just you know we're just friends and we're just friends and and I don't want any titles and as soon as you know titles get on it then we we break up because we just we just want commitment without commitment we want access without commitment we want we want we want to be in but we don't want to have to call it and let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen titles are important to define relationships titles are important that's why a child will say daddy or mommy that's the title mr. president is a title that shows the relationship between a nation and its subordinates titles are important a boss that's that's a way of showing the relationship between an employee and an employer and and even Jesus says our light titles if you don't believe me go to John 13 because everybody's talking about all God ain't about titles guy God ain't about titles God ain't about titles they don't matter if you appreciate don't matter if you're this God ain't about titles okay well let's go to John 13 because the Bible says he says to the disciples he called me master and Lord and he say well four so I am in other words God says I work for this title and I wanted that's what you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna call me by my name you're gonna call me by my name and you're gonna you're gonna use my title there isn't a single text in all of the scripture where anybody in his cohort or his inner circle refers to him other than Judas anything but by his title and I want to talk to somebody today because I'm trying to put something in the earth so that the devil cannot rob us there was something about the name Jesus there was something about the name Jesus and and I'm not gonna let the devil water it down and say it don't matter what you call him because as long as it's a higher power he goes by different names now his name is Emmanuel his name is Jesus to Christ do me a favor and tell everybody no house put some respect on it you got to put some respect on his name you got to call him what he is he is not some authority he is not the universe he is not just a being he is not a greater power although he is he is just not something of this this figment of our imagination of this force or this power all when you ask somebody do you believe in God and then their response is well I believe that there is something in the earth stronger than me that ain't the answer because gravity is stronger than you but gravity ain't God you got to call him what he is his name is Jesus Christ and beside him there is none other and only at the name of Jesus shell every knee bow and every tongue confess I want you to shout in your house the name of Jesus you gotta shout it like you mean to say Jesus you gotta say Jesus you got to put some respect on his name you got to get his title right his name is Jesus and stop letting the devil infiltrate our gates our ear gates and make us call him teacher teacher down greet in his name because you don't want to be offensive downgrading his name because you don't want to be offensive you think Paul cared what people said about him Paul says listen his name is Jesus he calls him by the name of Jesus notice what Judas did that night he didn't call Jesus Lord he called him teacher basically he was saying we've been communicating but we ain't been communing because you know a person can be with you and not with you Judas is walking with Jesus but he ain't walking with him he's got a different agenda Judas got a bag a silver thirty pieces this is what he sold the King of Kings and the Lord of three pieces of steel guaranteed have we translated today it wouldn't even pay your car note thirty pieces of silver and it looked like Judas was winning here's the revelation of relationship let me show you the difference between Jesus and all of us Jesus knew Peter were denial Judas and Jesus knew that Judas would betray him jesus knew that pilot wouldn't free him jesus knew the Sanhedrin Council would ostracize him and Jesus had the ability listen to understand the revelation of relationship and now I got to go back to where I finished know where I started he was able to walk with people he didn't agree with Judas betrayed Jesus and if Jesus was like you and I we would say I can't be around nobody who betraying me I can't be around nobody who ain't on my team I can't be around nobody with negative energy only positive vibes around me I get the premise but Jesus had to walk with negativity before he got back to glory Jesus had to walk with betrayal before he could get back to his next level Jesus had to walk with people who he knew meant him no good in order to get where God wanted him to be see I learned my lesson because I wouldn't be standing on this stage today had I've not been able to walk with my pastor father for 17 years had I looked at the vessel and said because you're not being a good father I can't learn from you as a minister I wouldn't like him being author right now if I couldn't separate the two I wouldn't like him have five locations right now if I couldn't separate the two God wouldn't be blessing us to have a ministry that reaches from here in Houston Texas all the way to to Ghana and all the way to Lagos and Abuja and to the UK and to all around the world and to Germany if I couldn't separate the fact that God had using a broken vessel to teach me a lesson and if I didn't understand that agreement wasn't necessary to follow Authority then I wouldn't be standing here today blessed and highly favored because I understood as a teenager that God said honor your mother and father and he didn't say you can only honor them when you agreed he said just honor them because respect is necessary even where there is no agreement when it comes to Authority this message is designed to get you out of your feelings to get you out of your fillers and stop thinking that you have to be an agreement with a person to respect them you are limiting your future because your mindset is so small that you are only able to learn from people that you've not had conflict with what if God says I'm gonna use Judas to teach you your next lesson what if God says your next lesson is gonna come from somebody that you don't even know how they feel about you relationships have a revelation and I want to come right down to your level because I understand through every email and every direct message I'm receiving right now I'm watching the Internet I'm watching statistics they're saying that domestic violence is on the rise people in the houses and they're crammed and you're not getting along and children are disrespecting parents and husbands disrespecting wives and wives disrespecting husbands and there are all kinds of things going on because isolation is a weapon of the enemy for watch this an idle mind is the devil's playground the Bible says workshop in other words the more isolated you are the more he can work on you I wanted to show you the revelation of relationship Jesus was able to have a relationship with a man he knew meant him no good Jesus is intelligent but that is not where he gets the knowledge from he gets the knowledge from the fact that he's omnipotent he knows everything he'd know he knows Judas norm when he picked him I said I'm gonna pick this guy he can't stand me he won't even respect and he'll call me teach a teacher in front of everybody but here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna walk with him can you lock arms with negativity and walk with it until the season has to change can you get to the place in your heart in your mind and in your soul where you understand that there is a purpose in that relationship I know that you and your boyfriend y'all arguing like cats and dogs right now and y'all tired each other and if y'all have somewhere else to go you'd already go if you could have put them out you to put them out by now but what if God is saying while you're so busy trying to fix them what if God is saying I'm using them to show you the brokenness in you because if you were so whole you would have the peace of God in the midst of this situation if you were so great then their attitude wouldn't make you have an attitude because you'd be too mature to respond to a bad attitude what if God is using them to show you your own fractures you're walking around the house upset with everybody cuz don't nobody understand and don't nobody get it but what if the Lord is saying son daughter you don't get it either you don't get it either you you you think you do but you don't this is the moment I want to know what you're gonna call people you've been walking with when you get another offer what what what what will you say about that person that you walked with for years okay I hear you you just got laid off you know because six months ago this was the greatest job in the world of God had given it to you and now the company is suffering and they laid you off and now you're you're blogging and writing about how terrible the company is but but but what if God says I'm using this moment to show you how to hold your peace oh god I hate I hate what they said to me I hate what they did to me and it's all their fault they're the reason why I'm upset they're the reason why I'm mad they're the reason why my attitude is bad they're the reason why I can't get it together and God has said you can't walk with Judas you can't walk with Judas you you can't you can't still love Judas you're gonna let Judas change how you respond to my authority hear the words that are coming out of my mouth I've seen the Lightning flashing I've heard the Thunder roaring I have even seen sin breakers dashing trying to conquer my soul but I heard the voice of Jesus saying fight all hear me this ain't about Judas this is about you the revelation of relationship is there doesn't have to be agreement to have one it just has to be acceptance Jesus accepted the fact that this is Judas's role in my life and I'm going to let him fulfill it you have a family member in the house your relationship with somebody and if it's not you you know of somebody who's going through a difficult moment at this very moment and here all our vices to them all the time you know what do what you got to do move on if you got to move on to heck with him listen to me never get off the ship before you learn the direction never get off the ship until you learn the direction because the ship is going a place and it was carrying you to a place where there's a fellowship a relationship a mentorship don't get off until you find out the direction of it and when you find out the direction of the ship then you will know Jonah whether or not you should stay on or whether you should get off it's the revelation of the relationship and every person that God has ever brought into your life had a purpose even if it was painful we tend to believe if God gave them to me it ought to feel good God gave Jesus Judas God gave Jesus Peter God yes gave him the cross what greater love has any man than this that he will lay down his life for friend it's the revelation of relationship you don't have one until it goes through hell and high water you don't have one look at Jesus if I had the power that Jesus had and Judas had done what he had done to me see that's why he ain't gonna give that kind of power you know that right I would I would have said okay Judas you want to play I'm gay let's do this Jesus said one of you who's at this table eating with me and and and he's gonna dip in the bowl with me at the same time and and he's the one that's gonna betrayed me and here's what everybody said is it I all trying to figure out that lets us know that all of them know that they had the potential to do it everybody at your table has the potential to be Judas all said is it I she said no the one who dips in at the same time so watch this and my ministering cuz I fill it he says the one who dips at the same time in other words I'm gonna be betrayed by the one who has my rhythm it's not gonna be somebody out of step with you it's gonna be somebody who who moves when you move whoo whoo shouts when you shout who speaks in tongues when you speaks into it who goes to church with you it's somebody in rhythm with you she just says okay all right I've gather I must need suffer the cross [Music] do you know that you need this suffering Jacob you're learning more in suffering than you've ever learned in happiness will when you are at home and you were before the Lord trying to figure out what's next and you don't know what to do God says that's where I need you when your grandfather passes Tatyana and the person you depended on the only father you ever had leaves oh there's a lesson God says you still got a father you got you've got the father a father's do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth this is not an accident and I'm sorry that I've turned my back on you every once in a while I feel like I have to minister to those who are in the room but I'm saying to them what I would say to you this is not bad this didn't catch God by surprise God just wants to know what you're gonna call me when you hurt what what what you gonna call me wouldn't you despondent what you gonna call me when you in despair what will my name be when you're confused what you gonna call me when the devil gives you another offering what you're gonna do when those mind games begin to play tricks on you and you hear voices in your mind just say get even and get back what will I be then teacher teacher no master master Savior Savior Redeemer Redeemer I am persuaded that neither death Oh help me Holy Ghost nor life I am persuaded that nothing will separate me from the love of God and the peace of God right back to Sunday not the persuasive piece not the tranquility peace not the Peace of ease I love all those but I ain't dependent on him I'm depending on Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground did I by she I die it's sinking saying you got to learn from that hurt you better learn from that betrayal you better learn from that pain learn more then how you feel about it learn what God is trying to show you about it lift your hands wherever you are I don't know what you are I got a go maybe you have to there is something about that name they call a master Savior ji [Music] like a fragrance after [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus all him and earth [Music] proclaim Hey learn kingdoms Mayo pass away I want you to say this but there's something about [Music] but there's something about there is something about that name hallelujah thank you Jesus we give you glory all right we bless you in this place holy goes [Music] thank you Lord for all he done for me he's amazing he's sweet I know for the Bible says that there is a none greater you may lose every relationship you have but as long as you've got Jesus he'll walk with you he'll talk with you he'll make sure you know from now into eternity that you belong to him don't let you just get you down don't quit y'all want to sing a little bit of that let's just minister and then we're gonna see if anybody wants to come to Christ everybody say say say thank you thank you hey we're ministering to you right now we're coming to you to let you know he's worthy come on a lift your voice in say thank thank you oh lord thank you thank you we just stopped by the sea yeah yeah thank you lord [Music] thank you lord you've been so good thank you we just stopped by to say stop by to say you've been so good it's all good when it didn't feel good but you will still I know your hair I know you have and with our limited vocabulary all we want to do is say I want you to lift your voice and say you made away pain away thank you forevers and deserts open doors close doors rivers and deserts you've made and we just stopped back one more time to say [Music] one more time everybody say thank you thank you everybody can say thank you ever had ten thousand times ten thousand tons I couldn't thank you enough so I'll do it the best way I know how sale thank you thank you yeah I just want to say thank you loan I just want to say thank you lord I just want to say thank you God thank you lord been better than me the pinna myself saying made a way out of no way thank you from me thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you hallelujah if you're listening today if you're listening today I want you to know this Thank You Holy Ghost Thank You Holy Ghost here's what the word of the Lord is God says the quicker you accept it the faster I'll accelerate inner it's only lasting because you ain't lawful you haven't learned the lesson of it the quicker you accept it the faster I'll accelerate it it's like a storm is lingering around because you haven't appreciated it yet you haven't received what it was coming to bring you haven't understood the purpose of it God says the quicker you accept it the faster see when Jesus accepted the cross three days later he was up I don't know who that word is for but if you'll accept it you're three days away from a resurrection the quicker you accepted the faster he'll accelerated but before you accept the purpose of your pain you must accept your Savior Jesus Christ if you are watching today you have a call to action right now and that is to go into what we call discipleship I want you to take your phone and I want you to text l-h nation to eight four five seven six la nation to eight four five seven six let us know you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you're gonna get a reply because our purpose in this quarantine is the quartz roof of the kingdom devil you messed up what the devil didn't know is that this plague passes over the house of the people who have the blood on the doorposts this this wasn't for us this was designed to get Egypt in order but for Israel it's a blessing and a sign of deliverance and although we were not born in Israel and although we were not born Jews we have been grafted into the body of Christ by the blood of the Lamb of Jesus Christ and now we have the benefits of the chosen royal priesthood I'm saved because of the blood of Jesus thank you for the revelation of relationship thank you for the hundreds right now I'm prophesy there are hundreds of people who are texting lhin nation to eight four five seven six hundreds hundreds are coming to the cross right now devil you lost again you lost again you are defeated God arise and his enemies be scattered hallelujah we're getting ready to go but we're gonna sing it [Music] thank you [Music] somebody to save me [Music] ha-la-lu yeah thank you for saying that word [Music] halleluyah halleluyah [Music] early in the morning hallelujah late at night hallelujah things going right hallelujah things going bad hallelujah money in my pocket hallelujah no money nowhere to turn hallelujah got a job hallelujah been laid off a little bills paid hallelujah [Music] don't know where my next meal is coming from hallelujah relationship going well hallelujah it's a little shaking on the rocks hallelujah what we're basically saying is all things we'll give you thanks [Music] in all things will give you pain come on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] last time hallelujah [Music] Thank You Holy Ghost thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hmm I hear this in my spirit this is this is the air i breathe this is the air I'm breathe come on and sing it with me yo your holy where is it living in me [Music] and I [Music] help me hold it goes you know sing it with power and see how high I'm lost I'm those I'm like a ship without a sail without you my life would fail sitting one long time see I [Music] I'm desperate for you [Music] make it personal say and I love some love from love love I'm lost I'm lost I'm lost I'm lost I'm lost on Lowe's and I [Music] [Music] yeah take fun my way I'm loved my way let him think about itself [Music] what an amazing word we had from our senior pastor on the revelation of relationship what a powerful word our prayer is that as this word has gone out that is not just it's not just gonna leave the airways but it's gonna go into your spirit into your life into your home and make a difference listen there are many ways you can connect with us but I want you to do something if you want to be a part of Lighthouse Church family we have several campuses in the Houston area that you can text LH nation to eight four five seven six to connect with us and know what we are all about and I want you to understand that we are feeding and helping a lot of people disappeared there in the kovat crisis and there are many ways you can give you can give online you can text to give you can also use our mobile app there are several ways listed at the bottom of your screen how you can give and connect so what God is doing God never called us to build the church God called us to be the church so I want us to pray so while I pray right now I believe that God is going to meet you at the point of your needs I'm just gonna share what a prayer fara we just want to say thank you for the opportunity to hear this word on the revelation of relationships we give you all the thanks for what you were doing in our lives right now even in the midst of crisis your healing homes in the midst of crisis your giving us four emotions in the midst of crisis your healing our bodies so we want to say thank you for what you are doing in our lives in the mighty name of Jesus we pray amen god bless you you
Channel: Keion Henderson TV
Views: 74,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, The Lighthouse Church - Bible Study, Bible Study, revelation, bible, book of revelation, the lighthouse church, bible study on book of revelation, free study of revelations, the bible genesis, church, book of revelation (book), latest sermons, lighthouse sermon, lighthouse worship, lighthouse church worship, latest sermons of light house, keion's korner, Pastor, faith, God, grace, sermon, bishop, pastor, The Revelation of Relationship
Id: yuiQAevU2O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 29sec (5429 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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