5 Types Of People You Can't Help

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[Music] this is what Jesus says to his followers whatever town or village you enter search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave as you enter the hole give it your greeting if the home is deserving let your peace rest on it if it is not let your peace return to you I'm gonna read that part again let your peace rest on it if not let your peace return to you here's a question have you left your peace somewhere that you need to go and get it back if anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet truly I tell you it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town I'm sending you out like sheep among wolves therefore be shrewd as snakes and innocent as does about ten years ago I listened to a teaching that really inspired me and as I was preparing for this message in this rejection rehab series I felt like some of that content could be utilized for me to put together a message to help you I want to say that because one I want to always teach with integrity too we live in an age where people will quickly accuse you of plagiarism and I need people's help with a number of things preacher not one of them yeah I don't have to steal content for preaching and I can preach collard greens because collard greens are evidence of a harvest [Applause] yeah so this is not anyone else's teaching but I heard a principal and it inspired me to create my own sermon and so I want to talk from this subject in our time together five types of people you can't help five types of people you can't help one of the words that can be used to describe the nature and the work of God is help helping is not just what God does a helper is who God is it is inherent in his identity he can't help but help his mere presence is the presence of help he doesn't have to do anything he just has to be somewhere and wherever he is help is there as a matter of fact David who slew Goliath writes in the Psalms that our God is a very present help in the time of trouble that you and I don't have to depend on history and his activity in the past to give us assurance for the future in other words God isn't one who just helped us in the past and who's committed to help us in the future God is helping you right now whatever he is doing it's to help us and whatever he's not doing is to help us so if he's doing something he's helping me and if he's doing nothing he's helping me any way all things will work together for my good cuz if he's with me he's helping me I got a question is there anybody here watching me online that knows he's a helper that he has helped you that you're saying in the membrane cuz he's a helper that's your stable and spiritual because he's a helper that the weapons that formed against you did not shall not cannot prosper because he's a helper and we are made in God's image and in God's likeness it doesn't mean that we are everything he is there are some attributes that are in theological academic terms in communicable there are some things that make God God and us us but we have inherited some aspects of his identity and we are instinctively helpers if I were to simply summarize everybody's purpose everyone's purpose in life is to in some way help someone else if we are going to carry out this sacred duty it is imperative that we embrace a reality that is communicated here in the Gospel of Matthew our ability to help people is not just determined by our willingness it is equally affected by people's openness that in order for people to be helped we must be more than able they must also be open Jesus puts it this way when he's writing through John in the book of Revelation he says in Revelation 3:20 Here I am I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with that person and they with me watch what Jesus says he says I'm knocking on the door of a person's heart but their openness is what determines whether or not we have intimacy their openness determines my effectiveness because it is not the anointing that determines whether or not someone is helped it's their openness because you can give everybody everything but openness oh this is interesting it is sobering it is disconcerting because all of us are impacted by rejection in different ways but when you are rejected by those you are attempting to help it can produce a different kind of infection because it means that you find yourself in Caesars in situations where you have to sit on the sidelines silently and watch people you love suffer when they don't have to watch people who have the ability to live in certain ways and on certain levels live lives that are beneath their potential old that can be disorienting it can be frustrating it can be a different kind of discouragement and if we don't handle that rejection properly we will take that rejection personally and when we take it personally their rejection produces an infection called bitterness there's a way you can throw yourself into the life of someone else and they reject it and refuse it that can cause you to take a protective posture in our hearts that make us callous indifferent and make us adopt philosophies such as I will never do for anybody else what I did for them see that bitterness can become a barrier to God using us to help other people in the future because of what someone else did in the past I'm trying to see because I know where service on man this is the real service right here well all of the services are real but this this this is real on another level right here and and I'm trying to I'm trying to see if there's anyone honest enough to admit that when you're being rejected by people you know you're able to help it produces different degree of frustration cuz you're looking at people saying you don't have to live like this and it's killing me to see you kill yourself I feel helpless I feel hopeless I feel limited I I've done all I know how to do and if you found yourself in that season in situation Jesus has some words for you they are the words he had for his disciples his apprentices in Matthew chapter 10 they are finishing their theological residency they have been working with him and learning from him and he gathers them and and Huddle's with them and he prepares them for some field education he's getting ready to send them out into certain villages and into certain towns to help people and to do ministry and before he does this he prepares them he prepares them first of all by giving them power that's ability that's assistance and that's authorization just because someone has the ability doesn't mean they they've been authorized and he not only gives them power he gives them watch this a plan he says go two by two in two different villages in two different places he also gives them what to preach he tells them to preach the good news of the kingdom of God but lastly he gives them something all of us need to have he gives them number four perspective listen to what he says to them he says I'm sending you out and sheep among wolves in other words you're gonna have one disposition but I'm sending you out amongst people who are gonna have a completely different disposition than yours you're gonna be like a sheep but they're gonna be like laws aggressive assertive ha and you're gonna find yourself being bit by people you just trying to feed he says you're gonna find yourself trying to help people and they're gonna be treating you like you're hurting them he says you're gonna try to engage in ministry and some people are gonna miss interpret your motives and they're gonna confuse you trying to advise them with you trying to arrest them they're gonna communicate you're trying they're going to misinterpret your motives and think because you are trying to help them you're trying to harm them that you're trying to assist them that you're trying to control them and you're like I got enough business of my own to get into yours I I don't need anybody else's business I'm here not because I need to be I'm here because I want to be I'm here because I love you and I believe in you and I refuse to let you go without a fight I refuse to let the adversary have his way with you and I not do anything about it I refuse to sit on the sidelines and let you live less than God's best that's why I'm in your face it's because you're on my heart but it's interesting because what Jesus what Jesus does is he is he gives them perspective so that they are not surprised by the inevitable he says I want you to have a realistic perspective about what's about to happen he teaches them how to respond to people that won't listen this is before you leave I want I want to tell you what to do when people don't listen he says I know you got power but they're still not gonna listen I know you got a great plan but some people still not going to listen and I know I'm gonna tell you what the preaching you're gonna say what I told you to say and some people still aren't gonna listen and Jesus can say this to the disciples because he's got experience with it because he said they listen to me and I don't know if we have the perspective Jesus is trying to give his disciples because I think that we think if we got power a plan and what to preach people are always going to listen some people you love will not listen some teenagers won't listen some spouses won't listen some parents won't listen some siblings won't listen some friends won't listen some co-workers won't listen Jesus tells his disciples this so they aren't surprised when people don't listen so that they don't take the rejection personally because it can make us bitter with us and bitter with God looking up to God asking Laura what's up with this why aren't they he tells the disciples when you are not listening to this is what you do he says I want you to go out until the middle of the street and I want you to shake the dust off well first of all he says first of all he says he says if it's not a peaceable sister situation when you're trying to help people and it turns hostile he says get your piece back can I can I go here because sometimes we left our piece somewhere and we need to go back to 2016 and get it back some people's peace is in a last relationship some people's peace is that your last job oh my goodness some people's peace is in 2018 jesus said we must take responsibility to get your piece back I don't know who I'm talking to but I want to encourage somebody to go back to wherever you left your piece and say I left something this belongs to me you can keep the clothes but I need my peace I need my peace you know I'm still trying to find the piece of me I can live without that but I can't live without peace she said you better get that back return to sender hallelujah because if I got my peace I can get more clothes if I got my peace I can find another place if I got my peace I can get another job if I got my peace I can walk through another door the same God that gave it to me the first time it's the god of restoration it's the God of Redemption I can get that back but I need my peace and then Jesus says go out on the street and he says shake the dust off your feet it's a metaphor it's a symbol he's saying don't track the dirt of rejection from one village into the next one he said it's no way you can be rejected and the dirt night get on you he says just to make sure it don't stay on you [Applause] bitterness may get on you but make sure it doesn't stay anger may get on us but make sure it doesn't stay the spirit of retaliation may rise up in us but make sure it doesn't stay just look at them and say to yourself if I was like you you'd be in trouble but since I'm not like you i'ma let you live even though I could kill you right now let me let me go home yeah bit bit bit because who what I do to you says more more about me than it does about you imma let you live I'm gonna put this team right back in the refrigerator because if I will spill this tea it will really be a mess but because greater is He that is in me than he that's in the world I'm gonna let you live yeah it'll get on you but Jesus says you got to shake it off because if not you would carry the residue of rejection from one village into the next and even though some people don't know how to appreciate it there's some other people that are waiting on it Jesus is saying I need you to go to the next village because there's some people that's been praying for where other people been taking for granted some people waiting on somebody like you to come in at a life because they've been through enough to appreciate you when you get there and Jesus is saying Jesus Jesus is saying you go to the next village not because you can't help those people he's saying you go to the next village because maybe those people aren't supposed to be helped by you that decision for us this is for the disciples in the text this but before the disciples in the text maybe Jesus is teaching them that you don't get to pick your assignment you did not call yourself and you don't get to pick who you call to that that your ability to help someone is an ability I gave to you and then I determine who you use it on cuz if I let you this is not us this for disciples in the text because if I let you pick who you use it on you'll probably just use it on friends and family and your oil will go no further than your own house and maybe maybe Jesus is telling the disciples in in the text that you help people that I care about and then I'll make sure I help the people you care about he's trying to get them to embrace the reality of limitations that there are some people that are not open and when you try to force openness you move out of ministry into manipulation you move out of calling into control and there's a word that the Old Testament uses to describe people who are obsessively controlling forceful and manipulative even with good intentions the Old Testament uses a word called witchcraft in the Bible witchcraft is not an old lady with a black hat and a broom stirring dross it's biblical characters like Jezebel who tried to manipulate outcomes so that things turn out the way they think they should turn out you see jesus is not encouraging us to give up on people or to stop helping people what he's doing is he's trying to rescue us from allowing the rejection from trying to help some people to infect us to the degree that we become so bitter that we don't help others it means to have a commitment to help people that's so deep that you don't give up on people but you give people up [Music] did you catch what I just said Jesus isn't saying give up on people he says but there comes a time where you got to give people up well you got to see I have done all that is in my power to do this way so i'ma put you in somebody else's hands that's wiser than mine and I'm gonna believe God like the father of the prodigal son that God's gonna protect you even in your silly season that oh my goodness that grace is a companion that never jumps out the car even when stuck on stupid is driving the car is there anybody here that can testify gray stayed in the car with you when it should have got out that God protected you when you place yourself in situations and seasons that made you vulnerable maybe I'm just maybe some of us made all the right decisions and made all the right choices but I believe there are a few people who are seated in this sacred space to say grace covered me Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I'm found was blind but now I see through many dangers toils and snares I have already come its grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me oh it is recognizing that there are times where I have to give you up because if I'm holding on to what needs to go up I'm in God's way have you ever tried to feed a baby and the baby help you try to help you feed but my kids did that it just if you would get out my way I could help you what if I told you sometimes our hands are in the way and gods like I kept that's like I kept you when you weren't in your right man I can keep them too but I need you not to give up on them but to give them up because some things you're calling helping might be enabling [Applause] God says you might be getting in the way of lessons I want to learn God says you might be ruining a relationship because you're trying to control it and what's going to happen that control is gonna breed resentment and so we have to be able to discern when people aren't open and so I want to give you five types of people that are not open five markers to see when people are not open so that we can give them up to God in hopes that some way somehow God turns back around and sends them back to us or somebody else that's able to help them okay number one you cannot help people who don't think they need it salvation requires that a person acknowledge their need for a savior you cannot convince someone to take medicine who does not believe they sick you cannot convince someone to wear a cast who does not believe their bones are broken because there are few things we can't do but one thing we cannot do is open people's eyes what did Paul do when he dealt with people whose eyes were not open that he wanted to help he pray for them that's Ephesians 1 he prayed that the eyes of their understanding would be open when you have a person who doesn't watch this know they need help we have to pray that God would heal them from their blindness because at some point if they don't see it our conversation is gonna start feeling like condemnation whew this is interesting in number two you can't help people who know they need it and don't want it in John chapter five Jesus approaches a man who has an undisclosed issue for 38 years in the SSM this question do you want to be made whole see this is interesting because it means that we've got to be honest we should do this more often the church that everything that is bad don't feel that way yeah okay this this part I gotta preach to the real sides whoever everything that is bad doesn't feel bad amen sometimes we said stop the people he's like oh that was so wrong but it felt so some people don't want it yeah yeah I know this is probably gonna kill me but sorry I know I shouldn't be jumping from this to that and listed that but it's alright especially when a person becomes a purposeless person the Bible says where there is no vision people cast off her strength they don't care they live recklessly when there is no vision for their life and so they know they might need it but they get to the point where they live their life with a sense of I don't care number three you can't help people who don't want it yet some people know they want it eventually they just don't want it yet I'm coming to church I know I need to be there just not it's not yet I'm gonna stop I'm gonna stop I'm gonna put it down and I don't need to put it down but not yet I'm not going I'm not gonna marry them you know we're just kicking it we're gonna break up cuz they they not marriage material [Music] I'm not I'm not through with him just yet though [Music] [Applause] okay here it is right here in the overflow catch this we can't help people who don't want it from you Jesus dealt with this when he went to his hometown in Nazareth and he's preaching and people like it mr. carpenter son in this Joseph boy some people's familiarity with Jesus caused them to miss the favor from Jesus because they were so familiar have you ever found yourself in situations where you've been telling somebody something forever then all of a sudden they call you and start telling you something somebody else say it like it's news and you said no like wait Pam hold up I've been telling you this for years I said it better than they said it am i teaching the truth y'all you can't control sometimes people just have these and you can't take that personally it can't be what did I do wrong Jesus didn't do anything wrong he was perfect no y'all alright and number five I'm done you can't help people who aren't willing to do what it takes to get it one time the disciples were in a dilemma about taxes and Peter action Jesus Lord what are we going to do Jesus say you have a provision problem so I want you to use your gift go fishing and Peter went fishing and when he caught fish the coin was in the mouth of the fish sometimes people want coins but they want you to do the fishing [Music] and when that happens you we aren't helping we are enabling and anyone who cares struggles with this there's no way you can care and not struggle with this because love goes to extra mile for people you love and so Jesus is not saying give up on people you love Jesus is saying give those people up and there's no way in a room like this this size that we aren't dealing with this some of us are dealing with parents that we're trying to help they raised you but you also having to raise them some of us we're dealing with substance abuse issues in the family and that can be so hard because it's this emotional rollercoaster you're praying and believing and they're stealing and you're forgiving and you're sending them away and hoping this time they're gonna stay clean and they're forging your name on things and you got to forgive and you're you're hoping and you're praying you you feel guilty you don't want to give up it's hard it's hard when people are not taking your advice but expect you to be there when they're reaping the consequences of not submitting to your counselor like I gotta keep being here and it's killing me that this is killing you but God wants to know do you trust me enough to give them up not give up on them but to give them to me and say Lord the way I've been doing this isn't working and I want to try it your way and maybe God is speaking to us saying give it to me give them up cuz they're better off in my hands then of yours and I believe the Spirit of God wants to say this to those of you who are suffering with the accusing voice of the enemy I want you to receive this as God's love letter to you this is not your fault [Music] mom yes mom this is not your fault [Music] it's not your fault [Music] brother it's not your fault and I know you're frustrated God wants to remove some of that God's a heart healer because I believe we hit seasons in life well you don't have seven years to work through search stuff emotionally you don't have several years to sit in front of somebody and unpack it and unpacking unpack it you need God you're gonna see the way you need God to pull up some bitterroots supernaturally I want to pray for some of us God won't do that you hear me God's not saying give up on them he's saying give them up I got a I got this you received that Great God and balm in Gilead heart healer and heart mender I pray in the name of Jesus our Savior that you would heal the hearts in this room from frustration from rejection from pain from suffering shame and condemnation self blame and pity I pray right now for those in this room and those who are watching this video wherever they are that your Holy Spirit would break that yolk remove that burden heal that bitterness in their heart and make them whole we give them up to you knowing they're better in your hands and in ours this is our prayer in Jesus name Amen clap your hands and give God praise everybody well listen you just watched a message from a series we did at our church change church called rejection rehab and I want to thank you for your support thank you for your comments and thank you for letting us know how this ministry is blessing you you know change church and is literally almost everywhere we've got our campuses in New Jersey and extension site in Los Angeles and a campus right in Orlando Florida if you're in any of those areas we love to see you and we'd love for you to be a part of what God is doing through change thank you so much take care
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 2,472,060
Rating: 4.8757286 out of 5
Keywords: Dharius Daniels, Steven Furtick, Carl Lentz, Rich Wilkerson Jr, Chad Veach, Judah Smith, Mike Todd, etthehiphoppreacher, Devon Franklin, Levi Lusko, Michan Carter, T.D. Jakes, Tony Gaskins, Trent Shelton, Jamal Bryant, Dr. Matthew Stevenson, Dave Ramsey, John Maxwell, Henry Cloud, Toure Roberts, Lacrae, Ron Carpenter, Erwin McManus, John Gray, Criag Groeschel, Joel Osteen, Ed Young, Keion Henderson, Chris Hodges
Id: gyhBCPM5X0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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